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2.5 white guys and Ndidi cascade
Message Board > Show Reviews > 2.5 white guys and Ndidi cascade
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Well? - Sun, 28 Sep 2003 4:32pm
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My opinion might be a bit biase but I thought the show went off really well. There was a nice mix of kats at Steamers last Friday. It was packed. There were a lot of people I hadn't seen in a long time. There were people there to see specific bands which caused some to be exposed to ones they weren't familiar with. Good scene.

Musically, all three bands laid it down nice. Ndidi Cascade played her solo set first and the crowd was saying some nice things about her. The best thing about Ndidi Cascade is her lyrics. She also has a good stage presence and a lot of energy. Notably, she did "Jah Souljah" and another one using the riddim from Bounty Hunta and the Muntineers (dancehall group from Vancouver). It was nice to hear their music being used in conjunction with Ndidi Cascade.

Greenlaw Ave.'s set went off. Their music this time had a bit more reggae and dub influences in it since the last time I saw them. Skyla J and Ozzie kicked ass as usual as well as the rest of the band. Skyla J also started doing some singing collaborations with Ndidi Cascade which was really nice. They seemed to really get along too! Ndidi also joined in at the end of Greenlaw's set to collaborate and a couple more tunes (one freestyle).

Then Two and a Half White Guys played for about 90 minutes. I remember them being good at the ska festival but they are even better now! They played some reggae and with some jazzy parts added in by their sax player.

Their new CD is pretty cool but they are even cooler live. Also, a great bunch of guys. Some of the humblest and nicest guys I've met in quite some time. It was beautiful to see them getting props from the ska kats and others that came to see Greenlaw Ave and Ndidi Cascade. So all in all it was a great show!

I think Sper 27 (Earthstar) did a sweet poster too!
Props to Skankster's Paradise and Soundcheck for the plugs.

Peace - Mon, 29 Sep 2003 10:52am
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