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Notes From New Palestine: Poor Folk and Crimies (doin the best they can)
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Notes From New Palestine: Poor Folk and Crimies (doin the best they can)

"Why Palestine? Because it is a just cause, a noble ideal, a moral quest
for equalit y and human rights." --Prof. Edward W. Said (1935-2003)

“on 07 sept 2005 at approximately 9:00 am the city of victoria
informedthe tenants of the caldwelll apts located at 2321 cook st that
their building had been condemned. the caldwell apts seems to be owned
by robin kimpton, if so, this would make yet another of his buldings to
be condemnd leaving more people suddendly homeless in our hood.”

And so with the fall of the caldwell apts the peoples are left in a
s.o.l. situation to deal the loss by themselves. The power crew skip to
my loot and the community centre in the square feels no need to anwser
for the pat on the back they just gave the slumlord of fernwood for his
negelctand disrespect of our hood citizens --because after all bad
things happen to bad people, ri?

As we have seen in the ever self vindicating need to add legitimacy to
ones own life and flaws, to seek identity in a label and definition and
in turn labeling and defining others as the oppostion/the enemy/the evil
-- to recreate ourselves and reality and embed deeper into the avoidance
issues of the increase sociopathic behavior of our civilazation, we have
made out to be the peoples not fitting into the consumer dream of
complete conformity -- be it alternia or suburbia -- to match the failed
standard of our society -- who "litter" or “loot” our gentrified
streets, buildings and zones by daring to exist, to be seen, by daring
to attempt to live, yet still not look nor think the part of the
neourban/rural cool (thetrouble with our zones), as the reason for the
lack of peace in our in discontented/disconnected world, therefore,
deserving of injustice, their abuse and finally to get robbed and

With the tragedy of these poor folk and the blantant wrongful actions
taken against them – the theft of their funds, loss of their homes and
no concern for their safety, as a result of the action of the “good
guys”– the homemade (in)secruity with it's identity swipe cards of
‘right like us’ is threatend, therefore; our created world does not
become as just as was promised by the dvd rentals, magazines, coffee
talk bring comes and cyber ads. it is encouraged that we find our daemon
and then use the tool of capitalISMS or more greed -- the ever effective
weapon of massdevilment -- which is the daemoncractic metaphor of
dispossessing = 'might makes right' to bully those we we feel we can.

the objects objectified for this targeting? the poor and those perceived
alone in our world of frustration in this theatre of insantity.

and so on 07 sept yet again the drug dealers, junkies and nare do wells
have been disappeared from our hood sent off to a redzone elsewhere and
wehave our noble squire robin kimpton to thank for his community would be media cool to think of these folk as the evils of
the world = poor, addicted and insane (possibly muslim, homophobes,
woman haters and socalists)-- and in this case white -- b.u.t. the
reality of it is they are humans, and citizens of this hood some being
students, workers, labourers, and those considered more evil than a
muslim – the poor. whatever else one may be thinking of writing or
chatting about these tenants of the fallen caldwell apts it is best to
consider this -- don't throw stones.

The hood is the heart -- Fernwood the place, b.u.t. new palestine is the
state of mind. new palestine seeks justice-- new palestine is about
fluidity. new palestine only throws stones at the opressors of the
fallout (the suffers, the workers), for the cause of the righteous who
are simply, as james brown intoned to us to breath; doing the best they can,
doing the best they can
doing the best they can

for this is the hood inwhich these new palestinians lived -- like us
all-- and it was a hood who had a city offer a "you're s.o.l." attitude
and assistence as it allowed a slumlord like robin kimpton to clog hop
off, asif singing “bye bye black bird”, with the booty given to him by
those very disposessed folk in his caldwell apts and the mega hella
scrilla sent to him by our less than communtiy orientated centre for the
purchase of his other eyesore building located in the square of the hood
of this fernwood/new palestine.

“The poorer sections of the working class, …were abandoned to their fate
by the capitalist system and a corrupt political leadership on several
levels. Those that survived were again abandoned when it took nearly
five days for relief efforts to begin,…”— Irish Republican Socialist
Committees of North America -- “Hurricane Katrina - A Question of Class”

in the film “the poseidon adventure” the ship is the metaphor for a
world over turned and class is the issue for the people who must
remember where they came from inorder to survive -- for
they are trapped in first class and drowning and they
must make passage to the lower decks inorder to survive.

where is life?

in new palestine it is a thrash and roll of flow of all ages punk shows
unapproved by the nabobs of conformity. It is revolution of the mental,
two turntables or the burner out to build new indie cds for the local
unsigned hyperballadeers. It is dropping sciences on the spot. it is
sharing flow like civil verbal clashes of sonic rhyme and metre in every
season –it is standing up to bullies and legging it throw allies like
resistencefighters armed with weapons of thought and big spirits and not
with gunsof destruction supplied by the disrupters of u.n.i.t.y.. new
palestine is running like mad men and women to help those were beaten on
sidewalks for the cause of good violence or left homeless and abondoned
by the greedof the slumlords and the siccophants who take over their
dungeons and zones of tyranny.

in this era of might makes right over those poor and those perceived
alone -- you know, what people call drug dealers, junkies and such to be
safe in the good vs bad mental state -- we must think of the pornography
of this recent poppyshow of kimpton and the dis given to us by our
communty centre who chooses to show him love for his years of racist
renting policies, greed and the wicked gates he placed people in where
they were raped, beaten, invaded, depressed, abondonded and abused.

…and so maybe we can do the nyc thing or the l.a. la la land and san
francisco dot com deed and rebuild the caldwell into swanky overpriced
flats for the bigoted gaygouise, yups and their boppin kids what got
credit. Wouldn’t it be so groovey cuz they look so much better that what
use tolive there – what we have buried in lies and who are now simply
the bad guys and I hear they were dang ugly.

…b.u.t. in reality with our hearts in a place with our minds in
tacked,we must address and seek justice – proper compensation for those
left with their rent, damage deposits, homes and dignity taken by a
theif(ves)given power in this messy era and taking too much time at the mic.

Hold up!

…did I say diginity taken? No. I wrote that. Naw, this the place
fernwood -- the heart - the hood -- the mental state of struggle -- new
palestine – ain’t nadabody can take that away -- cuz we can deal with
the reality that evil exist in suits and ties and property rights for
the neocool and their coopted media of mediocracity that life is
mulitpulicity andpeople are general as we pick each one up, wipe the
blood of the streets, remember the day and start again.

1426 Lawrence Y Braithwaite (aka Lord Patch)
New Palestine/Fernwood/The Hood
Victoria, BC

Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America

Hurricane Katrina - A Question of Class

see also

07 sept 2005-- Today at approximately 9:00 am the city of victoria
informed the tenants of the caldwelll apts located at 2321 cook st that
their building had been condemned. the caldwell apts seems to be owned
by robin kimpton, if so, this would make yet another of his buldings to
be condemnd leaving more people suddendly homeless in our hood.


in these times immersed in the absurdity of systemic acts of cruelty and
double standards in this messy area , some call the west , which is now
embedded in the midst of a treacherous performance piece -- it is only
logical that in an illogical world run by bullys, abusers, simpletons
and usurpers -- that frustrated valid bruthas will invoke acts of will
to powerand make you feel the pain they feel.— “ notes from new
palestine: revolutionary suicidal tendencies
(the war brought home)”




"Every place needs a mythology. It sings for it. When it gets to the
point which it is singing then it only hopes that it is heard. I hope I
got to transcribe the notes right. It has a certain tone to it -- a
certan bassline. This place/my hood/barrio/community, well, it became a
place where you knew people cared enough to help each other out."
"Slumlord of Fernwood -- I guess it's funny but I still got to holla"

See also: - Tue, 13 Sep 2005 7:19pm
The One After Two
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sorry I had a lot of trouble following that stoey or poem or bitchfest.

What is the problem? - Wed, 14 Sep 2005 10:14am
Buster Cherry
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Bitchfest is right. Cry me a fucking river.

I couldn't follow it very well myself. I guess some drug addicts got evicted from some shithole. Great. More dirty drug addict trash will be roaming my neighbourhood. As if I there isn't enough already. Buy them all a bus ticket out of town....out of the country even. - Wed, 14 Sep 2005 10:11pm
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Hey man all their asking for is a homeland !

I La laa la laa la la've the internet !

Please send money now before it's to late folks ...or the internet gets shut down .

........, now we return you to live footage from New Orleans .

10 of Thousands dead and dieing , brought to you live on CNN by crooked goverments and this seasons new reality show



You. - Thu, 15 Sep 2005 2:56am
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Yeah, what he said. - Thu, 15 Sep 2005 2:45pm
Mr. Hell
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Gotta feel for anyone getting screwed out of shelter, for certain. Gotta hate slum lords. They should have to live up to certain standards if they are going to receive money to rent out their hovels. If they don't, they should be fined and have buildings impounded.
On the other hand, there are treatment centers, jobs and other places to live out there too. I guess it really is all my fault because I'm not a strung out dude who is unemployed.
That's entire next paycheque is going to these people. Especially the ones who are hooked on hard drugs. - Thu, 15 Sep 2005 4:09pm
Reverend XY-SATAN's
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Jeebus loves you Mr. Hell, and please good sir giver till it hurts , only you can make a difference to these political refuges . For only the price of a 8 ball a day, you can sleep soundly knowing that you are getting HELP for these misfortunate . Your donations go directly to getting them clean drinking water , a warn safe bed, greatly needed medicines and tools to build their society. A good loving flop house is what every god fearing person on this earth needs and disserves !

Don'cha think ?

What was it Jeebus said in Dope aronomy Verse - 4:20 Line-6 ?

* and Jeebus reveled himself as a heavenly angel and held forth a small rock, master G spoke " thou go forth and concubine bitchith or gettith thyn trade or barter for fear of Dawgs wrath upside thou’s brow "

"And from this day forward peace and prosperity ( be cool and get me ma money sucka) and you will always rejoice in G’s rocks nirvana "

Halleluiah , oh lord , praise be it Jeebus !!

So please open your hearts or leave a door open or for these disenfranchised lambs .

Just think.. WWJD

What would Jeebus do ?

.... maybe put a sandal up your ass ?

…..or get kin’a medieval up n yo face ?

.... and don't be thinking about coveting G's hoes ni'ga or thoust be putting a cap in thee skanky soul !

Word up heathens !

So give, give, give .... like a raped and tortured carjacked mothafuka ...
.....or G be calling his Dawg and gettin all post apocalyptic on ye crackin HO ! Yessum !

So find Jeebus and let the healing good word of Dawg be heard shouted or injected from the HIGHEST mountain or rock !
" Jeebus Crack, our savoir, hear my prayers and may we all dwell in the crack house of lord "

And remember Dawg gave up his only son Jeebus to the 5-O for your sins .

So word up ,you owe me ...(a)man.

Do not worship any false gods after hearing the word of Dawg for this is blasphemy ( if you buy from anyone other then G man , we z be hav in a sitch ya ation , respect mothafucka !)

Reverend XY-SATAN's be handling all donations or gratuities like always and X to the Y likes it in cash or bling (from you bottom feeders, you know who you are ) .So save it, stash it , steal it and call my brutha SATAN’s cell for all contributions to the formation of our peeps new homeland of Crackinstine .

Or a post marked , stamp addressed envelope or flap to the ,

WWGD Suka Foundation
100 Dollar Ally.
P.O. Box-418
Ball ,B.C.
Canada .

WWGD for a free Crackastan.

…….or I'll see you in 20 minutes at the spot . - Thu, 15 Sep 2005 6:30pm
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