The Perfect Trend

Alternative from Nanaimo BC
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The Perfect Trend

Label: independant
since circa 2005
Honest music. It spans all genres, and is open to anything and everything. And thats The Perfect Trend.

A wise person once said, "We are nothing without diversity", and this ode is apparant throughout the band's debut 10 song cd, "Static and Dialtone". Its sometimes hard to believe that the same band is playing from song to song, and yet, and the music is all connected. The Perfect Trend believe in making a WHOLE collection of songs (or live set) worthwhile, and never use the same formula twice. They also don't care what style of music is popular at the time, or what style of fashion is "in". They play what makes them happy, what makes them feel fulfilled. And as for fashion......."We don't wear white belts. In fact, we don't wear belts at all. We're all ugly in this band, which is probably good, cause if someone likes us, its for our music, and not for our looks. Looks come and go, meaningful music lasts a lifetime." -Liam

Formed in June of 2005, The Perfect Trend has always put music first and foremost. They have always jumped at the chance of playing live, sometimes 2 shows a night, and hence have built a strong live show. "Its unpredictable what we do live. We've brought nintendos on stage, jumped off side walls and other bands drum sets, and have had dance-offs with the crowd. In addition to having a cowbell player rocking out...".

More than 20 shows in, the band has played with (and has become brothers with) the likes of bands such as Kincaide, Open Parachute, The Bleeding Alarm, Kiros, My Broken Hero, Counting Hearbeats, The Concept, and many others. Although much younger than these other bands (the youngest member is 15, the oldest is turning 20), the Perfect Trend are mature in sound, and are working hard each day to make their message heard. "Whether it be having a female vocalist guest sing with us, or have a song thats full of double-kicking mayhem and screaming, or have songs with acoustic brigdes or funk-filled choruses, WHATEVER, theres no limits or bounderies with this band, and thats what music should be about. The Perfect Trend is not about following a trend, but is about being ourselves, and doing what we love."
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Current Lineup

Liam Glaim
Guitar, vocals
2005 - present
Peter Bothwell
2005 - present
Cameron Ruley
2005 - present
Jordan McDonald
2005 - present

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