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Dying Fetus/Arsis/MiseryIndex & A TON of upcoming METAL in Vancouver!
Message Board > Up n' Coming! (aka Shameless Promotion) > Dying Fetus/Arsis/MiseryIndex & A TON of upcoming METAL in Vancouver!
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Just a reminder that this show is coming up on Wednesday!

And while we're at it Immolation & Vader were just announced... and Hipocrisy is Tuesday! Hope some of you will make it out... ton of good ones coming up.. Pestilence, Soilwork/DeathAngel..

Some of those tours cost a ton to put on, but it seems like those ticket prices are fairly reasonable given who the bands are. And we're pretty stoked that they're put on by metalheads we know here, and not faceless corporations for a change.

Most of these shows are happening at the Rickshaw, and last night Densixx was cool enough to swing a huge ALL-LOCAL show there for us - Zuckuss, Sinned, Aeterna (Ruddy's new band - he's singing!) and Malice Plagued. It was all ages & awesome and even cost less than a lot of bigger local shows do these days at smaller bars with lower overhead. We had a BLAST and our bands got to work the big stage!

And in case you haven't heard, Wendythirteen is also keeping active AND laying plans for a future cooperatively-run space. Benefit show June 19 (also at the Rickshaw!) featuring Dead Jesus

Hope some of you out on the island can make it out for some of these - its starting to get good out here! - Sat, 15 May 2010 2:43pm Edited: Sat, 15 May 2010 2:49pm
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