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Kataklysm / Blood of Christ / Necronomicon
Message Board > Show Reviews > Kataklysm / Blood of Christ / Necronomicon
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matt t
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my guess it will be one of the best shows ive seen out here in vic yet. - Tue, 1 Oct 2002 12:18pm
ML7Mike Probably one of the better ones in a while.. although its been a pretty good summer for metal. - Tue, 1 Oct 2002 5:05pm
Scott Laming
User Info...
we're even bringing a little extra sound gear into Thursdays to beef up the PA! It's gonna rule, and in an intimate setting! - Tue, 1 Oct 2002 5:50pm
Sleez-E Lame, lame, fucking lame. Good intentions though.
james - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 10:43am
Scott Laming
User Info...
It was really weak of Kataklysm to basicly decide not to show up I'd send them letters of discontent if I were you - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 11:19am
ML7Mike Word from Inertia on the BWBK board is that the had major engine problems? - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 12:17pm
Scott Laming
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The way I see it they had a day off the day before and had 36 hours to make it from Penticton to here. They could have made it if they had tried at all. They did have engine problems, and could only go about 30-40 though the rockies ... but I donno if they had planed a little better they could do it. I mean the drive is only 5 or 6 hours. When they called to say that they were only in Chilliwack at 7pm they were asking "is this going to be worth it" I guess the tour hasn't been going so well and they figured they might as well just stay and hang out at a strip club in vancovuer. They also called to see if we knew a good stripclub in Vancovuer. Really unprofessional

Either way big thanx to the Moneyshot boys for leanding total strangers their gear so the show could go on. - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 12:21pm
ML7Mike From the Brave Words Bloody Knuckles Message Board:

"UNfortunately, Kataklysm had vehicle problems today which slowed their commute from Penticton to Victoria.

Upon reaching the Ferry to Vancouver Island, they missed it by 2 minutes.

Blood of Christ (Who are travelling seperately) had made the crossing, and are still performing tonite in VIctoria, but Kataklysm and Necronomicon unfortunately have/had to miss the gig.

The Band apologizes to their fans for having to miss this show, as well as the promoter who was kind enough to put on this gig.

Kataklysm/Necronomicon/Blood Of Christ will still be performing in Vancouver tommorrow night at the Cobalt, so if any Islanders can make the trip, it will be going on." - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 12:23pm
matt t
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if i went, it would be to throw a bottle of urine at em - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 12:30pm
Jesse Shit, Well, Im kinda glad I didn't make the trek out to see em now. Thats too bad they had to back out though, Scott put alot of work into setting this up at the last minute... Im sure there will be more good metal shows in the future - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 12:56pm
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You know the engine problem thing is a bullshit excuse. May I recomend a blizzard of emails to let them know what they missed out on and maybe some good ole verbal abuse. here's the address...

[email protected] - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 1:53pm
Masturbating The War God
User Info...
I am glad I stuck around for Blood Of Christ though, they put on a good show, and I must say that I was impressed. Money SHot, you guys rule, that was extremly nice of you all, and I hope that comes back around if the time comes. Bah to kataklysm, it's all fucking bullshit, as if they weren't starring at tits and/or getting hammered. fans mean shit I guess.
Haha, thanks for posting the e-mail, let the good times roll. - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 3:29pm
Masturbating The War God
User Info...
Oh, I almost forgot to qoute this... "Kataklysm/Necronomicon/Blood Of Christ will still be performing in Vancouver tommorrow night at the Cobalt, so if any Islanders can make the trip, it will be going on." Ahahaha, fuck that! Lets all spend 50 dollars to go see them! - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 3:32pm
Scott Browne Return trip to see Goatsblood, From d/t Victoria to d/t Victoria : $2.50. People, don't tell me you can't get over to Vancouver if you're broke. - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 5:29pm
Masturbating the War God
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Did you take the crack whore express Scott? Nothing gets you to Vancouver for 2.50. I am broke, and I will not be going to Vancouver. - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 7:02pm
matt t
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2.50 to get on ferry, sneak onto car, 2-4 bucks (2 dollars after 6:30pm, weekends, 4 bucks otherwise) to get downtown van. then 2-4 bucks to get to the ferry, sneak onto car, 2.50 to get to vic. thats 9 minimum, 13 max. And then if you get caught sneaking on, well, you're more fucked. - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 7:29pm
Scott Browne Step 1: Friend drives me and Sarah to ferry terminal; we split $5 worth of gas.
Step 2: Sneak over to wear cars have already paid to get on ferry. Ask someone to drive you on by flaunting 'ample ASSets'..
Step 3: While on ferry, travelling companion makes use of feminine charm (again) to get a ride directly to downtown (despite their actual destination being abbotsford)
Step 4: Don't pay for the sky train. Ever.
Step 5: Scam ride back to ferry from unsuspecting family members.
Step 6: Jump fence over to wear the cars are parked, waiting to get on ferry. Petition dirty old man to drive you in his molester van.
Step 7: Go to school so the Victoria citybus is free.

Total cost: $2.50. Sticking it to the man: Priceless. - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 10:35pm
matt t
User Info...
nice english. school is working out good eh? way to stick it to em by refusing to learn your own language! whose laughing now! - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 10:43pm
Scott Browne I was trying to recapture the grammatical glory of your 9/11 rant. - Wed, 2 Oct 2002 11:15pm
matt t
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atleast mine was self serving and bragging! - Thu, 3 Oct 2002 12:04am
Masturbating the War God
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Ahhh, you beat me to it Matt! - Thu, 3 Oct 2002 3:29pm
Rob Too bad I don't hang out with whores who shake titties for free shit... - Thu, 3 Oct 2002 6:54pm
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why not? - Fri, 4 Oct 2002 12:22am
Scott Browne You know, every time I start posting on this board I am quickly reminded of why I don't post here. What a fucking loser bin (my friends excluded .. except Matt). - Fri, 4 Oct 2002 3:34am
Oxygen Thief Next time I'll charge ya each $5.00 for the ride.
or crack rock
I could always use more crackrock - Fri, 4 Oct 2002 12:18pm
matt t
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scott =( - Fri, 4 Oct 2002 12:54pm
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yeah, i'll make yer crack rock! *shakes fist* - Fri, 4 Oct 2002 1:07pm
Masturbating The War God
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Haha, scott, I think Matt's been tramuatized for life...
Excellent. - Fri, 4 Oct 2002 3:21pm
matt t
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nikki thinks i have strep throat or mono - Fri, 4 Oct 2002 5:21pm
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yep crack is fucking healthy shit so smoke it right now you. - Fri, 4 Oct 2002 6:59pm
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you guys are all a bunch of whiners!!!!! they were here at my place the night before, played in penticton, they had van problems, got it looked at and the guy was supposed to come back but didnt show, so they couldnt stick around any longer, they wouldnt purposly miss the show, so grow the fuck up, they are PROFESSIONALS and act very much like it, boc showed cause they left early, the day before, dont sit there and complain cause yeah it sucks they didnt play cuase they rule but fuck shit happens, so relax on the shit, they couldnt help it, what the fuck where they supposed to do. so back off a bit, !! they are not like that to just say fuck it! - Sun, 6 Oct 2002 2:56am
kataavaginas ya thats what i say after i've been snorting cocaine all night. - Sun, 6 Oct 2002 9:43am
ML7Mike let em have it Kristina! - Sun, 6 Oct 2002 5:18pm
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I still say BULLSHIT! Kataklysm cheesed out, I don't care how many people wanna come on here and defend them and call us whiners for having the nerve to complain. Grow up?? Why? So I can say dumb shit like you?

"just say fuck it"
"but fuck shit happens"

I don't know about anyone else but I'm sure convinced. What was I thinking....? - Sun, 6 Oct 2002 7:12pm
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well you know what, complainers like you just dont matter anyways, i know the truth, they know the truth, i will stick up for them cause they are a great band and dont deserve this shit from punks like you, and yeah grow up because you whine to much, you ever have car problems? get stuck anywhere? well if not you need to, i guess they were supposed to say ok lets leave our vehicle, call a cab and cab it there, say what you will, but again they wouldnt bail like that!!!!!!!! - Mon, 7 Oct 2002 1:29am
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shut the fuck up! This "punk" was listening to Kataklysm probably before you bought your first Slayer CD. I guess Kataklysm was asking the promoter (who, unlike me, is far to nice to get involved in this) things like "gee, is it gonna be worth us coming over?" and "can you recommend a good strip joint?" out of professionalism and respect for their fanbase. I'm surprised you have time to type with your full time job licking Kataklysms ass. - Mon, 7 Oct 2002 2:04am
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haha licking kataklysm ass, ok fuck head, whatever, and as for listening to them before i bought my first slayer cd, you think so, i doubt it very much, i wont sit here and argue with you about who knows metal more cause ive been listening to metal since i was about 9, i grew up on the old school stuff and heard just about everything you could imagine, i promote these bands now because i love the music, music is my life and yeah i will KISS their ass if i feel like it, when someone treats me good then i treat them good and will defend them!! as for them calling the promoter, whatever, believe what you will!! but they were here for 2 days at my place and talked about the vic and van show lots , were very excited to go out, so how bout you shut the fuck up, and go get back to class, shouldnt you be in school. - Mon, 7 Oct 2002 12:01pm
matt t
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since you were 9 eh
you be 11 now? - Mon, 7 Oct 2002 12:50pm
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sigh....I have already grown tired of you (kids attention spans these days!) and this public shit flingin. My emails right there where my name is if you have more to say. until then accept my humble FUCK YOU. - Mon, 7 Oct 2002 12:50pm
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good a not so humble FUCK YOU right back at ya, and yeah since i was about 9, so whats your problem? im stickin up for a band i like and enjoyed and im getting looked down for it well i dont give a shit cause again like i said we know the truth!! and i wouldnt waste my time emailing you!!! - Mon, 7 Oct 2002 3:31pm
Anonymous haha, nice one Matt.
ZING! - Mon, 7 Oct 2002 3:36pm
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Hey matt t, we've posted messages within the same minute twice today in two seperate threads. If it happens again I'm reformatting my drive.

ah killkrist, no email? And I thought I'd made a new friend..sniffle sniffle

And spare us all the " im stickin up for a band i like and enjoyed and im getting looked down for it"

Maybe if you had stuck up for Kataklysm with out insulting us my response would have been different. okay , thats it I'm shutting up now. - Mon, 7 Oct 2002 4:28pm
matt t
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you can just give the drive to me, i only have like 8 gigs free, and some ram too actually, i only have 256 which majorly sucks ass.

and kataklysm whatever. when they come crawling back looking to sell a couple cheeseburgers for some crack, im not giving them any of my sweet sweet crack. fuckers. - Mon, 7 Oct 2002 6:03pm
BCI Thanks for your support Kris, it's ok I guess...

Instead of re-typing everything over again, people here can refer to this topic on the Braveboard:;act=ST;f=1;t=9070;st=0

Think what you will... Even though most people have misconceptions on this matter, it's only a natural reflex to blame the people at the source. - Mon, 14 Oct 2002 10:44pm
Scott Browne Killkrist I was standing beside the promoter when he was talking to Kataklysm and Necronomicon on the phone, who were at the ferry terminal 'trying to decide whether or not it was "worth it" to come over.' I'm so sure their van problems are what kept them from coming over. - Thu, 17 Oct 2002 12:05pm
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well this is an ancient topic but bci, no problems, you guys were awesome and i know what happened, and for everyone else, like i said before believe what you will, kataklysm have been around for a long time and dont just bail on a show, fuck if they were gonna bail it would be my show cause instead of a show where hundreds are gonna show so come on think about it!! - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 11:04am
This from BCI To all Victoria metalheads -

As road manager of this tour - and on behalf of Kataklysm and NecronomicoN - I'd like to sincerely apologize for missing the Victoria show. I assume that whoever read all replies down to this one now understands what really happened. Indeed we were delayed by traffic and rough hills among other mechanical problems. And yes, it is very hard for a 15 passenger van w/ a trailer full of gear to go over 30 mph in the mountains, it explains why, even though we hurried as much as we could, we still missed the 9pm ferry by 2 minutes.

Believe me, bands that come from the other side of the country won't just decide to miss a show in Victoria out of the blue, especialy if 2 other shows in BC were also part of this tour. Everyone without exception was pissed off and greatly disapointed as everyone looked forward to that gig. It is only after realizing nothing could've be done at that point, that we called in to have some hang out info in Vancouver.

I understand your frustration and it is human nature to point fingers at whoever comes to mind first - I am myself a promoter in Montreal and I'm used to be blamed if bands don't cross borders (for whichever reasons)...

There will be another Canadian tour next year, we'll do our best to make it up to you guys.

Steph - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 1:35pm
matt t
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if you buy me a pony ill forgive you - Thu, 21 Nov 2002 11:06pm
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