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Black metal vocalist
Message Board > Seeking Musicians > Black metal vocalist
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Looking for a black metal vocalist in the area around Ladysmith, We're into Oldschool Black metal with bands like Venom, Mayhem, Burzum, Emperor, Acrturus, etc. Give us a couple of days and we'll have some music you can listen to on our site.
-Death or Glory - Sun, 16 Feb 2003 10:02pm
Anonymous I know of a black jazz/soul singer. He can wail. I will ask him when I see him next if he would do metal. - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 12:00am
User Info...
Death or Glory is a white power skin name. Get another one unless you're into all that comes with that nonsense. - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 5:49am
Anonymous Warning: Death of Glory isn't worth your time. The members themselves are assholes and they have no talent or drive.The music they listen to is just a fad for them.Most of them used to listen to Nu-metal.I have nothing against them but if you're a serious musician then you shouldn't waste your time with these kids. - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 11:51am
Chris (Guitar,Death or Glory) I would be interested to know where you get
the idea I am into nu-"metal". I have been
listening to real metal like Metallica and
Black Sabbath since I was 8 or 9 years old.
I consider nu-"metal" to be the enemy of all
true metal. I don't play in drop-B, wear a toque,
or play a 7-string or chunka-chunka riffs. I am
devoted and very serious about metal music. I play
guitar 2 hours a day. If you would reveal your name
I would like to know where you got this nu-"metal"
theory.This is not some little "trend", I live for this
music, I do not listen to commercial crap like Dimmu
or Cradle.You are a fool for assuming what you do. - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 4:08pm
Anonymous wow you seem to care too much about what I posted.... - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 4:27pm
Anonymous And by the way Chris I say "most" of them - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 4:27pm
Chris Who are you?, If you insult
my music that is a very personal attack,
and you should expect me to respond. - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 4:30pm
Anonymous Did I directly insult your music?No I didn't and I'm allowed to have my opinion.I didn't expect you to respond because you and your friends seem to spout the idea that you don't care what other people think about the music you listen to that's all.Calm the fuck down. - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 5:05pm
Anonymous I have nothing against you personally.I spoke only of what I think to be true. - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 5:13pm
User Info...
Hey. Drop-B is the shit. the greater half of all death metal bands tune to B. - Mon, 17 Feb 2003 6:55pm
Chris Why don't you tell me your name? - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 12:21pm
Chris I would be interested to know where you get the idea we
have "no talent or drive"
We have not played any shows yet, or posted any music
due to not having a singer.
So where have you "heard" our music? - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 12:34pm
Chris "Nothing personal against me" and you call us assholes?
That is a contradiction. - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 12:38pm
Rob If it's not a personal attack and it's just your opinion then why don't you put your name. If you called us assholes and are insulting our music it's evedent that you have a problem with us. Death or glory is interested in meeting with you and working this out. - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 2:24pm
Brett Ross Bay is right, what a shitty name - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 3:43pm
Anonymous do you guys realize how stupid you sound when you say " death or glory is interested in meeting you a working this out"
give me a fucking break - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 3:44pm
Anonymous You may have to change your name to Euronymous, who knows... - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 5:03pm
Chris Wow Brett, I really give a fuck what you think of our band name! - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 5:04pm
Chris (Death or Glory) I've said it once and I will say it again,
PLAYED ANY SHOWS, so tell me, Mr.Bullshit,
what do you base your opinion of our music on?
You insult me and my bandmembers music when
you haven't even heard it? Why dont you quit
being such a fucking idiot hiding behind
being anonomous with all your messages?
If your opinion is so "rightious" why do
you hide your name? Are you in a band, or
do you just go here to insult music you
have never heard? NO ONE in this band is
a nu-"metaller", so why do you even suggest
that?, get a life. If you are going to lie,
at least make it believeable instead of complete
bullshit. "Nothing Personal against us", you
think it isnt personal to insult someones fellow bandmembers? Honestly, where have you "heard"
our music you liar? I am taking this VERY
seriously because you are trying to discredit
our music. - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 6:47pm
Chris (Death or Glory) Back to the original topic,as Rob said, we are looking
for a black metal vocalist who is into
bands such as: old Mayhem,Emperor,BURZUM,
DarkThrone,Slayer,VENOM,Morbid Angel,etc.
We have 4 songs as of now,two of them are
more of a thrash BM style, and the two others
are more the old style black metal. - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 7:08pm
User Info...
Hey fuck, sounds to me like you guys got the right direction and influences and all that. I love all those bands too. It's the name man. Trust me, you'll run into problems with that one if/when you start to play shows. Especially if/when you make it over to Van. I'm not slagging or any of that shit, I just know what I'm talking about on this one. Too much history...
Anyway, take it or leave it. - Tue, 18 Feb 2003 7:35pm
Chris Ross, you sound really cool.
With the name I thought it sounded more
old style metal,We are not a WP band...
But I can see how the name could be misunderstood. - Wed, 19 Feb 2003 6:33pm
Anonymous hmmm...again it really bothers me that you seem to care so much.I thought you were big enough people to realize anything said on these boards can be written off as a joke.And I'm allowed to have my own opinions so why don't you get a life and realize not everyone is your biggest fan! - Thu, 20 Feb 2003 5:58pm
Anonymous Lmao about the Euronymous comment! - Thu, 20 Feb 2003 5:59pm
Mike Alright Mr. Anonymous, you say you know me and you know that I am into "nu-metal" whatever the fuck that is, "nu-metal" i dont even consider music, it's untallented, no rythm, its all just to make money and plajorize "true" metal in the first place. This bullshit about you hearing is almost disturbing considering the fact that we have only practiced IN private with no bystanders near so what are you some kind of fucked up pervert or something ? Honestly I don't really care about you or your opinion you are obviously just someone who is too small to do anything about anything in real life and it's just funny to watch u try and bad mouth us when in fact you havent heard us.

And what about this bullshit about this whole thing being a joke? what? sorry "buddy" but it didn't to me sound like a joke. anyway if you would like to leave your name number and the time you called i'll be happy to get back to you ANYTIME! - Thu, 20 Feb 2003 6:37pm
Anonymous wow again if I'm am so insignifagant to you then why can't you just leave it alone?And Mike I never insulted you directly and even if I had then you shouldn't think twice about it.Sure you're band might mean everything to you and I know how that feels but this is a stupid online message board full of people with nothing better to do then slag other people who they don't even know.I actually wrote this message in the first place as a test and you obviously failed-choosing your egos over your band's credibility - Thu, 20 Feb 2003 6:42pm
no fresh air, coke smoke only
User Info...
Quote: "I do not listen to commercial crap like Dimmu Borgir or Cradle Of Filth".

You've got to be kidding, right? - Thu, 20 Feb 2003 6:48pm
Nu-Metal What does everyone have against me?? - Thu, 20 Feb 2003 10:40pm
Chris Alright "Mr.Zen-Master" or whatever the hell
you think you are now ,WE came here looking for a singer
for our band, you came here to pick a fight. You
think it is "egotistical" to defend your band
against some Lying retard who lied about our
music and saying we are nu-"metallers" with
"no drive"? YOU do not even have the balls
to leave your name with your lie-ridden messages.
You obviousley lose the argument, so instead of
just fucking off, you try to turn it into a "test".
So, for future reference, do not interfere with
this band, or we will "interfere" with you! - Fri, 21 Feb 2003 5:18pm
HHH Quote: "I do not listen to commercial crap like Dimmu Borgir or Cradle Of Filth".

You've got to be kidding, right? hahahahaha
I never ever fucking heard of them!!!!! - Fri, 21 Feb 2003 7:12pm
L.kerr Bah, who cares. The purpose of their post is advertising looking for a vocalist. People have too much time on their hands and always have something to complain about.

Warning if they aren't good to play with? Well then let that person who tries out decide for themselves. - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 11:09am
User Info...
I think Death or Glory is a very cool name. I am a member of the KKK, and have a very large Death or Glory tattoo on my ass.

If you guys are into racism big time (and I'm sure you are with a name like Death or Glory) then I would like to try out for your band. Oi, oi, oi! - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 11:19am
Old School Frank Ok you little fuckers. You guys are stupid. All Of You. This whole Tr00 metal , numetal I hate I hate it crap is getting a tad bit old. You little fuckers were like 2 years old when Tr00 metal was making it big time. You have been listening to metal for 2 or 3 maybe 5 years if yer lucky and you think you know it all. Lets take a trip back to 1984 shall we, when listening to Metallica or Slayer was grounds for a beating in any school. You little fucks havent a clue. Your so lucky to be growing up in an era where metal is not only becoming acceptable to the mainstream, but tr00 metal bands have actually discovered a little thing called production. The fact that we have Numetal is making the fact that you can buy tr00 metal albums all over the place a possibility. In reality you schmucks have a small brain when it comes to music. You are probably the close minded types that just say , "If it aint metal, its pure shit"

Anyhow, your arguements about " I am soo tr00, I hate numetal, its the enemy of tr00 metal" are weak and unsubstantiated. You have no history in metal, you are a bunch of ankle biting groupie ass little trenchcoat mafia types that probably cling to mommies apron strings so she'll spring for the new "Im so evilllll cuz I wear facepaint and hail from Norway" album without even realizing that if not for the current re-emergence of metal in the mainstream scene, you probably wouldnt even know the tr00 metal band existed because you'd still be downloading Boyz 2 Men on your Napster.

What a bunch of posers you punk asses are. Im sure you dont know the tr00 meaning of poser, but maybe one day it'll come to you. - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 1:59pm
User Info...
Hey, I was in high school in 1984. No one could give a shit whether anyone listened to Metallica or whatever. You make it sound like you were some kind of rebel or something. What a joke.

Probably the only reason that it was grounds for a beating in your case was that you were such an asshole. - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 5:16pm
Spark Tr00 Metal? That's a fucking stupid name for older metal styles. - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 7:04pm
Danny silverfish
User Info...
Fuck can any of you play insturments
all i fucking read is waaaaaaaa fucking waaaaaaaa
Shit i thought this was a post to find musicians not to see who has the biggest mouth - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 7:49pm
Masturbating The War God
User Info...
haha, there are no real musicians here dave. And you're not tr00 either! - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 8:51pm
Anonymous who cares anyway,Chris?Oh wait you do and it wasn't an argument to begin with-it was an opinion.Interfering?Lol you know about that all too well so don't lecture me on that one! - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 8:56pm
bleeding on the cross
User Info...
Quote: "I do not listen to commercial crap like Dimmu Borgir or Cradle Of Filth".

those bands slay..... ur an idiot.

DELICIOUS FACE.... - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 10:13pm
User Info...
Dimmu Borgir=Galder on guitar=Back bone of Old Man's Child=Fucking awesome band

Sorry I just bought something by Old Man's Child and its so fucking GOOD!!! - Mon, 24 Feb 2003 6:20pm
Anonymous They are awesome aren't they? - Tue, 25 Feb 2003 6:03pm
Anonymous hehe - Fri, 28 Feb 2003 5:05pm
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