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whatever happened to music?
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > whatever happened to music?
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I woke up one morning to find that good music has disapeared.

What happened?

Is it the record contracts? Is it the money? Is it the lack of talent? What could it be?

It can't be the record contracts. Fuck, the Beatles where signed just like everyone else right? It can't be the money. Without money, there is no music industry period. And it can't be the lack of talent. There are just so many bands out there today that it seems impossible that nothing good can come out of them.

What do I think?

I think that the industry is plagued by the mentality that they must produce, produce, produce. No band should ever release two albums within the same year. I have no respect for bands that write a single and then load an album full of shit and sell it. Only release an album when you have enough good material to put on it.

When was the last time that you could listen to an album from front to back and enjoy it? It's all about the hits today.

The solution? Download all of your music.

Download entire albums, burn them for your friends. Burn them for your fuckin grandma and press play. If you buy albums based on what you hear on the radio, your fucked right then and there. Only when you are sure that the album is of utmost quality, should you give it anything back. Listening to one good song and a pile of shit isn't worth your money or your time.

What was the last album i bought and enjoyed? Comfort Eagle by Cake. Good shit all the way through, the way it's supposed to be done.

Thank you, goodnight. - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 4:37pm
Nik Olaz
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agreed. the internet is the greatest thing ever. - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 5:26pm
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the problem is that once a good band comes along, record companies go apeshit to find sound/lookalike copies of that band to make a quick buck...they then ram it down the public's throats
when people smarten up and realize what shit this is, they find new bands and repeat the process.
don't believe me?
look at thrash metal, grunge, or nu metal - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 5:30pm
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hit the nail on the head.

LOOK TO THE UNDERGROUND FRIENDS!!!!!!! - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 6:13pm
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yes...but when and if you do find something good, don't let record companies get ahold of it, or the cycle will repeat - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 6:50pm
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'the problem is that once a good band comes along, record companies go apeshit to find sound/lookalike copies of that band to make a quick buck...they then ram it down the public's throats'

Indeed. Default, Nickelback, Theory of a Deadman are perfect examples - Tue, 2 Dec 2003 12:06pm
Kyle C
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Music, I feel, begins to lose value the moment it is approached as anything other than the aggregate sum of its sonic qualities - it's ironic that its immediacy as an art form makes it so easy for people to bend it to their own whims and in doing so compromise others' enjoyment of it.

This goes, like you described, for those who would commodify music. When music is being made as a commodity financial considerations are being taken into account, and it must be approached with extreme skepticism.
This goes in the "underground" too. The fact that the notion of "trends" within underground music exists suggests that certain musicians are bound by factors more social and stylistic than musical. Music produced under these circumstances must be approached with extreme skepticism as well.
This also goes for those who consider themselves amateur rock historians, people whose incessant memorization and citation of facts and figures from music history. Music should be accessible to everyone and should not require a wide background of apocryphal knowledge regarding who played what/where/how/when. Historical considerations do nothing to change the aural qualities of music; at best, they provide some interesting tidbits to consider in addition to the piece.

I don't know. Lately I've been so frustrated with all the pomp and circumstance surrounding music and compromising its value too. The more I think of the whole song and dance (forgive the pun) regarding bands, the more confused and disappointed I get about the entire subject. Lately most of what I've listening to has been "world" music; it's refreshing to hear music produced completely outside the monetary/social/blahblahblah constraints present within our culture. It's refreshing to hear music that, at least from an outsider's point of view, isn't linked to any particular "subculture", that has no particular stigma (which I, a Canadian, am aware of) attached, that I can listen to without considering the artist and their social/historical/whatever role. I dig it.

There's a German label called "Trikont" that has put out a lot of consistently interesting releases in that vein. There's a fantastic series of CDs out called "The Secret History of Mankind" including some totally fascinating pieces. Nonesuch records put out an "Explorer Series" featuring some more idiosyncratic pieces from different parts of the world. The label "Sublime Frequencies" is killer. Check it all out. - Tue, 2 Dec 2003 3:23pm
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create your own music too. - Tue, 2 Dec 2003 4:40pm
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well said kyleC - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 7:31am
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This is retarded... - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 9:00am
Hero Of The Day
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I blame the radio.......and that little happy faced fucker droppin prices at Walmart...swear to christ - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 5:29am
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fuck off hitch, quit saying shit on every post and come up with something thats actualy insightful if you know what that word means. - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 8:31am
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Most of what has been said is somehow true.

I think lately I would rather not have any recorded music available to me at all.

Imagine only live music, then when you hear it would be so great you would freak right out.

Recording is theft. - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 8:38am
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hmmm. questionable argument.

there is good stuff out there. believe me. - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 2:08pm
Nik Olaz
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i honestly believe the future of music rests in alot of more computerized forms. i mean you can pretty much do anything with a computer these days. - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 5:54pm
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How about another flaked out idea.

Teach music in school along with math and English so everyone could express themselves and communicate musically. - Fri, 5 Dec 2003 5:45am
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it sure is sad that in this culture the value of playing music is so minimized. in some cultures everyone plays. here everyone watches television.

as far as all communication being done musically... - Fri, 5 Dec 2003 12:28pm
el fuckface-o
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if you are listening to the radio all you will hear is garbage. and if you like Cake, then it is obvious you wouldn't know good music if it shat on your face. - Fri, 5 Dec 2003 2:41pm
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el fuckface-o, you should listen to 'Prolonging The Magic' Cake album. It's one of the best front to back CD's ever made in my opinion, not a bad song. It's the CD that was released before 'Comfort Eagle', which had the not so amusing Short 'Skirt Long Jacket' on it.

el fuckface-o is a perfect example of a radio binge junky that rates bands on what he hears on the radio or on TV. To truly appreciate a band, you must first do a little research on what they actually play, not on what they release to make money.

On the topic of making a music class, I think that thats a really good idea. In todays world, music is probably the most underapreciated source of learning. There have been countless studies that link music to succes, and our culture has neglected the median of music for far too long.

I visited my old junior high school the other day and had a talk with my grade 8-10 band teacher. When i was in school, the band kids were often made fun of as 'geeks' or 'losers'. What I found out was that at that schoold today, which has recently made the switch to a middle school, over HALF of the kids in the school were enrolled in band.

Thats around 300 out of a possible 500 kids that have music in thier timetable. The schoolboard can longer make cut after cuts into the music program, be it strings or band, they must begin to realize that music is just too important too be left out of the equation.


Thank you for all of your responses, and please continue to write into this post. Hope to hear from you soon.

~X - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 7:27am
el fuckface-o
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Cake is country music with a lisp.
and not all radio sucks. just the stations you listen to.
kisw is quite decent 80% of the time. - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 12:13pm
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cake is definitely a solid band. - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 12:55pm
el fuckface-o
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solid like a roast beef turd. - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 1:35pm
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have you listened to them at all besides what you hear normaly on the radio? - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 5:32pm
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Fuckface you fucking faggot. Cake rules. - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 5:39pm
Dan Conner
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CAKE RULES! - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 6:38pm
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wow people get really uptight about bands these days.

in response to "what's happened to music?"
i'm sure that everyone feels that good music is hard to come by, but every generation has to wade through shitty music to find the really good tracks. so i definitely encourage you to go out and support local music and listen to independant musicians, help them make great music by supporting them in their artistic endeavours.
you don't like radio? listen to internet radio. don't like pop music? listen to avante garde or independant.
i don't have any answers.
maybe a few suggestions. - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 7:22pm
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KISW kicks ass - Sun, 7 Dec 2003 8:31pm
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music's fer faggits.... - Sun, 7 Dec 2003 11:06pm
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What's happen to music is shows like American Idol have killed it. - Mon, 8 Dec 2003 4:35pm
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I blame the G-thug posers and their dangerous addiction to crappy pop-rap. I hate to say music has anything to do with peoples actions. But sometimes it looks like those poser are usually the ones starting shit. Just watch the news and i guarentee if they show the kids who killed that philipino boy i bet they will be all g'd out. BLAME CANADA? BLAME RAP! RAP IS THE DEVIL! - Mon, 8 Dec 2003 6:28pm
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Please don't insult the devil like that. - Mon, 8 Dec 2003 7:48pm
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i don't think that any style of music can MAKE anyone do anything. It wasn't Marilyn Manson that killed kids in Colorado, it was troubled teenagers whose problems are far deeper than what type of music they listen to. I don't think that rap music can be blamed for anything, nor can any other type out there.

look into a soul before looking into a discman

Robnoxious brought up a good point about shows like American Idol.
[+}, what do you think about this comment?
Also, noone has talked about the introduction of mandatory music classes in schools, what do you guys think of this as an idea.

I would also like to emphasize that there isn't a shortage of talent in the musical world, it is the talent that in most cases refuse to maximize thier potential as artists and simply 'sell-out'.

QUOTE: METALNECK 'Please don't insult the devil
like that'

lol - Mon, 8 Dec 2003 8:19pm
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i personally disagree with the mandatory music class idea
band should remain an option (shit, at my high school, i think about 80% were in band)

think about this: younger kids have trouble paying attention, especially to things that don't interest them
music classes are always jazz or concert band, and these are far from most kids' interest.
also, the lack of being able to improvise (for the most part) does not promote creativity

my opinion is that if kids want to take band, take band
if kids don't want to take band, don't take band - Mon, 8 Dec 2003 9:48pm
Livevic Scott
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"my opinion is that if kids want to take band, take band
if kids don't want to take band, don't take band"

I'd agree here. Plus if you force kids to take band they're not gonna want to be there and only disrupt the kids that do want to be there, thus taking away from the whole experience. Or did you just say that in a different way =)

Its definatly important that its offered as part of the education system though. - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 2:05am
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I agree, in order to teach music a teacher must keep a students interest. Teaching youngsters Clasical and Jazz would have to be for the fast kids. Clasical and Jazz are to music what Calculus is to math Or what Literature is to English.
Basic understanding of the building blocks for music are not that complicated but you all know that.
Again I agrre, it would have to be taught a different way. - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 12:59pm
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The very first post here mentions the Beatles. The Beatles put out 4 singles and 2 LP's every year like clockwork up to around the end of 1966 when they finally slowed down a bit to gear up for Sgt. Pepper. The reason they could do this was because they kind of caught the industry by surprise in 1962; that and the fact that almost every song that they wrote was a real quality piece of work. Nowadays nobody catches the industry by surprise; the industry (most of whose leaders are, in fact, lawyers and not music people at all) has its rules that everybody has to play by and if you refuse to do so then your record will simply get no mainstream radio play whatsoever. The only band I can think of off the top of my head who could actually put out 4 good singles and 2 decent LP's a year (bearing in mind that an LP in 1962 was about 28 minutes long as opposed to a 65 minute long CD) would be Radiohead and even they don't get much radio play, at least not around here. Also nowadays there is absolutely no demand from the industry for originality; everything that gets the push from the industry seems to be based on stuff that came before (and in many cases was dismissed by the same industry that now tries to emulate the good old days). So when I first heard the first White Stripes single I was amazed at how much it sounded like the first Buzzcocks single back in 1977 (which never had a snowball's chance in hell of ever getting on mainstream radio). Back in the 60's there basically was no underground to speak of; that came along with the advent of FM radio somewhere around '69, and the truly original artists (say Zappa or Beefheart just as examples) had to go the major label route, sometimes with surprising results (Beefheart's "Lick My Decals Off Baby" was a top 10 record in the UK; easily the weirdest record ever to get there in history. Today it would languish in underground obscurity). My point here is that nowadays if you want to get on mainstram radio and benefit from the major labels publicity you simply cannot be terribly original. Even the once great Iggy Pop has been reduced to imitating himself in order to finally (finally after 30 odd years!) get a song into heavy rotation on commercial radio. I heard it a dozen times without recognizing who it was and actually had to be told who it was, it's that generic sounding. You sure couldn't say that about "Funhouse" now could you? And it gets worse; even the "underground" is setting its own rules for what constitutes a hip act and it is slowly becoming like a farm system for the major labels. Once when someone told the late great Sun Ra that he was "underground" he countered "No I'm not; I'm sub-underground". A good place to be today, at least artistically. - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 1:21pm
el fuckface-o
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looks like norm wants some goat/metalneck sex soon or she's gonna snap. you are in the closet. probably best for us all if you stay there.
i will give you one chance to get me liking cake.
one song.
which one?
better be good because if it isn't you will see cake get trashed forevermore.
and windbag above me has some good points. it is rare that his verbal diarrhea makes any sense. - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 4:42pm
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good point about the forced issue, noone can enjoy something that they are forced into.

One good cake song? My personal favorite would have to be 'Walk on by'

listen - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 5:13pm
el fuckface-o
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wow! that song sucked even more than their radio crap. cake is shitty as they come and that is a fact. walk on by has proven it to me in spades.
speaking of spades, why don't you all go sit on one?
"and the room where I held you tight, tonight I must walk on by"
sounds like he is norm singing to metalneck's wang.
cake will be referred to henceforth as cakk. - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 7:06pm
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whatever, can't make everyone happy - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 9:38pm
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lol- "cakk" - Wed, 10 Dec 2003 3:22pm
Spidey Goat
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"Motorcade of Generosity"
Is the good one.
Cakk that is.
anybody heard that one?

It's way underproduced. The drums sound like card board boxes its great! - Wed, 10 Dec 2003 3:45pm
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yeah, good song. I like 'sheep go to heaven goats go top hell' too.

wow, we've gone way off topic - Wed, 10 Dec 2003 6:01pm
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