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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > SUMMONS TO DAJ
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i have decided to address you personally DAJ(perhaps for the last time, it's up to you)

i am using a concept here, lifted from the legal system you choose to use as a tool for your agenda, i am serving you with a summons to answer to my claims, if you choose to ignore it, a judgement will be made in my favour, in your absence.

i am sure you have noticed the political leanings of many of this board's users, many of us are niether happy nor thrilled with the system we live in. i myself, and i think many others, grew up wishing to smash the state and spark change in this world...we grew up, and somewhat resignedly find ourselves paying into and living in the 'state'. i do it on my own terms, enjoying as much freedom and expression as i can, while doing my best to live under the radar...i see peers in my community teaching their children values outside of the 'norm', musicians and artists giving the finger to the 'man' on a regular basis....people trading skills and product on the blackmarket...and then you come along and try to fuck it up.

consider this: the province now wants to get involved in your 'case', why do you think that is? maybe because if you were to win it would set a VERY scary legal precedent on which other takers could base legal argument on?(i am assuming that you know a tad about canadian law) have you considered that many of us have done, and will do, exactly what you are fighting for, a night of illegal camping or a snooze in the park? just this summer i dozed on a bench with a book on my chest while my kids played in a water park(they were in a safe space, no concern of drowning or abduction). when we left we took all of our refuse and waste.
(i am pretty sure the kids didn't weewee in the pool) the point i am trying to make here is, that people living like they used to on sombrio, or the happenstance, discreet and respectful traveller are not a nuisance to society in general. you and your tent cities in a downtown core are. you are fighting the 'man' who does not like what you are doing, and you are not making friends with mainstream society, and those of us on the fringes are divided by your stand. i agree with some of your points believe it or not, i really do.

do you not recall stephen harper's platform of higher sentences for criminals and repeat offenders? albeit referring to violent offenders, but remember that part about legal precedent? do you know that jails are a big money maker? look to the united states for a minute buddy....
what if you lose, and the legal base is set, these decisions can effect canadian law as a whole. with the truth being that a large percentage of homeless are so by choice, and if it then becomes illegal (with a media circus and attention)to occupy public and private space as you want to, why not throw everyone in jail? AS A RESULT OF YOUR ACTIONS. i really hate to say this, and some may like to respond to me, but if we imprison vagrants for long terms, in strict(yet legal) conditions where contraband(weed man) is unaccessible and only 1 hour of rec time, do you think that we might see as many people choosing street life?
yes, we will still be paying for it, but at least i don't have to worry about sitting in someone's shit at the beach or park! or watching other aspects of the economy that supports me and my family go down the toilet because of you guys occupying our parks. and not to mention the jobs created in law enforcement, security and corrections.
now wouldn't that be fucking fabulous?(not) do you really think you can win, and are you happy to risk the freedoms that we do enjoy....

the olympics are coming whether we like it or not. our fair weather, here and van, make for comfy vagrancy for you hey?trust me, you won't be rounded up and shot like street kids in rio(there's a cause for you) but you will be shuffled away...

i have called you out, called you names and questioned the bedrock of your arguments with no response on this forum which i know you frequent.

now i have personally questioned you about the inconsistencies of your, "not using money" schtick. let me just clarify, you will not pass currency or own money, but you will stand next to someone as they swipe their debit/credit card or hand over cash to buy you goods or service? am i right? or do you occasonally cheat a bit?

do you have a life outside of your meditating head, and this court fight, 'you against the crown'?

if you do not respond to me, i will assume a legal style victory, your lack of response will indicate that you have no ground to stand (or sleep) on.
you are just a scared and lonely man, just like many people, trying to find purpose in this crazy unjust world. you are perhaps mentally ill, most certainly lazy and as parenthood looms, a real self-centred jerk. oops, there i go slinging muck and names again.

if you prefer we could call the TC, Monday and the local tv stations and get you a bunch of media attention...

so yes indeed DAJ, this may be my last address or response to you....if you choose not to answer to any of my concerns, past or present, i will assume that you are all of the above, if you post on this board and ignore my summons, i again know that you are a big fraud.

i hope your journey eventually takes you to a place of real understaning, compassion and consideration for your fellow human, we are all just trying to make it around the sun for another day...

in hopes of intelligent debate, good day - Sat, 15 Sep 2007 1:28pm Edited: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 1:33pm
Mr. Hell
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pwned. - Sat, 15 Sep 2007 4:12pm
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one of my original, unresponded to posts directed at the wanker, aka, DAJ

I was involved in the Clayoquot protests back in the day. I remember the fever,focus assuredness that 'the world was watching' as a bunch of smelly enlightened suburban ex-mallrats pitted their bodies against the juggernaught of destruction and greed.(I acknowledge the divirsity of the folks involved, but we made up a large percentage). I wouldn't take those days back for anything, but wow, I have learned a lot since. Yeah, we changed a few minor facade-like forestry practices, and yeah, the world did watch, and decide to swoop in and turn Tofino into a playground for the rich and the beaches to an eyesore compared to their earlier days.
Watching you DAJ is pathetic. Your self-centredness and hipocrisy is laughable. Well, it would be if you weren't wasting such precious time and resource. You aren't helping anyone, except maybe you and your ego.
Before you tell me what an anal invaded victim I am, understand that I am no fool, sheep nor ignorant of the insane veil we all watch the world's power structure function behind. I agree that we do live in a society that perpetuates the lie that allows us to comfortably get on with our days. I am sickened by the way we treat each other. So much of the wickedness and suffering that goes on is unnecessary and evil. I will not turn a blind eye, I am so very grateful that when I was a desperate single mother, I managed to get by, and was even given the priviledge of education. (well, maybe a bit of the aforementioned ass raping with loan interest)
DAJ, there are a lot of amazing people in this world, and in our community. Without their help I may have been in a lot of trouble, but, as close as I may have been, NO ONE NEED BE HOMELESS IN THIS COUNTRY. I pay those people back by clothing, housing and feeding my children, sharing meals with beloved friends, treading lightly on the earth, and helping where I can.
DAJ, go and do some real good. Volunteer with disabled children, candy stripe at the hospital, work with Habitat for Humanity.
You are not sparking any real change. You will fade out DAJ. You may end up living on some gulf island in a home made yurt. Living 'off of the land', smoking dope and eating fungus. The charicature of the guru, preaching to the idealistic young un's, bright eyed and wanting to change the world, and also have the willing ear of those whose blossoming mental illnesses make them a perfect follower. (again not generalizing, seen a lot of hippy kids in early stages of schizophrenia eating this shit). DAJ you will always be a taker.
There is a colossal problem here right now. I live with my young family on the edges of downtown. Things are declining rapidly and although most impoverished folk aren't out to hurt anyone, things are sketchy. I have literally seen and comforted an elderly woman obviously needing a seat and looking quite upset/confused as an ass-crack weilding-smelly-passed out-addict/drunk is sprawled rigt across the bench at the Pandora and Cook bus stop. THAT IS PUBLICLY USED SPACE ASSHOLE, NOT YOUR BED! Tell her, DAJ, that his inability to care for himself and lack of respect for other people outwieghs her right to comfortably use the public space. Addicts and alcoholics are notoriously self-centered, (I have worked in the industry, no matter how wonderful the person, when they are in their disease they have as narrow a mind as you do DAJ), and peolpe that are hungry, cold and tired aren't necessarily too concerend with other's well being. You are operating in a different realm than many of these people DAJ, allowing a circus along the lines of the needle exchange on Cormorant isn't going to help you know how many fucked up people I have nearly hit as the dazedly walk into traffic on blanshard, a route I take regularly to get home? Forced rehab is sounding pretty good, monitored living facilities...yet, I too fear the rise of the Brownshirt Era. First 'those' people and then what? It is a conundrum along the lines of the age old, and unanswered philosophical question of punishment. It hurts my brain as I try to think of solutions that maintain the rights of the individual, yet make some real change.
DAJ, go and take your enlightened followers and houseless folks to some public space away from the society you so vehemently rail against. Face the elements, dig latrines, provide sustenance and heat, medical attn...come on, do it, you don't need money our there. HMMM, YOU NEED US DAJ, WE DON'T NEED YOU.
You take.
One day your body will catch up with your archaic utopian ideals, then sleep on the cold public ground fucker.

PS I don't think you need to pay any money that you don't use to have a vasectomy so that you don't knock up some poor young girl when you are having your cosmic connection love making in the alleys and cheap hotels i have seen, and pointed you out, entering & exiting on a regualr basis(ritz on fort) - Sat, 11 Aug 1:03pm - Sun, 16 Sep 2007 1:28am Edited: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 1:33am
trevor corey
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Oh man.
I shudder at the idea ever seeing Daj coming at me wearing a candy striper's uniform when I'm incapacetated in my hospital bed, {{{{shudder}}}}

I seem to remember a fair share of Daj types leaching off the Peace Camp. It wasn't always easy to feed all those people, many of whom were not much more than squaters. They did lend their bodies to fill out the crowd though.
Also I remember the local yokels strategically placing rotting salmon about our areas. Maybe the lawns keepers at St Anne's should consider a fish mulch fertilizer. - Sun, 16 Sep 2007 1:36am Edited: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 1:42am
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i forgot about the stinky salmon! there were a number of odors that summer i though...i know what you mean about flaky hangers on, i was having a good time there for sure, but i definitely did my share of dishes and participated in the camp in general! i spent two weeks in nanaimo jail that summer when i first got arrested, i wanted to change the termes of release as they were ridiculous!!!
remember betty krwaczek?(sp)
i also got decked by a drunken local out at the front gates one afternoon, that was weird, she flew through the crowd at me yelling 'what are you smiling at?'
that was sad more than anything else, as it was quite apparent she was misdirecting some likely justified anger...
although the peace camp was similar to tent-city, the fact that we were occupying a clear cut(out of the city), and had defined purpose, makes a big difference. we weren't a student statement hijacked by daj and friends.
i was wrapped up in trial for the take-down of camp,our detractors took pictures of the 'refuse' that was left...some say it was staged and releasaed to the press, but i can't be sure as like you said trevor, there were a number of hangers on... - Sun, 16 Sep 2007 11:54am
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Dear Speedy,

first- do not be so sure about the olymics happening.

other than that- pride is sin because fate is real... and no one has the right to use money- and... doing the right thing could very well result in the deaths of millions...

every millisecond of your thought has been preordained forever. Original thought is absolutely impossible. Patience be with you.

other than that (again)- you want truth or you don't. The thoughts in your head right now are the only ones you can have. So, I hold no resentment towards you and your accusations.

Peace be with you.

david - Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:02am
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wow, you sure put me back on track, obviously i am totally mistaken about speak eloquently and with clarification of your thoughts on things that i have brought up on this messageboard!
silly me, i have been walking around in a haze of muddled rambling and incohesive acid induced bullshit!
my apologies to all that have wasted time reading my disjointed, nonsensical posts! - Mon, 17 Sep 2007 1:59pm Edited: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 2:04pm
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Don't fret, you are forgiven marie.

Everyone gets confused fome time to time. - Mon, 17 Sep 2007 2:42pm Edited: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 2:42pm
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I'm so glad he finally put this matter to rest. I mean could we all be so naive to think that HE could possibly be the hypocritical monster that we've made him out to be.
Just smoke a joint, tell people to be patient, and say peace like it has any meaning left in it.
Thank you for answering all our unfounded questions. - Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:24pm
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" pride is sin because fate is real"

what?! Isn't that the same as saying property is theft so all theft is property? Pride can only be a sin of fate is real, and nothing that you have said has proven fate to be real. Also, your arguement doesn't work because you can't reverse it. "Fate is real because pride is a sin"? I don't think fate depends on sin, nor sin on fate.

First ya gotta prove that A=A before you go on. - Tue, 18 Sep 2007 9:30am
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lol @ ur all arguing with some1 with mental problems - Tue, 18 Sep 2007 6:36pm
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"first- do not be so sure about the olymics happening."

... why wouldn't they happen? are you saying your gunna prevent them from happening? please let me know why I shouldnt be so sure the olympics?


ps, and your stinky - Tue, 18 Sep 2007 8:23pm
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Andrew, funnily enough I was thinking about that last night
... - Tue, 18 Sep 2007 9:23pm
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I ususally avaoid this message board, it never seams to go any where.
however this time I will post.

I know DAJ personally, I may not agree with him a lot of the time, but he dose not have mental issues any more than any one on this board, and if you sat down with him for an hr, you would probably realize that... (although by the end of it you may have mental problems)

As for the standing by well some one else uses money to get him stuff.... I don't know what you are refering to, cause in the 2-3 yrs I have known dave, I never seen him accept any thing like that.

And as for "choosing to live on the streets" I have never really met people that truly choose to live on the streets (except maybe DAJ) most of the time that is assumed, or people simple say that so they do not have to admit to substance addictions, pepression or other issues arround mental health, familly, or physical health (you would be amazed how many people on the streets have tried to hold down jobs but can't do to health issues).

I recently go off the streets, first time in yrs, and it was not easy, I work full time, and if it was not for freinds letting me house sit and couch surf (which many people don't have those options) I would probably never have succeeded.

As for the Olympics... lol
Well there is a lot of people who are adimently against it, and many are militants. The olympics is creating a homeless problem like we have not seen yet. The native youth movement declared they will stop the olympics, as well many former members of the west coast warrior society and other similar groups have declared there will be no olympics on stolen land. I think you can expect a huge resistance from all kinds of anarchist groups and native groups, that will get bigger and bigger, as well I won't be surprised if others like unions get envolved.
It would not take much to turn 2010 into a world wide disater, only a couple people.

ps.-I probably spelled all kinds of shit wrong... and I don't fucking care! now I am going to bed. - Wed, 19 Sep 2007 1:17am
J. Peatman
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DAJ's LiveVictoria message board automated response protocol:


"Good morning, Dave."

A. Do not respond at all. ( - Wed, 19 Sep 2007 2:19am Edited: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 2:22am
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Noise, i am sorry, but i must beg to differ in regard to the choice of street life. your past experiences certainly qualify you with valid opinion; however you simply must think about situations where people refuse outright help and stay on the street to feed their addictions and because in some twisted way it is easier than conforming into the round whole pegboard of society. Do you remember the trolls of victoria? old Kelsey and Gizmo...
I mean, not necessarily every 'houseless' person spends the night on the street literally, some spend a percentage of time squirreled away in hotel rooms and passing nights in houses and squats. if someone spent the energy they did wheeling and dealing, looking for the next score, into walking into some of the community (both volunteer and government) services, asking for help there are advocates and options available. NOT ENOUGH NOISE, absolutely not enough services for people in need, which makes it much more difficult to willlingly get off of the street, but not impossible. i do wish that all of the mentally ill people on the street could pose for a big group picture at once and show the people of victoria what an atrocity lack of care and service for these people there is. if lack of medication turns someone into a drug addicted thieving creep, or simply someone who is incapable of performing everyday social tasks, maybe they need supervised drug service...
NOISE, even before i had my kids i danced right on the edge of the sidewalk....if i have a friend tripping over a rough patch i will pick them up, put 'em on the couch, and care for them as they take steps to care for and help themselves.

the olympics now are a whole nother story that i haven't time to get into here!

in regard to the taking of things, i have specifically asked what it is he has in steaming hot to go coffee cups that i have seen him with a few mornings downtown, maybe i am mistaken, maybe he has hot water for tea (that he got for 'free') maybe? nothing is free here, not even open door pb&j...the only reason i haven't asked him face to face is that i am usually on my way to work or school on public transport when i see him out the window - Wed, 19 Sep 2007 8:27am Edited: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 8:31am
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Look dweeblenuts. Either a person is providing for themselves in every way, or they are using money.

Using money indirectly is no different than working for it and spending it yourself.

Go grow your own food, build your own shelters and only use what is available from the land (which already belongs to someone else so now its stealing).

Anything less means you participate in our economic system. - Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:04am Edited: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:05am
Jeremy Baker
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Marie, great post. - Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:32am
trevor corey
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My Grandma used to grow her own homegrown. - Thu, 20 Sep 2007 12:25am
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rememmber as well that the services are shit...
if you ever used them you would start to find that out. eg. you go to stay in street link shelter, you must register by 5pm, return at 7pm to find out if you got in or not, then you have to be in for the night by 9pm or you loose your bed. they wake you at 7am and you have to be out of bed by 8 or 9 (don't remeber).
Durring your stay you get stuck in a tiny room with multiple bunk beds that creek when you move, usually with snorring people and often with bugs. you are likely to get sick, there is a high chance of getting your stuff stolen, and there is constant fights, and drug use and alcohol. As well they give you meals but you have to be there lined up with a number to get them at the right times, then the meals you get suck ass, they are generally unhealthy, not filling, and srale tasteless food, white bread is common, usually a day old, with a soup or sandwich for lunch, and supper is usually a frozen beverage and some thing like mac and cheese, or other shit foods.

This is only one example. every where is strict rules, to the point where you often can not use the facillites, and every where had much under funding, corruption (I have been told of people buying drugs off shelter staff more than once)understaffed, and full of sketchy drug addicts, that if you are trying to get off drugs you are surrounded by triggers.

as for daves coffeee mug...
he likes tea, he likes coffee, both are readilly available for free at the our place (open door) and 9-10 club. that would be my guess for you. - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 12:19am
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Why doesn't he answer for himself? - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 7:01am
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Hey NNB.... are you bitching about the quality of the free food? You know what they say, beggars can't be choosers.

I did a couple of weeks in the kitchens at Streetlink, working off my debt to society. The food that was made when I was there was decent if uninspiritng. Pasta with plenty of veggies and meat, another one was a really chunky veggie soup. - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 7:44am
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Hey Noise, what the hell else do you have to do that is so important? Got a bus shelter to go reserve? Got a great back alley to go shit in so the people going to work in the morning get a brown shoe to start their day?

Too busy doing job interviews?

Sorry to hear free stuff sucks so bad. Get what you pay for I guess...

And yes, in case you missed it, that was the Sympathy train passing you. - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 8:19am
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Welcome to pwnsville DAJ, population 1. Cheers, Lucius - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 8:49am
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Quality of food is important. You need the nutrition to keep going, especially while you're out in the elements, and for your brain to function properly. White bread equals crap so its a waste of money. Sure we can all eat crap once in a while, but not when its all we live off. How can they expect people to get back up on their feet being fed like that?

And even when people are homeless, part of what it means to stay alive is to live with some dignity. That means keeping their brains active & continuing to participate as much as they can with the rest of society. I don't think it'd be as possible to get off the streets without keeping up like that.
A guy works himself off the streets, lives to tell about it, and all he gets for it is mocked? boo. Doomhammer & NNB don't sound like whiners to me. - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 3:04pm
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Why is it the responsibility of others to ensure they have a good diet? As the old saying goes, beggars can't be choosers. You take what you can get when it's available to you. The soup kitchens and food banks get donated food, so they get what they get. If you want good food, earn it, just like everyone else does.

The second paragraph you posted, Sati, really makes no sense. There is a very small percentile of homeless people who can participate in societal gatherings due to a whole host of issues. There are a lot of other, self caused, issues that destroy what little humanity a lot of street people have/had. - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 4:15pm
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"White bread equals crap so its a waste of money"
This is true, but don't be concerned that money is being wasted - Streetlink relies solely on donations for bread products so that their limited food budget can be spent elsewhere. - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 4:33pm
trevor corey
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Day old bread aint that bad. I've been working on a loaf for three days now.
Moldy bread is another storey - Fri, 21 Sep 2007 4:42pm Edited: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 1:19am
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I dunno, I thought the intent was to help get these people off the streets. Obviously, there's a problem preventing them from earning it.
I guess everyone else is referring to the lost cases, and I'm talking about the ones that can be saved. Don't they even count?

"Self caused"... for some you could say that, but it sucks when the ones where that isn't the case, and do stand a chance, have to fight against prejudices like this along with everything else they're dealing with. I'm just asking for you guys to remember them. Sure they're in the minority, but still. - Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:21am Edited: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:22am
J. Peatman
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"A guy works himself off the streets, lives to tell about it, and all he gets for it is mocked? boo. Doomhammer & NNB don't sound like whiners to me."

As far as I know, Doomhammer had a fulltime job when he chose to live on the street (and continued working). Might be more to it than that, but it doesn't really qualify as "working yourself off the street". - Sat, 22 Sep 2007 1:11pm
Mr. Hell
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Gotta love street rats complaining about free beds and meals.
Don't like it? Jump in front of a bus or get a job.
Due to the laziness factor, I'm sure we'll see the jumping in front of a bus happen well before a job is found. - Sat, 22 Sep 2007 5:06pm
trevor corey
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The last few posts reaffirm my strong belief that we need a quote button. - Sat, 22 Sep 2007 6:08pm
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I been working full time since end of march... I got a job, but I would not have been able to do it without the help of some freinds that lent thier couches or floors, and I sure as fuck would not have been able to if I was trying to stay at streetlink, or salvation army. As well you should know that both those places have a 7 day stay, so lets see you go get a job, and make enough for rent, damage deposite, and food in 7 days, then find some one that will let you rent from them. - Sat, 22 Sep 2007 9:51pm
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Actually the "7 day stay" at Sally anne is the free beds, if you work (day labour anyone) you can rent beds that come with meals included for as long as you like.
I know for a fact that labour unlimited calls the sally because they have more jobs than bodies on a regular basis.
As to the food sucking at those places, screw ya, I was a cook at the salvation army for a couple years and the food is damned good considering the cost to the residents works out to $1.77 a meal.
The free food was also nutritious and quite good for the price (FREE!!) - Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:26am
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And as I've stated before in this or another of these topics that ramble on and on, I CHOSE to live on the streets for years, my choice was one of choosing to do drugs rather than seek the help that is available.
I chose more recently to not live that self deluded self destructive lifestyle and am living a much better life now.
DAJ is a publicity hound and if he really wanted to could go live his vagrant lifestyle out of town with no one bothered. The fact he CHOOSES to do this in a public forum, and in the media is a joke. Drawing attention away from real issues for the sake of his own ego.
In my personal opinion of course. - Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:31am
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I saw a guy when I was driving the other day, who was sleeping under a tree near the Northern Junk building downtown, it was pissing rain and he was covered by nothing but a flower print blanket, i'm sure he was very cold and wet and I kinda did feel sorry for him, but at the same time I don't know his story and why he is there, is it his fault? did he make the choice in life to do drugs which eventually led to him losing everything? or is he mentally ill with little resources to get himself the help he needs?...(which I feel is the only homeless problem the government IS responcible for)....If someone chooses to be homeless then fine, it is your choice, but I can't stand people asking for my money....what gives you the right to sit in front of people walking down the street and ask for something for nothing? in my oppinion you have to earn money! sitting on the street all day hardly counts as making a living! should you choose to be homeless then you choose all that goes along with it. and if your point is to live naturally and of the earth, then where does downtown come into that factor? it's concrete...can't grow food there! what i'm trying to get at is....I didn't have the best up-bringing, I moved out when I was 14 and have worked ever since..I made the choice at 16 to not smoke weed anymore, I made the choice as a child that I was going to make a great life for myself, and I did....all by myself..I could have gone in a completley different direction.. I am proof that a child can leave a bad home and drop out of school and still build an empire as an adult single woman and now I live a comfortable lifestyle!!! and I have no-one to thank but me! and my choices now that I live downtown, I encounter homeless people more than ever, and that is why I feel so strongly about this....our city looks like shit, there are streets I won't even walk down in the daytime...which really sucks to feel like this in a place Ive lived all my life...we need to get the mentall ill homeless people off the streets, and the drug addicts too, (although I have no simpathy for them, I do for there families....) and people who choose to be homeless as far as i'm concerned ....if you ask me for my hard earned money you better have a song written and ready to perform it.... - Sun, 23 Sep 2007 9:57am
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Actually, I want to change what I said about having no-one to thank for where I am today but myself.....alot of different Government programs EG: student Loans etc. helped me get to where I am...... - Sun, 23 Sep 2007 10:35am
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If a choice has a reason then it is not a choice.

Like it or not 'original thought' is impossible.

So... the only justification for fear and anger is naivity.

May I attract the whole of the 'devil's' scorn so that others may have opportunity to act without it.

You don't have the right to use money and paying taxes is a crime.

love truth or don't- you can only be your experience. May you experience the divine beauty so you might not be held sway by the lazy easiness of spite.

either way, there is only one future and it has been determined since infinity ago. - Sun, 23 Sep 2007 3:05pm Edited: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 3:06pm
Mr. Hell
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Sounds to me like DAJ has been watching Passion Of The Christ waaaay too much. - Sun, 23 Sep 2007 3:09pm
round em up
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Someone shoot the fucker... - Sun, 23 Sep 2007 4:45pm
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poop - Mon, 24 Sep 2007 6:57pm Edited: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 6:58pm
J. Peatman
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"every millisecond of your thought has been preordained forever. Original thought is absolutely impossible. Patience be with you."

So that means that you and your street buddies are destined to be living on the street, depending on the generosity of others, for the rest of your lives. So no matter how much of a change you are trying to bring on (you're trying to have people make CHOICES, what a glaring contradction), it will not make a difference.

You will always be defeated by your own philosophy.

(mainly because it comes down to attempting to revert thousands of years of human development by basically doing nothing at all) - Tue, 25 Sep 2007 9:30am
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from Nanaimo BC
Nigel Jordan "Liftedpro"
Alternative Hip hop, Conscious rap, Boombap from Crofton BC
780 Blanshard Street
Artists hub with 80+ artist studios and multiple arts orgs
780 Blanshard st. Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Aegir Room at Oswego Hotel
Aegir Room offers a sophisticated dining experience speciali...
Open / Operational
Glenlyon Norfolk School
GNS is an independent JK-12 International Baccalaureate boar...
Open / Operational
Maple Leaf Adventures
Discover a unique venue that combines elegance, exclusively,...
Open / Operational

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