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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > all ages shows |
tyler User Info... | where are they? cant all shows be all ages,music is about the kids...lets starts some shit old people suck - Sun, 14 Jan 2007 8:07pm | ||
Sati User Info... | old people buy lots of overpriced booze thats why all the love flows our way even though we suck - Sun, 14 Jan 2007 8:36pm Edited: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 8:36pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | Someone needs to get on that thing where they can get underaged people into bars but you need a wristband to get booze or whatever. They have that in the states for shows, and it rules. - Sun, 14 Jan 2007 9:39pm | ||
DeadYeti1 User Info... | someday you too will be a "sucky" old fuck like the rest of us. cherish it while it lasts. SMART ASS. - Sun, 14 Jan 2007 9:39pm | ||
Sati User Info... | We had that wristband thing happening at Mesa Luna (a latin dance restaurant with decent stage, floor space, upper floor & balcony) when they used to put on a/a shows a couple years ago, so I'd assume whatever laws are that allowed it are probably the same in Victoria. They had a HUGE smoking deck too, so it was all pretty sweet. - Sun, 14 Jan 2007 10:31pm Edited: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 10:32pm | ||
tyler User Info... | i dont really think im being a smart ass i just wish i was able to see some bands i love play instead of only hearing out them and be like "fuck i cant see that" - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 8:24am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | There's a reason there's no all ages shows. Promoters get tired of all the BS that goes along with them. Like drunken idiots that pull BS at shows which loses that promoter that venue. Although you might not be one of those, or maybe you are I really don't know, it's those types that have screwed the all agers shows from happening. Deal with enough BS, and it's just not worth putting the effort out to do it. If you really want to see all age shows maybe you and a few friends should start promoting them yourselves? - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 9:23am | ||
jeff User Info... | Shaggy, Tyler is one of those kids who puts on shows - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 3:58pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Wupz, yes old people are bad. - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 4:48pm Edited: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 4:49pm | ||
Mace User Info... | and smoking cigarettes are bad... (Old people are only good if they win the lottery.) - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 5:00pm | ||
Hang the DJ User Info... | I get real pissed off about this too, all the time. I know you've got a little longer to wait than I do Tyler, but eventually after turning 19 there will be the rest your life to enjoy any show you want (though it's tough for me to say that because missing out on The Misfits SUCKED. And there's many more where that came from). I really wish bands would put on more all ages show (why hasn't 3 Inches of Blood done that yet?) because it's a horrible feeling missing out. Does it pay them less? Is that what they really care about? This really sucks. - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 6:24pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | I remember going to tons of all age shows, but then again we usually found a way to get into a bar show we wanted to go to. Walking into Vertigo for Strapping Young Lad when I was 16 was seriously way too easy. I agree with the wristbands, the shows I've gone to in Seattle have all had wristbands, everyone wins. - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 6:31pm | ||
The Other Nick User Info... | Bars make good venues. And if you want to go to a show bad enough you'll find a way in. - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 6:51pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | *boggle* He's an all ages gig promoter and he's complaining about the lack of all ages shows? Is it just me or is the logic a little flawed there? - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 7:07pm | ||
jeff User Info... | no hes conplaining that no one else is putting on all agers - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 7:49pm | ||
darcy User Info... | AA shows have, to some degree or another, much more drama, and bar show usual put in more capital than AA shows. AA show generally have much more energy, and the bands usually have way more fun, and the atmosphere us usually a lot better than bar shows, but bar shows bring in the bucks, the sound, and the bands. Stiil though, missing a band because of age? Hah, just do what I do/did, sneak in. ROFL... I think my first was Skatalites 03. Under a fat man's coat....I got bruised up pretty bad, but it was worth it. - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 8:16pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | That even makes less sense jeff. If he's allready a promoter, then promote more shows. If someone else isn't going to do it, do it yourself. If the problem is he can't enjoy the shows he promotes, then grab some people he can trust and teach them what they need to know so he can just go and enjoy a show. Personally, for the reasons in my 1st post, I can understand why there's not as many all ages shows. They're too much of a PITA for promoters and the halls. - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 8:30pm | ||
jeff User Info... | he does, but money is a thing man, hes not made of money so he cant be putting on a show every weekend - Mon, 15 Jan 2007 9:06pm | ||
Hang the DJ User Info... | Exactly - Tue, 16 Jan 2007 1:56am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Oh ok, there has to be a show every weekend. You pretty much just made my point with the cash loss statement. All agers are a PITA, which is why there aren't more of them. My better half used to rent hall space to all agers. Emphasis on used to. - Tue, 16 Jan 2007 2:14am | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | What to do, you don't go to as many All-(r)Ager cause your too old for All-Agers, and you don't go to as many bar shows cause you don't drink (yes, you can drink coffee/sleeve of Coke). - Tue, 16 Jan 2007 5:42pm Edited: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 5:42pm | ||
Harry/The Deadbeats User Info... | shaggy, why are you being so annoying? Tyler just wants to see some enthusiasm and your killing everything. - Tue, 16 Jan 2007 8:29pm | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | Getting into bars underage is definitely doable. Know the openers and be their "roadies" ... usually (Lucky Bar exempt) venues don't ask questions unless you look very 14. Just don't be an idiot and try to get booze. It's been done, I've seen it first hand. But of course touring acts aren't going to come all the way across the continent/country to play an AA that yields absolutely no revenue for them/the promoter. Fuck the Facts is definitely an exception (I'm still boggled by that). Also when The End and Ion Dissonance came out together they did and bar show and an AA one. It definitely sucks nowadays more than even when I was under 19. In the past two years the amount of awesome touring shows has octopled. Sucks to be a kid in that respect. - Wed, 17 Jan 2007 1:32pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | money is the problem, many bands are in it for the money reguardless of what they say, they prove it by turning down all agers to play bars cause there is more money, or by asking more than an all ages promoter can afford to pay. bars sell booze, so they make a shitload off shows, and can pay the bands off the door well pocketing a chunk to take home, so well there may be even more dramma in bar shows and fights and shit, they get paid for it... also cops don't stop bar shows as much, were as they often look for reasons to stop all ages shows. Playing victoria for most bands touring in a standard van costs them about $100, thats less if they have more than one all ages show on the island... DIY bands will play for gas money, where as a band like FTF asked $300, which aint bad, and many bands are even more about the money, trying to make a living off their bands, asking $1500, for example as against me did, which means $15 tix if you sell 100 tix... many of the big acts will ask even more than that, often substancailly more, and you still need to incluide costs such as a P.A., hall rental, and so on... Basically making it imposible for them to play all ages shows, cause the costs are too high, that you would need hundreds of people at $20 a tix to just cover the bands guarantee, never mind other costs, or other bands on the bill. My opinion is iof the band is in it for the money, or the promoter is, then fuck them. - Thu, 18 Jan 2007 2:53pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | On the other hand, no one should have to lose money in playing or putting on a show. Therefore the onus lands directly on the audience to show up and pay the admission without thinking it's overpriced. But yeah, $1500 for a mediocre band seems a little retarded. - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 12:57pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | their new stuff is mediocre, their old stuff was great, still $1500 is too much for them.... and just think I have heard the Wensday Night Heros asked for $2000, and Leftover Crack asked for $3000 for shows. Also LOC kicked the shit out of a kid in halifax a couple years ago for not coming up with the $3000, put him in the hospital. - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 1:12pm | ||
mikey User Info... | what can leftover crack do that any other band of angry teenagers with a few chords can do? fucking nothing, thats what. $3000 my ass. fuck leftover crack. - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 7:10pm | ||
joni User Info... | Also, let's remember how many bands themselves lose money on tours. Touring is becoming increasingly expensive, and money is just one of those unfortunate realities that must be dealt with. If a band is to play all-ages in every city, they'll likely wind up with a lot less cash in the pocket than if they played bar gigs, unless they have a devoted younger following. For better or for worse, that's just the way it is. Getting a show in Victoria is expensive enough as is, so unless a band gets a decent guaranteed/really wants to play the island, it generally won't even bother coming over. Some booking agents openly discourage touring bands from coming to the island because of the money issue. Promoters often lose money, and have to deal with hassles such as underage drinking. It's unfortunate, but it's also reality. That said, some of the best shows I've been to have been all-agers. There are bands out there who genuinely don't give a shit about money, and for that they receive sincere admiration in my books. When totheteeth/tothehilt from Red Deer were looking to play Victoria summer before last, they told me that they didn't care about money, they just really wanted to get a show on the island because they had friends here and wanted to get the opportunity to play for a new audience. So they ended up doing a house show at my place, and they didn't even want money to cover ferry or anything, because more than anything they just enjoyed playing for kids who loved the music. "We're treating this as a vacation," they explained. We fed them and people bought a ton of merch, and the band couldn't have been happier. While they probably ended up flat broke when the tour was all said and done, I still thought it was a really admirable way to handle touring from a band's perspective. - Sat, 20 Jan 2007 8:27am | ||
Gman User Info... | "Getting into bars underage is definitely doable." That's terrible advice unless you want to see your favourite bar get fined for your selfishness. - Sat, 20 Jan 2007 4:42pm | ||
Kyle User Info... | Grow up. - Sat, 20 Jan 2007 10:25pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | But it is, ya just gotta have a pretty face with large breasts and catch the attention of the doorman. That's been happening for years now! (hey, don't deny it :) - Sun, 21 Jan 2007 2:02am | ||
Gman User Info... | Kim is not impressed. - Sun, 21 Jan 2007 3:37am | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | I don't have fav bars... I hate all... these places make money off our scene, I hate that, even more I hate the bullshit of bar scenes, and the exclusiveness of them due to age restrictions.... I hope all bars go out of buisness one day. interesting fact, in one state when the raised the drinking age from 19-21, the ammounmt of drunk driving accidents did not increase or decrease, rather the age range of people in the accidents changed, there was a decrease in people from 20-21, and increase in accidents of people 22-24. What the study found was that it simply prolonged the learning expirience. I say fuck the bullshit drinking age, why do others feel they have the right to impose on you rules they claim are fr your benefit? imagine, kids would start drinking at 14-15 (maybe) but not drive till 16, I bet the accidents would decrease, as would alcholism. just my opinion though. also bar shows suck cause every one just sits arround getting drunk and looking cool, untill a scene band comes on... people seam to go to bar shows more to be "scene" or to pick up some one to fuck (just slightly objectifying them) than to actually see the bands... I decided I won't go to bar shows any more, unless I get infree. leper also decided they won't play bar shows any more. - Sun, 21 Jan 2007 8:24am | ||
Andrew User Info... | my dad used to give me a few beers to teach me how to handle my alcohol... - Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:28am | ||
Johnnnnnnn User Info... | if its a matter of getting people top help organize/promote all agers I can help. drop me a line if you need help tyler. - Sun, 21 Jan 2007 5:43pm | ||
Gman User Info... | Dude, I get your stance, but piss off with the attitude. If you don't like something, don't participate. Your negative view of others and your willingness to trash things you simply aren't into is juvenile. There are lots of reasons to see a band and one of them is that it's a social event. Ultimately, the only reason to have a live show (as opposed to simply listening to a recording) is to get together with other people. To be a crowd. So if you really want to be negative about it, you'd have to boycott all shows as they can only ever make people sublimate their individual nature to the group in order for any event to work. That seems like the natural evolution of your thought. - Sun, 21 Jan 2007 5:46pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | It takes two to fuck, so your objectifying theory just got torpedoed back to absurd land under the sea. - Sun, 21 Jan 2007 8:21pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | "or to pick up some one to fuck (just slightly objectifying them) than to actually see the bands..." Oh, too true! I've never, ever seen that happen at an all ager/basement show, definately only drunk adults in bars make those choices. /sarcasm off I have to tke the Gman's side. - Sun, 21 Jan 2007 8:40pm Edited: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 8:41pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | yeah it ghappens at all agers, but people are less likely to go to an all ages show to pick up a drunk partner to fuck, more often they go to a bar for that, or they go to an all ages show for other reasons, and happen to take the oppertunity as it presents itself... "It takes two to fuck, so your objectifying theory just got torpedoed back to absurd land under the sea" um, did I ever say it was not 2 way? yeah women objectify men too, I never said that didn't happen or that it was not wrong, as well, often one partner goes along cause they want to be liked, and the other only wants to be laid... as far as socail engagements, I am not against that, there is however a difference between being part of a socail enviroment, and being scene... - Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:18pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | If both people are fully consenting to doing it, there is no conceivable way you can have the absurd PC outlook on it. That is a huge stretch taken to jam the politically correct do-gooding down everyone's throats yet again. If two people are "objectifying' each other, I figure the two sides of 'objectifying' cancel each other out. Everyone got what they wanted and no one is hurt...unless one of them is an unbalanced attention-whore who starts making false claims about the other person leading to character assassination. If one person thinks having a one nighter will lead to a relationship everytime, they need to grow up. The experience will do them good. You can't change how people want to view the world. They always learn for themselves through living life. If you are old enough to be in a bar, you are old enough to be responsible for your own actions. - Mon, 22 Jan 2007 3:21pm Edited: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 3:24pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | yup I am PC and proud... objectification is shit, even if one person don't care when the person dose it to some one else, it is wrong. We need to learn to see peopleas people not holes and poles. Look I am sure you got a nice mouth my cak would fit in, but there is also a personallity, if I saw you as just a fuck toy that would be wrong. As well Objectification is wrong any time, whether both are doing it or not. The real problem of course is how it effects people in other situations, women often say they feel like they can not be respected for what they can do, only looked at as tits and ass and holes.this makes it hard for them to achieve shit in their community, and I think thats wrong, so I seek to create a community where they are equals. - Mon, 22 Jan 2007 5:22pm | ||
ching User Info... | I have put on all agers before. We found the same things. To make enough money you can/we did; Buy a bunch of pop & chips at a good price & sell them for a few bucks. A friend of mine Piers Henwood actually managed to arange for school kids to get a career prep credit by promoting music,local bands, shows & selling tickets & merch at the schools on breaks & lunch. I think this took a suit & a plan and a little articulation. We made money but sometimes the kids thrashed the place. - Mon, 22 Jan 2007 5:40pm | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | Noise Guy... you are painting bar shows with a harsh brush. I have the option to go to either an all ager or bar show and I prefer Bar shows. They are more fun and sorry to the kids... but an all ager can be very trying to get through. I don't need the fights or shenanigans. as for Against Me... it is a mute point what you think of the music and more about the brand. They are worth $1,500 if they can sell you $3,000 worth of tickets. Simple Math and you could be doing your indie local rockers a favour by bringing them and exposing more kids to *your* bands and ideas. now, you have said, it is not about money for you. so why bitch? They say $1,500, you say... too much and move on. But don't come on here copmplaining about it. I am not impressed that you are hard core. Why not do both and promote at bars (some are indie owned watering holes and not big bad corporations you know) and earn some bucks and roll your profits into money loosing all agers? Victoria Event Center is all ages AND serves booze. That is another option. - Mon, 22 Jan 2007 6:49pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | No one ever comes to Victoria Event Center though... - Mon, 22 Jan 2007 6:53pm | ||
jeff User Info... | the vic events center is way to much 300 on a week night... what a joke - Mon, 22 Jan 2007 7:41pm | ||
Kyle User Info... | There used to be more, cheaper venues. But the disrespectful AA scene fucked that up with the underage drinking, and drug use. Which is quite ironic, i mean, ahh fuck it. Use your heads. - Mon, 22 Jan 2007 8:05pm | ||
darcy User Info... | It's cheaper some nights, and with the right promotion, it can be packed. Top one that comes to mind was the last time The Kingpins came to town. The place was packed, and the music was awesome. Not sure what the price was. 10? 15? Yeah, it's not THAT cheap, but come on, that's hour or so of work...or...a few packs of Mr. Noodles instead of take-out. OR, even better, just get better at bugging your mom and dad. Sell that copy of Vice City that you've played to death, and go. Also, the most recent Impromaniacs / Cagematch show was PACKED. and the tickets were much cheaper if you bought them before the show. - Mon, 22 Jan 2007 8:06pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | Vic events centre is usually booked way ahead, costs 275 on a tuesday + you must pay for a securrity person, and it is extra if you have a bar, as well their bar system fucks you over, iti is nearly impossible to get anything of the bar there... The venue goes up to $900 on a saturday (still plus other costs) it just aint reasonable, and there is usually shitty turnouts, as well you have now to charge more at the door. I will never have a show in a bar, you know why? cause it is bullshit when a real fan can not see a band cause they are too young. "I don't care about making it so every one can hear my music I just care that the people who want to hear my music can" Ian Mckaey I think the bars are destroying our scene, so fuck that... Shows are about bands, not booze... and even small pubs are sellinmg coors, molson, and so on, those are major corporations... coors is rumored to have seriouse connections to white power groups, and molson often uses forced labor in usa jails to bottle and brew and label products. When I have in the past done all ages licensed shows, I made sure they were in places that had other options (Jamaican Jerk House, Ocean Island). As for against me... fuck them. they were a great band, but having the gull to charge quenell $800 and tell them they were getting a deal, after singing lyrics about wanting a band that will play shows and not care how many are counted at the door... after claiming to be anarchists and bitching about corporations then signing to sony... fuck them they should die... - Tue, 23 Jan 2007 1:55pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | You have your way of seeing it and that is fabulous. Keep fighting the good fight and try not to get hated on too much doing it, sir. - Tue, 23 Jan 2007 3:08pm | ||
Gman User Info... | "uses forced labor" Well then it's really time for you to get out of music and wean yourself off computers. Technology (including musical equipment) is largely made in China by near-slave labour. Guitars made in Mexico are often made in the notorious 'free trade zone'. Drums are primarily made of non-renewable resources, wood, petrol, metal. Amps, whether tubes or otherwise, are full of heavy metals and contaminants. Again, the natural extension of your beliefs would be to remove yourself from these communities completely. - Tue, 23 Jan 2007 3:27pm | ||
XY-POLE User Info... | Say what ? Yeah I only go to bars for the white power , sweatshop beer, holes , poles, pickled eggs and to look cool . What a crock. If it was true ? I sure wouldn’t be going to metal/puck show then , because it’s 3:1 poles too holes! lol ! Fuck man you vilify everyone and everything that doesn't fit into your view of the world . Hey Anarchist , you’re the trendiest poser scene around in my opinion . Most living at home on mom and dads coin and by night their flaming anarchists. If you truly feel like doing something about the lack venues for your scene ( as you call it) then get off your ass, hit the pavement and stop your bitching. The time you’ve wasted bitching and complaining, could have been better spent writing out a plan or going to club/bar/venue owners and talking to them about getting things arranged . Instead you brow beat everyone trying to give you advice or help you here . There really is no money in all ages shows unless you know what your doing and the best you can hope for is to break even . And creation of under ages clubs is out of the question . They always get shut down in the past because of the problems and I’ve seen them come and go . Plus your scene won’t be able to support it anyways , both in the numbers turning out to shows and lack of money in their pockets . So your screwed right there . I’ve been to lots of bar and under age shows and I’ve had a great time at both . Only dif is when there’s a problem at a bar , there’s people in place to handle it . The last few underage shows I’ve been too have been disorganized ..and I’ll say it ..lame . So I’ll stick with going to bars for the white power , sweatshop beer, holes , poles, pickled eggs and last but not least …too look cool . - Tue, 23 Jan 2007 3:35pm Edited: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 3:38pm | ||
jeff User Info... | lance would you not agree it would be rad if minors could go to bars to see there favorite bands, ive missed so many locals shows, but also Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation many times bars suck i agree cause booze is hella expencive there(or so im told) and some many people miss out on the music - Tue, 23 Jan 2007 5:00pm Edited: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 5:00pm | ||
Mace User Info... | "it would be rad if minors could go to bars to see there favorite bands" their, not there. - Tue, 23 Jan 2007 5:37pm | ||
XY-GUY User Info... | Totally man , couldn't agree more with you Jeff . Exactly why he should be talking to places that will be getting those big acts in , and promoting a pre- all ages show before the licensed show. I think this could be possible . I have an idea that I've been thinking of for awhile too include the all age crowd , I truly will get back to you after I talk to a few places . I am in full support of more younger fans getting to see the bigger acts that are going through this town. And most bands should want too also , it really does lay down a fallowing for loyalty in the young listener/player , and that’s the angle that should be exploited. Anyfreakinwho , Jeff you know you can play licensed clubs , cause I’ve seen you play them man ! :) I guess the next thing is hooking you up to play one so you don’t have to miss out ! Hehe! I’ll be honest , you know more about the bands coming to this town more then me in most cases so I understand your frustrations . ;) I WILL get back to you after I talk to a few people . Cheers Lance - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 2:08am Edited: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 2:10am | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | ok, you expect a band after touring for 3 weeks in a cramped van, to want to play 2 shows in one night? and as for you saying I should be out there hitting the pavement asshole, I have about 5 shows booked right now and have put on about 2 a month for the last year, how bout you... If you can't say the same fuck off. I work fucking hard for what I do, it seams sad that people who do fuck all for a cause, always have to look for any contradictions in people doing shit... It is never enough, yet what do you do? I have used these shows to raise awareness, bring in speakers, give vbands places to play, and raise money for groups like food not bombs, or sam (singer of eleutheros who was diagnosed with luekemia). And your a fucking moron if you think some how I would have to logically separate myself from society to change it, think about that assfuck. "Doing Something is always better than doing nothing." - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 10:35am | ||
Mace User Info... | "you know more about the bands coming to this town more then me in most cases" Than,not then. fix0red! - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:13am | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | "ok, you expect a band after touring for 3 weeks in a cramped van, to want to play 2 shows in one night?" Fuck yes they should want to! If they are being compensated for playing both shows, there is is no reason they shouldn't want to. Why wouldn't a band on tour want to play to twice as many people? They came all that way...two birds with one stone. When my old band went on tour we played a couple of those kinds of dates and it seemed way more sensible and efficient. Only a group of prima donna asswipes would have a problem with this idea. Unless they have members who are ill, there is no good reason why that wouldn't work. - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 1:58pm | ||
Gman User Info... | NNB: 1. Your presumptuousness and scorn are misplaced. I have done all of the things you mentioned yet don't feel it necessary to lord my achievements over others. Those who do make me suspicious. If your aim is not simply to feel good about the present and generate hope for the future, but rather so that you can feel superior to others, you've made a mistake. 2. "assfuck" Nice. Homophobia is part of your vision of the future? 3. You judge others for their use of beer companies but are unable to turn your harsh ethical views to your own use of technology. That smacks of hypocrisy. 4. If you cannot play two shows, a record store, and a university radio station, then stay up shooting the shit with your hosts, then get up at 8 am to drive another 10 hours while eating some of the worst food you'll ever experience, you have no place on many bands' tours. 5. Your anger is detrimental mostly to yourself. 6. You've got nothing to teach me I don't already know from other intolerant and self-righteous extremists. 7. Grow up lad. - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 3:58pm | ||
::Saint:: User Info... | It's all well and good to say that bands should not give a crap about money, but that sort of argument must obviously come out of the all-ages crowd who does not yet fully understand the realities of real, adult life. A band has to be able to support itself, unless the members are independantly wealthy, which I'm sure we can all agree is not very often the case. If you want to complain about not being able to see your favourite bands because you aren't allowed in the bar, which the band is playing for financial reasons, or complain about bands who are asking for XX amount of dollars to do a show, try thinking about it from the opposite perspective. You are upset at being denied access to bands due to your age, but what about adult musicians who are being denied the ability to continue playing venues or making music because they have families to support? Hell man, I'm 27 years old and I'd love to jump on a tour and just go play every place where anyone at all can come see, but here's a reality check, I have a wife and a family to provide for, rent to pay, food to put on the table, etc, etc, and a full-time job to help pay for it, and here's the trick about being an adult - those things have to come before the music, not the other way around. So yeah, if playing a bar show or charging $1500 for a show is going to bring in the money that I need to continue playing music, that's what I'm going to do, and that's what I should do, because I don't (and neither do any of the bands that are being demonized here) have the luxury of going broke for the sake of the music scene, or all the penniless teenaged "fans" who want to enjoy my tunes for next to nothing. - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 3:59pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Dude, sounding from of the kind of bands he books, "ill" sounds like an understatement. - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 4:01pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Well, being retarded is no excuse for refusing to play two shows in a day either. You joined a band, now play for the people! Also, heteros assfuck too, Gman. Don't be so exclusionary. - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 6:50pm Edited: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 6:52pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | 1. Your presumptuousness and scorn are misplaced. I have done all of the things you mentioned yet don't feel it necessary to lord my achievements over others. Those who do make me suspicious. If your aim is not simply to feel good about the present and generate hope for the future, but rather so that you can feel superior to others, you've made a mistake. ========================================================= No I don't feel better than any one, rather, I was challenged, so I stepped up. ========================================================= 2. "assfuck" Nice. Homophobia is part of your vision of the future? ========================================================= Hey fuck I am queer... ========================================================= 3. You judge others for their use of beer companies but are unable to turn your harsh ethical views to your own use of technology. That smacks of hypocrisy. ========================================================= Ialready answerd this, Ido every thingI can, you only try and point out hypocrisy cause you don't have any real arguments... Guess what, wereall hypocrits. Even you. ========================================================= 4. If you cannot play two shows, a record store, and a university radio station, then stay up shooting the shit with your hosts, then get up at 8 am to drive another 10 hours while eating some of the worst food you'll ever experience, you have no place on many bands' tours. ========================================================= Sorry reallty check when many bands finish playing they are wiped, they could not do 2 shows a night for 40 days straight. As well you comment about them being compensated for it should not matterif they are not in it for the cash... ========================================================= 5. Your anger is detrimental mostly to yourself. ========================================================= I aint really angry... Don't give yer self so much credit. ========================================================= 6. You've got nothing to teach me I don't already know from other intolerant and self-righteous extremists. ========================================================= Yupyou know everything... you proved that one on point number 2. ========================================================= 7. Grow up lad ========================================================= why...? I am happy the way Iam... infact wish I could get younger, then my back wouldn't hurt so much. Ok maybe not all bands don't or shouldn't give a crap about money, but I only give a crap about the ones that don't... why should I bother with some self richouse fucks that feel they are worth so much that no one else can get paid,when there is 1000 bands that just want the chance to play? Choose who you support, and I choose to support the bands that are not about the money. and Mace,you don't like my choice of bands, thats fine, book your own shows... - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 7:06pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | ... - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 7:40pm | ||
jeff User Info... | AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i wuv that kitty sooooo much - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 7:57pm | ||
Mace User Info... | "and Mace,you don't like my choice of bands, thats fine, book your own shows..." em, shure, okay, but what is your relation to Joey Only? didn't this person pull a 'Danzig' on some promoter kid in NFLD-[loc.?] who came up short on a show payment with him? You guys are buddies... this is correct? - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 8:14pm Edited: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 8:19pm | ||
::Saint:: User Info... | "Ok maybe not all bands don't or shouldn't give a crap about money, but I only give a crap about the ones that don't... why should I bother with some self richouse fucks that feel they are worth so much that no one else can get paid,when there is 1000 bands that just want the chance to play? Choose who you support, and I choose to support the bands that are not about the money." You're still not getting the inherent flaw in your logic here. A band can not "be about the money" while simultaneously still needing to get paid. As sucky as it is, it is basically not possible to live without money, and playing music can be a costly hobby, especially for those of us older than 19 who aren't living off of parents who shelter, clothe, and feed us, and who conveniently have a nice big basement or garage for our bands to practice in. Fact is, there are expenses associated with being involve in the music scene - in my band's case, for example, there is rehearsal space rent to pay along with things like new drum skins and guitar strings. Hell, I play a 5-string bass -- a good set of strings easily runs $45. Not to mention the cost of gas when I live in Sidney and the other members live in downtown Victoria and Fernwood. If we were to be playing as regularly as I'd like, those expenses would get pretty large in a fairly short span of time -- it all adds up, and sooner or later it needs to start paying, at least partially, for itself or else I can't keep doing it. Personally, I don't think that's fair. If there are musicians willing to put in the time writing songs and perfecting their art, then the people who are on the receiving end of that art need to be willing to pony up enough dough to support the artists. It's as simple as that. I don't think that necessarily has to be a huge amount of money, assuming all we're doing is local shows -- we can all still keep our jobs, etc. But say we wanted to go on tour -- that means time away from our jobs (and loved ones, most likely), and YES, that income DOES need to be filled in, and NO that does not make us "all about the money", it makes us responsible people who realize that having a hobby doesn't justify the financial ruin of ourselves or our families. There are a lot of musicians / artists out there who have put their music or art ahead of their actual responsibilities - families have broken up over such things, or become abusive, empty, and loveless. Are THOSE the kinds of people you REALLY want to support? - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:56am | ||
Ammut User Info... | Good point ::saint:: that's what I was about to post, but you worded it much better than I could ever have. NoiseNotBombs: you really shouldn't make sweeping generalizations about a group of people(like those that go to bar shows) I thought that's what you P.C enthuisiets were against. I'm not calling you on being a hypocrite, by the way, it just hurts your side of the arguement. Instead of trashing everyone that goes to bar shows, why don't you just say that they aren't your thing and you would rather stick to promoting/putting on all ages shows to give underage kids a chance to see good bands. Everyone can respect that, and you don't look like a douchebag throwing around wild accusations. You catch more flies with honey you know. - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 1:55pm | ||
Gman User Info... | 1. Challenged on the internet? What, you're the Ultimate Warrior now? Jesus, get a grip. 2. Self hating it would seem. 3. You don't do everything you can. You could stop supporting companies that enslave millions around the world for 'music'. You decide not to. Yes, that makes you a hypocrite. Other things make me a hypocrite. 4. Reading comprehension not your best suit. The question is "FROM TIME TO TIME" not every fucking day. 5. Two-faced on the internet, that's not exactly novel, you know. 6. I don't get your logic here, but I'm sure it's irrelevant. 7. "Grow up" is not a literal comment, FYI. It's directed at your mental and emotional state, not your physical state. ... and ... 8. You talk about what a great guy you are yet present yourself less than splendidly here. 9. You've co-opted the name of a genuinely good organization which provides one of the necessities of life and branded it for music. 10. For a self-declared spokesperson, your communication skills are atrocious. 11. As is your command of English. Do excuse me should it be your second or third language. 12. Some sort of force field prevents you from seeing your own scenesterness when you talk about scenes: "Proudly Promoting Underground Anarchist Music And All Ages Shows! Lets Build A Scene Togeather!" 13. You probably believe the myth of the noble savage. 14. Rather than have an open mind which allows for a broad spectrum of activity from human beings, your calcified brain has simply created a series of cartons into which you can easily place people based on minute specific details. Good times... - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 3:50pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | most of that was crap... but i will reply to a few points... Joey only- Joey recently toured with Cap'N Kops, both are freinds of mine, although we have our differences. Their Nw Found Land show was set up by a kid named Nick, the show was a sunday show, and he had garanteed them each $300, which is a fuck lot, so they repetedly asked if he was sure he could make it and if they should just cancel. He insisted he would make the money no problem. When they got there they found out he had only postered the day before, and the posters sucked big time. Almost no work was put into promoting the show... They played it any ways. Nick came to them at the end with $200 total. Joey made a stupid joke, saying he would beat up nick for the cash, meant as a joke, whent way out of hand... either way. For some reason Dave Bratt of the bratt attack decided to get envolved, even though he wasn't even there... He also had never met Joey. Dave bratt began to post shit all over the net about joey, and yet he denies it... I know I have talked to him personally about it. Freinds of joeys in the rebel spell mentiond it to him, and so he e mailed dave telling him to stop. dave threatened to beat up joey, and only apologized to him after I refused to set up a show for bratt attack due to this shit. As well dave changed and stretched shit a lot, for example claiming joey wanted $600 for himself, when it was actually $300 each for joey and cap'N Kops, who dave did not mention at all in his posts. the whole thing is soposedly over now, dave has apologized to joey only... if you want to know more e mail joey or justin, I would not bother with dave, because he wasn't even there, and he is full of shit every time I talk to him (as well if you know people that know him you will know his rep). If you want their e mails just ask. Next. Noise Not Bombs, I co-opted a name of a organization? I took the name from a band called altenate system, with their permision... as for Food Not Bombs, I never see you there asshole, and I am there every week, have been for the last year and a half, as well as I have cooked with the edmonton collective too. - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 4:08pm | ||
Gman User Info... | Uh huh. Food Not Bombs: 26 years old Alternate System: 2-3(?) years old Cynical to suggest perhaps, but I feel Alternate System may have been aware they were making an association with "Food Not Bombs" by using the phrase "Noise Not Bombs". So I apologize for my error; actually, you parroted a slogan which a band co-opted from Food Not Bombs. Okay, so: Agree or Disagree: * Food Not Bombs is not the only valid humanitarian expression around these parts. * You're blowing your own horn again. I commend you for promoting consciousness along with the other social aspects. With some of the things you say, you also remind me that being 'independent' often just means getting screwed by 'friends' instead of 'strangers'. Like: "some self richouse fucks that feel they are worth so much that no one else can get paid,when there is 1000 bands that just want the chance to play" I understand you think you're saying that there are 1,000 bands who would play just to have fun and that's an admirable thing. You could have simply said that the band presented an unworkable plan and you were unable to accommodate it or arrange any compromises. Instead, you sound exactly like the boss man: "you don't like what I'm giving you, there are 1,000 other people begging to be here!" Red faced and all... You get so hot and bothered, it makes me wonder if you don't FEEL the same as some boss fucker when you say it on the internet. You've heard all the songs about bosses' and politicians' pent up sexual frustrations being behind their psychoses, the release they get from lording it over the peons. Tell me you don't feel this when you talk like that... - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 6:12pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | That kid in Newfieland seems to have intentionally screwed those bands. When you are on the road and counting on a guarantee, it NEEDS to be there for you. If they didn't put him in the hospital, they should have. - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 9:14pm | ||
MURDALIZER User Info... | Did someone say "Noble Savage"??? HAR HAR HAR - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:05pm | ||
x Buddy x User Info... | I am just gonna say what I always say when I hear someone complaining about there scene. Get off your ass and do something to make it better instead of just complaining about it. If you want more all agers then start making it happen. - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 4:42pm | ||
Indole Derivative User Info... | Thats what Tylers trying to do. Hes not really complaining, just saying old people dont put on shows for us much (though probably with good reason). He is trying to start stuff (i.e. shows) and... well yeah, its escalated into a bunch of bickering. Shame on you all! - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 11:02pm | ||
tyler User Info... | this post has done nothing all it has done is turned into an argument,not at all made people think about all agers..fuck people i just want to see nomeansno or d.o.a,i dont drink let me see them...and the idea of an "indie" bar show is kind of a joke, your indoe rock for fathers would shit there pants if they found out you were doing this.I just would like to see anyone ((thats means you as well kidies!!)) putting shows on..i have a job but i dont make that much..and im in my last year of high school so im kind of busy and its hard to put shows on and such..noise not bombs put on sick shows puts on kick ass shows,but they are sort of a turn off due to the messages that are behind the shows, i feel like i cant go due to the fact that i drink coke,and have an ipod and love big coraptions...and yeah..against me! rules but...if you preach it and dont play a bar...dude for fuck sakes the PIXIES played an all ages show...and the pixies are better than anyone in yeah fuck it cut the chords - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 11:33am Edited: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 11:33am | ||
darcy User Info... | DOA are playing a bar show here in March. You could try and get in contact with them, see if you can't cook something up. Nomeansno are going on tour in late April, but they have some Van dates. I Don't think that NNB shows being put on by an anarchist make them a turn off. Hell, I don't hide my politics, and the shows that I've done have usually gone pretty well. Infact, I think it's a good thing to bring a message into your shows. Now, I may not agree with the message, but I support what he's doing and I think it's an awesome thing going on. In March I'm putting on a show to help out the War Resisters Support Campaign ( ) It's going to be a show with a message, and, sure, it may make a few people not want to go. But along with that message, there is one of unity. One of treating everyone with respect. And I think that is something that is very important that shouldn't be passed by. And infact, on one night the same event is going on, but in a bar (for those you like a little booze with their politics), and then the next is the All-agers. Many people are right when they say that age shouldn't be an issue. - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 3:46pm | ||
rip skinny User Info... | dudes. sumone help me get in contact with fucking d.o.a. how sick would that be? id be like alright, lets drink brews with joey shithead. fuck i love d.o.a. oh and you people that are bitching at each other, p.c. or not straight up just bash it out in a circle pit and be bros. you guys have diffrent views and thats not going to change anytime soon so stop preaching to each other and straight up just rock out and help me get d.o.a. to play an all ager so we can all just be sick bros together. like cmon i believe people of all ages should be allowed to see music but i also believe in drinking hella 40's of O.E. lets just see sum sick thrash and punk rock. fucking eh. punk rock is about taking a stand against shit you hate and releasing all yer anger and energy, belt it out wen yer playing and thrash it out also when yer playing or wen yer just listening. its therapeutic and shit. fuck you let's fucking rock. - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 8:35pm | ||
dick User Info... | March 23 D.O.A. with MONEYSHOT and The Sweathogz at lucky bar - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 9:22pm Edited: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 9:22pm | ||
Andrew User Info... | loli fell asleep during DOA at sugar when i was lik 15 or 16. i was SLEEPY!!! and im kindof a little put off about all the politics at NNB shows but i think if i went to more, i would get used to it. It just seems like as tyler says, If you drink coke and smoke taxed cigarettes or whatever, that you aren't welcome. - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 9:51pm Edited: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 9:52pm | ||
tyler User Info... | fuck that show unless i can come to it,oh wait im gonna be europe..umm but is itilleagl for people to be in bars and not drink? like how hard would it be for atomique or anyone to make little wrist bands so we can come to shows...i really dont think doa or nomeansno would play a all ager...first off where would it be and they would probably want hella money which i could deffinately not come up with oh yeah mikes starting a zine its gonna rule - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 10:39pm | ||
Gman User Info... | All ages show in Vancouver. No, it's not Victoria. - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 10:51pm | ||
joni User Info... | "like how hard would it be for atomique or anyone to make little wrist bands so we can come to shows" It's pretty hard when you consider BC's liquor laws! - Thu, 8 Mar 2007 3:38pm | ||
tyler User Info... | no its not - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 6:36pm | ||
seagulls User Info... | its also pretty hard when little underage dirtbags cant control their liquor and come piss drunk or they could get into a show like that then rip their little wristbands off because they want what they cant have we need to tattoo the fuckers - Wed, 2 May 2007 8:21pm | ||
tyler User Info... | or the bar tender could still ask for an id when someone tries to buy booze you nerd - Wed, 9 May 2007 10:12am | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | I remember a AA bar show I went to in Ottawa when I was 18 and they checked your ID at the door and gave you an X on the back of your hand in jiffy if you were underage. Everyone had to show their hands at the bar so it kept the underagers from drinking. I didn't drink at the time so it wasn't a big deal for me but it was a fun show. BC liquor laws are strict as fuck though, and the liabilty placed on bars is HUGE! I can see why bars wouldn't want to touch an AA show. You'd practiacally have to breathilize them on their way in to be sure that they didn't get pissed before coming. The second someone enters your bar they can become your responsiblity. The bar would have to PROVE they didn't serve them inside (If anything happened) which is near impossible. Great points being brought up though. It would be nice if AA shows had free security so the rejects could be ejected quickly and problems kept to a min. - Wed, 9 May 2007 1:46pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | 'tyler no its not' Edumacation is a wonderful thing. Since it's obvious how clueless you are about liquor laws in BC. Minors Minors are allowed in food-primary establishments (restaurants licensed to serve liquor), but may not be served any alcoholic beverages. Minors are generally not allowed in liquor-primary establishments (bars, pubs, nightclubs, etc), unless they are working as entertainers or the establishment's primary function is not to serve liquor (it is a licensed stadium, concert hall, train or airplane, for example). - Fri, 11 May 2007 6:39pm Edited: Fri, 11 May 2007 6:41pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | - Wed, 13 Jun 2007 6:03pm | ||
Bryn User Info... | Minors may be allowed in food primary establishments that serve liquor, but very few of these are willing to host a rock show or set up to accommodate a performance like we've been talking about here. - Wed, 13 Jun 2007 9:00pm | ||
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