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David Johnson out on bail?
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > David Johnson out on bail?
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Any of you who know David Johnson and his whole band of 'The Right to Sleep Crusaders', is out on bail as of Thursday.

My opinion of David, is that of someone who is a nice person, who doesn't use money to pay for things, (well, that's what he told me over a year and a half ago, that at the time he didn't think 'same-sex unions' should be allowed and that he was going on trial, which I attended in a dank and smelly courtroom back in January, 2005.)

I asked two guys who I worked with yesterday, if, they knew who he was, seeing how I mentioned David Johnson's name, as to be watching one of my co-workers, just finishing his work on a cartage bin.... 'Nice job, Blaine, even something that 'David Johnson' himself would be proud to sleep in.'

My co-worker, informs, me 'they' (assuming the police and gov't) are going to kick him out of the Province.

I'm like, 'No fuucken' way, orly?!'

Well, David's out again, I'm surprised, because I was certain he would die in there, or come close to dying... I dunno, but on 'the outer shell'- the entire 'right to sleep fiasco' thing looks like some form of Gov't socilista-cover-up-plant-in-poverty-slums-welfare-recipients {for a front page media sensation}

The question I've kept asking myself, over the last months, (since David's trial start,) and because he says he doesn't use money for anything, or even touches it?

My Question...
Is how do you own a cell phone, and not use money, to pay for it?

~It's fuckin' Hippie-o-cracy, I tells Ya~!!!

The Mother, even acts crazier than him... 'Like a Jesus'..... W.T.F...?....L.O.L....!
Another question about his release is, How does one, wind up being released on bail, when you are already convicted, and sentenced, no-less {unless, it's an appeal, in which this case noting, nothing was stated about an appeal of his case.}[?]

Maybe, this is a 'miracle', and maybe he is the 'Jesus'? - Sat, 12 Aug 2006 10:53am
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Mace writes...

>My Question...
>Is how do you own a cell phone, and not use money, to pay for it?

Obviously someone donated the money for him to have a cel phone. So someone else is paying off his bill. - Sat, 12 Aug 2006 11:12am Edited: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 11:13am
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ahem. 2$ - Sat, 12 Aug 2006 12:43pm
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Yeah I know dave personally. As for the cell phone, he dosn't own one, if he was using one it is likely eith David shebibs or Andrew Ainsleys...
David once ripped up a $5 bill at a soup kitchwen on christmast about 2 years back, some guy was just walking arround handing them out apparently as a gesture of kindness, david ripped it up and whent on a whole spiel about money being the root to evil.
As for the bail, he is appealing, thats why he got out on bail. That and they didn't want him to die, they had a court order stopping the prison from either force feeding him or hooking him up to a drip feed, and he was about 35 days in. Rumor is the warden was calling people saying he wanted David Jhonston out of his jail.
They did try and kick him off the island, he whent back to st. anns instead....
As for tent city, the lawyer is applying for the costs of the constitutional challenge to be covered, and is almost ready to go to trial. I think there is a great chance she will win. - Mon, 14 Aug 2006 1:39am
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Kids, cell-phones are bad O-kay.
Does this appeal process entail follow-up meetings with Forensic Psychiatrists before the next hearing?
You know, it's always nice to hear, when good people like David (Such as myself is; myself included minus the soul) have a great chance with their own personal legal representation, when the Attornies- don't drop the ball.

They [the Lawyers] don't even have to do it themselves, the Crown can do it for them. (If they don't like you)

Which may be in my case.. (My case aside...)

However, way back when, someone was questioning the validity of owning a cell phone when one is homeless, (although, we can rule out that David wasn't a drug dealer or calling up Domino's Pizza regularly for take-out and delivery, to St. Anne's Academy)

We know that....

Owning, a cell phone would prevent that person from avoiding or having to use a quarter at a pay-phone (or touching money) but the question still remains: what does one do with a cell phone, if one is homeless?

(BTW- I am an anti-cell-phone critic.)Albeit, I'm sure I can find something about cell-phones on David's personal web page. (or how to cook with them)

Psst.... In the way that they are speeding up global warming.

David should know...
If David is not only entirely, about, 'the Right to Sleep' then I would imagine it would part of his Ecological Attachment to sleeping in public places, that where he's sleeping soundly, he'd be able to not worry about what FUCKING DAMAGE which is constantly being done to the Atmosphere, the accellerated process onward of the polar ice regions melting, and the earthquakes in China for all is concerned: for David to even be able, to close his eyes to sleep- in the first place. (Is a feat unto it's own- IMO) Is worthy of me criticising him on his behalf, because of the cell-phone antics. ((((It's all part of the man's, master plan!))))

David appears healthy, well, maybe more-so the last I'd seen of him (before 'le strike du mange']. (About a month and half ago...) Not to be mean sounding here, but thinking... David, should be able to hold onto a quarter without it eating through the flesh on his hand at the same diversion from receiving a bacterial envelopement taser or infra-red interference from the pay phone.

If you would do me a favour and ask him...
Ask David, "How much Do YOU like the prisoners' limited usage of the Telus pay-phone card system back at 'the Wilkie?'"

It's pretty fuckin' hard to make bail, when 75% of your contacts own cell phones (and the phone company doesn't allow you to call collect.

Notice to Inmates- Telephone Rules and Regulations

General Conditions and Limitations

1. Inmates are to use only those telephones specifically designed for their use.
2. Inmate access to telephones requires the use of the Telus "Smart Card" issued to each inmate.
3. Inmates are responsible for their card and will be billed for any loss or damages to the card.
4. No inmate shall use or possess a smart card issued to another inmate nor shall they use a telephone activated by another inmate.
5. A willful violation of (4) is an offence pursuant to Section 28(12) CCRR, the burden of proof being on the inmate
6. Any lost or duplicate cards are considered contraband and must be turned in immediately and forward to the Records Supervisor, failing to comply will result in an institutional charge.
7. On Discharge it will be mandatory to return Smart Card or Payment, failure to do so could result in a) delay of release b) trust account held until Business office is open and can process the $5.00 charge c) your money later mailed to you.
8. Phone call other than privileged parties are recorded and maybe listened to.

Smart Card Fund Balances

9. The telephone system will provide for collect calls or calls charged against the inmate's card. Money may be loaded on your card by completing a Financial Personal Request (form located in the living unit). A card with an insufficient balance will not allow access to calls other than collect calls.
10. The Centre is not responsible for debit balance on lost or stolen Smart Card.
11. Card account balances are verbally presented while making a call.
12. The maximum balance that may be load on a card is $100.00 (one hundred)


Ombudsman 250-387-5855 Employment Insurance 604-682-5400
Immigration 888-242-2100 Immigration Open File 888-242-2100
Info Commission 800-267-0441 Revenue Canada 250- 363-3531
Human RIghts Com. 250-387-3710 Aids Vancouver Island 250-384-2366
WCB Claims 888-967-5377 Family Mainten. Enforcemt.250.356.8692
Ten/Land Info. 250-387-1742 Vital Statistics 250-952-2681
Health Info Line 250-952-1742 Medical Ser. Plan 250-386-7171
Prisoner Legal Ser. 888.839.8889 Enquiry BC 250-387-6121

Enrolling in the system

To make a call, the system must know your voice. To do this, you will be asked to enroll in the system the forist you use it.

Insert your card and dial a number (example: 1-250-123-4567). You will not be charged for this call and the call will not be completed.
Press 1 for a collect call
Enter your CS Number *example: 1234567) when asked. Don't enter the # sign, just all 8 numbers.
Wait for further instructions.
When asked, say your full name. Speak clearly in a normal voice.
You will be asked to reat your full name several times so the system can learn your voice.
Once your name has been recorded, you will be asked to confirm your name by saying it one again.
If you are successful, the system will thank you and you should hang up.
If there are problems, hang up and start again. If problems continue contact a staff member in your Unit.


You must wait a couple of minutes before you can make a call to give the system time to update the record of your voice.
You must say your complete name the same way each time. Don't whisper or say only part of your name.
You will not be charged for the call to enroll.

Making Your First Call

1. Insert card with stripe up and on the left hand side; picture down

2. Remove card

3. Dial "1" and "area code" and "number"

4. For collect calls press "1"

5. For debit calls press including free calls "3"

Local calls $.90 cents
Long distance $1.50 plus Telus long distance per minute rates

6. At the tone please state your first and last name

7. You will hear "This call is from a Correctional Instititution & is subject o monitoring and recording"

8. Please wait for your call to be processed. "This may take up to 2 minutes"

9. Your call will either be accepted or not completed. If not completed for any reason, you will hear "Plese hang up and call again".

10. If the call was answered by an Answering Machine, the machine will have recorded; "This is a collect call ,you name> at a BC Correctional Institution, to accet this call press 0...."

11. These call can not be accepted by a machine the call will not be completed, but a message has been left on the answering machine. No cost to debit account

12. All charges do not start until the call is accepted.


Go figure...... $.90 cents for a local phone call?
Forget about David Johnson....(For a sec)

Truely, I'm asking myself who is the real criminal here?

Truely. - Mon, 14 Aug 2006 5:10pm Edited: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 5:12pm
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that was just a plain weird post.
as for the psiciatrist thing, the crown motioned for it, and the judge denied, saying david was not insane, rather a man of virtue, he got cheers for that... I even heard that some one yelled out "the judge is a hero!" and that the judge was blushing. - Tue, 15 Aug 2006 11:29am
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So I'm weird, eh?

(Two question if you can answer...)

Okay, so, 'I'm weird'.... was the judge of the XY or X genetic code factor?

And If you also know...
What courtroom # and what floor was this bail hearing held on?

plsnthx. - Tue, 15 Aug 2006 3:02pm
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David Johnston, Victoria's right-to-sleep protester is out !!
Way to go boy !!! Way to stick it to the man !!!
You can sleep in Victories downtown streets again !! Woo Hoo!!

For fucks sake , homelessness has taken on a new meaning these days.
I have two buddies I’ve known in the last couple of years living out of Vans and tents who go to work , paid their bills , live a TRUE minimalist poor life style , great people. But I wouldn’t want them setting up camp on my front lawn either , and they wouldn’t . They respect me and I respect them .
If their in troubles , I’d have no problem helping . In a second .
But these are people who actually work and pay into the collective and in turn get helped (medical, EI, welfare, etc.) .
The David Johnston’s of this world are “Urban Hippies” , they drape themselves in some cause which accomplices nothing . Like there looking for their big life’s achievement, whilst sitting in the gutter .
What a goal , like Gandhi , Mother Teresa or John Lennon I’m sure . Pfft , riight .
Rip up money in a food kitchen ….. brilliant.
............ever think about giving it to the organization(church) that’s been feeding you and your buds for months ?
Nope, it’s just a resource you expect .
Like, move out somewhere where no one will hassle you , build some shelters , live off the land , grow some weed , play the GOV system , go for it ! No probs ! Like hippies of old !
But grandstanding about it is comical…, indeed ! And no matter how you look at it, you’re going to be taking money out of people who actually contribute ( like a village or a commune ) and even out of the REAL homeless who HAVE to pick up empties to live . Come winter you’ll be gone for warmer houses and places . While the true down on their luck or drug sick local persons, will be in a living hell . Nice .

Alberta must get to cold to set up a squatters camp Mr. David Johnston , maybe you should go home ? OR do you go home .. ? Mom came all this way you should really have a talk with her .. how old are you anyways ?

The police don’t bug real street people, just budding wannabe “Urban Hippies “…LIKE …the likes of you .


OH and by the way if you walk a block in any direction you’ll see help wanted sign , go to welfare they will bend over backwards to set you up and get you on your feet ,
... and MOST employers these days are willing to give you some cash to get you set up . Come got a job digging ditches with me ,we’re hiring !

Opps ..I forgot moneys evil …
Came across this site ( when looking for who yea fak David Johnston is ?

Hmmm ?

Sorry more rants !

Victoria Cops Seize Shopping Carts from Homeless

In the past few weeks, Victoria police have been cracking down on street people who use shopping carts to push their worldly possessions around town. Some, like Roman Witowsky, who works with Victoria's disadvantaged at Our Place street drop-in centre, thinks the crackdown is pretty harsh..."Without their carts, a lot of them would be pretty well lost. A lot of people aren't on welfare. What they make off collecting bottles or rummaging through bins gives them a chance to make some money to buy some smokes or food."

Hmmm ? Last time I looked at our criminal code, taking something that doesn’t belong to you is stealing ? And most of the people I’ve seen pushing around shopping carts downtown are not the homeless people I remember from years back . You know .. like the guy out on the Colwood strip, that’s a poor soul who does need help, who is doing this . And I’d have no problem giving him my cans .
But I’ve seen and been approached by troops of these “Urban hippies” , really don’t care about anyone but themselves , lazy faks .
I do not discard bottles everywhere , I’m a working poor…or maybe middleclass working poor . hehe!
But I worked 8 hours to enjoy my beer and pop and that’s my money sitting there in the back of the truck to buy more .They’ve taken bottles right out of my truck , one time right when I was in the F ing truck ?! Three young people in their twenties laughing and sauntering pushing carts , picking cans out of trucks and garbage cans like it was harvest time at the old ashram. Or more like morally deficient human beings . And when I told them to stop, they cared on their marry always rolling there eyes at the me like I was ..the MAN . The epiphany of the “It’s all good” attitude that is so prevalent these days .

It’s kind of crappy really .
Am I a cow to be harvested for milk or a crop you’ve planted ?
Maybe, I owe you a debt for work or like trade or something ?
It really doesn’t matter , either or … you’re leaching off your own community and the poor guys I used to see getting the cans .
If you’re in your 20’s and you’re doing this … you really need to look inside yourself . Stop doing what you’re doing before it’s to late .
And by “to late” it means DEATH… I will not enabling people to progress on a destructive path it’s WRONG !
For the fact we don’t live in LA or NY , shopping carts are real easy to come by here . So It’s kind of like the fad to be pushing a shopping cart around …
….you live in the projects homies ? A back pack alright … a shopping cart …. ? Call 911 its free .
I’ve seen people who using the shopping carts and not food or clothing might you..holy beejeebers . But alas they make a great transport vehicle for Sheit . And Freaking criminal meth/crack addict for fucks sake . Boo fukin hoo ! no shopping cart .
I’m starting to have more respect for the hippies of the past . Like the ones who lived on Sombreo (sp?) Beach, Gulf islands and the stone house area up in the woods near Shawnigan lake , there was a few places there years ago . Still good ol lazy fuks, but not criminal.
Oh buy the way I lived on the streets here and in Van and sold weed to eat ,dress , party, live and got along quite fine on the streets for 5 years of my youth . Youth panhandling just started around here (early 70’s) and we looked at them back then as losers . People hooked on a life style
I’d tell you about a story of me meeting one recently who I’d known almost 30 years ago on the street as a loser and he was training young people to do the something he’d been doing for almost 30 years , like a trade . Pathetic to say the least .
I’d rather sell weed to live then be a life long bum loser like he was or had been .

But I guess that’s just me …

Working People Work Themselves to Death

Canada has a safety net for its workers, it's the healthcare system. So when you work yourself to near death, or you have an arm ripped off on the jobsite, there is a place that will fix you up. But with all the technology and gadgets and pills, the system still lacks a common sense approach to wellness. It's as though the technology advanced while the mentality behind the practice stayed in the 1950's.

I mean, what… the.. fuck ?

Silly silly working people ,

…. do harsh drugs, quit your job , move onto the streets, and live like a king I say !! :p

And what was wrong with the 50’s ?

Lets see ?
Hmm..?? Hard working, family orientated , responsible, dedicated …. Wow , they were damn evil .

The guys a parasite. - Tue, 15 Aug 2006 8:45pm Edited: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 9:03pm
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the bail is $1000, he only has to pay it if he breaches his probation.
"Rip up money in a food kitchen ….. brilliant.
............ever think about giving it to the organization(church) that’s been feeding you and your buds for months ?"
Ok... first off remebering he feels money can not be used for good, that money is corrupt, the roots of all evil. I don't quite agree, infact I really don't agre, but, I understand and respect this view. I would not expect him to take it and give it away. Just like I would not take booze for free and give it to a freind, I would feel I was promoting the use/abuse of alcohol, which I think is bad. Try the same example for yourself with crystal meth, if some one offered you it for free, and you don't use it, would you take it and give it to a freind of yours that likes meth?
Also for the record, David dosn't usually eat at soup kitchens, some times he goes to have coffee and talk, but seldome eats there. David gets 90% of his food from the bins, and from food that naturally grows in victoria, things most of us don't even realize we can eat.
"BUD !
The police don’t bug real street people, just budding wannabe “Urban Hippies “…LIKE …the likes of you ."
I think you REALLY need to talk to more "REAL Street people"... yeah they do, infact the "urbin hippies" probably get the least harrasment of all, as many of them are not the ones causing the problems. The REAL street people are often the ones addicted to meth, or booze, that have been fucked up since they were kids with mental issues, but the system sees them as capable of working, and they keep making welfare and disabillity harder to get. There is a 2 year wait to beguin with, pluss you have to have an adress to get welfare. Many people that need it just don't quallify, and yeah there are some that do, that don't need it.... As well some one on full welfare gets between $500-$600 a month, and guess what, if you don't know how to survive off little, and have no addictions, that is not reasonable. Many of them are paying $300-$500 in rent... And no a roomate is not always an option, when no one would wanna live with you cause your fucked up.
Also your link got me a page not found...
Next point... Many of the ones with the shopping carts are the ones most fucked up. Most the street kids and lifestylists I know don't pick bottles, so you should quit painting every one with the same brush. Most the street kids sell drugs, often to support their own habbits, and they live like shit. Thats what happens to you though when you gots abusive fammilies and been sexually assaulted, as is often the case... Don't get me wron, that not always the case, just surprisingly often...
Yeah some street people are fuck heads, some urban hippes are too, some on the other hand are not. Whether you like it or not, I probably fit your urban hippie idea, and yet I spend almost all my time setting up shows for bands, vollunteering for FNB, and other such shit. But I live outside, and often dumpster dive. Oh yeah and I too come from Alberta, the winters suck, but it is not that bad if you are prepared, the harsh part is the fuckhead that live there. The type you may call Working Class... They work 12-16 hours a day, get paid a lot, and drnk most of it away, the rest goes to pay for shit they financed, like tvs, cars and sterios... And most of them treat every one else like shit, and go looking for fights. I moved here to get away from that shit.

I may not support many of the things that David Johnston dose, but dave is right that this law is wrong. there is a local shelter capacity of 180 beds I believe, and a local estimated homeless population of 700-800... Obviousely then if it is illeagal to sleep on any PUBLIC ACCESS propperty, and of course illegal to sleep on private propperty, then it basically is illeagal to be homeless, and believe me the cops are harrassing the "Real Homeless" all the time. This is why people often do turn to meth, cause being woken up and harrassed repeatedly fucks you up. - Wed, 16 Aug 2006 12:20am
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Try the same example for yourself with crystal meth, if some one offered you it for free, and you don't use it, would you take it and give it to a freind of yours that likes meth?


I'm sorry your Honor, but I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations at this particular time. *Please hang up and dial your Operator, or simply 'Hang up' and try your call again... THIS IS NOT A RECORDING*
And that's prolly why A LOT OF PEOPLE write gibberish about meth in the first place, FNB seeing how, you sure, have a lot to say- about life in general... OH, and 'METH' to...

But, I guess that's where your quizzical nature, ensnared, you to call me 'weird' once, you 'heard' about the cell-phone possession, of David's.
He should break his Bail Bond, to show his Mother, how much of a Lunatic she comes across in the papers, by the way she seems... (Harmless, yet LUNATICHICAL; okay so I made up a new word.. Hez.)

Really, I don't care that people use this drug, as a matter of a fact, it's tragic, yes, that people have to live out in the cold, or out on the streets, and can't make ends meet... But that is their complete decision in choosing to live life that way. I could do that if I wanted to.

Sure the GOV'T is out of their minds, when it comes to the basic understanding for neccessities that people need on a daily functioning Individual or Family basis, who are currently living in 'certain areas' of this Country. Although, people have to differentiate between health and welfare, and not depend on the both of them, such as the guilt that seems attached and goes along with addiction; the dependency of relying on the system to pull them through. Welfare and Health. (I've been told before, 'You can have your cake, but you can't eat it to)

Fuckin' Hypo's I tells ya.. )

People are sick, yet they like to take advantage of the Health system in a 'chondriacal' type of way.

At the same time... (BTW- FNB- Who called the Judge 'A Hero' anyhow?- That just seems plain 'weird' to me...)
It's too bad the public doesn't get to elect Judges on their own behalf NMB... Appointed by you know who, and sanctified to reign over Honest people, who've may have been unconstitutionally convicted and their careers jeopardized in an illegitamate court case scenario (careful who your friends are- I'm dead serious, David's got the cards he's playin' for him)....
The Judge has a fucking screw loose in its' dense goddamn skull.. (IMO___)

David likes to live outside. Well, great, just don't include me. (It seems there may be a Judge or two who would_ knowing now, that I'm taking this personal, and the way the Victoria Court System is being outrun by certain parasites (aside from David) {who may have been looming in D.J.'s courtroom}

I'm telling ya, a few of your personal friends may have enemies, and by god, if you know, them? (I go to jail, they better have left town by the time I have gotten out)

David's not a bad person at all, 'the parasite comment' made me larf, [LOL] like a hyena,:P however, as mean as it was sounding, you must understand that the working class is out there to build society up and the infrastructure of society and it 'guidelines' there-in, and those who would go to any length, to make it on there own, to help others in society and not have to rely on Welfare, to get ahead.

Not always the case, but it was an excellent case in point made by XY_?
Although, that's from where I'm standing at the moment, and yes, 'It's owed to all us'. Give ME the welfare check!

I don't need the interference. (long story, serious situation)
Seeing how, if you can find your way to a higher pledgling of interest, and not be ruled by the man into finding a place to live a part-time job, all that good shit. Then you can hang out and drink beer with us.. You can find it. You have to look for it.
(Once, my bail order has expired)
And you can find it, by calling up your local Provincial Student Financing Board, and I'm sure they'll be happy to finance you or anyone who wishes to attend and education or career of your choice.

Not, to be confined to an Institution like the Wilkinson, or Eric Martin Centre.

That way most David and your Friends can sleep sounding under the guise that, might not be if I'm convicted.
(Seeing how you didn't answer my question FNB)


I will be definitely talking to my Court Appointed and Legal Assistance paid for- lawyer about this! - Wed, 16 Aug 2006 2:07am
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I have no idea who the fuck he is or why he does what he does . Frankly he’s just another excuse to assemble for the lost causes . Fill your boots ,go away .
But if you're dumpster diving to get your meals everyday and supplementing other meals with food kitchens or panhandling, living on the streets .

You’re homeless because.

1. either a meth/crack/etc addict and need help .

Side note - I'm pleased to announce that one of our friends daughters got into rehab treatment to get off drugs and we're all freakin very happy about it ! +1
It's very hard top get into a program at such a young age, as she is .But we're all pulling for her , so "IT'S ALL GOOD " :)

2.A mentally ill individual off his meds who really is in need of help .


Side note - I really wish the medical and government resource would be increased for this
I have a very good friend (best) who's wife was in need of treatment . They had a hell of a time getting her a room . But fucking A, they did .It's helped her deal with her anxieties . We're very proud of her ! :)

3. You've lost the place that you live or having family problems and are kicked out or left from abuse .


Side note - I've both ran away and got kicked out . I've been on the streets with quite a few young girls who left because of abuses in the home . A lot of them did what they could to survive ,so did I . A lot became drug addicts or dead . I’ve lived it and not by choice .
You see I was on the street when Clifford Olson was scooping kids . And had one friend who disappeared and knew of others I heard of on the streets back then . My mother put a add in the news paper to find me with a reward , I was informed on the streets that they were looking for me . I was getting sick on the streets also and made the choice to head home and pick up the pieces of my shattered life . _________________________________________________

Or you're,

4. A "urban hippy" with no true meaning or direction in life, which can be fun when you're young , like I said I lived on the streets and I have no problem with that .
It's the idea of setting up camp at St Anns, Parliament buildings or in a touristy part of town . Like a nomad …. You would know nothing about what a real person who is a nomad goes through . Don’t think of you’re self as self-sufficient unless you live in some of the poorest countries where each day is a struggle to survive .Then go have a good look in the mirror at yourself and see how good you (we) truly have it .
Don’t sluff off my opinion like I’m this big corporation or some pod of electrons serving the matrix . I work to feed my family , save for my future, and pay my own way and for gratification at the end of the day that I didn’t waste it, fighting demons that were of my own design . I’ve fought back some shit , and I’m working on others .But life’s better now .

Stop blaming everyone else for situations of your own doing .Go work for green peace or do something that you can be proud of that cost little or move your sleeping spot to some where no one cares and come into town to forage thru trash cans . No one would even care .

Like the hippies of old !


Last post . - Wed, 16 Aug 2006 6:46pm
Jeremy Baker
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this guys campaign is completely off center. St. Anne's isn't a park. he does not have a "right" to sleep in my apartment, he does not have the "right" to sleep on someone's property. He has to use "money" to buy a place to stay. Sleeping in the bush on crown land? Yes please, go ahead, that I would support the man on. He has the right to welfare to pay for a place to sleep. Please, we can have a debate whether that welfare is enough money... but wanting handouts, wanting other people to pay for his life style choice doesn't make him a hero, it makes him a leech.

Ripping up a $5 bill while being fed by someone else on their dime? Not too bright. - Wed, 16 Aug 2006 6:54pm
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It's enough to leave a bad taste in your mouth, sequentially as here he is in charitable soup-kitchen. He could have simply turned the money away, and instead of ripping it up could have given it to someone else, or just refused to take it.

(I'm sure it was a bigger opportunity to catch others attention, by doing what he did.)

There's something fishy resides with the torn $5...
So, help this Country-if this $5.00 shredding stunt, was propagated to the adherence of some Provincial Gov't conspiracy in having the $5 bill erased, and with the incentive of the mint printing out with a $5 coin version,
instead? (I think this entire fiasco is a politco-gerry-mandering affair, on a Federal and Provincial
Liberal C.S.I.S.B.A.S.I.S)

Minus a 5 dollar bill...

Should this occur?

Sir Wilfred Laurier, will be spinning in his grave. (Manually, Hehez.)

That, David Johnson, may he be forever known as; a grave robber. And If this happens?(I'm that sure.. It's not going to happen, since the Conservatives won the rights to the CDN. Mint. PM Harper's no hyperbolic skeezer, paper hanger, or croniistic, like the ol' Chin (Mulroney) was.

Leech's like this were reportedly to have fallen off the face of the planet. Seeing they all go into fancy
retirement, in Bermuda... (Man, did, I ever fall off this thread map here..)
the Bermuda Triangle sucked all these rich geezers in,
unfortunately for us, the Triangle spit them back out, even more rich than they were before..

My prediction-
is that you'll be hearing about David Johnson, making his way into the Political Arena as a running candidate for MLA.

If only his friends could channel some of those high priced
cell-phone bills, into a campaign contribution for him to run for office...

Politicians in this city can't afford the publicity for a free campaign ride, he's received by the press. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually beat out an incumbent Liberal or NDP.

Think Green Dude, Green. - Wed, 16 Aug 2006 11:45pm Edited: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 11:47pm
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I live on the streets. for a couple resons.
1) I have depression, some days I am fine, others I just can not convince myself to get out of bed. This makes holding a job down hard... not that I can not get back on my feet when I slip, but rather the knowing you lost every thing that you worked for again, feels so bad, that it is often easier to just not get shit you don't need in the first place.
2) when I had an appartment, all I did was sleep there, I was so buisy with work, and actavism that I had no life, and still only returned home to sleep... What a waste of money that appartment seamed... I am perfectly comfortable sleeping outside, and would rather spend my time doing things I see as important instead of working for some buisness that I am not really part of, and don't really care about. so instead I live outside so I don't have to work 6-8 hours a day, to pay rent, for a place to sleep... Instead I work at shit I think needs to get done, like feeding people through FNB or doing NNB, and setting up shows that are all ages, and cheap. Seams more fullfilling and I feel like I am acomplishing more than when I worked.

side not, I am planning on temporarilly getting a job, just to get money to through into NNB, so I can bring a couple bands for shows, and create a float.

in reply to one earlier statement...

Many times the programs that are used to treat mentally ill people are terrible, the drugs often make them feel worse, and thus I understand why many of them go off their meds, cause they are happier going nuts then living that life. We can not expect every one to fit the slots we have created, and will continue to have these problems as long as we continue to ignore this.

also in davids case, I will quote him.

"we don't need money, cause food grows on trees." - Thu, 17 Aug 2006 4:41pm
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Oh, 'Hoi Polloi,' but always, remember kids, 'that money doesn't.............'

It's called routine, and it's something that only the strong, survive, and the meak,...... well, it's looks like, they'll get to sleep outside.. and dumpster dive...'

It's no wonder people who think they are part of the 'scene,' are the ones, destroying it, like you put on shows, (I've never attended) and that this is supposed to make everything all better, because of your purpose 'to feed people?' I think you're destorying yourself, and others possible potential[s], to make life easier, on themselves. Food or no food, people who buy into your FNB events, are maybe seeing a few bands playing, yeah, great, but in the meantime they don't know they're being lead, by some depressed, manic, 'IT'S GREAT TO SLEEP OUTSIDE WITH (VIRTUALLY) NO PLACE TO GO...'

N' 2 me?

That's just straight up, a 'stale,' lifestyle. [imo] - Thu, 17 Aug 2006 7:30pm
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lead? I aint leading no one, I do my thing, and encourage people to find their own ways to do their own thing... That simple... Maniac? you are kidding right... you think I gonna show up with a butcher axe to a show er some thing??? your strong survive shit is the bull here...
And as well the events I put on, you should come to before you critisize... Theyve all but one been great, and the one was ok till the fuck next door called the cops to tryt and shut it down, seams we had TOO MANY people show up...
As well remember I raise food for FNB, bring awarness to issues, create a stage for bands that may not otherwise get the chance to play...

if you don't like it, lets see you step up and do better... - Fri, 18 Aug 2006 1:36am
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Dude, you said you were, 'depressed,' so, if you're refering to me calling you a 'Maniac,' you miss read the word, the word, is just as it stands in the last post, not 'Maniac', rather... You know what the situation is here, I know exactly what it's like to have the neighbours call the cops on 'us', just the fact that I know part of this certain element exists in your crowd, that you can almost turn around, and call me a 'Maniac,' (with the axe n' shit, Hehez.) showing up to one of your shows, and part of this element is integrated, with some degenerate PC Crusty Nazi fucks, they'll know they had it coming to them.

But like I said before, 'That only applies if I'm convicted,' I've probably thought for second or two about coming to one of these shows, but for the main purpose that I'm not into 'the All-ages Affair,' it's best for me to stay away in the meantime and to expose these fuckers, that did, this shit to not only me, but you, even as well.. Business, is business, even if it on a charitable level with you... My charity for these assholes that did what they did to me, (these Kelowna Crust, fuckers, and another guy from Wellington, ON. lied to police and had me evicted-from my old apartment.)I figure, this guy, is from Ont. is a police informent, (who is a liar also. Integrated into your Crust Movement....I'm totally convinced)

An' that shit ain't cool. [What those assholes did...!!@#*&%(*#@&%#@(!!!~!#$#%&]

Although, NNB, I appreciate the offer of coming out to your events, but the looming controversy overshawdowing 'that certain element'^^^ is going to be keeping me a way for the meantime- But thankx no-less, Dude.) - Fri, 18 Aug 2006 3:25pm Edited: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 3:28pm
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Arrested, twice, over the 'same' incident. The Crown wanted me in the Wilkinson, for at least a one month period for a full mental examination the 2nd time they came for me, the first time, the pigs took me to Eric Martin [P.E.Z.] Institution, where I left after a half-day, and the grossest fuckin' lunch that a hospital could ever serve.

(Where's my number for the Police Complaint Commisioners Office?) - Fri, 18 Aug 2006 4:48pm Edited: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 5:08pm
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wow, fucked up...
also I don't think I ever heard any one refer to some one as nazi and pc at the same time...
as for "my crowd", there is really no crust or peace punk scene here in victoria, thats part of the problem...
The crowd that shows up to my shows ranges in age from about 14-40, with people from the old scene, hardcore scene, punk scene, the few crusties in town, and the metal heads...
I also have to object to the term crust movement... I am an anarchist who listens to peace punk, and crust, and folk, I do dress crusty, cause diy clothing and dreds make sense to me... anti corporate, cheap to make, artistic, practical, not buying cosmetic products... you get tghe idea. But I am not part of a crust movement, there is not crust movement. I identify as a anarchist, and recognize that I fit the part of a crusty punk, but do not identify as crust, or punk, at least not often.
I use to though...

as for david, I was thinking, whether I agree with what he dose or not... whether any of us do, we should not judge it, rather respect it, he is willing to die for it, and I could not do what he dose... I could not put my entire life aside, I could not go over 30 days with out eating....

ps. I do put on more than just crust shows, lots of folk, some metal or grind, and some punk too... - Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:45pm Edited: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:46pm
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It's true.

(speaking from a bad experience, 'it's unfortunate')

It's inevitable, that 'ANARCHY' is a movement, hence!

You guys are all a bunch unorganized crazies.

Although, you deserve, some form of 'CREDIT', to do what it is that you're doing, once again, it's my opininated belief that 'the unfortunate'- such as the ones around you probably wear, some form of labels on 'a corporate manufacturing level'.


Get fuck'd. ;) - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 1:09pm Edited: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 1:15pm
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some anarchists are not anti corporate... I am, and I make my clothing from shit I find, patches I get from bands, or freinds, and so on... My shoes are a brand name, but their from a free bin. Most the time when anarchists wear brands, they usually came from a free bin it seams. - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 5:39pm
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Hey Dude, whatever I can do, to help you..

BTW- How's the treatment coming along for you and a few of your buddies, I knew were really sick.


Anyword?.... Cheers Mate! - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 5:43pm
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What an interesting thread... just had to throw my two cents in. Here goes-

First off, this David Johnson dink is a fucking idiot. I can't even believe this man who contributes NOTHING to society, and denounces the very system he leeches off of on a regular basis has the fucking gall to protest ANYTHING. You don't contribute to society, you don't get a say in how things run. This man's life is worthless; we should treat it as such. It's all fine and dandy to rip up free money at a fucking soup kitchen and claim yourself to be above the evils of the world, but when it comes down to it, this guy is a homeless freak. He and his kind do nothing more than make it unpleasant for hardworking people like me to go downtown, just on the off-chance I might have to smell one of their greasy asses on the street and get begged for the money I work my ass off to earn. David Johnson has the right to nothing. He doesn't pay to maintain the parks he sleeps in, or clean the buildings he pisses on. The fact that he thinks of himself as some crusader or martyr or some dumb shit like that is LAUGHABLE. Let's not forget this man CHOOSES to live on the STREET. The only thing that makes me more angry than worthless shit like him is that our wonderful leftist BC government actually cares enough about this waste of life to step in and stop him from killing himself.

Next on the docket, Noise Not Bombs. You are a fucking idiot. Read that over again and say it out loud so it sinks in you fucking numpty. "We should not judge [him], rather respect [him]?" What kind of stupid shit is THAT?! What has this bum done to EARN anyone's respect? NOTHING. He doesn't want our respect, and he's not getting it. He wants the system to look after his lazy ass. That's it. As for your life style choice, spare us the sob story. We absolutely CAN expect people to fit in the slots we have created. That's how fucking society functions, shit for brains. I don't give a shit if some crazy motherfucker has more fun when he's not on his meds. I don't want to be harassed walking down the street by some schizophrenic asshole looking for some spare change. It's MY MONEY. I WORKED for it. You want to spend your days talking to stop signs and digging in garbage cans, fine. But get the fuck out of my country. The fact that you identify as an anarchist only compunds your already astounding idiocy. You are a leech. You are a leech. YOU ARE A FUCKING LEECH. You want to be a part of society? (Well, we know YOU don't, that was rhetorical). Get a fucking JOB. Then you'll have at least EARNED the right to starting thinking you actually HAVE some. How does it feel to be the lowest common denominator?

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother working, when I think of how my HARD earned dollars go towards feeding societal fuck-ups like the above mentioned. Then I hear about assholes like David Johnson. I would rather bitch about my job than live life off free handouts from useful members of society. Fuck Marx. Fuck Che. Fuck David Johnson. - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 8:22pm Edited: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 8:22pm
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"He wants the system to look after his lazy ass. That's it."
ummm... no.
he wants to be left to take care of himself... He is willing to die for what he believes, are you? Would you startve in jail for 30 days for any thing you believe in? I doubt I could even last that long at all.
"Sometimes I wonder why I even bother working, when I think of how my HARD earned dollars go towards feeding societal fuck-ups like the above mentioned. Then I hear about assholes like David Johnson. I would rather bitch about my job than live life off free handouts from useful members of society."
I wonder too, guess your just greedy... I personally would not work that hard for shit I don't believe in so I can buy stuff... Although, I probably work even harder than you for things i don't get payed for cause I do believe in them... Guess I will go on enjoying my life well you work a job you hate so you can buy shit that will make you happy cause you can not swallow your pride... too bad, sounds like a waste of a life to me.
"Fuck Marx. Fuck Che."
agreed... obviousely you don't know much about me if you are ignorant enought to assume I would believeb that crap, che was a murderer that no body wants to admitt, cause the glorify his life...
Other than that if you feel like shit talking and offering nothing constructive, then you can find me at the green cusine on wensday 4-5:30 pm or I should be at crystal pool on monday swimming after 8:30.
put up or shut up.
you bitch and wine about not liking the way people are doing shit, but you do nothing yourself. Dave may not work, but he dose contribute... In other ways.
I on the other hand salivate in the very idea that my existance seams to piss morons like you off... Fuck your country bullshit, if you wanna live in a right wing asshole, move to texas... You and georgy can go farm rabits, and have a beutifull ever after...

see you wensday... - Tue, 22 Aug 2006 1:07am
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OMFG...? :O Che a murderer? How dare you say this!!


I remember, David, saying he was against gay marriage... (That shit is SO Right-wing-ed! Like, OMG!?)

Damn those Anti-Gay-Marriage-Urban-Hippies, it's a Hippie-O-critic's! Hippie-0-cracy! I tell's ya!!! - Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:28pm
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did I say I agrre with every thing he sais, believe me I don't... I think we need to abolish the verry concept of a god altogeather, he believes in the devine... there is pleanty we don't agree on... - Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:18am
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Interesting..... - Thu, 24 Aug 2006 1:30pm
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But, I think David Johnson's punishment should be having to marry Gay People on the Grounds of the St. Ann's Academy. Then, once he's really good at preforming Gay Marriage Rights to Same-sex Couples, those people will then- pay him in multiples'- of Five Dollar Bills.

Hehez! - Wed, 30 Aug 2006 5:16pm
David Arthur Johnston
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what hate is


all is love. In our naivety we think sometimes that love is fragile and in danger then we 'hate' the thing that opposes it.

No person is responsible for the thoughts they think (AKA being proud is the root delusion- you are not the maker of your action, nor is anyone else. Everything in the 'now' can only move the way its experience dictates... every thought, every speck of dust). It is only people that don't know this base truth that flail in their naivety. The way to peace is through understanding and forgiving. There is no righteous justification for anger or fear (even if your mother is being raped in front of you... warriors interject, they don't rage).

So... if you are proud you are a retarded NAZI mother fucker, destroying the world because you are afraid of the work involved in rather being dead than paying taxes.

The crown brought the band councils and through those cursed the natives with thinking pride brings them together in times of trouble. The crown purposely raped thousands of native children to demoralize the culture. The crown purposely destroyed the buffalo to control the food supply. If you pay taxes you adhere to this mentality. Now that you know you can consider that even if there is no other system to go to (actually, we can trust in anarchy) it would be better that everything die than be condemned to eternal slavery...

in freedom,


- - Sat, 14 Oct 2006 2:37pm
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"Let's not forget this man CHOOSES to live on the STREET. "

What's wrong with that choice? - Sat, 14 Oct 2006 5:02pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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"The way to peace is through understanding and forgiving."
Sorry - I can't buy into that.

/resumes randomly bludgeoning things with a huge rubber mallet. - Sun, 15 Oct 2006 1:31pm Edited: Sun, 15 Oct 2006 2:50pm
Cool Hand Luke Mister BEAUMONT
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In my best grumpy old man voice:
"Back in my day we let the loser hippies starve themselves to death AND THEY LIKED IT!!!! - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:47am
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dose any boby have any thing intelligent to add??? ANYBODY??? I know I don't... - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 2:19pm
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I'm sorry, but David Johnson isn't living his life without money, he's simply living his life with other peoples money. You want to live life without money, find something worth bartering with and make deals for your life essentials. You don't live without money, you just let others pay to donate to you. That hand out of food that the church gave you? Bought with money! Those used blankets that you sleep with? Bought with money! Maybe not your money, but someone elses.

You're like the smoker who claims to quit, but just bums them off other smokers. You didn't quit, you just quit buying and let others do it instead.

You are not an independant man, you leave yourself for others to take care of you. How's about you do some manual labour in exchange for some seeds or tools, grow some food or construct something, use the results to trade and barter for the things you need in life. THEN you will be an independant man instead of a bum.

Just my two cents. - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 4:47pm
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Yeah, nice, I think it would cost the system less if he took the $$$ from welfare instead of tieing up the court house, somehow, the courthouse, and the press like covering his stunts more-so than he probably likes going to them.. David even gets the nice courtrooms, the ones that appear to be for the more expensive and higher profiled cases for 'rich persons'.

Fucking lucky bastard! :o :? :evil: - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 7:23pm
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ummm... dave tries to scavange from dumpsters almost every thing he uses or dose trade...
and he dosn't want welfare money, he wants the right to sleep outside in areas that are not being used at the time, as longa as he causes no one any harm - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 10:09pm
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ummm... uh, er, NNB how do you know this? R U dumpsterdiving in around the Sooke basin lately or sumthin' or what?

I thought the guy was 'red-zoned'....?

Ooooohmg *ssshhhhhh*
You mean he's baack again...? :shock: :eyes roll: - Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:03pm Edited: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:04pm
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