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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > This was kindof interesting |
Andrew User Info... | Well i know i'm going to get called a conspiracy theorist, but i dont care. Someone from work sent me this and i thought it was pretty interesting. What do u people think? - Mon, 5 Jun 2006 11:21pm | ||
Matteus User Info... | its never made sense to me man. scares the fuck out of that the US has the self destruct planet button ready when ever they want. Oh, that and Bush thinks God sent him to do his handy work. A modern day Nero.... - Mon, 5 Jun 2006 11:35pm Edited: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 11:52pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | I think people need to stop smoking so much pot, get a good psychotherapist, and just learn to control their over-active imagination. - Tue, 6 Jun 2006 2:31am | ||
jay brown User Info... | Ya I'm kind of with you on that one. If any of us really gave a shit about the U.S.of A. we would have been up in arms a long time ago. People are so spoon fed that the U.S. will be dropping nukes and we will all still be sitting here arguing back and forth like this. - Tue, 6 Jun 2006 7:22am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | What about bodies? How many people were on the flight , how many killed in the pentagon, was anyone in particular a potential target? - Sat, 10 Jun 2006 1:25pm | ||
Andrew User Info... | I dont smoke pot. What gets me is the size of the holes. And also, wouldnt a 757 full of fuel do a bit more damage than that? Anyways. If some people feel comfortable by being skeptic, ill humor them; How can the most powerfull country in the entire world let planes crash into three of the most important buildings in their country? Blaming it on stupidity is way too fucking easy. You dont think that there are procedures for airliners going off course? Oh, i guess they are just stupid americans too..yea..Seems like a fairly good set up to invade iraq if you ask me. Spark the emotion of your people. Does pearl harbour ring a bell? But i guess i, along with others, am just a subscriber to conspiracy theories. Either way, who cares. It will just be a big argument between the people who deep down feel they cant change a thing so they choose to believe the official culture, and the people who can see what is right in front of their faces. I hope i didn't offend anyone, or sound too self rightous. ~Innocient face~ haha. I love you. - Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:24am Edited: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:30am | ||
Mi*coll* User Info... | OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! These videos are so retarded. Go search for the Popular Mechanics article that so thoroughly debunks all of this bullshit. - Tue, 13 Jun 2006 1:44pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | ANDREW First of all I don't think its fair to say that because you don't suscribe to conspiracy theories you are part of... "the people who deep down feel they cant change a thing so they choose to believe the official culture" That is amoung the dumbest statements I have heard in a long time...and arrogant Secondly, I am assuming that you have an engineering degree of somekind to be able to so adeptly analyze the destruction of a grainy photograph and say that it doesn't look like it many times have you actually analyzed the destruction to a building in which a 747 has plowed into? - Wed, 14 Jun 2006 3:26pm | ||
Andrew User Info... | Why couldnt we just leave it at "i disagree with you"? Well, because arguing is fun. Just for the record, i havn't called anyone names or anything, so lets keep this polite k? When epople call me names i get sad :( I do Though, admit that i was being a big arrogant and defensive of people's replies. that doesnt mean im not going to keep arguing haaha. :D Hopefully we can all do a collective "good game" at the end. -------------------------------------------------- Why else would you believe such bullshit that a 747 full of fucking jet fuel damaged such a small section of the pentagon, had no big huge explosion, and punched neat neat round holes through many of the sections? Did you even see how big the holes were? Wouldnt...there be wings? However, I didn't once say that everyone who doesnt subscribe to conspiracy is like that. Why else would someone believe that the military command center for the most powerful country i nthe world, would not detect a plane coming at them, and blow it up? Better yet, believe that these off course planes didnt raise any alarm to the powers that be??? Are you fucking kidding me? You think the united states would just leave themselves wide open like that? Come on. Are we sheep? Think of the feeling that must have been going through the hearts of every single american person when those planes hit. They were fucking scared. And pissed off? Those planes, that event, made it clear to them (or the majority) that something music be done, those fucking arabs had to be stoppped, because they hate us, and they wont stop till we're all dead. That feeling made it possible to goto war. Made it possible to goto iraq. will make it possible to goto iran. I am sorry but i simply look at the big picture. Why else would some1 not want to see the OBVIOUS truth? Because they dont want to. Now you can write up a big reply, call me a moron,stupid, what ever makes you feel better. I really dont care. :) lets all have a great night, and feel wonderfull about this shithole of an earth we live on, because Everything is exactly how it seems. The west is democracy right? They HAVE to tell us the truth! They can't control the press. Lamb chops anyone? - Wed, 14 Jun 2006 5:49pm Edited: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 6:18pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | Well baaa baaa baaa, baaaa, have you any wool? if I am a sheep because I believe any of the above then what does that make you? A ridiculously enlightened being that scoffs at his lesser class and intellect, sheep like species? What is this a school for sheep? We're all only privy to second-hand facts....believe what you want to, I choose to beiieve that Democracy is still better than most of the alternatives.... anyways, this debate is getting rather tired and can agree to disagree, if only we could all see the SAME big picture.....but thats what makes debate and shit slinging on these hard feelings. - Wed, 14 Jun 2006 8:03pm | ||
Andrew User Info... | damnit, why couldnt you answer on the actual argument not my insults....i guess that is how real debates disintegrate eh..ahh well. next time no sheep shots. no pun intended :) hehe. i want to buy you a beer one day if you drink. my big picture is that there is a controlling power in the world, and we have no say whatsoever in our own destiny on this planet. Ever notice how most of the great "good guys" in history have all been killed? john lennon, martin luther king, kennedy, the list goes on. they speak out against the "status quo", and bam, they die. - Wed, 14 Jun 2006 8:57pm Edited: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 9:04pm | ||
Swingin' Joe User Info... | I hardly think that John Lennon was killed because he spoke out against the status quo.If that was the case then alot of musicians would be lined up, and shot by crazed fans who think they're Holden Caulfield. The other two is a different story, I'll back that up.Now let's all shotgun some beers. - Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:05pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | Cup is either half empty or half full. I'm a positive person. - Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:30pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | Andrew...would love to take you up on the beer offer man, love discussing world politics and shit over a few pints...we might not always agree but hey cool heads prevail...I like debate where you can chuck shit at someone and know that when it comes back flying in your face its nothing personal, just opinion. Shoot me an email if ya want and we can jam or have a few pints whatever...peace love and oatmeal and all'a dat - Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:59am | ||
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