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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Man Are You Ugly |
Glenn User Info... | Alright people lets see those ugly mugs of yours! Try it out Guys and Girls,you will need java! - Wed, 12 Jan 2005 7:31pm | ||
Get a fucking grip User Info... | He doesn't look too ugly to me, he actually looks like quite a kind,shy,gentle person. Remember, this is someone's son/brother/loved one. What's really ugly to me is making fun and tormenting people who are mentally retarded. You must be a pretty big man to poke fun at those who are disadvantaged and can't defend themselves. Get a fucking grip, loser. - Wed, 12 Jan 2005 7:42pm | ||
Dr.DoomXXX User Info... | The term is mentally CHALLENGED you insensitive dink! - Wed, 12 Jan 2005 8:54pm | ||
Nocturna User Info... | I agree, as the parent of a special needs child, I find the this type of thread totally obnoxious. BTW mental retardation is a perfectly appropriate term, it's the way people turn it into an insult that's repugnant. - Wed, 12 Jan 2005 9:14pm | ||
DOOMHAMMER User Info... | I dont find amusement in other peoples unfixable faults. Although I do laugh at peoples fixable faults (as its thier choice and not something they cannot fix), I find this not really amusing or cool in the least. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 1:18am | ||
Destinova User Info... | "Get a fucking grip"? I mean, doesn't everyone agree it's anonymous enough with names like "Destinova" and "Dr. Doom" without having to create a new profile each time you want to flame someone? And what the hell is wrong with you people? No one was making fun of some retard kid. It's a face scrambler. You put a picture of yourself in and transform it into something "funny". As far as the site goes, it's fucking broken. I'll try again later. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 9:37am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Unless Glenn is a skinhead downs syndrome person, the picture he used says more about him than some 'funny' link posted. Use that grey matter in your skull for more than a windbreak dumbass. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:40am | ||
Nocturna User Info... | Destinova, the picture posted above is from, not the link provided for face morphing. I would wager my guess on that being a genuine photo of a person with exceptionalities. This is a forum for exchanging ideas and thoughts, and I'm certainly going to take the opportunity to share mine. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 11:43am | ||
Natalie User Info... | you all need some valium. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 2:44pm | ||
Nocturna User Info... | Gee thanks for your advice Dr. Nat. Bite me. :) - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 6:30pm | ||
Natalie User Info... | your welcome? where exactly shall i bite you? - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 6:35pm | ||
Legion User Info... | Ummmm...I think I'm going to leave this one alone. - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 7:29pm | ||
Destinova User Info... | How am I supposed to know what Glenn looks like Shaggy? Most people are ugly anyway, so I didn't question the picture. Also, after careful inspection I've found the URL of the website in the picture. I thought it was a logo or something on his shirt. You see, I broke my glasses about two years ago and haven't replaced them yet... - Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:16pm | ||
Onemosphere User Info... | This is pointless. End yourselves. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 12:10am | ||
Nocturna User Info... | I can't leave Dr. Nat hanging...I was thinking my boot or the back of my hand for starters Nat. Aw no worries...I guess I'm just getting nostalgic for the flame wars days of "Bill me later". Where is my tag team partner RSBF when I need her? :) I just get a little passionate about educating people, when they victimize those with disabilities. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 8:43am | ||
Natalie User Info... | wellthen perhaps go into social work-i mean really,its a music message board, the level of education regarding disability might be a little low. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 12:21pm | ||
the pine tree savage User Info... | C-mon, hes kinda cute, in that fester sort of way - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 12:27pm | ||
Nocturna User Info... | All the more reason to educate people then. However, I think your insinuation that the people who frequent this message board are uneducated is misplaced. Most of the people here seem quite the opposite. Besides it's never too early or late to learn about respect and equality. p.s. I do work in a social service environment. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 1:55pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Good tude Nat. It's that kind of mindset that allows morons to post shit like that and morons like yourself to attempt to justify it. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 2:27pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Nat- Are you really suggesting that only ignorant people use livevic? - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 3:06pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | I suggest that you try reading something other than rock star biographies to broaden your horizons. What exactly are you going to have a degree in by time you are 27 (as mentioned in another thread) groupie theory? While I may not hold any degrees I'm pretty sure I'd kick yer ass in a "Who's smarter than who" contest. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 3:07pm | ||
Natalie User Info... | actually asshole, major in socialwork minor in journalism. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 5:07pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | What you really need, Natalie, is a crash course in social skills. Smile. Turn your troll dial down. You know, pull the stick out of your ass. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 5:20pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Major is social work? So fucking what? With an attitude like that you'll make a great welly worker... And we all know how empathetic most of those assholes are. Just take a look at how many lawsuits and investigations the ministry of children and families has had over the last 10 years (same ministry that deals with people with spec needs). You'll fit in quite well obviously... - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 9:17pm | ||
Destinova User Info... | As the father of two children with Down's Syndrome, I have to say that I find people who make fun of those with special needs are generally well intended. Telling these people they're ugly or stupid is usually one of the best things you can do for them. The dumb fuckers usually don't even understand what you're saying! That's why I hit them too. Hitting does the mentally challenged wonders! People should hit them more often. Take it from me, a father of two. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 10:22pm | ||
Zea User Info... | ok... what? thats not cool dude.... what the fuck is wrong with you? - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 10:58pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Hey Nat. Go name calling somewhere else. Destinova - I hope you can see what an ass you are. - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 11:14pm | ||
smart like stick User Info... | He cant, he broke his glasses, remember? Hey Destinova, I see that the bill that's normally in your nose has gone straight into that pile of donkey shit you call a brain. Which, after that statemant of yours, seems to be lodged a half meter up your ass... - Fri, 14 Jan 2005 11:48pm | ||
lonemonk User Info... | WOW. It's a sociologists' dream! Get out your notebooks people! - Sat, 15 Jan 2005 12:31am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Pity the stupid fuck. Pity is worse than hate. Karma's a real bitch too. What goes around and all that shit... - Sat, 15 Jan 2005 12:33am | ||
The One After Two User Info... | hey guys, I also don't have a degree or whatever but the best thing to do on internet threads that are bad news... ignore them. They go away. The ignorant people do not and no 'calling them names' on a message board changes that. - Sat, 15 Jan 2005 12:42am | ||
Tragedy User Info... | And if that doesn't work, there's always Rod Stewart... - Sat, 15 Jan 2005 1:49am | ||
Onemosphere User Info... | "I'm pretty sure I'd kick yer ass in a "Who's smarter than who" contest." Yeah, and after that, we can see who can pee farther. - Sat, 15 Jan 2005 10:20am | ||
Glenn User Info... | Holy smokes man 32 replies and only two with any brains new what i was up to "Destinova & Nocturna" As you can see people dont read what i said "Alright people lets see those ugly mugs of yours!" Where oh where in this post am i dissing people with disabilities?Where.Geeze And if you wanted to know what my ugly mug looks like take a look at my profile it's Me!A program in UT2003&2004 All i wanted was people to go to that link i provided and maybe see some posting of pictures. It's face morphing prog silly rabbit.If it dont work you need "Java".And please dont go out and buy a coffee. Here is the link once again Wow Man Wow I think Tony The Tiger pissed in all your Corn Flakes. - Mon, 17 Jan 2005 10:14am | ||
DOOMHAMMER User Info... | You need a sarcasm detector then - Mon, 17 Jan 2005 2:07pm | ||
Nocturna User Info... | Hmmm Glenn it's hard to tell if you're naive or just completely out to lunch. For the record, I really am the parent of a special needs child, and I was agreeing with "fucking grip", not supporting your gratuitous use of that picture to punctuate your thread. I get sick and tired of seeing pictures of people with disabilities used as humorous fodder on message boards. Sites like just perpetuate that noxious type of humour. I always advocate for my child, and see sharing my views on this subject as an extension of that advocation. So... that's your morphed pic in your profile? Charming. - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 9:58am | ||
Get a fucking grip User Info... | Qoute from that dumbfuck Glenn,"where oh where in this post am I dissing people with disabilities?" Hmmmm, could it be the picture you posted with it, fuckstick?. If you cannot see why people would get upset over it, maybe you need to rise above the age level that "Tony the Tiger" was intended for. Out to lunch, for fucking sure... - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 10:29am | ||
Lucius User Info... | You folks are funny. I find reading this thread mildly entertaining. I don't agree with the picture of the boy but some of the stupid responses you got on here are pretty good. Nice trolling folks. Keep it up. Oh and just for the record, i know LOTS of people with degrees at 27. - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 11:48am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Glenn, and those like him, are a prime example of gene pools that need chlorine added to them... - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 4:02pm | ||
RSBF User Info... | NOCTURNA!! was just taking a break from work tonite and hopped up on the board to check things out and i read this thread - i miss you!!! i, too, am disgusted and always will be with people like this. my first thought when seeing the first post was "this is someone's baby"...... you see, i'm pregnant right now, 5 months along, and when you're expecting or have already had a child you think so much differently than other people. you start looking at every single person that walks by as someone who used to be the fetus inside a loving parent. this fetus was then born and is the absolute joy of someone's life ('normal' or 'special' whatever the case may be). Someone like Natalie, after looking at her pic if that is in fact her, seems to just be too young and inexperienced in life to understand. i'm happy to say that shortly after having a scare at the doctor that i could be at risk for a baby with Down Syndrome, my tests came back and everything looks great according to my doctor. i will say this though, if i gave birth to a child with Down Syndrome or another neurological/chromosomal dis-ease that wouldn't make my baby any less beautiful and i sure as hell have no respect for individuals who even go there with 'making fun' of people that are different. lighten up you say? what's to lighten up about? - it's not right and you know it. many blessings to all of god's creations. - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 9:55pm | ||
Nocturna User Info... | Heya RSBF, nice to "hear" from you!! Congrats on your impending motherhood. It's a wild ride, and you're right it really gives you a new perspective. I wish you all the very best in this new chapter of your life. Glad to hear everything is going smoothly, though it's amazing how much strength you can find within yourself to face whatever challenges come your way. Keep in touch, and let us know how things go for you. You know it's not the old livevic, but this place still amuses me from time to time, despite some of the seemingly pea-brained individuals that haunt this place. p.s. Hahahah Glenn we hijacked your thread...put that in your crack-pipe and smoke it! - Tue, 18 Jan 2005 11:33pm | ||
Destinova User Info... | Wow, that was beautiful RSBF. I think I'll go vomit now. - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 8:06am | ||
Kimberleykaos User Info... | I was going to try and stay away from your posts, but you are such a fucking asshole! What's up with that? I know we have been teasin back and forth here {although your competitive edge usually leads you to excess of attitude} but you are really not the person I once thought you were {not that I knew much in the first place, yet thought you were decent} and have sincerely lost what little respect I had for you. I see your making friends in the forum, {paticularily this thread} maybe it's time to move on to another messageboard yet again to something a little more suiting... maybe? - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 9:21am | ||
Destinova User Info... | Wow, that was beautiful Kimberleykaos. I think I'll go vomit now. - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 5:50pm | ||
Dr.DoomXXX User Info... | Destinova I sure hope your not doing all this throwing up to look a certain way. After reading this thread all the way through I now realize that it is only what's on the inside that counts. - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 8:57pm | ||
Nocturna User Info... | Hmmmm Destinova what's up? Trying to get your girlish figure back? - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 9:38pm | ||
Get a fucking grip User Info... | I hear there's a windstorm coming.... better tie him down, he might blow away.... - Wed, 19 Jan 2005 9:45pm | ||
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