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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > making fun of twiceborn |
mike saturday User Info... | i'm going to come right out on this controversy forum and say: making fun of twiceborn has become so standard, so ingrained into the lives of LiveVic users, that it no longer deserves to be placed under the label of controversy. so: to bring the controversy BACK to the forum, i'm going to to start PRAISING twiceborn. all you passe motherfuckers can eat my trendsetting dust. 1) twiceborn probably practice a lot (i need confirmation on this but i'm sure they can reply to back me up). every time i look at pictures of them they're in a jam spot, jammin away. 2) twiceborn record regularly. and the quality is way better than your demo. i dont know where they record but it sounds damn good for a cheap "punk rock" recording. 3) twiceborn put a lot of work into their website. you know your band website sucks. look at the tough as nails website - - on top of being ugly as hell it says UPCOMING SHOWS: feb 14th... jesus, gimme a break. 4) pop sensibilities! hal and i were just commenting on how well twiceborn manage to sound like the pop / nu-metal bands that they're trying to sound like. 5) merch. they already have shirts. people love when bands have their shit together enough that they can actually buy something from them. i hate seeing rad bands and not getting any merch to take home. so there you go, 5 reasons why twiceborn aren't so bad. i still hate the music, but that's just personal opinion. i like deathmetal, i can't blame them for not having the same tastes. what do you guys think? .. - Wed, 26 May 2004 7:49am | ||
-[]- User Info... | The name sucks. - Wed, 26 May 2004 12:02pm | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | I agree that their music is very good quality for kids in high school, what am I saying? its damn good for any band really . . . not to mention that they have incredible gear (at least from that one picture that I've seen on their site). And good god what a fucking web site, who the hell made that and where can I get his/her number?? These kids have already gotten more "publicity" through this damn board that any other band, period. - Wed, 26 May 2004 12:31pm | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Can you guys make fun of The Poppies? We could use the word-of-mouth.... - Wed, 26 May 2004 2:17pm | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Just when life seems to be at its worst, mike saturday unexpectedly praises our band. Thanks for kind words boys. Chris P - Wed, 26 May 2004 4:52pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | their one vocalist has some pretty good screachy/growl vocals... - Wed, 26 May 2004 5:14pm | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | OH and yes we have 3 practices a week, any where from 1.5-2 hours. - Wed, 26 May 2004 6:27pm | ||
Fred the Dragon User Info... | NOT A TWO HOUR REHEARSAL! Oh shit man... you guys totally know what it takes. All that sacrifice... I mean, 1.5-2 hours... that's unbelievable. - Thu, 27 May 2004 3:28am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | After 2 hours of breaking sticks, I get pretty tired, I put in everything I got. I should change my playing technique. The last practice I had I broke my hi-hats, and the one before I broke 3 sticks. Though I used my warranty at L&M and got new hi-hats:) One question, how long does it usually take for L&M to get yer order in? - Thu, 27 May 2004 4:28am | ||
[+} User Info... | what kind of hi hats... you have all zildjian titaniums right? i'm not exactly sure... but generally 2 weeks or more. they have to order from the distributer. - Thu, 27 May 2004 4:57am | ||
D�d[]Sanger User Info... | Twiceborn sucks, but not nearly HALF AS HARD as the poppies!!!! ;) Poppies, you guys all suck so hard that your sucking has like out sucked the suckometer of total suckyness and managed to outsuck the kings of suckomania twiceborn, you sucking suckhard bunch of suckers!!! \m/ - Thu, 27 May 2004 7:22am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Ya titanium zildjians... I've been waiting for like 2 months for my new china to come back... I should just go to van and get everything there, way faster. Man I love these random hate Twiceborn posts, keep it up dod :P - Thu, 27 May 2004 7:33am | ||
Danny Silverfish User Info... | Ahhh fuck these kids and their avrilaslipvein toons ahh fuck...wait a minute I have to listen to you I take it all back! Who gives a shit what I or anyone else thinks of your band as long as you like it, its music for fuck sake, iam stoned... - Thu, 27 May 2004 8:35am | ||
D�d[]Sanger User Info... | I was just doing KnifeGhost a favour you attention whore! - Thu, 27 May 2004 8:57am | ||
mikesaturday User Info... | hey shitheads, this is the forum for saying good things about twiceborn. take your shit talk elsewhere! x - Thu, 27 May 2004 9:14am | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Thanks, Dod, I appreciate it..... - Thu, 27 May 2004 10:07am | ||
The One After Two User Info... | yeah and there are probably like 12 bands named the poppies... GAAAWWWWDDDD - Thu, 27 May 2004 2:48pm | ||
chris User Info... | this is chris one of the guitarist form twiceborn and we practise for times a week for a minimum of 4 hours every practise our last practise was shut down at 2 hours due to hockey game we love music more than anything all we are looking for are people who want to listen and if they dont want to listen thats kool to we just do what we love and respect all others who do the same even if its hating on us good on yah ohh and for the record we all fucking love death metal and all types of music one that is really starting to grow on me is hardcore and shit like lamb of god and children of bodom i grew up listening to slayer pantera metallica i love em all - Thu, 27 May 2004 3:38pm | ||
bobby User Info... | hey mike saturday thanks for the good word. Im bobby the other guitarist from twiceborn... i try n keep my head away from this shit... you'll note my name is on the boards alot... thats cuz chris uses it... ive probably said one or two things thus far... anyways, no disrespect to anyone, my fav bands right now are lamb of god and in flames, and your right free publicity is the way to go... especially when we got as much as we did thanks to all who participated in our madness on these boards it made us bigger than we'd expected, n we do have our shit together, come check us out, june 12th and 19th at the gary oak room peace - Thu, 27 May 2004 4:08pm | ||
eboner User Info... | i havent even seen them as far as i know..but it sounds liek they are hard working... - Sat, 29 May 2004 4:15pm | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | OneAfterTwo, not _one_ of them is as faggy and emo as us..... - Sat, 29 May 2004 7:47pm | ||
ScottL User Info... | holy fuck chris p. If you breakin hi-hats and chinas and going through a pair of sticks in a single practice something is wierd... That shit ain't right. - Sun, 30 May 2004 5:57am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Im too intense Scott... And how the hell did u know I broke my china? - Sun, 30 May 2004 7:28am | ||
-[]- User Info... | THE NAME STILL SUCKS! - Sun, 30 May 2004 9:09am | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Dude, try heavier sticks if you're breaking them all the time..... Tougher, and you don't have to hit as hard with them.... - Sun, 30 May 2004 10:13am | ||
chris User Info... | its all good twiceborn is undergoing huge changes yet again we are taking on new members and lots a few david left the band due to the fact that he cant be dedicated to both us and element 7 so we are in the works of reworking our sound yet again we want to be the heaviest and the lightest most melodic band in victoria with support we will try thank you - Sun, 30 May 2004 1:03pm | ||
Broccoli User Info... | That Boy Bobby Sure is Purty - Sun, 30 May 2004 1:24pm | ||
-[]- User Info... | Yep, he sure is purty. I wonder of he can squeel like a piggy....Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. - Sun, 30 May 2004 1:27pm | ||
Perpetual_Burn User Info... | There's no chance you'll ever be the loudest band in town, or on Earth, that title belongs to the "Kings of metal". - Sun, 30 May 2004 5:09pm | ||
ScottL User Info... | Question: "And how the hell did u know I broke my china?" YERMOMSMOM Answer: "I've been waiting for like 2 months for my new china to come back." YERMOMSMOM Sadly i'm not psychic. Hopefully your lineup will be straightened out by the 19th, it would be tough to work everything through in like, 2 weeks!! Good luck!! - Mon, 31 May 2004 9:02am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Oh ya, forgot about that post... - Mon, 31 May 2004 1:13pm | ||
Patrick B User Info... | I saw you jam once, you do hit the drums waaaaay to hard. - Sat, 5 Jun 2004 11:36am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Ya, that's how I play, fast and furious. It's just in my character to play totally tapped out, and its what you gotta do live, to be as loud as yer fellow musicians. - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 5:44am | ||
Hell 'n User Info... | Ever heard of dynamics? - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 8:12am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Of course! Listen to our song porno... If you can tell I am using a wide variety dynamics... That song for me is the most dynamically ranged. ~ - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 8:18am | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Well, if you're trying to sound like nu-metal, you've certainly succeeded..... - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 9:10am | ||
pretty fucking gay User Info... | Man that website was weak, that porno song stunk and was absolute torture to listen to. Maybe if you spent as much time on your drumming skills as you did stroking your ego and blowing your own horn, you'd actually aquire some skill, son. Dynamics???? Really now..... - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 9:25am | ||
D�d[]Sanger User Info... | In the famous words of Kelso: "BURRRRRRRRNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!" Heres Webster's definition of musical dynamics for future reference ;) *Oh I'm an asshole :D* "Relating to variation of intensity, as in musical sound." Read that then listen to "Porno" .... Quote the griph: "Nuff Said." - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 11:11am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Just out of curiosity, how many of you are in a band, have recorded tracks, and have a website to download your songs from so I can make fun of them? - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 11:20am | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | Hey hey hey, let's stick with the intentions of this thread. Bring on the Twiceborn praise! - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 11:50am | ||
Danny Silverfish User Info... | Hopefully Pariah will have some soon, we are emo so we like being made fun of - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 11:51am | ||
The One After Two User Info... | eMO feeds off it, what else will you have to sing about? I had a band once, and a website and we sucked, but people liked us more that Twiceborn, I wonder why? Maybe we can start a The Parish thread? Lots of ??? - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 12:23pm | ||
[] User Info... | Did you guys change your name yet? Cause the name twiceborn still sucks.....but now more than ever. hey, how about twicebored? - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 12:30pm | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | What was you bands name TOAT? - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 2:32pm | ||
Danny Silverfish User Info... | Hey we have songs about things other than crying you! - Sun, 6 Jun 2004 3:26pm | ||
Bobby User Info... | holy fuck shut the fuck up you bunch of old never was fags you just keep saying the same things we dont care i dont give a shit what you say anymore vicotria is a terrible place for music you dont embrace you hate and for what cause you have nothing better to do just shut the fuck up we dont care to usd your nothing old people bitchin at 17 year olds doing what they love just fuck off with you mallcore bullshit you music licks my ass i dont care how much talent ou think it has cause it doesnt its shitty and got no direction and no future just like most of you ohh what does the truth hurt - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 9:13am | ||
Rubber Box User Info... | WOW!!!! you dont care 4 times and give a shit once in that post. Makes it hard to believe. - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 9:53am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | punctuation for the win dumbass. - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 11:17am | ||
Tshirt User Info... | They have merchandise.haha - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 12:56pm | ||
Broccoli User Info... | That bobby is SOOoooooo dreamy when he uses his run on sentences... - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 1:08pm | ||
Hell 'n User Info... | Just wish they'd change their name. Then I would leave them alone.........well........maybe not. - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 2:12pm | ||
ScottL User Info... | I'm in a band with whom I recorded and with whom I have a website. Check it out Chris P. Its not really your thing but you asked. - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 2:30pm | ||
Danny Silverfish User Info... | Who are you talking about Bobby? - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 5:23pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | YOU Danny, you're the worst of the bunch, most evil of doers. - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 5:48pm | ||
The One After Two User Info... | Yermomsmom, my band doesn't need repeat on this board... then my jig would be up... well probably not, anyway, we sucks and were short-lived (well we also rocked more than every other poser band, but that was in our mind's eye). We sort of did this Trashy thrashy thing but were so damn cute and young that the chicks dug it and the longhairs wouldn't shit kick us. Mainly we just got too drunk and pretended to be too cool for school once a month "downtown" at some scary East End bar. Never posted shit on websites thou...never never do that. The internet was full of wonder and porn back then. - Mon, 7 Jun 2004 6:24pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | Hey, Stay outta my backyard! - Tue, 8 Jun 2004 3:46am | ||
meat User Info... | I've never had the chance to listen to Twiceborn, but in my personal opinion, bashing someone because of taste,style,or talent is pretty lame. not everyone has the same idea of what good music is. People have diffrent levels of ability and taste. Way to go Mike, finding the good in something you might not like.*high five* - Tue, 8 Jun 2004 5:52am | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | here here! - Tue, 8 Jun 2004 6:10am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Thanks for the kind words boys!TOAT, u ever played The Coblat? Now thats a scary, east side bar. Oh and hey Pretty fucking Gay guy, come to one of our next two shows, cuz each one before we start im gonna do a drum solo. - Tue, 8 Jun 2004 7:40am | ||
Hell 'n User Info... | Oh please! Change your name. That's all I ask - Tue, 8 Jun 2004 8:12am | ||
Hell 'n User Info... | Oh yes, I forgot. And learn how to spell. - Tue, 8 Jun 2004 11:24am | ||
Hell 'n User Info... | That's all folks. - Tue, 8 Jun 2004 11:38am | ||
chris User Info... | shut the fuck up god damn it do you not see we are not changing our name fuck you change your lame ass name well your at it change you personality to something not so faggyish you fucking no mind piece of shit fuck you - Tue, 8 Jun 2004 5:40pm | ||
Brandon User Info... | The Cobalt isn't that bad man, it may be gross and disgusting but its a great place to get all fucked up, just dont fall onto the floor of the pisser and you'll be ok. DAMN the post above mine is fucking retarded. - Tue, 8 Jun 2004 11:30pm | ||
Danny Silverfish User Info... | Define faggyish - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 3:06am | ||
lol User Info... | Faggyish: A band named Twiceborn. Say Twiceborn real fast 10 times with a lisp and see what happens. Are you feeling faggyish yet? - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 4:39am | ||
Rubber Box User Info... | Try grabbing your ankles at the same time - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 5:14am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Have you noticed, the posts with our names on it, are the biggest :P:D anyways, check out our show June 12 and 19 both at Gar Oak Room - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 10:08am | ||
Dr.DoomXXX User Info... | No fucking way! Inquisition and Rights of Thy Degrinolade are playing on the 12th. and on the 19th.........well........I was thinking about maybe twidling my thumbs or staring out a window er something. ( ya make up wearing sissy ) - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 3:08pm | ||
SentencedtoBurn User Info... | *rimshot* - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 5:53pm | ||
Bobby User Info... | fuck you you fucking loser if you cant except us cause we wore a get up on halloween then your more opf a fucknig loser than your portraying yourself as fuck get over it you fucking losers fuck - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 6:50pm | ||
D�d[]Sanger User Info... | Yourmomsmom: As I said, you really should change this: "Im the best metal drummer in Victoria. No doubt about it! MY goal is to make it big with my sweet ass metal band TWICEBORN!! My previous bands were Scottish Fish, Hoochy Girls, Vasectomy's Child, and JD & The Captain. My influences are Mudvayne, Korn, Slipknot, Statick X, Deftones, Limp Bizkit, Sevendust, Sytems Of A Down Dream Theater, In Flames, Disturbed, Tool, Rage Against The Machine, A Perfect Circle and Mushroomhead. Did I meantion MUDVAYNE!?!??!!, CUZ THEY FUCKIN ROCK YER ASS UP!!!Sorry guys Im unavailable for anything cuz my new metal band Twiceborn is the best band ever!! PERIOD" It's things like this that cause you all to get flamed all the time... - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 8:34pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | HIGH SCHOOL GRRRRRR!!!! - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 9:38pm | ||
The One After Two User Info... | Oh c'mon Dod, thats just funny. You guys can play the Cobalt. Just don't tell them your age, they won't even ask. - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 3:30am | ||
lol User Info... | Hey Dod[]Sanger, are you Dave London from Nanaimo? Hey Twiceborn, CHANGE YOUR NAME. - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 9:02am | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | Ya I was really cocky when I wrote that, i'll change it. - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 1:13pm | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | I played the Cobalt when I was 14/15 with the Hoochy Girls :P - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 1:17pm | ||
The One After Two User Info... | well there you go, "one step closer to the edge." - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 1:36pm | ||
D�d[]Sanger User Info... | Hell'n: Nope - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 2:03pm | ||
Roar Of Fire User Info... | shouldn't high school kids be learning what run-on sentences are and what a period is used for. no wonder they suck, they spend all there time sucking and not getting better at anything. stay in school kids! - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 4:35pm | ||
Pierce User Info... | Shouldn't Roar Of Fire be learning what capitol's are and what a capitol is used for. No wonder Roar of Fire sucks, Roar of Fire spends all their* time sucking and not getting better at anything. Stay in school Roar of Fire! I couldnt resist:) - Sat, 19 Jun 2004 11:18pm | ||
Rubber Box User Info... | Fuckin grammar nazi's !! Are you actually too stupid to figure out what someone is trying to say if the spelling and puntuation is incorrect? I dont understand why so many people are so concerned with the literacy of others. - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 8:52am | ||
Matt User Info... | You shouldn't talk Pierce. It's spelled capital, not capitol. And if you're asking a question, it should end with a question mark. "Shouldn't Roar Of Fire be learning what capitol's are and what a capitol is used for." Furthermore, you do not need the apostrophe in "capitol's." Rubber Box, I understand what you are saying, and I agree with you for the most part; however, not being literate in your own language makes you look stupid, not the person you are correcting. but hey it's just a messageboard who cares right not me - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 5:47pm | ||
xlobster_kingx User Info... | i think its quite possible this thread has managed to offend every single person. - Mon, 21 Jun 2004 5:54pm | ||
The One After Two User Info... | how can any one man claim to be the king of all lobsters? ... I am deeply offended, shame on you infedel! - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 12:09am | ||
xlobster_kingx User Info... | whoa! offending my lobster kindomness! dont even. i might just have to make a meal out of you - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 6:29am | ||
Dr.DoomXXX User Info... | I hate you, you stupid little child. - Tue, 22 Jun 2004 8:29pm | ||
lol User Info... | the name TWICEBORN sucks. sounds born again. - Wed, 23 Jun 2004 5:50pm | ||
[+} User Info... | "You shouldn't talk Pierce. It's spelled capital, not capitol. And if you're asking a question, it should end with a question mark." If you would really like to get into grammar specifics, perhaps we could talk about Matt's use of punctuation or his sentence fragments. the phrase "It's spelled capital, not capitol" is not a sentence. Beginning sentences with "and, but, or" (see: conjunctions or convuntive adverbs) is also a amateur mistake. so perhaps we could all stop acting like scholars, and start acting like musicians. - Sun, 27 Jun 2004 5:43pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | i agree. - Sun, 27 Jun 2004 8:28pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | Jesus fucking Christ. - Sun, 27 Jun 2004 8:56pm | ||
D�d[]Sanger User Info... | Christ Fucking Jesus! - Tue, 29 Jun 2004 1:22pm | ||
Matt User Info... | Good for you Aidan, you caught some minor mistakes in my post, however, you missed a few more that are in there. Go back and see if you can find will be fun. But, if you want to pick me apart, I'll do the same to you. " also a amateur mistake." Should read: is also aN amatuer mistake. Thanks for coming out, Slick Magriff. - Tue, 29 Jun 2004 6:40pm | ||
Thrifty's User Info... | Matt sure knows his aisles. I guess getting bumped up to Aisle #9 Supervisor has its pay - offs. - Tue, 29 Jun 2004 9:36pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | Christ Fucking Jesus just seems more dirty, I tip my bonnett to you! - Wed, 30 Jun 2004 10:14am | ||
[+} User Info... | Same to you Matt: "(see: conjunctions or convuntive adverbs)" ..even i make errors which you did not state. Typos omitted; your grammar is lacking. I did not go into more detail about your previous post, and the errors contained within, because I was simply illuminating the fact that we all make errors. See? "But, if you want to pick me apart, I'll do the same to you." A sentence beginning with a conjunction is not a happy sentence. In fact, it wasn't a sentence, but a sentence fragment. - Thu, 1 Jul 2004 12:39pm | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | lame! - Fri, 2 Jul 2004 1:00pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | . - Fri, 2 Jul 2004 2:30pm | ||
Matt User Info... | This is about spelling and punctuation, not grammar in general. No one is going to construct essays on a message board, as structure isn't as important as content. You are going off on the subject of grammar; however, keep in mind that one or two sentences doesn't equal a paragraph. You are pointing out my structure errors, and I know they are going to be there, they are not my concern. My beef isn't with structure, it's with the people who mix up your/you're, it's/its, and there/their/they're. Who has time to write perfectly? I know that no one is going to draft a post on a messageboard, yet I don't think it's unreasonable to demand that people spell at a grade five level, I mean, holy shit. Our education system is a fucking joke. I was a peer tutor back in high school and most of the people I helped out couldn't even spell "bored." - Sat, 3 Jul 2004 2:03pm | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | You heard Nik..... Fucking boo.... - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 3:05pm | ||
Curmudgeon Rocker User Info... | Reminds me of the Soy ditty "People Who Always Fuck up on Their Plurals and Possessives Really Bring Me Down". - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 7:38pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | Haha, no kidding. You're BRINGING ME DOWN MAN!!! NOW ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Hey CR, squash!? - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 8:30pm | ||
Curmudgeon Rocker User Info... | Sounds good. Nightimes are good for me. - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 11:01pm | ||
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