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Metalheads are...
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Metalheads are...
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Metalheads are as bad and nerdy as Dungeons and Dragons players.
I met a few the other night at the cambie, tight jeans, long hair, socially inept. DO THEY HAVE JOBS? If so, what kind of job can you have looking like that? Construction? Sounds like the good life. "All i need is the rampant non-sensical gagging overtop of overproduced guitar and drums, and a few cold canadians to live life to the fullest"

Heavy metal music isn't good music. Good music doesn't involve references to unicorns and enchanted fairies.
This includes Led Zeppelin (songs about the shire?)
You longhairs need to find some soul, death metal sounds like a giant headache.
I can't possibly imagine any appreciation for that music whatsoever.
-J - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 5:20am
Rubber Box
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NORM!!!! where have you been buddy? - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 5:53am
Nik Olaz
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You're right. I'm not a metalhead anymore. Thank you for showing me the light. I can't believe that i've been duped into listening to such tripe. Metal is stupid, and no one should ever listen to it. I mean c'mon, why would you pick some grunting yahoo over a REAL singer?! I certainly don't know. Let's boil this down, Good Charlotte vs. Iron Maiden...GC OBVIOUSLY BEATS THEIR PANTS OFF! Think about it, where are Iron Maiden today? Old. GC are the new generation! Why wouldn't you like to hear some new music? Those old metal dudes are boring! And you know that death metal bullshit is so whack it's not even funny. Do they really take themselves seriously with songs like "Fucked With A Knife" or "Gagged, Shagged And Bodybagged"? Thats sick. What would you do if little kids heard that?! It's gross to listen to that music, if you can even call it music. It is a bunch of non-sensical notes against sporadic random drumming. Metal has no real musical merit. When I think of great composers like Brahms or even Mozzart, i bet they would puke if they heard todays "heavy metal". They'd be more into some nice punk rock, and maybe some calming ska. Long hair was maybe ok back in caveman days too, but we live in the year 2004, you have no use for long hair. Or maybe it's because they want to impress their friends with how they look when they "headbang". Thats sooooo stupid. Your head is not supposed to move like that, it jumbles around your brain. Thats what happens to shaken babies, their brain dislodges from the skull. So I guess metalheads are about as smart and as cool as shaken babies. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with metalheads? They are all a bunch of losers who can't get out of their parents basement playing Warhammer and downloading Anime porn. What a fucking joke! - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 6:46am
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apparently i'm not metal enough. lol. - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 8:13am
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of course Iron Maiden are better than Good Charlotte you Idiot. I think hes talking about Shitty death metal, like Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, etc.... The stuff that is total bullshit. Like fuckin Goatsblood? What the fuck is that? - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 9:09am
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We'll, I'm convinced. I think I'll go trade in my guitar for a Surfboard and cut my hair off so I can frost the tips and get a job as a hairdresser. While I'm at it I'll sell my piles of metal CD's and get some Nelly and 50 cent....fucking bonerhead. - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 9:18am
el fuckface-o
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its not the music thats annoying. its the people who go online and spout off about metal like its a religion or something. its just a form of music like all other music. and only homos like music, so i guess we know where this entire board stands.
it sure is nice to be back! - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 9:40am
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Emo Queer. - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 10:51am
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hehe.. Well my long hair and tats hasnt stopped me from earning $30 hr. nerd job for the past 4 years.

Too bad it all gets sunk into my heroin addiction.

And I had to stop wearing tight jeans in 1986 when my penis started to grow into the present day monster that it is.

. - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 10:52am
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$30 Bucks?? Sweet satan hook a brother up!!!!!

I diddn't know CPU techies got that much in this shithole!

What certs do you need?

I'm at $12/hr in a week and I don't think I can last much longer without stabbing someone! - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 11:05am
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metal kicks ass. Some of the hardest to play and most complex forms of modern music is metal. I am very musically open, but I find some of my friends are too simple thinking to appreciate good metal. Thats not to say all metal is good, much of it is horrible, but at the same time the good stuff takes some intelect to appreciate in much the same manner as classical music or jazz music.

As for the longhair/jeans comment, HELLO its 2004?? People that look like everyone like metal, have you even been to a metal show? Especially in this city, there are usually less longhairs than there are short hairs.

And, one thing that appeals to me about metal is that it isnt like EVERYTHING else. None of this spoonfed radio crap for my ears please, I prefer to hunt down rare and good music than accept whatever some bloated wallet record exec. has decided to buy its way onto the charts and radio crap.

Cuz you do realize, thats how the mainstream works. Money. Any huge label can easily buy its way onto the Billboard charts and then know that even if it doenst last there that at least 50 million stupid Americans are going to like it enough to buy the single, and all it takes for your average Canadian to like it is knowing that its big in the US, and we all know most Canadian mainstream music listeners, especially rappers, are the biggest SHEEP in the human herd.

Even the Europeans know better than to ass kiss weak American music trends., - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 11:13am
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" Any huge label can easily buy its way onto the Billboard charts"

Didnt Mutt Lange do that with Shania Twain? He bought every single CD that initially shipped before they even went to distribution so her album skyrocketed to #1 overnight then he just turned around and sold all the cd's back to the 'shepherds'. Thats what I heard anyways.

blah blah blah etc etc etc

who cares anyway. I like it that people dont like metal. - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 11:26am
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Jimmy, what do you suggest we all listen to instead of that horrible noisy untalented metal music? - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 11:40am
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I actually Like ML7 a lot... and iskra too... hey dods I have
short black hair and wear tight black jeans, and I listen to dashboard confessional... can we still be friends. I stole your CDs you weasel - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 12:06pm
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I didn't actually steal them, but they probably sucked anyway
"WAR ENSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 12:13pm
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Jimmy Bob! - >
You're a fucking joke buddy.

Why direct that shit this way?

Oh right, because when you think of metal, and want to try and shoot at it, you gotta aim at me.

Well compliment taken, thanks buddy.

Did that emo queer comment hit a nerve by chance???

And if you did hang around me, Id have one of my friends who dresses like a fucking preppy kick your ass for my amusement, you know, because it's all about how you dress after all...

As for Metal:

Only someone who has never looked into metal further than George Stumpelwemplepuss's sorry excuse for metal videos would know metal posesses a ton of qualities you people ignorantly try bashing it for NOT having!

Saying Metal has no melody for instance, shit, listen to any metal cd put out from sweeden, theres so much melodic metal out there it's fucking hilarious you people can still thing metal is nothing more than grunting and gurgling!

Jesus christ, why is it that when metal and intilligence are being talked about by one of you weaklings you have to referr to the first set of Cannibal Corpse lyrics you can find???? Had you such people chosen to read more than one album, you'd find the lyrics can be far more intilligent than any of the spew you condone these days, hell even some death shocker lyrics are so goddamn indepth you need a fucking dictionary to make sense of them!

Well none of you will speak of that will you? Because you know your mainstream garbage has none.
As nik said above, Im sure Mozart would be listening to something else had he been born 20 years ago...

Theres more sub-genres of metal than anything else consisting of a 5 peice band, take a look and compare it to the shit you pedal and see for yourselves.

It's just noise!:
Just because you can't see the guitar player's hands when he plays, or pick out a drum blast at 8x doesn't mean they aren't banging everything right on note for note and you just cant pick it out.
Whats noise to you is a display of technical brilliance to a metalhead.

And I stop giving a shit right here:

Bottom line, Kiss my shiny metal ass! - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 12:16pm
Masturbating The War God
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Now now children, play nice or I'll have to kill you all. - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 1:16pm
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I never said Metal had no Melody. I just think that grind shit is a headache as well. It sucks plain and simple.
And "weakling"; how primitive Dod.
you're a metal wiener, and now I'm not giving you your CDs back - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 1:39pm
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Oh come now, it was a genral post to all the frequent metal slaggers who saw it that part wasn't in refrence to you, and yes they call us mindless idiots, I call em weak to be all kvlt and shit obviously...

And if you have my cd book, list some cds in there then and make me wish I never thretened to put a liquored friend in a V neck and have him flail at you. - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 3:25pm
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Hey man I have the long hair for a reason, to COMB over my bald spot !

.......................and I have no soul .

Fuck you very much ! - Fri, 19 Mar 2004 4:16pm
Demen Ted
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Nik, for you, I only have one question... Whats wrong with warhammer? - Sat, 20 Mar 2004 3:29am
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What's this "metal" you speak of? - Sat, 20 Mar 2004 10:39am
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its like that stuff your cock ring is made out of .... I mean earing - well in your case those are probably one in the same thing. - Sat, 20 Mar 2004 3:18pm
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My penis is bigger than your penis. - Sat, 20 Mar 2004 4:30pm
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um thats not saying much considering my "penis" is a clit ! - Sat, 20 Mar 2004 5:45pm
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I agree with Jimmy, except your Led Zeppelin dig. Dissing 2 of the best things in the world, Lord of the rings and led zeppelin. I hope you are raped by a gang of little hairy people, and forced to listen to battle of evermore for 19 hours straight. - Sun, 21 Mar 2004 12:21pm
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People, people, people, please there's no need for this. I can hear the hyperventilation from way out here in Saanich. Please don't slag Metal on LiveVic people just take it waaaaay to seriously. That's why Uncle Troutbreath and his friends started a band. By giving you something you can all slag, Skaheads, Metalheads Punks all come together. It's all part of King Bong Inc's community service. Now get back to slagging King Bong before someone gets really hurt! - Mon, 22 Mar 2004 5:29am
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King Bong, What a bunch of pot smoking tree hugging hippy crap!

Go Drop some LSD you bastards!


;) - Mon, 22 Mar 2004 5:52am
Danny Silverfish
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Man why can't we all just like nice music like well um....lets just let the big mouth who started this moronic post pick it out for everyone.Then we can all be as happy as he is. - Mon, 22 Mar 2004 6:08pm
Danny Silverfish
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why does Christal mighty always have to say something about weiners and hoo hoos? ??? A guy hates metal so lets talk about cock rings...? - Mon, 22 Mar 2004 6:15pm
Rubber Box
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What are cock rings made of? and what was the idiots name that started this post? I can see the confusion - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 4:30am
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you are all so predictable.
all pawns in my game.
thank you minions - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 4:34am
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Why oh why must i talk about wieners and hoo hoos...
because unfortunately a shit, rape or fart joke just didn�t fit in this time.... sorry to offend you and your boyfriends small wiener.

Hey jimmy jackal I know your anal retentiveness just wouldn�t allow it - but maybe your secret identity would work better if you could just learn to let go of the proper punctuation and grammatically correct posts from time to time. - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 4:49am
Danny Silverfish
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mission accomplished...all in a days work for useless man, controling the masses with his clever manipulation of simple creatures everywhere - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 4:52am
Rubber Box
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Jimmy reminds me of the character played by Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters. i guess he already knows that, me being a predictable pawn and he being this arcane chess master. - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 5:28am
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WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH D&D!!! - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 7:44am
Demen Ted
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Nothing! Dont listen to them phil! LIES! LIES! ALL LIES!
Dan Conner - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 10:06am
Danny Silverfish
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my boyfriends small weiner.....I dare you to go one day trying out insults or jokes that don't revolve around someones crotch, or hookers....
Iam not offended just not sure why you have such a running theme. - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 11:39am
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well........JIMMY! it sounds to me like your encounter at the cambie got you some what pissed off. could it be because there were some bangers with long flowing hair moving in on some bitch you had your eye on? did your combover ass shed teers into your beer? did you sit there and blame all your little misfortunes on metal heads? it's not our fault if the ladies prefer men with some talent who can actually play music. don't take it out on the vikings if the girls snicker when you pull down your pants and whip out a 2 inch dink. and don't act so suprised if girls don't want to hear the details of your magic tournament victories. you don't know what your talking about and you wouldn't know metal if someone stuck a steel blade up your ass. (what metal heads do you know that listen to zeplin anyway?) in closing; nobody likes you and you're never gonna score. ( ya little bitch.) - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 11:45am
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I'll offer a little peak into Jimmy's mind....

"I want to piss people off on LiveVic..... Hmmmm....."

Then he types "Metal is stupid".....

And everyone gets pissed off..... - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 2:15pm
Masturbating The War God
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And so much fun to watch! - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 5:57pm
created to kill
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tragicly ...little man didnt have the balls to say this AT the cambie,fearing that some skid would ruin his hair do , and where he most likely would have ended up of being beaten to death with his own limbs, OR maybe a d&d nerd would have cast some crazy level 3 magic shit on his ass and turned him into a giant cock..... oh wait thats right , he already IS one!!! can we bash RAP now???????? - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 7:40pm
created to kill
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P.S how many unemployed drug dealing WIGGERS do we have in victoria ??? fuck you ! thanks for commin out jimmy
YOU AINT GOT SHIT!! - Tue, 23 Mar 2004 7:51pm
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danny - after serious thought ive come to realize that my pandering has produced an occupational hazard of a limited sense of humor. I think maybe its time I retire my pimpin stick and do something more productive for a career.

I did used to be a kick ass telemarketer when I was going to school, are there any job openings at your work ? - Wed, 24 Mar 2004 4:15am
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Wholy shit, this thread just got 2x funnier!

Keep it rollin' in boys!

*PS: Eminem looks like a steryotypical prison bitch, doesn't he?*

And MTWG - Tisk Tisk, don't watch, REPRESENT YOE!!!! - Wed, 24 Mar 2004 4:43am
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I also find it funny how Norm/Jimmy/whatever he is this time likes to come on here, slag metal or random metalheads, then as soon as he's out matched, he says were all pawns in his game and he finds it funny how we all over react and all this spew.

Another thing I find funny is that obviously Normjimbob truely does have these views and feels a need to express them over and over, yet can't come up with a single ligitimate come back to anything any of us say other than "You responded as I had planned*hurrrrbullshit*" and cannot even tell us all what makes "his" music better than ours.

I don't even know how meny of us he's tried personally insulting only to be mocked into submission so far...

Or why he hates metalheads for that matter.

None the less, I await his next sad comeback/attempt to look smarter than we all take him for. - Wed, 24 Mar 2004 5:35am
el fuckface-o
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dudswanger you should turn off your computer and go outside to smoke another stupid stick. you would be doing the whole world a favor and it could only help the already tarnished image of people who like metal.
jimmy you like ska. - Wed, 24 Mar 2004 11:18am
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i have no problem with anyone's taste in music, i just feed off of annoying people. - Wed, 24 Mar 2004 11:43am
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Ok annoying people stop feeding the jimmy ! - Wed, 24 Mar 2004 12:08pm
Masturbating The War God
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Haha, watching is more fun, and seriously, whats the point in running in circles with this stupid topic anyway? - Wed, 24 Mar 2004 1:58pm
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(Yawn) It's all been done. - Wed, 24 Mar 2004 3:14pm
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For shits and giggles of course, what the hell else is this section for anyhow? - Wed, 24 Mar 2004 4:44pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Metal is for fags. can we move on - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 4:39am
Rubber Box
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So why doesnt Jimmy like it then? - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 6:00am
Wreaker of Havoc
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He doesnt have to 'like' it to 'take' it.......ya dig - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 6:21am
Danny Silverfish
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hey crystal nice jab at the shitty job I used to have.But youre free to have my current task (un-employed)writing and recording music.It doesn't pay very well so you might not be interested. - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 8:38am
Wreaker of Havoc
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No use Silverfish, you cant win. Just look at the shell of a man her boyfriend is. A walking zombie with just a small will to live and all hope lost of escape to happiness. He was such a cheery young lad......Stay away Danny, stay golden..... - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 8:45am
Danny Silverfish
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Hey how goes with you Wreak, what have you been up to or knee deep in? - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 9:50am
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Danny sorry about the jab but I was more then happy to be cracking jokes about wreakers 3inches, hookers and Jimmy Boys excllent form of grammer skills(which of course he learned through attrition by some scary nun in private school im guessing).

Wreaker say what you will, but I already told you hes not interested in you that way so back off already byatch. - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 9:53am
Wreaker of Havoc
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Youre FIRED......later - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 10:03am
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Sweet - can i get an advance on my severence pay - I really want to throw away all the old mans metal CDS and replace them with some christian rock. - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 10:29am
SOS Jesse
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Fuck, this 'Jimmy' character puts up a post bashing metal and then it turns into this huge fuckin thread! I think he was just bored and this is all kinda what he wanted... it's best to ignore folk like him! - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 11:45am
Danny Silverfish
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Yeah but its cool to see the thread shift gears, some nobody makes a post about metal, then metal heads take over and shoot the shit .......all the while jimmy is hiding in the corner watching as his ingenious plan comes to fruition...... - Thu, 25 Mar 2004 12:15pm
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Jimmy has set up quite the game involving us all - The metalheads - pawns - we run to the frontlines fearless, willing to die to support our master-mind leader - our puppet lord - the one and only - King Jimmy! - May legends of his un-surpassed genius and short black emo hair be told until the end of lore itself!

HAIL RINGMASTER JIMMY! - Fri, 26 Mar 2004 3:52am
Danny Silverfish
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check out the free clips
Porno for metal heads

Me thinks so, please become a trend - Fri, 26 Mar 2004 6:46am
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Porno for metalheads???

I think thats straight up porn there man, heres some Troo Necro porno for ya - Sun, 28 Mar 2004 1:23pm
Danny Silverfish
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dood watch the first trailer, jesus they are playing metal at her - Sun, 28 Mar 2004 2:46pm
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Well I'll be goddamned...

Band playing should be Anal Cunt though, HA! - Mon, 29 Mar 2004 2:22pm
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They've ruined Krisiun for me forever..... - Tue, 30 Mar 2004 1:30pm
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Didn't Brutal truth make a porno? - Tue, 30 Mar 2004 8:33pm
Danny Silverfish
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I thought that it was pretty funny how they tried to sync up the stabbing with the blast bests, all Benny hill style - Wed, 31 Mar 2004 6:35am
Nik Olaz
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that little boy of a lead singer in Houwitser is in porn, he was talking about it in some interview. - Wed, 31 Mar 2004 11:27am
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Brutal Truth are in a porno, I used to work in a smut shop back in the day and a punker friend came in and pointed it out to me, if I remember right I think theyre in a video called "backstage sluts" but I'm not positive, but I do know that ICP is in that as well - Thu, 1 Apr 2004 12:15pm
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And Dope, and Papa Roach, and a bunch of other shitty bands. There's a whole series of Backstage Sluts vids. Don't ask me how I know that... - Thu, 1 Apr 2004 1:28pm
Masturbating The War God
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Speaking of Sluts, did anyone read last weeks Monday Mag? In the personal section there was a guy calling all sluts age 13-100. He is making a documentary on High(and elementary)school sluts. I want to see it when it's finished! - Thu, 1 Apr 2004 6:29pm
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Yeah.. thats it, a "documentary"...

*coughkiddieporncough* - Fri, 2 Apr 2004 11:12am
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