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Message Board > General Chitchat > Victoria Band Association |
Codine Vandal User Info... | Anyone wanna start one. My vision is all the bands come together and form an association where we all support each other by all agreeing to go to at least 3 shows a year supported by the association. that way bands who would never get exposure get a chance at an audience and it would make all ager's way more feasible for those putting them on. I think Victoria really needs something like this to bolster the music scene here,it's quite divided.the same people end up going to the same types of shows. It's not a perfect system but i think it deserves discussion. We did this in halifax and it made a big difference in the turnout's and general strength of the scene.Thoughts? - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 10:42am | ||
T. Depression User Info... | Wouldn't you rather that people came to see you because they genuinely liked your music, and not just because they had to agreed to attend at least 3 shows, or just because they are there to support the scene in general? I'd rather play to 5 strangers that may or may not like my music in hopes that 1 may like it, than play for 100 friends who were just there because they knew me and were out to support the band. Instead of trying to get the people who already attend shows to agree to come out to at least 3 sanctiones shows...why not concentrate on getting more people out to see bands? - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 11:33am | ||
SewnFlesh User Info... | I appreciate the sentiment but this is a terrible idea. The second you try to enforce this agreement you have something that is very odd and should not be associated with underground music of any sort. ps.. i don't want to support any "scene".. I do like to support good bands (and friends bands) and will continue to do so. - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 11:51am | ||
Codine Vandal User Info... | well anything we did would be in good faith it's not like people would condemn you for not showing up but if we had an association that hosted like 6 shows a year,and made them genre specific, bands who are new would get the same exposure as bands who have most of the attention.i'm sure not every band wants to have to piggyback off of certain bands in town(everyone knows the major draws).it's more of a way to introduce new people to the scene.if you are obligated(i hate using that word)you'll probably try and drag along your friends,then you would be exposing them to some new local talent they might not otherwise hear.anyway it's just an idea.let's keep this discussion up. - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 12:16pm | ||
Tyler User Info... | this sounds pretty well thought-out, high chancellor codine vandal of the victoria band association. - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 2:07pm | ||
superslacks User Info... | Victoria's always suffered from the clique mentality. If you want to improve the music scene here and get more people out to shows you need to find a way to fight this. In my opinion, creating a formal association like this is just creating another clique. Other things that divide the scene into cliques . . . Creating band bills that represent only one genre. Unless a band is very very good I'm usually bored by the twenty minute mark (sorry, but I've seen a LOT of music in my time) - why would I want to see three or four bands all playing in the same narrow genre? And you're not exactly challenging your audience or introducing them to new music (that they may hate, but at least they'll get exposure to). Another thing - people (musicians AND gig-goers) knocking other bands. First - most bands playing around town are NOT big time and deserve a chance to grow so cut them some slack. Second - you're influencing people who maybe haven't had a chance to make up their own mind. And third - who the fuck are you? - talk shit about other musicians and they have the right to hate your music - and that's a really negative cycle. I don't have the answer to what everybody seems to think is a problem. All I can state is my own philosophy; that ANYONE who writes original music and has the stones to play it in public deserves respect. If they do it with the intent to entertain (as opposed to some ego trip) I give higher marks. And if they're really good I get to enjoy it . . . for twenty minutes or so . . . Oh yeah, another thing that I find divisive - the whole idea of micro-genres. I'm not really into neo-melodic-nazi-pygmy-death-pop, so fuck off and spend your time writing better music. Cuz seriously, if the goose-stepping pygmy calls in sick your audience will have to decide for THEMSELVES what to think of your band. - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 2:09pm | ||
T. Depression User Info... |'re right on a couple points for sure. I totally agree that anyone writing and playing original music deserves credit simply for doing what they does anyone who's booking shows, doing a fanzine, printing shorts for bands in their basement, and the folks who are buying records from the bands and attending their shows. All these people should be encouraged to keep doing what they love...regardless of what other people say. I also agree with getting bored of most bands after 20 fact...I don't think anyone should play for more than half an hour. If you can't do what you need to do on stage in 20 minutes...we've got a problem. Personally...I have no problem with micro genres. I think they are great. I'd like micro-genres to get so specialized that there is only one band playing in each genre. Then it would be impossible to put on a show with 5 bands playing the exact same kind of music. As for people knocking other bands...well, I think that's essential to a healthy music scene. If a band has any degree of self-awareness, they're not gonna hear anything they're not expecting. It's usually only the bands with dillusions of grandeur, or ones that just take themselves too seriously, that get offended by negative critism. - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 2:27pm | ||
Codine Vandal User Info... | yeah i'm just trying to get a discussion going but i wasn't trying to say only certain people could join and i definitely don't want to be the head of it.if all bands signed on we would have tons of people supporting each other and that's what will get labels interested.they will want to know why all these shows are selling out in vic and come looking for talent.or we could keep having shows where 20 people show up and no one makes any money and creates little least with an association of sorts we could all work together in ways to benefit all of us.but thanks for the input it's good to have all points of view represented.if it were to happen i think that there should be a council in charge not just one person. i also realize i'm not someone who is known for their tact.i call it as i see it.but i think we all need to work together to bring the scene around cuz it's dying here - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 2:31pm Edited: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 2:33pm | ||
superslacks User Info... | Gotta give you credit T - your last post was almost POSITIVE in nature! I almost fell over sideways . . . Maybe we essentially agree on the genre issue - that it's really just music so get over it. I mean, if you're going to make the genre so narrow it's occupied by only one band - it's hard enough to pick a band NAME that hasn't been used before! MOving on . . . how's about this for an idea on how to break up the divisions between 'scenes' in Victoria - get your 'association' to put on shows that have EXTREME diversity - like from ethereal folk to hardcore and everything in between. Do it on a regular basis, and for your first show pack it with as many established bands as you can get. And SHORT SETS - so people don't have a chance to get bored. Just a thought . . . - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 2:53pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | I think healthy criticism is great for helping bands get rid of the excess and streamline to a fine tuned machine. What I hate are blind "They sucked" comments that don't give any insight into why the writer feels that way. These comments are very damaging and irresponsible. Hate all you like, but do it so it helps at least. And yes! We need to bring back the days of mixed genre bills. Those are always the most entertaining. - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 5:06pm | ||
Codine Vandal User Info... | all right we are starting to get somewhere with this,i'n not opposed to diverse nights,i was just thinking we could showcase a certain style so people wouldn't have to end up going to a show to see one band they might like as opposed to seeing several in the same if i were to try and get this off the ground would there be any bands wanting to get involved?i mean the advantage is if you have a guarantee of at least x-amount of people(depending on how many bands)then those people will probably bring people and so on.that way no one ends up playing to an empty house(which happens and it sucks)and we would be giving exposure to everyone.keep the ideas rollin' in . - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 5:38pm Edited: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 5:40pm | ||
Curmudgeon Rocker User Info... | can meetings look like this? - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 9:23pm | ||
Codine Vandal User Info... | um..that's up to you - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 10:22pm | ||
TheBlack Pixie User Info... | I think it should look like something out of Jesus Christ Superstar! ...come on! - Tue, 11 Aug 2009 11:20pm | ||
Codine Vandal User Info... | we need some technicolor dreamcoats. but seriously back to the association.any more idea's on how something like this might work? - Wed, 12 Aug 2009 2:30pm | ||
Aidan Logins User Info... | How about just old fashioned being a good band, putting on an entertaining show, and some good promotion to let people know what's happening... If no one is coming to your shows it's not because "the scene" is bad, but because no one wants to see your band play. It sounds like this idea comes from having some bad show experiences (everyone's had them) and blaming the "scene" instead of figuring out what you did wrong in the many aspects of putting on a show. - Wed, 12 Aug 2009 3:23pm | ||
Aidan Logins User Info... | That last post was about the whole idea of making bands listen to each other play. But as for an association of bands that get together and help each other out (there's a lot that we all need help with!) that's a great idea. Check out what the Cornerstone Collective is doing: - Wed, 12 Aug 2009 3:26pm | ||
Codine Vandal User Info... | good stuff - Wed, 12 Aug 2009 10:20pm | ||
superslacks User Info... | Aidan - "no one wants to see your band play" - is a typical negative Victoria clique attitude. When I gripe on the music scene it's not because of poor attendance at MY shows so much as when I go see a GREAT band and I'm only one of fifty. Generally speaking people here need permission to like a band, so unless they've heard of a band from the 'right' people they probably won't take a chance on something new. Healthy music scenes I've observed are very inclusive; when musicians across all genres outwardly show respect and appreciation for each others music, it gives the gig-goers permission to give something new a fair shake. It also allows developing musicians an opportunity to evolve as you're not stuck in a niche from the start. Bottom line is I probably DON'T really want to see your band play. But I'm not going around saying that and spreading negativity. - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 10:13am | ||
TheBlack Pixie User Info... | If the whole idea is to get other bands to listen to eachother, then isn't that what My Space is for? - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 11:18am | ||
steve User Info... | BP.. yeah.. screw going to shows to hear live music.. lets all just stick to myspace.. and those bands that dont have myspace.. or anything recorded.. or or or.. can suffer.. are you a promoter? - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 12:55pm | ||
Aidan Logins User Info... | I didn't say "no one wants to see your band play" like that. In context, it was IF no one goes to your show, it's because they don't want to see your band play... Which is totally different. I wasn't putting down anyone's band or promoting any sort of clique mentality. I just meant that if people aren't at your show it's probably because they either haven't heard it's happening or they have heard about it but aren't interested enough to go for whatever reason. It's our job to get people interested in our music and our events. We can't rely on having a "scene" that will get people to our shows no matter what we do. Part of that is good music, part of that is clever marketing and promotion, and yes- a big part of it is getting the "right" people to talk about your band and your shows... I don't call that cliques, I call that building a fan base. That wasn't a fair quote. That would be like me quoting you: "I gripe on the music scene" Totally out of context. - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 1:00pm | ||
Codine Vandal User Info... | but wouldn't you agree that if all the bands decided to join a group promoting several shows a year we would be able to get more people going to said shows as we would all have an interest in it. say we did six shows a year or something.well if all the bands pitched in together when it came time to promoting then maybe you don't play the first show we do but down the road you do.all the help you gave for the the first show would be passed forward.that sort of a cross promotion sort of idea.helping to promote other members shows and stuff - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 1:08pm Edited: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 1:09pm | ||
T. Depression User Info... | Why do we need an association in the first place? Why doesn't everyone just start going to more shows and supporting more bands. I only see members of alot of local bands at shows that they are playing...or shows that their friends bands are playing....or at the "biggest" shows of the year. Most people aren't out there checking out a new bands first show. Instead of making some organization...why don't local band members agree to support local music more. Playing in a band doesn't mean shit. It's what you're doing when you're not on stage that counts... - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 1:46pm | ||
superslacks User Info... | But I DO "gripe on the music scene"! - totally fair quote. I've played in tons of cities where the scene is strong enough for people to go to shows just for the hell of it, or because its Thursday, or it's their regular venue, or whatever. SO to say "We can't rely on having a "scene" that will get people to our shows" - is such a Victoria attitude. And it's true . . . for Victoria. I agree MySpace/Bandspace is a great way to preview bands - and if you haven't got your shit together enough to post something interesting you're probably not worth checking out live. EVERYONE has a MySpace presence. Codine - I get where you're coming from, but I think people need to decide for themselves and not be obligated. My suggestion is - go to as many local shows as you can stand/afford. Bring friends. Help grow the local gig-attending population. - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 1:54pm | ||
steve User Info... | no one's putting a gun to your head saying that you have to be a part of anything... sounds like a co-op.. or guild or something like that.. if you want to be a part of it and reap the rewards great.. if you want to go it alone and reap the rewards more power to you. I think its a neat idea and something that would be quite easy to organize and create given the wonderful world of the internet, etc.. and yeah sure.. most bands have a 'presence' on myspace.. but i've previewed a number of bands who I was planning on seeing and after exploring their myspace page I was disapointed that I was going.. only to be blown away with how much better they are live once I finally made it to the show.. and vice versa...\ example: amazing live show.. confetti cannons...!!! - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 2:31pm Edited: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 2:31pm | ||
k8 User Info... | haha bubba tres was amazing!! i think it would suck being obligated to go to shows and having people watching my band play largely cause they agreed to go to a certain number of shows, not cause they wanted to see us play. it's definitely important to think outside the box though (props) in how to get more people out to shows. i think we need more bands, and people need to bring their non-showgoing friends to shows. more bands bring more friends who get into the other bands and hopefully check out more shows in the future. also more alternative venues (not necessarily in our hands) to bring out people from different crowds and neighbourhoods. just look at the response the guerrilla arts shows are getting. anyways, the garry oak, big fernwood, etc cross-genre shows of 5 years ago were rad. it would be cool to see one happen again and i would like to hold one in the coming months, just wondering how to blend it without different crowds standing outside while the other bands play. one is happening tonight at logans and while it's probably not necessarily going to be representative of how an all-ager would go, it will be interesting to see how it goes down. - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 5:58pm | ||
Aidan Logins User Info... | Yeah it's a great idea to get bands together to put on shows and help each other with promotion and all that. I don't know if it's necessary to have an "association" for that. But go for it. Making people agree to attend shows is lame though. - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 6:43pm | ||
Codine Vandal User Info... | alright well apparently the having to go to shows thing is off the table but the idea of bands promoting each other is a good one i think and something that should be considered.the only reason i suggested an association was so we don't get the clique attitude going on.anyone should be able to join,so that way if you don't like a certain band you still promote them cuz they will promote you too.obviously it would be easier to just promote bands you like but that also doesn't grow the scene any.and i'm not sayin lie and say every band is the greatest but putting the word out goes a long a music community run production company. - Thu, 13 Aug 2009 9:04pm Edited: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 9:06pm | ||
Sati User Info... | I love that you care enough to do this. Hope no one minds my 2cents in here, and I'm sorry to sound like a broken record, but what we did back in the day with Waste worked. We had a couple parties & invited everyone in every genre out so they could meet. Friends knew what kind of atmosphere we wanted to create, they were stoked, and others were curious, so most made an effort. Then we got posters made for every show (later we even had painting parties so each were unique) and had bands come down to pick them up for postering. In the spirit of commaraderie we asked them to pick up 10% of other show posters too, so that we could hit all areas pretty evenly. Most took more. You could even do it on a small scale, if bands playing the same room in a weekend work together on getting word out on each others shows, via handbills, online, whatever. And don't you all show up to various shows the nights before to handbill? Lots of that in van. Shit, I always take a few extra and give them to people I know will be into it at other shows I'm going to, or elsewhere. And I know lots of fans w/eclectic tastes, who're into a lot of musicians who whore themselves around in diff kinds of bands, so there are more people interested than you think. Now you can find out who else musicians play/played with in LiveVic's band directories, damnit! Ever hear the expression "they grew on me"? In the meantime its not a bad thing to come out to hang with people you've got something in common with (music?) and just be there for everyone. I've met some of you who've been kind enough to introduce yourselves, and I'd def hang out with you even if your bands sucked. :) - Fri, 14 Aug 2009 11:29am Edited: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 11:31am | ||
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