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Pussy Times Three
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Fucking cowards!

I hate seeing this shit...but at least they didn't get him too bad. - Tue, 7 Jul 2009 4:10pm Edited: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 4:14pm
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Not at all shocking having lived in Vic in the late 80's-present. Skinheads are cowards. Guess these shitheads are part of the new WAR chapter that was posted about here a couple years back. Should be interesting how the pigs deal with it. Hate crimes carry a lot tougher sentences than a simple assault will. - Tue, 7 Jul 2009 4:17pm Edited: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 4:18pm
Sike Melman
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not surprised.. small town Van Isle has always been this way.. not just against other races either. The football jocks in Duncan used to do this to everyone they didnt like back in the day, funny most of them are drug addicted alchies now. - Tue, 7 Jul 2009 5:31pm
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Fucking sucks when shit like this happens. Sucks just as bad when "hate crime" talk enters the court room. Another kind of fascism all together. - Tue, 7 Jul 2009 11:36pm
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'Another kind of fascism all together.'

That was either comedic or incredibly stupid. Gotta love it when morons use the term fascist when they obviously haven't a clue what the term means... - Wed, 8 Jul 2009 4:20am
Mr. Hell
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Those three idiots aren't very good at assaulting people. - Wed, 8 Jul 2009 11:51am
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Maybe you know what the word retard means. It applies to anyone who condones hate crime laws. - Wed, 8 Jul 2009 6:07pm
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Are you fucking serious? What the fuck are you some white power shithead? That's the only reason to be against hate crime laws. And the word retard is only used by people with small minds to describe something they obviously can't explain.

Canada would be so much better with the likes of Ernst Zundel still living here, or anyone else of his ilk. You want freedom of speech, and weak laws that allows white power assholes to do as they please, move to the fucking US asshole. - Wed, 8 Jul 2009 10:29pm Edited: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 10:32pm
trevor corey
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I spent a few teenage years watching/participating in Duncan McDonald's parking lot brawls. I know these kinds of morons. They wouldn't know white power if they wiped their ass with a Zundle pamphlet.

I bet they were just drunk and stoned and bored, driving around looking for trouble. They drove past this dude who happened to be half black, called him a bad name. He yelled something back, and the fight is on.

I think they attacked him because they felt challenged, and when they lost, all they could come up with was the N word.
These people are not real smart. - Wed, 8 Jul 2009 10:55pm
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Kidneys.(points to skull) - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 10:52am
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BOING, would you send me an email? I have a question for you. - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 1:37pm
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"Are you fucking serious? What the fuck are you some white power shithead?" HAHAHAHA................are YOU fucking serious? I'm Indian you stupid shit! My parents moved here from Seresh when my mom was still pregnant with me. Go ahead and take your shots at free speech all you want. PC jerk offs would all love it if people could only legally say and think what they tell us to. I've lived in this country long enough to know that if the tables were turned and it was 3 black guys ganging up on one white guy NO amount of racial slurs thrown at him could get those men charged under hate crime laws. Intelligence and seeing things for what they are are very good reasons to oppose hate crime laws. Sorry I can't be on the same page as you, but I'm just not racist. - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 1:38pm Edited: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 1:39pm
Mr. Hell
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Indeed, it could have just as easily been some white guy they ganged up on, and given different timing that could have been the case. However they chose this guy and sealed their fate with a word that makes white people angry as all hell.
They made some bad choices and will pay for their stupidity in spades.
TC is on the money with his synopsis of this. - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 1:55pm
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'Sorry I can't be on the same page as you, but I'm just not racist.'

And neither am I fucknut. And there's racism in every culture, being Indian might not make you a white power dumbfuck, but it sure as hell doesn't mean you can't have racist beliefs.

And again, if you don't like the laws here. Feel free to move down stateside. I'd rather have a limitation to freedom of speech and not have to deal with the bullshit the US allows under their 1st amendment. Go move to Mississippi or Oregon. Your POV will change really fucking fast once you had your ass kicked, or killed, for being Indian.

Or maybe you should've lived here during the mid-late 80's when we had major skinhead issues here as well as flocks of the dumbfucks using Victoria as a stop over on the way down to the Oregon camps. Had you been living here during that time you'd have a totally different perspective, or be dead or severely injured or brain dead. - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 2:54pm Edited: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 3:05pm
trevor corey
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Look to the cookie. - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 5:20pm
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Sorry but you are a racist. You are insisting that the man in the clip is more of a victim because he is black. For the record I have lived in this city since 75. Maybe those skin heads set their sights on you. You're the one coming across as brain dead. But go ahead and kick the dead horse all you like. I'm sure every time respond with your stupid point of view you feel an ego boost in your blissful ignorance. But then you've made it quite clear that your point of view is the only that should be accepted.
"Gotta love it when morons use the term fascist when they obviously haven't a clue what the term means..."

Take a look genius

  /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fash-iz-uhm] Show IPA
Use fascism in a Sentence
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 10:06pm
trevor corey
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That was directed at Chopper, right?

In my opinion that little summertime, McDonald's parking lot tussle, had more to do with someone throwing a cheeseburger at someone's truck than white power. The name calling just came out at the end when they had clearly been outclassed in the "who's in better shape" department.
Scrawny twenty somethings are no match against a 39 year old man. - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 11:04pm
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This exact thread has come up a few times over the last 5 or 6 years. I've had to go to court a couple times in the past after being caught with a joint here, a dimebag there (fucking waste of court time) and before trial I would talk to a lawyer to find out what advantages I might have that could be brought up in court. Every time I was asked if I was part of any minority group (even though I'm whiter than Casper). Turns out than when being tried being white is a liability and being a minority is an asset, just like when applying for any kind of income assistance. Suppose 2 people who fought, one white, one not, went to court for assaulting eachother. The white guy would already be at a disadvantage. Is it really right that there be a hate crime card to be played too? There's no way a lawyer wouldn't do it if the option was there. They're not honorable people. Seems dangerous to me. - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 11:51pm
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Oh and TC have you noticed that if there's 2 groups of rowdies trying to instigate it's always the smallest pinners in either group doing the most mouthing off? I've seen it a number of times, how they tell people they'll get their asses kicked but meaning by their bigger friends LOL. - Thu, 9 Jul 2009 11:58pm
trevor corey
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but of course. We had some foul mouthed chicks around as well. Half a two litre of wine cooler, look out! - Fri, 10 Jul 2009 12:12am
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You just proved my point Ottoman. Do some actual research or do you base everything from what you can cut/paste from Town simpletons, gotta love em...

And where did I say the man was more a victim due to the color of his skin? Nowhere. If it was the reverse, and was based in some form of asinine nationalist rhetoric, I'd feel the exact same way. So nice attempt at trying to take the spotlight off of your uneducated self. But that won't work with me fella. - Fri, 10 Jul 2009 10:48am
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You support hate crime laws adamantly. This is where you protest your belief that penalties should be much more severe in certain race scenarios. You claim I get all my info from after I cut and paste one definition which shows you generalize. You accuse me of being from a town when I have lived in the city since my birth which shows you prejudice. I'm positive you don't know what those words mean so I'll let you look them up in whatever source you feel is reliable. The fact is that I am proving you wrong further every time I respond and you can't handle it so you make up bullshit. You grasp at straws and post that I am the "new board douche" because you are upset and maybe not used to people pointing out your idiocy. It's O.K. B.P. Take another kick at the dead horse now. - Fri, 10 Jul 2009 12:59pm
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Can't say I'm a fan of comparing freedome of speech to american stupidity. - Fri, 10 Jul 2009 6:13pm
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
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This board... - Tue, 14 Jul 2009 1:45pm
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Get a fuck'N room you two. - Tue, 14 Jul 2009 5:55pm
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'You accuse me of being from a town when I have lived in the city since my birth which shows you prejudice.'

Not once did I say you were from a town.

'The fact is that I am proving you wrong further every time I respond and you can't handle it so you make up bullshit.'

Really? And what have I made up? And you haven't proven me wrong. All you've done is show we don't have the same perspective, nothing more.

'You grasp at straws and post that I am the "new board douche" because you are upset and maybe not used to people pointing out your idiocy.'

Grasp at straws? And you are the new board douche, you're new here and you're a douche. Add the 2 up. Not brain surgery there genius. - Thu, 16 Jul 2009 9:43am
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Black White Brown point was only cowards don't fight one on one!...seems like lately there is a lot of ganging up going on.

"BOING, would you send me an email? I have a question for you"

whats your question Neil? - Thu, 16 Jul 2009 1:44pm Edited: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 1:46pm
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B.P. don't you EVER get tired of being wrong for fucks sake?
"you're new here and you're a douche"

My account with this site is about 3 years old give or take. I guess you never bothered to look up prejudice...........and labeling me "town simpleton" is the same as saying I'm from a town, just like if I called you "american asshole" I'd be implying you're from the states. I won't argue that none of this is brain surgery, but you broadcast stupidity that could rival bush. If I was you I'd be embarrassed. - Sat, 18 Jul 2009 9:48pm
trevor corey
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He does do that. Although I would argue that spending any extended period of time in Prince George will lower your iq a few points. - Sat, 18 Jul 2009 10:16pm
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25 posts on a 3yr old account, sure, right.

So the original statement stands, you're new and you're a douche. Let's argue semantics why don't we? Town simpleton is no different than town crier. Neither inherently denotes you having to be located in a town.

And still waiting for what I made up, and where/how you've proven me wrong. Just dance around those issues though... - Sun, 19 Jul 2009 9:12am
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You know,if you keep this up. People on here will start to call you gay,and how gay it is to get into an argument.Just to let you know.And people like Ottoman will never give you the answer you deserve.An inherent trait of the douche bag.A social retard at best,would find it difficult to amalgamate into a structured and some what balanced society. - Sun, 19 Jul 2009 11:01am Edited: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 11:02am
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grim... your post was soooooooooooooooo 'gay' - Sun, 19 Jul 2009 11:23am
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B.P. should I even bother telling you how you've been wrong right from the start? Or will everything I say continue to sail over your empty head? From the beginning you've been labeling me inaccurately left and right. You said I was white, a "white power shithead" no less. You told me I didn't live in this city during certain time periods when I did and even though you scramble to deny it after, you pre-judged me as being from a small town. Just some of the bull shit you have made up. There's more but there's really no point in me rewriting this entire thread. As for proving you wrong I guess I can't prove you wrong to you when you continue to stick your fingers in your ears and hum, but again, check earlier posts in this thread where I suggested you check whatever source you feel is reliable to verify which of us is right or way off. Bottom line is you are a closet racist. - Tue, 21 Jul 2009 3:17pm
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'You said I was white, a "white power shithead" no less.'

Learn to read ffs...

'What the fuck are you some white power shithead?'

That's a question. Notice the question mark? You lose at perception.

'You told me I didn't live in this city during certain time periods when I did and even though you scramble to deny it after, you pre-judged me as being from a small town.'

Yet again, learn to read.

'Or maybe you should've lived here during the mid-late 80's when we had major skinhead issues here as well as flocks of the dumbfucks using Victoria as a stop over on the way down to the Oregon camps. Had you been living here during that time you'd have a totally different perspective, or be dead or severely injured or brain dead.'

Not once did I say in that section you didn't live here. I only make inference that if you had you would've had to deal with the aforementioned shit and have a different perspective. And again, you lose at perception.

And if you're still getting your panties in a knot over the town idiot comment, seriously get over yourself. Only a moron would get such an idea with such a narrow view. And another loss for perception. Keep going champ you're 3 for 3. - Tue, 21 Jul 2009 6:46pm
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You left out the part where you said that would be the only reason to oppose those racist hate crime laws you love so much. Do you expect me to believe you told me I "should have lived here during the mid to late 80's" and didn't assume I lived elsewhere? You still seem to think you haven't contradicted and made an ass of yourself. Maybe you should look into some medication to correct that. Or maybe you already took drugs and should give them time to wear off. - Wed, 22 Jul 2009 3:10pm Edited: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 3:10pm
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ok ladies; now lets all get along.

you both are small town idiots... now just calm the shit down lol...
actually dont, I get a kick out of reading your "IM RIGHT, and YOU'RE NOT" posts... it really never gets old; no matter how many spelling/grammar mistakes are made and corrected or how many times people get all pissy on here... its just too much entertainment.

Now keep going, dont stop on my account kids. - Wed, 22 Jul 2009 3:25pm
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Here's a local "pussy times three" story:

"A 33-year-old Victoria man was shot in the face with a pellet gun as he dropped off his daughter at a residence in Vic West yesterday. Witnesses to the incident in the 500 block of William Street called police at 2:45 p.m."

Cheers - Wed, 22 Jul 2009 5:26pm
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and another one! - Thu, 6 Aug 2009 8:52am
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I used to live in that little piss pot half horse town. Last I read the pop there was 1650. Everyone knows everyone. The people who pulled this will not be forgotten. I remember a few years back in Tofino these 2 roommates worked at the local grocery store and one of them stole a brick of cheese. After that they got fired and had to move to Victoria because they couldn't find any other jobs in Tofino or Ucluelet because everyone had heard about that brick of cheese.............but the difference there is that was fuckin' funny. - Sat, 8 Aug 2009 12:46am
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Some kids in gorge park tried to roll my bro on crutches with a broken foot.It takes ten thirteen year olds to be tough and have the numbers to back up there punk ass mouths.But he had weapons with the crutches and just picked on up and swung it and said "just try me". In the end It's all the same.People can be scared real easy,no mater how many of them there is.

Ottoman sounds like a little bitch.And he is confused very easily. - Sat, 8 Aug 2009 10:27am
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Three little shits... - Wed, 12 Aug 2009 1:31pm
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After reading the words in that link I'll not click on it. I'm already feeling hostile. - Sat, 15 Aug 2009 11:43pm
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