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HAHA STUPID HIPPYS! Vancouver gets 2010 winter olympics!
Message Board > General Chitchat > HAHA STUPID HIPPYS! Vancouver gets 2010 winter olympics!
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Korn Koiler
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Fucken A bubba! Now all the lazy hairy legged welfare lesbians and community whiners will have something to bitch about for the ne next 6 years. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 10:44am
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with pleasure. booooooooo! hiissss! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 10:47am
Korn Koiler
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yah, see there, they have started already..

All i can say is OLYMPIC HOCKEY! I better start savings my sheckles now ( oh shit, I used a jew word, what a schmuck I am.. ) - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 10:49am
Korn Koiler
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Yah Virge, you oughta get your gf to shave those things.. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 10:50am
some girl...
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I lived in Alberta (Airdre) when Calgary got the Olympics. It rocked! It was like experiencing Canada Day for 2 weeks! (a combination of choas and friendliness). - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 11:42am
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Its gonna be a complete disaster! Vancouver can't put on a cookie festival, let alone the Olympics! Get out your wallets and get ready to be paying more taxes for the next 30 years! Vanloser! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 11:47am
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Fucking waste 'o money, Van is not ready for that kind of influx of people! Fucking streets that are actually named hwy's, the morons that drive there. That road to whistler is gonna take a few tourist lives. It's hard enough for people that live there to find a good place to live! And I'm not lookin forward to the fiscal fallout that Campbell has in store for us! We are already taxed up the yin yang! The money for this would have been much better spent on keeping schools open and health care. But all you sheepish yahoos will go and spend your money to watch hockey, get drunk and have a wonderful time... until the bill comes in, then...nothing but whinning! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 11:53am
some girl...
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Alberta didn't get a rise in taxes. Why all the fear? (I'm not being sassy, I just really want to know). Wont our tourism boom (in the long run) since the world will be forced to notice where Vancouver is on the map? - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 11:55am
Walker Texas Ranger
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Great. I can picture the tour bus routes already.

"first off, here's our famous pig farm...and here's our beutiful east side, and shortly we will go and hear a speech from our DUI premier." - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 11:55am
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Alberta had/has lots'o money! BC is teetering on poor! Look at it sensably, someone has to pay for it and the tourist dollars ain't gonna be enough! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 11:58am
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DUI premier! That's a good one! Oh, and don't forget about the world famous beggers and junkies lining the streets waiting for that tourist dollar! Fuck, there's gonna be thousands of them on the streets begging... - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:00pm
Korn Koiler
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Part of the deal includes a NEW highway to Whistler.

Even Washington state figures to make millions in revenue off of this.. Do you retards realize how much money comes IN to BC from this? If 100 000 people show up and spend $1000-$10 000 each in BC, thats a shitload of revenue.. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:00pm
some girl...
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But Alberta had nothing absolutly no money when they got the Olympics. What actually got them the money they have now should be credited to Ralph Klien (who wasn't in power then). I lived in Alberta for 14 years and during those years the province cut back everything. The school cut backs were ridiculous (my spelling is proof of this), absolutly no school renovations or text books past 1975, the hospitals were more pathetic than ours, yadda yadda... It was really aweful. That's why my parents moved my family out of that poor shithole. Alberta is raking in the money now b/c of these drastic measures combined with proper management of their natural resources. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:01pm
Gene Vachon
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Hastings should be a lovely stroll for the family outing while slurping on slushies "mommy,whys that man carrying his booster shot syringe in his arm still?" What a fucking joke.Nuke that street man. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:01pm
Korn Koiler
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Oh, and with ANY LUCK Camp-Hell wont be our premier aymore by 2010! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:03pm
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Even more reason for the next politico to say "hey, gotta raise the taxes because of mr cambells irresponsable spending on the "Olympics"! Wake up and smell the "further down the road" coffee there numbnuts! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:05pm
Walker Texas Ranger
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I'm sure it'll make a LOT of money...none of which any of us will ever see. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:06pm
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Yup, we'll have a nice new premiers office and all those junkys still on the streets! Look mommy, why does that man still have his booster needle in his arm is right! Funny and true. SPARE SOME CHANGE THERE BUDDY! Peeps be goin home saying, ya zis vancoova place, nice mountains unt zeenary,but zee *)*+)&^eina klina junkees ver evareevhere! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:09pm
some girl...
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umm, are you suggesting that my nuts are numb, "Wannagig"? I don't have nuts. If I did, I'd use the alias "Some Guy." Besides, as I already stated, "I'm not trying to be sassy" (sassy=talk back/being catty). I just want to know the facts, NOT opinions. I highly doubt that our junkies are worse than Spain's, and they did alright. Also, we have very little crime--so I don't think that we should be painting Vancouver as a some harsh city: it aint no L.A. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:14pm
The Ref
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Don't care either way! However, it is no doubt gonna hit us in the pocket book for the next 3 decades! This is what everyone was saying about the 84 expo/worlds fair in van, the tourist dollars blah blah. It was quit a failure! Hope for the best and that we don't get slammed in taxes. Go team Canada! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:17pm
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Getting the olympics is a very prestigious event to host... let alone all the money that will be generated due to the fact that there's gonna be a huge influx of people coming and going. As for taxes... whens the next time your gonna say that olympic hockey was hosted in your town or near your town? I also find it quite selfish that there's only a couple people who don't want the olympics cause they are the cheapest selfcenetered losers that have never taken a risk in their entire lives and feel that they speak for the majority of people... boo-urrnnss - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:17pm
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Nah Some girl, I wasnt refering to you, it was directed at the Korn guy! FYI Van has the highest crime rate per capita in Canada. The junkys in spain (been there) are nowhere near as visable. And Alberta at the time of the olympics was raking in dollars from their natural resources, lived there at the time too! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:21pm
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I'd be happy if I thought that a city like van could do a world class job, but everything that the city tries to do always fails miserably. Look at the laughable jazz fest, indy (gone to another city Mtl I think). The expo was a joke, film festival is minor, I hope that they can pull out of that rutt but I see too many wankers there to do a good job. Besides, you don't think that schooling and health care is more important that having a fuckin hockey game in your backyard. Better hope that you don't get sick there pal and need some kinda surgery that's not available because of spending freezes or hospital closures. I would rather my kids get a first class education. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:24pm
some girl...
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Thanks for clearing that up Wannagig. I'll dry my tears now. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:33pm
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Cheers girl! LOL!

PS Haven't yet found a thread that I disagree with you on! Schooling etc... Keep it up, you are very funny sometimes! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:47pm
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"Part of the deal includes a NEW highway to Whistler."

...meanwhile selling off the Coquihalla. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 1:37pm
some girl...
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Thanks Wannagig! I wonder if the reason that the junkies aren't as visible is due to the brutal police force Spain has? (ha ha) My boyfriend has told me some harsh stories about Barcelona and theft/police intervention (he tattooed there for a few months).

oh, hey, where in Alberta did you live? I remember the day when Airdre became a city, now Calgary and Airdre are becoming one! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 1:54pm
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In Calgary right downtown, on Macleod between 17th ave and 9th ave. Pretty shitty area at the time. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 2:09pm
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And nobody has mentioned what our wonderful American friends might do now that this huge event is happening in "their" backyard. 7 years is a LONG time; all it will take is some more fun terrorism in the USA and they'll either seal up our border tighter than a nun's maidenhead or (more likely) their "security forces" (army) will be "invited to help" (protect their national security, even though they're not actually IN the USA). I feel it's pretty much a given that the olympic organizers and the local authorities will be subtly blackmailed into allowing the USA to "help" with security. So for the whole wonderful Olympic experience we will in essence be an occupied territory (we are practically already, but that's another thread). And I hope the Latvians win the Gold in hockey; it would serve us all right. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 3:00pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Blasphemy!!!!!!! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 3:17pm
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Gee Wannagig.... you sure put a damper on everything. Yet aren't you the guy who wanted to form some kind of jazz combo AND GET GIGS!

Ha. Dream on. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 8:36pm
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Not sure what one has to do with the other there der??? Vancouver sucks! Gigging doesn't! So???? Kwiff! - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 9:05pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Hey Ref, wasn't Expo in 86?

Anyways, I think it's shitty that our government decided that the Olympics are more important that the health and education of our citizens. It's shitty but expected. While Campbell and his private business cronies cash in(Trust me, even though he won't be Premier in 2010, he'll make damn sure that he gets appointed to be some kind of Olympic Poobah), the average (working poor) citizen will be shelling out the ass in income and "olympic" tax. The Cocquihalla is a small example of what is yet to come.
As for the junkies, do you really think that they're going to be a problem in 2010? You will see a major surge in the police presence in East Van in the next few years. Hell, I wouldn't doube if they use it as an excuse to level the whole area. They gotta build their "Olympic Village" somewhere, right? Why not lock up or chase out all the homeless and junkies with gestapo-like police tactics and take the wrecking ball to everything in sight? Everything will be shiny and new and free of dirt and crime just like an Olympic city should be.

Like any of us are going to be able to afford tickets to any of the hockey games anyways. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 9:38pm
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Some Girl, are you serious? I lived in Airdre when Calgary had the olympics! Of course I was like 8 or something.... - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 10:17pm
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ooooh that's a good one mr. "I also find it quite selfish that there's only a couple people who don't want the olympics cause they are the cheapest selfcenetered losers that..." blah blah blah

yea we sure are selfish for saying that the money would be better spent on healthcare, education, low income housing, safe injection sites, addiction treament clinics, foodbanks ... you fucking boob!

don't hurt yourself thinking about it. just have another beer, flip on the tube, lock your doors and close your mind. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 11:09pm
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oh yea, does anyone know how much BC spent on the bid to get the games?

income from tourists? sure, but it's not for you and me. - Wed, 2 Jul 2003 11:16pm
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whoo! way to somehow bring up Gordon Cambell's DUI again! he looks SO silly now because everyone knows that Ralph Klein was a model of sobriety during the time of the last canadian olympics. - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 12:21am
The Ref
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Thanks for pointing out my error TY Stranglehold. Typing and not thinking! I enjoyed all your points, every one of them soooo true! But, there here and I guess there's nothing that peeons like us can do about it. Don't care either way but certainly think that the (Guaranteed 4 or 5 billion, not 2 billion) would have been much better spent on health and education. Does anyone remember our new Ferry's? Not the same govmnt but BC govmnts have always had a low balling fiscal attitude.

And the DUI thing gave me another memory laugh! Cheers! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 9:46am
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so you really think that money they are putting to the olympics would've gone to health care? lets be realistic here... they haven't spent a dime of anything on health care or anything else, not even when people protest... just face the facts... olympic hockey is more important :P - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 12:46pm
The Ref
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True enough can always hope! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 1:47pm
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It pains me to think of all the ways that 1.3 billion dollar budget for the Olympics could be better spent. I wonder how much they will spend on the government funded celebration parties alone? What a travesty! The true effects will only be seen some time down the road. I only hope this notch in the government's belt won't be enough to get them re-elected. - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 4:19pm
The Ref
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Well, it will certainly be close next election. They won the plebosite (hope I spelled that correctly) by 16 or 17 percent. That's the lower mainland. Doesn't count the rest of the province, where schools are closed and closing! Same with hospitals! If they do anything with the taxes because of this and before the next election, they are toast. May be toast anyways. - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 4:33pm
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What's the Deal with the finger sign that Campbell(Urggh)Chretein,Gretzky were all doin'? What Wanker thought that one up?! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 11:03pm
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don't get me wrong!! I love the fact that vancouver landed the 2010 olympics!! but keep in mind that this comes after campbell slammed healthcare,,shut down schools,,shut down hospitals--handed thousands of people pink slips,,privatized highways etc etc etc,,claiming that BC is too far in debt and can't afford to maintain these things?? but wait!!! despite all these claims,,they still have the mega bucks required to host one of the worlds largest sporting events??? don't know about you, but this type of math seems a little flawed to me.

and speaking of retards??(korn Koiler) sure,, there's going to be huge revenue from this,, but its going to fall a long ways short of compensating for the bucks put out to host this in the first place!! and where is that revenue going to go?? popular opinion is that vancouver-whistler and victoria are going to be the spots that stand to reap the lionshare of any revenue involved!! and of course every body knows that other than van-vic-and whistler there really is no more to B.C.!! right?? WRONG!!

at probably any other time the olympics would be enthusiastically welcomed in bc but I just can't see poor joe blow in prince george with a wife and three kids who's just lost his job and maybe his house and home being too excited about it!! I can see it now!! gee honey!! we're a little cramped in this bachelor suite but its all worth it cause!!!! B.C is gonna have lotsa bob sledders and vacouver is gonna be on T.V. all over the world!!! here jimmy,,want some more kraft dinner?? don't worry,, we're all gonna be rich soon cause of the olympics!!!

ya think????

big money is already being spent to improve the route to whistler and its being claimed that it will get a real shot in the arm from all of this!! if I remember correctly, I heard that whistler is one of the worlds top resort destinations already(the rich get richer)it seems obvious that they need all the help(in the form of joe blows tax dollars) they can get to improve thier road so they can make even more money???

don't get me wrong!! I love the olympics!! canada competing against the rest of the world!! I love it!!
JUST NOT NOW!!! with all the shit thats going on in bc right now,, it is not good timing!!!

thats all!! - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 12:35pm
some girl...
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Hey Metalhead: we probably went to the same school! (Murial Clayton?) If you weren't in my grade, you were in my brothers! (I lived on 97 Rideau Close). Hummm, may be we know eachother?! I was sent to the hall a lot, so if you were a bad ass too we had to of been friends. - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 2:08pm
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When did Montreal finish paying off _their_ Olympics? Last year?

"Alberta is raking in the money now b/c of these drastic measures combined with proper management of their natural resources."

Here's a sketch of Albertan management of natural resources...

Oil guy: We think the may be some oil in (certain area), but it's in an agriculture area, and we would have to tear up farmland to get to it, assuming it's even there....
Ralph Klein: I'll have to start a completely ineffective and farcical consultation process that will give the deal a thin veneer of legitimacy....
Oil guy: *Opens briefcase full of money...*
Ralph Klein: Y'know what? Fuck 'em.... Who're they gonna vote for, the _Liberals_?!? - Mon, 7 Jul 2003 2:03am
The Ref
User Info...
Very funny post knifeghost!

Now the heading of this thread leaves me baffled. Hippies! Is there such a thing anymore. All those "days of yore" hippies are mostly rich hypocrits now! All they fought for, they now seem to support??

Just an irrelevant thought??? - Mon, 7 Jul 2003 1:41pm
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that's true. O.G. hippies by and large sold out in the 80's. who didn't. i'm glad though, yuppies taste better than hippies anyway. - Mon, 7 Jul 2003 1:48pm
The Ref
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Yea! And you don't get all of that "Messy hair" caught in your teeth! LOL! - Mon, 7 Jul 2003 2:33pm
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yip most yuppies are veal fed, bottled water and twice a week on the mouse wheel. hippies eat their own shit and chug home made ripple piss. plus if they're skinny they braze nicely in a rotisserie. hippies are all bone. they're gross.. - Mon, 7 Jul 2003 3:49pm
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