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Message Board > General Chitchat > AWESOME COVER BAND WANTED!!!
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Lucky Bar
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So, Lucky is considering a cover band for Wednesday nights, to play awesome but not obvious Indie and Alternative, especially stuff from the 90's to now.

To get an idea of what we're thinking, we've put together a random setlist of stuff we think would be amazing to hear a cover band play.

The list is a bit insane, but it's just sort of a guideline, and in any case the band we're looking for should probably be at least a bit insane.

Here's the list:


To inquire or apply, email: [email protected] - Thu, 8 Jan 2009 11:26pm
trevor corey
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That list kinda rules. - Fri, 9 Jan 2009 12:52am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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I didn't see nickleback's "are we havin fun yet" or whateverthefuckit'scalled.
and what about "who let the dogs out" or that video with the greasy, pencil-stash'ed scumbag goin off about "a little bit of Sundin all night long" or whateverthefuckit'scalled. - Fri, 9 Jan 2009 1:22pm
T. Depression
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What is this cities obsession with bad cover bands and "tribute" bands??? A top 40 cover band is never a good idea...the pnly thing you get is second rate versions of songs you can hear on the radio. Give some unhip college kid to come down and play his outdated MP3 collection fir free beer, and you'll get better versions of the songs, and sace some money. - Fri, 9 Jan 2009 9:20pm Edited: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 9:32pm
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who's to say that it would be a "bad cover band"?
And the whole "obsession" with them? Because its easy for people to relate to the music being played. There are other people out there aside from metalheads and hardcore lovers. I would bet my last dollar that if Lucky had called for a "punk/metal" cover band, you would at least check it out without bitching and complaining.
There is a VERY big appeal for music people can relate to; whether its jazz, funk, punk, metal etc... Familiarity holds a high reputation when it comes to music and what people like. - Sat, 10 Jan 2009 9:30am
trevor corey
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I agree with Curmudgeon, that list would be a whole lot better if it had a Nickelback song on it. - Sat, 10 Jan 2009 4:34pm
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Bars sell liquor
people buy liquor
Cover bands bring in people = simple

We are lucky in Vic that the Logans dig music and that Liam and Dave dig music or there would be no bars doing live music.

Its the times, people don't go see live music plain and simple sad but a fact.

blame neighborhood pubs or the internet who knows.

When people start going to see live music again bars will profit from bands again.

ITs the way it is! - Sat, 10 Jan 2009 5:21pm
T. Depression
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I dunno much about Lucky, but it's akways seemed their policy to support original live music. A top 40 cover band just seems like a step in a really wrong direction. Would I pay to see a punk cover band? I'd rather not. If I want to hear songs I already know, I'll stay at home and listen to records. Even if I go see a DJ spin music...I don't go to hear him spin songs I know...I go to find out about music I've never heard. As far as I'm concerned...if a peformer (even a classical musician) is playing shit that someone else wrote, it's probably not worth paying to see.

People don't pay to see live music? Since when??? Seems that everywhere I go, there are multiple venues making their living odd of booking original rock shows. A weekend evening in Calgary and you can hop between 3 bars that are packed near capacity because of live, original music...and Calgary isn't what you'd call a cultutally rich city. Maybe there aren't as many people attending shows with $10+
cover. Good! Decent shows with an affordable price at the door will aleays do releatively well though. - Sat, 10 Jan 2009 7:11pm
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i couldnt imagine ever making a concious desicion to go see a cover band play at a bar. especially pay a cover for it. the only reason ill even go to a bar here is because that particular band i want to see isnt doing an all-ager show

"Its the times, people don't go see live music plain and simple sad but a fact."
thats also pretty ridiculous.
people are lazy these days. you have to find things for your self. if you dont make the effort, youre not gonna see or hear anything these days - Sat, 10 Jan 2009 7:25pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Yikes, T. Depression....
"As far as I'm concerned...if a performer (even a classical musician) is playing shit that someone else wrote, it's probably not worth paying to see."

So - by that extension, would you conclude, then, that seeing the Victoria Symphony, or countless smaller claasical ensembles, (or jazz bands playing standards at, say, Herman's) not worth your money, also?

oh well - to each one's own, eh?

Cover bands sure ain't my cup of Stella either, but it should be pretty easy to see how bars can (and should - why the fuck not?) thrive off people's nostalgia. - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 10:03am
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Yes in my experience cover/tribute band make a minimum of 4 times what some local original band makes. It's weird but it happens. - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 10:08am
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why such hate for a cover/tribute band? Is there something wrong that the MAJORITY of people like to relate to the music they're listening to? Is that against some sort of punk/metal law? I for one have played in a few cover bands; and have had a blast playing in them at various parties, pubs etc... EVERYONE had a good time. I can understand if the band was shit; but an original band can also be shit too. Just because you'd pay 5$ for original music doesn't mean its better than a "cover band". Its all a matter of opinion; and people here seem to lose sight of that. - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 11:10am
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"So - by that extension, would you conclude, then, that seeing the Victoria Symphony, or countless smaller claasical ensembles, (or jazz bands playing standards at, say, Herman's) not worth your money, also?"

Well...actually, that's exactly how I feel. I don't pay money to see musicians show me how well they can play other peoples music. Frankly, I don't care if you're the best player in the world. It's about energy and what an individual brings to his performance. I mean, I don't mind seeing bands play a few covers, but I'd rather them be covers I don't know...and I reall don't have time for bands (yes that includes classical and jazz musicians) that play other peoples music, exclusively. Honestly...I think "musicians" make the most boring music...they are the guys most likely to get up on stage and show you just how well they can play. Who cares. I would rather see a buncha guys who became a band by accident, can barely play their intruments, but write a decent tune and love lurching their way through songs they wrote on stage...than a group of trained musicians, playing note perfect versions of radio hits (or clasical or jazz standards for that matter). - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 11:21am Edited: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 11:22am
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Let's hear it for being half-assed! Putting effort into stuff is boring and stupid! - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 11:47am Edited: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 11:47am
T. Depression
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I never said anything about not puttig any effort into it. In fact, that's my biggest problem with music in this city...everyone looks like they are bored and just going through the motions. I have never seen so many (obviously) talented musicians, with such expensive gear, get up and look more bored to death to be playing a show...anywhere, in my life. Don't be half-assed...don't NOT put in an effort...just don't worry about how well you play, or what you're playing through...and don't look bored! - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 1:42pm
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rofl, you've never felt the pressure of trying to make a career out of music then... as a cover band, its all about making a pay cheque. If you still wonder why they look so bored... its because they're to play the same shit week in week out; and like laprider said, cover bands bring in money.
I know everyone has their opinions; but whether or not you play someone elses music or your own, shouldn't have any bearing on your talent and ability. - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 3:15pm
trevor corey
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Not trying to pick on you T-Bag, but in response to -
"""Well...actually, that's exactly how I feel. I don't pay money to see musicians show me how well they can play other peoples music. Frankly, I don't care if you're the best player in the world"""

I saw Robert Plant perform quite a few Led Zeppelin covers, and his band played them very, very well. I loved it. I also enjoy the Pantera, and Alice In Chains tribute bands. I'm just sayin, it's all good. Just my opinion I guess. We've all got one.

Anyone want to start a Bee Gees cover band? - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 3:26pm Edited: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 3:27pm
Lucky Bar
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Ha. We knew this would cause some controversy on this board... but what doesn't cause controversy on this board?

Just to clarify a bit, tho... we're not looking for a band who would play the above setlist... especially in it's entirety. We made the list to give a general idea of what we're going for... a shitload of covers that are not too obvious (someone's gonna call me out on that...), and not too played out (ie: there is no 'Sweet Home Alabama').

What we're looking for is a band who would CONSIDER playing those above songs, rhather than pigeon-holing themselves. Ideally, we'd love a band that plays Punk/Indie/and Alt from the 80's to now... with a lot of good underplayed 90's stuff mixed in. The idea is to have a band that won'e just play favourites over and over, but OTHER songs by those same 'favourite' bands, as well as songs you would never expect a cover band to attempt. And we want a band that will put their own stamp on the songs, rather than try to perfectly reproduce them.

Lucky is all about the music. Everyone knows that. Whether it be live or DJ, we're always striving to bring you something at least a bit different and at least a bit better than what you would expect. We don't want a typical cover band that will pander to the crowd. We want a band that even the staunchest music snob will have to admit is pretty good.

The most simple way to put this is: we're looking for a surprisingly good cover band to play awesome songs that you know but aren't sick of so you can drink beer or dance or do whatever you want to do in the best bar in the World.

And by the way - covers or not - this is live music... not a DJ. - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 3:37pm Edited: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 3:39pm
trevor corey
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F R E E B I R D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 3:41pm
T. Depression
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Look, I understand guys trying to make a living as a musician, and playing covers for a paycheque...but I'm not gonna pay to see people looking bored to fucking death playing anybodies songs, especially if they aren't their own. I wouldn't pay to see a top 40 cover band, regardless of how energetic and talented they are..and I probably wouldn't pay $5 to see Led Zeppelin, Pantera or Alive in Chains...let alone other bands doing their songs.

Whatever, right? It's always been like this. People will always pay to see overrehearsed, sterile bands doing second rate version of other people's songs, original bands playing $10, 000 worth of gear and looking bored to death on stage...or bands 20 years after their prime, in "reunion" mode. There just seems to be so much more going on that deserves attention... - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 3:43pm
trevor corey
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"""There just seems to be so much more going on that deserves attention..."""

True enough. Still, I totally get what Lucky Bar is going for. I like all kinds of bands, including "popular" ones. Most often though when I buy a "pop" cd, I don't usually listen to their "hit" song, I usually find better tunes on the album that don't get radio play. Theory of a Deadman for example. I never listen to "Invisible Man", but I don't see how anyone cold say isn't a great rocking tune.
As much as I love all the new technology and access to music, I think it is a real shame that people only download one or two songs off of an album these days, while missing out on other less played, better songs. I like Lucky's idea. - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 4:05pm Edited: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 4:09pm
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wow...OK as stated we are most Lucky to even have Lucky doing bands, Lets face it they are a busy "nightclub" so any "LIve " nights are a
everyone is right.
T. Depression I agree to a point with everything you say... I too dislike "jaded , boring or such acts"
BUt I know a hell of a lot of highly skilled guys that can bring that punk ethic and raw enthusiasm, its what I try to do with my stuff.
I was luck way in the day to work at Harpos, late 80's people always talk about that place it won't and couldn't happen times have changed shit I could list off so many gone canadian clubs where people just went to see whoever was playing like I said a different time.

I do beleive we may be in for a change...the general public somehow has somewhat lost touch with whats happening for music within their local cities, Bands just got to work as musicians MUST go see other bands just for the sake of support and I don't mean getting on the guest list and sneaking in Booze.....Times are tough, leases and liscenses cost miliions now so club owner simply have to make money strictly talkin about bars here but doing live music isn't exactly a great bar plan.

I love all music, I still hit the odd all agers go to dance dj things host an open mic have a band and tour with a rapper.
Cover bands will always exist and some suck and some are great....familiarity is key here, I played in Souled Out way back we did covers but always had fun doing it, drew hug crowds played tons of shows and I learned as a player from it.
I played in Breach at he same time...different strokes.

Good luck finding a good house band it ain't easy! - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 5:24pm
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OH yeh no fuckin with Sweet Home,,, I've snuck that riff into Hundreds of gigs, even got the snoopster rhyming over it.

hey where the hell are all my commas holy run on sentences - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 5:26pm Edited: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 5:28pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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"drew hug crowds"

aaawww, that sounds really nice, laprider - Sun, 11 Jan 2009 6:06pm
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I drew a hug crowd once. It was fun. Cheers, Lucius

PS. I don't play in a cover band to pay bills. I'm lazy and enjoy people rocking out to tunes rather than listening to my shitty music. :-) - Mon, 12 Jan 2009 8:26am
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