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Library lock-out.
Message Board > General Chitchat > Library lock-out.
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Well I know that some of you read and hopefully use the library.
I'm sure you are all aware of the lockout that has been going on for the past few weeks.
As far as I'm concerned libraries are essential to the literacy of our society. I've been an avid library user since childhood and not being able to go in is breaking my big, nerdy heart.
If you want to make a difference I encourage you to stop by one of the branches and talk to the locked out workers. They'll give you a leftlet with contact info for everyone you could possibly vent your anger at.
They have had their fill of donuts but I've sure that other snacks are welcomed.
Thank you for reading. - Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:59am
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
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Reading is pretty much the most punk thing you can do. And I mean punk as in actually doing something. - Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:14pm
What Did You Say? I'm Sorry, My Eyes Are On Fire...
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I miss the library - Fri, 14 Mar 2008 2:38pm
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readings for nerds - Fri, 14 Mar 2008 7:01pm
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Oh Jeff....

Reading is for nerds, or reading's for nerds.

You really need the library. - Fri, 14 Mar 2008 7:14pm
round em up
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Every single person in that union should be locked up. - Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:13pm
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Sure, lock 'em up. Shit, that's got to be the most ignorant thing that I've heard all month (and I watched Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle last week). Then there would be no trash collectors, no school support staff, no road workers, no public works, all of our school district offices are staffed by CUPE members, all the staff at post secondary institutions (aside from teachers) are CUPE...the list goes on.

~I stand behind CUPE members and their strike 100%
Doc - Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:49pm
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My handsome boyfriend (who's making me type this) thinks that Round em up should be put in a re-education camp. Number 7 perferably.

I just think you're a knob. - Sat, 15 Mar 2008 9:38am
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Congrats on that wicked come back dumpstermesh (to jeff). It might be the beer, it might be the weed, but it cracked me up.......and no offense. but it sounds like doc might be a member of CUPE. - Sat, 15 Mar 2008 9:53am
What Did You Say? I'm Sorry, My Eyes Are On Fire...
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"Readings for nerds"

Like story time for kids, but better? - Sat, 15 Mar 2008 11:22am
round em up
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Here's a video clip of the CUPE union leadership speaking to the faithful, taken at the last union meeting at the library.... - Sat, 15 Mar 2008 8:30pm Edited: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 8:35pm
Swingin' Joe
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There is always wikipedia, good time waster. - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:01am
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To everyone bashing on the unions (I'm looking at you swinging joe) I invite you to give up your five day, 40 hour work week and return to the pre-union working format. That would be, for the uneducated among you (joe again) 12 hours per day Monday to Saturday, and noon to 6pm Sunday (allowing for attendance of church services). It was the actions of labour unions that directly led to the five day, 40 hour work week, so if you enjoy your time off I suggest that you clam up and support the people who fight to make a positive difference in our lives.

~My God is bigger than your God

P.S. You didn't offend Silas, and sadly, I have not been able to get a job that allows me to be part of a union, but I keep trying. - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 2:03pm
round em up
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I work 8 hours a day five days a week for a company that, through good faith and good management, maintains an excellent relationship with it's workers, maintains a pay scale and benifits that are competetive with union wages. If you were to walk into the place trying to organize s union you'd get run out in minutes, and by the workers, not the management. Bring in a union and next thing you're getting in shit for picking up a towel in the hallway or some half-wit behind a cash register is getting 20 bucks an hour subsidized by the taxpayer when they should be getting 10.

Unions were great and all when guys were hauling coal out a tunnel on their backs, or when Ford's service department was beating men for going to union meetings, but now, like so many other good intentioned ideas,it has become abused and corrupted.

It only purpose today is to perpetuate it's bureaucratic shit show, where lazy workers are sheltered when they should be skidded, pay scales grossly exceed what there're actually worth,and try to suck as much out of the purse while giving as little as possible. - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 3:29pm Edited: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 3:30pm
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Round em up, you're making a good wage precicely because of unions. You're employer knows that in order to keep union organizations at bay they need to provide benefits, working conditions and wages that are as good if not a bit better than union scale. I say power to companies and employees in that situation. You're very fortunate to be receiving the perks without the union bullshit.

sue - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 3:37pm
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Yip. - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 5:19pm
Swingin' Joe
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I didn't even bash, it was an attempt at being witty. MY BAD. - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 6:55pm
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"Oh Jeff....

Reading is for nerds, or reading's for nerds.

You really need the library."

yeah well yer smelly - Sun, 16 Mar 2008 7:07pm
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by that logic, glasses are for nerds too. and you wear glasses.

the lockout sucks. I haven't really noticed because I use the UVic library for most of my research and journal reading and they're still running and fine. I guess it makes it harder to access some fiction I'd like to read though. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 1:19am
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keep it up ... I'm never returning my books hahaha!!! - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 8:12am
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I remember 10 years ago when me and everyone I knew went to the library every Wednesday night (for hempology 101) - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 8:15am
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Unions are for the most part completely outdated and unecessary in their current format not to mention cause more hard than good.

In most cases they no longer protect the employees from dangerous or unreasonable working conditions.

The worst part is who ends up suffering.

I agree unions had their place and still do in some cases (forestry is a good example). But in city life working in office buildings or at schools? Give me a break.

I'm all for Libraries though. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 8:45am
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I work in a small business and rest assured its no union; and I certainly dont work the slave hours some may claim we would if we didn't have unions. I dont really care what side your on; just stop bitching for more money/benefits and then sit on your thumbs all day telling people how great it is to be in a union job. THAT's what I hate most from haughty union workers. 1 worker and 4 people to manage(a perfect union).
ps, they could always bring in scabs to keep the library open... - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 9:52am
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I was going to make the same point that Sue did.
The only reason non-union employeers treat workers that well is so the unions DON'T have to some in. I'm actually lucky enough to have a job like that too.

IF scabs ever get involved I will fully boycott the library. My daughter will just have to deal with hearing the same 4 books over and over (I don't think she minds at 5 months old).

And Jeff...nice one!!! My scent is now legendary. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:38am Edited: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:39am
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"The only reason non-union employeers treat workers that well is so the unions DON'T have to come in."

... is absolute bullshit.

There are many reasons why, feel free to explore some with an unbiased perspective. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 12:40pm
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"IF scabs ever get involved I will fully boycott the library. My daughter will just have to deal with hearing the same 4 books over and over (I don't think she minds at 5 months old)."

so what happend to libraries being the staple for literacy in our society? Wouldn't the opening of a library be more important(subjectively) than that of your views on the Unions and scabs?
It seems when the union is threatened that comes above all? Well I gathered from your original post that the importance of having libraries open superceeds that of who or how those people got their jobs. Now it seems to be another silly union yay or nay battle.
Grow up, union workers. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 1:07pm
round em up
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I love it...... - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 1:50pm
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Yes, I believe that libraries are essential but so is pay equity.
I'm not going to think everything is ok if they bring scabs in. I miss my library but I know that the people who work in them deserve respect. Bringing in scabs is a slap in the face. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 3:27pm
trevor corey
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Whatever happened to the movie theatre projectionists?

Walmart employees should start a union. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 4:01pm
Swingin' Joe
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I'm still in "what the fuck?" mode. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 10:56pm
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Unions are a joke, unless you benefit from one. As others have said, they had their time and yes did some good things for more than just their own workers. Those days are long gone and buried. Unions do nothing now but drive up costs due to inherent greed. Sorry, but some uneducated maintenance worker does not need to be making $20+/hr...period.

People who work with special needs kids/adults make a whole lot less than that and they are a LOT more educated than some elementary school dropout doing grunt work, that in the overall scheme of things does nothing to enhance anyone's life.

I benefit, since the wife's a federal employee, and I can still see all the things wrong with unions and why they need to be abolished. Workers rights are already protected here, and since that was the prime intent for unions being formed, it's time for them to die off like the dinosaurs they are. - Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:43am
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"by that logic, glasses are for nerds too. and you wear glasses." nuh uh

"And Jeff...nice one!!! My scent is now legendary"
yeeee me smart - Tue, 18 Mar 2008 3:50pm
round em up
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I don't have a problem with an "elememtry dropout" making more money than some fool who wasted his years in a university studying something useless, as long as the work and the demands of the market dictate the wage, not a collective group of self serving numbskulls.

I know many tradespeople who,on first impression don't seem like the sharpest tools in the shed, but can slap a
well built house up in a few days. And they're making more money and have better job security then most people do who got degrees and the associated debt that came along with it.

I work in the management of a construction/industrial company, but my background and roots were on the trades, and I can tell you right now that opposition to unions in that partiucular line of work stems from the fact that thier advancement, pay and merit is based much more on performance, puntuality and ability as opposed to senority or collective nonsense you'll find in many unions.

In other words, those who work hard hard, show up on time,and do their shit and don't call in sick once every 2 weeks should get paid more than those who only claim to glory is that the've been leaning on the same broom for 25 years as a janitor at CUPE. - Tue, 18 Mar 2008 11:55pm
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round em up, I have to agree with that first paragraph %100. From the beginning we're taught that school=smart which is shit. If that was the case why is "common" sense so rare? Every one goes to school but most people are idiots. - Wed, 19 Mar 2008 2:06am
trevor corey
User Info...
Adventurous.....................Slept with all your friends
Athletic............................No boobs
Average looking.................Ugly
Beautiful...........................Pathological liar
Contagious Smile................Does a lot of pills
Emotionally secure..............On medication
Free spirit..........................Junkie
Friendship first...................Former slut
New Age...........................Body hair in the wrong places
Outgoing...........................Loud and Embarrassing
Passionate........................Sloppy drunk
Voluptuous........................Very Fat
Large frame.......................Hugely Fat
Wants Soul mate................Stalker


1. Yes = No
2. No = Yes
3. Maybe = No
4. We need = I want
5. I am sorry = you'll be sorry
6. We need to talk = you're in trouble
7. Sure, go ahead = you better not
8. Do what you want = you will pay for this later
9. I am not upset = of course I am upset, you moron!
10. You're very attentive tonight = is sex all you ever think about?


1. I am hungry = I am hungry
2. I am sleepy = I am sleepy
3. I am tired = I am tired
4. Nice dress = Nice cleavage!
5. I love you = let's have sex now
6. I am bored = Do you want to have sex?
7. May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you
8. Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you
9. Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you
10. Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you
11. Those shoes don't go with that outfit = I'm gay - Wed, 19 Mar 2008 4:24am Edited: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:09pm
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theres 2 sides to every coin, round em'. By that I mean, while there are some great tradespersons that have never seen a post-secondary level or pre-secondary level education, there's always the stereotypical type that fits into what people hate most about union workers. As with people that have a successful career with a History degree. But for some to say that school is a waste of time? I think is rather ignorant and naive. I've always thought about trying my hands at a trade but dont really know what I would excel at. But if I were to go back to school(post secondary) to finish up my degree(geography) Id find alot more intrest in my field than if i were to slog it out as an apprentice. Its all subjective to the person. Yeah we're taught all through school that its a good idea to have a fall back; and that's what good education can provide you with. Look at all the tradepeople that get laid off and have nothing else to fall back on; what to do then? aside from becoming another statistic(unemployment).
I dont necessarily support unions or they're workers; but if someone works their ass off for an employer then they should be rewarded as so and vice versa(you dont need a union to notice that). - Wed, 19 Mar 2008 2:24pm
Mr. Hell
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"Sorry, but some uneducated maintenance worker does not need to be making $20+/hr...period."

Fuckin' A I do!
But as everyone knows, and has been mentioned in this thread, unions are lame unless you're benefitting from one.
As far as libraries go, some admin desk sitter who doesn't shoulder massive responsibilities should not be making the same money that I do running a garbage truck...and I know they are meaning they should be paid the same as their peers in City Hall, but I also believe the fuckers sitting at desks in City Hall should be making less than people who labour and deal with gross shit daily.
Pay equity is subjective and has been out of wack since the term was invented. - Wed, 19 Mar 2008 3:50pm Edited: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 3:53pm
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If you are working in the waste industry, you won't get an argument that you should be making a good wage. What I was referencing regarding maintenance, was a broom/mop pusher. And irregardless of how anyone spins it, they don't deserve $20+/hr when there are many more positions that actually have an impact yet come nowhere close in remuneration even in unionized environments. Hell even some of the unionized jobs, especially in regards to education, are insanely devalued.

Like I said in my last post, there are protections in place for workers now so they can't get screwed by an employer. And that was the prime reasons for the first unions being formed, workers protection. And yes these are all in place due to unions, in one form or another. Unions really have no place anymore, they've outgrown their usefulness and are now about collective greed.

And yes pay equity is completely messed up and has been for decades. - Wed, 19 Mar 2008 4:36pm
trevor corey
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Imho, NOBODY should be expected to earn less than $20 an hour, unless they are teenagers living under mom and dads protection. I don't care who values what services, try to imagine living off of $10 an hour, which is $1600 per month full time before deductions. No room for kids, dogs, dentists, glasses or even entertainment. Rent, food, basic bills, and a bus pass to get to work. That's it.
Some services are more essential than others, such as nurses and sanitation workers, both of which are underpaid. - Wed, 19 Mar 2008 5:54pm
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I lived off that wage ($8-10) for years, but I always either had a better half living with me or we had roommates so it wasn't so expensive. It's not that hard to do, well back then anyways (late 80's early 90's). No idea what it'd be like now. But if you need more cash than what you make, *gasp*, get a second job like everyone else does.

If everyone was making $20+/hr do you have any idea what everything would cost, and why certain things do cost more than others? That's a lofty ideology Trev and not even remotely realistic. And why should it matter if you're living at home or on your own? That skews the pay equity scale even worse than it is now. You won't get a single 16+ to work until they've moved away from home. Nobody is going to take a lower wage because they live with their parents.

If you can't afford a pet on what you make, then you just don't have pets. Same goes for having kids. As for dentists and glasses etc, that's where you need to prioritize. Do i go out these next two weekends or do I get my dental work done or get my eyes examined and have glasses made. Life is all about priorities. - Wed, 19 Mar 2008 6:42pm
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Yowzers TC that is a rediculous thing to say.

Chops already bit your ear off about that one so I won't repeat anything.

But about this comment...
"Like I said in my last post, there are protections in place for workers now so they can't get screwed by an employer."

I can't disagree more. Go catch up on the state of affairs in BC's logging industry. Read up on how certain jobs (fallers I believe) have been legally re-classified into independant contractors just so they could de-unionize them and prevent future unionized activity. Then read up on how that effectively wiped out their pensions, cut their income in half, and removed resonsibilities regarding saftey and disibility compensation.

Anyways, the point being there are still jobs/industries out there in our own country let alone poorer ones where unions are still needed to effect change.

But sadly our governments are supporting the destruction of unions in the only areas that need them while re-inforcing their existance in the places they don't (i.e. public service paper pushers, hospital dishwashers etc).

Ass backwards for sure. - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 8:55am Edited: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 8:57am
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I see where you're coming from BBJ, totally forgot that 'restructuring' a company's workforce has the exact effect that you described. I stand corrected. - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 9:01am
round em up
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"Look at all the tradespeople around who get laid off and have nothing to fal back on"

In today's labor market there is no such thing as a laid off tradesperson. We've had to resort to recruiters who find us skilled workers in Europe or Asia because there is such demand for labor - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 4:30pm
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Just wait a few months Rounder, the bubble will burst. I'm already seeing ads from painters looking for work. This boom will not last much longer, just look at the foreclosures in Washington state. 22,000 (yes twenty- two thousand) last month alone. You can buy a house in Detroit right now for $8000. As the old saying goes, "when America catches a cold, Canada gets pneumonia".

My ex is (very temporarily IMO) employed as a painter. She had absolutely no work experience when she got this job, and you can be absolutely certain that she will be amongst the first to go. We'll be seeing a shitload of unemployed tradesmen (and women) by spring 2010, you mark my words. - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 5:52pm
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Sooner than that I think. My dad's excavating company just had to let go a bunch of pipe layers, labourers, truck drivers and equipment operators because there simply isn't the available work. The good times, they appears to be ending.

As for the bashing of the librarians and their union, let's not forget that after protesting their inequality of pay, they continued to go to work so the library could be open to the public and it was MANAGEMENT that locked them out. This is the kind of employer intimidation tactics that unions were formed to combat.

~Doc - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 6:52pm
round em up
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You guys are forgeting demographics. Carpenters for example. One third are over 50, for every three that retire there is one to replace them. No matter what happens to the market, the fact that the baby boomers are retiring will offsett any downturn in the economy. Our company is booked through 2012 with work, soley because we do not have enough workers to keep up the demand for work.

Maybe Doc should send his Dad's laid off workers over to our company. We'll give them tons of work and re-train them at our expense. I've hired guys with absolutly no experience other than "having a hardhat and a heartbeat" that started at 18 per hour just over 2 years ago that are now making between 80 and 95 K a year, with benifits, job security, and skills that they can take all over the country, or world for that matter, and find well paying employment.

I know it's tough to swallow for those of you who languised in college or university for years getting degrees when the guy who comes over to fix your toilet or patch up your roof is making more money than you are, but put on your big boy underwear and deal with it.... - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 8:17pm Edited: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 8:18pm
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Yes but, how many gen Xer's are about to lose their shirts, and what will be left for gen Y?

However, with my education I'm certain I will find work anywhere in the world, regardless of the economy. - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 9:17pm Edited: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 9:19pm
trevor corey
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Speaking of unions, rumour has it that the two crew members on deck the night the Queen of the North went down were having sex when they should have been disabling the auto pilot.
How come this is not public information? Why is the union protecting them? - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:27pm
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As I understand it they (sic) "were engaged in a conversation of a personal nature"... - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:34pm
round em up
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That's one of the finer examples of union idiocy. It boils down to this....

An incident occurs. Two people die. Potential loss of life in the dozens or hundreds. A multi million dollar assett is destroyed. Thousands if not millions of dollars of client property sits at the bottom of the ocean....

...all because of the incompetence and possible criminal negligence of two of the senior bridge crew.

It's in the public interest to find out exactly what happened, get to the bottom of it, and take measures to prevent it's reoccurance, and disclose that information to the public. For the sake of the the millions who have to use this critical part of our province's transportation system,and for the health and safety of the employees who deserve to work in a safe environment and who have the right under law to demand that an incident be investigated, corrective and/or punitive steps taken, and have this information disclosed.

The way in which the union has protected these numbskulls is just another shining example of unionism's often narrow minded selfishness. There are measures already in place in our legal system to ensure people are innocent until proven guilty, and if they are in fact guilty, they should go to jail,pure and simple. The union's attempt to protect them is simply an obstruction of justice that go againts all notions of decency and common sense needed to live in a civilized society. - Sat, 22 Mar 2008 3:25am Edited: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 3:25am
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"I know it's tough to swallow for those of you who languised in college or university for years getting degrees when the guy who comes over to fix your toilet or patch up your roof is making more money than you are, but put on your big boy underwear and deal with it.... - "

you've gotta be kidding me with that kind of statement. How arrogant and naive is it to think that all students who've put in hard work to get where they are,JUST like you tradespeople, then have the audacity to think that students have a hate on for the wages a fucking plumber or a roofer makes? You seem to forget that, whether your a plumber or studying for a masters in business/econ., it all takes hard work to achieve the highest standard. And besides, I make enuff money to not hate the guy that comes to fix my toilet or roof my house; simply cuz I dont want to do it myself! No hard feelings! - Sat, 22 Mar 2008 3:11pm Edited: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 3:14pm
trevor corey
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LOL Jl, "you seem to forget that" Roundemup is a meatball. - Sat, 22 Mar 2008 4:14pm
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im standing beside myself... i did "seem to forget"... but that's why your here trev... to let us all know!

POW! TASE! POW! - Sat, 22 Mar 2008 4:36pm
round em up
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I love it.... - Sat, 22 Mar 2008 8:20pm
trevor corey
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Did you mean to say, "that's why YOU"RE here"? Because that didn't make any sense to me. - Sun, 23 Mar 2008 12:23am
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oh trev lol.

i happened to have meant YOU'RE... not you"re. But thats just elementry spelling ;) - Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:09am
trevor corey
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Ah, wrong again mon ami. Not "elementry spelling", but bad drunk typing. spelled "elementry" wrong, btw. - Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:59am
trevor corey
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. - Sun, 23 Mar 2008 12:12pm
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... dam u lol - Sun, 23 Mar 2008 12:38pm
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funny story i actually need to go to the library so i could use there computers to print off shit today and remembered that there still on strike......FUCK - Thu, 27 Mar 2008 1:00pm
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