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Message Board > General Chitchat > CANCER SUCKS
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jay brown
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O.K. I didnt want to spout this off on here until I had told my family and stuff, but here we go. As everyone who knows me knows I have been diagnosed with cancer twice in the past six years and beat it both times. Or so we thought last time..... As it turns out it would appear I wasnt quite so lucky the last time. It seems that some of the cancer cells got into my blood stream or lymph glands, they are not quite sure. Anyways, it spread, and spread, and spread. I said that three times so you would get it that it spread a whole bunch. So I went in for some tests a few weeks ago because all of a sudden I was in a bunch of pain. Well lo and behold lookie lookie on the x-ray there are a bunch of tumours. So I was lucky enough to be informed that the melanoma had metastacized and was now in my lungs, and chest, and liver. Multiple tumours in all of them........ yup that day sucked let me tell you. Even better than that was when I went to the cancer clinic two days later to see what my options were for treatment. Well the nice doctor sat me down, smiled nice and told me straight out that he wasnt going to lie to me, it's terminal. So after thinking to myself for a minute or two that quitting smoking last month was the stupidest thing I had even done cause holy fuck did I ever want one, I asked how long I had. Expecting to have a few years or so, and thinking that wasnt long enough. Then he said anywhere from two weeks to a year, but probably about six months. SIX MONTHS???? Fuck sakes, time to start smoking again let me tell you. So ya anyways, there it is, I have terminal cancer and they have said about six months. Now dont get me wrong I am definitely not giving up, I am taking a bunch of diffent things to try to save my life or at least make it a little longer. Doctors are wrong all the time, but I do have inoperable cancer and it is killing me, that much is definitely a fact. So since Victoria is the city of rumours and since once they start spreading who the fuck knows what they end up as, there it is, the truth right from the horses mouth. The dying, cancer ridden, extremely good looking, ever so charming and witty horses mouth. - Sat, 24 Jun 2006 7:58pm
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peace jay,

beat the cancer like you do drums dude. we all die sometimes at least you'll leave a mark here and hella loud music and a sweet princess -- you snotty bastards.

and hell, if i died each time a doctor said i was going to then i would have never graced Y'ALL with my presence for sooooooooooo long.

i think i had two years and even 6 months once.

then once a day but i think school yard threats from the 70's don't count -- unless the day's not over -- hmmmmmmm

and if you die before me, i'll write your obit -- now isn't that a reason to stay alive?

stay strong - Sat, 24 Jun 2006 8:36pm Edited: Sat, 24 Jun 2006 8:37pm
lisa s
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Hang the DJ
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My aunt was given 6 months to live and she survived. There are many stories you hear of people with terminal cancer who survive. If they can, why can't you? I believe you will pull through, even if that sounds cheesy...
I don't even know you, but good luck. - Sun, 25 Jun 2006 12:01am
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Wow I'm bummed out now. - Sun, 25 Jun 2006 1:34am
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Hey dude, don't know you but mojo sent to you and yours. Cancer is a bitch and I have had my father in-law taken just last year as well my father has all the cancer you just mentioned (just diagnosed a few months ago with the same story). Live it up and keep on rocking bro, I hope you can get through this. Sincerely Lucius - Sun, 25 Jun 2006 7:42am
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Well I think That this pretty much sums up Jay as a person and his good attitude.
Although nowhere near as serious, I too just found out last week I'll be undergoing surgery to deal with some tumors.
Jay and I aren't hang around buddies, but I contacted him about this just to chat. Not knowing what was up, I was shocked to hear his news......but Jay cracked some jokes, and told me he would now live just so he could tell me one ball jokes forever....Too me that is a class act. Life can be a strange journey sometimes, and as I said to jay, at least he spent his life actually, there is no meaning to life, we are here, we breed we do our time and move on, having my child made me realise this, and since then I have found the perfect life...don't be a woulda shoulda coulda person....and Jay, your words made me feel good and smile.....fight the good fight and know at least you got a lot a friends wherever your soul spends its time.
Steve Barrie - Sun, 25 Jun 2006 10:52am Edited: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 3:28pm
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oh man my head got chopped off, Jay thats me and Motley crues Hogs! - Sun, 25 Jun 2006 10:58am
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I don't know really what to say other than since the days of the old FOE hall, punkers and rockers aren't that far apart. I only know Jay as the bartender from Soundgarden and I did see you play with Hoosegow once. Just a fellow local player and this makes me sad.
Your sense of humor definately shines a beacon of light at this site. :-) - Sun, 25 Jun 2006 2:55pm
trevor corey
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Hey J
We don't really know each other, but we recognize each other enough to nod when passing.
I don't have cancer but I was told two years ago by a nephrologist(kidney specialist) that I had reached life expectancy. Crushing experience. Didn't really hit me till an hour later when I was hanging out at Flee's place. Poor guy, had to stand there and watch me break down in tears. Tough guys don't know how to handle those moments.
Any way I know about rumours in this town, I was so skinny people still think I have aids. Not skinny any more and I will keep on keepin on
You probably heard all the positive "you can beat it" talk, but man anything is possible. My situation got better with drastic lifestyle adjustments. One thing I learned was that cancer thrives in an acidic environment and has a tough time in an alkaline. That means stop eating meat and dairy and chips and alcohal and definatly quit smoking. Eat mostly raw food, organic local fruits and veg., juices etc.
Maybe the last thing you want is hippie advice but you might be able to fight on.
Good Luck. I'll see ya the next time I see ya.
P.S.-I've got a medical exemption, and can share some if you need some free and don't mind b grade. - Sun, 25 Jun 2006 4:32pm Edited: Sun, 25 Jun 2006 4:45pm
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Jay, I don't know you except by reputation, and if that reputation means anything, I know you'll enjoy the hell out of the time your have left, be it 6 months or 60 years. - Sun, 25 Jun 2006 6:54pm
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Oh, Jay...If I pee on your grave, will you feel it in heaven? - Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:20am
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i'm another one that doesn't know you, but has gotten a laugh out of many of your posts. i hope to get a laugh out of many more. peace. - Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:43pm
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Hey man,
I don't know you but being a brother from another mother, my heart and soul goes out to you man.
It sure makes me want to quit smoking. After reading your post I just wondered how I would handle that if it were me, and I don't think it would be nearly as well.
Keep your head up...we're all behind ya here. - Mon, 26 Jun 2006 2:41pm
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Speaking of smoking, when I was in hospital, half the people on the 5th floor in therapy were there cause they had a stroke caused by smoking. - Mon, 26 Jun 2006 3:43pm Edited: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 3:44pm
jay brown
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Pfffhhhttt, I smoked for twenty three fucking years and it never gave me cancer. I have lung cancer now but it is there because it spread from somewhere else, it had nothng to do with cigarettes. Neat huh, I now have two of the most deadly types of cancer that exist. The amount of people that die worldwide from liver cancer is astounding I had no idea. - Mon, 26 Jun 2006 7:40pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Just keep making this face and that fuckin' cancer will be running for the hills!

Your a tough bastard who has a hell of a lot of better things to do that haunt us all from beyond the grave. Be strong Bro! - Mon, 26 Jun 2006 8:24pm
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I'm still bummed out even thinking about it (my mom's sister died of breast cancer, scary to think she might eventually have it herself). - Tue, 27 Jun 2006 12:40am
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Wow. Sorry to hear Jay. We don't really know each other but I'm sure you'd know me to see me. I'm the girl you HAVEN'T slept with.
My Mom has had cancer 3 times (cervical, ovarian, and lung - 2 types) and if her cranky drunk ass still gets to be here than yours should too.

Brown rice is really good for getting your blood ph to an alkline state. And Green tea.

Do what cha gotta do to make your days your own.
~Teresa - Tue, 27 Jun 2006 1:01am
jay brown
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I got an awesome new shirt made today. It say's, I've got terminal cancer, how the fuck do you think my day is. - Tue, 27 Jun 2006 7:00pm
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Heh... - Tue, 27 Jun 2006 7:06pm
trevor corey
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Hey J, why don't you set up a twenty light show, make a cool hundred grand. Nothing to loose. - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 3:53pm Edited: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 3:53pm
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Smokes, Smokes!!! - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 4:38pm
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Jay You fucker , you spoiled my joke ^^^^^ LMAO !

When I saw that gravestone it blew my mind , so I took that picture (months ago, no idea that things had changed ? ) as a joke !! lol

This is too fucking, shitty upon shitty news bro .. there’s nothing I could possible say and I sent you a message a few days ago .So….FUCK IT !

It will play out the way fate takes you , and I think we should hold a kickass party right away and drink up a storm !!

.. or a show .. even better !

You’re not gone yet bro ! - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 7:20pm
jay brown
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Well we already thought of that. As long as I dont get hit by a bus beforehand A.W.T. has four shows booked with the Ripcordz in august and we are going to play them damnit. I am also going to try to book an all ager for right around then as well. If, and it is a big if, I fucking die I aint gonna go out without doing what I do on the way... Fuck em all, I say. Live my life by my rules the whole fucking way, and I wanna go out being me. - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 8:30pm
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Jay Brown dude, you fuckin tough bitch. No one can say a word as to sum it up.But, all I say is punk the shit out of those tumours. If ya don't. Fuckin Dimebag is just waitin to rip it up. - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 9:23pm
jay brown
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Nah I aint tough, you know who was tough, my grandparents, probably yours too. We get life handed too us on a platter, granted my platter does seem to be chipped. Treating me and the girlfriend to a trip to Hawaii in a week, fuck tough, I want sandy beaches and palm trees. I have never seen an active volcano before, I'm gonna push someone in...... what are they going to do give me life in prison..... bwahahahahah, jokes on them. - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 10:07am
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Hey Jay, Sorry to hear that. I thought you looked a little off when I saw you and Angela the other day. Only wishing you good things! Hawaii's great have fun! REMEMBER TO WEAR SUNSCREEN! - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 12:37pm
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Thats amazing of you to be fighting it again, you're one tuff dude, if I ever relapsed I always thought to myself I'd take a gun to my head. The fact that you're fighting and continuing onwards is amazing, you have the right state of mind and I really wish you the best, the previous post about alkaline diets is really excellent too, a raw food diet can do wonders for your health, there are stories about terminal cancer patients with their pancreas' riddled with the stuff who ate raw food and survived, without a trace of cancer left in their bodies. Not sure if thats supposed to be inspirational, in any case I hope you kick it's ass. - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 3:17pm
jay brown
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Oh raw foods are the way to go, raw fruits and veggies are so much beter for you it really is crazy. You hear hippies spout that out all the time, but then you get oh I dont know let's say......... CANCER .... and you really start learning what is good and what is bad, and how bad it is. Granted they have done many studies and they have found that people that eat red meat as wll live longer. The only thing is it has to be organic meat. The shit they put in most of the meats is what will kill you. I know vegetarians dont want to hear that red meat could be good at any time but it is a fact. As far as raw fruits and veggies go, just stay away from the really sugary ones, watermelon, grapefruit, carrots, beets, etc.etc. Cancer feeds of sugar and if you give it sugar it will grow on you.... But really you have to live your life still, so if you wanna have a doughnut or some chocolate cake every once in a while, what the fuck, why even bother trying to live if you cant actually live, ya know. - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 3:56pm
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definitley. I was vegan before my second relapse in an attempt to ward off another bout with it but obviously didn't work. I didn't know about raw foods then, these days about 50% of my diet is raw and the other 50 is pizza and hamburgers. I hope the two sides sort of balance each other out, I like pizza and what's the point if you can't enjoy the little things in life like that? why bother! - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 4:10pm
trevor corey
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absolutely, thats why you get coleslaw with your fish and chips. It's all about balance baby. The stress from trying to quit smoking can be very harmful. Question for ya Jay. With cancer feedin on sugar does this spell impending doom on a type 1 diabetic who suffers from flucuating blood sugar levels?1.9-25. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 12:52am Edited: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 1:08am
jay brown
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I honestly dont know the answer to that, but I have been having something happen to me lately that is very much a diabetic problem. Because of the cancer feeding off my sugars I almost go into a low, which a diabetic would be very familiar with. I get really confused and light headed and cant think straight at all. I know that if I eat I will be better instantly, I mean in less than a minute, that kind of quick. But because I cant think I dont know to eat. So I stand there trying to explain what's going on to my girlfriend and all that really comes out is, "I dont know what's going on". Then I lean against a wall because if I dont I will fall down. She usually gets it and feeds me. As the tumors grow they steal all your nutrients and your brain has to struggle to get enough to work.... lame, lame, lame. You know what's creepy, the biggest tumor in my liver is as big as my fist now, weird huh. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 1:17am
trevor corey
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On top of it all, you have to worry about hypoglycemic reactions. Thank god every day you have a partner. In any drugstore you can purchase glucose tablets, easy and convenient. You might also ask your docter about a blood glucose monitor, also easy and convenient. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 1:33am Edited: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 1:33am
jay brown
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Ya I know the routine, my dad was a diabetic most of my life, until it finally killed him last year. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 1:57am
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Don't put any kind of glucose/ fructose(except natural , low doses ) etc. into your body to help with glycolic regulation . It's only a quick fix and you will soon crash from the drop in blood sugars .
It's the crash that causes you problems and that will drive the sugars into your cells and soon cause damage . Protein is the best thing for lowering glycol levels .
Controlling and maintaining blood sugar swings is the key .

Sugar is evil and will age you….. and collects in your cells to cause damage to your organs .

Eat small meals with high protein , balanced Carbohydrates . Salads , raw vegetables or cooked at least , KEEP HYDRATED , everything in moderation .
No refined sugars or honey , refined white flours or refined / hydrated oils .

I haven’t eaten sugar in 23 years !

And no caffeine ..or maybe a diet coke once and awhile . - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 2:41am
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I think we should hold a Metal/Punk concert.......

Sonic Doom is in.......Anyone else? Jay? Ross B Ay?

I will try and get Lucky bar? All proceeds will go to Jay and his lady, and to the Cancer Society.

Anyone pls. All acts welcome. Hey Jay, if you read this, send me a time wehn you know you will be back from Hawaii,,,,,,or maybe we can haul it off before hand. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 10:01am
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Good luck Jay, doctors are ALWAYS wrong believe me. My mother would be dead long ago if every doctor was right. Good attitude is essential and you've pretty much got that covered. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 11:02am
jay brown
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BWAHAHAHAHAH, uh ya you might want to do it somewhere other than Lucky bar they asked me not to come back there a while ago so I wouldnt want to have anyone go there for me now. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 10:22pm
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Fuck that shit. Lucky just made a mistake. I bet you we can get Lucky for a venue. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 10:39pm
jay brown
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I think I phrased that wrong, they asked me not to come back, because they think I did something wrong. I agree that I did in fact do something wrong, but I think they did something much, much worse. So I wouldnt go back there again even if it was o.k. But on a much brighter note, barred for life means not so much when lifes only six months. Logans on the other hand, I love with all my heart and would gladly support them any day of the week. - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 1:36am
jay brown
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So we canadians are so proud of our free medical. Well let me tell you what you get for free, garbage that's what. Every other cancer clinic I have talked to in the whole fucking world has said they could have treated me sucessfully for sure, but because the canadian doctors fucked around for so long with their thumbs up their asses that they dont think it is treatable anymore. Canadian medical is such shit they arent even willing to try anything new or even slightly risky. They just tell me to go home and say goodbye to my family and friends instead. While every other clinic out there is all too willing to do pretty much whatever the fuck it takes to try to save my life. Fuck you canadian medical for killing me. Specifically, fuck you Dr. Wilson for looking at my x-rays with me four months ago. When you saw a tumor in my chest you specifically told me it was benign and nothing I should worry about and to just go home. Well Mr. fucking high and mighty bullshit doctor, four months later I have a death sentence because of you. Now I could understand if this was the first time this dick made a mistake. But the second time I had cancer I went in for a check up and he told me I was fine and that I didnt need my check ups every three months and that I should come back and see him in a year. About a month later my family doctor sent me to another oncologist and we discovered I had cancer again. How many sloppy stupid mistakes does a doctor get to make when he is dealing with something like cancer where his mistakes kill people. Well fuck you Dr. Wilson there is a special place reserved in hell for people like you. Since I will be dying first I will make sure to save a seat for you dickhead. Just for future reference anyone that ever gets cancer, dont trust your doctor, and if you want to live pay the money and go to the states. - Tue, 4 Jul 2006 10:26pm Edited: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 10:27pm
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Sue, put in a complaint to the medical board.
Get his practicing license revoked.
The BC medical system really truly does suck, I wish you the best and show em all by beating the shit out of that cancer. - Tue, 4 Jul 2006 11:31pm
trevor corey
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Cute how everyone has so much advice to give.
Jay is a smart guy. I'm sure he knows his options.
Still. I find it rather sweet how everyone wants so bad to help.
G.P.s suck, plain and simple. They are the underachievers of the medical community. All they do is send you to a specialist. Always question them, and if your condition is serious, you would be wise to get a second or third opininion, and do as much research on your own as you can. You can fire your G.P., I have fired three.
It would be nice to see Jay get some money in a lawsuit, but highly unlikely, and I'm sure he has better, less stressful things to do with his time.
The B.C. medical system could always improve, but it does not "suck". I am alive today because I was born in B.C. and not China or many many other countries where the system truely does suck. - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 5:24pm
jay brown
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Ah that is where you are wrong. We would like to think that here but truly the best cancer clinic in the world for what is wrong with me just so happens to be in China and it is in fact where I might be heading very fast. The guy I was talking about wasnt my GP she is out in sidney and she is an amazing doctor actually, hence the reason I am willing to drive out to sidney anytime I want to see her. The one I was bitching about is my oncologist, a cancer specialist for fuck sakes. The system does not suck in china at all as a matter of fact, that one was a bad example. The only things keeping me healthy right now are all of the chinese herbal remedies my naturopath gave me. There are lots of countries where the medicane does suck, china just aint one of them. As for suing a doctor, well my family has tried to do that twice in the past and trust me when I tell you that unless ou have a few hundred grand to pay to have another doctor give up his practice for a few weeks to come up and testify, your screwed. I did say up, because we were told we would probably have to bring a doctor up from the states cause none here in Canada would testify against another doctor. So you would end up paying a few hundred thousand, and then you still might lose. - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 6:39pm
trevor corey
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I guess every situation is differant. My referance to China was if you are poor. Insulin sometimes cost more than people make. I believe in TCM. I believe in giving everything a try. Combinations of western, eastern, herbal, and alternative health care have kept me alive, I wouldn't give up any. China is a vast and powerful country, I could bave picked a better example. Health care should not be dependant on money, money which is hard to come by when your sick.
Our medical system is hardly free. It may seem free until you get sick.
Canadian doctors stick together no matter what.
Good luck getting to China. It would be an amazing experiance to be in the land of ancient T.C.M. and modern medicine combination. - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 6:58pm Edited: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 7:00pm
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I just have to ask if this Dr. Wilson is in a small clinic down on yates, because there is a doctor there by that name who basically fucked up big time by keeping my mom on a medication(even after months of her complaining about pain) that ended up giving her a very brutal condition and shortened her life span by quite a bit!
And Jay, I was very sad to hear about your news, I wish you the very best! - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 8:41pm
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Yes so would I...That same Dr. Wilson on Yates told me twice, oh you have an STD...hmm now I have to get a nut chopped off because of tumors on it, I am curious Jay, Same Doctor? - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 9:07pm
jay brown
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no not the same doctor, but it would appear that's just a name to stay away from in this town huh. You are correct it does cost a lot of money to get good treatment over there, but the same can be said for most countries. That is one of the problems of free medical, the clinics just dont have the kind of money coming in to warrant buying the newest machines. Or to get the best doctors money can buy for that matter, we get idiots that let you die instead. If my treatment in china is possible I will be looking at somewhere around a forty thousand dollar price tag when it is said and done. But if I stay in Canada for free, I get a bed to die in. - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 9:25pm
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It takes a brave man to share so much with everyone.

I've lost 3 very close friends to it and what each of them seemed to do, over time (not just after they became ill) was focus on their deaths, rather than their lives. Who am I to say, but I believe that imagining & getting excited, and appreciating everything we have in these moments helps way more than most people think.
Jay, I don't know you too well but it sure does seem like you love and are loved (pretty intensely), and I'll bet thats whats gotten you through before. I wish you & yours relief from the pain right now.
Myself, I'm looking Forward to seeing you all stoked at different shows and watching you drum at your own, cuz you really have been pretty killer lately! - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 3:19pm
jay brown
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You know what gets me through each day? The prospect of more dirty threesomes. OH OH OH, and of course, cocaine and hookers, cant forget those. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 3:28pm
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'kay, and I resized that big damn picture. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 3:29pm Edited: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 3:30pm
jay brown
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So I heard back from the clinic in China today, even for forty thousand dollars they wont treat me. They said my cancer is so far gone there is nothing they can do other than help me with the pain and I can get that here anyways. So there we go, the last cancer clinic in the world that could of offered me a cure, lame. So fuck it, I get to be the one that's here for a good time and not a long time. Going to Hawaii tomorrow see ya all in two weeks. - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 8:54am
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Thinking of you dude. Check your E-mail - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 5:08pm
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I don't know you, but I have seen your posts on this messageboard many times over the years. You are one strong dude man. I want you to know that a friend of my mom's also had cancer that was terminal 20 years ago, and a reoccurence in the last 3 or 4 years again. She had a tumor in her leg, that had spread to other parts of her body. I'm not saying the type of cancer you have is the same as what she had, but she has twice beaten it with a book she was referred to called "The Grape Cure" by Johanna Brandt. It baffled the doctors that she was able to beat it, but she did. I wish you all of the very best, and my thoughts are with you. Peace brother - Sun, 9 Jul 2006 9:31pm
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Soak up everything you need in Hawaii Jay, enjoy! - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:33am
jay brown
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Looking out my 15th floor window at the Hilton on Waikiki beach as we speak. The water is beautiful and Diamondhead is off to my left..... wow. Granted the first two days were unbelievable. I got heat stroke laying on the beach, and because my body is fighting cancer 24 hours a day, all my systems pretty much shut down. I spent 36 hours in more pain than I had ever even dreamed possible. It's not enough this fucking disease kills you it's got to take your dignity on the way. But I seem to be back again, and it's a safe bet I wont be letting that happen again. So fucking right's this place is awesome. Going to Hanauma bay tomorrow, I think were going to go see Pearl Harbour tomorrow as well. There are so many japanese tourists here it's unreal. Which I find kind of weird seeing as how they bombed Hawaii. I would think the Hawaiians might hold a grudge which doesnt seem to be the case. Which I might add speaks volumes as to how cool Hawaiians are. Tomorrow is our last day in Waikiki, then we are flying off to Maui for six days, that should be rad. - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 6:10pm
Ty Stranglehold
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I thought to myself that would be so par for the course (and so twisted that you'd love it) if N. Korea's missle (TypeODong) hit Hawaii when you were there.

Enjoy your vacation. See you when you get back. - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 12:21am
jay brown
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If it did hit Hawaii I would finally be able to prove the existence of god. Mostly because I can guarantee you the missile would land squarely on me. - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 1:17am
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Jay you will LOVE Maui. It's way better than Honolulu. You won't want to leave. - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 5:06am
Dick Tater
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Hey jay you should try and find Dog the Bounty Hunter. No ice in paradise. AHahahaha - Fri, 14 Jul 2006 8:16am
Mr. Hell
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My thoughts are with you Jay. Stay around for a while longer, would ya? Who's gonna accuse people of looking at his cock if you aren't here?
Maui? Yes! - Fri, 14 Jul 2006 5:26pm
ricky jak
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dang Jay. Alls you can do is live every day to its fullest. Have a good day brother! I'll see you soon beatin those drums! -ricky - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:19pm
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Hey Jay,

Do as much fun shit as you can everyday and keep positive. Relax when you're tired and eat when you're hungry. I hope I see you back in Vic soon but if I don't (cause you're partying in Hawaii) keep grooving and enjoy. - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:46am
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This might interest those here that know Jay, or anyone with cancer really. It's a distributed computing project to assist finding a cure for various forms of cancer. I haven't installed the client yet, but if it's like any other distributed computing project it only uses the CPU when not in use.

Keep up the good fight Jay! - Wed, 19 Jul 2006 4:35pm Edited: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 4:41pm
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Jay, yer tough as'll bounce back lamf. - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 8:24am
trevor corey
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Jason? - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 11:07am Edited: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 11:07am
jay brown
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Well were back from Hawaii... mental note to self, never go anywhere you arent covered by medical when you are so sick you have to go to a hospital pretty much every week. Maui was amazing, then I got really sick and spent the last few days in bed then came home and went to the hospital, but the vacation ruled nonetheless. We went diving with sea turtles it was so cool. One of them was bigger than my girlfriend, and I got to float nose to nose with one for a couple minutes it was neat. We got to drive to the top of an active volcano too. I didnt get to push anyone in though. - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 5:46pm
jay brown
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I wonder how many bad days I can have in a row before there are no more good days. It isnt enough that it kills you it has to degrade you and hurt you more than you ever dreamed possible before you get there. This has not been a good couple of days. - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 3:29pm
jay brown
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O.K. heres a little update for y'all. They have decided to put me on chemo after all. Apparently it is an extremely brutal form of chemo though so it hasnt even been used in Canada in a few years due to people dying from it and such. But most chemo has about a 15% success rate and this one has about a 40% success rate. So they called the head of the cancer board in B.C. and actually got permission to use it one more time on me. If it does work it could potentially shrink my tumours by about 50% which in Canada still means a death sentence but a little longer before I die. But the other clinics I talked to in China and the states have all said they can treat me if my tumours shrink by that much. So heres hoping this actually works huh...... I start around the 19th, and apparently I will be so sick I will have to be hospitalized for the whole thing. I was informed that I will be so weak I will literally not even be able to lift my head off a pillow. So as unappealing as that sounds it does in fact sound a lot better than death. So here goes that good fight thing you always here about in the movies....... Hope I am still here to tell you all more in a month or so. Oh and by the way, stop looking at my cock. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 10:53pm
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So this means if the lights go out in the club Jay's in he'll glow in the dark so brightly they won't need the lights for the rest of the night. :) Good luck, Jay! - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 12:48am
lauren a
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good luck, jay :) - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 1:09am
trevor corey
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Why dontcha take your mind off of things by playin the This Or That Game. - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 1:10am
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i have a good friend who went through what you are about to go through back in the mid nineties - at the time his chemo treatment was "experimental" and apparently, very intense. the doctors didn't give him much of a chance and here he is working in the next office over ten years later. he said it was the most painful experience he has ever gone through; and that he'd go through it all again in a heartbeat if it meant living.

good luck. - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 9:02am
Soap Dodger
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Good luck jay.. stay strong. - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 1:39pm
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Best of luck Jay.
If anyone can beat it, it'll be you. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 2:18pm
jay brown
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Thanx Josh, I'll do what I can, but if I dont beat it every time you are about to get laid till the end of time I am going to haunt you and wreck your fun. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 8:06pm
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....and it was gettin' all hot....and then suddenly her face turned into jay brown's

My mom went through years of chemo when I was a kid for leukemia, so I have some vague idea of what you're about to go through.
Go beat the shit out of that cancer, I want to see you at our CD release in October. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 9:31pm
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Wow... this is intense!

Jay: I've been following this thread for a while, and I'm speechless. I know I don't know you that well, but everyone knows of you... You are a staple in the Victoria music scene. I wish you the very best with it all... and good luck!

Nicola - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:50pm
jay brown
User Info...
I agree it is intense, you should try waking up every day to a death sentence it is an odd experience. Especially when you keep getting sicker and sicker so you know it really is coming, makes it hard to live with your head in the sand. On a brighter note, I have lost a lot of weight recently and apparently I look great, ya for the cancer diet plan......... - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 7:11am
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Hey Jay It's Curtis! I don't know you to well but I do know you. I've really enjoyed seeing your Band AWT play. ANyways I just wanted to wish you the best of luck in this whole ordeal.
LAter Curt - Sat, 12 Aug 2006 7:09pm
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to bad yer cancer ass is gonna get kicked out there on the
lake thursday. - Mon, 14 Aug 2006 12:34am
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dude - Mon, 14 Aug 2006 12:40am
trevor corey
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Good luck with the upcoming "extremely brutal form of chemo".
I'll be looking forward to hearing an update when your through it. - Thu, 17 Aug 2006 8:03pm
trevor corey
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Hey Jason,

I am Trevor Coreys Wife. We used to know each other. Remember me? Sandy, short blonde hair.(If I say splits , I'm sure you'll remember.) I am so sorry to not have written in by now, but it has been a little to emotional for me. I want you to know that I have an amazing amout of faith in you. In the power of Jason Brown. You are powerful. Sure, I am a little tipsy right now. But, I know that you are powerful. Don't give up. I remeber, back in the day, I was in the bar, very distraught, and you sat with me and reassured me that everything was going to be ok. I don't even think you even knew what was wrong. it didn't matter. There are people in life that understand what it means to live in strange circumstances. only a few that I have met, can ever relate. In that very moment, you were one of those few people. Thank you. I am praying for your health and recovery and I hope we will meet again. Amazing things can happen in life. Please beleive in that. - Sat, 19 Aug 2006 3:26am
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Fuc dude shitty deal man.
I hope you live through it.
Jay's gotta live so does AWT.

cheers,good luck.

-SFB - Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:57am
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Todays the day. Good luck bro. - Sat, 19 Aug 2006 1:09pm
jay brown
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Nah they have bumped me back a couple weeks, nothing like sitting around waiting, and waiting, while this shit grows. - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:26am
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this is what happens when you stop smoking pot! - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 2:16pm
jay brown
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O.K. any of the old dope fiends on here will get a good laugh out of this one. They have had me on dilaudids for the pain for the last couple of months now, but the pain is of course getting worse as it does with shit like this so they aint working so well anymore. So they are putting me on methadone now for the pain. I howled when they told me. Eleven years off of dope and now they put me on methadone. But hey what the fuck whatever works huh.... I should write a fucking book. - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 8:56pm
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Dilaudid is basically synthetic heroin, so congrats! Good luck with chemo, Jay. We're rooting for ya, bro. - Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:28am
ricky jak
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Is our friend Todd in town? If so tell him i say oi oi oi. Maybe we could hook up for some coffee while you get to hook up to the fun stuff..... ahhh maybe not fun in this case.... or any case really. Remeber the Riot 303 song.

-ricko - Wed, 23 Aug 2006 4:50pm
jake warren
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come check us out on the 1st at Lucky - sorry I missed the Cobalt show...there was a cool write-up in the Georgia St.
see you soon - Fri, 25 Aug 2006 12:21am
jay brown
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All righty I am now officcially a resident at the jubilee hospital for a while. The chemo starts tomorrow, and I have no computer there so I will talk to all of you later........ and ya Rick, Todd was here for a couple of days but he is already back in Japan. - Tue, 29 Aug 2006 11:21am
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They don't have computers there either?!? They used to have 1 at the Victoria General, but it was usually in an office, not in a public area. - Tue, 29 Aug 2006 12:30pm Edited: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 12:31pm
jay brown
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Sweet deal I get to be home for a couple of days. The chemo hasnt started yet, that is wednesday. They have been doing radiation treatments on me so far and while they may not be curing me they are definitely helping to cut down on the pain, gotta like that. So with any luck I will stay healthy till wednesday and get a few nice days at home before the yucky stuff starts. Gross. I have had well over a hundred needles stuck in me this week. Six I.V.'s in five days, soooooooo gross. But ya anyways, here I am at home again, I missed the couch so much. - Sun, 3 Sep 2006 3:27pm Edited: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 3:28pm
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You're stronger than most out there Jay. I'm sure you already knew that though.
Hang in there...there have been the odd miracle or two. - Sun, 3 Sep 2006 10:52pm
jay brown
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Ah there's miracles every day, the fact that hops make beer, now that's a miracle. The fact that a plant makes cocaine, now that's a miracle. The fact that poor drug addicted under privelaged girls with no self esteem let us pay them for sex, while ingesting that cocaine, now that's a miracle. The fact that not only will a potato allow itself to pair up perfectly with a steak but it will also become vodka, wow now that is my kind of miracle. Even if I dont beat it, as long as I get to eat big steak with a beer and a vodka and cran, and a couple of rails, and a few hookers it's all good. - Mon, 4 Sep 2006 12:34pm
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Jay, you are truly, "A Gentlemens', Gentlemen."

How's the stoppage of the cigarette smoking going..

(I've stopped for 2 weeks, cold ) - Mon, 4 Sep 2006 7:02pm
jay brown
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Good for you, HEY LOOK IT'S A JACKALOPE!!!!!!!!!!! As he scurries away with a smoke in his mouth....... lalalalalalalala. I know it's killing me but I am already dying anyways. Actually I know all the reasons I should quit and I agree with almost everyone of them. But sometimes when I get real stressed nothing else will do and I just say fuck it yet again. It's pretty hard to find a good reason to stop when the docs have said I probably have about three months left. - Tue, 5 Sep 2006 8:47am
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Dude, if I can quit smoking so can you. OK, so they wanted me to quit smoking cause if I smoked the blood vessels in my brain would grow really small and I'd have another seizure. Actually, I was lucky as I don't remember the first month. Methinks this was the only way I could kick the habit. - Tue, 5 Sep 2006 12:44pm
trevor corey
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Hey Jason.
What can you tell us about radium therapy?
Also, the stress from quiting smoking have negative effects too, cutting back is good enough. - Tue, 5 Sep 2006 2:45pm Edited: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 2:46pm
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Yes, the 'new radicals' that cigarette chemicals do when they inhibit your body, actually might help in one way, like 'stress reduction' and preventing people from randomly killing other people- but the bottom line is- only stupid people smoke....

"Because, they just don't know, any better...." - Tue, 5 Sep 2006 8:46pm
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Talk about stupid...

I had a weak moment Jay.
I fell off the wagon, and smoked 6, (I counted,) "6" cigarettes yesterday...

Although, I feel terrible today because, I did smoke, physically not mentally.

That I contribute my 2 and half weeks of stopping smoking, to menthol cigarettes, as I would only smoke less than half of what I regularly do, with just ordinary flavoured smokes, and half the amount of toxins that regular cigarette smoke contains.

So, it was 'twice as easy', for me to stop...

I'm going for it again today.

(So far no smoking) - Thu, 7 Sep 2006 10:05am
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I sincerely wish you the best. You are a legend on
this site. I've read all the stuff, but I really do think 'miracles' happen more often than people think, and they usually occurr to people with resolves like yours,
with no apologies just will. I hope you beat it.

I'd miss your postings on Vic Live, small thing, may sound cheesy and not mean that much to you, or me for long either, talking about some random message board, but I would.

BTW, I'm staring at your cock, I'm attracted to both sexes
when I'm doin cocaine.

I'm not religious, but I'll pray for you man. Anyone else
who feels they think that would be good should do it too, can't hurt. Fuck the evidence that supports it, I believe it works all the time. Sorry I hope that wasn't too intense or preachy or somethingy, I'm just quite opened up and feeling right now. It really feels like you are supposed to beea this, like it should happen, I hope it does.

for some reason I just felt I had to post that. - Sat, 9 Sep 2006 7:12am Edited: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 7:33am
jay brown
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Still alive, still in the hospital. They really werent joking about how sick I was going to get. Unfuckingbelievable wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy, nobody deserves it. It sucks worse than soggy cap n crunch cereal. - Thu, 14 Sep 2006 3:12pm
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Soooo.......if I came by to say hi to you would you prefer Playboy, Hustler, or something totally tasteless as a gift? - Thu, 14 Sep 2006 9:20pm
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Everyone here at Absolute Underground is rooting for you.
Go to CHina!!!! - Thu, 14 Sep 2006 9:36pm
trevor corey
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When in hospital Trevor Corey prefers "BUTT FRENZY".

Leave a copy out and test the nurse's reaction. Hey ya never know! - Fri, 15 Sep 2006 3:34am
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Jay, I will NEVER stop looking at your cock. Or wish I could be... - Tue, 19 Sep 2006 7:38pm
jay brown
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o.k. the first round of chemo is over, they sent me home today. I get to chill at home for a week then back for round number two. All in all it was pretty much exacty what everyone had told me it would be like. Extremely sick and weak, but all in all pretty good. The food sucked ass in the hugest of ways, but that is to be expected I guess. So it is looking good so far, and I feel relly good. I may be getting excited way too early here but it is hard to not get that way when I feel healthy for the first time in a couple of months. Fingers crosed, and all that shit....... heres to drinking beer around the barbecue next summer. - Wed, 20 Sep 2006 6:23pm
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Best of luck, Jay. I hope atleast you continue to feel better. I'm rootin' for ya'. - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 12:28pm
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Here, here!!! - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 4:54pm
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Hey Jay, I've been following this post all along and I'm routing for ya. Just wanted to put my couple words in. Best of luck! Cheers,

-Adam - Fri, 22 Sep 2006 8:25pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Good to see you looking and sounding like your usual self. I'll give you a call this weekend. - Fri, 22 Sep 2006 8:47pm
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Good to hear man! All the best to ya. - Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:26pm
Indole Derivative
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I always felt like I never new ya, so I aint never felt like I should post here. But, all the cool kids are doin it, and I can honestly say your a big part of this scene, so... This brews for you brother. - Sun, 24 Sep 2006 11:56pm
jay brown
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chemo starts again wednesday...... heres to keeping my hair a little longer huh.... - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 7:02pm
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Heh... I'd like to see you grow your hair as long as mine used to be in high school. :) - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:16am
jay brown
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Nah I chopped it all off yesterday, at least if it falls out now I wont miss it. O.K. chemo starts in about an hour and a half yet again, so back in the hospital I go. No computers handy in there so I will keep y'all updated as good as I can. With any luck I wont get so sick this time, then I would be out in less than three weeks, that would be nice. Something about throwing up for about ten hours a day for twenty days or so that is really unappealing to me let me tell ya. Anyhow enough thinking about that, see y'all soon. - Wed, 27 Sep 2006 7:37am
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if its any consolation, probably not while you are sick but you have helped me quit smoking for good man.
About a week or so after reading your story I quit.
I have been tempted sure, but when I think about what you are going through I just try to imagine what it must be like. Not that I can, but, I just wanted you to know that you've definately made an impact to people on this board.
Not just in the way of helping others quit, but by having some strength of character. Thanks for showing us how good we all really do have it.

Maybe we (this whole board) should arrange a night we all meet at Steamers (or the place of Jay's choosing) and buy him a round or two and some wings.....jay likey wingy?

come on people, lets all set some shit up for when he gets out! Of course if you are comfortable with it Jay, either way I'd love to buy ya a round eventually man.
Keep yer head up man!
I don't know him but it would be a great way for everyone to meet.....just a thought - Wed, 27 Sep 2006 8:33am Edited: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 8:39am
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I just got back from a 3 week holiday over in Europe, and while I was over there I found myself wondering how you were doing. Odd, because I don't really know you (I know of you, through bands and friends though). I enjoy reading your posts here and wish you the best. - Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:18am
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I never posted here, cause like many others I never felt I knew you, still doubt I do. But I been reading this all for a while.
It really started to catch my interest when a freind of mine, a great actavist from edmonton, and singer of eleutheros was just diagnosed with lukemia, she just whent in last week for her first treatment.
It shocked the hell out of me, and really showed me how little knowledge of the subject I had. But I want to thank you, as reading your posts on here has actually helped a lot.
Whether we may agree or disagree on many things, and whether I know you or not, best of luck to you. and Thanks. - Wed, 27 Sep 2006 1:42pm
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Hey Jay

You'd be amazed how many people I've run into around town who've been impacted by your latest round of treatment. You've got a whole lot of people pulling for you
So, here's to not feeling so sick this time around. Best of luck man.
If you run into a radiation therapist named Bill, he's my "uncle in law". Tell him you know me, maybe he'll let you jump behind the radiation machine controls for a .

Josh - Thu, 28 Sep 2006 9:12am
jay brown
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Well look at me go, three days after chemo and I am already healthy enough they want to send me home. It looks like things are starting to look up on the treatments, gotta like that. They had warned me that if I got as sick as I had the first time again that this would be my last treatment as they were worried it could kill me. Which is kind of funny because without the treatment I would be a dead man anyways, but the blood wouldnt be on their hands I guess so nobody would get sued. But as luck would have it, the treatment went amazingly well this time which means I will be scheduled for more. So there we have it, a couple weeks at home in my own bed then back I go. At this rate A.W.T. should be back playing again in no time at all huh........... - Sat, 30 Sep 2006 10:31am
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Can't wait to see you play again man. As soon as yer back at it, I'm buyin' you a beer, but only if I can stop starin' at yer cock for long enough. - Sun, 1 Oct 2006 10:00pm Edited: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 10:02pm
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Yes me too, ('bout buying you a beer) nothing else included. - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 11:43am
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Hey, good news. I hadn't seen you around and have been computer-less for awhile now and I was beginning to wonder; thank Ford for this thread, it's a good way to keep up to date on ya. As always keep your chin up and keep looking forward; more AWT shows will probably help kill off all those bad germs (as well as billions of your devoted fans' brain cells). Thanks for keeping us all updated (I'm not sure I would be so forthcoming under similar circumstances; it takes real guts to go public with this sort of thing). There's lots of folks pulling for you. Cheers, Scott - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 8:22pm
jay brown
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Well I sat on a drumset yesterday for a couple of minutes and it didnt hurt me at all. So on that note I think it's time to phone the boys and start jamming again and see if we cant play a few shows for y'all sometime soon....... fuck I miss playing music so much. At the very least we have to get into the studio and record the tunes we havent gotten on a c.d. yet huh....... - Sun, 8 Oct 2006 6:11am
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Actually Jason, you look really healthy, good for you!!! Keep it up, perhaps one day you'll be able to play a set with AWT, that would be worth seeing (yes, even I would go see that). - Sun, 8 Oct 2006 11:25am
jay brown
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The drugs they give you when you are on chemo could make a dying work horse win races. I do feel pretty good most days, but really only for part of the day and even that is hit and miss. There is never a day that I feel good by the time evening rolls around. The drugs can only do so much and after having my body exert the energy it takes to try to live a normal life throughout the day at night time it just bottoms out completely and I am usually fucked by about 9. Which sucks if I ever want to go see a show or anything cause I am pouring sweat and cramped up, and throwing up, and dizzy and confused. Ya I know I sound just like a junkie......bwahahahahahah. But seriously it really puts a damper into things when anything I want to be able to do is back on the sleep schedule I had when I was 10 years old yet again. Ah well, I think it is time for me and Zack to put on another cancer benifit show. - Mon, 9 Oct 2006 8:12am
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I am totally willing to volunteer my time if you guys do decide to put on a benefit show. Right now I am watching my Nana die of Cancer and it is the most awful thing I have ever seen. She was diagnosed Sept 3 and given until Christmas to live but at this point we don't think she will make it that long. She can no longer speak or move. My father and uncle are living with her right now because she refuses to go into hospice or have anyone outside the family come in to care for her. She will not even let any family come visit her. I recently found out that cancer runs in my dads side of the family. All of my nanas siblings died from it as well as her dad. My dad has had 3 boughts of skin cancer. Since there is nothing I can do for my nana I would really be willing do as much as possible for a cancer fundraiser. Email me if you decide to get this going!
I am really glad to hear you are fighting this thing Jay!! Hopefully you start feeling better in the evenings soon so we can stare at your cock at shows. We don't really go for the bands you know. - Mon, 9 Oct 2006 9:44am
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You are your greatest asset there is nothing you cant do...
no-one can keep you from dreaming, only you can stop them coming true...

Your achievements are determined, by the desire that you possess, believe in who you are, believe in what you do, its not a quirke of fate, its strictly up too you.

You are beating the HELL out of cancer...
believe it, breath it, Dwell on it, its true

Poetry, I love the stuff.
So keep workin with your medical professionals, but keep in mind that your healing starts in your mind, believe it, dwell on it,
some people would call me on that, and say its bull-shit, but I know it too be true, Manifestation of healing, Manifestation of miracles, believe it and dwell on it... - Wed, 11 Oct 2006 4:34pm
jay brown
User Info...
Healing always starts in the mind it is a fact. As soon as you give up mentally you are a done deal, no coming back. There realy is no medical backing for it but it is reality the power of positive thought on the body is one of the strongest forces out there. That and a whole lotta drugs......... Gotta love waking up at 3:30 in the morning so soaked in sweat you have to peel yourself out of bed and then when you sit up sweat pours off your whole body. It doesnt really make for much sleep, especially when it happens every single night. Sheets so wet I can actually squeeze water right out of them....pretty ucking yucky I must say. Definitely makes for some interesting sleeping hours. So if your ever up at 4 a.m. and online it's a safe bet I will be around. - Thu, 12 Oct 2006 4:49am
trevor corey
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I still deal with that. I fold up flannel sheets into large squares and sleep on top so the wet doesn't soak the matress, and I just change em through out the night. I keep three on standby.
I was up at four the other night and I ordered the Tony Little pillows(fitness guru), you know the guy with the pony tail and baseball hat. The pillows are very nice. Anything that makes it easier.
I also add *Trace Mineral Elements to my water, they can be found at any health food or vitamin store. I like the liquid form, just add too water.
Good luck Jay, alot of people are praying for you, in one way or another. - Thu, 12 Oct 2006 2:00pm
jay brown
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Why do you get night sweats so bad? My doc cant figure it out for the life of him. Well actually none of my five doctors can figure it out. They thought it was the drugs but I was having them before I started taking the drugs. They thought maybe tumour sweats cause that is an actual affliction with cancer, but they have never heard of it being nearly as bad as mine. - Fri, 13 Oct 2006 8:44am
trevor corey
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Don't exactly know. I loose 5-10 pounds every night though. It takes the entire next day to put the weight back on, only to loose it again.
I think it is because my body isn't eliminating toxins the ways it should ,so the sweating kicks in. The trick is too replace the lost fluids, which is difficult if you are apt to vomiting. Gator aid is crap, pedialite is good but can get expensive. Adding Trace Mineral Elements to your water is IMO the best.
A good T.C.M. doctor might be able to help you. - Fri, 13 Oct 2006 1:26pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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J: tried playin "Glue Dream #27" again? - Fri, 13 Oct 2006 5:21pm
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I'm a big fan of trace minerals too. I used to give it to the hung over people I worked with and got them hooked on it too. - Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:04am
jay brown
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Heya Phil thanks so much for the c.d. sorry I wasnt a better host but I had just had chemo the two days before and I was so sick I could barely even talk. That day I threw up 31 times. Just roll that off your tongue and think about it, pretty fucking brutal huh. I think the farthest I moved that day was to roll over in bed and grab a bucket to puke in again. - Mon, 23 Oct 2006 6:43pm
Isolation Ride
User Info... get right into it and don,t fuck around.Launch some of your own missles back at that shit.Good luck bro. - Thu, 26 Oct 2006 2:52pm
Isolation Ride
User Info... - Thu, 26 Oct 2006 2:54pm
The WOlf
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How goes the battle ? - Tue, 21 Nov 2006 8:50pm
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Here's an interesting article on a potential new way of treating cancer. - Tue, 21 Nov 2006 9:16pm
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Just popped in to say you haven’t had your scrawny ass on here for awhile !

We’re/I’m thinking of you man !

Curb stomp it bro !! - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 6:00pm
jay brown
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Sorry I havent updated I was in the hospital for a few weeks there and sick as hell when I was out anyways. the battle doesnt seem to be going quite as well as we had hoped. But I am home now so heres to hoping things start getting better soon. When the doctors originally told me I had six months to live if you go by the literal date it is december the 16th, it's getting close huh.. - Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:54am
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thanks for checking in... 15,000 views on here - looks like Jay Brown's got a posse! - Tue, 28 Nov 2006 12:31pm
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I ran into Jason at the all-{r}ager Saturday night (before the snow), he looked awesome! - Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:12pm
Mean Mike
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even stricken by cancer and 3/4 dead Jay Brown looks 'awesome'

Go Jay! - Sat, 2 Dec 2006 10:54am
Taal Fiza
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I have some info for you to help you beat it.
[email protected]

Matt - Sat, 2 Dec 2006 3:14pm
jay brown
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o.k. I will contact you tonight. - Sat, 2 Dec 2006 9:17pm
jay brown
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it is weird to think that 15000 times people have checked this out, that's kinda neat. I shoulda put a pic of my cock up huh. - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 5:45pm
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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thank you!!!!!!!!! - Sun, 3 Dec 2006 5:57pm
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You're a fighter Jay... I know you'll be around longer than what they said brother. You always have a good vibe.

You know you got to witness some of the best ska shows we ever presented at the Limit years ago dating back to 1997. It's funny cause I thought you were more into electronic music when I first saw you working the bar at the there. I soon found out I was wrong.

Much respect and blessings for future. I hope I bump into you again soon (when you're out of the hospital). - Mon, 4 Dec 2006 3:24am Edited: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 3:26am
jay brown
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Well I had a weird few days and almost died. Nothing like going down thinking this is it, then waking up two days later confused because you thought you were dead. - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 7:15am
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I'll have to take your word on that one. I can't imagine. - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 9:27am
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Holy Shit Jay. Way to put everything into perspective for the rest of us. - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 2:57pm
trevor corey
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Wow. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were competeing for the ladies down at Scandals. You had long straight black hair and I had long straight blond hair.
I hope you can find strength in the knowledge that so many people on this board care about you.
Good luck man. - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 4:46pm Edited: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 5:13pm
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Jay, I tried a few times to come and see you when my mom was upstairs from you...and every time I tried they told me you were too sick. I don't know how else to get a hold of you, but I wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you..alot. I know if anyone has the strength and stubornness in them to beat this it's you. You're a good friend Jay...and I hope to see you soon.
big hugs
Lisa - Mon, 11 Dec 2006 9:34pm
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Hey Jay, the other day I remembered you helping me through with all kinds of reassuring words when I first got on board here. I decided to trust your take on things and and it turned out you were right.
And I remembered bailing on this guy I was kinda seeing so I could hang out talking with you at the Astoria one night, haha! He seemed a little annoyed.

Anyway, the fall's a pretty intense time for illness, but you've already made it through the heart of that season. I betcha every ounce of strength you're gaining back is coming back 10 fold by now. - Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:37am Edited: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:41am
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Hope you're doing okay, Jay?


Happy Holidays, Jay. - Mon, 18 Dec 2006 2:31pm
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It's been a while Jay....what's happening? - Thu, 21 Dec 2006 8:35pm
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Nobody, cares about you Sati. - Thu, 21 Dec 2006 8:36pm
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Dear Mace,

I think I speak for a few of us. - Thu, 21 Dec 2006 8:41pm
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Yes, u sp33k 4 teh hole w3rld b1tc8.. - Thu, 21 Dec 2006 8:47pm
Rudi Ranogajec
User Info...
Bro look up
Alternative therapy, It is the fruit of the exotic Mangosteen, the prized friut from Southeast Asia.It works
attacks the cancer cells. If My Father heard about this earlier he would have had a chance to fight Cancer.
If you would like to try it drop me an email, I'm on it and distribute it.Also Google 21 reasons to try Mangosteen juice.
Take Care My Friend
Keep up the fight! - Wed, 3 Jan 2007 6:47pm
jay brown
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hey y'all, I'm still here and kicking around. We were up in kamloops for the holidays with the girlfriends family. I have actually been doing ok the last few weeks so thats always nice. - Thu, 4 Jan 2007 10:14am
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Yay! Jay Brown is still about. Gosh, I feel bad I missed the cancer benefit. :( - Thu, 4 Jan 2007 1:27pm
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Jay Brown - inspiring, moving and real! I have worked with youth for 30 years - kids that have been through all sorts of shit - was talking about you this morning in a group - told them to check out this link if they are interested in reading about and from a fighter - we should all be playing every gig like it is our last - this post is amazing - thanks Jay - Thu, 4 Jan 2007 1:40pm
jay brown
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To be honest this thread amazes me. I started this to give a heads up to friends I dont necessarily see all the time and it has just blossomed and grown into an amazing thing for my morale somedays. Ya I am a fighter, but I think everyone is when their lives are on the line. Nobody wants to lay down and give up, ya know. It is getting harder the sicker I get, but hey that too is all part of the experience I guess. Granted it is a part I would rather not ever have to deal with, but I dont think I get that choice anymore. The choices get more limited and the reality gets a tad bit more bleak, but it is all in how you look at it. Take today for instance, it was a beautiful sunny morning. If I had of just given up and died already I would have never gotten to see that. Life truly is a moment to moment experience and man let me tell ya when that truly is how you have to live it you really learn to love the good moments. Here's to making it to the summer so I get to see a bunch more days like this at least huh. - Thu, 4 Jan 2007 4:32pm
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I'll drink to that.
Here's to makin' it to summer, and to a whole lot of good moments on the way.
Hope you keep on feeling OK as long as possible, dude. - Thu, 4 Jan 2007 7:26pm
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Hey, don't die just yet, I have yet to see you drumming your ass off in AWT, damnit!!! :) - Thu, 4 Jan 2007 10:06pm Edited: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 10:06pm
trevor corey
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Xango didn't work out for me personally, but I have to say, the company was very gracious about refunding my money no hassle no need to return product. Not cheap, can be found in Lifestyles cheaper. Sorry Rudi, but it's true.
There are many testamonials to its benifits, just gave me bad heartburn. - Fri, 5 Jan 2007 12:45am Edited: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 12:46am
jay brown
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So far none of the cures have worked in my case whether it be the acceted forms of chemotherapy and radiation and such or the naturopathic stuff like you are talking about. But all these things affect everyone differently. - Sat, 13 Jan 2007 12:48pm
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we just did a half hour interview with Jay from the hospital....should be up on our webpage soon...and will definately be in the upcoming feb/march issue - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 6:00pm
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sweet, keep livin man, this thread makes me smile, kinda neat how something so traumatic can bring out a lot of joy in one's life, you got a lot of people routing for ya man! - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 6:11pm
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I have been having a lot of problems with my health in the last few months, I was a heavy heavy smoker , and it was starting to really bag me out....

I have always wanted to stop smoking, for obvious reasons...
and a while back I read Jay's thread, and thought ya know, if I get cancer, or already have it, and I die from it, well shitty deal, but I did it too myself, but anyways, I have gone out and used nicorette gum, it seams to be working pretty well, I still get pretty pissy when I dont have the gum, but my lungs and body is starting to feel much more clean, and detoxified, which is key to overcoming an illness, I take more time to enjoy the time I do have, no matter how long it may be

So yeah, Fuckin rights there Jay, I hope you get better, and get ta see ya drum sometime, take care, peace! - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 6:20pm
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So many of us are thinking of you and sending you love Jay.
Thank you for sharing yourself the way you have. You have touched a lot of hearts and inspired so many. - Fri, 26 Jan 2007 12:17am
the JAK
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I was watching headbangers journey last night and i said to my roomate merlin that i was haveing a really bad feeling, and we woke up to find that Jay had passed on this morning - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:31am
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RIP - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:49am
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shit, man. RIP Jay. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 12:05pm
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so sad. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 12:35pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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The scene will be a bit lesser with his departure, and condolences to those near him. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 1:04pm
trevor corey
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cancer sucks.

R.I.P. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 1:07pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Angela told me this morning that it was quick and painless this morning. All my love goes out to her.
I am thankful that Jay's pain and suffering are now over, but it leaves me empty to think about everything we no longer have.
We've all lost a Brother, a Best Friend, someone who always had something good for our music scene and someone who ALWAYS had your back.

Rest In Peace Jay - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 1:09pm
Mean Mike
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This is really sad, rest in peace brother..

:( - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 1:22pm
Ty Stranglehold
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* - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 1:35pm
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- - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 1:41pm
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Fuck. Love from Darryl, Trish and Emilia. I've known Jay since I was 13. Drinking at St. Anns and mile zero, trips to Van... god, so many good times together. He really will be missed... - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 1:59pm
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Sweet dreams Jason. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 2:03pm
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RIP brotha! - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 2:34pm
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my condolences to angie and her family,and too those close to jason...we will miss him...peace - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 2:55pm
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Jason Brown was the first person in the Victoria Punk scene to be friendly to me.
Now this is unique because as many people can attest, this scene can be pretty insular (some would say incestuous at times).

I came to town with the Sidney punks in the '80s and Jason came up to me and just started a conversation.
I was a nobody.
He didn't care.
He had bled all over my MDC t-shirt in the pit at a Section 46 show (before I joined) but he was so charismatic and I was so thrilled to be making a new friend, I couldn't have cared.

I met him 20 years ago and after all this time he's one of the few who was still playing the music, still attending the shows.

True Hardcore.

For Randy.

For Jay. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 2:57pm
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Tis a sad loss... jay will be greatly missed and always cherished... Forever in our hearts and our thoughts

much love - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 3:16pm
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I'm just speechless... Sleep well Jay :~( - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 3:49pm
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RIP Jay!!! You are sooo missed!! I dont know what to say!!! - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 4:21pm
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*nod* Jay Brown (who I went to high school with, yes I'm happy to admit to that) will be missed. It's sad when the scene loses someone who not only supports the scene but plays in a band (or 12 :). - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 4:28pm
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I visited Jay a few times over the last couple of days. His condition deteriorated extremely quickly. Although he looked drastically different than the Jay Brown I've known for years, when I saw him on Saturday, I thought he might have a month left. He deflected the conversation off of himself - off of his pain and condition - and asked about me and what's "new and exciting" with me these days. We were able to have a conversatin and he was sitting up in a chair. I talked with him a bit about his upcoming death. He was in a lot of pain. Then when I saw him 24 hours later, he his condition had gone downhill from the person who I'd seen beforehand. He was peacefully laying in bed and unconscious. Ange said he'd been rousing earlier in the day, but as the hours went on, he didn't come to very much after that. He was able to tell Ange a couple of important personal things before he died. This morning while I was finishing up my night shift at the hospital, I got a call at work from Ange telling me Jay had passed away around 0630. When I got off at 0730, I went to visit with Jay's body, some of his family, Ange, and a couple of his friends. Again, he looked peaceful lying in his bed. Ange was in bed with him (Ange you are a fucking incredible person). He had been in a lot of pain, but now he's not. He was in this near-unresponsive condition for less than 24 hours. I know Jay and I don't think he'd want to be in that condition for long, so I'm happy inthe fact he did not have to live in a near vegetative state for long.
Jay, you and I had our run-ins in the past and you frustrated me to no end sometimes! But hey, that's who you were and that was part of your charm. A cocky fucker who could easily make people laugh. You've had a major influence in the local punk rock scene and in a lot of people's lives. There's more I wanted to say to you while you were alive. I thought I'd have another chance to say it, but the cancer went so quickly. Jay, you'll be greatly missed by thousands, and the impact of your death will be far-reached.
Okay Jay, I'll stop looking at your cock now. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 4:30pm
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. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 4:52pm Edited: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 4:52pm
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wow that's a shame. condolences to his family and close friends. I remember being young at all ages punk shows watching his bands. rip. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 5:25pm
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Farewell old friend. Thanks for the laughs, love and memories shared! You'll be greatly missed, but never forgotten.

S. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 6:21pm
Ty Stranglehold
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. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 6:22pm
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I will see you again one day my brother....... - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 6:45pm Edited: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 6:47pm
mark mor
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ah shit.talked to him a couple of weeks ago and he said he'd hang on til i got out there on wednesday this week. Hopefully at the very least it brings everyone together to shoot the shit about all of the memorable past events over the years that we all shared w/ Jay.mark mor - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 8:24pm Edited: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 8:24pm
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Fuc dude, I heard from Jeff this morning. R.I.P. Jay Brown. I never knew 'em too well, but when I did talk to him he was a great guy, gave me props for hitchhiking upisland just to see AWT last summer(which has know ended up as thier last show).

As a big fan, R.I.P. buddy. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 9:01pm
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*pours some beer for the one who can't be here* I heard today that according to Jays wishes there will not be a funeral but when I stopped for a cold one at Logans on my way home tonight Adam said there might be a memorial type thing there in about a week. I remember drinking at Logans on Saturday and I just mentioned his name to whoever I was talking to and like 4 people starting going off to me about how much they liked him. If everyone who was friends with Jay gets together to drink at logans to remember him the walls will likely burst. It's time to crack/sip/pour another \m/ cheers! - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:57am Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:57am
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I know S.V. and I will be in attendance if there is a wake. S.V. told me something Jay had said at Ken's funeral a few years back. 'Why is it the only time we see each other anymore is when someone's dead?'. That hits home in so many ways now. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 1:12am Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 1:12am
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I can see why Jay wouldn't want a funeral , but I would really like to pay my respects to his memory or at least meet for a few . So a proper send off JB style should be in order . If anyone is organizing something or disorganizing anything call me 360-6696 . I‘m more then happy to help in anyway . I could even lend my house if needed for a place . Whatever . - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 2:11am Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 2:11am
Brainless Family
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Condolances to Jay's family, he will be missed very much. I too understand that Jay didn't want a funeral but for all his friends out there I'm sure they will need to gather to laugh, cry and tell their story's about Jay. R.I.P. JayThe Brainless Family - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 8:34am Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 8:34am
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i am deeply saddened by this news, jason was a great friend to me. he always showed up just when i needed him, armed with an amazing smile a hug and great conversation. the first time i ever met him was at the icehouse, In was really in to a band called death sentence at the time and willy jak or someone told me jay could hook me up. well me being something like 17 at the time jason was a little more than intimadating, but i gathred the balls to go and talk to him. i was suprised to find he was a super nice dude and had offred to make me a copy of the tapes we talked about. the last couple of years we got to know each other better and got along amazingly well when we saw one another, he once told me he had a dream we started a band together called Leeroy Brown!
He emailed me when i was in spain and told me to call him up when i was in vic. when i got back in town he and ange showed up to one of my shows, jay was as smiley as ever, sore but in good spirits, we talked on the street for a good half hour before i went on. when the show ended he had gone home as he wasnt feeling well, i wanted to talk to him more. the last time i saw him i was driving downtown he was sitting at a coffee shop, he saw me and smiled and waved, when i parked i went back to say hi and he was gone. i will never forget seeing him that day. he had a beautiful soul and i will miss him very much.
see you when i get there brother
your pal
Leeroy motherfucking stagger. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:14am
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This is very much a tragedy, especially for everyone who knew Jay. I didn't know him, never spoke to him, didn't know anything about him aside from having read this thread only a few days ago, but I was very impressed with the way in which he responded to this illness, and in his never-say-die attitude. It seemed like he stayed positive up to the end, and that must have been a very difficult thing to do.

God, please take Jay's soul to a peaceful place, amen. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:04pm
jay fatso
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You'll be missed by all... rest in peace. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:23pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:24pm
Chris Logan
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Jay and I weren't close friends, but I always liked talking to him in the bar. To me he represented the best of the old school punk scene I remember from back in the day - PMA like Bad Brains said. His posts on this thread alone should be inspiration to all of us who've read them. Rest easy, Jay - we'll all be meeting you for a drink sometime down the road. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:43pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:43pm
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front row, as always! - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:55pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:55pm
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R.I.P. Jason

I had the unique experience of being Jay's little sister for a while. That is, our folks were together for almost four years. I used to go to all of Jay's gigs, I was like 14 when I snuck into pubs and bars to catch the "no minors" shows.
You're widley missed Jay, a great loss.

My heart goes out to all of those close to Jay. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 3:13pm
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i didn't have the pleasure of knowing jay on a personal level but i always enjoyed his posts and i think that this post in particular can teach us all a great deal both about going out with a lot of grace and appreciating the great gift of life and all it has to offer. personally, i believe in reincarnation, so i'm going to be watching youtube in about ten years keeping my eye out for a child prodigy drummer rocking out to the old school beats of awt. rip. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 3:44pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 3:44pm
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ouch. bye mate.some of you will know me, and some of you will not, but Jay and i were best friends for many years.. roomies and chums. I lost contact with him (and most everyone else) after moving to the States. I heard today of his death, and found this thread. it's been heartbreaking and wonderful to hear him go down fighting. thats how Jay was. that's why i loved him as a brother. cya mate. you will be missed.john benjamin - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 4:10pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 4:15pm
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Term - Please email me. I long ago lost your addie. I often wonder about you, and would love to touch base.Cheers,S. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 4:27pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 4:28pm
lisa s
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same thing s.v. says,,,,its been a long time... - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 5:26pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 5:26pm
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Well, shit. Sad times for Victorians. Funny how you never really think of saying goodbye till it's too late. I've know Jay for a few years, really got to know him back in the Soundgarden days, where he earned my respect in too many ways. And speaking of respect, I remember a show Moneyshot put on with AWT at the FCC (I think the only time we actually played together, but I could be wrong) and I was stressing 'cause some hood rat was smashing the FCC computers out by the basketball courts. Jay overheard, said - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 6:25pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 6:26pm
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- Rest in peace - - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 6:25pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 6:26pm
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I think Jay fucked with my message. Long story short, he dealt with the problem in a pretty good way. He was good at that sort of thing. Ange, stay strong. Jay Brown will rock on... - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 6:30pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 6:31pm
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RIP man...

You seemed like a great, great guy. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 6:59pm
The Wolf
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The music scene and even this board will miss him. Could always count on him to be at a show usually in the front row supporting artists and keeping the peace at the same time - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 7:48pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 7:48pm
Soundgarden Nightclub
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Mr. Jason Brown was never simply an employee to me. From day one he was a source of inspiration and support and was so much more for years thereafter. His passion for music and life was infectious. He always surprised me with his varied tastes and amazed me with how profound and intelligent an individual he was. I met him while I was still pregnant and even through the tough times, the stories he told me about his own kidlet helped get me over the rough patches. He was strong, driven, genuine and kind and made a major impact on so many. On behalf of everyone who knew him from Soundgarden, he will be truly missed. I know everyone I have talked to has had one story or another to tell about Jason and it attests to how far reaching his effect on this city was. He was a bright spark in my world and I am grateful to have known him. So with all that said and with many tears yet to come along with fond memories - Rest in Peace my friend - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:49pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:51pm
SoundGarden Nightclub
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& Thank you, for everything... - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:52pm
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Your music and spirit will live on Jay. Rest well, nice to have met you. Rob - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 7:01am Edited: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 7:01am
Metropol Steve
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Thanks for all the great conversations. You impacted a lot of people and certainly the scene as we know it. RIP Jay. - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:43am
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Fuck, forum engine won't take my post. . .starting a new thread. - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:25am Edited: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:28am
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test - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:08pm
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From the earliest of days in Piss Alley, skating at View - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 2:01pm Edited: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 2:01pm
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I've been following this thread for some time and my heart sank when I read a friend's MSN name last night mentioned Jay's passing. I must agree with everything that everyone has said about him. What a wonderful human being. I remember one night at SoundGarden outside, I witnessed Ange get hit by a car, was flung back onto the pavement, and the car took off. I ran inside to get Jay who was working behind a FULL bar that night and I have never seen someone jump so high and run so fast to get to the woman he loved (and will always love for that matter). Ange, if you read this, I cannot imagine what you must be going through but I want to acknowledge that you gave him so much love and joy throughout his final years and made his life full and complete. He's one lucky guy and I know he will be with you always.Jay lived his life to the fullest and he is yet another reminder for all of us to make sure we don't let all the good things in life pass us by. Friendships and family mean so much. He has reminded me that life is for living. - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 5:03pm Edited: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 5:03pm
From Vancouver
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Rest in peace. - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 7:14pm
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ugh, this is quite a blow. Never met the man, but this thread attests to his significance. He's a pillar of the local punk scene -- and it's the Vic scene and local shows that inspired me to pick up a guitar and play in bands myself. By all accounts, Jay was one of those who helped build and maintain that scene.. we all owe thanks for that. I should also say this discussion is the most significant thing I've ever come across online. - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 10:06am Edited: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 10:06am
Brittney S
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Jason- You will forever be in our hearts. I will always remember you as the fabulous guy you were over 20 yrs ago. Just want to pass on my condolences to Jay's family. He will be missed by many,Brittney - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 1:34pm
Yo Mama
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I only knew Jay to see him, but have known people who knew Jay, and I guess respected him solely by their word. Anyone who supports the local music community as much as he did deserves the amount of respect he is being given here. In his honour, 'Bro Hymn' from Pennywise. R.I.P.

"To our best friend,
Present past and beyond
Even though they weren't with us too long
Your life is the most precious thing that we could lose
While you were here the fun was neverending
Laugh a minute only the beginning
Jason Brown this one's for you
Ever get the feeling you can't go on
Just remember whose side it is that you're on
You've got friends with you till the end
If you're ever in a tough situation we'll be there with no hesitation
Brotherhood's our rule that cannot bend
When you're feeling too close to the bottom
You know who it is you can count on
Someone will pick you up again we can conquer anything together
All of us are bonded forever if you die I die that's the way it is" - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 5:39pm
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Over the 15 years or so i've known jay we where never on the best of terms and almost came to blows on a few occasions, the last few years though saw a somewhat mutual respect albeit grudgling im sure from both parts... i'll look back fondly on our heated discussions and general disagreement on lifes issues knowing we could easily push each others buttons.. but life is friction and strife and jay gave as good as he got.
RIP Jay Brown - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 9:19pm
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Damn, woulda liked to say goodbye. - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 6:52am
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My heart goes out to Jason, his family and everyone who loves him! I will always remember him making me laugh..Rest in PeaceThea - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 10:15am Edited: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 10:18am
Yo Mama
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I only knew Jay to see him, but I knew people who knew him, and I respected him solely by their word. Anyone who supports the local music community as much as he did deserves the amount of respect he is being given here. In his honour, I'm cranking Bro Hym from Pennywise. To our best friend, Present past and beyond/Even though they weren't with us too long Your life is the most precious thing that we could lose/ While you were here the fun was neverending Laugh a minute only the beginning/ Jason Brown this one's for you/Ever get the feeling you can't go on Just remember whose side it is that you're on/You've got friends with you till the end If you're ever in a tough situation we'll be there with no hesitation/Brotherhood's our rule that cannot bend/When you're feeling too close to the bottom You know who it is you can count on/Someone will pick you up again we can conquer anything together/All of us are bonded forever if you die I die that's the way it is. - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 11:55am Edited: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 11:58am
Chris Logan
User Info...
I've heard there are plans being made for a show honoring Jay here at Logan's. If anyone has any information about it, could they please get in touch with me? Of course I'll talk to our booker about it as well, but I want to make sure I know everything that's going on so we can make it the best night possible.

BTW - I won't be checking the phone number listed here over the weekend, but I will check my email, so that'd be the fastest way to get in touch with me. Or you could just leave a message here on the board. - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 1:02pm Edited: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 1:06pm
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What more could I say about Jason that hasn't already been said? He was a cocky bastard with a shit eating grin. A punk rock prince with a heart of gold. I loved his guts. Reading these messages, I've felt like a kid again. Hearing that he was gone, I cried like one too. Jen R. - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 2:09pm Edited: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 2:10pm
Andy Stewart
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I saw Murray from the Dayglos at the store the other day and he told me about Jay's passing. I am still in shock. I've been in baby jail for the past year and have been totally out of touch with the scene. I never got a chancce to say goodbye to him fuck i didnt even know that his cancer had come back! Anyways goodbye jay ,we were old friends. i'll allways miss you and I'm sorry we didnt hook up before you died. I was allways happy to run into you bro.Andy Stewart - Wed, 7 Mar 2007 12:19am Edited: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 12:19am
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