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Notice: Advertising Rate Change
Message Board > General Chitchat > Notice: Advertising Rate Change
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The Professor
User Info...
To Whom it may concern:

As of March 15th 2005's rates for advertising will be increasing. Ad space in our ad frame (right hand side of your show listings will remain the same at $0.02 per view however the option to have your poster included in our main listings will be increasing from $10 to $25.

After reviewing some stats on the amount of times posters int he listings were getting seen (as many as 12,000 times) we realized we had to increase the rates. With this jump in price comes an extra bonus, we are also giving you 500 views in our right hand side ad frame as well as your poster listing (which is a $10 value).

Please contact us if you have any questions. - Thu, 24 Feb 2005 6:09pm
User Info...
Page views does not equal people looking at your site. I would hazard that at least 50% or more of your traffic is bots (from Google, MSN and then on down to spammbots, copyright bots, broken proxies, etc.). If you could actually provide some statistics showing that real people are a) viewing these things and b) are going to the shows because of it then more significant charges would be justified.

Obviously it's your call but $25 is way too much IMHO. You've gotten $10 from me before but I doubt I will be paying $25 any time soon. At $10 I would continue listing for just about any show I would put on.

If it is a budget thing (i.e. you are losing money) then why not add a meter showing the current monthly costs and how much cash has been made towards it and solicit donations via PayPal.

Cheers - Thu, 24 Feb 2005 9:27pm
The Professor
User Info...
Sorry for the slow response on this one. I never actually have time to read these boards.

As for the question of traffic on the site and the amount of legit hit, I can pretty much gaurantee that those numbers include a negligible amount of hits from bots. until very recently the way the site is built has prevented any bots from getting in. Our stats package tracks user agents and only very few of the hits we get is from bots.

As far as the traffic the site gets:
In term of unique visits (unique IP not counted more than once in an hour) we get between 1000 and 1500 unique visits per day. Last month, and so far this month, we've had 14,000 unique IPs to the site and more than 40,000 visits.
I hope that clears things up.

We are very concerned about makign sure our advertsiign is affordable for even the least profitable fo events, so in the next month or two we'll be setting up a system by which users who contribute content to the site will be compensated in ad credit, this should help make advertising more afordable for everyone. We have to raise the prices somewhat at this point though because we can't devalue the advertising any longer and tracking down people, especially musicians, over $10 of credit is just unreasonable.

As far as the pricign goes, for technical feaiblitly reasons mostly, we've decided to drop the rate for poster inclusion to a flat $20, the $25 with 500 views is still available and is a really good deal.

i'd really like to continue this discussion but alas, I simply do not have the time to. Thanks moron, for your usual sober perspecitive, as with the technical and security suggestions you've made over the years, I am again grateful. - Fri, 25 Mar 2005 5:15pm
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