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Best Band of the month
Message Board > General Chitchat > Best Band of the month
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Alexia And dont post your own fucking band!!!
1.Good nite Irene
4.Grace Nocturnal
5.Little Hannah
7.Mcnarley's Rant
8.Armchair Cynics - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 1:36am
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GALLOW'S.....FUCKING.....END!!!!! - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 1:56am
Anon386 Who knows. The Zone has a specific format so it's easier to rank by how close they fit in. From 1 to 10 with 1 the least.

1.Good nite Irene : Recording 7 | Right format 6
2.Moneyshot : Recording 9 | Right format 8
3.Bigmuff : Recording 7 | Right format 6
4.Grace Nocturnal : Recording 8 | Right format 6
5.Little Hannah : Recording 6 | Right format 8
6.Belt : Recording 9 | Right format 5
7.Mcnarley's Rant : Recording 8 | Right format 2
8.Armchair Cynics : Recording 8 | Right format 8

From this it looks like Moneyshot with a score of 17 followed by Armchair Cynics with 16 Grace Nocturnal and Little Hannah and Belt with 14 Good Night Irene and Big Muff with 13 and Mcnarley's rant with 10.

Moneyshot wins!!! As far as spins they win as well I'm sure followed by Grace Nocturnal. - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 2:12am
Masturbating The War God
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bhahaha, what TheZone thinks means fucking dick all to me. - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 5:13am
Jesse Mourning Wood fucking rips!!!! - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 3:46pm
Jason All the bands are good at what they do, but there was an obvious advantage for Little Hannah and armchair cynics as they seem to fit the format of the zone. Moneyshot stood alone as far as style went (and they do it well). Same with mcnarleys rant.(they should be on the east coast)Belt I thought needs to lose the tinge of eighties. Good nite irene and Big muff are two good local bands but nothing special. And grace are fun rock and roll.(something everyone else lacks)But as far as I'm concerned Little Hannah or Moneyshot will be the next bands signing a major label deal. Right sound,right look. - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 4:28pm
Adrenaline Animal Well he's right, we do look good - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 7:08pm
danW. I like Moneyshot and the Blades of Steel song. Belt was really awesome too but I don't think the format was exactly right but it was good they were included. Big Muff was fun. Grace nocturnal was good if you like the Strokes. Little Hannah was more like a matthew good cover band. McNarleys rant wasn't my thing. But its all personal taste really - Mon, 16 Dec 2002 3:05pm
brad the zone is only promoting it's self to unsigned bands to gain listeners. ok i got that out there, in case you didn't realize radio statations do nothing unless in benefits them.

besides that its has some good , bands reach a wider audiance with radio. allot of those bands you never here anymore i guess no one requests them.
and some you hear to much. i like the guys in moneyshot,but that blades of steel song is getting old , like last year old. like tom cochrane 'big leages' old, it kinda reminds me of the rodeo song to. i dont know just so canadian i guess. maybe what i'm saying is leave canadiana punk to stompin tom conors.but you stupid fucks keep requesting it .

oh and the best band goes to Litte Hanna. - Mon, 16 Dec 2002 7:42pm
Adrenaline Animal WWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL....... it's 20 below and I don't give a fuck cause I'm off to the Rodeo - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 2:52am
Livevic Scott
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Your right saying no comercial radio station does anything unless they have to but saying playing unsigned bands gets listeners isn't right, how many more listeners is an unsigned band really going to bring in before the station pumps them up? like 20? (this isn't a jab at anyone by the way) Wouldn't the real reason they promote local bands be that according to the CRTC they have to promote X number of local events and a percentage of thieir air time be local music to keep their licence? Same reason the Q does Rocktoria, the Fox does Seeds, etc etc etc. Same reason you hear so many canadian bands on the radio, ya think they do that for fun? - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 12:49pm
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As far as the zone goes, after getting to know Al Ford, I would say that their main motivation is the fact that, as program director, he actually cares quite a bit about supporting local music. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 1:14pm
Jay Watts
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Commercial radio cares about money, not music. If the owners of a commercial radio station thought that they could make more money selling nine-year old prostitutes to wealthy businessmen in Thailand, and escape prosecution, they'd probably be involved in that.

Nice people are incidental to the whole business. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 1:20pm
Anon386 Yeah but Josh you guys are getting plenty of support. Al, I am quite sure, cares most about the local music that fits his radio station format.. the business side of Al. Ultimately his job is to sell advertising as best he can with the format they have chosen and there nothing wrong or immoral about it. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 1:57pm
Troutbreath Does it have to be a punk metal band or do you guys recognize other types of music. For example what do you think of the Bill Hilly band ? - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 2:09pm
Anon386 Not sure what you mean Troutbreath . The Bill Hilly band is excellent but hardly what I would call music that fits into the Zone format. There are other radio stations in town. Who cares anyway. Did our local radio do anything for our heros 'hot filthy snatches'? Now that a record company is behind them I hear plenty of spins spins spins. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 2:12pm
Chowdown Hands down the best band is the Armchair Cynics. They have it all. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 2:56pm
Jethro Little Hannah is a little lame. Actually, alot lame. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 3:04pm
Chuckles Yet To Come. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 3:10pm
cardboardsaurus and why are we discussing zone schtick? - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 6:16pm
Troubreath Anon386 - actually I was going back to the original question. There are many good bands in this town but this discussion board only seems to concentrate on one particular style of music. I was just trying to point out a very successful band but one that never gets any mention here. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 8:53pm
Anonymous me again, of course the Zone only plays a certain format but they miss out on a more rounded view of what's really going on in this town. I listen to Village 900. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 8:57pm
Anon386 I am pretty sure that this board is frequented ( the people that post that is ) by metal and punk fans who seem to be very close at times with some of their music. The least represented group would by far be jazz followed by folk. Gives one a pretty clear picture of the demographic of the board. The show listings however are very good and cover most of the things going on in town. There have been many best guitarist/vocalist/band etc posts but never in the last 6 months have I seen any dialogue on the aforementioned genres. Mainstream is considered cliche on this board and emo is just plain meanlingless. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 2:32am
Jay Watts
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I only listen to jazz. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 11:17am
Troutbreath I agree with you anon386 about the demographics on this board. I would like to suggest that metal/punk has become kind of mainstream these days. It's all attitude without much substance. Right now Ravi Shankar's daughter is more revolutionary than any punk band. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 12:06pm
bitch glare i can't stand the zone. i have to listen to it at work cause our shitty radio will only pick up 91.3, 103.1 and 100.3. so since everyone agrees a work that we listen to the zone.
but they play the same fuckin songs every day, and not just the top twenty hits , of course they are going to be in heavy rotation.
but its the old songs they have in there rotation. they are such a narrow minded station when it comes to popular music , its communist in a way.
if i hear "youth of the nation" by POD one more time (heard it twice yesterday) the program director will take two in the back for testing our patience. cause we are we are the youth of victoria that demands a more diverse radio station.
in this day and age of so many great songs in the top 100 the zone sure seems to pick the whitest most vanilla artists.
i like to switch between the zone and extreme, but sadley the extreme is dead. so now we are hoping we can get a better radio at work so we can pick up 99.3 104.9 99.9.
ps. the band of the month thing is a promotional plot to get you people that listen to indie music to listen to the zones propaganda. each band is pick in hopes they will bring more listeners to the zone. not to bring more listeners to the band. plus the fact that the zones audiance is a city of 300000 mostly seniors,chinese,paki,hip hop wanna be's. there listening audiance is probalby somewhere around 10,000. .... pointless promotion really. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 1:39pm
Anon386 Punk in the new blues. Just keep stamping them out and stick to the formula. People will still come to listen and I suppose if you like it as a musician then go ahead, plug in and turn it up. Victoria does have some inventive metal bands and a large number of pretty good ones for its size. The best part about most of the punk and metal scene is that they live it so you can't say their posing.

For bitch galore.. Complaining about the zone for keeping to their format is like complaining about McDonalds for not selling mashed potatoes instead of fries. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 2:02pm
Jay Watts
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Is it just the way I react to something like this, or was that last post (Bitch Glare?) one of the least-deliberate, most non-sensical posts that's been put up here in a long time?

People who toss around words like "Communist" and "Fascist" or "Capitalist" (or on and on and on) without being aware of what kind of strange feedback loop they're involved in, and how completely removed from any sensible context they are, frighten the hell out of me... - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 2:12pm
Anon386 Hey Jay, I spend lots of time listening to jazz. Consider this... most people don't know the meaning of left wing or right wing government. Odds are that most poeple on this board don't even vote. Those still living at home probably shouldn't be allowed to anyway. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 2:23pm
Zipp Gunn
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Hey folks, the real rason any of the local station will touch anything local with a 10 foot cattle prod is because if they cannot prove that they "demonstrably support local music" they will be failing in their promise for performance that they need to fulfill just to get their radio license. Hense the dreaded "Rocktoria" series, and this band of the month nonsense. These charades provide tangible proof to the CRTC that these nitwits "support" local music, thus keeping their cash cows above board and functioning smoothly. Mainstream radio is about one thing and one thing only... money. Without their local efforts they would be failing their license mandates and could concievably lose their license (to print money). - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 2:29pm
AnonPentium4 The Zone format does suck. So did the Q's in their heyday. Why cant these radio stations emulate the cool rock stations like 99.3 or 99.9? I know ALOT of people in this city ( Hey Al Ford, I even know who spray painted 99.9 on the old Q sign years ago buddy.. ) And ALL of the people I know will always tune in either KISW, The End or if those are rough , The Fox.

Anyhow, Im sure they could keep their present format, and wouldnt even offend the elitist Zone listeners if they started implementing a little more hard rock or metal into the format. I mean, KISW is one of THE MOST popular radio stations in the USA. And they play Sabbath, Priest, Maiden, Korn, Slayer, Zeppelin, The Doors, Jethro Tull, Metallica, Megadeth, Mudvayne, Slipknot, SOAD, ( and not always Chop Pooey either ) ACDC, Pink FLoyd, etc.

Why cant the Zone play some of this stuff? Surely they wont lose any listeners ( to who.. KISW or The Fox, The End? there are no other hardrock stations to compete against here other then those..) and they will actually GAIN listeners as local yokels start to realize they dont have to endure 8 hours of fuzzy KISW at work! - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 2:41pm
Anon386 This brings up some obvious questions then:

Are we now to thank the CRTC?
Where do the commercially viable bands come from?
Are the people at the Zone not really connected to anything local or are they actually members of our community?
Does commercial radio force us to listen?

Don't like the Zones programming? No problem, tune out, there are dozens of other broadcasts on FM radio alonoe. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 2:50pm
bitch glare the communist comment was a joke. if you read the whole thread you might have figured that out. Jay watts we all know you ar the king of communism. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 3:11pm
ML7Mike Ive partied with Al Ford a few times.. he's a cool guy.. Really easy going. I like him. Id say he was definately part of the community, was raised here, and knows alot of old schoolers. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 3:25pm
Jay Watts
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Regardless of your intent, you came off sounding like an absolute tool, and your reply only solidified that impression. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 5:45pm
bruce There is no best band of the month. You can pick favourites if you like,but see it from all aspects. I saw 5 of the 8 bands of the month. Good nite irene,Big muff,Moneyshot,Grace nocturnal,and little Hannah. I saw Belt and Armchair cynics at band fest. Live is where these bands show what they can do.
Good nite irene:
Lethargic performance but very cool use of lights.
not as tight as they are on the recording
Energetic, entertaining, LOUD AS FUCK! All round good band 8/10
Big muff: Yawn! Seen it before. The Donnas beat you to it.
Grace nocturnal: I could say that the hives beat you to it but grace is a tight band with loads of promise and wicked stage energy.
Little Hannah: These guys are good musicians though they may not show that on the demos. Energy and good songs will make labels interested.
Belt: good musicians also but, trying way to hard to be a larger than life show. (you're only playing at your local pub)
Armchair Cynics: Good pop song writing but, terrible stage performance. I almost fell asleep. Fits the radio format quite well though.
I made a living being a music critic for 8 years. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 6:59pm
Anonymous Communism. Now there's something that works! - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 7:19pm
Curious George "plus the fact that the zones audiance is a city of 300000 mostly seniors,chinese,paki,hip hop wanna be's"

I gotta go with Jay there... - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 7:28pm
Curious George And another thing to ponder. What is the Zone going to do when they run out of "suitable" bands for Band of the Month. There's only X number of "mainstream" bands that the Zone can use. Is the Wassabi Collective going to be the next Zone Band of the Month? I think eventually, the Zone's going to have to either cancel BOTM, or start looking outside the box. I regret to say that I think it will be the former. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 7:30pm
Homeless for life i think bruce hit it right on the spot!!! i agree with everything bruce said, EVERYTHING. Very good, the most intelligent post i've seen in this message board yet. Especially the belt and armchair cynics critique. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 7:47pm
Are you kidding? Armchair Cynics have an awesome stage presence. You must have caught them before the change over to the new guitarist and drummer. Their drummer is arguably the most entertaining and energetic of all drummers Victoria. These guys probably have the best stage presence of them all and by far the best singer. 10/10. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 8:44pm
Curious George Just wondering... does the singer from AC use a tuner of any sort on his voice? It sounded way too good. But if not, holy shit man... you're good! - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 8:54pm
Are you kidding? The singer for armchair cynics can and does pull it off live. Seriously he is the best of the bunch hands down. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 8:57pm
Anonymous Gallow's fucking End!!! - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 11:13pm
Mike P. I second the Gallow's end - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 11:30pm
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HAH!!! AC=Anal Cunt, not Armchair Whatchamacallits. HAH!!! - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 11:38pm
King Meat Yes, Gallow's End is the number one up and cuming band. Those bastards..... - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 11:44pm
singer of cynics Hey......wait a minute.... lousy stage presence?......tuner on my voice? cunt? well thats it then....... I quit! Does any one want to buy an old vocal tuner, and a beta video cassete of learn how to groove on stage 101? - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 1:36am
Anonymous just wait til the season is over, then we can go back to our evil ways.....the spirit of the gallows dies for christmas , and reappears after the new years. just wait til you hear the new tunes, well I like em.....thanks to everyone who supports us. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 2:01am
Troutbreath See Alexia, there really is a Santa Claus. Ask a Simple Question and you get a gift like these postings all for free. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 2:55am
homeless for life thats right...your band has shitty stage presence. Especially your bass player. He looks really awkward. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 3:43pm
Ted I would just like to say being in one of those band really means shit. It's a cool promotion that the zone does and we were glad to be a part of it. I advise any band that receives an offer to take it. Little Hannah has one month left of being based in victoria and then the band will join the masses in vancouver.

January 31 Soundgarden
Grace nocturnal
Little Hannah - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 3:49pm
Here we go again Poor Zone... damned if you do... damned if you don't!
When is everyone going to stop trashing people that are
trying to make a difference?

New year's resolution:
Start thinking POSITIVE and support local music... ALL LOCAL MUSIC. We're all in this together. Slagging off others does NOT make you look better! If anything it makes you look like spoiled little kids and could affect your reputation negatively. Everyone is just trying to get ahead. They enjoy what they are doing and they want to share their own particular musical vision with others who appreciate them. Some music may not be your cup of tea - but it might be right up someone else's alley. Art is in the eye of the beholder... therefore, music must be in the ear of the beholder!!!
Live and let live and appreciate other people's efforts. Thanks Zone for your support of the local music scene. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 3:54pm
davescene Again, these are all opinions but I'm sick of people dissing the Muffs. I would like to see any of these little punk fags drag band equipment all over town playing gig after non-paying gig, but I won't because they're sitting behind their computer tugging their hairless half-inch, whining about "good music". What's good music? Smelly Furtaco? Hot Hot Heat? You decide, that's who's getting signed, but to me, there's better bands out there and there's harder working people out there. The Wardells, No Means No, Dayglo's? They've all played hundreds more gigs than most bands and are they millionaires? Not sure, but they're hard working bands and they play lots of gigs and make lots of people happy. End of story. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 4:02pm
muffy I can't think of to many musicians that are millionares. Not Nelly or HHH. Not even close, It almost costs money to be a pro musician. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 4:16pm
Anonymous pro my arshole - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 4:44pm
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You don't think punker bands drag their shit all over town playing free shows all the time? Hell man, that's all they do. Ever. They invented that shit, do you think anyone makes a cent playing here? Fuck no, even the bands that come from out of town don't end up with shit after the ferries. Most of 'em have been doing it for years too, if you don't do it you don't play. Simple. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 4:46pm
bass player of cynics Oh well 'homeless for life' at least you noticed the bass player! Admittedly I can get a little out of hand but that's the way it is whether in a jam room or on stage. But like the so-called critic above you have left no substantiated 'intelligent' insights or constructive criticism (the cynics played their first 4 shows for bandfest simply to introduce us to the Victoria music scene). It really comes across as just plain hatred towards another band no different than any other unpaid act in this town who is working hard doing what they love and constantly taking steps to make it better. I suspect that anything we do on stage won�t ever appeal to you with your obvious bias against us so why the persistent negativity? Did we force you to come to our shows? If you are in another band then you have problems. It�s not like local indie bands are competing against one another. What would we compete for? A record deal? If that was the case then Victoria already has its quota for the next five years. Call me and tell me to fuck off if you feel the need. 652-7018 Aran - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 6:29pm
Bruce Hey come on aran, I gave Everyone something they did well and poorly. Your band writes killer songs. I did not mean to slag the cynics in any way. I just thought your stage efforts could use a little work. I will furthermore make it my business to come and see you play with the new line up. - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 8:01pm
Aran Actually that's fair enough Bruce. You did qualify your short review by stating when you last watched the acts. It's the mindless anonymous haters that my comments should be solely directed at. It sure does support the reason why every show should be performed to the best of a bands ability. We will take the stage next at the Soundgarden on the 27th with Grace Nocturnal and Phillip McCrank. Maybe I'll try for the subdued head bob thing this show. Not a chance! - Fri, 20 Dec 2002 8:35pm
Bruce Cool, I'll be there. I would really like to see the new line up. Grace is always a good show. I probably shouldn't have mentioned how I made a living for eight years but, I really think Grace nocturnal,Little Hannah,and armchair could make a huge impact. Nelly furtado,Hot Hot Heat,swollen members,no means no etc. Say what you will One of those three band is going to be next to go big. (my prediction) - Sat, 21 Dec 2002 12:03am
Satim I will also attest to the fact that Gallow's End destroys! - Sat, 21 Dec 2002 1:12am
Father of Christ Yes, Gallows End shall be the next Iron Maiden meets britney spears on cocaine. So commands the father of Christ - Sat, 21 Dec 2002 1:52am
Wreaker of Havoc
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mmmmmmmmm britney.... - Sat, 21 Dec 2002 3:31am
bumper mmmm cocaine. - Sat, 21 Dec 2002 4:05am
Ralph Wiggum I start fires - Sat, 21 Dec 2002 10:47am
bitch glare Oh Ralphy its ok, i anger people.
especially those who hate it when i use racist comments or words out of context. i expexted a much bigger blow out. but whatever. - Sat, 21 Dec 2002 1:36pm
today just reading in here.......................

armchair cinics......very very inspiring!!!
drummer and bassist....entertaining and alive...
song writing...talented and insightful...
band chemistry......robin hood and his merry men
potential potential....the road from good to exellent is a long road...and these boys are on definitely on it

you can feel that little extra exitement in the room listening to this band............genuine fans enjoying...
a very cool band....! - Mon, 30 Dec 2002 8:49pm
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How about the "Cynics" drummer? He kicks serious ass!!
Go Ryan Go Ryan! - Mon, 30 Dec 2002 9:19pm
jay brown
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Well speaking of drummers that kick ass, and since Jay Watts was mentioning jazz. How about we go back eighty years or so and give some mention to Chick Webb. He was the grand daddy of big band jazz, and he was totally phsyically deformed. He had a huge hunch back and couldnt even stand up straight, yet he still led one of the best jazz bands ever. They had to custom build his drums because he couldnt even reach a normal kit. Yet that guy could play better than any two drummers I've ever seen put together. While were on the subject did you ever notice that the jazz community always gave their drummers the proper respect and usually they were the leaders of the band. - Mon, 30 Dec 2002 10:33pm
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My drum teacher just recently caught Elvin Jones in Seattle. He made a cool computer movie about it and this amazing dude who's like in his 80's too kicks it seriously.
Totally inspiring. I agree Jay -Respect to the drummer, the glue that binds the band. I lift my glass to Krupa and Rich this evening. Cheers. - Mon, 30 Dec 2002 10:57pm
Chris Logan
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Dopey dopey dopey post but I've had a few, so here goes...

Had a show 'sponsored' by a (to remain anonymous) local radio station a few months ago--we ended up paying $300 for the advertising, but no matter. In a meeting with the program manager, ad manager, and some other functionary, the truth came out (as Zippgun mentioned) that the impetus for the whole deal was to conform to CRTC licensing regulations: i.e. appear to support local music without actually have any knowledge of, or interest in, same.

The showcased band, by the way, was from Vancouver--I guess the CRTC regulations have a broad 'regional' mandate.

The point is, the folks from the radio station (to remain nameless) NEVER TRIED TO HIDE THE FACT THAT THE WHOLE REASON THAY WERE DOING THE SHOW WAS TO FULFILL THEIR LICENSING REQUIREMENTS. They weren't bad people. They just had no knowledge of, or interest in, local music. They worked for a corporation based in another city and had been given a directive--which they followed. No particular aspersions to cast on them--they just didn't really give a shit.

The sad thing is that a lot of people don't appreciate the fact that commercial radio (not to mention record labels, magazines,, follows one agenda, and one agenda only: MAKE MONEY. Once you know that, you can take the rest in stride. The fact a band was considered a Band of the Month by a bunch of corporate whores doesn't mean the band was bad--however, it probably wouldn't make me buy their record, either. - Tue, 31 Dec 2002 12:49am
Anonymous ALL FATHER!!!!!
THEY ARE THE BEST!!!!!! - Tue, 31 Dec 2002 1:17am
/////gallow Drummer Best band of the month localy?
I'd have to say.........................................................................................................................................................................................................hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BALLZ DEEP!!!

I'll be back to drum for Gallows soon, just doing the Chritsmas-Holiday family thing.
ta-ta - Tue, 31 Dec 2002 2:04am
Anonymous Today? what are you talking about. Are you reveiwing armchair cinics? or reading a reveiew - Tue, 31 Dec 2002 2:24am
The Voice of Reason The Zone is so fucking boring. I'd rather listen to CFUV, thay actually support local bands without financial gain, and pulling the Zone/new VI trip where they land here out of no where and act like their everyone's best friend. - Tue, 31 Dec 2002 2:48am
today sorry i didnt clarify....i was reading all of the comments made on the message board......the one that got me was the one where someone was knocking the bass player for the arm chair cynics........i saw them at the soungarden just the other i guess its my feelings about the band.i thought the band was very entertaining....the bassist is great on stage...anyway hope this answers you.... - Tue, 31 Dec 2002 2:45pm
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