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Articles - Podcasts

Video keeps levidrome front of mind
Video by Lola Parks keeps levidrome front of mind. Victoria boy's word continues to gain momentum online. Lucky Budd, father of Levi Budd, campaigns to get "levidrome" in the dictionary.
VIctoria Musicians Stage Tribute to Gord Downie
Victoria musicians stage tribute to Gord Downie. Proceeds benefit Cool Aid Society and BC Cancer Agency. Interview with Lola Parks. Show organized by James Kasper of Mighty Speck Records.
Launch Pad is pleased to introduce our 2017 - 2018 "A Kingdom for a Stage" Season
1964: Beatles' TV appearance sparked cultural revolution
1964: Beatles' TV appearance sparked cultural revolution
How I unearthed a long-lost Toronto prog rock album
Martin Springett's The Gardening Club is cosmic Canadiana at its best, and his story is a CanCon prog rock version of the Searching For Sugar Man saga
Still Blue Reveiw
Bill Johnson has made a fantastic release that we highly recommend.
Best Of 2016
Best of 2016: The Garage received a lot of blues CDs this year and all of them were above standard, but ultimately had to be judged for other reasons of personality, believability, skill and versatility, etc. Take a bow Michael Kaeshammer a...
Cold Outside Reveiw
Fans of guitar tone have a lot to learn about Bill Johnson. His fourth album, Cold Outside should be the one that has this Vancouver Island native flying high above the radar, finally. Ripe with an abundance of select tracks, Johnson proves...

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Gate Theory
experimental metal from Victoria BC
Marcia Goodwin "Mar"
Impressionist, Colourist, Concept Artist from Victoria BC
Evan R. Duffy
from Victoria BC
Rachael Faith
Editorial Photography from Victoria BC
The Coda Club
Live music venue
Open / Operational
IMAX® Victoria
Experience BC’s largest IMAX screen with 4K laser projecti...
Open / Operational
Nova Arts Hub
Nova Arts Hub is a creative space where you can dream, heal,...
4489 Viewmont Avenue Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Glentana Village Recreation Centre
The Glentana Village Recreation Centre (GVRC) is a small com...
Open / Operational

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