Thomas J

indy-nowave-noisecore... mish-mash-core from Victoria BC
Age: 35 (estimated)
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Thomas J

Instruments: Guitar, Piano/Keyboards details
I've played guitar in several bands and have sang in a few. My goal is to create music that has a godspeed/domakesaythink cinematic feel but with changes more energetic such as the likes of botch, converge (janedoe), refused (the shape of punk to come) dillingerescapeplan, though not as siezure inducing as the latter 'noise-e-hardcore' influences.
I just want to make music with people that aren't so scenesterly, so dogmatic; people who'll put everything they contain into the music regardles of genre, and not just their trendy hair cut or dance move.
Contact me to arrange a time and place to exchange ideas/make music.
I might have a jamspace available soon...

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