Event Info
Red Words: A Conversation on Indigenous Performance: James Luna , Amy Malbeuf, Chris Creighton-Kelly
Open Space is delighted to host a conversation with Indigenous artists, James Lu...
Event Description
Open Space is delighted to host a conversation with Indigenous artists, James Luna and Amy Malbeuf. Using their specific artistic practices as a point of departure, they will engage in a dialogue on the role of the contemporary Indigenous performance art. Before the talk., Amy Malbeuf will perform her piece, Ravel. This series is apart of Stories from the Edge. A full list of scheduled events can be found at http://openspace.ca/stories-from-the-edge.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
1:30 PM - Ravel, performance by Métis artist Amy Malbeuf
Location: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (front lawn)
2:00–4:00 PM - Red Words: A Conversation on Indigenous Performance, with James Luna and Amy Malbeuf, facilitated by Chris Creighton-Kelly.
Hosted by Aboriginal Curator in Residence, France Trépanier in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.
Location: Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 1040 Moss St, Victoria, BC
1040 Moss street
Open / Operational