Event Description
THE GOLDEN COUNTRY CLAN returns to Solstice Cafe for their first show of 2014, so please carefully plan your social calendar to include some hard-core country and liberal beer-swilling. All your favourites! Are back?!?! COUSIN DAN'S mystical guitar stylings, the seductive tones of the renowned HARMONETTES, butt-twitchin' beats from SEAN "THE KID" THOMPSON, lip-lickin' fiddle licks courtesy of AARON "TALL BOY" ELLINGSEN, and the return of the elusive SCOOTS HENDERSON!
February 26th is JOHNNY CASH'S birthday and we'll be saluting The Man in Black a week or so early......!PLUS!.....we'll be debuting our version of the classic hit "He'll Have to Go" and our own gospel infused take on Bobby Charles' Save Me Jesus. Don't miss this episode of THE GOLDEN COUNTRY CLAN!