Cowichan Valley Voice

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Cowichan Valley Voice

Each month, 7,500 copies of Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine are available for pick up from over 300+ select cafes, coffee shops, galleries, grocers, restaurants, service agencies, medical clinics, realtors, recreation provincial and tourist info centers, ferry terminals, banks and bakeries in the Cowichan Valley. This valuable community resource is displayed alongside other free publications and presented in attention-grabbing wood stands in selected high traffic areas. Number of magazines left at each location varies based on traffic. In the winter and summer high season months the number of copies printed swells up to 10,000 magazines per month, enabling us to promote the best of what the Valley offers to both locals and visitors exploring the hottest new spot in British Columbia. Cowichan Valley Voice is also distributed monthly to locations in Victoria, Ladysmith, Nanaimo, Courtenay, Tofino and Salt Spring Island. Neighbouring communities, just a short drive away, that love to keep on top of what is happening each month in the Cowichan!
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