Venue FormatChurch
Liquor LicenseNone
Capacity Notes/Detailsapprox capacity
Has StageYes
Rental RatesContact the church office for current rates.
Rental / Usage RestrictionsContact the church office for any other specific questions, however, some basic restrictions are: No alcohol on church premises; kitchen is not rated for full cooking; renters may not publicly advocate stances that directly contradict the ethos of the United Church of Canada and Gordon United Church.
Has Sound / LightingYes
Soundsystem DetailsBasic PA system in the hall. It can be used by renter and seems adequate for either speaking into the mic, or having the mic sit next to a laptop speaker in order to amplify the sound.
Lighting / Projector SpecsLarge projection screen is in the hall. All other equipment must be provided by the renter (laptop, projector, speakers, etc.)
Parking NotesLots of parking for renters or those attending church activities. Overnight parking is not allowed.
Venue StaffingNone Provided