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Amon Tobin, ect
Message Board > Show Reviews > Amon Tobin, ect
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==== Amon Tobin and Bonobo and Kid Koala: how was it? - Sat, 19 Apr 2003 6:56pm
j it was really good... kid koala never ceases to amaze and of course tobin was sweet too... all in all worth the money - Sat, 19 Apr 2003 7:58pm
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I really enjoyed that show a ton. I really liked Bonobo the first DJ. Kid Koala was amazing as well. All in all very pleased indeed! - Sat, 19 Apr 2003 11:10pm
Real Music Lover Finally, this stupid DJ thing is coming to a end!
The crowds are getting smaller, the "shows", ( if you can call a guy standing there a show),fewer and fewer.
A new crop of kids are coming who appreciate the work of real musicians, not some guy who did not have the stamina to learn an instrument but can still manage to count..the whole scene is lame..and the sad fact is that any of those "dj's" could have pre-recorded their sets and pretended to spin and none of you would have known! And you paid how much to get in?
It is time that this whole DJ scam comes to an end and bar owners open up stages and rooms to real hard working muscians again, these dj's should go back to playing weddings and grad parties were they belong..
Technology curses as it kisses. - Mon, 21 Apr 2003 4:02pm
Anonymous Why are you so insecure about dj's?
its not like they're taking over the "scene" as you put it... and its not like they're dying either cause that show was completely sold out... oh and by the way what is this "real music" you speak of... cause last i checked music was just noise that complements our ears and it seems that amon tobin and kid koala PLAYED MUSIC THAT WAS PLEASING... so leave it be and any post past this is just gonna be redundantly repetitive cause your just gonna bring up the same old arguements so don't post after this - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 1:17pm
Anonymous Let's see if a bar hires a DJ they only have to pay 1 person as opposed to 4 or 5 people in a band, so more bars would prefer to hire DJs, as it's cheaper for them, yes they did take over the scene. People, except for a few candy-ass-ravers (such as yourself) finally realized DJs are lameasses who don' t have the talent to be real musicians, as in understand and comprehend chords, notes, write and compose, etc. So yes, finally, and thank god, the stupid DJ scene is coming to an end. The sad thing is it will all be rehashed again in a year or two. So sheep like you can continue to support that crap than. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 3:46pm
Music Lover And the funny thing is that the people who support this DJ crap are the people who like to "talk" about music but don't actually play , this DJ is a combo of that guy and that style..blah, blah, blah, they are the same idots who gerefied the music scene..oh thats deep house, no it techo-house, no it's urban-house, no it's bullshit..they steal other people real creative output remix it and call it thiers.what is that about. Regurgitating someone eleses crative output is lame and only the empty-headed, overmarketed generation of techno-boppers that supported it will attempt to defend it. It will die soon as more and more kids are opened to the sounds of REAL instruments being played by REAL musicians, creating art..
Some people think muzac is pleasing to the ears too..
go out and see a real band kid. - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 4:00pm
==== Hahaha... that was such a pathetic argument. "Real music"... pff. "Oooo, waa, waa, I'm afraid of loosing my spot at open mic night because DJ's are taking over the scene!" Why don't you go write a nice, boring rock n' roll song about it? - Tue, 22 Apr 2003 7:28pm
Livevic Scott
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Whats REALLY funny is that Kid Koala plays with Bullfrog who are one of the best bands i've seen live in a long time when he's not doing his solo stuff, and plays a key roll in the bands sound. Band Vs. DJ .. stop making it a contest It's a matter of perferance, but its all music. Deal with it. - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 3:38am
King Bong
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Kid Koala "plays"..... what exactly does he "play"? ..get real man, ten years ago he would have been spinnin Disco in a dance club...Technology has made it possible for any dude that can count to "preform" but what is "preformance" anyway. Hey, as far as I'm concerned if people are stupid enough to pay cash to see some guy stand in front of a turntable...whatever, I don't consider that any kind of preformance, and I certainly wouldn't compare that to a muscian who has taken the time to learn an instrument, create an original set and actually play in front of people.
I fully believe that advaces in technoloy have made it possible for technicians to be glorified as preformers. Amon Tobin's skills are admirable a a preformer, he is fucking boring as hell.
Lets face it, people go to those DJ events to do drugs, talk and socialize with friends..and there is nothing wrong with that..but that is hardly attending a that situation you could put on a CD and no one would notice.
As far as the DJ vs Band thing ..there is no doubt that one of the reasons that there are fewer rooms that have live music is the economics of it all. It is simply cheeper for a club to hire a DJ, less money than a band, less free beer to give away, 3 sets of "Canned" music for the price of one set of live just makes sense that if people are willing to accept this second rate form of entetainment then thats what the clubs will offer. I honestly think that many kids have never actually seen live horn sections, and pianos, and percussion, so they don't know any better.. that's sad, and a sign of our times.
Sticky Kola - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 12:04pm
Livevic Scott
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"..... what exactly does he "play"?

He plays records. And obviously the rest of the very talented band that he plays them with thinks he's adding something to their set or they wouldn't have him there would they.

... as I said, its all a matter of preferance and if someone so desired they could come back and argue how most rock bands are really boring and how with technology they can make cool sounds and music that couldn't be done with a conventional band .. etc etc ... I'm just saying its an arguement that we've had about 40 times here and i'm just sick of it comming up every time someone wants to say "hey I enjoyed this because its my perferance"

"Lets face it, people go to those DJ events to do drugs, talk and socialize with friends"

Uhhh people do that at rock shows too anytime there's an event at a bar a good number of the people are just there cuz its somewhere to drink. If they wen't to the show and payed the cover over and above the normal cover to get into the club in question they obviously value the music being played more then "just any old thing" ... also comming from the band that associates itself with drug culture and passes out "special" suprises at the begining of its sets, it seems like an odd point to bring up.

I don't have a problem with likeing DJ's or Liking bands, I personally like live bands better, i've seen some DJ's add cool stuff to a live band as well though. I was just trying to point out that anytime someone enjoys a type of music you don't totally like, ya don't need to jump down their throat and say "NO YOU SUCK!" - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 9:12pm
Holmes Yo King Bong:

You sound like the same fucking fascists that got all tight in the pants when Bob Dylan picked up an electric guitar: OH NO THERE IS SOME ELECTRICITY INVOLVED! EVIDENTLY BOB IS NO LONGER A MUSICIAN BECAUSE OF THE ELECTRICITY! WAAAAAAAAH!



Grow up. Either that or play me a Gdim6/E until your head pops off.

H - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 9:40pm
Holmes Oh ya, that also reminds me of the dudes who, when tempo and the metronome were introduced as a standard, were all like: OH NO, NOW ALL THE CONDUCTORS WILL LOSE THEIR JOBS TO THIS LITTLE CLICKING MACHINE WHICH WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD IN ITS LITTLE PERFECTION! WAAAAAAAAAH!


H - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 9:47pm

Hey, and let's not forget...

Hell, I could go on and on.

H - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 9:59pm
Anonymous Hey Bong... why is a DJ opening for you at Steamers on Friday? That seems a little hypocritical. Is it so you can pay them less? - Wed, 23 Apr 2003 10:59pm
To "Real Music Lover" I think most of the DJs I've heard and know are some of the biggest music lovers in the world. Performing on turntables well without sounding like a moron is probably a lot harder than you think considering the way you talk about it. - Thu, 24 Apr 2003 7:22am
King Bong
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I have tried to respond to this three times ...guess I'm locked out! - Thu, 24 Apr 2003 1:12pm
Anonymous Guess you have no response. The Monkey is a bitch. - Thu, 24 Apr 2003 2:08pm
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H - Thu, 24 Apr 2003 3:00pm
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Oh ya, one more question:

King Bong, every time I read one of your show's ads, you imply that I'm gonna get some "special cookies" or other weed infested consumeable.

What the fuck does that have to do with music? Do you find it necessary to promise DRUGS to get people out to shows?


H - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 10:31am
Troutbreath Hey Holmesy, I've been smoking pot and playing music since 1966, what have you got to do with it? Or do you wish to hang me by my fingertips? Rock and Roll has always been about getting high, where do you want me to start on that one? 'Come on baby light my fire' ring a bell? The Crystal ship is being filled. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 11:29am
Troutbreath Or maybe you've heard of Ken Kesey and his Electric Kool-aid Acid Tests where a little jam band called 'The Grateful Dead' got started. Do we really have to revisit the history of rock and roll 'cause I can go on longer than you can. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 11:36am
Troutbreath You obviously never met any Beatniks in the fifties either, folk music wasn't written for straight people. And the black guys that taught Elvis how to Rock ....... And just about any Jazz musician you care to name. King Bong is just a little more honest than some, that's all. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 11:40am
Anonymous so your saying that music is based around drugs? that's quite a broad statement to make, cause music to me isn't about getting high, its about playing what it is that i like instead of having to listen i can play for myself... that's great you've been getting high since '66. I'm not saying that i don't like to puff, but it certainly never interfere's with my music as such... most of the time
and it seems my comment about the insecurity of buddy about dj's has sparked a bit of interest... oh and by the way the person who said most people that support dj's don't play just listen... WRONG again... i've been playin guitar since i was 5 years old, so i do play and i do listen ;) - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 1:48pm
Holmes TB: What the fuck are you talking about?

H - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 1:50pm
Holmes I mean, Mr Bong here says that DJing has nothing to do with music or musicians and yet drugs do?

DJs make fucking music.

Drugs make fucking idiots.

No one needs drugs to write music. If you do, you're an addict who's stunted his brain already.

Understand that I am not claiming that Drugs and Music are not historically associated. Of course they are. So is Suicide and Music.

So is King Bong's next gimmick gonna be a fucking onstage hanging?

Doubt it.

H - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 1:51pm
troutbreath We tried that at Lucky Bar on our Friday the 13th gig but there wasn't enough of a drop from the stage. We'll try again sometime. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 2:02pm
Anonymous Holmes, shut up.

Every time I read one of your posts, I feel stupider.

King Bong is a cool band, who goes out of their way to make people feel welcome at their shows. Some bands give out T-shirts... is that to get more poor people without clothes to their shows? Your argument is stupid, as are you. King Bong is an awesome band, and their music speaks for them. The cookies they hand out are a way of saying thank you to everyone who came out. If you don't partake, fine. Then go and enjoy the show sober, it'll still be fun. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 2:16pm
Holmes Hey Stupider,

If you read the beginning of the thread, Mr King Bong does not go out of his way to welcome anyone. He goes out of his way to insult DJs. He says that people only see DJs to socialize and do drugs.

Considering they've got a DJ opening for their show at Steamer's and every advert I see for KB infers drug use, I gotta wonder where this double standard comes from.

Of course, I gotta wonder why I bother replying to you.

H - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 2:34pm
Troutbreath Let's take this discussion even further. Without drugs there would be no Rock and Roll as we know it. Paul Anka would still be cool. You'd all be watching Gidget movies and Dick Clark would have achieved TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION. - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 2:57pm
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Peace Music lover,

We have a few issues. People who don't play are not to be dismissed for they are the majority of the audience who support musicians and music in general. The lack of skill or knowledge of performing wih an instrument does not deligitimize the listerner or their contribution to music.

Yes, the Dj cutlrue, like most industry whored genres, can be limited and a disgrace to the artform of audio art which attempts to explore what Mashal Macluhan refered to as the accustic space. There are few Djs or what Jamaicans refer to as Selectors or Operaters, who explore the sound art to this level of theory, audio assault and sonic manipulation using various forms of montage with ventures into the simulacrum of reproduced sound.

The Jamaican Dub culture perfected this form of musicality by centering the musical creativiity around the studio and manupulating reels of tapes and soundboards -- once for reason of economy and later as an artform itself. The greats of this virtuosity were and are Lee "Scratch" Perry, King Tubby, King Jammy, Niney the Observer, Bunny Lee which all went on to influence the punk scene, alternative scene and later created Massive sound systems which developed into a union of digital, accustic and sampled compositions. We may know these acts and those influenced by the reggae greats, like BIg Audio Dynamite (with former Clash member Mick Jones) , Massive Attack, Portishead, R.L Burnside, Trent Reznor, Patti Smith, Herbie Hancock, Rza of the Wu Tang Clan, Mile davis, The Roots, Cabaret Voltaire, The Clash and many others.

Theory is another form of music appreciation. Some musicians cannot and/or willnot converse on this level about the music they perform however there are peoples who will discuss the music and offer insite into the levels of developement in each new harmonic and tone manipulated in this compression and decompression of air.

Remember the original instrument is the human body and voice. The musician uses extension of this, often out of lack abilty to express thier human rhythm through natural means of thier lungs, by attempting to master an instrument. It is only within recent times have regained a respect for the musican's personal narrative
via his instrument and not his voice. That a story can be spoken , sung or played -- as in listening to book and reading music,

For most people, especiallty for those who do not play instruments, the sonic narrative is fascinating and deserves respect no matter what genre, when it is done with innovation and uniqueness. It is enchanting, this air which is transformed to form sound which manifests itself as music. To the nonmusician the spoken expression of music is an attempt to capture, using oralite and sometimes literature, the composer or muscian's sense and sensuality.

Often people have been inspired by the audio narritives and tonal discussions to paint or write so they can capture the metaphors and landscapes that the musicians make manifest to us.

The DJ proper is also, at this time, seeking aknowledgement as a musician or more a composer. Often the term Dj is misnomers for they are actually composing using various orgininal samples, as did the Ja Selectors/Operators, of thier own creation all summoned through artifical means of digital electronic and live accustic or electric instruments. It is also a way offering a new soul or life to an arleady accomplished work as would a live improvised break in set of precomposed music.

Some DJ only use various seemingly obscure samples of previously recored works inordered build a sound leitmotif of subtexte, signifiers and referents to the listener and therefore build a narrative centred around sound and emotion and ambient space.

When we arrive at this point these DJ are venturing into deconstructing music inorder to gather the tones, chords and harmonics in a lets say "cutup method" as Byron Gyson and William S Burroghs would call it, so they can construct a deepr texte assembled by moments of retainted memory of previous works. Therefore, assembling a new narrative from the old. Therefore never losing the constant sound bites and radio waves which often plesantly assault us in our memorys of this musical journey.

It is a journey which the true DJ wishes to send the listeneer on. By no means are they disrepecting the accomplished musician.


"Music Lover - And the funny thing is that the people who support this DJ crap are the people who like to "talk" about music but don't actually play , this DJ is a combo of that guy and that style..blah, blah, blah, they are the same idots who gerefied the music scene..oh thats deep house, no it techo-house, no it's urban-house, no it's bullshit..they steal other people real creative output remix it and call it thiers.what is that about. Regurgitating someone eleses crative output is lame and only the empty-headed, overmarketed generation of techno-boppers that supported it will attempt to defend it. It will die soon as more and more kids are opened to the sounds of REAL instruments being played by REAL musicians, creating art..
Some people think muzac is pleasing to the ears too..
go out and see a real band kid. - Tue, 22 Apr 2:00pm" - Fri, 25 Apr 2003 10:48pm
A*Funk Give these guys some credit.

The music world is always stuck trying to balance the aesthetic and the entertaining. In western music we can note the simultaneous development of "art music" or the classical form, and the rich cultural traditions of folk music- the one aesthetic and the other, entertaining. The divide continues today, with our modern contrast between Philip Glass and Britney Spears. Modern technology has recently blessed us with new tools to express this art called music, and since the 50's some extraordinary musicians have pioneered the growth of electronic music as a way of surpassing the previous limitations of our tools of musicmaking. Within electronic music, of course, the divide makes itself felt. Sure there are DJ's out there, at most nightclubs, who are just fucking technicians and play one top 40 hit after another, never daring to do much more than tap the crossfader. But there are also true electronic artists, like the people who put on "How to build an Airplane." These are the sort people who spend just as long as us "traditional" musicians mastering the technique and expression demanded by their newfound instruments. That's right, DJ'ing is all a rehash of art already recorded by other artists, but the way in which it is recombined creates a completely new composition. This is the skill and art of electronic music. There are even some talented artists who, in the nascent stages of electronic music, have endeavoured to mix aesthetic and entertainment: this is the category into which Amon Tobin and Kid Koala fall. Correct me if i'm wrong, but Kid Koala is Canada's only turntable champion... shouldn't we have some respect for someone so capable of entertaining, and yet so skilled as to have won international renown?

So basically what I'm saying is yeah, fuck all those bitches who "spin" pop tunes down at every goddamned nightclub in this town, but let's make the distinction between a techie and an artist.

and while we're at it, some of you "real" music lovers might want to evaluate where you stand on the Philip Glass/Britney Spears continuum. - Sat, 26 Apr 2003 4:04pm
SweetGrass The deconstruction of music in order to create something new in its interpretation can be compared to the contemperary art movement led by Duchamp in the 1920's.. Artists were taking every day objects like the urinal and snowplough and offering them up in a new light for audiences to interpret. The art critics argued dramatically about what is art in much the same way we are arguing about what is music. The only honest answer lies in the audience's immediate response to the medium presented to them. Good or bad, live bands or d.j's, Renoir or Duchamp's Fountain ( urinal), its all subjective and no-one has the right to tell you what is GOOD or BAD! Go for yourself and see everything while making up your own mind about how you react to the music around.
As for the rock and roll and's all a high whether you partake in doobies or close your eyes and dance. Alternative states are what a lot of us seek to escape into with music. Enjoy it ! - Sat, 26 Apr 2003 4:18pm
Anonymous well put... i couldn't have wrote it better!

kid koala kicks azz! so does bullfrog!
and amon tobin! - Sat, 26 Apr 2003 7:13pm
Anonymous Dammit! Why does some always write huge posts... for some reason they make me lose interest in the the thread... also Troutbreath... you were smoking weed in 66?


You are old.... I'll bet you were shaking your cane at the comptuer screen when you were typing. - Fri, 2 May 2003 12:18am
Troutbreath Actually, I have a specially trained 'assistance' monkey to do all my typing for me. I appreciate your concern however. - Fri, 2 May 2003 12:03pm
Anonymous What a great show this was, thoroughly enjoyed it! - Fri, 2 May 2003 3:48pm
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