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Cursed/Anatolian Wisdom/Musupellheim/Dance Party - June 24th
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Blair Goatsblood
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Yeah, thsi show was a whiles back, but I'm working on my writing so please bear with teh irrelevance.

Cursed/Anatolian Wisdom/Musupellheim/Dance Party
June 24th
Wise Hall/The Brickyard/Duffy's
Of the 4 bands playing the $14 show I was attending, the only one which I was interested in seeing was Cursed. I had folks sell me on Bane, but I never dug what I heard by them. My plan of showing up well before Cursed was a dumb move, as I ended up arriving halfways through Cursed's set.
Cursed were excellent, belting out a handful of burly, rockin', dirty core tunes before calling it a set. So yeah, $14 for 4-5 songs, real smart on my part. I was also dumb enough to think I could buy beer at the all ages hardcore show. Overall, this was turning out to be a night of brain failure.
After Bane's set I hoofed it to the Brickyard for the metal show. Grabbing a cold bottle as soon as arriving, I was strucky by how dismal the Brickyard was. I've been there a million times, and I'm not the sort to fuss about a messy venue, but the atmosphere there was particularly grimy, drab, unpleasant, etc. And not in a good way (i.e. the "Secret Location" or the Astoria). The dim, jaundiced lights of the 'Yard combined with the unpleasant surroundings made the crowd seem particularly unattractive, unhealthy and unstoked.
I had high hopes of Anatolian Wisdom, being a fan of their singer's previous band, the excellent Nekromantik Kurse, and having heard a rocking mp3. Unfortunatly my hopes were dashed by a slew of songs featuring decent, scathing black metal interspresed with seemingly endless norsecore forest metal neo-classical meanderings that had me wondering if Anatolian Wisdom were planning on playing the Vancouver Folk Festival next year. The cherries on top were the extremely un-brutal orange rebar pentegram, seeing (for the second time in my life) someone in corpsepaint change a guitar string, and the singer shifting gears from (*demon voice*) "This songs is about destroying your enemies with demons", to (*normal voice*) "Does anyone have a guitar we can use, please?"
Also there was something like 6+ people videotaping Anatolian Wisom's set, with me being hustled aside at one point so as to not ruin a shot...geez louize, don't you think with the other 5 cameras you don't have to worry about my shoulder ruining the DVD? At least I know there exists multiple camera angle footage of the necro guitar string changing.
Up next were Sindedrom...I mean Musupellheim. After five seconds of their Naglfar-meets-Soilwork life metal I knew it was time to bail. Extra points to Musupellheim for the gratuitous weraing of their shirts by memebrs of the band and also their LA Guns-esque axe humping.
$10, several beers and two bad bands later, I knew it was time for a chnage in scenery, so I went to a party. On the way I ran into a friend leaving the Wise Hall shwo who raved to me about how awesome the Baneset was...Ouch...that's what I get for giving undue credit to metal bands.
At the party, which was neck deep in indie rockers, I danced to oldies music with cute girls. Ironically enough dancing with indie rockers was several degrees more brutal than the metal show I attended that night. - Wed, 28 Sep 2005 7:26pm
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Great read and review mang!

And I agree, The Brickyard does come across dingy and grotesque sometimes .

I’m thinkin it may'ave been a stable or meat packing plant back in the early 1900‘s. lol - Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:18pm
Messages Posted:
Dude. I couldnt have said it better myself. I liked all the bands but yah man. Always have a second guitar handy for that kind of shit.. I felt shame and embarrasment fo those guys. I enjoyed all the bands totally. Apparently no one told Muspellheimen that it makes you look like a bunch of tools when every member is sporting their own t shirt. The drummer was fuckin incredible though. - Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:43am
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HAHAHAHA rich - Thu, 29 Sep 2005 11:36am
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too bad about the lack of booze at the sXe show. slip a mickey (or ziplock bags full of vodka) into your dreads next time and hope that one of the dancefloor moderators doesn't spin-kick it out of your hands. if you're going to diss a.w. for having a folk-influence how about you do the same for witchking and blair witch project..i mean wolves in the throne room. maybe these shows should have switched venues seeing as the wise hall has more of a folk identity (eg. the rogue folk club shows) and the brickyard has a bar. the local residents would be a great recruiting oppportunity for the sXe borg. - Thu, 29 Sep 2005 5:24pm
Blair Goatsblood
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My dislike of AW folkish leaning has to do with compositional issues. They're just like Between the Buried and Me in that regard....I like peanut butter and cheez whiz, but not in the same sandwich.
Anyways, I did have a bag full of beer for the Cursed show...bathroom shotgunning! - Thu, 29 Sep 2005 6:45pm
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can't all be rockstars and bring the show to a grinding halt after one song just cuz a string breaks

nyeah nyeah
:) - Fri, 30 Sep 2005 6:47pm
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A bag full of beer??? If you're gonna drink why not just do it outside?? - Sat, 1 Oct 2005 10:24am
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Sorry but no one is trying to please you people. What the fuck is wrong with you ? If you don't like it don't come to the show , easy anyone can do it. I am still being polite and explaning that Red you call it orange pentagram symbolises the color of fire , if you take a look to our website , you'll see what I am talking about. I think you guys are too stuck with your sterio typed expectations that how BM band has to be, sound like or this is folk music, piff, Anatolian Wisdom makes its own shit so deal with it. Plus why when it comes to BM, everyone feels like as if they are the big "criterias" of this type of music. No one take the shit as serious as we do , we put the whole concept all together and you big mouths are trying to be picky, well go for it. Human nature, when you don't understand something or can't be part of it, you have to destroy it, because you might think that its like a threat to your existence. For your information there is nothing to joke about. As I said before, don't come to the shows if you don't like it. Damn internerds. - Sun, 16 Oct 2005 12:02am
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dude, it's one guy's opinion. you can't get all riled up over one guy. sure it's funny, but I doubt people are going to form opinions about your band over one post (well you never know, case in point - the Bloodred Message Board). - Sun, 16 Oct 2005 6:44pm
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wahhh wahhh. internet .. whine. who sticks up for their band on a messageboard? "no really, we're good." hahahahahah. - Mon, 17 Oct 2005 10:00am
Blair Goatsblood
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Sorry Hanephi, I guess I was in the wrong paying $10 to check out Anatolian Wisdom, being disappointed, and then posting a review in a forum for show reviews.

"Red you call it orange pentagram symbolises the color of fire"

When I see a red or orange rebar all I think of is the red or orange safety paint they spray on protruding rebars...on construction sites. Jobsite safety is not very evil, thus the unfortunate association.

"Anatolian Wisdom makes its own shit so deal with it"

Yes, I am aware Anatolian Wisdom makes their own shit and I am dealing with it quite nicely, thank you. Consider me "schooled."

"Plus why when it comes to BM, everyone feels like as if they are the big "criterias" of this type of music."

I have opions about ALL forms of music. Anatolian Wisdom did not float my boat, and therefore I posted an unflattering review on a forum devoted to reviews of live bands. I guess I am way out of line here.

"Human nature, when you don't understand something or can't be part of it, you have to destroy it, because you might think that its like a threat to your existence."

I'm sorry, but you really come across as an idiot/crybaby here. I find Anatolian Wisdom, in no way, shape or form a threat to my existance. I have no need to destroy AW....if you think a negative review of a forum devoted to reviewing bands is an attempt to destroy AW...well, enjoy life in fantasy land. And yes, I believe I understand AW quite well, I am just unimpressed.

I have no anti-Anatolian Wisdom agenda; I had no desire to do a hatchet job on them. I had higher expectations of them, that why I paid $10 to see them. In fact, I think that Tattoo Head Rob & "Khaos Kult Guy" (I'm terrible at names) are both good people that I genuinely like, which in fact made me have reservations about posting this review.

However, I paid to see AW, I was disappointed, and I posted a bad review. BOOO HOOO. If you can't handle criticism, DON'T MAKE YOUR ART AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC.

It is not very FUCKIN BLACK METAL to PISS AND MOAN ON A MESSAGEBOARD, COMING ACROSS AS A WHINEY CRYBABY, about a bad review. Where is the antichrist elite spirit? You should be as a monolith of iron, above anything I would say. YOU SUCK AT BEING BLACK METAL. - Mon, 17 Oct 2005 7:23pm
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Check out you e-mail. Sorry people no more fun for you today.... - Mon, 17 Oct 2005 8:59pm
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heh heh, who cares what blair says. he's only a singer. - Tue, 18 Oct 2005 10:37pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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I'm gonna have to chat with Jordan about M. wearing their own shirts. - Mon, 24 Oct 2005 8:44am
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Ok, I don't understand what the big deal is with this thread. So a couple of people didn't like the uniform idea. .. a new band trying different stuff out who liked their new shirts.. who cares.

And no band who puts as much effort in as any of these bands need feel any shame or embarassment. Everyone who ever gets up on a stage runs the risk of being humbled by something lame happening. AW take a greater risk than most by showing up all decked out. There's no turning back. But I think people just assume that performers with balls like that can hack a couple of shots on the internet!

Shawn has it right - no one here's gonna form opinions cuz of a couple things written on a board. From what I can tell, most people here know enough to think for themselves and make up their own minds once they actually see the bands, or meet the people. They're not followers striving to be part of some exclusive club by echoing what those holding the keys say. - Mon, 24 Oct 2005 2:49pm
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haha I agree CR, wearing your own band's t-shirt is a major faux pas!!!! - Mon, 24 Oct 2005 3:52pm
The Other Nick
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Im pretty sure someone has to die at the show in order for it to be a true black metal concert. - Tue, 25 Oct 2005 4:11pm
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LOL I do have to admit, I would never wear my own shirt at a show. As an audience member and on stage, but that's just something I live by too. I saw Muspellheim at the Walpurgisnacht show. I thought they were all right, not really Soilwork/Naglfar-ish to me though, at least that's not how they sounded to me, I thought they were leaning a bit more towards death/thrash metal with some thrash/blackish vocals. I thought Demyse was more Naglfar-esque (well, duh, they cover "Into the Cold Voids of Eternity") and I actually liked Demyse a lot more, but again that's just my opinion.

I can understand some of the reviews regarding the strong folk element AW has. I must admit, the get-up combined with the music really did take me by surprise. Not that I expected faeries and elves to sprout about, but the music, to me, was very reminiscent of some forest-doom orientated stuff (Agalloch, In The Woods, etc...which HEY! Fucking RULES!) But who knows; Anatolia (comprising of the Asian portion of what is today Turkey) had literally a plethora of Middle-eastern and European races 2500 years before Christ, so who knows what message in particular they're conveying. I guess I'll have to read into their lyrics a little bit more....

As rather eloquent as Blair's review was, I do have to give some kudo's to the fact that he at least gave some musical criticism. There's nothing more annoying than the same old, "That band's fucking GAY." I admit I do get offended and uptight when running into that shit, whether it's about bands I like or not! That bullshit is what attaches the "Beavis-and-Butthead" stereotype to metalheads in my opinion....but I digress.

Although I have to admit, the review was mighty articulate for being 3 MONTHS OLD since the show date...obviously the bands must have had a heavy effect, negative as it seems. I must admit if I wasn't already acquainted with these bands I'd be interested to check them out! If a band itself can cause this much of a ruckus then they must have something going on, good or bad....but hey, publicity is publicity.... - Thu, 27 Oct 2005 1:57am
peck peck
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Some people fret about committing a fashion "faux pas". Others don't really care. If they like a shirt (a lot of bands like their own shirts), they wear it without much thought.

These bands are getting flack because they're the first to flare up on message boards whenever anyone says shit about them or their friends. Some of them have been known to say some very petty things about other bands too, so what goes around comes around. Its a pretty effective way to get attention in the m.b. community. - Thu, 27 Oct 2005 11:41am
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