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Message Board > Show Reviews > Absolute Underground fund raiser @ Logans A.W.T., MITOCHONDRION, ENCHANTED FAERIES, SWEATHOGZ, BEAUMONTS
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Thanks to all the totally kick ass bands that played this show!!! Every band exceeded expectations and really put on entertaining sets. The crowd was amazing and the mosh was chaos.Extrathanks to Deckmaster Dean for the overwealming donation, super cool. Tommorows another day so come on down to Big Fernwood for some more musical mayhem. Metal, Punk, and Rock n' Roll never sounded so good together. Sucess!!! Thanks to Logan's and hopefully Jay and Rick will kiss and make up. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 3:26am
jay brown
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the show rocked, and ya we already did......... - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 3:40am
Nik Olaz
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amazing show. i was pissed of as fuck i missed AWT, i haven't seen them since possibly 2002. but easily the ENCHANTED FAERIES stole the night. best band in Vic right now? FUCK yes. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 3:58am
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There needs to be more Metal and Punk shows together . . here's to variety for fuck's sake. Thanks Ira for putting this on.

way to go faeries!! There was a point where I was looking at the Squirly mayhem on stage and then at the shirtless-pit mayhem off stage and I could only think one thing . . . the next GWAR!!! - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 12:59pm
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Oh now, what the hell is that?!? Jeezus what did I miss last night? - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 4:38pm
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Last nights gig rocked. I was gonna do a huge writeup about the gig, but I'm still trying to remember the order of the bands that took the stage. I think it was: Sweathogz, The Beaumonts, Midochondrion, A.W.T. and Enchanted Fairies, and what happened to Grey Army? A few things to mention, wow there were a ton of hotties that showed up, including one who must of thought I was someone else (I guess), she said something to me then took off. Best performance of the night had to go to Enchanted Fairies (I owe them $6 for the CD), also, how does Blind Marc manage to get 2 ladies?!? Heh... I hate being shy. I still cannot figure out why if Midochondrion was a black metal outfit, then why did they have red candles, rather then black candles? The turnout could of been better though, I wonder how tonights benefit show was like. I had a hell of a time hearing people half way thru the gig last night, even when not having any hearing protection in. All in all, good gig Ira/Willy! - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 8:24pm
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The Beaumonts played after us...The candles are red because we made them from the blood of a goat. SUPERION. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 10:14pm
Nik Olaz
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we're about as black metal as a candy striper. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 10:49pm
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No, you bought red candles. Goat my ass!!! Wait a sec, I thought you guys played before AWT, tho?!? BTW: How come one of the candles was unlit during your set? I know, stupid question. I mean, if your gonna do the goat thing for candles, at least have blook dripping from them, or work on a scent. Perhaps I'm just too picky, least I bought one of your CDs tho'. :) - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 11:09pm
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yeah I agree there wasn't enough goatery for me either. hahaha.

yeah the war paint and overt blasphemy was in honour of the musical genre we enjoy . . . also spectacle is always a must. we may have blackened elements, but by no means are we black metal. how do you like the cd? - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 11:47pm
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The CD is interesting, it's gonna take me a few listens to really get into it tho'. One thing I did notice, the recording sounds rather dull (bassy with little high end). I must be getting old, tho', bands of that genre I really like: Black Kronstadt, Soy, S.I.C.K. and (of course) Enchanted Fairies!!! BTW: Careful about that Squirrel!!! That was awesome at the gig! But I still miss the prostetics I saw Enchanted Fairies had during the Halloween gig over at Flee's a few years ago. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 11:55pm
Nik Olaz
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this show fucking blew. my band kicked all your bands asses. I will never play with these bands again. Fuck that. - Mon, 15 Aug 2005 11:12am
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Return of Gibasc0re - Mon, 15 Aug 2005 12:53pm
Nik Olaz
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God he's so clever! Attempting to turn the bands against me! OH MAN THIS GUY JUST DOESNT STOP. Let this mark the first time he actually figured out you could post in other areas of the message board besides "Music". - Mon, 15 Aug 2005 1:20pm
Anna Nicole Splif
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Just to see Mito play I had to pay Logan's and Absolute Underground? Fuck that and fuck them. I would have happily given Mito 5 bucks without all the other bullshit, bullshit having to be in Logan's and deal with it's crowd. - Tue, 16 Aug 2005 1:23pm
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the enchanted faeries kicked ass! definitely stole the show...however....all of the bands rocked that night. ira and willy did one hekuva job on both benefit gigs! - Tue, 16 Aug 2005 1:28pm
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what are you doing posting again, Anna Nicole Splif???????? - Tue, 16 Aug 2005 4:34pm
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Support Logan’s and AU beotch ! LOL !

Logan’s doesn't need us by the way , we need them . Not a lot of places to play at these days and if you've seen the new stage this place is building , FUCKING A ! . The reconfiguration of the club and new stage will improve Logan’s 300% . Now the crowd .. well ? Is it the Hippies, freaks , or the shrubs that you don't like ? LOL !

Absolute is one of our only local music magz directed for the scene . It's a symbiotic relationship between local puck/metal/hardcore bands and the magz if you ask me
And I'd be surprised if any personal profit is being made from the door charge? And if there is , what the fuck does that matter ? Bands play ,people get a show, some scratch gets made and the cycle of life continues. Only through understanding and preservation of this fragile environment can we preserve this for generations of the future .


Director of the Scientific research branch of MILF

PHD in Molecular Degradation , - Tue, 16 Aug 2005 6:36pm
Anna Nicole Splif
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boredom and stupidity. - Tue, 16 Aug 2005 9:40pm
Chris Logan
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"boredom and stupidity."

What a grouch! - Wed, 17 Aug 2005 1:51am
jay brown
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Ah that's o.k. 99% of the people in the room always have a good time. You know there are guaranteed to be one or two people in the room at every show that probably would of had a much better time elsewhere. It's just the way it works, hopefully the people that like it come back and the ones that dont know better next time. Personally speaking I had a blast all night long, except for maybe ten minutes of my night that got a little silly..... and that had nothing to do with the bands whom I thought all played fucking great. Granted I was on stage in one of them, but hey what the fuck I thought all the bands played awesome that night. I agree more metal and punk shows would be awesome....... - Wed, 17 Aug 2005 9:46pm
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I think the combination of the two genres is the way to go...full bar, cool cross sections of friends and musicians, i mean it's a pretty small city, we all know a lot of eachother anyway regardless of being punk, rock or metal.
I was stoked and i think a lot of other folks were too.
I'd love to see more shows like this one. - Wed, 17 Aug 2005 9:53pm
Chris Logan
Chris Logan
info *at*
Messages Posted:
"I'd love to see more shows like this one."

Me too. We've always been into punk and metal at Logan's, and despite what a lot of dum-dums say, the crowds at those shows are often the nicest folks you'd ever care to meet. Much better than a bunch of jocks, for instance.

By the way, the cops got called in for a noise complaint on Saturday, and my brother finally went across the street to talk to their supervisor, who'd been sitting there for about twenty minutes. The cop said "I've been sitting here for twenty minutes and can't figure out what the complaint was about. Everyone's just standing around smoking." John said, "Yeah, well our punk crowds are usually pretty cool." The cop said "This is a PUNK crowd?" - Thu, 18 Aug 2005 8:05pm
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Whiny foking neighbors from the values of propertys going up in the area .
Trendy arse babydoomers who are getting towards retirement age will dictate the agenda for a neighborhood be serving on Municipal councils, boards or action groups to ease out the undesired businesses and riff raff out of a areas . It was predominately Working class owners, old folk living out thier golden years and.. of course...renters near Logan‘s .
A nimby attitude that prevails through this generation , (the RICHEST generation ever)
So if you have the money and the clique on boards , council , politics , Tax rate payers org. , volunteer fire services , veins for life , madd , developers , save the fucking seal pup society can control anything they deem disturbing or effective to their protective bubble they surround themselves in . And of course save us from ourselves or proclaim judgment of others they peg as amoral to their conniving ideology .

In short , if you move in next to the airport , in a million dollar home because of high property value, don't expect the plains to stop flying .
.....but if you have the money, connections, manipulation and propensity to be a anal asshole ( is that a double entendre ? ) from the babydoomers era ,you'll be able to dictate your agenda to other brattygloomers and close down toughs pesky celebrations that drinking might be involved in and that once year annual party gets the cops there at 9:00 pm to shut it down when the bylaw says after 11:00 pm . Did these fuckers ever stay up to 12:00 and have a few drinks ..humm..? Maybe on new years ?
SIDE LINE - Was in Rarotonga ( South Pacific) for the change of the millennium and met a great group of Kiwis and Aussie young folks on the planet, saved for a year and a half to do new years up right . They had rented a large bungalow, more like a 4 bedroom + house with a private pool that almost got kicked out of a $500 dollar a night house because we made loud splashing noises jumping in the pool and cheering in the new mill at 12:00 because they got there at 10:00pm and wanted silence cuz they were tired . So everyone had to walk on egg shells not to disturb them. We were paying at least $300 a night for our smaller house (three bedroom ,full amenities ) and most of us who were still up after 10:00 pm just kind of found each other and were so stoked to celebrate ! But the bullshit doomers put a car bosh on the Year 2000 celebrations.
These are the people who learned from their parents how to stretch a buck , persistency , head strong ness , sacrifice , achievement without glory , a day to day commitment to christens beliefs without predigest or judgment .

But unknowingly they spawned a generation of greedy, manipulative , opinionated , lazy , complaining , self serving , liberal , curmudgeons . My grand dad was 87 (RIP) and started work at 10 ,lived in a tent after he married his bride for more then a few years traveling across Canada for work in the 30's and raised kids living out of a tent and working 10 + hour days before BUILDING his first home and my wife’s dad BUILT there family home and started work at 14 in the shipyards during the war .
These are the people I respect , not a condescending boomer who had life handed on a silver-platter to them and the choice of anything they might fancy ......
Spoiled fucking brats and you wonder why their kids were the biggest generation of criminals (me). It's the old school mentality crossed with boomer ideas . The only problem is yuppydum never had to make sacrifices like their parents , but expect the first gen Xer's (me) to achieve what they have in the 70's but then cut back jobs, cancel apprentice programs , nepotism , work the youth at shithole wages , bring in laws and bills to save losing coin on stock losses or special treatment for seniors (them)to suck on the medical system, get drugs paid for or referential treatment . You mark me words the older they get the more demanding they will be . Most will be getting pensions or RRSP shit when they were raking in the cash and then create convenient loopholes for them to squirrel their money away from paying their far share . Nope . All the perks with no sacrifice . Then they will bring in laws to take away things that they once had, to rape the next generation for profit, ie. higher insurance for anything and just taking away other shit or changed it . That being bars that were once open till 3:00am AND for off sales , destruction of any public festivals ,Swiftsure (when it rocked) , Galianofest , Penderbender , Parkville Sand castle fest , Canada day celebrations , Peachfest . They don't allow Music down at Beacon hill band shell even though it's been going on for over 50 years , but then change our folk fest into a tourist attraction , dissolving of countless live venues and clubs with draconian regulations they've implemented , make it hard to just go down to the beach and enjoy a fire at the beach with some buds without feeling like a criminal , harp and complain on a legit biz in a commercial area over noise, with not a leg to stand on or a real justifiable reason . I have one of these fucking whinny neighbors and the police arrive at my house before 11:00 when jamming a lot of time an Sorry for the triad , but it just gets more common everyday .
d just scratch their heads on what to do ? The Police have always been far and understanding and I was told that the after 11:00pm thing is not real , it's to their discretion . Right , if I kept phoning in about some minor noise complaint eventually they will get what they want ....... just to shut them up and once the complaint goes in you're pegged as a sore spot no matter how unsubstantiated they my be .

Why not move Logan’s out of that area ? It's the condo across the road that are complaining . Live in a apartment down town and act like they live in the uplands . You've never heard such trivial bullsheat from people who own 500 square ft. of space .
It's a reason to be snooping ,watching and waiting for anything to fucking whine about .
Self-righteous complainers .

Sorry for the triad , but it just gets so common these days . - Thu, 18 Aug 2005 9:29pm
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For future reference, would you like the crowd to be more punk?!? Great show BTW! Yeah, it was strange having two different types of music, but it still rocked. - Thu, 18 Aug 2005 11:39pm
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