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Hybri Productions Aug 8th + Firebreathing
Message Board > Show Reviews > Hybri Productions Aug 8th + Firebreathing
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I still can't believe what happend to poor brian, it's horrible. Show itself was alright, but the firebreathing... ugh. Here are some pcis since I know everyone is talking about it(i'm just gonna post the fire pics for now, since I havn't had time to look at the band photos. so these are all of the ones I took/untouched)). - Mon, 8 Aug 2005 11:04pm
Rick James
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man... that was the sketchyest thing ive ever seen, lighting his fuckign face on fire, wow, poor guy. haha, that should help get more people out to Hybrid's future shows, everyone loves tragedy. The bands did weel, to, noone else stayed for whitey, I loved them! Im a little choked rightside dident play, thats kinda why i went, but meh. They wont be NEARLY as good without Gittens (they got rid of a guitarist). - Mon, 8 Aug 2005 11:49pm
lauren a
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don't stamp necks. anyone from hybrid comes to one of my shows they get a fucking stamp on their goddamn forehead. - Tue, 9 Aug 2005 1:40am
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burn!!!!!! - Tue, 9 Aug 2005 2:26am
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god I wish I went to this show - Tue, 9 Aug 2005 5:38am
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Ok, I put up some photos of the 2nd/3rd band. - Tue, 9 Aug 2005 1:37pm
Menasha Trois
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I only went to see Textbook because I saw them on Salt Spring on Friday and were great..personally,they were way better on friday then on Monday,but still a good set, not much of a fan of the other bands..the last bands singer had an amazing voice though - Tue, 9 Aug 2005 4:23pm
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I guess hybrid finally had karma come their way. - Tue, 9 Aug 2005 6:25pm
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you guys have great hair...maybe you could give me some pointers. you should see my frock, it's atrocious.


whacka - Tue, 9 Aug 2005 7:41pm
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"I guess hybrid finally had karma come their way."

oooh bitter band member - Thu, 11 Aug 2005 2:49am
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well when you think about it,, pouring lighter fluid into your mouth and lighting it on fire.......... haha your bound to get burned some time.

I hope he wasn't hurt to bad. - Thu, 11 Aug 2005 9:41am
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MC2K will be okay.
He suffered 1st and 2nd degree burns to his face. He is resting at home and will be ok with a couple more days of rest. Not too sure if he will be breathing fire again.

As far as you Colin, you are one sick fuck. MC2K had nothng to do with what went down with Acidwash and Hybrid. You know, I really wouldn't be that pissed about your comment if it was me that got hurt, but he's my friend who wanted to help bring something new to a show and all you have to say is shallow comments like that?! You're fucked up kid and one day that mouth of yours is gonna get your ass WHOOPED.

Hybrid Productions will be folding it's all ages productions here in Victoria after this August 22nd show. We will hopfully be holding more events in Sidney @ the Mary Winspear Center though. (until I leave)

It was a nice stint here in Victoria though. Met some cool ass people who are really in it for the music and I wish them the best of luck, especially Brian at VIHC.

To all the bands that played with Hybrid, thank you. If you're still looking for the video footage of the shows, please call me at 885-7752 or e-mail me @ [email protected] and we'll arrange a time to meet.

I myself will be going overseas in January to become a Muay thai teacher and Hybrid will cease to exsist completly at that point. It was a blast! - Thu, 11 Aug 2005 4:50pm
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hehe.. i don't even know what to say - Thu, 11 Aug 2005 8:09pm
lauren a
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"but he's my friend who wanted to help bring something new to a show..."

i think the victoria 'scene' could have done without fire breathing. - Thu, 11 Aug 2005 8:13pm
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Hmmm just a thought
Perhaps he should have been taught by a professional before he tried such a stupid stunt. The last thing "the scene" needs is more stupid people making it harder to book venues. - Thu, 11 Aug 2005 8:39pm
Little Red
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Glad to hear that Brian is ok. I was worried from the beginning that something like this would happen... and not having a fire extinguisher handy (at least at the show I was at) is not a smart idea... or at least a really bad oversight. Don't you need permits for this sort of thing? Remember White Snake?

The show I played with Hybrid was a fun night and I still get approached by members of the audience to this day. It was definitely a good marketing decision for my band. All in all it was a good night.

However Matt, I'm sorry to hear that Hybrid succeeded at the expense of the friends that helped you get to where you're at. I hope the contacts/ideas/press/musicians(etc) you got out of them was worth it.

I'm also sorry to hear that the whole Acidwash vs Hybrid thing is still an issue. Sure it's not recommended to bring open alcohol into an all ages venue, but it's also not recommended for the promoter to be high at the show. It's also not recommended for the promoter to allow his staff to go into a checked bag to retrieve alcohol and let his staff drink it instead of dumping it. My bad for not speaking up. Maybe we could bring out a mud wrestling ring and let them go at it... That could be a good farewell show for Hybrid. What do you think? - Thu, 11 Aug 2005 11:26pm
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I cant believe you people are actually gonna diss Matt and Hybrid. Ive been working side by side with him for the past 3 months and i know first hand that all he ever wanted to do was help give the serious musicians in victoria more exposure and bend over backwards for them. He was purely in it for the love of music, not for money or any other selfish reason. I cant even begin to count how many times we were out postering the whole fucking city tell 4 in the morning when we both had to be up by 630 for work, or the countless hours he spent editing and copying bands entire sets and giving them a FREE fucking dvd of their show to do with what they please, or going out of pocket to get the posters for the show which maybe 4 or 5 fucking musicans out of WAY too many shows actually helped put up, i could go on and on, the guy was hardcore in it for the music, ive been with him when he'd been up for 2 and 3 days with no sleep cause he'd been doing nothing but working and working on hybrid, why? cause it was a fucking good idea and a great cause and we really wanted to see it work. Its really a shame to see such great intentions and selflessness end like this cause of a bunch of ungratefull fucks. I just cant believe the negativity, he gave you guys fucking shows for free!! You had to do nothing but show up, we didnt even bitch when WE put up YOUR fucking show posters ALL night cuase you couldnt get your pathetic asses off the couch to promote you OWN FUCKING BAND. pathetic. As for the firebreathing, its funny cause i seem to remember alot of fucking people thinking it was pretty cool when they were doing it. As for Colin, you are just a sick fuck period.

Now im not talking about all the bands, lots of you who were very gratefull and helped out. In fact most of you were at least gratefull. You guys rocked!! I dont mean to be down on everyone, im just pissed to see people slag Matt like this. Ive never seen someone so willing to give selflessly to a cause he was so stoked to help out. He was fucking glowing with excitement and anticipation for the company and the musicans, i saw him yesterday, and ive never seen him so down, and he totally doesnt deserve this. All he ever did was try to help out the music scene and what did he get? Knocked down by a bunch of ungratefull fucks. cool.

Oh ya, and as for the contacts/ideas that he got out of people, ALL he wanted, got, and used them for were to make the shows better, help more bands out and help promote the shows better. Its not some conspiracy to take their contacts and use them for some twisted selfish plot. Hes not even in a band, he cant even strum a fucking chord, it was all about the musicians and helping them. Im really disheartened, i could see the enthusiasm and genuinism in him and that inspired me to give him TONS of my time for free, i didnt get a dime out of it, i postered so many shows that my band wasnt even in all fucking night just to see this succeed... oh well, lesson learned i guess. i just hope noone els makes the mistake of giving of themselves selflessly for the good of the local music scene, cause your just gonna get smacked in the face. - Fri, 12 Aug 2005 4:56pm
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It's too bad to hear that Hybrid is folding. I had a blast working with ya Matt. Good luck thai kicking people's asses. - Fri, 12 Aug 2005 5:51pm
Bleeding Lies
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wow, accidents happen. lets not make a huge deal over it. i am sure everyone on this post has hurt themselves somehow. Thanks alot Matt and Hybrid for everything. your dedication to music is fucking great to see, you're a good guy. - Fri, 12 Aug 2005 6:29pm
Little Red
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I'm not slagging Hybrid but rather speaking the truth.

I was the marketing/promotions/advertising/public relations (whatever you want to call it) dept for Hybrid for the FIRST 3 months. I wrote and sent out all the press releases during that time. I sat and listened to matt babble about all his ideas for countless hours on end. He bounced ideas off me for days asking my "professional opinion" on how to make the shows work. He would ask me who to get in for the shows so that he would get a draw. I worked my ass off to help him. I did the all night postering (even with the flu from hell)- I even lent matt my truck when I had to go home sick.

Yes I agree that he works hard for what he does. I agree that he will go to the point of losing money just to have a show happen. I just think he could be more grateful for the help he did get. He sacrificed our friendship for the business. How?

It was my personal contacts that he used to advertise all his shows. I taught him what a press release was and who it needs to go to and when. In the world of "one hand washes the other" I didn't get back nearly what I put into Hybrid. I was the one who originally had the idea of the networking party. I was planning on putting it together myself. He ended up going ahead with it... and didn't even send me an invitation. I don't see that as being thankful, or ethical for that matter.

As for the acidwash incident, I don't want to take any sides. The show was advertised as a "no booze, no drugs" event. The room was rented under the stipulation that he could get shut down if there were any booze or drugs on the premesis. I think if Hybrid was to take away the alcohol from the kids, they should at least follow the rules themselves (and not smoke pot in the back parking lot - or drink the kids' booze). Just my 2 cents.

Oh and Stefan.... Do I know you? Have we even met? The show I did with Hybrid was more than 3 months ago. You never postered for my show... I DID. Oh and I have yet to see my band's free DVD you speak of. - Fri, 12 Aug 2005 8:00pm
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Little Red - Well i dont know the specifics of your fallout with Matt, or you band, what I know is the last 3 or 4 months of hybrid and what a fucking rediculous amount of time and effort we put into trying to make it work. As for one hand washing the other, i didnt get anything but one show with my last band and a shit load of thanks from Matt for my time and effort, and thats all i expected, i mean when he's not making shit off the shows and is still paying bands that didnt do shit to promote it (not talking about all the bands) when he puts in litterally countless hours to pull it together and takes home fuck all, what els do you expect?? I knew full well going into it i wasnt gonna be gettin anything but the satisfaction of being a part of and watching a production company with nothing but the best intentions make a name for itself in this city that could sure use all the fucking help it can get boosting its music scene. And like i said about using other peoples ideas and contacts and so on, he never stole any ideas, he did ask for help and anyones ideas and whatever els, i mean for the last few months the company was basically being run by 2 people, not even, Matt and whatever time i could give him, so obviosly he can use whatever help he can get in any area, wheather it be your time, your ideas or contacts. I assure you he never used any of those to try and fuck anyone over, it was all to help make the shows better, bring more people out, and make them memorable so as to start getting a steady following which is good for everyone, the fans, the bands, and the company. Its just a shame to see such good intentions get shot down like this. Now im not saying Matt's perfect and did everything right, but his intentions sure were in the right place.

Don't take this as an attack on you, im sure you have your reasons to be choked with him, as i say, i dont know what happened between you two and i dont feel it my business to get involved, where i do feel it my business to jump in is when people start slagging him, cause even though he didnt do everything perfectly, in the end, it was all with the intent of helping out local bands make a name for themselves.

As for your bands video footage, as he posted :"To all the bands that played with Hybrid, thank you. If you're still looking for the video footage of the shows, please call me at 885-7752 or e-mail me @ [email protected] and we'll arrange a time to meet.", just let him know you want it and youll get it, ill even let him know your wanting it when i see him next. - Sat, 13 Aug 2005 8:34am
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well i dont know about all that stuff, but in all our dealings with him and hybrid he was a stand up guy - difficult to get ahold of sometimes..but thats understandable. and he really did work his ass off.

i think the idea behind hybrid was solid and would really help a scene like ours, where bands seem to be quite reluctant to help each other... - Sat, 13 Aug 2005 1:56pm
Little Red
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Stefan, you're right. You don't know the details as to what happened between myslelf and Matt and it is best that you stay out of it.

All I'm saying is that a simple thanks for your time and effort would have been appreciated. Appreciation and recognition where it's deserved can go a long way.

As for the intentions, did you know the whole reason why Hybrid was started in the first place was so that Matt could make money off other bands and then give the money to his friends in Cipher? Little did he know you don't really make money at all ages shows. - Sat, 13 Aug 2005 2:00pm
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hahahahaha fucking brutal. i have nothing to say on the world wide web about this matter, but if what little red just said is true...thats brutal. - Sat, 13 Aug 2005 6:07pm
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Red, you gotta check your facts. Cipher never got paid for any of our shows with Hybrid. Ever. There was never a plan for us to make money. Period.

We worked with Matteus because he had a dream to bring rock and roll back to Victoria, but he didn't know many musicians. He needed bands, we wanted exposure. It's simple math. The same reason you played a show with him. He needed bands and you wanted shows.

The only time I got paid was gas-money for driving him around when we were postering, and only because he insisted on paying me for the gas.

I don't have any beef with you Nicola, but I don't know what you're trying to prove by making up stories that make us look bad. Why lie?

Let whatever is between you and Matteus stay between you. Why drag Cipher and the Hybrid crew into it? Why publish this shit on LiveVictoria?

If my band or I did anything to rub you the wrong way, I apologize. But, please call or email me and we can sort it out.

-Ian - Sat, 13 Aug 2005 8:22pm
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rock is dead!!! - Sat, 13 Aug 2005 9:48pm
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My 2 cents. I recorded a band that Hybrid subsequently took on as "manager" (a term that always elicites deep suspicion in me). I recieved a call from Matt requesting (demanding?) the master tapes of said band which were to be re-mixed by some "well known" other engineers that he had all lined up (who he coundn't remember the names of). When I refused, citing the fact that a) I didn't know him from Adam and b) such requests to me must ALWAYS be from the band themselves and c) my archive tapes often include masters of other bands (as was this case) he whined and offered to pay me a whole $50 if I would transfer the tapes to a seperate set of tapes for the subsequent re-mixing etc. Several weeks passed. I finally got a call from him saying that he had had a small problem with his last show (which had bombed like Hiroshima) and could I wait a little while longer as he didn't have the dough just then ($50!!). I said fine. More time passed. Eventually I wiped his tapes and used them for something else and I never heard from again. Verdict: A flake, forgotten but not gone. Yet. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 3:15am
Nik Olaz
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anyone who thinks rock is dead is just ignoring what has advanced in music, and is sticking to the traditional which will eventually become the death of "rock" as it should be: uncompromising and challenging (this comment has no relation to Hybrid Productions, but is merely a response to Trican) - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 4:01am
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I seem to remember a show that had zero promotions, was thrown together in 3 days, and everyone who played/was involved was whining about a shitty turn out. No wonder it fell through. Postering till the wee hours, thats a fucking joke, personally I've never seen one poster for hybrid. Bands that are just starting to get a name for themselves should promo the fuck out of shows, but bands that have been playing for a while shouldnt have to do that shit. Its like any job, you have to wade throught the abuse and horseshit to get at the good stuff. I dont have beef with anyhting hybrids done, i dont know anyone from hybrid, but this booze business is straight fucked. If you have a coat check you cant go through anyones stuff, let alone steal someones belongings for the staff. If anyone did that at any show where I was present it would not be a fun place to be. I dont know the whole story, and anyone who can tell me the details do so. People are trusting coat check staff with their personal effects, rooting through their shit is fucking bogus, no matter what the situation is. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 7:39am
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Ah, Ian... Little Red knew her facts and she wasn't lying. I was in the room with Little Red when he said that. In my kitchen... As well, there was someone else there too who remembers it... Sounds a little funny... perhaps he didn't let you in on that plan... Perhaps Cipher didn't get paid anything but maybe that's because he didn't put on a show that made anything. I don't know. I do remember hearing that was his intent though. I do also remember him sounding obsessively enthusiastic about doing this whole all ages show thing. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 10:15am
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The good.
The bad.

Anyone else wanna take a kick at the can? - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 11:38am
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Like OUCH!!! - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 11:59am
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Exactly what right do they have to confiscate liquor from coat check? Isn't that the point of a coat check? So you don't lose your stuff? - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 12:08pm
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Sinnamon, if that was ever the "plan" Cipher was not aware of it. I have the original contracts between us and Matteus to prove it. I'll say it again, we simply wanted to play shows. We NEVER got paid.

Also, unless you are a stick of furniture in my house that taught itself to write, I doubt you have any idea of what business was ACTUALLY spoken between us and Hybrid since all our meetings were private. Fuck what you think you know, we just wanted to play.

-Ian - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 12:53pm
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Ian dude, I wasn't accusing you.

And read what I wrote. I was just talking about what I heard him say in MY home... not yours! And I know all my furniture... you weren't there!

But you DID call Little Red a liar and I knew you were wrong about that so I thought I'd point it out.

How can I make this more clear. I'm not saying Cipher got any money or even knew about it. I'm just saying what I heard Matt say to me in my kitchen. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 1:42pm
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Brandon- you didnt see any hybrid posters?? Thats funny cause i cant walk anywhere around town and not see about 2 at any given time. So your calling me a liar then saying that Matt and I werent walking around town all night counless times?? Go look at ANY wooden post outside ANY music store in town, or any post on quadra, or douglas from saveon foods/wallmart all the way downtown, or tillicum area, or reynolds area, or hillside or fucking everywhere man, we postered relentlessly, and for what?? ungratefull fucks like you, have fun doing it yourself next time you pathetic lazy fuck. sorry if thats a bit harsh but man i put so many hours in for COMPELEY free and i have to sit and listen to you slag me for it, FUCK THAT!! Shit man we even went to langford and collwood to poster and we were just in sidney on saturday, check anystore there we put about 50 up in different stores there and then spent the majority of the day handbilling, and im really starting to regret it.

Little Red - stop talking, i aint gonna start taking cheap shots at you and it aint nearly my place to but you need to stop taking cheap shots. As for cypher, like Ian said, they never made a dime, and as far as giving them shows, i know they worked their ass off on promo and helping Matt, and if your gonna help him for free, then you deserve getting dibs on the shows, why should he give bands that arent gonna do anything and just say "weve been aruond for a long time we dont need to promo" shows over bands that will work their asses off? Thats a really lazy attitude if you ask me, just cause youve been around for awhile dont mean shit, are you being played on Muchmusic consistently?? no?? then you arent above promoting yourself. Period.

anyways, im getting really sick of this childish bickering, and all i can say is good riddance Matt has changed his selfless motives, cause you guys totally dont deserve someone like him helping you out. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 6:45pm
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Why would I be involved with anything you do? Ungrateful fuck? Why the hell would I be grateful to you? Have fun doing it next time? First off when did you do any postering for me? I dont know who the fuck you are man, but when I say I didnt see any posters I fucking mean it. Direct your anger at the cause of this problem and get over it. I said I didnt know all the details so if you can chill the fuck out and tell me what went down without a tantrum, do it. I'm not part of the group that seemingly fucked you in the ass and wouldn't give you a reach around. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 7:18pm
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Brandon- im not trying to throw a tantrum but you gotta understand that its gonna piss me off more then just a little when ive given countless hours of my life to promote shows in which ive never met any of the bands or even gonna be able to attend the show, but for a sake of a good cause and the love of rock i spend my worknight night postering tell a few hours before i gotta be up for work and then i hear you say its bullshit and accuse me of lieing, if you dont believe me, go look at any of the places i mentioned, and thats just a start, weve been EVERYWHERE, just cause you havent seen the posters around town doesnt mean their not there, just means your not looking. Didnt mean to attack you and im sorry it came off that way. Im just really frusterated and am really sorry that i wasted so much of my time, actually thats not true, it was a great cause and im glad i tried to make it work, im just sorry people took it so much for granted, but whatever, lesson learned. Im just gonna laugh the next time I hear a band bitching that noones comming to their shows or that the scene sucks here, if your not even willing to just support the people that are working their ASSES off to make it better and in fact slag them, you deserve every empty room you play in.

Oh, and as for Matt helping some bands out more then others, ya, of course he's gonna bend a bit more for the bands that are willing to help out a bit more. Its simple logic really. - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 8:19pm
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How's Brian doin' now anyway? Shit. What happened to him could effect the rest of his life. This other shit will be over in a matter of months... perhaps weeks... - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 8:45pm
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Brian has recovered from the accident.

The papers and news were totally wrong about the degrees of burns that he recieved. It was 90% 1st degree burns and the rest were 2nd degree. It just took alot of rest and polysporin to fix up the damage.

Glad to hear that people are concerned for him! - Sun, 14 Aug 2005 9:24pm
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SHIT?!? All Ages show's don't make money??? Your shitting me? *laugh*

Man I could have told you guys that years ago, let alone the 6-7 months you've been doing shows =).

Please excuse the following rant...

< rant >
Don't bitch about the number of hours you've spent promoting the scene and ALL your hard work over the past THREE WHOLE MONTHS OF YOUR LIFE! There's a number of people who have been doing the same thing since before you were born (and i'm definatly not talking about myself here as I haven't been doing it that long in the scheme of things.) Don't expect the band to promote themselves if you ask them to play for your PRODUCTION COMPANY, thats YOUR JOB!! they're a MUSICIAN whos job is to MAKE THE MUSIC. You can ask them to help (as most of them SHOULD because well they probably need the extra promo) but you can't call them ungreatful for not doing it as it was your show you asked them to play!

If you were doing it for the love of the music then be happy no matter how many people come out and how much money you made/lost. Don't get pissed at people for not comming and being "ungrateful", if your doing it for the love of the music then you should be happy with the show as long as the bands were kickin it.

I realize there is a business side to a show and so if your unhappy with how many people came to the show and how much money you lost (which can be understandable as no one likes losing money), figure out a better business plan, improve the quality of your product and rework your budgets, don't yell at your customers and call them ungreatfull.

You guys arn't the only ones who have ever gotten burned tryin to put on a show, ask any promoter in the city, and I guarentee any of them have a story where they got burned harder then any of you trying to bring some band they loved to town, its what happens in this bussines. I believe it was Degree One who said "After 10 years of doing this I think i'm about broken even"
< /rant >

I hope the firebreather (Brian?) is alright, and from the sounds of it he'll pull though.

Bringing booze to an AA show is inviting problems, if you care about the scene do your drinking the night there ISN'T a show, and if you can't go a night without drinking stay at home until your 19. As my friend and associate Mr Matt Morrison says "Drunk kids, go home"

It sucks you guys got discouraged and are calling it quits, I of all people know how trying it is to keep putting on shows for the under 19 crowd, so I at least can understand your frustration at times. - Mon, 15 Aug 2005 5:00pm
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Hey Scott, ya i know in the scheme of things, the companys only been around for about 6 months and we really cant bitch, we just honestly thought that with competely good intentions and countless hours of hard work, we would at least be appreciated for it, which im not saying were not, alot of people have been very appreciative, i just dont understand people slagging us, all we are and ever were trying to do is make the music scene stronger, so as musicans, why would you wanna get rid of us? We've been giving bands shows for free, all they had to do was show up and if they were willing to, help poster. i dont get it, but were not done, there are plenty of wicked and cooperative/serious bands that we will continue to work with. After all the bitching ive done, id like to thank all the people that have been supporting and continue to support us, were doing all this for you!

Cheers, Stefan - Mon, 15 Aug 2005 5:39pm
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scott laming is amazing.. fuck the kids scott fuck em!! - Mon, 15 Aug 2005 7:01pm
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Who wants to get rid of you? - Mon, 15 Aug 2005 7:08pm
Little Red
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VERY well said Scott... kudos!

"we just honestly thought that with competely good intentions and countless hours of hard work, we would at least be appreciated for it..."

Isn't that funny... you have the same complaint that I have. Except the roles are reversed. Thanks for stating it so well. I couldn't have said it any better myself. - Mon, 15 Aug 2005 8:33pm
Livevic Scott
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Your Right, I am amazing!

"Fuck the Kids!, ya'll don't bring the bling!" - Thu, 18 Aug 2005 9:30am
Mystery Guest
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Scott could not have said what I was thinking any better. Doing all ages shows at the best of times isnt worth the hassle. But then sometimes you get some that are great and a ton of fun. I have been doing shows for around the same time as Scott, I can completly agree with him. - Thu, 18 Aug 2005 9:47am
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The above jumble of anger and resentment is the reason why the victoria rock scene never pulled its shit together.

In my experience, Hybrid Productions always had good intensions and businesslike attitudes. Maybe a little excessive, unconventional, and goofy at times, no matter though. Nowadays (in my opinion) I think it would near-next-to impossible to get young people out to an all rock, no sub-genre show; I am surprised that you guys did it at all.

I really think the all ages scene needs to work together. For example, Hybrid has access to a very very good venue, but at the same time other "production companies" may have more desirable bands - combine the two and you have a show with decent attendance. So I propose THE COALITION OF THE ALL AGES!!! WHO'S WITH ME?????

kidding, I'm far too lazy and selfish to do anything remotely productive that doesn't benefit myself directly. - Thu, 18 Aug 2005 10:08am
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Fableway's two bits. Did a show about a year ago with scott. no money, clean up set. no call back. two shows with matteus, no money, uber props and fans, dvd footage, comes out to our other shows and tapes them too, brings his friends, is setting up more shows for us... all in all, im too chronologically biased to form an opinion on this sitch. BUT, I can tell you, as a band leader, promoter, manager, member, this business is FUCKING HARD no matter what side your on, and you'll always be making new friends and new enemies at every show you play or set up. Thats just the fuckin ropes. But more importantly, did anyone hear the music from the show and what the fuck did you think of IT? Can we move this topic along al-fucking-ready. Matt's a decent guy, if you dont like him, go try and kick his ass, dont slander his name on some internet message board. thats just shitting in all our mouths. and i dont like to eat shit. So remember, life's a dick, suck it up! - Fri, 19 Aug 2005 12:28am
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yeah he might muay thai your ass.... - Fri, 19 Aug 2005 1:17am
lauren a
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the fact that you're charging $12 for a show out in fucking sidney is absolutely ridiculous. - Sun, 21 Aug 2005 2:58am
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it's 10 adv
12 at door

sorry I can't accomidate you better.
Not exactly a small venue.
Insurance too.
Three sweet bands.
18 par/10000watt Lighting system.
I wish it was all cheap too. - Sun, 21 Aug 2005 7:31pm
SG's all the fuckin way!
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First i'd like to say i'm glad to hear Brian is doing well. He's a great guy and it's a shame that it happened. But onto my real intention.

Wow talk about a verbal shit storm against these guys. I just wanna point out that i found this web blog from a band that worked with Hybrid once. I'm sure a few people already hear me talk about this once but this was something that i thought should be pointed out in this thread since it seems everyone is airing out the dirt. They're called Kickback and this was how Hyrbid treated them.

"Some companies are just lame, especially regarding April 22nd!!

So it turns out we got booted from our OWN HOMETOWN SHOW on April 22nd!! Fuck we even booked 2 of the other bands and recommended the venue. Talk about no repect, now we know how Rodney felt. Anyways we're throwing a bash at the Duncan Garage Showroom on April 30th to make up for the douches kicking us off the other show. So come check out the rock. We havent played here in months so we'll be full octane!! If you need some tickets just contact us and we'll hook you up!"

They got kicked off a show they helped plan. But since they're super cool guys booked a show to make it up to their fans (which funnily enough had a better turnout than the hybrid show). It's too bad that it happened. I'd really like to know from Matteus why this happened, what'd they do to get kicked off?. - Sun, 21 Aug 2005 9:05pm
Mystery Guest
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$12.00 is super steap for a show with only 3 bands and no out of town bands. Even if you do have a huge lighting show. - Mon, 22 Aug 2005 8:28am
Little Red
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well, the reason why they got kicked off is that Kickback supposedly stole some drum mics at the April 2nd show - and thus got kicked off the next bill.

The band claims it never happened... the sound guy from the show was convinced that they did.

Apparently it is all smoothed over now and everyone agrees that the band never stole the mics and that it was a big "misunderstanding"... - Mon, 22 Aug 2005 8:23pm
Colin McTaggart
Colin McTaggart
colin.mct *at*
Messages Posted:

don't really have much to say about the drama going on here, but some advice for the young ones putting on shows.

a) get metropole to do your posters. why ? because the amount of money you spend on getting them to put them up is saved by the amount posters you won't have to print. When I would put on shows in high school I would probably print about 400 posters and be downtown for days at a time. Now you juts give metropol 100 posters and your covered for a week, no wasting your time and your poster wont get covered in 5 mins. Oh and sometimes metropole covers the cost of putting up all ages shows posters

b) poster every damn highschool.

c) advertising on livevic really does work, and its cheap.

d)make your posters easy to read from far away and use 11x17 paper.

e) hire dan or nev to do sound, there cheap and reliable.

also I hope people here realise that colin (cdollaz) is not me. I am Colin Sic - Mon, 22 Aug 2005 9:14pm
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b) poster every damn highschool.

Extremely true. Become friends with someone that goes to a highschool, if they're in a band, put them on your bill, your attendance will go up (telling their friends, etc.). - Mon, 22 Aug 2005 11:09pm
Little Red
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great advice colin! - Mon, 22 Aug 2005 11:10pm
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W'oh !

I was just going to say what great photo's you took AdoptaPirate
( fire breathing ones , cool, except.... glad he's ok ..but was a great stunt)at the show ! I'd like to talk to you man . My e-mails fuctard these days and those are some of the best live pics I've ever seen ! I'd like to talk .

....... and here's IS something for all .

I go to these all-ages shows with my family and we have a blast ! Check out these shows ,they need supporting more then club shows and where the fuck do you think your fan base will come from ? I've been luck anough to have met alot of these youngins that in later years ( now ) have gone on to music and are doing well because of their influances at these shows or are at least are turning out for bar shows now . And props to Ira"horrorshow" hunter ,Willy Jak and Criss Crass from Absolute Underground who I see at most shows , all ages or bar they're THERE . There IS money to be made at all ages shows . We're not talking about tons, but at least a little scratch if you do promo right !
Sorry to hear Vic lose another supporter of local mu-sic , please support all ages shows . - Tue, 23 Aug 2005 1:16am
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thank yah :) can call my cell for whatever reason, 882-3945, andrew - Tue, 23 Aug 2005 11:54pm
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who cares?

k. - Wed, 24 Aug 2005 8:05pm
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Enough about Kickback and Hybrid. Here's what everyone should know (if you even care anymore) straight from the source 100% full barrels blazing.

Gord (the soundguy that replaced me) = douchebag plus 5. He is the reason we got booted. The guy accuses me of stealing his mics then demands that he wont work with us on the next show so we get booted. GAY!!! We didnt steal that stoners mics (i have better ones in my fuckin studio), and in accusing me of theft he even acquired my job as the Hybrid soundman. I tried to contact him to let him know it wasnt us that took his stuff, but he refused to speak about it leadin me to believe he was full of shit in the first place. BTW THANKS FOR EVERYONE GIVING ME HUGE PROPS FOR THE SOUND ON THE ONLY SHOW I DID. Makes me feel awesome knowing you thought it sounded the best. Being the nice guy i am i'd forgive him if he just said sorry. As ghey as it was, it's the past and theres not a ton i can do about it now.

Matteus or "Matt" as i knew him in high school = Nice guy, but a rookie in the business. As far as i could see and from my times talking to him and short time working for him he meant well. His contracts were a little wacky, but were understandable if you looked at it from his point. He was fairly understandable with our questions about his wacky contract too although couldnt really understand why it was wacky in our eyes. He lost our footage, but came to our Steamers show to make it up. He even let us put up some huge ass posters at the show we got kicked off of so we could let everyone know about the show we booked as a makeup date for our fans.
It sucked that we got booted. We had people coming from Vancouver who had booked days off work to see the show so at first i was hella pissed at Matt. I did tell him the venue to use and i also booked Last to Leave and Dead City Radio to that show too. But the more i thought about it though he kinda had no choice but to kick us off. It was either our hometown draw or his soundguy for the night. Cant do a show without a PA, but you can without your headliner. So his hands were tied there. As lame as it was i'd blame Gord more than Matt. As for the night i did sound for the Kincaide show he was super cool, aside from hiring me months before then 2 days before the show hiring Gord to do sound aswell. We all should know you dont hire 2 soundman who dont know each other to do a show. Like i said WACKY and honestly it's what i feel led to the shit tornado we went through.

Everyone else that worked for hybrid were super cool to us. Especially Brian who i hit the streets with 30 minutes before our Vic show to harrass girls with posters... AND the security chick who seemed to get a kick outta pattin me down everytime i entered and left the event center(probably 50times that night, she dug it as did i)

To me Hybrid's attitudes and audience awareness was amazing. They really wanted to put together a show for the audience with big sound and lights. The business side as a band was a little goofy and overkill, but now i see why since Matt was looking at it from the audience perspective that he had and as a rookie owner really wanted to cover his ass in case some rockstar band trashed the stage and gear. Well the on stage product was what it was. I saw some great performances that sounded huge and some really bad ones that made me ears hurt so i cant really grade them there. The bands were what the bands were.

So i guess that's my kick at the can Matt.
-Derek from KICKBACK - Wed, 24 Aug 2005 11:39pm
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I saw your band up in cowichan bay. You should change your name to:

LICKSACK - Thu, 25 Aug 2005 8:37am
lauren a
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that sound guy is an asshole. his sound's pretty crappy too. - Thu, 25 Aug 2005 12:21pm
lauren a
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matteus: who needs an 18 par/10000watt lighting system for a small show? you're overdoing it just a bit. - Thu, 25 Aug 2005 12:21pm
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when you're having to pay 680 for the venue and 180 for insurance (860 ttl), along with 350 for sound, the extra bit for lights is just the icing on the cake. And who says it's going to be a small show? Who knows? The idea is just not to bring in a "show" into Sidney, but rather a Production. That a satisfactory answer?

And yes, my sound man is a little rough around the edges, but he's been there from the start and taken alot of shit and abuse over the time we've worked together. Sorry that he's stepped on someones feelings. - Thu, 25 Aug 2005 3:38pm
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I picked up my ticket for the show in sidney the other day and talked to the guy selling them. He said alot of interest, but not a ton of sales yet. Personally, I think you shouldn't do too bad. Sidney shows actually usually make alot of money. - Thu, 25 Aug 2005 6:32pm
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Glad to hear that Tambo.

I really want this to be an off the wall experience, kinda like the first Hybrid Production, which happened to be with Kincaide as well. We've done our best to get the word out, and were even at the Thursday night market tonight handling bills to people (300 bills) and alot said that they were already coming out.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could have an event in Sidney every month? The Marywinspear Centre is very keen on the idea, so let's hope that no drunk kids fuck this up for the rest.... - Thu, 25 Aug 2005 8:03pm
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My dad is currently doing a slideshow there. I think it'd be cool to do shows there pretty regularely, it used to be that way, and like I said, they used to make a bunch of money. - Thu, 25 Aug 2005 11:17pm
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I think the WORST shows i have ever played were the ones loaded with lights and rediculous front end sound (with the exception of bars who have this stuff in house). No all-ages room needs that much sound, and they are all too small to accomodate the lights. I mean, it shouldn't be harder to fit on the stage at the White Eagle Hall than the stage at Steamers!

And CONTRACTS? who the hell needs contracts for all ages shows? That seems way-rediculous. Private meetings? All its EVER needed for my band playing shows was maybe a few 5 minute phone calls, and both production company and band to hold up their end of the deal. I can honestly say that our best shows have been the simplest. Nothing like a fully packed FCC for the whole show, and all that was needed was bands to make music and a company to promote.

Basically: Keep your overhead low. The time you save NOT stressing about money makes it easier to do the work and actually enjoy the show...

Bosevus rules - Tue, 30 Aug 2005 5:08pm
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