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July 8 - Peruke, Ungoliant, Mitochondrion at Logan's
Message Board > Show Reviews > July 8 - Peruke, Ungoliant, Mitochondrion at Logan's
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Right on. Good old fashion metal. My best time was during Perukes set. That is one of the tightest, loudest, solidest three piece I've ever heard. Rick Santos stole the show. They have a song about their favorite cereal. How cool is that. Mito was great too. My legs were getting too tired from standing in one place for so long (I started the night at the big Fernie all ager) and I couldn't stop yawning so I had to go before Grimlorn played. The make up gave me a pretty good idea of what I was missing though. - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 10:11pm
Nik Olaz
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this show: unreal. - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 11:53pm
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This was my first time seeing Ungoliant and they did not disappoint, great job guys... and girl. Burnside kvlt anyone?

Peruke are always great, amazing job guys. This is my second time seeing them and I still can't get over how crushing they are, grinding brutality! I didn't think it was possible for them to get any tighter but they did, fucking A! RAYBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and PLAY MORE SHOWS... please.

Grimlorn stole the show, fucking BROOTUHL KVLT!!!!! What a great way to end the night, well done satan's minions. Maybe a Grim/Mito tour?

Glad to see everyone coming out to support the show, thank you very much. Also a big thank you to Logans for having us, cheers!

P.S. All the demos were sold except one, which we will be holding on to (signing,selling on ebay in 20 years haha) and only two mito shirts are left (red mito logo) so thank you very much to the fans for supporting us. - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 12:00am
The Singer for Chaos Assassin
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Great show. Ungoliant were the best that I had ever seen them and the new song with the three minute bomb-blast is my new favorite. Peruke (the reason I came out of my hole) kicked my ass and I've really warmed up to Tony's vocals. I was a little skeptical when he joined because that meant Doug would be singing less, but all my fear have been put to rest the last few shows. Went home after that because I'm old, but if the Mito play as well as they make-out, I'm sure they slayed. Grimlorn was sporting full corpsepaint so even if they didn't play a great set (highly doubtful) they definitely meant it. - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 6:10am
pernicious d
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I've seen Mito a few times now and they always kick ass. One thing confuses me though. Before they get up there and do their set ( not just lastnight but every Mito show ) the drummer always feels the need to walk around, doing laps all over the place, always with his drum sticks hanging out of his pockets. It's like he's hoping some one will see them, point and ask "Do you play drums?"
Even when the bartender chick asked what kind of beer he wanted he didn't tell her, he pointed with his drum stick.
It's O.K. to leave them with the rest of your gear. We're not going to steal them. - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:05am
the hesher
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can someone please give me Tizales number?? I lost It. I am dumb. [email protected] - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:09am
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The Mito drummer does laps as part of his warm up. Walked around, spins hit sticks, stetches, airdrums, orders beer with his sticks becuase the bartender can't hear him over Ungoliant... I asked him... I know him well. - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 12:20pm
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Your user info suggests that you are the Mito drummer. - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 1:19pm
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Your definitly a smart one... why the hell are you still hanging around this message board? - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 1:40pm
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awesome show.. thanks to ron for doing all the shitwork and to the people at logans who continue to provide the best of-age venue in town. sound in the room was good for most of the night.. a bit of feedback at points. but generally a good job done on what is apperently a really shitty pa.

ungoliant - overall a pretty good set.. we screwed up a few parts that probly we only noticed. was fun to be able to hear the snair! .. still didn't help our bass player from loosing the timing..

peruke - were rad! the last song and ray bot were the best.. i cannot help but throw my arm in the air when doug is blasting and singing.. fucking awesome!!

mito - new guitarist sounded really good.. his amp was pretty hot last night tho.. the two guitar sounds were polor opposites.. one washed out, one brutally chunky. the addition does make them sounds alot more BRUTAL!!

grimlorn - were really fucking good.. alot more technical than last time i saw them. still had lots of cool riffs with melody as well. vocalist/guitarist has really good voice for bm. and any corpse paint is better than none at all.

probly the funnest show i've been to in a while.. great turnout.. good to see lots of people out for a mostly local show. - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 2:49pm
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last night was fucking awsome!!!
thankyou to everyone who made it out and all the band that played
great show guys! especially Mitochondrion, you guys always fucking slay!!!..eternal hails goes out to you guys.also, jesse thanks alot for the use of the drums, we really appreciate it.
we gotta play a show again soon. did i see hinting towards tour?.....if so, were fucking DOWN!
HAILS!!! from Transgressor and the rest of Grimlorn.
Long live the Unholy Fucking Crusade!!!
the Black Dawn is Rising - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 2:54pm
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In deed it was a good show, only heard the last song from Peruke and to this I hang my head in shame , but what I heard was crushing !
Being to much of a social butterfly last night and after about 4 shots and a few beers in 1 1/2 hours I was not only seeing double , I was hearing double, so thafuck if I can remember ?

Just wanted to apologise to Tony and his bud for my hissy fit at the after party , but I think you can see where I'm coming from man? Your not the first to take advantage of my good nature and then fucked me over, but I guess you are the one who got the drunkin tirade , and for that , sorry guy . But you do exemplify the picture of how some friendships work around this scene and what is important . Friends (lol) come and go kind of like a cyclical stage that comes around when you think you have a handle, but set yourself up and realize how fake friends can be , where yea start kicking (so called) friends to the curb . So cheers good to see yea back up on stage ,would of phoned yea if I had your number but I'm sure you'll get this message. - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 3:06pm
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Hey SewnFlesh thanks for the praise. About the amp, yes it is very fucking hot. I'm getting a noise gate soon to tame it, hopefully in time for the next gig. As for washing out the one guitar that would be due to my cab. The oversized 4x12 Krank cab with eminence speakers vs. an old marshall is not a fair fight.

Mr.Transgressor, Mito is also down! Give Nick G. an email at [email protected] or Shawn at [email protected]. Ave! - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 4:31pm
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I think the decline in sound may have something to do with the fact that after peruke played, the sound guy was just walking around logans drinking and socializing....despite that, all the bands kicked some serious ass! Speaking of ass, did anyone else want that dumb fucking american home-boy to die as much(if not more)as I did? I witnessed him, wasted out of his mind sitting down trying to put his shoes back on(why they were off, I don't wanna know) and it took him like 5 minutes, he even fell out of the chair in the process! - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 4:37pm
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He deserved that kick in the nuts. He elbowed a bunch of people in the pit some of which were female. NOT FUCKING COOL. A homie at a metal show is like an anti-semite at a barmitzfa. - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 5:03pm
Nik Olaz
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it's a V not an F - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:44pm
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ohh m an this show was soooo posi!! - Sun, 10 Jul 2005 1:29am
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Mito=Brutal, me like - Sun, 10 Jul 2005 1:29am
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Actually I was walking around checking the sound from various points in the room. And I thought the sound was pretty good considering that metal vocalists have the most appaling mic technique in the world; the singer from Mito, in addition to fading off the mike and not singing all that loud, kept dropping his mic hand when he wasn't singing... right into the monitor. He also tended to crane his neck up high and aim the mic down his throat... and also right into the monitor. This results in what we sound guys like to call "feedback" and no amount of fancy gear or expensive mics will fix that. Bear in mind that I bring my own mics to every show I do at Logan's (Shure Beta 58's; the absolute best mics for loud live music available and about $250 apiece) so if you can get them to feed back you are definitely doing something wrong. That said I thought this was an excellent show; props to all the bands (who were fantastic, all four of them) and Ron for doing such an excellent job of co-ordinating everything. A big fat fuck you to the tool who tore the towel dispenser off the wall in the men's john; this could well be the final straw for Johnny Logan who is seriously re-thinking whether to have these kinds of shows at his bar anymore (could have something to do with having his knee torn up by some moron at a previous "metal" show). In addition to the towel dispenser (couple hundred buck to replace) the entire monitor system got torn apart and even the sub-woofer system got disconnected and buggered up. So all things considered I thought the sound was pretty good. I'll bet I'm the only sound guy in town who loves this music and I really hope that there are more gigs of this ilk at Logan's but I sure am getting sick of constantly defending a scene that continuously shoots itself in the foot. - Sun, 10 Jul 2005 11:10am
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Apparently violence is happening a lot at shows lately, I dunno why. I hate hearing that Logans might re-consider booking metal gigs, cause a few friends are in metal bands and I'd hate to have them lose gig space. Perhaps in relation to the towel dispenser getting ripped off the wall some fans could behave themselves and if they can't then they should quit drinking. Sux to hear sound guys hate the music being played that there doing sound for. Perhaps I should learn how to do sound and start working at some of the shows. (Yeah, like that'll ever happen :) - Sun, 10 Jul 2005 3:11pm
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I'm sorry to hear that. Its obviously not any of the regular punk/metal show attendees because we all respect John and the bar way to much for that. Just some fuckwad who thinks that it makes him look cool to be destructive and violent. Wow he's so metal!!! I really hope this doen't ruin it for all of well-behaved Logans lovers :)
ps bummed I missed the show ... we sat drinking in the park a little to long and it was sold out bythe time we arrived..lame - Sun, 10 Jul 2005 3:16pm
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I saw the towell dispenser in the can but at the time, it didn't look so much destroyed as just popped open (not the same thing). Are you sure it was actually ruined Z and not just temporarily discombobulated? If it was actually destroyed then that is obviously not cool and if anyone knows who did it, I would like to know.

The monitors definitely got unplugged (as they do at just about every show at Logan's that has a dance floor regardless of musical style) since the cables that connect them have zero slack and were so tight that they actually stuck up in the air like a trip wire (I know because I tried to get them out of the way at the start of the night and couldn't do anything about it). Also, the monitors are balanced on milk crates which means that it takes very little force to knock them over (I did myself at one point when some dancing threw me off balance).

Another part of that problem was that since there was no green room the gear was a bit of an obstacle course to get through so the stage area was tighter than it should have been. If the subs got unplugged that will have likely been why.

Hopefully the new stage is better laid out on that front.

I removed one broken glass and bottle from up front, broke up one sort of fight between shirtless nu-metal dude and brow chick (who was kicking the crap out of him) and argued a bit later with same dude (after skid blondie kicked him in the nuts apparently) but other than that the night was was fairly in control I thought.

John seemed pretty happy when I said thanks and goodbye at the end and I would hope that they sold a lot of drinks considering the crowd. The staff were all totally cool during the event as well which I thank them for.

Anyway, I'll drop them a note about the towell rack and find out what's up.

Was very cool see a sold out crowd supporting local metal.

Cheers - Sun, 10 Jul 2005 3:36pm
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Moshing is for poseurs! It's all about the windmilling and hands in the air! Too bad about the drunken idiots, I saw that drunken asshole knock the monitor down right in front of me, when I was up on stage... then he did it again... and again... and... well you get the idea. The sound of the show was a lot better than what I was expecting. I think Scott did a great job and I know he enjoyed the show. I saw him banging along to Peruke. I hope Logans doesn't stop having us, I had a great time and I know a lot of other people did too.

Also I noticed a video camera and cameras floating around, any chance I could get my hands on some footage and/or pictures. - Sun, 10 Jul 2005 3:55pm
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I had a ton of fun. Every band ruled. Sorry my stage antics fucked up the sound Zippgun.

Ungoliant are like 1000000 times better, Peruke were fun as always nice to see them in a bar, I felt good about Mito, and Grimlorn was the highlight of my night.

And yes Dan it is NEVER too late to start a black metal project, or, in this case, infuse your already established band with heaps of blackened elements. - Sun, 10 Jul 2005 7:25pm
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Apparently I was way off base as to the cost of the towel thingy; they're more like $50 or something. And I had no complaint with the pit at all; it seemed remarkably well behaved as such things go. From where I was it was actually a little bit of a love in; believe me, it was weird to see one of the Grimlorn guys give John Logan a big hug after the show. The monitors at Logan's are not very well situated if there's going to be any moshing so it was actually not a beef of mine. The big ones have the cable coming right out of the back of them which makes them really vulnerable to crowd interference. But it goes with the turf and hopefully in the new room we will have a strategy to help minimize the crowd interference with the PA thus helping maximize the mosh! P.S. Apparently the new P.A. will be louder than this one. You have been warned. - Sun, 10 Jul 2005 10:21pm
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and argued a bit later with same dude (after skid blondie kicked him in the nuts apparently)

first of all, the guy who kicked him wasn't a 'skid' and secondly he didn't kick him in the nuts. The guy was elbowing and pushing around girls and then tried to defend himself by saying he was american and that's how they rock in the states. His pants were around his knees practically, and because of his behaviour, he got a well deserved kick in the arse!
american:"you missed"
drdoom:"missed what?
american:"my nuts"
drdoom:"well it's a pretty small target!"
then a bunch of other people turned around and told that american home-boy to fuck off!
....but I agree that it really sucks that people like nu-metal boy are ruining it for everyone, by starting shit and distroying property and making venues reconsider booking metal shows. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 12:28pm
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Hopefully there were only women at the show, it is a bar and all that.

Can't say that I agree with the "women are poor, helpless waifs" schtick. The chick hammering him in the head certainly didn't need any defending. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 1:30pm
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moron writes: The monitors definitely got unplugged (as they do at just about every show at Logan's that has a dance floor regardless of musical style) since the cables that connect them have zero slack and were so tight that they actually stuck up in the air like a trip wire (I know because I tried to get them out of the way at the start of the night and couldn't do anything about it).

That's strange, I've never seen the monitors getting unplugged. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 1:37pm
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I've even seen them get unplugged at country gigs so it doesn't take much action up front for it to happen. Definitely at any rock show of any size it has been pretty common. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 1:42pm
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"Can't say that I agree with the 'Women are poor helpless waiffs' schtick"

well fuck.I guess it's not so bad too hit chicks then.
Regardless we will continue to defend our females. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 1:56pm
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"Regardless we will continue to defend our females."

So basically you view women as property then? - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 2:04pm
XY-SATAN( Lance)
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I was talking to John during the show about his problem with the amount of fucked up behaviour and vandalizing that’s occurred.. And YES he is really thinking of packing it in, he told me a few times that night and we had a heart to heart about the situation . It's wearing him out ! He's a old fuck like me and is looking to get sometime away and start to enjoy having a business, instead of having these fucking head ache all the time . He's paid umpteen dozen fines ($$$), hassled and jumped through hoops for years with municipality just for his love of live music and giving YOU a place to play ! I consider John a friend and he looks happy because that's the kind of guy he is . Smiled through everything and stuck it out WITH A SMILE . The night of this show he was his normal happy self, crazy fuck he always is ,but maybe just a little juiced like us all and said that he was at his last straw ....this was before the towel rack shit . And we talked about this almost all night , he was fucking proud to have the new stage being built ( Fuck it's going to be nice NO JOKE )and we talked about how to solve this shit and how to get his security be more visually ( proper dress , fundamental operations of securities) and it looked like he was just feeling better then some fucked up jerk did this !……He sure wasn't smiling after that people . Broken hearted , I didn't know what to say ? What the fuck could I say !!!
He told me that bands will have to start supplying back up security for themselves or at least control their own drinking buds and fans . And if you say it’s not the bands people or any of the members doing shit , you're wrong ! Yea see all us go to these other bands shows, you couldn’t flick a pick ( or drumstick ) without hitting someone in a band , working with the band or friends of the band . We all know one another .
I kind of disagreed with this at first, but after the towel thing ………I agree ! I’d even go one more step, make it 2 people at acceptance of head security for each gig ....or you don't play !

Plus the presence of security needs to be stepped up . The security there is fucking great but needs a more stricter guide line .
I’ve already recommended someone to John.
He has experience up the ying yang , coolest fuck if you know him (Dave) , licensed in security and corrections , loves the scene and has been around the scene for EVER and I mean FOREVER ! I’ve talked to Dave and he’s stoked !

This just has to stop , we cannot afford to lose another club to play in ! Please Bands and their friends, get a hold of John or Logan’s and lets figure this shit out . You people know him , so call him .

Lance Lamont . - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 3:29pm
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That's cool Lance,

I'm usually not too keen on security, but if it is a guy that knows the ins and outs of the scene then it probably won't be so bad. Usually the big problem with security at shows is that there is a lack of communication and no mutual understanding. Hopefully we won't lose Logans, it's the best place for shows in town, imo.

It would suck if we as bands would have to provide our own security though . . - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 3:59pm
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How about if the bands shared it? For instance like the first band spots for the third etc. and take turns at spotting, giving them time to get readyfor the show .

But come on man , you don't have a couple of folks in your posse who can stand around and keep 6 for your gig under supervision of security ? Cuz if you don’t police it yourselves , your gig mola is going to drop from extra expenses for more security or worse , it closing. So let it be your choice . - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 4:54pm
Death Scream Bloody Gore
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This situation at Logan's is really sad for the bands that need to play there. I want to apologize to every one for bringing violence to the situation... If I had the authority to kick him out I would have! Instead of kicking the crap out of him like I know every one up front wanted to, so they didn’t have to keep making love to the stage every 5 seconds. I was just trying to either get him knocked out , get him to leave or kicked out which he did for like 5 minutes and then for some reason was let back in? So if the option is to have bands do security I want to offer my services for free. I hate that fucking shit of people not respecting the venue, I mean if it was the type of place where you could mosh like sugar fine, but its not and these stupid fucks don't realize it even if you kick the shit out of them and then explain it to them and they still don't get it. I would love to be able to kick them out so the rest of us could enjoy the show! And we can keep having them there.

Well now on a lighter note I co run a new record label and we are in the works for doing up a C.D for Peruke and Grimlorn. I will keep updates on the progress of that for all you out there that would like to get there hands on some of that great metal! Also if anyone has any questions about getting a C.D done for them, being security at a show or what ever else just email me at [email protected]

\m/ Krystal \m/ - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 5:01pm
moron *at*
Messages Posted:

Ok, one thing I want to get straight here is that the only problem I am aware of was the towell dispenser. There were no other huge issues, any action in the pit was dealt with quickly by those there. I know because I put the show on and was in or beside the pit for pretty much the entire night. This was not a crazy out of control event in the slightest, that's not a fair represenstation at all.

John was friendly with me all night, shook my hand at the end and the bar staff were friendly too. If there was a big issue I would expect that they would have told me then and there.

In any case I am waiting to hear back from Chris or Sarah as to what the deal was with the paper towell rack.

Unless you are planning to keep someone posted in both washrooms at all times there ain't a lot that can be done about random dickheads. That could have happened at any event. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 5:33pm
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He is serious there mate , and even though the rack doesn't seem important to the big picture. It's just another nail in the coffin for Logan’s ! And is what I'm getting from you is, having a couple of extra people around won't make a difference and there is no problem ? Think about this . How many times have they been fucked over by assholes (lol) ! Not from spilling drinks or getting in a argument , how about equipping being stolen, holes in walls , bottles being thrown at cars (and houses, don’t ask) from the smoking area…… and it was someone in our scene…..I just found this out 24 hours ago ..and… the smoking area was closed that night . And dealing with drunken nu-metal( I like some nu-metal ,lol) posers trashing people . Don’t seem to get any problems in the day ? I'm seeing what Johns talking about . You go talk to himself friend. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 5:43pm
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I dont think you are getting the point though. This small stupid thing could be the final straw for John and his staff. They have put up with a lot of shit over the years with the kind of live bands that play and the kind audience that attracts. I have been going to Logans for many many years now and have seen it all. They have the friendliest and most awesome staff there. Hell one of the bartender girls dropped and smashed my camera and replaced it for me. I did not expect that at all. BLAH BLAH BLAH ... anyways COME ON PEOPLE - smarten up - we are not 13 any more and its not cool to be destructive. If we want a place to enjoy live music like this we have 2 choices Lucky Bar and Logans. Lets not fuck that up ok. And on the note of security I think Lucky bar seems to know where its at. Their security is pretty low key but when needed they are right there. Dont think I've heard of them having any problems.
PS WHEN IS THE NEW STAGE GOING TO BE READY? I cant wait to see it. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 5:54pm
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The point is that during the show at no time were things way out of hand nor at any point was I told there was a problem by any of the staff and afterwards everything was cool. For a full house (especially for a full metal house) it was pretty calm overall. And I expect the bar did pretty well too.

The worst annoyance of the night was likely the sloppy Big Lebowski dude stumbling into everyone and from what I understand he's a Logan's regular, not a metal import.

If the towell dispenser was in fact destroyed (which is not confirmed yet) then I will pay for it. From the looks of it I doubt it though (just popped open was all).

Soma was filming the latter half standing on a chair and if she had thought it was "out of hand" she would have gotten down. I got a biker shake and hug from John at the end. . .is he in the habit of doing so to peeps he thinks just wrecked his bar?

Perhaps if Chris or John is reading they can set the record straight on what the situation is.

Cheers - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 6:09pm
jay fatso
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I was not even able to get into this show as it was sold out so
I dunno what was up. All I am saying is people have to be walking on eggshells right now. After all that shit with Johns knee and the fines he may be paying etc because of 1 stupid asshole we have to be careful. Really has nothing to do with this show in particular. The post is just turning into a sounding board I think. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 6:31pm
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Yep . - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 6:36pm
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OOPS THAT LAST JAYFATSO COMMENT WAS ACTUALLY me stupid Jay never signed off the computer.Lamer I hate sharing computers!!! - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 6:40pm
Death Scream Bloody Gore
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I guess the security does need to be done up a bit better at these shows if a nu-metal boy can be pushing people into the stage and elbowing people in the head non-stop throughout the whole show and not even get nodiced by the staff. I can shure tell you all the people up front were pretty pissed off at this guy. He should have been kicked out! I am not saying to not mosh at shows but in this situation it was really untolerable and disrespectful of the people that were trying to watch the show not the floor. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 7:17pm
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Damn sounds like I missed a barn burner :D - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 10:00pm
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I was trying to do some "security" during Grimlorn's set with said nu-metal guy, but I was also weary of getting too physical for we have run into problems in the past with physical "aggravations" at Logan's being in the band and all. However, it seemed that any kind of resistence to the guy only riled him up some more. The regular metal people at shows have respect, it's just a few jerk-faces that ruin it for the rest of us. Obviously none of the regulars would ruin a venue that caters to their style of music. - Mon, 11 Jul 2005 11:38pm
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maybe we should make metal scene ID cards and all applicants must take a test.

this of course is a joke and is a result of my extreme boredom. - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 1:13am
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Well all I know is Augury and Quo Vadis need a date at Logans, ( cuz a Saturday ) but for 2 weeks the promoter has been trying to set it up, and thus far Logans has given zero answer.

Too bad as the tour is already booked for every other city..


Otherwise, the show kicked ass. Barely recognized ya Odin!

PS: I was walking to the can when that drunk guy just walks up and shoves me and then laughs, kinda like a Looney Tunes badguy. Since Id never seen the dork before in my life, I shoved back as a warning, but I barely touched him and he fell on his ass, unfortunately almost into Zipgunn, whom I do not think noticed. - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 7:38am
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So Odin that's how you got into the show. I didn't realize you were in the band. Which one were you? Were you the guy drinking the cold shots? Anyone who buys those gets automatically id'ed. heh heh. - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 8:53am
Nik Olaz
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he was to the right off me. i'm the bass player. he's the guitarist with the huge amp. - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 11:09am
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haha the mystery of odin continues... still no pics HAH! No I didn't drink at this gig, John asked me not to drink so I didn't. I was the one with the white guitar strap not the gay one with the white shirt. Thanks for coming out Mike, glad you enjoyed the show. - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 2:11pm
Chris Logan
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"John was friendly with me all night, shook my hand at the end and the bar staff were friendly too. If there was a big issue I would expect that they would have told me then and there."

I haven't been following this thread too closely and haven't even been to the bar in a week because my wife just had a baby, but as far as I know everythibng's cool and it seems like this thing might be getting blown out of proportion. Ron's always brought great shows into the bar, and we certainly wouldn't get too freaked out about a paper towel dispenser after our long and mutually beneficial association.

One thing surprises me, though - there were FEMALES at this show?!!*&? - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 4:48pm
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CONGRATULATIONS Chris and family!!! - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 5:27pm
Nik Olaz
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there were FEMALES at this show?!!*&?

they get dragged to shitty metal shows by their dork ass boyfriends... - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 8:46pm
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My dork ass bf didn't even come to this show. I went alone! There were definetly some women there that I KNOW love metal so they probably dragged their bf's out!! So Odin it seems that you were the member of the band I couldn't see from my vantage point. Very clever... - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 11:04am
Nik Olaz
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i was being sarcastic. jeez - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 11:23am
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I'm not pissed at your comment there Nik. I just like exclamation points! jeez. and you know how well sarcasm reads on this thing don't cha Nik? - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 11:26am
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haha you'll just have to come to the next show dumpstermesh - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 3:36pm
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So you can ignore me there too ODIN. No thanks, my feelings have been hurt enough already - sigh... - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 9:11pm
Chris Logan
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"CONGRATULATIONS Chris and family!!!"

Thank you very much. - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 9:10am
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Ack... I have to read better. Congrats Chris and your wife, hope she's doing well after the birth!!!

As to the show, I actually walked past Logan's after the All-Ager finished, and the place only looked half full. The problems must of happened after I went home (I passed there around 11:30). - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 9:24am
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Sorry, I'm just too kvy for socializing. But if you come to our gig this Saturday at the Event Centre across from the new VI I'll make an exception. - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:09am
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Alas! I'll be slinging beers for the man on Sat, but I'm thinking of going to the show on Fri the 29th. - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:17am
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You better come to the Friday show or you're dead to me! - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:26am
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I'll be one one wearing clothes, and I have hair. If you see me come say hi!! - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:42am
Nik Olaz
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the show is saturday. doofus odin. - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:46am
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scroll back nik....god I love givin you a hard time... - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:49am
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nik you're always thinking with the wrong head...

who's the doofus now MUHAHAHAHA *points finger and laughs* - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 2:23pm
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I also will be wearing clothes and I have hair but I wont be there! - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 6:17pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Congradulations Chris. If I can suggest some names:
Steve Nash
Steve Nash II - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 8:39pm
Masturbating The War God
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I wasn't dragged by my boyfriend, I dragged him, heh.

I know it's a late to post, but I've been away from a computer for a while. I enjoyed the whole show, I fucking finally saw you play Doug, after 4 years or so since the last time! I am ashamed it's been that long, and you guys were great. I left part way through Grimlorn, good musicians, just very boring and generic sounding to me. - Thu, 21 Jul 2005 3:02pm
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