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Gear garage sale: Amp, cab, guitar, drum mics etc..
Message Board > Gear Buy & Sell > Gear garage sale: Amp, cab, guitar, drum mics etc..
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Ya ya, a link to a link. Stop your bitchin and just buy my shit. Cheers, Lucius

[email protected]

Could be tempted by other guitars, a 2x12 cab, or why... - Wed, 7 Sep 2011 12:17pm
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Would take a rackmountable all in one processor (ala POD Xt pro, gsp1101 etc...) as a trade

1) 5150III head in black->three channels from country clean to killer metal. 8/10 with one tiny nick on the front. Comes with footswitch->1200

2) Mesa 4x12 recto cab 8/10 great shape, black may still even have hang tags-> $600

You can have 1 and 2 for $1600 if you buy both.

3) LTD AL-600 Laiho in white with case. Usual horn dings but plays perfectly. - $600

5) Rane MPE14 midi controllable analog EQ (two channel). Store like 100 patches, perfect in your guitar setup or recording. $150

8) Alesis studio32 mixer. Has shorting issue if you touch it lol, I know that sounds bad but really, once you set up your recording levels it operates perfectly. $75 - Fri, 23 Sep 2011 9:31am
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