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westcoast daze new song Unmastered (Really Dirty) - Fri, 13 Nov 2009 1:14pm
You Enjoy Myself
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Well, it certainly was a really 'dirty' version. Aside from that, I found it to be pretty boring, monotonous, cliched, and sloppy. That being said, I don't really like ska/reggae music, so it'd have to be really good to impress me.

Also, the 'bong' noises at the start are about as hackneyed as you can get. - Fri, 13 Nov 2009 7:23pm
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Well, that's quality poo-poo. Can't say I haven't had many favorite bands that sound just like that.
I'd totally go out to see you on a dead night in some dark dingy bar (if there are any left). Sit drinking my beer, laughing my ass off, feeling shame all the way..

i know, i know, i was supposed to be "better than that"! - Sat, 14 Nov 2009 12:39pm Edited: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 12:41pm
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T. Depression will love this.

Were you guys stoned when you wrote and recorded that?

Maybe stick to covers until you learn to play. Just a suggestion. - Sat, 14 Nov 2009 11:15pm
T. Depression
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I am so glad these guys posted this! Before I moved to Victoria, I imagined the entire music scene here to be populated with really lame, souless, "reggae" or "ska" bands. Dudes just chillin' and jammin', smokin' and writing tunes. I was sooo dissapointed when I was wrong. This band is exactly what I was picturing though...I am so glad they exist. - Sun, 15 Nov 2009 6:32pm
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I don't particularly care for ska/reggae either, but I have to say that the poor quality of this song was particularly attention grabbing. I'm not trying to put you guys down or anything, in fact I think the rest of the tracks on your page sounded really good for a ska band, but that one was terrible. I couldn't really evaluate the song as a whole, I was so put off by the sound. I suggest putting up more polished recordings of songs next time that you're looking for feedback.

Doc - Mon, 16 Nov 2009 1:48pm
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I suggest you guys move to San Diego. They would eat this shit up. I'm not a fan of the music. I actually MISSED The Zone while I was down there. The song, hmmm, it's not terrible. But I wouldn't expect to hear it on the radio. There are tons of people that would like this.

I see you are playing the Ambrosia Event Centre on sunday. I'm playing too. I was just giving my opinion and I hope we can all get along. I'll see you there :) - Mon, 16 Nov 2009 2:24pm
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keep in mind this track was not done in an actual studio more like a dingy smelly basement and not edited by legit sound engineers and was very poorly recorded, when we get this recorded in an actual studio it will sound alot better.

thx for the input though - Mon, 16 Nov 2009 3:47pm Edited: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 3:52pm
Codine Vandal
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i think this song would be better if you guys played better. way to make a song that sounds like a million other bands just's like a 'tarded sublime rip off. good attempt at sounding completely forgetable - Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:01am
Talk's Cheap
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Are you serious, Codine?

"way to make a song that sounds like a million other bands just worse"

That sounds like the PERFECT description of HARTLESS. In fact, as much as I disliked WCD stuff, I find it infinitely less vomit inducing than the stuff your band has up on Myspace. - Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:47am Edited: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:47am
Nancy fucking Grace
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You guys are all a bunch of Nancys. The Perish would kill you both in a battle of the bands...I agree with Talk's Cheap, Im pretty sure Ive seen the same song in about 6 different versions from MC Vandal, The Hartless, Codine Vandal and a few other variations on the name.. BORING... Way to write a forgetable song there Mr. Morphine Mongrel...Fuck I'd rather listen to T Depressions music, He's at least got the balls to admit he's not that talented, but puts in 100%. Kudos to you. - Tue, 17 Nov 2009 1:29pm Edited: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 1:31pm
Nancy fucking Grace Wants Me
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Nancey is using my material.
She wants Trev's sweet peen. - Tue, 17 Nov 2009 8:27pm
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This is going to be another one of those threads that dissolve from someone just wanting a critique on a song to slagging eachother. Maybe you guys should just arrange a time, both bring a weapon and duel till someone passes out from lack of blood.

P.S, I like The Hartless. They do a good live show. - Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:22pm
Nancy fucking Grace
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True, Credit to TC and his sweet peen for the Morphine Mongrel comment. Fighting in real life is no fun, I'm all about battlling online anonymously with a bunch of people I don't know. DT, would you rather we discuss your songs?

p.s Theres no "e" in Nancy T.C. - Wed, 18 Nov 2009 8:23am
trevor corey
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How anyone can prefer Codine over morphine is beyond me

I freakin love my morphine - Wed, 18 Nov 2009 9:51am
trevor corey
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......itchy though.... - Wed, 18 Nov 2009 6:09pm
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Crackheads.....all of ya. - Wed, 18 Nov 2009 7:51pm
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I wouldn't consider myself an egomaniac, so, no. I wouldn't rather be talking about my music. It's come and gone. Let us talk about fresh and interesting things like recording bong hits for intros. - Wed, 18 Nov 2009 10:40pm
trevor corey
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Im down for some bong hits - Wed, 18 Nov 2009 11:35pm
trevor corey
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the original - Wed, 18 Nov 2009 11:43pm
The West Coast
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I want to discuss all of your guy's songs which are 100% orgional and recorded perfectly without any error. Then can I add some constructive comments too? That would be fun. Hurray for NOT being a total fucking douche bag. - Thu, 19 Nov 2009 3:52pm
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It's the wonders of the internet. Take it with a grain of hash. - Thu, 19 Nov 2009 10:25pm
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Oh my fucking god if I have to hear/see the phrase 'douche bag' one more time I'm gonna fucking kill someone!
Grab a couple brain cells and come up with something new you unoriginal hack! - Fri, 20 Nov 2009 9:32am
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hahahaha you're all a bunch of fuckin' cunt muffins. (I like that. I think it'll catch on as a new swear word) - Fri, 20 Nov 2009 9:42am
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And for the record, as a fan of ska music (therefor i'm not already biased, unlike some cunt muffins) I like the new westcoast daze tune. Recording quality aside, it's a good song. And the solo in it is pretty sick. - Fri, 20 Nov 2009 9:45am
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See, there you go. A fan of ska music likes the song. And people that don't like ska music, don't really. Go figure. - Fri, 20 Nov 2009 3:29pm
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I can't believe anyone who's a fan of ANY music would think this was good . . . unless you're functionally retarded.
"She gets me high, she gets me by . . . " and
"(H)everything's gonna be (h)all right . . ."
come on . . . guys . . .
If I had the time I could give you a hundred things about this song that are either embarrassingly inept or boring.
Kudos for putting yourselves out there, and this thread actually got me to listen to another 1:38 of your myspace recording. . . no change in my opinion though, except to conclude there are some seriously brain damaged ska fans out there. You guys need a LOT of work (or, as your singer would say "Ha Hlot Hov Hwork"). - Sun, 22 Nov 2009 1:27pm
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I think that superslacks is just one of those anti-drug, still-in-the-closet homophobes, who spends most of his time at home, thumb stuck deep up his rectum, jacking off to those "smoking kills" adds on T.V.

Maybe if Westcoast Daze had written a song about preforming anal sex on farm animals, superslacks would be a fan. We all know how you love your goat sex, super.

But luckly enough for Westcoast Daze, there are thousands of "seriously brain damaged ska fans out there". I think that WCD have a gig on the 3rd. You, Superslacks, should come and check it out. You might be surprised at how many "functionally retarded" people there are in this city.

P.S, Superslacks, if you wouldn't mind, could you please leave my goats alone? They don't like anal sex. They like ska music. - Sun, 22 Nov 2009 2:11pm
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Ha ha . . 'A' for effort chum.

Sadly, I don't think I'd be surprised at all. There's a lot of shite music and it doesn't matter what genre - if it's not original AND is badly played it is shit. Pure and simple. People who stick up for amateur crap bands are usually just their pals or people with such a limited knowledge of music they actually think mediocre music is good. I think the consensus in this thread is that these guys need work at best (outright suck at worst). If you're a fan of ANY brand of music you should always shoot for better, or else your genre dies. To say these guys are decent in any way is a dis-service to ska music.

For the record I'm neither anti-drug nor a homophobe. I'm just anti-shit music.

Goats . . . well they're ok. - Sun, 22 Nov 2009 4:23pm
The Gray Pixie
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You Enjoy Myself
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Hey DevO, posting in this thread and critiquing your own music is weird. - Sun, 22 Nov 2009 9:16pm
The West Coast
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He's not the Devo from the band. I am - Sun, 22 Nov 2009 10:04pm
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I thought you guys were doing the Ambrosia Event Centre tonight? What happened? - Sun, 22 Nov 2009 11:19pm
You Enjoy Myself
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Ok West Coast, so is DevO a friend of yours or something then? It just seems like a coincidence that he would post with a user name that matches the name of someone in the band.

DevO also says that he's unbiased because he's a fan of ska music, but saying that you like that type of music does make you biased, just not biased AGAINST ska music. Everyone has a bias and the only way you could be unbiased was if you had never heard music before. And if you are friends with someone in the band, you certainly are biased.

Bring on the 'Cunt Muffin' and goat pictures. - Mon, 23 Nov 2009 9:30am
The West Coast
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Yeah we were gonna be there but our bass player came down with the swine.

But hey, so the moral of the story is that it is a crappy song in your opinion. We all have opinions. We shouldn't he hating. That shit be wack.

No matter how many goats you raped or if you're a cunt muffin. - Mon, 23 Nov 2009 9:39am
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"People who stick up for amateur crap bands are usually just their pals or people with such a limited knowledge of music they actually think mediocre music is good"

just because its mediocre to you doesn't mean the next person thinks the same. sure the songs posted here aren't my bag; but im not about to smash someone because its their hobby. There's other ways of conveying what you mean instead of being a dick. I dont like mediocre music, just like the next person... but as far as amateur musicians go; if its a hobby/somthing you enjoy in your off-time(ie, NOT A CAREER) then why be so critical?

Out of curiosity, and i mean no malicious intent from this, what kind of sounds do you got superslacks? Id like to honestly hear... wasn't it you who was telling laprider about some new shit on tour you guys got??; I've read lots of your critiques here(mostly "it sounds like shit, go crawl in a hole and save the rest of us" lol, and for the most part you are right but a little tact sometimes goes a long way) but have never heard your stuff!(at least rimlord bothered to put up some of his stuff:P) - Tue, 24 Nov 2009 7:01am
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A post worthy of response. . . .
Keep in mind I was responding to someone who was suggesting I rape goats, so I stand by my relative harshness.
As for my criticism of music posted here;
Firstly these are people seeking feedback, and I almost always give them praise for being brave enough to put themselves out there. And I DO listen. and I give honest feedback, which is generally constructive . . . but there are exceptions of course. I don't think suggesting these guys practice and get better at their instruments is off-base at all.
As for me picking on amature musicians . . . I say anything worth doing is worth doing well. If you come here seeking feedback I assume you're looking to get better, so chances are you ARE an amature. I get that. Maybe the lesson is to grow a thicker skin.
My harshest criticism is ALWAYS for music 'fans' who enable mediocrity. And by mediocre I don't mean shit. DT Jackson's stuff was so bad it was almost interesting, not at all mediocre (and I said that!). These guys play badly and write incredibly mediocre stuff (I also said this!). To me it's better to be aweful than mediocre; at least you're taking risks.
Why do people hate Nickelback? Not because they're bad . . . they play competently, they're in tune, they're songs are cohesive . . . it's because they offer absolutely nothing worthwhile, and have been rewarded for their incredible mediocrity.
As for my top secret identity . . . I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you there. There are those here that know me, but this is a public forum and I wouldn't want any off-colour comments I make to reflect negatively on bandmates etc. . . . not that I care THAT much if I was ever 'outed'. You could probably cobble together enough info from all my posts to figure out who I am . . . or respond to one of my gear for sale posts . . . or contact me off-list for amp repairs or whatever . . .
If you listen to the radio, chances are you've already heard some of my work and not even known it. (A couple weeks ago I heard someone lifted part of a guitar solo to play in back of a beer commercial. . . . that was pretty sureal.) I've been doing this for a long time, under a number of names . . . none of which match my passport. ;)
How's that for building the mystery?
Bottom line is I don't think I'd ever get valuable critiques from this forum, nor do I need validation from the experience. This is also not how I would choose to promote my music. It is, however, amusing to come here and stir the pot a bit, and maybe spark an interesting thread that actually is focused on MUSIC (not raping goats, lost vests, getting hammered, whatever). . . and only when I have the time. - Tue, 24 Nov 2009 1:59pm
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Stop being a pussy and put up some of your own music. If it's as good as you claim it to be, I think we would all like to hear it. Or, in the more likely situation, you are just too embarrased or scared that if you put your music up here people like yourself will be total jerks, trash it, offer NO constructive feedback (play your instruments better does not count, idiot) and then your little feelings will be hurt. Grow a dick and stop hiding behind "Superslacks".

And to be cliche, don't judge a book by it's cover. Maybe take a listen to the rest of WCD's songs before you decided that they are a shit band.

Oh, and P.S, Superslacks, stop being a pussy. Or did I already mention that...? - Tue, 24 Nov 2009 3:53pm
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FWUH - do I need to point out the obvious - that this is your first post? Hmm . . an angry anonymous User (who's not too clever). Who could that be? I wonder . . . . This is exactly why I don't, asshole. - Tue, 24 Nov 2009 9:25pm
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"DT Jackson's stuff was so bad it was almost interesting, not at all mediocre (and I said that!)"

Believe it or not, there are freaks out there that do like my music but at least you said it was almost interesting. That's good enough for me. I don't get this whole "Well, if you think my music sucks, let's listen to your music! Let's see if IT'S any good" stuff. You don't need to play music to have an opinion. - Tue, 24 Nov 2009 11:11pm
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amp repairs you say?

your contact info on profile is valid?

I hear what your saying supersl.; and people definitely need thicker skin when putting themselves out there. Just because YOU or I dont like the music shouldn't mean shit all. But enabling them with further posts.... really? lol.
Fair enuff on the getting better POV... But at the same time; when you think so much of your music and then have someone openly smash you in the teeth, it doesn't feel good(*refer to "...thicker skin"). And as much as I couldn't care less what anyone here thinks of my music, it still does get personal when people trash it(i just dont let it get to me)

As for your identity; well if you do good work, then Id like to contact you to look at my amp. The reverb box isn't out putting much and my tubes(i think) are fubar'd. NEED HELP! - Wed, 25 Nov 2009 1:00pm Edited: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 1:05pm
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Yup info's correct, though I'm insanely busy these days, should free up in Decmber.
You can e-mail the deets (amp type etc)and I might have some suggestions. If you're all tube (like a classic Fender) a bad tube could totally be the reverb prob. - Wed, 25 Nov 2009 1:43pm
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