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big ass punk show bands needed
Message Board > Seeking Shows > big ass punk show bands needed
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i made a post a shit long time ago and now its actually gona be happening are there any punk/metal bands who would be inertested in playing a show? it would start around 3 or 4 and end at 11 thanks! - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 7:38am
Lord Darkith
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What day? - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:13am
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thinking either march 3rd or 10th - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:14am
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I don't know if we are fighting or you don't think my band is punk. I can't remember but if this thing is going to be big you might as well add

Manifest Dynasty

We rip it up live. - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:54pm
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yeah punk bands please
no md or sa

fast loud etc

ska welcome hardcoore,metal,etc sick fest - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 2:34pm
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Whatever dude. - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 4:44pm
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blah - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 5:07pm Edited: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 5:08pm
Mystery Guest
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Hey Tyler

I dont know if you would be willing but Yum Yum Bang Bang would be really interested in playing an all ages show.

Check out our stuff at

Thanx - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 5:29pm
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mbl ? - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 5:49pm
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yumm yum bang bang.....since when are you punk rock or metal????

and MBL is needed on this show - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 5:53pm Edited: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 5:54pm
The Grand Poo-Bah
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let's get suspended animation up ins zis hissouse - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 6:29pm
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Don't you get bored playing with the same bands over and over? Just a thought. No jazzing it up? - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 8:38pm
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Dont know if you are sticking to locals only, we are from Vancouver but we would be interested!! - Fri, 26 Jan 2007 10:26am
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we dont really play with the ssame bands of course mbl and im gonna definately check out yumyum bang bang i always say punkish band and you guys alasy reply and everytime i keep saying punk bands and u keep asking you shouild like set some of your own shows up - Fri, 26 Jan 2007 11:32am
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Hey, GFY would be down for playing! Check us out at Let us know. - Fri, 26 Jan 2007 3:23pm
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YEAH MAN!!!1 GOAWD! THEY AREN'T TR00 PUNX. - Fri, 26 Jan 2007 4:26pm
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yea it is really not that expensive to put shows on if you have a bunch of people that will come and buy tickets.. - Fri, 26 Jan 2007 4:42pm
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dacy, do you really want GFY to sorry but i dont like blink 182 man or much power pop exectp NOFX

and stop trying to cause an agrument - Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:34am
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wow, gfy is sooo much more talented than you guys. in fact, too talented to even play with you - Sat, 27 Jan 2007 11:14am
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Jeff, do you ever think that maybe part of the reason people view us poorly and don't take our scene seriously on here is because you keep insulting the hell out of bands just because "OH GNOS TEHY PLAY POP PUNK LOLOLOL"? If you don't want them to play at this show then whatever, but there's no need to be a fucking jerk about it. - Sat, 27 Jan 2007 2:46pm
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i dont see why not

also who fucking cares what people think of us, they'll never see us anyways

fuck people

and byran do you want GFY to play.... - Sat, 27 Jan 2007 3:19pm Edited: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 3:20pm
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I just thing it's strange that Tyler is wanting to put on a PUNK show, and a band that plays POPPUNK just asked if they could be on the bill gets shot dow rigt off the bat. I for one am a fan of poppunk. "Love Songs for the Retarded" and "Boogadaboogadaboogada" are awesome albums, and I think it's pretty cool.
Now, pop-punk isn't exactly a genre that allows for a lot of variation in sound, so obviously you're gonna get a lot of "clone" bands; bands that are like "aw man, my skateboard broke AND my girlfriend farted on me lap".
Now, I can't say that I'm GFY's number one fan, but I don't think it was very fair or nice to simply say no to a band that plays a certain genre that you may not like simply for that fact.


AND ALMOST JACKSON!!!! - Sat, 27 Jan 2007 4:31pm Edited: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 4:37pm
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Hey my band would like to play if its possible we dont have many songs but we could play a short set.

i love wayne powerman - Sat, 27 Jan 2007 5:54pm
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wow that band fucking kills - Sat, 27 Jan 2007 7:20pm Edited: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 7:29pm
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RIP - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 4:27am
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if it's on the 3rd then we'll play. We be punk. - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 11:31am
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Wow...I grew up listening to The Clash, The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, The Vandals, Bad Religion, Rancid, Agnostic Front, NOFX, Millencoloin, Pulley, Pennywise, Refused and The Decendents, just to name a few. Funny, I checked out GFY's link and looked at their influences...most(like 90%) of the bands I named were on their list (along with actual weird shit like Rush and Frank Zappa? WTF, probably the drummers influences)...weird I guess that means I'm pop punk too? Question are you considered pop punk if you can actually play your instruments? I thought the message of Punk was to spread the word and get people to listen to your music? Why would you want to play a show if, "also who fucking cares what people think of us, they'll never see us anyways" and "fuck people"? This is confusing do want to be a punk or just a rock star? If the answer is Punk then you should be happy playing any where with other punk bands of any and every style and let the kids make their own decision about who they like or dislike.
Peace Bitches! - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:26pm
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fuck people they suck, pop punk is boring and generic


FUKK YOU - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:31pm
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Wow..."I AM ANTI EVERYTHING" you sound like your what 17 maybe 18? Do hate your parents? Ya know love fixes everything! Do you need a hug? What band do you play for? I don't believe I saw a link for your band? Post a link for us all to enjoy!
P.S. I agree with tobaccoian, that gfy is too talented for you but you could show people how mature you were and give them a chance...maybe they will make a reply someday?
Peace Bitches! - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:44pm Edited: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:46pm
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Wow, Jeff. You sound like a great guy. We should hang out, maybe we could jam together. That would be peachy! - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 12:55pm
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Well at least gfy had the balls to post a reply! So, Jeff are you going to go jam with them? or are you too afraid they won't be punk enough for you? LOL!
Peace Bitches! - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 3:00pm
Lord Darkith
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You humans are pathetic. - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 3:09pm
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actually everyone fuck off ill do it myself,the laxative fucking rules,they sound like the germs COOL - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 4:26pm
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Cool breeze. - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 4:29pm
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oh yeah ahha what is this "gfy had enough balls to make a post" ahahah what??? that kind of dosent make sense...and i kinda want yumyum to play...they have cool costumes - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 5:43pm
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fuck off i would never lower myself to jam with GFY

i play for guitar for cyborg justice and i am probably playing bass for the laxatives

so what band are you in???? - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 9:26pm
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and i wasnt on the comp because i was playing a show on friday night and busy today.....sorry i have a life duder - Sun, 28 Jan 2007 9:37pm
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Hey, I stopped playing in bands a long time ago because of people like you who have to classify everything. In my opinion punk is punk, metal is metal and so on. GFY plays fast and loud, so what if they know more than four chords!When I started playing in bands here we would have a show with us a agnostic front type of band a pop band with keyboards and once even a dj and rapper. The only difference was that we all respected each other because of the fact that we all were playing music. Sure maybe I did'nt like the rapper or the pop band but I could still have a little maturity and respect the fact that they were playing music which seperated us from the rest of the world. It is sad to see that this is the reason why Victoria doesn't have a thriving punk scene or any scene because kids like to dis each other over the computer instead of coming to shows and having the guts to stand at the front of the stage and tell the bands that they sucks ass! - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 2:05pm
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Hey, first things first. Duder do we know you? Do you know us? Thanks for the support but people are entitled to their own opinion, so please stay out of this if you got a problem with Jeff settle it, just not on here. Second, Jeff what did we ever do to you? I don't think we ever played a show together and I doubt that you ever saw us play so what's up? That last post from us was a joke unless you would have liked to come jam which would be fine we could drink some beer and have a good time, but I guess not. We moved here originally because we heard the scene was good and eveyone supported each other by helping each other get gigs. - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 2:15pm
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GFY i saw you, i was hella drunk and i played bass for mind between the lines, the show was with aisle 7 and it was at logans pub....yes i saw you

and what you did to me was make generic boring pop punk

and no i dont wanna jam

and booze sucks too - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 3:18pm Edited: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 3:19pm
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Hey Jeff that is too bad that we did that to you, you should have told us we sucked ass then! Aisle 7 seemed to like us since we played a couple of other shows with them after that. Funny we tried to help two other bands with that show and this is the thanks we get! Cool! - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 3:25pm
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the right to answers needs shows!!!
[email protected] - Mon, 29 Jan 2007 9:12pm
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gfy dude the reasno he might be pissed is when ur bass player pushed our friend into the stage from behind (and then into the singer from aisle 7's mic, into his face face) because he was going around trying to get u guys to get off ur asses and mosh or at least stand up or something besides sitting down looking cool with ur girlfriends. At all ages shows, You show your support for a fellow band by actualy getting up and even pretending to have fun. That is,

Real support

Our friend WAS being a fucking idiot that show, but still what buddy did was pretty sad.

ur singer on the other hand was a really nice guy and i got along with him. We played through the same pedal too lol isnt that cute. - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 5:13pm Edited: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 5:17pm
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Our bass player was drunk also and I am not sure if his push was on purpose or not? I am just the drummer! I was about to get up and jump around when the dickhole security type guy threw a hissy fit and told people to relax! If my bass player pushing was the reason then...well I am sorry he was a drunken idiot! We have played all agers/battle of the bands before and we have been the only people out front cheering the other acts on! - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 7:09pm
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Have a listen and e mail me if there are any slots left - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:17pm
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isn't pushing people around what moshing is? sounds to me like the bass player was just listening to buddy's advice. - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:22am
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yea..from behind right into a microphone while no other moshing is going on....yea man. right on. ur an idiot. - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:33am
furiousgeorge78 *at*
Messages Posted:
get off the tracks when the train's comin.... - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:42am
Indole Derivative
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Haha Jeff gives lip and no one can touch him. - Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:15pm
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So you guys have had the hate on for us this whole time because I pushed your drunk friend? Well, I am sorry for the push, I don't remember pushing him into a microphone at all, and certainly wouldn't have done it on purpose. I do however remember kicking him in the face when he had a lighter in our singers face while we were playing but I never meant to hurt the guy. And as for us just sitting there even during MBL's set I was jumping around with your friend, and yeah our friends and g\fs were just sitting there but its hard to get the g\f to come out to any rock show let alone a punk show. So, if I do see you guys at show soon, point out your buddy and I'll buy him a beer. - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 2:01pm
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do u wanna stop posting non sense and shut thefuck up? - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 3:42pm
Hang the DJ
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Maybe you could try to start a new post alltogether, so people will stop driving everyone away from the original topic. If the show's all the way in March (too far away!), I'm sure you'll have enough bands by the time march arrives. It's gonna be a killer show whoever's on the bill.

Haha I should try to write some acoustic punk.... yeah that'll work... - Thu, 1 Feb 2007 9:08pm
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do it! - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 5:36pm
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Like I keep saying:

Where are the fucking mods on this site?" - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 7:03pm
Hang the DJ
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I'm actually going to try... give punk a new sound... one man acoustic punk band.... I mean, woman... see what gives - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 8:15pm Edited: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 8:16pm
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Jeff, holy shit.... I've seen your band "Mind between the Lines"... talk about generic fucking 70's punk. You don't get get it do you. Seriously, when you hit puberty you'll realize that classifying music and talking shit is a waste of time, and only hurts the music. You see what I mean... your in a band, and now no one on this post will want to see you. - Fri, 2 Feb 2007 10:52pm
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puberty rules...

rotten fiends will play, nude wahtever

oh and i like mbl alot, so shove it. - Sat, 3 Feb 2007 9:25am
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lol generic 70s punk, okay. cool... better than generic late 90s pop punk. - Sun, 4 Feb 2007 1:55pm
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i like MBL even though im not playing bass for them anymore.....

i play guitar in Cyborg Justice now

so yeah.... - Sun, 4 Feb 2007 4:38pm
The Grand Poo-Bah
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I think you should just get suspendedanimation to play, we don't have beef with anybody, except maybe cows; plus we rule. - Sun, 4 Feb 2007 5:09pm
The Grand Poo-Bah
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As well the initial post did say "punk/metal bands", which we can be loosely lumped together with anyways. - Sun, 4 Feb 2007 5:11pm
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mbl ahaha generic 70's punk? hmmmmm....are you drunk? bands in the 70's werent as good as mbl(cept.....crass,stooges,and...shit loads others)

i already saidno to suspended animation like i do everytime..sorry your just not my style of tunes - Sun, 4 Feb 2007 5:33pm
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you're such an elitist douchebag, so what if its not your style of music.
you are the only person in the world that gives a shit about your opinion, not allowing a band to play with you because you dont like their music is absurd, the objective is to get as many fans out as possible. - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 11:35am
Hang the DJ
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Uhh, who's the one putting on the show here, you or Tyler? - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 2:58pm
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^ best post ever - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 4:24pm
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and tyler..what the fuck man??? Shit loads better? Fuck you. Everyone knows we're better than crass and the fucking stooges. God. ;) - Mon, 5 Feb 2007 9:38pm Edited: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 9:38pm
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i dunno not really..if i put on a show i kinda want to see bands i like play,i dont really understand where your coming from..i dont wanna see bands i dont im not bashing suspended animation i just dont like them and the objective is show bands who i like and i wantt more people to see and have a place to thrash - Tue, 6 Feb 2007 10:59am
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pssst...the ;) means joke :P - Tue, 6 Feb 2007 7:12pm
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this thread is verry long and real stupod.

Tyler, keep putting on shows for bands you like, makes sense to me... That is why you are putting on shows isn't it? so you can see bands you like, so you can play with them that kinda stuff?

Crass was in the 80s, nor are they generic in any manner... they didn't even start till 79, and most their albums were after 80. they broke up officailly in 84, realeased their last album in 89.

MBL, may be generic to some degree, but their not verry 70s at all or 80s.

Other bands face it, you are not punk metal, this is not a bad thing, ot just means you don't fit punk metal shows, so quot trying to get on them, then getting mad cause you get turned down.

And yes that list of bands you mentioned earlier is mainly pop punk, and includes some of the worst bands I know like bad religion and ramones (onovators of pop punx).

As for clasifying shit, I only ever hear about how we should not clasify stuff from kids who don't get shot, and often only listen to main stream crap like blink 182. Clasifying makes it so you can easilly find more stuff like what you like, you don't limit yerself to it but you simply can find similar stuff. I for example like anarcho, so knowing that finding more anarcho bands means I am more likely to find bands I will like. Yet you can not compare bands like Apple, RAMBO, Conflict, ZOUNDS, EXTINCTION OF MANKIND, Eleutheros, Leper, ISKRA, and Flowers In The Dustbin, cause they have so varrying sounds, some anarcho bands I love, some suck, just like every thing else, but at least it gives me a start rather that having to sift through the piles of punx(SHIT!) albums...

Also I know Jeff and I know his musical taste varries more than most people, I know he is into Dropdead, Omega Tribe, Canibal Corpse, Conflict, and so on... So it aint that the music you guys play is not punk rock enough, rather that the music you play is too generic mainstream sounding and dose not suit his taste.

Also to any one who simply rights off underground punk and metal bands for not being able to play here is some stuff to check out that may change yer mind...

Resistant Culture-
Contravene- - Wed, 7 Feb 2007 4:45pm Edited: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 4:45pm
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What kind of anarchist does'nt like Bad Religion?? Worst band ever? Fuck off... - Wed, 7 Feb 2007 7:59pm
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i like the ramones and lots of old "pop" punk but bands that just repeat that sound are boring and bands that sound like there blink 182, or lame emo ones

the bottem line is i like lots of music ranging from the beatles to bands like goregasm and shit like that

and major downer your a moron striaght up - Wed, 7 Feb 2007 9:52pm Edited: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 9:54pm
indole Derivative
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Straight up. - Wed, 7 Feb 2007 10:11pm
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its all about me and dan lisening to sweet skinhead tunes.

word up for you gettting

MBL,Wayne Powerman (obviously),D.T.B.S.,Rotten Fiends(uh shit!),CxJx(obv. again),Brewtality,Grey Army,Batnix,D.I.Y.,Thrash Madonna.

get those bands, and it'll rule anarcho style, only with drugs. - Wed, 7 Feb 2007 10:16pm
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lol yea Q has skinhead shit in his car they have some cool riffs. i think it was oi pilloi but maybe not.

it was lik edununununu Poser skins! dununun your losing weight! or something. - Thu, 8 Feb 2007 6:53am
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i asked leper if they would play and they said perhaps big fernwood hasent called me backed, so fuck them...but ill call when i get home from school - Thu, 8 Feb 2007 7:49am
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yah bad religion sucks ass, discernible and well written lyrics are soooo lame, and skilled guitar playing is for sell outs. (sarcasm) - Thu, 8 Feb 2007 9:53am
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yeah heroin addictions and having a pervert child stalker in your band must make you cool.... never mind telling locals they don't know how to put on a punk show cause one of the spot lights dose not work, and having nothing relevant to say that isn't already written in news papers....

compare their lyrics with those of Behind Enemy Lines, Iskra, Self Rule, Elutheros.... they fall way short... - Thu, 8 Feb 2007 5:50pm
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Listen to some NoMeansNo before you start throwing the term "skilled" around. - Thu, 8 Feb 2007 6:21pm
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i have to say something...lyrics are not about how much polictics you can put in man, lyrics can be so much more than just politics my point of view about music is i like music becuase...i like music

nnb im not juding and i may not be right but you seem to be more about the lyrics and the message than anything a fan of music....and do you have brian baker cause hes in bad religion?
greg graffin and bad religion just wants to talk about waht they beleive whatver anyone says epitaph records kicked/kicks ass if you were in a band and you got asked you wouldent turn that down..and have your own beliefs but keep them to yourself or talk about them to other who share them, your ideas of what is right and wrong differs from what other peoples are..i dont care at all about i know politians do dumb shit and suck and all that but id rather like...listen to tunes or skate then read about "important shit" the world is too shitty of a place, i dont want to get more bummed out by reading that stuff...

and i mean punk and metal not punk going to europe and im gonna get drunk with my english teacher - Thu, 8 Feb 2007 10:38pm
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no, it is not about just having a lot of politics, it is about doing the work... I don't care how much you have to say if you don't do the work either... why should I waste my time on a band that spends 3 months writing a song and 10 minutes on the lyrics, when I can listen to a band that spends 3 months wrighting the song and 3 months writing the lyrics?

so are you saying iskra and leper are not good musicians? come to the show feb 24, if after you can still say that and beleive it... - Fri, 9 Feb 2007 10:28am
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that would be jumping to conclusions... - Fri, 9 Feb 2007 5:53pm
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i didnt say anything about bad musicians...i think both those bands are good...i havent mentioned anything about them - Fri, 9 Feb 2007 11:51pm
Lord Darkith
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But most of these "political" lyrics are pure shit. Lyrics are supposed to be a backdrop for the music and provide imagery within it. For example you have a dark and evil song with medieval type riffs. So you provide lyrics of perhaps an evil king who pillaged the land and had magical powers etc etc. Than you look at political lyrics you can't make music that sounds political now can you.. and that is because political lyrics dont generally convey images, its just a point of view they are trying to pass by. It seems to me that all these aformented political lyricists really arnt creating works of art. They are just belting out there angst against there actually well off country because it makes them feel as if they are powerful or doing good. But than again there are times when political lyrics are crucial to some social reform as in the time of huge wars and depravity and collapse, sometimes few bands do this right eg. war pigs - black sabbath. Really though to say that a band is amazing solely on the fact that they have political lyrics seems pretty stupid to me, sensiblities aside would you prefer poetic woven tales or someone yelling out "Fuck Bush Anarchy!!". Even Varg the antichristian nazi extremist made music about the forests and darkness and instead wrote his ideals out in books. - Sat, 10 Feb 2007 8:54pm
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but that's what political punk is all about....i dont think you "Get" it, and that's probably why you don't like it.

ur probably going to say "no i just get it all that much more than you and see that its bullshit"

right? - Sat, 10 Feb 2007 11:09pm
Lord Darkith
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Well I didnt say I hated "all" political songs now did I? Neither did I say I hate political punk. However these whole political movements based on pure rebellion are ridiculous. It is fine to have political beliefs, but to have every song based on your angst against the government when it has been done thousands of times by other bands, holds absolutely no artistic merit. Which is why it is as you said 'bullshit' when you could be using your imagination to create lyrics that create images. Seriously folks most of the political punk bands serve no purpose and lack the meaning that they have destroyed through genericism. - Sun, 11 Feb 2007 1:55am
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have you listened to songs like OKA by iskra and read the lyrics or Desise by Self rule (about homophobia) or even how about SLUT by self rule, amazing lyrics and I have yet to see many bands that tackle issues like how we look at permiscuity in our society... How about bloody hands by Leper, and you can not tell me the music dose not convey the emotion and expression connected to a holocaust of the native people of these lands we now occupy... Or Riot 2010, a dark song about the olympics fucking up our community...

Not one of these bands has Generic songs with teenage angst against the government, all of these bands are origional, all are quite capable of using music to convey a message. But mostly not one has lyics like "Fuck bush anarchy" all have much more indepth and personal political lyrics about struggles that matter to both them and us wether we see them or not. have you ever read iskras lyrics? - Tue, 13 Feb 2007 2:02pm
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i have the only thing that bothers me is they have good lyrics but the singing just makes it impossible to notice what there saying - Tue, 13 Feb 2007 3:47pm
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thats styalistic, iskra feels their fans can read.... scott is simply really using his voice, and when you see them live it is impressive as fuck, but otherwise I agree....
But leper, you can catch most of their lyrics easilly... and eleutheros even more so. shit I use to always get that self rule song "life of science fiction" stuck in my head.... the only one of those bands you can not understand the lyrics on is iskra, and all these bands include lyric sheets for your convienience, as well as right ups and more. - Tue, 13 Feb 2007 7:06pm
Swingin' Joe
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I took the time to read Iskra's lyrics to see what all the rage was about. I didn't really think the lyrics were amazing, but there is some interesting facts and they seem to be pretty good story tellers. I could see why it would take "3 months to write the lyrics." You have to research some of the topics that they write about, not just shoot your mouth off and then get called on an error.

Personally, I think the process is way too meticulous but that's just me. I generally don't listen to music that is political cause it ain't really my cup of tea, but I can appreciate the message that they're trying to convey through their lyrics/music. Just how long do some of their songs go on for anyway? - Wed, 14 Feb 2007 6:29am Edited: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 6:39am
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many are over 10 minutes.... their buffy st. marie cover is actually arround 12. but they change so muchj durring many of their songs that 10 minutes is not to long (good example being a pig in every home). also live they are amazing. - Wed, 14 Feb 2007 2:35pm Edited: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 2:35pm
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friggin IDIOT. GOD - Wed, 14 Feb 2007 6:27pm
Swingin' Joe
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"Your justhh jealousthhh that I'm going to be a cage fighter." - Wed, 14 Feb 2007 11:05pm
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you dont mess with the godfather "smack smack" lol hahaa - Thu, 15 Feb 2007 4:56pm
danny o'dwyer
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my band would like to play a show sometime in between now and march 16.keep in - Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:36pm Edited: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 1:18pm
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All I can say is I am really glad that B.O.R. is not a part of the Victoria punk scene - I couldn't even pretend to put up with all of the petty bullcrap that seems to be part and parcel of being "punk" around here.

Just about the most narrow-minded bunch I've encountered, especially for a supposedly counter-culture group of people. For all that you apparently hate anything popular, you're no better. The music industry is exclusive based on marketability, which, for all that I hate it, is actually a valid and quantifiable thing. You so-called punk "musicians" and/or "promoters" are exclusive based on some kind of imaginary elitism, which, unlike marketability is, like I said, imaginary.

You're perfectly welcome to like whatever it is you like, and to want to support whatever it is you want to support - I'm all for personal choice, but the line is crossed when those who aren't in line with you become the subject of scorn for that.

If all you are interested in promoting is your own individual tastes, you are succeeding. If you wish to promote a healthy and thriving scene for local musicians to actually SUCCEED at their art, then I'm sorry to say that you have failed, miserably. - Fri, 16 Feb 2007 1:43pm
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ahh! saint what are you talking about? you so-called musicians and promoters? what does that mean..if we play instruments and make songs that dosent make us a musician and were not promoters becuase we...put on shows?

you cant tell us like, what were doing and what were doing is wrong cause you dont support us. why would i ask bands who i dont like to play a show? and how at all are we failing and promoting a heathy scene, we play shows..and people come..whats failing about that, your making it seem like your really conserned with making it but your not part of are age group so you see what were doing in a complete point of view, so maybe next before you say shit like that. think twice, you may be at a point where you really wanna make it..and thats fine but right now we just wanna have our own shows....i dont want fucking like rock bands playing at a show, there boring and kids cant really do anything to them....and were not based on elitism were based on rockism asshole

conrad(excuse ifspelling is wrong) puts on his anarcho shows cause thats what he likes and is he wrong for doing that aswell

were not really a couter culture or that punk really...were just like...guys...most of us who are in high still who just play guitars and jam together...i like things that are popular(slayers pretty popular...i dont really care)..

your comment seems kind of stupid,if there is a genre of music and theres a show..its gonna be of that genre,there not real mixing of genres at victoria showss and we dont really get included in anything so why include others?

i dont think you have ever been to one of our shows and will probably not so just stop talking and everything will be better

cheers - Fri, 16 Feb 2007 5:32pm
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certain posts Are pretty immature but please, dont let posts by one idiot put a name on this whole city.

that would be just as narrow minded. grouping everyone together according to your belief of what they are "all" like. descrimination. :).

try to see how young a lot of the people are...young people are usualy dumb...including myself at that age. I'm still dumb and im turning 20 soon. For example: A 15 year old is throwing shows. he's done like 5 or 6.

that's pretty fucking advanced and mature for a 15 year old. - Fri, 16 Feb 2007 6:34pm
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you guys need a band to play? - Sat, 3 Mar 2007 8:39am
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Fuckin A Fableway would be into that, we can fill an hour if need be. - Sun, 25 Mar 2007 7:47pm
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