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Faces Of Meth
Message Board > Found on the web > Faces Of Meth
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Jesse The Malcontent
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Yikes. - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 7:58pm
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You can find WAY worse shit than that in victoria. - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 8:57pm
Jesse The Malcontent
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well, I'm not into the typical shock value this messageboard seems to thrive on, but I think that actually seeing the transformation in the before and after pictures is interesting. - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 9:37pm
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Sad but true Dr.Doom - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:50pm
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Meth has taken over Victoria as the predominant drug... I've seen quite a few people succumb to it unfortunately... good people... yet broken now...

it truely is sad

'ere - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:56pm
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Now I'm getting emotional...
'ere.. - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 11:00pm
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Just walk around fernwood and you can see worse. Don't pity any dumbass that wastes their life on that shit. Ye makes yer choices and ye takes yer chances... - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 11:22pm
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Your lucky Shaggy.
Sounds to me like you haven't had anyone close to you become hopelessly addicted to it.
Sadness and pity are not the same thing.
Pity doesn't make me cry. - Thu, 27 Jan 2005 11:47pm
Jesse The Malcontent
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I empathize with anybody that literally destroys the existence of Dopamine in their brain (ie. the brain's pleasure receptors cease to work so sex, food, friends, conversation all become competely futile and unappealing)

As far as the comment "Don't pity any dumbass that wastes their life on that shit" I don't put that much stock in such weak and indifferent comment considering about 60% of the people that get involved with it are between 12 - 23 years old.

Before this turns into a Degrassi Episode, I'll just say that the effacts are horrendous, though most people naively put it in the same category as LSD or other such drugs and think it's a far cry from the likes of heroin. - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 12:10am
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Actually one of my closest friends was a crackhead for a while. He moved from here to Van and got into that shit, but ended up kicking it and getting his life together and moved to Edmonton. I didn't even know about it until he told me once he moved to Edmonton. Had I known, I wouldn't have felt any pity for him at all. Life is about choices. Make fucked up choices and fucked up things happen, that's just the way it is. I've had friends do themselves in on drugs, and although I don't necessarily allow that to damage what I thought of them, it certainly doesn't sadden me. They made the choice to kill themselves on shit. The ends justifies the means and all that. - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 12:53am
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"Everybody wants something, they never give up..."
I have absolutely no problems with this becoming a Degrassi episode but the old ones. The new ones are... new and I didn't grow up watchin them!!
"They'll take ya money, and never give up." - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 3:11am
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anybody remember that old commercial put out by the Canadian government?....

"Where'd I get all this energy...Meth, oooo meth...I don't eat, and I don't sleep, but I got the cleanest house on the street... ooo meth...mmmm meth...get these hairs all outta my face... get these bugs all outta my place... one more hit no time to waste...oh meth... ooo meth"

I've got the commercial as an mpg
Think I'll go smoke some pot now

'ere - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 4:51am
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Shaggy there is a huge diff between Crack and MEth dude.

Besides, If I could make crack in my bathtub do you think Id be here typin to you !

No seriously, crack is bad but meth is way worse. - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 10:39am
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I was telling someone about that meth commercial the other day - where the chick is scrubbing her bathroom with a toothbrush. Had that song stuck in my head forever - shit - it's back. Ya, I've known people who used other drugs for years but ended up getting right fucked on the shards. - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 2:56pm
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Shit is shit Mike. Don't care what drug it is. Well hard drugs anyway. Can waste your life just as easily on mass ammounts of E as you can any of the harder drugs. As for it being all that different? Go tell that to all the crackheads in E Van and Fernwood/downtown. I'm sure they'll agree with you that meth is worse, if you can get em to stop fucking dancing around like someone plugged em into a fucking wall socket. - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 4:42pm
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Sorry, to interupt, but...

Degrassi Junior High - Season 1 on DVD, Feb.1st - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 5:00pm
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eeekkkkk!!!! Soooo excited.
Thanks Cooper.
It's good to see someone who knows what's up. - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 5:07pm
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I'm just waiting for Ready or Not and The Wonder Years, and I'll be set. - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 5:11pm
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I love that commercial.... but seriously.. I've seen methheads literally going off on trivial things... one chick spent like 6 hours, obcessively colouring in coulouring books... not usually considered a healthy activity for you average 20 yr old person... I've stood there calling someones name for about 5 min, while they were playing "ring around the rosey" with a lamppost on Spring St... meanwhile, they were utterly oblivious to the gathering throng of people I eventually left them to...

I've got a million of these stories... what frightens me the most is that they don't think anything is wrong, it's all perfectly normal... but they radically change.... I "study" psychology [not officially], and I've been doing a study on the chemical drug culture for a few years now.... it utterly amazes me that people are truely that Masocistic.... and they call it fun.

I work in an industry where I have seen every form of addict from Asprin to Zanex.... I am an extreme advocate against all chemically reproduced drugs... they alter the brains bio-chemistry in unnatural forms
eg:Acid overstimulates the chemical in your brain caused from being awake naturally, but when overstimulated it gives the effect of over-tired dementia, but the body is still full of viable energy

Sorry, had to rant there
Think I'll go smoke some more pot now

'ere - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 5:38pm
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so i guess if shaggy is your friend don't expect him to help you, because what ever problem you get your self into it's your own fault and you should die because you don't have the foresight to know that the next step you take will ultimately end your life.
i wish i could be as perfect as shaggy, life would be so simple. i wouldn’t be working so hard now if i'd as been as smart as him in my younger days.
having lived through some pretty dark drug days in my life and now live a somewhat normal life (I say somewhat cause, is anyone’s life normal?) I have to say that you’re a total dick head that hasn’t any clue in what he’s taking about, you sound like a redneck hick that has never left the trailer, so for you it’s very easy not to succumb to peer pressure.
If you ever have kids man I pity them, they will never be able to talk to there father about drugs or anything else taboo because there father is so closed mined he’d probably just kick them to the streets and say “it’s your own fault”

There I got hat of my chest I’m going home now - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 6:47pm
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I've never tried anything but weed and don't often do that or booze too much either. And I manage to steer blissfully unaware of everyone else's habits.. just turned my back really since I've thought it personal and so I never paid attention to what they were ingesting. People just have various levels of tolerence for substances is how I thought of it and I didn't do it so I didn't need to know about it.

In the last year though close friends' excessive drinking and drug use and bizarre/volatile behaviour has hit it home in that I can't take them seriously, depend on them, or take anything they say or do personally. Its been eye-opening and tragic to realize this since I'm extremely sensitive and have always taken things personally. I never thought of anyone as more scared or desperate or unable to cope than me, but now I'm starting to get it.

What JesseTM said about destroying the existence of dopamine in their brains is my biggest issue with this.. once you've taken yourself so far with certain abuses, I don't think you ever regain your capacity for pleasure naturally again. This means its already eaten away at your meeting your potential in life..

So those pics are really difficult to look at. And obviously I feel other people's issues with this topic. - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 8:25pm
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Oh get fucked Wig. Any dumbass that doesn't know that major hard drugs like meth, crack, heroine etc is a fucking downward spiral needs to have chlorine added to their fucking gene pools anyway. Waaaaaah I had a hard life and had to turn to bullshit chemicals for the answers. What a fucking copout. There's a lot of people that have had fucked up lives and didn't need to go do the crack dance down the street because of it. Only the weak minded fall to that bullshit.

Soft drugs I could give a rats ass about and have smoked weed, done acid, E and even tried coke once when I was younger. Still smoke weed, acid's boring after a certain age and E's not much different and coke was a waste of cash. I don't need to hide in some chemical induced haze to deal with my problems. - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 9:30pm
The One After Two
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I'd say Victoria is a lot dirtier than people give it credit for. Fernwood can be rough for what could such a nice neighbourhood and Douglas St. is embarassing.

People who do drugs like that don't bug me too much until they:

A) Bring kids into the picture. I had some junkies living the floor below me with a throng of kids around. Bad scene.

B) Lounge around on the streets looking for a handout or doing B&Es.

If I had an answer, I'd share it but until then I'll just put my head down and walk around the "pole dance" or whatever Sickfuk was describing on Spring (right by my house). - Fri, 28 Jan 2005 10:04pm
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"Drugs are bad, uun-kay??" - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 12:18am
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i wish i did not recognize that quote. - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 8:38am
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anyone else wake up in the morning and check a mirror to make sure they don't look like that? or is it just me..
BOO! oh, relief.. - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 10:10am
shaggy's a bitter man
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It's not polite to interrupt Shaggy when he's on his high horse... - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 3:07pm
Isolation Ride
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What was really fucked up is when I came across a guy with a needle hanging out of his arm while I walked up the stairs on Pandora and Douglas heading for the pizza shack.As I looked back in disbelief I had to run back and stand in front of him to block a young child and his mom coming up the same stairs from seeing the guy. - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 8:16pm
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There are more needles inside that resturaunt than in junkies arms outside in the stairwell...I used to work there, trust me, stop eating there. I have witnessed food being dropped and served anyways {even though I was clearly standing behind the other employee, there was no shame or attempt to hide it.} Don't make me bust out more stories...just eat elsewhere. And this is not the angry ex-employee talking, I left for mainly sanitation reasons. - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 9:30pm
Isolation Ride
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I ate there maybe 4 times and I bailed with the slices.I went there when they first opened.I caught on to it all in time when I was seeing the people hanging around there ex:for sure drug users from Pandora St.I caught my bus to work right out front.Throw another story at me....would love to hear one.***waits for bedtime story called "The Pizza Shack from Hell" *** - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 10:05pm
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My buddy Shane works at the Mohawk on Quadra... he's got a millions junkie stories... my fav is probably the chick who used the bathroom [when they still let people]... when she came out her neck was covered in blood, with a syringe sticking out of her jugular... and all she had to say was "Thanks man" and walked out the door, needle in her neck

'ere - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 10:30pm
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Yeah, after a while of working there, the disgusting habits came out of the woodwork, and I was appauled to find that the Commisionares that frequented for their coffee while they scoped the stairs for people hanging out and the likes...well, they would find needles everywhere, and somehow it was decided to keep the biohazard container in OUR resturaunt. But the worst thing was that it was kept in the same shelves as the food and supplies, and it wasn't unheard of to be knocked over, spilled, etc. YUCK! BLECK! UGGHHH...nevermind the bathrooms, but I don't wanna think about that place anymore... - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 11:00pm
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"I'm suffering in extasy, slowly dying inside my body, locked away with no escape, finding pleasure within the pain" - Chris Barnes

'ere - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 11:05pm
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mmmmm...Chris...mmmmmm - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 11:14pm
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That's what I liked about working at the downtown 7-11,
people weren't shy at all about paying for their shit with rolled up dollar bills, or credit/debit cards with white powder in the 6's,9's and 0's. Between 3 and 5 every morning there was always a shit load of people asking for "amonia and baking soda" ('cause that's what ya need to turn coke into crack), and let's not forget that every single welfare day the sales for light bulbs and lighters would jump a good 1200%. Many times I had to call 911 to report over dosing herion users that were dying outside the store and the 911 dispatch wanted nothing to do with it. When they asked where I'd tell them douglas and johnson 7-11 and everytime I could here them groaning like they were thinking "not them again". I only worked there for 7 months and I know Shanes been working at mohawk for a bunch of years but given the location difference I wonder who has more stories and which are worse. - Sat, 29 Jan 2005 11:22pm
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I am your worst enemy but you still lust after me
My charms you cannot resist, for me you'd slit your own wrists
You'll sink down to turning tricks just for another fix
Your soul belongs to me, you'll never be set free

I will help you get high, I will help you die
For me you sold your soul, now your mine to control.... control

Once I'm in your vien, I control your brain
I Create your pain, I drive you insane Once I'm in your vien, I control your brain
I Create your pain, I drive you insane.... insane

You can't live without me, I'm all that your eyes can see
You stick a needle in your arm, thinking it won't do you no harm
Then you realize too late that you've sealed your own fate
Your soul belong to me, you'll never be set free

Another Junkie becomes my slave
Another Junkie sent to the grave
Another Junkie wants to get high
Another Junkie is left to die
Another Junkie out turning tricks
Another Junkie need one more fix
Another Junkie bends to my will
Another Junkie is mine to kill... kill... kill...

I am your worst enemy, all that you need is me
The ultimate high you seek has made you become weak
I am all that you crave, you have now become my slave
Your soul belongs to me, you'll never be set free

I will help you get high, I will help you die
For me you sold your soul, now your mine to control.... control

Once I'm in your vien, I control your brain
I Create your pain, I drive you insane Once I'm in your vien, I control your brain
I Create your pain, I drive you insane
Once I'm in your vien, I control your brain
I Create your pain, I drive you insane Once I'm in your vien, I control your brain
I Create your pain, I drive you insane.... insane... insane... insane

Figured those lyrics fit the post

'ere - Sun, 30 Jan 2005 8:25am
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What's the deal with lightbulbs Silas? Forgive me if I am not down with the drug knowledge... - Sun, 30 Jan 2005 12:11pm
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Lightbulb -screwy bit and filliment = glass pipe.

I worked graveyards there too, and it was pretty lame.

But what was way worse then the users and other fuckheads constently stealing shit (I caught over 20 attempted thefts in one night when I decided to crack down on it, and there was likely an equal amount that got away with it) was anoying drunk assholes making a mess of the place and being too fucking dumb to function. Also: it filled me with joy each time I got to deny them bathroom use.... 'cept when they decided to puke all over the magazine rack insted.

Haha: Hey Silas, remember Darshan? We were having a stop smoking competition, and when he lost he had to ask a transvestite out on a date. - Sun, 30 Jan 2005 12:19pm
The One After Two
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"Haha: Hey Silas, remember Darshan? We were having a stop smoking competition, and when he lost he had to ask a transvestite out on a date."

That is the best cure to stop smoking I have ever heard of hahahahaha - Sun, 30 Jan 2005 5:25pm
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No Broc, can't say I remember any one named "Darshan".

There's a few crackpots that came in frequently and I named all of them. I'll list a few and you tell me if any of them ring a bell.

-Mr. Snots: always came in any time between 9pm and 9am with a runny nose to play keno. ( he currently shows up for the same routine where I work now )

-Shit Dundee: always came in asking everyone to "spare the price of a cup of coffee" sometimes in shorts with some very deformed legs a dundee hat and a fowl odor.

-Pair-o-scopes: No joke, this native guy with a flat nose would show up drunk with a scope in each hand and try to steal listerine. Once he followed it up with pissing all over the window( thankfully from the outside )

-Poo Shoes: Poo Shoes first showed up with shitty stained TP hanging from his pant leg. He came back later after I was off shift and my co-worker said he had a big brown stain in the middle of his pants.

I'll post some more later Broc (or any other fellow 7-11 victims)

-cheers. - Sun, 30 Jan 2005 8:16pm
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It's kinda funny working with the public that way - we had nicknames for customers at Thrifty's, Wolfman, the asshole who would come in and yell at you and spit and shake his head and body the more mad he got about nothin', kinda looked like Taz on speedballs...etc.etc...sounds like you got the majority of the doozey's though. - Sun, 30 Jan 2005 9:21pm
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I came up with a theory a while back.......
The Living, The Dead and the Broken...

The Living are those of us who are cognisant and logical

The Dead are those who are beyond repair... those who are so deeply entrenched in their world, that they cannot escape it

The Broken are most of us... we all fall into the realm of the broken some of the time... the Broken are the one's of us who make simple mistakes, and pay the price for it... a penance of sorts...

The Broken can be fixed, the Dead cannot be ressurected

I recently told someone I know that they were dead... after 25 years of crystal meth abuse... she is truely dead in my mind.... it really sucks actually...

'ere - Mon, 31 Jan 2005 3:16am
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Interesting article Jesse, very sad. Its easy to just say....what a bunch of fuckin losers, poor choices ect. Its the horrible cycle that it seems to create that scares the crap out of me. The story in the article Jesse posted about Makayla and her brothers is unfortunately quite common. Children of drug abusing parents... its pretty tough to grow up in that enviroment and come out of it with much of a chance at life.
Love the stories from the night shift, too funny in a disturbing kind of way. I will NEVER eat at that pizza place! - Mon, 31 Jan 2005 9:56am
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Shaggy, you've just proven what an ignorant yard ape you are on this subject by that ridiculous statement (Only the weak minded fall to that bullshit.) I guess alcoholism is also for the weak minded. You know that alcohol can lead to a downward spiral but that risk is okay, right? I suppose the time you 'tried coke' was just a moment of weak mindedness - good thing you didn't like it. Fuckin stupe. - Tue, 1 Feb 2005 2:58pm
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Actually, sorry Shaggy, but I have to agree

I've seen one friend of mine who got into Meth for the sterotypical reason... he was overworking himself, working about 80-90 hours a week..[I'm one to talk, I work just as much]... but he needed something to kep him awake and cognisent... a few months ago, he was one of the most respectable, hardworking people I know... now he constantly ditches work... never has time for anything he used to call fun... he just sits by himself, and tweks out... fucking sad

Yet again, I think I'll go smoke some more pot

'ere - Tue, 1 Feb 2005 3:10pm
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I'm ignorant because I have no pity for shitheads that waste their lives away on meth/coke/heroine/booze or any other addiction? Then I guess that makes you a namby pamby hippy samhain.
Ignorance is wasting your life away on something you KNOW is going to suck the life out of you. And yepp, it was a momentary lapse of judgement/reason when I did coke. That's why I only did it once shithead. I sure as fuck didn't waste every dime I had on it and blow off people, family and work cause my habit was the major driving force in my life. And yes, I don't see alcoholics as any different. A waste is a waste is a waste, regardless of whether it's legal or not or what form any addiction comes in. You make choices, take responsibility for your choices rather than use some lame assed copout excuse for being a total waste of DNA. - Tue, 1 Feb 2005 5:01pm
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Namby pamby hippy - thanks for the laugh this morning Shaggy. That's hilarious.

No, you are not ignorant because you do not have pity for addicts. I could care less who you pity.
If you actually read my note, I said you are ignorant on the SUBJECT if you believe that addiction is for the weak minded. Do you think that treatment centres are full of drooling idiots?
You also took my point about alcohol wrong - you say people who try hard drugs are stupid because they know it leads to a downward spiral. You've had a drink before, no? Does that mean you are stupid because you know there is the risk of becoming a drunk?
So you are not an addict - good for you. But it's not because you are smarter or stronger than anyone else. There are lots of addicts that are a hell of a lot smarter than you.

Namby pamby hippy shithead. - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 9:24am
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WTF does taking a drink have anything to do with anything? Therein is the difference between the majority of people who drink/do drugs and shithead junkies. Most people know when to draw the line and step back, regardless of whether said person is normal or has an addictive personality. I know people that have addictive personality disorder. Some have succumbed to it and others haven't. Those who have always seem to have some excuse for falling into the shitter of life, but of course it has nothing to do with their choices hence a copout. Those that haven't fallen into the shitter have done so by realising they do have an addictive personality and don't put themselves in situations where they'll be tempted by whatever they could become addicted to whether it be sex, internet porn, shopping, drugs or booze or any other myriad of addictions. That shows intelligence and strength of conviction works. They have the balls to realise that they have a problem and deal with it rather than falling into the shitter and blaming everyone else for their addiction/problems and waste their life away on shit that only relieves their problems short term. And morons that enable these shitheads, for whatever reason, to continue in their self destructive cycles are just as bad. Go pat a junkie on teh back and tell him/her everything's going to be allright, it'll really change their life and they'll stop killing themselves immediately. And if you believe that I've got some swampland I need to offload on some unsuspecting shmuck. - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 12:03pm
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you should stick to topics you know something about, reading your latest rant proves you nothing about this subject. your abstract opinion is your own. - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 12:26pm
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Well done Shaggy - once again you cannot seem to wrap your little brain around what I actually said and went off on yet another ridiculous tangent. I don't have the patience to try yet again to make my point - you obviously cannot 'grasp' what I am saying.

Oh, and 'Addictive Personality Disorder', hey? Very clever diagnosis Dr. Shaggy. Too bad you hate junkies - your vast knowledge on this subject could do wonders for mankind. - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 3:19pm
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Yo, Shaggy and samhain - get a room. - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 3:54pm
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What a depressing thread....

It all boils down to this in my view... Addiction of ANY type is bad... usually, an individual with enough strength to overcome it, will... eventually... But that doesn't stop it from royally fucking up their lives during the period of "bad judgement"... I've seen some of the most trivial things fuck people over... another friend of mine basically lives for video games... thats not very healthy at all... I know another person who spent, quite literally, 6 months on GHB... voluntarily... thats just fucked up in my view, why do a drug that you're almost garunteed not to remember the trip from? I thought drugs were supposed to be fun...

But just so people see the other side of the coin... I also know quite a few people, who live productive, happy lives... They occasionally fall into the realm of the broken, and resurface a little later... [key word] realizing just what they did to themselves... someone who does the occasional line, a cap of E, or a couple of hits of Acid once in a while can still be "normal"... "normal" people go to work, pay their bills, explore their interests... and quite simply enjoy life... unfortunately lately, the "normal" population seems to be declining... sad but true

Do I even have to mention after yet another of my tirades.... I'm gonna go smoke some more pot...{:)

'ere - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 4:09pm
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Now there's a healthy addiction. I think I'll go smoke some of the same wonderful THC that I prescribe to all my patients. - Wed, 2 Feb 2005 9:45pm
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you and your goddamned pot. I swear the stuff is addictive. tons of my friends cant get through the day without it. - Thu, 3 Feb 2005 12:16pm
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As many parts of my life that are damned.... pot is one of the few blessed ones...{:)
But I love that poster there Nat

'ere - Thu, 3 Feb 2005 3:56pm
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It was mine first and she stole it... - Thu, 3 Feb 2005 6:54pm
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Anyone who bitches about stoners claiming that they're "addicted" to pot are usally just wining 'cause they're hooked on hoho's or ringdings or reality shows or porn. I don't need pot to have a good time *carcks a beer* see you later! - Thu, 3 Feb 2005 8:02pm
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Nah, thats not it at all. I have a fetish for bacardi. Im just saying that i know too many people who have tried to quit and really, really cant. I smoke it a couple times a week so im not being judgemental, just pointing it out. - Thu, 3 Feb 2005 10:10pm
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you rotten liar! you jacked it from me! - Thu, 3 Feb 2005 10:11pm
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Well put Wig and Samhain! Shaggy, you continue to amaze me, to continue bullshitting on a topic you obviously know nothing about! Just don't know when to call it quits, eh!!! - Thu, 3 Feb 2005 11:32pm
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Actually that's an opinion dumbass. And at least I voiced mine. Let's hear yours or go drink a nice hot mug of STFU. If you need to kiss ass to look like yer cool you certainly won't get it in this thread, or on the internet at all for that matter.
I know enough about addicts to know the majority of them are complete wastes of DNA, natural selection per se. They'll kill themselves off and make the DNA pool that much better for it.

My better half works in the heart of fernwood and has to deal with these dumbasses every day, as do I when I have worked on their computer systems at the front desk. Nothing better than some shithead waltzing in, grabbing the key to the washroom and an hour later coming out after emptying their bloody rig all over the bathroom or leaving their rig out when they leave for the next person to use it to deal with. Or how about the shitheads that just dump their rigs in sandoxes and around playgrounds? Yeah those are really people I'll have a high ammount of respect for. How about the crimes they do to keep up their 'habit'. Who do you think pays for all the strain they put on multiple systems? Anyone with a fucking job or pays for insurance, medical or homeowners that's who. Not the fucking unemployed shithead that decided it would be 'cool' to 'try a new experience'. They're a fucking leach on the main vein of society. And I have every right to be pissed off they get treated with more respect than some of the people in this province/country that could actually use the recources wasted on them. - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 1:57am
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Ya, Nat. Pot is addictive. - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 8:56am
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Yeah, I knew that pic had something to with me and you, guess I forgot where I got it...{incase you didn't notice, that was NOT an appology}~That's ok - check out my profile.{whoops, nevermind, had the humpin' skulls on there, and will again, I like those} - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 10:32am
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shaggy is a very bitter person but he does speak some thruth there, junkies are a waste of time.
my piont was to help your friends if you see them fucking up their life. there isn't much help for someone using a public washroom to fix up. there isn't much help for the people that let them use the key, what can't you tell what junkie looks like. - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 11:17am
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I say the same thing Wig, when I hear the stories or have to deal with that shit firsthand. They have a public bathroom though and if someone asks for the key they have to give it up (discrimination and all that). There's been more than one occasion my better half has had to call 911 cause some dumbass has OD'd on the premises. - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 12:05pm
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i thought the humping skulls would provide you with some bedroom inspiration. - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 3:45pm
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Anyone who has to work in retail and deal with the public SHOULD have the right to say to a junkie upon entrance "we don't want your kind in here" because let's face it, they're only in there to steal and fuck shit up. Too bad there's too many winy bleeding hearts who would protest and never allow it just because they have never had to put up with that shit. - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 7:18pm
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We reserve the right to refuse service.

As simple as that. - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 11:22pm
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Unfortunately that's not the way it works when you work in a city owned building, like the better half does. - Fri, 4 Feb 2005 11:42pm
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It's sad how the city would prioritize the habits of potential drug crazed protesters over the rights of a hard working tax payer. Stupid government. - Sun, 6 Feb 2005 6:12pm
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SickFuk writes: >What a depressing thread.... It all boils down to this in my view... Addiction of ANY type is bad...

BTW: Got a smoke I'm not allowed to smoke and have quit smoking for the last 6 month's?!? Yeah, I hate smoking. I can't even drink or smoke any pot :( - Thu, 10 Feb 2005 2:12pm
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William S Burroughs. - Thu, 10 Feb 2005 6:55pm
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Cheap Flavor
Alternative Blues-Punk from Victoria BC
Adrian Chmil "Adream"
Head-turning ringer who loves dramatic music from Victoria BC
Niels Petersen Band
from Victoria BC
Niels Petersen
from Victoria BC
West Coast REACH Association
Utilizing music & the other performing arts for social good
722 Cormorant St. Victoria BC
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Thursday Night Jam at The Loft
Cancelled - no jam. Drummer's head wouldn't fit through the ...
229 Gorge Road East Victoria BC
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First Metropolitan United Fellowship Hall
Large hall in the First Metropolitan Church Building.
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Club Alhambra
Photo credit Niels Petersen Located in the Bedford Regency ...
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