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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Bad drinking stories |
Anonymous User Info... | I need to hear some really bad drinking stories to make me feel better about the really stupid shit I do sometimes while I'm drunk. Let's hear em - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 12:40am | ||
AA is for Quitters User Info... | ya there was this one time i drank roughly 2 mickeys of vodka and i really dont remember how much of my friends jack daniels in about half an hour... i dont remember the night, but as i hear it from my friends that were there.. we went to mcdonnalds, where i proceeded to pass out on the floor of the washroom, fall stright backwards out of nowhere into a table, upchuck on the outside wall and later that night spent about 20 mins tryin to get up a small hill to my friends house where i proceeded to puke all over his house.. and people wonder why i cant stand vodka anymore... hope that makes you fell better haha - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 12:59am | ||
Zippgunn User Info... | A dear friend of mine (whom you all know and was in a rather popular band) once decided to, rather uncharacteristically, drink a whole lot of fine Scotch one night after a gig wherupon he passed out at his billet. When he awoke he found that, to his chagrin, he had puked in the night right into his pants which were at the side of the bed he was sleeping in. Naturally he had no spare pants so.... Another friend drank a 26er of (ugh) Ouzo and somehow lost his underwear without ever remembering having his pants off. The best one I can tell you about myself was a night where I drank the better part of a 26er of Bushmill's (Irish whiskey) at a party, drove home (bad!!!) fell down the stairs on my way to bed and woke up with a) a damn near broken arm and b) a rather large girl whom I had never met before. Needless to say I steer clear of Bushmill's nowadays. - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 1:06am | ||
AA is for Quitters User Info... | haha, beats the fuck outta my story.. damn.. i think i need to bust out the vodka again... - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 1:17am | ||
Broccoli User Info... | After one night of excessive drinking and falling down, I woke up covered in bruises, huge gash on my nose that bled all over my bedding, ciggarette burns all over my arms, and (get this) groping some one's naked tit thinking: gee, these sure are small tits for a fat chick... turned out to be my buddy Jerry. falldowndrunk - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 10:57am | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | Those arent 2 pillows!!!!! - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 11:12am | ||
jackass User Info... | In my 2nd year at UVIC, me and my roommates decided to dedicate a night to tequila, since I had never drank the stuff before. I remember powering a handfull of shots back and thinking, "this isn't so bad, what's the big deal?", I also remember paper-rock-scissoring to decide who had to ride the bike down to the liquor store to go pick up a 3rd 26'er of tequila cuz we were already running out, I remember doing a few more shots, and the last thing I remember is my roommate coming up the stairs and pulling that last bottle out of the paper bag. I woke up in my bed, puke everywhere and couldn't even get out of bed until 3pm the next day, and that was to hobble to the bathroom to hurl up whatever was left of my internal organs and hobble back to bed to continue to plead for death. Apparently people had to clean me up pretty good that night...I was lying on the floor of my bathroom on my back puking all over myself while it pooled in my ears, making fish faces and incoherent noises. Very attractive. Yeah, I don't touch that shit anymore. - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 11:27am | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | Ah yes....started with a freindly game of quarters, then of course picking a fight with someone who wouldnt stop laughing at me which infuriated me all the more. A few friends dragged me into the bathroom where 5 bikini models....ok no bikini models awaited me. I look in the mirror to see a nice ring of ash above my lip. Ah so menacing I was. The laughs must of been of fear.....It then took me about 2 hours to skateboard home the 5 blocks (you would think that after the first fall I would have just walked but nooooooo). Woke up on my kitchen floor in a pool of blood and puke with 2 cigarette butts floating in it. Although they are super tasty, I have NEVER eaten cigarette butts again..... - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 11:46am | ||
Zippgunn User Info... | Actually the absolute worst hangover i ever had was once when Shovlhed backed up the Dayglos at the Pump in Van (on my birthday). The Mad Subwoofer gave me a mickey of red tequila (complete with worm) as a gift, and the club gave us 2 cases of beer (one each for Woof and I since our drummer didn't drink at the time. At the afterparty, after consuming all of that stuff an old pal showed up with a bottle which had a label with Chinese characters on it, a colourless fluid in it and a giant white root in the middle of it all. He said it was "ginseng brandy" and would I like to try it? Would I? I had at least 5 shots before I passed out. The next day I thought I was gonna die and it took me an hour to crawl up the stairs to the toilet where I was so hungover I couldn't even puke. I felt that way the whole day until we got on the ferry where I was miraculously cured instantly by...Seaburger Platter!!! - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 11:50am | ||
Mr. Choad N. McFly User Info... | I woke up next to yer mom, licking my scrotum and my asshole. i remember nothing else - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 11:58pm | ||
84ND G33K User Info... | One time, I was taking shots of Sambuca, and took about 8 in a 20 minute period... haha... I blacked out for about 5 hours... It was really dumb, 'cause I have no idea what I did... - Tue, 16 Dec 2003 2:11am | ||
Gare Hurn User Info... | A bottle of JD and a dance contest.... waking up next to first prize...... - Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:08am | ||
kittykat666 User Info... | before Thursadays was Logans I frequented that bar a lot! One nite i got a bunch of my friends in my closet of an apartment to drink 2 twix's of vodka. there were 6 of us and a ton of booze... (cut to the chase) got so drunk i was drikin' it straight, decided i could be a rapper and sang a whole lotta Maestro fresh wes, ended up at thursdays pleading w/ everyone that i was fine to hang out. ... 2 minutes later.... puked in the middle booth at thursadays, was dragged out by best friend who pulled my sorry ass home, showered me... twice due to excessive puking on myself, had fits of crying coupled with laughter, went to bed. .... next morning.... went to work, puked for half the day in the bathroom claiming i had eaten some bad fish(i am a vegetarian) ... side note... after i left a good friend of mine sat in my puke, freaked out and had to have a bird bath in the sink at thursdays... oh and to the persons who's jacket, purse etc... i puked on, its your fault for leavin' it there!!! - Tue, 16 Dec 2003 5:39pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | Wow, after reading some of these stories, I don't feel so bad. Hmmm... I've got a boatload of stories too, but my favorite... Finally got paid from a job I had started (dude would wait 4 weeks to give you the first cheque, kinda odd), plus I got my tax refund, decided to head into Victoria, and what better way to blow a wad of cash then over at Monty's Showroom pub (this was a few month's after the placed opened). To make a long story short, ended up drinking draft for 8 hours straight, had to catch a bus to Sooke (last bus) staggered (literally) into the McDix on Douglas, got a big mac, smelled it, staggered out across the street, couldn't stop puking. Cops showed up, ended up in a shelter, kept puking up black (the charcoil they pumped down my throat), got up the next day, felt like death warmed over, ended up washing dishes a few hours later :( - Wed, 17 Dec 2003 1:21am | ||
Pooetry User Info... | When I was 16 I was drinking on top of the Yates Street parkade with a couple of friends and my bike. We each had a bottle of red wine and my friends wisely only drank half of their bottle each. I drank all of mine. I downed it quickly because they had a bus to catch. Somewhere along the line, after drinking a litre wine and dropping my friends off at their bus stop, I had lost my bike. I was wandering around after my friends left telling the panhandler friends that I used to have, that my bike was missing. I wound up outside 7-11 on Quadra and Blanshard on the phone with my friend's mother begging her to drive me home. I don't know what happened, but I time warped and the next thing I remember is waking up, on my back, puking like some blood gurgling soldier after being shot. My arms and legs were wrapped around my bike that had mystically appeared in my life again. After hearing someone ask, "Are you okay?" I opened my eyes and saw a man who looked like an angel. It was probably just the alcohol glazing over my eyeballs. I said I was fine as I choked on some vomit and closed my eyes again. The cops made it there before my friend's mother did. I got a ride home in the back of a cop car and passed out. Nice of them to not take me to the drunk tank. I could tell a little ditty about the PowerClown show, too. But this is enough reliving for one day. - Wed, 17 Dec 2003 3:04pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | It is another day, what did you do at the Power Clown show? Have you been banned from Lucky because of what you did? - Wed, 17 Dec 2003 11:03pm | ||
Pooetry User Info... | Nope. I didn't get banned. Better yet of a story: my friend was telling me about a time when she went with a bunch of her friends to Lucky and her one friend was all wasted and didn't like what the singer was singing. So, she went up, grabbed the microphone while the band was going and started droaning into the mic, "Next song. next song. Next song...." Glad I wasn't her! - Wed, 17 Dec 2003 11:11pm | ||
ML7Mike User Info... | Booze-arama 1986. Skutz Falls. Jake Zentner was there.. fun stuff. I drank a bottle of Jack and fell off a cliff, split my head open, woke up the next day with a pounding headache and blood in my hair, but to this day I dont remember any of it. - Thu, 18 Dec 2003 10:25am | ||
Chryst_al_Mighty User Info... | I woke up half naked, wet and hungover in a drunk tank once, that was fun. My neighbour was a drunk indian lady that kept repeatedly asking the all important question "when can we go home"- cops found me passed out on the beach, guess I had decided to go swimming. - Thu, 18 Dec 2003 11:26am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Bar in Portland Maine. Was the 1st shore leave in almost a month and payday to boot! Head off with a bunch of buds to do teh bar circuit and get faced. Hit 1st bar, was kinda cool. Lots of tequila was dranken and I was hosed so damn quick... Then the cover band took the stage, I guess they were playing some shit covers since I started yelling at them to get the fuck off the stage (or so I was told, not entirely coherent at that point). Bouncer came over and told me to "shut yer piehole or yer gonna get a quick trip out to the parking lot". Another 5-10 tequila shots and I was gone. Woke up a few hours later face down in the parking lot in a pool of vomit and bile and my buddy looking awful pissed off. Guess I was so loud and obnoxious due to screaming insults at the shitty cover band that we all got expelled from the bar..hehe Guilt by association methinks. Buddy didn't want to leave me alone passed out in a parking lot with my pay in my wallet, so he watched my sorry ass until I woke up. Grabbed a cab back to the boat and puked like 5 times before we even got to the docks..hehe Bet that cabby was glad I asked him to pull over rather than bless his cab with the stench of puke/bile. - Thu, 18 Dec 2003 12:59pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | yay booze. - Thu, 18 Dec 2003 3:20pm | ||
grossed out User Info... | Not for the faint at heart, I was at a party with a girl i knew, and after several hours of swilling, we went back to her place, which i had to carry her in. Once inside i headed for the can and puked my guts out but when i came back the girl had pissed her pants, so i peeled her clothes off and put her to bed. Afew hours later she crapped her bed and i knew then it was time to leave, at least i only got piss stains on my socks. - Mon, 22 Dec 2003 4:54am | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | Heh... Jack will do that to ya (as I spy the mickey of Jack Daniels sitting on my computer waiting to be cracked on Christmas day :) Usually all that happens to me is I get really drunk and end up mach 10'ing the stereo. But what happened to Jake, or do you remember that much Mike?!? - Mon, 22 Dec 2003 9:39am | ||
METALNECK User Info... | My little bro was partying with a group of his buddies when one guy decided it would be fun to piss in empty beer bottles and give them to another buddy, who drank them unknowing of the true contents. Apparantly he got pretty drunk off of the 'recycled' alcohol. It's been many, many years and I doubt he will ever be able to live that down. I got one from the carribean. First night at the resort after getting off the plane. My cousin, my best bud (her husband), and me are right pissed just after dinner. The pool is closed and there is a poolside bar that wraps around the pool. About 200 people are sitting there drinking their after dinner drinks (gotta love all you can drink for free). My and my cousin go to the bar to get more drinks, when we return my buddy is skinny dipping in the pool and a dude with a pool stick is running around screaming "get out of the pool!". Turns out they were chemicaly treating it and it was not a good idea to be in there. My buddy gets out stark naked and the guy starts yelling "Get back in the pool!". My and my cousin are laughing are asses off and she picked up all his clothes as he danced butt naked through these 200 people. He was flapping in the wind and doing a fairy dance. Ahh priceless. He made it down to the ocean where he started to drown in 6 inches of water. I passed out on the beach and was awakened by a guy with a shotgun who escorted me to my hotel room. Once again, I doubt he will ever live that down. I gets brought up at every family function. But as I always tell him, it was 'no big' deal. - Mon, 22 Dec 2003 9:57am | ||
Your Pal Alky User Info... | Moral of every drinking story is:...Sambuca fucks you up! - Mon, 22 Dec 2003 11:47am | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | My, some good stories! Mine takes place on my 20th birthday a few years back... I decided that we should all go to Monty's, as a group of friends who for the most part aren't into clubs. Best.Friends.Ever. Thanks to them I drank about 24 drinks in under 3 hours, smoked way too much pot, and mixed EVERYTHING. We go to leave(I don't remember any of this, but I've been told by everyone) and there are a lot of people outside Bar Victoria, I start yelling at them and screaming about it's my birthday, some dude comes over and asks me to spank him, so I grab his balls instead! :o Still yelling at people, my friend drove my car that night, he swings in front, I puke all over the street for all to see and eveyone was cheering, we head home(still remember nothing to this day), I then proceed to puke in the bathroom for the next couple of hours, my roomate changed me into sleeping clothes, held my hair back, and was just fucking wicked. I awake the next morning feeling like utter shit, my boyfriend at the time was beside me, I hope I didn't breath on him...And there was this HORRIBLE pain on my right shoulder, I forgot to look after the new tattoo I got a few days prior, and it was screaming! Sat around all day until I had to meet my parents for dinner. - Thu, 25 Dec 2003 3:01pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | Moral of every story... the blue drinks are a bitch! And speaking of liver abuse :), it's Jack Daniels time (straight up, side chaser, always, not shooting it back, sipping it slowly)!!! - Thu, 25 Dec 2003 7:56pm | ||
Broccoli User Info... | one time my bro's pal passed out face down in the kitty litter box. I can picture the cat try'n to bury his head - Fri, 26 Dec 2003 9:37am | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | When I was 16, I had a get together of friends and acquaintances at my place while the folks were away. My and my bud, Ben went to McDonalds earlier and I had a couple of McFish burgers. Later on, everyone is at my place having a good time and I bring out the beer bong. We all take turns. 9 bongs later, I pull out the 26'ers. Rum, whiskey, tequila and another kind that I can't remember. I line them up in front of me and start betting people I can slam back so much in a certain period of time. After 15 minutes of this smart game, I feel like a million bucks so I get up and go running into the living room and jump into the air and my feet don't help me out. On my face I land. I sit up and it hits me, causing my head to fall between my this time I'm feeling more like a million pesos. Everyone is still going around me and after a while I lift my head up and let loose some neon pink vomit. A pool forms 4 feet by 3 feet in front of me. Everyone bolts. Ben leads me to the couch so I can sleep it off. I wake up in the morning with particles in my hair and feeling like I should end my life. I come out to the living room and there is the olympic sized pink pool staring at me. The parents are due home in an hour, so out comes the vacuum. The rest of the booze got dumped. I didn't drink for a month after that. - Fri, 26 Dec 2003 10:46am | ||
Ebolavire User Info... | Damn you guys, my worst drinking story is doing nipple shots with a hot stripper! But I guess alcohol is bad anyway. : ) - Thu, 1 Jan 2004 9:54pm | ||
J User Info... | I AM A BAD DRINKING STORY - Fri, 2 Jan 2004 9:00am | ||
Isolation Ride User Info... | shattering a bus stop window and breaking my hand.STUPID! - Fri, 2 Jan 2004 10:31am | ||
Hoffa User Info... | Hey those stories aren't so bad. My friend grew up in a small town in Ontario. One of his schoolmates at high school who was a bit of a lush invited the school to a party at his parent's while they were on vacation. True to form the lush gets blotto and passes out on top of everyone's shoes right at the front door. Someone pulled out his mom's vacuum, pulled down the guys pants and attached the hose to the guy's you know what. As luck would have it passed out lush's parents return home greeted by this sight. I don't know who to feel sorrier for the passed out fool or the shmucks who's shoes he was on top of. - Fri, 2 Jan 2004 12:47pm | ||
Mica User Info... | I was out for Halloween at what was The Planet in Bastion Square. Dressed as the Grim Reaper and drinking Tequila. Passed out on the table. Bouncer wakes me up and tells me I have to leave. I realize my friends aren't beside me so I pick up my sickle and run out the door. I see them down below so (screaming "Wait you fuckers!!") I attempt to hop the wrought iron fence at the top of the staircase. I catch a foot on it, bounce off the concrete planter, fall seven or eight feet through the air and roll down the stairs. As I recall, I didn't feel a trace of pain and continued on for a few more hours. Could hardly move the next day, but no broken bones. - Fri, 2 Jan 2004 2:16pm | ||
Rollerballs User Info... | So i'm drinking alone at the the Dougie, after a few cocktails i realize that i'm the DD, but it's to late, someone has slipped some GHB in my drink and i'm blind drunk. Long story short, there i am in the McDonalds washroom giving this haggard old dude a handjob!?! AND I'M NOT EVEN GAY!!! - Tue, 6 Jan 2004 11:06pm | ||
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