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GO HOME COUNTRY MUSIC petition (please sign)
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > GO HOME COUNTRY MUSIC petition (please sign)
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reply with a 'yes counrty music sucks' to sign

LET'S GET IT BANNED! - Fri, 28 Nov 2003 12:34pm
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fuck you. - Fri, 28 Nov 2003 12:55pm
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Fuck yeah - I mean Yes country music sucks - Fri, 28 Nov 2003 12:56pm
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or better yet, let's get The Banned to play country music. - Fri, 28 Nov 2003 1:06pm
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Country music rules. It is only second to metal. Your petition is invalid as this is where country music lives. Everywhere. Hey wow I am drunk and can still type.. - Fri, 28 Nov 2003 9:19pm
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thats a typical counrty music fan, fuckin drunk and typing...COUNTRY LICKS! - Sat, 29 Nov 2003 11:40am
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I dislike new pop/country bullshit. I like good ol' country when i am drinkin, it gets me rowdey for some reason - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 11:54am
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how can you hold a case against country?
that's like saying that metal/punk/rock/and rockabilly aren't even forms of music. do your history and then start talking.

jazz+country=rock and roll (see Bill Haley and His Comets for further reference.) - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 11:57am
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country music must die... it started off fine and dandy but now people are just faking the southern twang for the money it can bring.

(jazz+country=rock and roll) as for this statement, im absolutely positve that it's

blues+country= rock and roll

but that's only where it started, rock and roll has evovled hugely since then so this point is pretty well.. pointless! - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 1:08pm
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blues + country = rockabilly - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 2:27pm
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sorry Muhammid and co.

rock and roll took the swing beats of the 16ths and 8ths of jazz and converted them to the quarter note drags to create that driving on beat white man sound we call rock and roll.
i'm absolutely postive that rock came from jazz and country, and that fully matters. Rock is always looking back to what was before and giving it reference (see The Strokes/The Darkness/etc.) - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 3:00pm
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All can be banned except the cash - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 3:30pm
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must take issue with {+}- jazz didn't really influence rock & roll to the extent of blues and r&b i don't think. just look at chuck berry and little richard. most early rock and roll uses 12 bar blues structure even. jazz was sure in there, sure, but i think the developement you talk about took place more with the creation of r & b.

but yeah, country is sweet. whoever isn't down should be lynched. - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 8:31pm
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also, can a swing beat accurately be described as an 8th or a 16th? - Sun, 30 Nov 2003 8:42pm
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Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristopherson, Hank Williams (I-III) and David Allan Coe. Good Country. The country that exists nowadays cannot be considered country, it would be like considering Linkin Park metal. - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 4:25am
Nik Olaz
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this thread is so emo. - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 11:22am
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'Nik Olaz this thread is so emo'

ha. As to all of the talk about old country, fuck it. It ain't gonna come an time soon sonny. The old shit that was half decent and half soulful is dead and gone. When all i hear is Twain, brooks and the fuckin dick chicks on the radio, i have no doubt in my mind that country is killing itself from the inside. This is a genre that, at it's current rate, will become extinct within the next ten to fifteen years anyways due to it's lack of new fanbase.

So fuck 'em!
Ban it! - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 4:31pm
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what about the state of mainstream rock and roll? - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 4:51pm
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word - Mon, 1 Dec 2003 6:13pm
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Country music today is really just rock-flavoured pop for those who are turned off by the abrasiveness of a lot of modern rock. (I'm not saying I like Shania Twain, but she's just a pop-rocker.) It's gonna be around for a while, because a lot of people like that sound.

And to the dude who thinks that blues is not part of rock's roots.... hey, bud, get a clue. Country is part of the equation too, but it was really blues influenced country, that is, rockabilly style stuff. - Tue, 2 Dec 2003 3:19am
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Men who listen to country music are more likely to kill them selves.
Other than men who listen to any other type of music. - Tue, 2 Dec 2003 5:42am
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country music: the number one influence of charlie parker.

how can you disagree that jazz & country really started rock and roll?
here is the natural progression:

black influence:
african tribal rythmns and song >>> slavery (bringing africans to america) >>> blues >>> jazz (jas,dixie,swing,jungle,bop,modal/cool,avante garde) >>> pop (r&b, rock, soul, etc.)

white influence:
european classical music >>> american composers >>> southern cajun, creole (half black/half white peoples) and cowboy culture creates " country western music" (bayou, bluegrass, country, shuffle, etc.) >>> pop

yes, i know the events are arguable and yes, i know, that other influences are in there. the fact is that white and black music came together to create jazz, which then in turn came together to create popular music as we hear it today. - Tue, 2 Dec 2003 4:30pm
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Well, I think jazz is solely a black invention - whites just picked up on it. But that's another argument.

It is true that rock has a country influence through rockabilly, and country is a white man's thang. But I think rock comes primarily from blues. Blues is what Elvis picked up on, not jazz. Think of all the early rock songs, Shake Rattle and Roll or Rock Around the Clock. They're all based on blues changes.

Jazz is based on blues, too, but I think rock spawned directly from the energy and the musical form of the blues. This is fairly well agreed upon. I've never heard anyone suggesting that rock came from country and jazz, although it is true that jazz (or jazz-swing -blues hybrids) is an INDIRECT influence. - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 2:59am
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If you can't appreciate some good bluegrass I feel sorry for you. - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 4:58am
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i see bluegrass and mainstream country music as 2 different things. I love bluegrass, i hate mainstream country. - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 7:22am
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What do you like listening to? Dude, if everyone fucking listened to what YOU liked that'd be pretty damn boring... So what if someone likes Country Music, you don't have to listen to it or watch it on t.v. Do you not have anything better to do? xHITCHx ~blagh* - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 9:02am
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interesting point. i did include blues in my diagram if you look above.
blues WAS a major factor, but Rock around the Clock (see Bill Haley and his Comets) is based on jazz (more directly, the swallowable "swing" form)

and i know that swing is the white man's jazz, and that it came from blues. but jazz and country and blues and all the things i outlined were part of the progression towards the pop music we listen to today. it's important to look back on what's been in the past. the history IS important.

this is why i'm astounded that anyone could say BAN COUNTRY.
it's rediculous. - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 5:23pm
Snide Bastard
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Country music is just Blues for White guys with no sense of rhythm! Having said that, I should point out that Jerry Garcia started out in a country jug band. - Wed, 3 Dec 2003 6:55pm
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Olde Thyme has immense rhythm dude. Its what it is all about. And that is one of the roots of country. Remember Shania Twain is to country like Linkin Park are to metal. Absolutely nothing except they sport the duds. - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 4:18am
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country is only loosely based on the blues format, but it actually owes a lot of it's structure to the melodies of classical believe it or not. ANYWAYS...

music isn't black and white anymore. to say the least. - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 1:01pm
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music was never black and white. also, you can never define the "beginning" of any musical style.

i am also astounded when poeple say that they "hate" a style that was influential to a subsequent style that they deem "good." like, i knew a guy who was into punk but disliked the ramones. what an idiot.

i would be interested to know what styles of music -{{+]}- (or whatever) likes and how much these styles owe to country. - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 1:23pm
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what i like or what the starter of the post likes? - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 5:44pm
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not you, the other symbol guy. - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 7:14pm
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I'm constantly amazed at the ignorance of people here.

Every "Genre" ( for want of a better word ) has it's "stools",and If you can't tell the wheat from the chaff, then I'm afraid, there's really no hope for you. - Thu, 4 Dec 2003 7:37pm
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the other symbol guy i am.

relate these bands to country please, this is what is on my playlist now:

Flashlight Brown

thank you for all of your comments, I'm actually quite surprised at the popularity of this post. All views are welcome. - Fri, 5 Dec 2003 4:48am
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okey dokey. easy.

country -> rock and roll -> proto-punk -> punk -> variously "emo," political punk, ska-punk, rock, whatever.

keep in mind that i'm not saying that "new country" has any bearing on this map, but that without country these bands would never exist.

therefore, to say "i hate country" is pretty ignorant. - Fri, 5 Dec 2003 11:10am
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good call on that one micoll. - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 5:48am
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good call, i guess my post was refering to 'new country' and not based on the roots of what created it. Everything good has a begining but somethings that go wrong deserve an end, thats all i'm trying to say. - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 7:24am
Teste Coils
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country rocks. HOWEVER: anything new-pre-packaged-then-crammed-up-your-ass type country blows. Cash, Roy Orbison (well, rockabilly, but meh) etc. etc. etc. all kick. Shania twain, and all those honkey tonking fuckwads can go die of aids! - Sat, 6 Dec 2003 6:43pm
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If you mean "new" country then I'm with you. But the classic stuff is gold. No genre of music writes better drinkin' and cheatin' songs; they tell it like it is better than anyone else. Come see the david p smith experience and you will change your mind, I'll bet. - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 1:43pm
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give me something to believe in. I'm trying to convince someone to like cake on my other post, give me a country track to download, to convert me per say.

I'm waiting - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 5:37pm
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I have always liked bands like The Kentucky Headhunters, they put on a great show last summer in Calgary. try the Belamy Brothers - I wanna redneck girl is a sweet tune. Can't go wrong with good ole hank. but if you are new to country go with these for a good break in:
Ghost Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson
Amazed - Lonestar
Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 5:56pm
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well, from your "harder" influences i can only recommend johnny cash for what ails ya. other than that:
etc! - Tue, 9 Dec 2003 7:02pm
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i'd recommend that you start w/ some earlier country-rock. it is very much country, but more accessible for city-folk.

try: any flying burrito bro.s, any new riders of the purle sage, doug sahm and his band, dylan's "nashville skyline" (w/ cash), the byrds "sweetheart of the rodeo," grateful dead's "workingman's dead."

for just one track, try neil young's "looking for a love." its pretty country, and pretty sweet. - Wed, 10 Dec 2003 3:30pm
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hell, you can't leave Steve Earle out of this, although not "country", he sure straddles the fence of country/bluegrass/roots/blues. Anything he has done in the past decade is awesome. Ditto for Lucinda Williams and Emmylou Harris. - Wed, 10 Dec 2003 4:08pm
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Folk and country suck ass and you all know it. Time for a hardcore metal revolution!!!!!!!!!!! - Wed, 10 Dec 2003 4:26pm
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don't get me started on hardcore metal... - Wed, 10 Dec 2003 5:59pm
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I must respectfully disagree with Ticklefish about Earle; I saw him live in TO many years ago and he was the worst sort of Springsteen clone I've ever seen. But I agree with the poster about "country-rock"; I first got into country through bands like the early Poco (whom I now find kinda lame) and the Burritos (who I think are a bit over-rated) which helped me get started on the hard stuff, Cash, Haggard, Nelson etc. - Thu, 11 Dec 2003 9:42am
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poco sucks. although, did you know that they formed out of the ashes of buffalo springfield.

i'd stay away from any "country-rock" after around, like, 1975. especially the eagles *shudder*. - Thu, 11 Dec 2003 12:55pm
Adrenaline Animal
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Lets not forget about the supersuckers, one kick ass country band - Thu, 11 Dec 2003 4:30pm
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The Supersuckers are arguably even LESS country than Shania Twain. - Thu, 11 Dec 2003 10:05pm
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johnny cash was a badass..... he stays - Thu, 11 Dec 2003 10:33pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian
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"The Supersuckers are arguably even LESS country than Shania Twain."

Hafta disagree with you on that one. Seen them play 'country' live? You might be surprised... then again you might not be.... I'll give it up for David P. Smith though... you guys are doin' some damn fine shit there.... - Fri, 12 Dec 2003 12:35am
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Well I don't think that the Suckers will be playing the Opry anytime soon. - Fri, 12 Dec 2003 11:51am
Adrenaline Animal
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well they have backed up willie nelson numerous times - Sun, 14 Dec 2003 4:50pm
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downloading the Supersuckers right now.... - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 2:48pm
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i like it. Thanks guys. - Mon, 15 Dec 2003 2:59pm
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Zippy... Earle a Springsteen clone? Maybe once upon a time, but Springsteen has never walked the bluegrass line, the stuff Earle did with the Del McCoury Band is hot, and where Springsteen holds back and keeps things polite (relatively speaking), Earle is like a punk rock Boss, he pulls no punches - Thu, 18 Dec 2003 10:16am
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true, music borrows from many different styles to create it's own unique mixture

. - Sat, 20 Dec 2003 6:14pm
Your Pal Alky
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Don't get me wrong, some country songs are alrite and you have to admit, some country songs are quite those damn Britney and Avril songs! You hate the genre and/or artist, yet you still can't stop listening to the song!
Country music's a lot like a car's horrible to look at, yet you still can't look away! Personally, if I hear one more damn annoying Shania song, I'm gonna go insane!!!!!!!!! - Sat, 20 Dec 2003 11:03pm
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Shania is pop, not country. Just like Linkin Park is pop, not metal. - Sun, 21 Dec 2003 9:49am
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don't you ever fucking say that again. - Sun, 21 Dec 2003 3:42pm
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Ok, ok, Linkin Park is 'metal'. And Hot Hot Heat are 'punk'. - Mon, 22 Dec 2003 10:50am
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