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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Cops pepper spray homeless.. again. |
Korn Koiler User Info... | We all know what a threat homeless people are, especially while they protest. These ones were actually blocking traffic. That is pretty heinous if you ask me, I mean, blocking traffic and milling around on the street is a horrible act of anti-social behaviour. Victoria police sure like to pull out the old pepper spray on the homeless, knowing full well that their resources are limited. I think next time the police should use their batons and tasers. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 8:31am | ||
some girl... User Info... | Oh for heavens sakes--> you're bitching about pepper spray?!?!?! Oh, poor protesters got some pepper spray in their eyes: the cops are evil.... boo hooo hooo. Go to the Czech Republic or China if you want to see REAL protesting. Unless there's bullets in the air, we have nothing to complain about here in pampered little ol' Canada. I'd pepper spray the protestors too if I were the cops just b/c how lame they are when they protest. If you have an issue you want heard, bitching about it doesn't do anything. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:42am | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | You truly are an idiot. Come here, I have some bear spray. let me squirt your eyes with it. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:58am | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | Sounds close to a hot spicy homecooked meal to me. They should be thankful for the cajun handout.... - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 11:28am | ||
BlizzardBlaster User Info... | Hey korn koiler, why havn't you replyed to my emails? - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 12:34pm | ||
some girl... User Info... | I'm not deserving of pepper/bear spray since I'm not a fucking looser protester bitching about shit. Instead, I actually WORK. May be the homeless should put all their energy into finding WORK instead of bitching. If people really want to change Canada's poverty level (which is nothing to complain about in relation to the rest of the world), then they should have been part of the 400 attendees in the Conference Center-- speaking coherently and posing good solutions instead of blocking the fucking street and howling crappy slogans. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 12:42pm | ||
rounder User Info... | so as long as things in the rest of the world are worse than here we should just say "fuck it - its worse in china". the pepper spray made the news. how many people heard about the conference centre gathering? these people are just trying to be heard. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 1:19pm | ||
some girl was born stupid User Info... | "I'm not a fucking looser protester bitching about shit. Instead, I actually WORK." The argument that work=intelligence is totally bankrupt. I bet you "work" in an office or some other form of mindless time-wasting, which means that, unless your work truly demands some form of moral intelligence (which I highly probably work for an accountant), your argument hinges on the fact that since you have more money than someone who doesn't work, your voice is somehow more valid. This is certainly your argument, since you assume that a conference centre (or a university degree for that matter) validates someone's point. Speaking of a university degree...l-o-s-e-r, not looser. I can only assume your parents have a fair amount of money, and your brief affair with "counter-culture" is coming to a close and a liberal vote looms on your horizon. p.s.: fuck you. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 1:39pm | ||
El Rey User Info... | "I'm not deserving of pepper spray because I'm not some fucking looser protester bitching about shit." Man, that's gotta be the best defence of the individual's right to dissent and protest I've ever heard. Kinda makes me want to put on jackboots and goose-step down to the store to buy me a soda. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 1:41pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | who cares. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 1:43pm | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | Man the homeless have it bad enough as it is. Do we really need to keep them at bay? This reminds me, the other night I was watching some bullshit Canadian version of COPS. The highlight of the fucking show was some cops giving a homeless guy shit for trying to sleep in an alley. HE'S HOMELESS FOR CHRISTSAKES!!!!! Cops meeting there quotas I guess. Actually i'm really an idiot who knows nothing, I just think there are bigger fish to fry than the fucking homeless. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 1:51pm | ||
pc watchdog User Info... | when protestors disrupt the lives of those that have nothing to do with their issue and start trying to assault people (even though they might be police scum) the deserve to be pepper sprayed and arrested, homeless or not. and if these people cleaned up a little and tried, they could probably get a job and have a bit of money. yes, one needs an address to get a job. if they went to welfare with a list of confirmed interviews up coming and a neat appearance and an actual desire to make themselves employed, they would receive some help. i am all for protesting b.s. government policies but if it is done in a stupid way, they will be perceived as disorganized and stupid and they will not be acknowledged. whine away. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 1:59pm | ||
Kyle User Info... | "...Unless there's bullets in the air, we have nothing to complain about..." Are you for real? - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 2:15pm | ||
Brandon User Info... | Its hard to make yourself look presentable if the only facilities you have available are the washrooms at a place like mcdicks or subway. I wonder how many homeless people actually own a razor???? Are there resources available to them where its possible to spruce themselves up????? If there is please tell me because I havent heard of any. If anyone feels strongly enough about an issue to protest then they have the right to do so. It may not have any effect but it has the potential to get others informed of the issues that are causing the protest. More people means more power, and could lead to more results, disorganized or not. Disrupting the lives of people who have no connections to the issues, by means of protest, is a way to be heard and spread the message, regardless of how off kilter it may be. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 3:09pm | ||
pc watchdog User Info... | where there's a will there's a way. anyone who is determined enough to make their lives better will do so. churches and shelters have such facilities and i'm certain if someone asked, they would be supplied with hygiene utensils. i know the mustard seed will give out such things if they are requested. and disrupting people's lives in the midst of a protest may stir up awareness, but will rarely generate support. besides, protesting is no excuse for breaking traffic laws or causing distress for others who have no say in the issue at hand. how hard is it to keep it peaceful and on the sidewalk? laziness is no excuse and is usually (but not always. of course addiction and mental illness are major reasons as well, but these cases will rarely be seen at a protest as they have bigger fish to fry) the reason people are homeless. don't bother saying i am against the poor, because i support people who are motivated to better themsleves and i don't think our municiple and provincial governments do enough to help those who want to help themselves. what assistance there was became ruined by the lazy people who would rather protest than work (not that all unemployed people are lazy. probably half are though). continue your pc whining. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 3:46pm | ||
V User Info... | "If you have an issue you want heard, bitching about it doesn't do anything." Well then what would you suggest? "I'm not deserving of pepper/bear spray since I'm not a fucking looser protester bitching about shit." Some people think these are important issues, actually. "Instead, I actually WORK. May be the homeless should put all their energy into finding WORK instead of bitching." Congradulations. I work too, where do we pick up our medals? Working or not, i still get pissed when I have something to say and am generally ignored. Wouldn't you? For someone who claims to have such a low tolerance for bitching, you sure sound like a BITCH. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 3:56pm | ||
Dan Conner User Info... | They do have many facilities avaliable for things like that, jsut so ya know, I know like 5 people that work at such places. Although I don't agree with your veiw of them protesting, I must say you do have some good points about that and some other things. Dan Conner - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 4:18pm | ||
Gman User Info... | Yo PC Watchdog, You've already proven to be irrelevant. Gman - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 6:11pm | ||
josh User Info... | im pretty sure we don't live in china - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 6:14pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | And how is that Gman? PCW pretty much made valid points. There are places in Vic one can go to "clean up" if one chooses to do so. Hell when I 1st moved here some street folks had their own gear and used some of the proceeds of the days panning to hit the Y to clean up when needed because there wasn't anything else at that time. Some still do hit various pools (Y and Crystal come to mind near the downtown core) to clean up and get a lil swimming in as well. I mean I can understand those who've been forced out of mental health situations and onto the street, but some decided at a rather early age it was better to be on the street than living at home. Life's full of decisions, but to expect the rest of society to feel sorry for you due to a stupid decission and it's negative outcome is rather asinine at best. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 7:53pm | ||
Mac User Info... | This raises the question of who is homeless and why? I have deep sympathy for people who just can't function in society but have utter disdain for the (mainly) young men who litter the streets of downtown Victoria looking for a handout. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 8:46pm | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Oy, vey....... Word to Gman....... Oy, gevalt......... - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 8:55pm | ||
Zippgunn User Info... | I can't believe the bullshit that I read on this board sometimes. A bunch of you are actually joining the ranks of the "he looks weird and I'm frightened of him so maybe he should be thrown in jail" crowd that permeates this pathetic city. Hey, this just in, some people don't look like they work for IBM, that doesn't mean that they should be pepper sprayed. Oh, and by the way, a bunch of the people fucked over by the pigs were actually on the sidewalk, not the road. And on our own CH news the pigs were showing the "weapons" that the homeless were "planning" to use; things like rocks, spray paint tins and the dreaded screwdriver and other things that are perfectly legal to posses... provided you are a homeowning taxpayer. The fact that all of these "weapons" were in people's backpacks and such only proves their nefarious intentions; never mind that a lot of these people carry ALL OF THEIR POSSESIONS WITH THEM AT ALL TIMES and that if the pigs were to crash into your home and confiscate every screwdriver or whatever they consider to be a weapon you would be just a little pissed off, now wouldn't you. Where is Ernst Rohm when you need him? Fuck the pigs and fuck whatsisname Jawl who kept refering to the delegates of the conference who were busy discussing what they should do with "their" city (he repeated this with heavy emphasis several times). Hey, it's my city too, motherfucker! I've lived here 44 years, hows about you, asshole. - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:33pm | ||
pc watchdog User Info... | yes, gman's great pc outlook on the whole subject is that i'm irrelevent. i suppose i am irrelevent bacuae i thrashed his weak arguement in a previous thread. way to contribute an intelligent thought to the discussion. and knifeghost swings with conviction from gman's nutsack. you two have your heads too far up your ass to even attempt to think from an unbiased point of view. there is such a thing as not having to take sides, and just being non-partisan. the protestors are going about things the wrong way are are mostly lazy complainers. the government are silver spoon-fed morons, the police are hired goons who rarely follow procedure and gman and knifeghost are bleedingheart yes men to the pc cause. consumate whiners. - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 3:39am | ||
jackass User Info... | Isn't it some girl who works as a receptionist for her daddy? Really going places... - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 3:54am | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | Why can't they just sell drugs ( mainly pot) on the streets like we all used too ? I had money to eat and sleep somewhere .... well with the supplementary B and Eing . - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 6:07am | ||
Broccoli User Info... | fuk that reminds me, I can't walk a block in the "core" anymore without every other humanoid making a proposition... "up?"- Fuck off "look'n?" NO, living. Fuck off "10 fer head" GROSS, you scare me. whathefuk can you even get for 10? 2 doobies? you'd have to turn 4 tricks for a hit, and that'd only keep the shakes down long enough to do 4 more. WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 9:01am | ||
Spidergoat User Info... | When I read some girls remarks I thaught she was saying work for something not just against something. Either way I think that if you are going to protest something you need to have the proactive side covered. There are things you can do to a cop that will get you pepper spray, that is for sure. - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 9:28am | ||
some girl... User Info... | ha ha ha!!! Now this is the Live Victoria that I remember!!! The LiveVic that's totally sensitive and can't handle a person kicking shit up. Yeeeash, lighten up people: I'm just getting a rile out of you! (and I've succeeded!) - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 12:31pm | ||
some girl... User Info... | oh, btw jackass, I'm also going to school (not just working for daddy). And no, my parents don't pay my rent or tuition. So, yes, I AM "going some where." Spidergoat-- I _was_ saying that people should work for something, not just against it. My first comments were originally just to rile people up (in response to RSBF's thread about how dead LiveVic is) but there is some truth in what I stated. Although my heart bleeds for those that are on the street, b/c of being kicked out of mental hospitals or due to family abuse, I can't stand people looking for a hand out or not activly doing something to better their life. There ARE many facitilities people can go to--> what I think is important is making sure that _these facilities_ get money/are safeguarded against government cuts. I agree that our gov't is cutting back quite drastically in welfare, but I also think that the manner the protestors conducted themselves was rather childish and ineffective. I don't believe that any media coverage is good coverage. Instead of hearing about protestors acting up and yet again, blocking traffic and such, I think it'd be more valuble to hear what went on in the conference and what we,individually, can do in response. In another words, I think knowledge is power, not protesting. I think violent protesting only belittles a cause. Also, hearing about people getting pepper sprayed doesn't have a lasting impact on the readers and also rarely gets reported in other cities. A *successful* (well organized/peaceful/etc) protest DOES have a lasting impact. In this case, instead of protesting in a chaotic manner the protesters could have found out how they could have aided the conference attendees supporting their welfare cause. I'm not against protesting though, I think it should be well organized and not used as the only/sole course of action. For example, I totally supported the WTO protesters. It was organized and peaceful (until a few bad seeds started throwing bricks into a starbucks of course). People were actively writing into newspapers and the government. People gave coherent speeches.... Even CNN talked about the protest (not that CNN is a good news channel). That's what I like to see, not just people standing on the street yelling and then complaining about victims of pepper spray. And if I were a cop I would be edgy/tense when dealing with a crowd of protesters-- regardless of what they were protesting. I say this because being greatly out numbered would fuck with my head. - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 12:38pm | ||
V User Info... | thats better - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 2:02pm | ||
Gman User Info... | You know, I agree that it is sometimes not important to pay attention to things like spelling, grammar, and logic, but if you're trying to portray yourself as an intelligent person capable of arguing a valid point of view, you're bound to lose a few points if you cannot spell, cannot correctly conjugate verbs or abbreviate, cannot construct complete sentences, and cannot complete a logical argument where a=b and b=c therefore a=c. PC dude, here's a little non-PC saying for you: Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded. If you consider yourself to have 'won' our previous 'argument', congrats to you. Gman - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 2:15pm | ||
pc watchdog User Info... | aah yes, gman resorts to the grammar and spelling card because that is what people who are wrong do when they are called out. they are called typos and i have seen them plenty in your posts, so you maybe should have kept that trick up your sleeve. you are half the argument in this "battle", therefore you are just as much of a "special olympian" as i. i wonder if all the other pc whiners will get on your case for using mentally and physically handicapped people as a comparison for "retards" who argue on the internet. and seeing as i did get in the last word on the last thread, yes i did win. it seems the king of pc, shaggy even sees my points in this thread as valid, so i make sense after all, even to the holier-than-thou crowd! whoooopeeeee! you have yet to prove me wrong on any of my points, ever. keep up the good work! - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 2:34pm | ||
pc watchdog watchdog User Info... | PC watchdog=Rush Limbaugh. Or, in other words: a blustering fool whose grossly distorted self-opinion and embarrassingly poor reasoning ability prevent any form of real debate. My guess is that 'pc watchdog' (what the fuck is up with that stupid name?) snorts a line before each post. Typos are obvious spelling errors resulting from keyboard inexperience...pc watchdog can neither construct a sound point beyond cliched platitudes nor compose a legible sentence. Please stop doing coke and shouting at people. p.s.: Rush Limbaugh! - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 2:46pm | ||
pc watchdog User Info... | [email protected] yes, says it all about you. and clawtron? that is even lamer than my name. star trek and transformers aol addresses were all taken? maybe you'll share your coke with me as i seem to be fresh out, which is why there are no typos in this post. and i'm hardly right-wing or republican in any way. i am, however as foolish and idiotic as everyone else who ever posted on a message board. one claim i can make is that i am not a hypocrite like gman and his ilk. at least you don't seem like you are a pc small dink, so i'll give you respect for that. however you don't seem to be able to comprehend basic english, so you lose points. the main point here is that homeless people without addictions and/or mental illness are rejects and deserve no sympathy. - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 3:18pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Sorry, but even the homeless w/addictions are a waste. Anything that isn't a genetic/psychological based reason for being on the street is a personal choice. Don't like the choices you made? Yer problem... Not societies... Kick the junk, clean the fuck up and do something with your life... I have 0 pity for junkies or any other waste of DNA that whines over how much life sucks cause they made the wrong decissions. - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 6:41pm | ||
Trailer Park Boy Julian User Info... | Yes... it's pretty easy to bash the "losers" in society. God knows I do it all the time. Doesn't really make it right though. I think it's pretty fuckin' ironic AND pathetic that on the same week a federal comission publishes a report slamming both the Federal goverment and the police's handling of the protests during the WTO conference in Quebec, and subsequent role they played in the riot's, there appears to be use of excessive force by Victoria's own police on a group of anti-poverty protesters. People this is not right. I read some of the federal reports accounts (of the Quebec WTO riots), and god damn, we have some straight up thugs... working on our police forces (so much for "to serve and protect"). Some of the things the cops did in Quebec were totally uncalled for and downright sadistic. Same deal with the APEC protests / riots in Vancouver in 1997. The police and feds got slammed for that too. This is not right. That simillar tatics may have been used by Victoria's police force is disgusting. That sheeple seem to think it's ok is frightening. Now, I'm no commie pinko PC whatever; I just think that there has been a serious escalation in the brute force used by the police in Canada in the last ten years (when it comes to protests) and I can't help but think that part of the reason for this is all the sheeple who think it's not only ok to beat protesters, but that in many cases the protesters deserve it. What's next, randomn searches? Arrests without charges? There are approximately 25,000 to 27,000 welfare recipients in BC who are going to be getting cut off come April. That is a scary thought. This is happening; that some body is actually do something about (ie. protesting) is probably a good thing. I can pretty much guarantee that there aren't 25,000 + job vacancies waiting for them. The net result will probably more homeless skids (see I bash the poor too!), an increase in petty crime, and a further decline in the quality of life for the average shmoo (ie. me and you) in the province. I think that scenario is worth motivating some people to take some sort of action... even, god forbid, incoveniencing some motorists in Victoria! - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 9:00pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | Everything works on a complaint basis... Someone rich complains and the police do something about it. Therefore, if the homeless cause shit, the police go into copy mode. Just ask me, I was assaulted 5 months ago and the police have better things to do. Stupid fuckers, and I hope I get arrested over these comments. Where's the justice, I ask? - Wed, 19 Nov 2003 11:50pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | who cares i said. - Thu, 20 Nov 2003 12:05am | ||
Jenny Craig User Info... | Heard ya the first time, potato head. - Thu, 20 Nov 2003 4:42am | ||
Broccoli User Info... | Need more... Natural... selection - Thu, 20 Nov 2003 12:02pm | ||
Dan Conner User Info... | Who likes cheese? - Thu, 20 Nov 2003 3:08pm | ||
Gman User Info... | Here y'all go: Have fun, Gman - Fri, 21 Nov 2003 9:38am | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | I know more than a few workable indaviduals who are on welfare sitting on their asses, that pisses me off 10x more than any homeless guy protesting something. - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 11:00am | ||
Dan Conner User Info... | oi, MTWG, oi. - Sat, 22 Nov 2003 11:04am | ||
Trailer Park Boy Julian User Info... | "I know more than a few workable indaviduals who are on welfare sitting on their asses, that pisses me off 10x more than any homeless guy protesting something." Yeah deadbeats (ie. people without disabilites or children) like that piss me off too; mainly because they abuse "the system" and therefore, essentially ruin it for people who legitimately need it (like the homeless guy with mental health issues etc). To tell the truth, if I EVER had to collect welfare, I'd be damned embarrassed.... Don't these layabout's have any pride? ;-) However, I don't think welfare recipients (or any other "poor" people for that matter) deserve to be targeted and blamed for all our societies problems - which is what I think the Liberals are indirectly doing. Sure some young "employable" single guy is collecting $500 odd bucks a month for doing nothin' (other than probably complaining about how shitty their life is - ironically enough!) but they're certainly not the only reason BC's having hard times. Things are more complicated than that.... - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 8:43pm | ||
eboner User Info... | i feel for the actual homeless ppl that are actually homeless..not the lame cheap asses that dirty themselves up for some change. come on people. - Sun, 23 Nov 2003 8:49pm | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Is that any worse than working for the man? - Mon, 24 Nov 2003 9:06pm | ||
el fuckface-o User Info... | round up the homeless and knifeghost and put them all in a trash compactor and squeeze the life out of them because they are either lazy bum junkie retard schizos or they are sympathetic hippies. remember that most of sympathetic is made up of pathetic. worthless pieces of shit and so is anyone who supports them. get a job or die. - Tue, 25 Nov 2003 2:51pm | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | Id like to know who would snort a line of cocaine and then go sit at a computer and not only read all this crap, but actually reply to it? Thats pretty damn pathetic. Snort the railer then slam some beers with your pals and go mack out on some cheap 20 sumthin tight pant rave sluts. I mean cmon, who snorts cocaine and then visits a message board online?? - Tue, 25 Nov 2003 6:52pm | ||
Rollerballs User Info... | Damn those lazy welfare bums!!! I bet the government spends more on them than they spend on corporate welfare. Hmmmmm..... wait a minute, i'm a total idiot. When a protest stops traffic and disrupts the daily routine, who is really losing out? Workers or their bosses? Are we so caught up in this synthetic lifestyle that we can't even stand to see others try and change it? - Fri, 28 Nov 2003 3:28pm | ||
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