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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > WTF is going on? |
Bounce User Info... | It's not enough to just stab someone anymore; you gotta cut their head off? - Fri, 23 Jan 2009 12:46pm | ||
LilyVon User Info... | Jesus Christ, what is with that school and death? Seems like decapitation is the new stabbing. Absolutely sickening. - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 8:46am | ||
sumyungai User Info... | Makes sense. Guys like getting head... - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 9:05am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | There isn't a day that goes by that I don't want to lop someones head off. - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 2:15pm | ||
Jl User Info... | "Makes sense. Guys like getting head..." i did laugh, but that is such a bad joke lolol - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 2:23pm | ||
sumyungai User Info... | Yeah... well it was early... I don't know where my head was at... - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 4:44pm | ||
Chopper User Info... | As Jane's Addiction said "Nothing's shocking". As long as it keeps happening stateside I could really care less tbh. Not to mention beheadings are standard practise in more than a few countries in the world. - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 5:11pm | ||
sumyungai User Info... | Don't forget it happened on a bus in Manitoba. I guess that's still in Canada. Don't lose your head over it though. Maybe we can put our heads together and come up with a solution? - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 5:15pm Edited: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 5:17pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | Yes he really put his head into that one. - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 7:30pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | I suppose he'll be headed to prison. - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 9:00pm | ||
sumyungai User Info... | He always was a bit of a head case. - Sat, 24 Jan 2009 11:38pm | ||
Bounce User Info... | geez you guys have really put your heads into this ...I've been laughing my head off... Yes I guess it's sick to make jokes outa someones tragedy but like chopper said I guess nothing really is shocking anymore. Although the Manitoba bus thing was quite jaw dropping I still can't quite wrap my head around that one. Thanks for the laugh guys:) - Sun, 25 Jan 2009 2:44am | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | I guess that's the last time he will be getting any head from her. - Sun, 25 Jan 2009 7:17am | ||
Chopper User Info... | 'Although the Manitoba bus thing was quite jaw dropping I still can't quite wrap my head around that one.' Mental illness can cause people to do a lot of things they normally wouldn't. Guess I'm just old and jaded, cause even that didn't really shock me. - Sun, 25 Jan 2009 9:56am | ||
grimlord User Info... | Is he the school's headmaster? They must have had headcheese on the menu that day. She had the body he had the brains He really got a head in life Two blokes were talking in a pub, and the first one says "On my way home from the pub last night I took a short cut over the railway track, and there was this woman there with her tits out. Well, we just started making love there and then. It was fantastic. I picked her up in my arms and took her back to my flat, and we had sex all night long. It was terrific, the best sex I've had in ages." "Wow, you lucky bastard," said his mate, "What did she look like?" "Don't know" he replied, "I couldn't find her head." - Sun, 25 Jan 2009 10:26pm Edited: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 10:33pm | ||
grimlord User Info... | Okay all joking aside and no disrespect to Asians my question is this,why are they all Asians beheading people and shouting people at that school? - Sun, 25 Jan 2009 10:39pm | ||
Chopper User Info... | Racist much there g-spot? - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 12:06am | ||
grimlord User Info... | Are we not supposed to call'em Asians anymore? oh's Oriental that is bad .It's so hard to keep up with correct social wordage .All cases stated have had a similar tone just a thought,look into it how you will as most do,you find hate in what people say.Are you so filled with it you twist what is said to make it seem you are the righteous one and whom ever is on the other end is the bad guy? Good for you. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 2:30am Edited: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 2:48am | ||
Jl User Info... | watch out, your liable for a drive-by 'shouting'... and all joking aside; why do white people only see the color of the skin in a crime like this? - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 9:46am | ||
Sati User Info... | oh c'mon Chopper, you didn't actually assume he was racist cuz he brought that up. At what point is it ok to mention those similarities out loud? To me one indication that someone ISN'T (racist, or whatever else), is that they'll speak freely, trusting that its ok to ponder out loud or state facts without being labeled something ugly. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 10:46am Edited: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 10:47am | ||
Chopper User Info... | Well that's one of the joys of text comm. Perception is different for everyone. But to me asking why all asians beheading people and shouting people at that school, just seemed a little racist is all. It can be read as a blanket statement very easily, which does condemn a single race for the acts of a few. Almost every culture has used, or still uses, beheading as a form of punishment. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 11:49am | ||
LilyVon User Info... | Don't forget about the guillotine used in Europe through the middle ages. Beheading has been used throughout the world. I guess the difference is in the West it isn't used as a form of punishment anymore, so it's seen as barbaric and disturbing. I do get the pondering part of grimlords statement. The last incident at Virgina Tech, was done by an Asian student, wasn't it? So after reading the article I thought to myself, yikes, that's two incidents not far apart done by Asian students. I certainly didn't think anything further than that. I wouldn't throw out a blanket statement about Asians because of it. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 12:19pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Has every incident involved an Asian perp? I'm curious to know. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 1:35pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Not so much "barbaric and disturbing", as over the top, not really necessary. Maybe they are just super pissed because everyone thinks they have smallish wieners. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 2:38pm | ||
grimlord User Info... | The thought of a north Korean terror cell came to mind.And whether or not there was such a thing?There seemed to be more going on there then just a guy cutting the head off of some female student.So my mind went off like it does.Sorry if it sounded raciest. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 3:17pm | ||
Corporal Jigsore Quandary User Info... | Some Asian chick stabbed someone on the bus in Victoria a couple months back, some east Indian dude shot someone is surrey a couple of months ago, some white guy killed some guy in Victoria last year. I don’t think Grimlords comment was racist, I guess I was thinking the same thing, same school, same race, is it just coincidence or is the same thing as always Asian students are under huge amounts of pressure from their families and under a lot of stress. Stress can cause people to break down mentally and snap. Doesn’t mean a white guy/girl won’t do the same and I don’t think it’s racial profiling to say what I said, I know for a fact that a lot (not all) Asian families put a lot of pressure on their kids to succeed and surpass other students. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 3:36pm | ||
Jl User Info... | "I know for a fact that a lot (not all) Asian families put a lot of pressure on their kids to succeed and surpass other students" whats your point? Caucasian families(despite what some may think) put alot of pressure on their kids too. That should have no bearing on the matter. Whats wrong is that, despite the HORRIFIC events in question, people can only wonder why its a certain race that keeps getting the 'spotlight'... THAT's what's wrong with the picture. Who the fuck cares if their asian, white, black, hispanic, jewish, german, american, canadian. Look past the color of their skin... a criminal has no race, no gender; "it" can be ANYONE. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 4:06pm | ||
KRIEG User Info... | As if I don't have enough to worry about with the blacks, now I have to watch out for the Asians too? - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 4:23pm | ||
Sati User Info... | I really don't think anyone needs to be berrated for thinking those things. Its kind of a glaring coincidence since those incidences have been in the spotlight. Honestly, you live vic'ers are always on the look out for "racists", lemme know when you ketch a real live one! Til then someone check grimlord's ass for the swastika tatties. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 4:30pm | ||
Menace to Sobriety User Info... | I’m racist to an extent I’ll admit it, I think Asian drivers are bad, I get mad if I go into the store and the person can’t speak English, I get VERY angry that black people think that white people owe them something and they can call us cracker and honky all they want but god forbid we use the N word, they can make movies where they pretend to be white and no one complains, if it was the other way around their will be riots…I’m a racist yep. I don’t think Canada should be as accepting as they are and we take to many immigrants in and it annoys me. I HATE VANCOUVER for all of the above reasons! I don’t feel particularly good about the fact that there are certain places that I can’t go into in Vancouver for fear of being jumped by a gang of Asians or east Indians trying to prove their power in my country I’m a racist fucking rights. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 4:35pm Edited: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 4:39pm | ||
Corporal Jigsore Quandary User Info... | Shit dude, your going to get ripped to pieces over that one! lol, but I hate to admit I agree to more than one of those things you said, I’m not telling which ones ;) - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 4:54pm | ||
grimlord User Info... | No swastikas here bub! And a white guy did play a black dude.was there any riots? I'll have to look into it. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 6:09pm Edited: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 6:11pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | This is like how the script for Falling Down probably got started. - Mon, 26 Jan 2009 6:13pm | ||
Jl User Info... | menace, what is your point? I dont really care about how you feel or if you are racist. I share alot of those sentiments with you. But, when it comes to being a criminal/committing a crime; people should look past the color of their(criminal) skin. Fucking half-wits. - Tue, 27 Jan 2009 12:26pm | ||
IcePrincess666 User Info... | JI, you seem like a nice guy, you seem to want to end racism and that’s cool. I just think that it’s human nature to observe race. For example If I had a crime committed against me, I’m not going to sit there and say oh, he had very defined cheek bones, smaller eyes, olive skin and straight black hair, no I’m going to say he was ASIAN if that’s the case, cut to the chase and narrow it down to race right? A criminal is a criminal regardless of race yes, but race plays a factor no matter what. It is always going to be that way, Barrack Obama, he’s a new president, but everyone’s referring to him as the first black president, is that ok in you r world? Why does everyone refer to him as black and not just the president, cause race does matter as small and insignificant it may be as it is just skin, it will always play a factor. I get that your sensitive to this but insulting people really is not any different. I agree with some of the things Menace says as well, the Asian driver thing not so much, I observe most Victoria drivers to be pretty ignorant and impatient regardless of race, however I do agree our immigration laws and restrictions are a little too accepting, although I love the diversity of Canada when does it stop? The gang thing bothers me but again, you could get jumped by a bunch of punks in Esquimalt too! Now the Robert Downy JR. thing, I don’t think there were riots but I have seen some pretty angry blogs about that one! - Wed, 28 Jan 2009 10:38am Edited: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 10:58am | ||
JDL User Info... | you seem to miss my point... what Im getting at is the comments made towards "asians" being cornered in the tragic events that happened. So what if he/she was asian? Does it make a difference? No. So why ask: "Okay all joking aside and no disrespect to Asians my question is this,why are they all Asians beheading people and shouting people at that school?" It would be like me asking why white people always get into fights at the bar? Or why arab people are the only race imaged to us as "terrorist"? When CLEARLY there are/is more to the story than just RACE/color of their skin. I dont care what terms people use to describe a criminal(how else would you describe a person with dark/light hair, stands about 5'10"-6'2", medium/light/athletic/heavy build, mild/dark/light complexion in his/her skin, has thick/thin eyebrows.. but i guess the easy way out is: he/she is black, asian, east indian... anything but a white person). Im not fighting a racism parade nor do I condone racism(being half asian myself)*(to be fair, I do make jokes about the typical stereotype that has been developed through observations) BUT what I do get annoyed with are idiots who think like the above statement that was asked... "why are ALL asians..."? Am I liable now to cut your head off if you piss me off? no, but Im asian. Am I liable to SHOOT you? no, but not because Im asian. Pressures(social, acedemic) can be applied by ANY race, and ANYONE can crack. 2 cases of asian people absolutely losing it and now these half-wits stereotype it as ALL asians(how could YOU not have a problem with that?) - Wed, 28 Jan 2009 12:06pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | You guys are writing novels again. "Asian", is a very broad term. - Wed, 28 Jan 2009 3:26pm | ||
JDL User Info... | your right trev., asian is a broad term. But my point is that you cant just say "why are ALL asians SHOOTING and killing people"; because its just not that way. Its like saying all canadians support terrorists/ism. Do we? No... but there might be 1 person out there who would sympathize with terror-ists/ism; should that ruin our reputation as Canadians? No it shouldn't. So why should these crimes(committed by these 2 asians out of the billion population) ruin the reputation of "ALL" asians? - Wed, 28 Jan 2009 3:54pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Ruin? I thought it made them look more bad ass. - Wed, 28 Jan 2009 3:58pm | ||
JDL User Info... | lol... badass... ok fair enuff. - Wed, 28 Jan 2009 4:16pm | ||
Sati User Info... | JDL, I think he probably just fired off a quick post and maybe didn't take the time to think it through or word it right. There were 3 crimes that were brought up here and they all happened to be carried out by Asians. Just a little coincidink, no big deal, but he just voiced what a lot of people thought twice about saying out loud. Gave us the opp to think about why. Every group, ethic or otherwise, goes through this at one time or another. I don't think Live vic's targeting Asians! - Wed, 28 Jan 2009 4:29pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | How about those Asian gangs? Murderous bunch, eh? - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 2:55am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Nah, they're not that bad. It's the H.A, s you gotta watch out for. - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 3:21am | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Some how I think if I were to have dark dealings I would rather deal with the HA. Maybe I'm not in the know, but I get the feeling there is more rational thought processes and better quality merchandise through that avenue. But what would I know? I don't even drink coffee for fear of becoming addicted to caffeine. - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 4:29am | ||
Bounce User Info... | Why is urine yellow and sperm white? A: So men can tell if they are coming or going. - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:23am Edited: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:27am | ||
Jl User Info... | "How about those Asian gangs? Murderous bunch, eh? " if you're trying to poke fun at me, you would have to have included ALL asians and not just gangs. But nice try. "Every group, ethic or otherwise, goes through this at one time or another. I don't think Live vic's targeting Asians!" So, does it make it ok? No. Because you can hide behind a computer it makes it OK to make assumptions? And how was "EVERYONE" else thinking what Grim. said? Furthermore, if they were "thinking what grim. said"; it just furthers my point about people being ignorant. Just because he had the "balls" to say it on the internet, doesn't mean anything. Open your eyes and stop defending people that shouldn't be. - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:47am | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Not poking fun. Just stating something that is true. - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 1:45pm | ||
JDL User Info... | touche... touche. you would probably rather deal with the asians than the H.A. cuz when you tell the H.A to "fuck off", they unfortunately understand the full meaning ;) - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 3:20pm Edited: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 3:21pm | ||
Bounce User Info... | Insert racist joke… Come on lets turn this thread into a funny racism thread!.. I'll start... Hey, everybody. Remember when whites used to call blacks coloreds? Whites are really colored, because they’re red when embarrassed, Green when sick, purple when choking, and blue when dead. lol.... - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 3:41pm | ||
Bounce User Info... | What do you call the K.K.K. getting held up by a robber? Cracker Jack. - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 3:42pm | ||
grimlord User Info... | I said why are they all Asians beheading people and shouting people AT THAT SCHOOL?Not all asians just the fucking crazy ass wackeduot ones.Was just thinking it was weird. - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 5:40pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Ahh, but if you cross the Asians, they will likely kill your family whereas the HA will probably just kill you. - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 6:01pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | shouldn't "cross" anybody, regardless of affiliation. For Bounce: I'm not racist. I have a coloured t.v. - Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:45pm | ||
Bounce User Info... | what do you call a white person? a cracker what do you call a fat white person? a cracker with cheese What do you call a white person? A cracker what do you call a thin white person? A wheat thin What do you call a white person? A cracker what do you call a white person with a spray on tan A cheez-it - Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:12am | ||
tito santana User Info... | did you just make those up? you did, didn't you. - Fri, 30 Jan 2009 8:30pm | ||
Bounce User Info... | no just trying to lighten up the day with some bad jokes LOL ... I got those off a I Hate Whitey website there's not a lot of good jokes about white people though .... - Fri, 30 Jan 2009 10:11pm | ||
tito santana User Info... | definately agreed. - Sat, 31 Jan 2009 10:26am | ||
Andrew User Info... | wow this is a really stupid thread....i bet you all feel like superheros but if i was the asian or black i would be sick and tired of do-gooder white guys jumping on every single minute chance to patronize me. san you say, perpetuate? - Sat, 31 Jan 2009 11:39am Edited: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 11:43am | ||
Jl User Info... | umm andrew... i am asian. And I AM sick of being subject to immediate judgement about being asian, so before you think that some are tired of the "do-gooders"; think about what its like when someone judges you on the color of your skin. So sue me. - Sat, 31 Jan 2009 12:25pm | ||
Post Poc User Info... | Canada too accepting? sigh. i am sure that no one would be bothered if Canada kept to its original immigration stipulations which favored european applications almost exclusively. thats the gist i get from the above posts (for the most part). why is immigration so high? because all of you well educated, wage winners arent having babies. canadas fertility rate within the existing population spells doom for the country you would like to shut the doors to. successful replacement rate is 2.1 and we have somewhere between 1.2 and 1.6. so either: a) get off the interwebz and do your part you selfish fucks or b) look a little deeper into why bad things happen (there are reasons) and maybe think about ways to better a "free and accepting" society that still favors population segregation, and systematic social discrimination based on sex, ethnic and religious backgrounds. - Sat, 31 Jan 2009 1:00pm | ||
Andrew User Info... | I guess i'm just so far past the whole race crap that I think everyone else is too. Sorry man. Didn't mean to be insensitive. I just think that getting upset about this shit and making a big deal just gives the assholes (and the words) more power... And just because i'm white doesn't mean i dont get judged. Everyone gets judged... - Sat, 31 Jan 2009 6:32pm | ||
grimlord User Info... | Anger is a form of hate so if you get angry, you hate in some way If you are offended bye something,you fear it can hurt you or someone els. To stop anger we must open our fists. And our harts WE are all we have on this planet. - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 12:46am | ||
Chopper User Info... | 'Anger is a form of hate' Actually it's a form of sadness. - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 1:09am | ||
JDL User Info... | "I just think that getting upset about this shit and making a big deal just gives the assholes (and the words) more power..." yeah but not aknowledging it isn't gunna make it go away either(like sweeping a mess under the carpet). "And just because i'm white doesn't mean i dont get judged. Everyone gets judged" you know, your exactly right. But when you get judged; is it because your black, yellow, brown? or is it because you wear different clothes than others or listen to different music? There's a distinct difference between being judged by the color of your skin than being judged for who you are as a person. - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 2:57pm | ||
Corporal Jigsore Quandary User Info... | "you know, your exactly right. But when you get judged; is it because your black, yellow, brown? or is it because you wear different clothes than others or listen to different music? There's a distinct difference between being judged by the color of your skin than being judged for who you are as a person" I hope your not trying to say that Caucasian people don't get judged by color of skin. You wouldn't be saying that because not only is that a racist comment in itself but also false! - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 3:17pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Generally, people of all races, colors and creeds have racist tendencies. There is just as much racism towards white people as towards any other people. This doesn't make any of it right of course. But it does happen. - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 4:40pm | ||
Jl User Info... | did i write/say that specifically WHITE people DONT GET JUDGED FOR THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN? no. I was spefically speaking to andrew, and not you. I was asking whether he felt judged on the color of his skin; or him as a person. I did not write anythign about being caucasian or any other race SPECIFICALLY. So, please read carefully and dont try to put words in my mouth. nice try. "There is just as much racism towards white people as towards any other people." ok, so where are there groups in other cultures like the "KKK"? Or, any other arien(sp??) nation support? Why is it so prevelant in "white" culture if it happens everywhere, like you say? - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 5:11pm Edited: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 5:14pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | What exactly are we judging? - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 5:36pm | ||
Sati User Info... | Hey Jl - but you put words in Grimlord's mouth. You misquoted him, more than once it looked like. That wasn't cool. Nice try. As for the rest of that... are you kidding me? Have you ever travelled internationally? What travelling taught me is that people of all types can be prejudiced.. towards all types! I used to think it was pretty funny. And I'm with Andrew. You're going to have a tough time if you keep assuming that everyone is judging you because of the color of your skin. Did you ever think that maybe people just don't like you for... other reasons? - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 5:39pm Edited: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 5:41pm | ||
Sati User Info... | sorry man, I thought about it, and I didn't mean that to come off like an insult or personal attack, like it may have sounded. You don't strike me as a bad guy or anything. - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 8:38pm | ||
grimlord User Info... | Rwandan Genocide From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Rwandan Genocide was the 1994 mass killing of hundreds of thousands of Rwanda's Tutsis by Hutu militia. Over the course of approximately 100 days, from the assassination of Juvénal Habyarimana on 6 April up until mid July, at least 500,000 people were killed. Most estimates indicate a death toll between 800,000 and 1,000,000. Here is a link if you would care to read more. This is some of the worlds worst crimes against fellow man and is hard to read without getting upset. So tell me there isn't other cultures beside collocation that hate know? The sad part is you can always find something or someone to hate. - Thu, 5 Feb 2009 9:13pm | ||
Jl User Info... | "You're going to have a tough time if you keep assuming that everyone is judging you because of the color of your skin. " in my second last post; i referred to the difference between judging people by the color of their skin rather than them being judged for their person. THAT's what I've been trying to get at the whole fucking time; but with people picking apart EVERY FUCKING word that's typed, its hard not to get mad at that. And btw, it was grim that had asked "Okay all joking aside and no disrespect to Asians my question is this,why are they all Asians beheading people and shouting people at that school? - Sun, 25 Jan 10:39pm" - or have you forgotten that too? and for the record, im not here to make friends. - Fri, 6 Feb 2009 9:50am Edited: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 9:51am | ||
Chopper User Info... | 'ok, so where are there groups in other cultures like the "KKK"? Or, any other arien(sp??) nation support? Why is it so prevelant in "white" culture if it happens everywhere, like you say?' Nation of Aztlán, Libre Opinion, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam and many more. - Fri, 6 Feb 2009 10:04am | ||
Jl User Info... | ok, i get it.... white people are discriminated against; but you think as prevelant as other races? Black Panthers were created AFTER slavery(which in turn was WIDELY accepted in white culture); and also stemming into the jewish community, do you think ANY influence from white(peoples) aided in the "violent" opinions from these groups towards white people? I just get aggitated when I hear people seeing a single person being judged for their race instead of what/who they are. Ie, when Grim asked about asians and shooting people. Why couldn't the question be re-structured into "why are people being shot and stabbed on university campus's around the states and canada?". But alas, we cant be perfect, and nor is anyone here. But remember that being judged for the color of your skin is different from being judged on character and personality. THAT's all I wanted to stress before you wikipedia whores have no life but to search out, in your eyes, is the "right answer". arguement over; otherwise it'll be a circular arguement about who's right and who's wrong... when at the end of the day, racism IS wrong; no mater what form or who's involved. - Fri, 6 Feb 2009 1:10pm | ||
Post Poc User Info... | come on now. no knocking the wiki. perhaps some of these facts had no home in the head of the poster previous to an agitating thread or troll motivating them to move on over to wiki so that they may present their "A" material and maintain a worldly and sage presence, but at least they learned something. education is a good thing no matter what drives it. although i suppose this might be dangerous as well. isolated fact does not give us the background to be insightful, just a little more self justified in our opinion (no matter the correctness). and yeah i wish people could move past the race thing. its archaic. biology and common sense tell us that. - Sat, 7 Feb 2009 11:08am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | - Sat, 7 Feb 2009 1:59pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | I didn't realize the discussion was about violent racist groups (although Chopper certainly has shown the other side as only he can). I thought it was about average joe having racist attitudes. Many people of different cultures from mine tell me that many of their family and friends are some of the most racist people they know...more so than any whities they know. Their racism is towards white people. There is no doubt that many white people are racist jackasses. This does not exclude every other culture. Don't give the impression that racism is strictly a Caucasian pastime. After all, you can't spell Caucasian without Asian. We all come from the same molecules. That is all I am saying. - Sun, 8 Feb 2009 4:34pm | ||
Andrew User Info... | " you know, your exactly right. But when you get judged; is it because your black, yellow, brown? or is it because you wear different clothes than others or listen to different music? There's a distinct difference between being judged by the color of your skin than being judged for who you are as a person. " I went to school right by the reserve and got beat up on numerous occasions. Think I felt safe walking to and from every day? Nope. I honestly believe that while yes racism is still around, it isn't to the extent that it needs to be fought. My mother always taught me to jsut be the bigger person and ignore the ignorant. Clowns who are stuck in the 1940s are just that, clowns, goofs. Why the fuck would I want to give them the recognition?...The downside about living in a free country is exactly this....It works both ways. - Sun, 8 Feb 2009 11:19pm Edited: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 11:28pm | ||
grimlord User Info... | Why couldn't the question be re-structured into "why are people being shot and stabbed on university campus's around the states and Canada?" Because I wasn't talking about Canada I was talking about that particular school and the cumin thread would have been missed. BTW JI you seems a little racist to some as well. - Mon, 9 Feb 2009 12:16pm Edited: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 12:18pm | ||
Jl User Info... | then why didn't you ask why people are being shot and killed at university campus' in the united states? Or, why is student pressure driving them to violence? Its not my fault that you cant seem to see the difference in questions. Maybe a "grade 10" isn't all you need to succeed. "BTW JI you seems a little racist to some as well" and you seemed a "little racist" as well with that question that you asked. But, because people here seem to coddle you like a fucking baby; they all come to your defence. Thus, not making you look like a racist so much as someone that cant defend themselves. But we're not here to make friends, this IS the controversy section of the site. If you cant handle it; then dont post on it. And the fact of the matter is that YOU made the initial post about "ALL ASIANS" "SHOUTING and KILLING" people. and andrew, I too am sorry for making claims(when I dont even know you) and, am guilty of, predisposed judgement. I guess its me also that's jaded in thinking that and sometime forgetting that EVERYONE is subject to the same bullshit we're talking about here. I truly am sorry. Its just hearing the same old bullshit spewed out that I get sick of; and not acknowledging it, to me, is like sweeping it under the carpet(so to speak). - Tue, 10 Feb 2009 11:32am | ||
grimlord User Info... | You keep saying that same term ,Sweep it under the carpet. I am right here facing the shit . no one is on my side I have only my self and that is how I live ,fuck PEOPLE if there fucked .If you are an ass?You will reflect that you are an ass! Hence ,you ..are an ass. I am not perfect and fail to see others trials they go through. I just say things most times without thinking it will effect people negatively,when a slight dark laugh is all I seek. - Thu, 12 Feb 2009 12:31am | ||
Jl User Info... | the swept under the carpet referred to societies(on a whole) reaction to racism... not JUST you. And dont give me that "im all alone" bs. Look at that desparaging attempt of a thread you posted a while back; all the response you got there. And also, when I apparently mis-qouted you; your little defence dog Sati came out and had to defend what you said by attacking me and my opinions(of which I DID NOT misquote anyone; because I cut and paste what you idiots type). Im not attacking your personality grim.; I think you're probably a reasonable guy outside the internet, but when you make a statement involving a race as a whole; be prepared to offend someone, instead of looking for that "dark laugh". And that someone just happened to be me. How 'bout we all just drop this subject? Im kinda tired of hearing excuses and generating them. the canucks are playing well the past couple games! sundin for 5+ points in less than 5 games! the season is looking better by every game. - Thu, 12 Feb 2009 2:27pm | ||
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