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RE: Charter Challenge to Determine 'RIGHT TO SLEEP'
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > RE: Charter Challenge to Determine 'RIGHT TO SLEEP'
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David Arthur Johnston
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St. Ann's update- Aug. 7th, 2007


Good day all. Long time no write (at least as far as St. Ann's updates go).

It may seem a bit convoluted, so for simplicity's sake I will say that regardless of all the court work I am about to describe, there will be action soon (before the end of September).

Alrighty. The Charter Challenge that is scheduled for September 4th is part of a defense against an injunction that the city put up against the tent-city that was in Cridge Park (Blanshard and Humboldt- beside St. Ann's Academy) in the fall of 2005. Recently, the city has also applied for a permanent injunction on Cridge Park for 5 reasons that do not broach the reason for the Charter Challenge (the 5 reasons have to do with subsequent damage from tent-city, possession of weapons, chattel, I believe, and something about interfering with 'enjoyment' of the park... all are along these lines), which is to define if it is lawful to 'prohibit houseless people from engaging in essential life sustaining activities in public space when they have no other viable alternative' and to determine if the City of Victoria's Bylaws deprive the houseless of their 'right to liberty and security of the person'.

The lawyers, and I, presume that if the city is successful in getting this injunction they would not feel compelled to continue with the previous injunction process and drop it (and, subsequently, the Charter Challenge that is defending against it). A judge will hear this application in the next week (anywheres between Monday and Friday).

The back-up plan, in case the Charter Challenge is dropped, has been to start a new action that is exactly the same as this one, excepting that it would be myself and three other plaintiffs putting the city on the defense, requesting the Court to make "(a) A declaration that the Bylaws are contrary to the Charter and of no force and effect pursuant to s. 52 of the Constitution Act, 1982, to the extent that they prohibit homeless people from engaging in life sustaining activities in public. and (b) That the defendant pay to the Plaintiffs costs of this proceeding on a full indemnity basis." (b is not so much my concern)... With this back up plan they also will be applying to keep the same court date and judge in the name of prudence and expedience.

If they are not successful in this, I hope the 3 other plaintiffs can take care of business when it eventually does get scheduled because I intend on pressing this matter by mid-September, regardless of all politics.

I sometimes conject a miracle. That a judge will see the scope of this ruling, that he or she will have before them the ability to solve the Canadian 'affordable housing crisis' almost overnight... and mayhaps, with the urging of the court, the city might be compelled to assist (washrooms, and the like... and, of course, there can be no registration process in an inclusive community).

In time, I have full intention of raising a family in this situation, living in tent-cities that evolve from seeming chaos into an obvious example of divine order.

There is too much at stake to not happily risk losing everything. Freedom.

in patience,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Home page-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.)

PS: there may also be action after the initiation of tent-city because some of the deceived-with-guns will tell outside-people that the only place they can go is tent-city- this will not be accepted. The idea is to presume innocence and the tent-city will be a loving support for those who feel inspired to use it (as we muddle through all the instances of flailing drunks and agent provocateurs). - Wed, 8 Aug 2007 8:33pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
Everyone saw the huge mess and sanitary problem at Cridge Park when your buddies were living there. It was a disgrace.
Go have a nap behind a port-a-pottie. - Wed, 8 Aug 2007 10:02pm Edited: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 6:56am
trevor corey
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"If you're happy and you know it, crack a smile....." - Wed, 8 Aug 2007 11:36pm Edited: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 2:03am
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Go watch 300... the first minute solves this problem. - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 8:27am
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you mean kick Alan Lowe down a well? - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 9:48am
round em up
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Well, they tried once but when they went to the well the health authority had condemed it because some of your fellow reekers had been living in it.... - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 10:00am
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... - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 12:23pm
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Or even better yet, what about a WHAM!BULANCE.

Too lazy to mod the image, but change the text at the bottom, slap George Michael and Andrew Ridgely in there and . . . we've got ourselves a red alert kinda situation.

Wake me up before you go go... - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 3:14pm
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"In time, I have full intention of raising a family in this situation, living in tent-cities that evolve from seeming chaos into an obvious example of divine order"

how selfish is that? Do you honestly think that raising a family in dire conditions is the right thing to do? And also, what give you the right to sleep on our land in the first place?(you cant answer back with rhetoric either, give us a valid fucking reason this time) Granted its public land, what IF the PUBLIC didn't want YOU and YOUR CROONIES sleeping there? Just going by your principals, what if that situation arose?(like it hasn't already) What justice do you see yourself giving the public by being a martyr for the "house-less" (aka homeless). And quite frankly it will take more than 1 judge to sway the rest of the world into thinking that homeless people have rights too(sounds a bit dick-ish but that's the way i feel with people that make no effort to achieve anything more than mediocre-ness). - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 3:20pm
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Solves so many problems... it's like magic! - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 3:53pm
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Thank you Jl I was going to mention the "full intention of raising a family" thing.
NO!! Not cool! That's what child services are for.

The space is deemed public then it needs to stay PUBLIC! You are trying to make it YOURS!

FUCK YOU DAJ, AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON. - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 5:14pm
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I have the right to live and you don't have the right to be proud... so I forgive you. May you never support that thing that has raped and murdered hundreds of thousands of children. May your love of truth outshine your laziness and rage. Just because everyone else is volunteering to get ass-raped by the devil does not necessarily mean you have to.

patience be with us all - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 6:23pm
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My oh my. You people are remarkably reactionary. What's it like finding yourself in bed with all the blue hairs and wealthy fucks that complain about being afraid of downtown, that bitch about wanting proper security and policing of downtown, and then whine about the lack of 'family' values. Strange bedfellows, eh? Total effing bullshit as far as I am concerned.

Maybe you'd like there to be a curfew, or perhaps martial law? Maybe we should have security patrolling public spaces with semi-automatic rifles, to ensure that only the right kinds of people visit these spaces and to ensure that only the approved sorts of recreation go on?

And since it has become a part of the discussion, maybe we should start legislating who can have kids, when and how many. Just of course to make sure that only the right kind of people procreate. I mean golly, what will happen if people without the right education, genetic background, occupation, and appropriate yearly income have kids?

Maybe there are some uniforms that could be used so that we could tell people apart, you know so that we could figure out who should go to the 'work' camps, and who should be given the chance to stay alive.

Totalitarian brown seems a good start . . . - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 7:30pm
Aidan Logins
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I'm with Zinger. If I had as much balls as DAJ I'd do just what he's doing. But then maybe I do. I just choose to fight the system from within it. Sometimes I think maybe I'm doing that because I don't want to be uncomfortable, cold, and hungry. But then I realize that if I was in his place, no one would listen to me. People would call me crazy and they wouldn't let me have children. People who hate every day of their lives because of jobs they hate, would walk up to me and yell "Get a job!" And THEY would think I was the stupid one. They'd get up in the morning, turn on the tv and think "Oh man, war sucks. why do we have to be killing eachother?" Then they'd go out and spend all their money and pay taxes and contribute to the war machine every day, because it's easy. And they'd tell ME I'm not contributing to society.

At least he's not a part of the problem.
Assholes. - Thu, 9 Aug 2007 10:11pm
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Wierd, how did I get singled out by DAJ? Wow...he noticed me.
I never said that you don't have the right to live. And never tell a pregnant woman that she doesn't have the right to be proud. That's how people lose teeth.
What you don't have the right to do is spoil our public areas with your private bullshit. We don't want your piss, shit, dirty clothes, needles, and whatever other disease ridden crap you and your pack like to lay around. Seriously, if you wanna practice what you preach then there is PLENTY of space that the tax paying public doesn't mind you living in. It's called the woods. BC is full of forest that you could start a commune in - go nuts!!
As for the other posters backing you up. I was in my early twenties once too. Idealistic times indeed. Do you think that public health care, maintained roads, and the other services we take for granted everyday grows on trees? Taxes my friend.
Who said anything about a police state? We just don't want to step over other peoples "homes" while trying to go to the library, or walk through a public park. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:09am
trevor corey
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Here, Here.
......except about the going and livin in the forest. I'd feel sad for the forest if that crew moved in. I'd rather they just sat around with their ass up their ass than defile mother nature. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:41am Edited: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:50am
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You edited it to say ass up their ass? You are smoking the good stuff eh Trev? - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:59am
trevor corey
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liquid gravol. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 1:05am
trevor corey
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/ - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 1:08am
Mr. Hell
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I can imagine that David Allan Grier here has a kid who grows up in squalor and turns on the whole lifestyle. This drives the child to become an ultra-conservative bastard politician who enacts law making it ok to sniper those who deface public property.
The pastor's kid is always the bad influence. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 6:37am
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Aiden, Its not that I think Daj is crazy or shouldn't have kids or anything you've said. Its the simple fact that he wants PUBLIC land for himself and his croonies. And allz I said was that PUBLIC land is exactly that; what IF the majority of the PUBLIC doesn't want their land being trampled on and made to look like shit because these people are hard up and dont believe in our way of life. I dont discredit his fight but I discredit his reason. And the answers he provides are so convoluted with fairy bullshit that its hard to take seriously in the first place.(i for one do NOT have my pants down and am letting a devil ass rape me)I live my life according to me and if its required that we give a little money back to the country in return for safe living and one of the most beautiful countries to visit and be around then so be it. If money doesn't matter so much to you Daj then you shouldn't mind giving it back to the gov't that gives you the oppourtunity to voice your opinions like you are.
With all this arguing back and forth with the same answers coming from Daj it gets kinda old. And to be completely honest(imo) no judge in their right mind would allow him and his followers to sleep on OUR public land, period. Daj, go find some land in the world that hasn't been claimed... go ahead and stake it; then you can have your own little island republic so you can stop your fucking moaning and groaning. Just because we live the way we do; doesn't give you the right to fuck it up for us. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 9:15am
Aidan Logins
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D-mesh: I think taxes are a great idea, just don't like the way most of it is used. Contributing to your surroundings is cool; I have nothing bad to say about the idea of taxes (except when I have to pay them).
HOWEVER; taxes are not spent wisely. Like when they spent about a month (ie. over a million dollars) repairing the pavement around Royal Roads area... then it was nice. And a month later they tore it all up and repaved the whole thing. Just due to a lack of commmunication in government.
But mostly:
I would rather have delapidated infrastructure and live in a world where people don't go around killing hundreds of thousand of people (soldiers, civilians, or anyone) than live in a world where my little home is beautiful and other people's homes are being bombed. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 9:33am
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"Daj, go find some land in the world that hasn't been claimed"

Antarctica is still officially "unclaimed". Go live there please. No taxes and you can sleep anywhere you like! - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 10:35am
Aidan Logins
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Also wanted to acknowledge that you're right about me being very idealistic. But maybe if people didn't let themselves become jaded and give up their ideals, we'd have a lot more people like Ghandi, Lennon, and such.

You choose personal comfort over the well-being of the world as a whole. It's pretty lame. I am still idealistic though, like you said- and I think we can have both. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:09am
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"..I would rather have delapidated infrastructure and live in a world where people don't go around killing hundreds of thousand of people (soldiers, civilians, or anyone) than live in a world where my little home is beautiful and other people's homes are being bombed.."

when you move out from home, and start paying for your living costs(rent, utilities, etc...) and then you see people like DaJ leeching off OUR society and claiming we're being kept down; yet you live a fabulous life that you wouldn't replace for anything else(be it to live in a place "where everyone is equal" or whatever). And to say that he should have a right to sleep where ever he see's fit(ie, "public" land) and you pay your taxes into keeping that land clean(and you wonder why our tax dollars get squallerd away); then you can understand why I feel the way I do. Its not because I pay into the gov't, its not because i work my ass off day in day out 6 days a week, its the fact that one person claims that everyone else is crazy and is being "held down by the man" 60's idealistic idiocy. Despite how ever much Daj wants to think I lead a miserable gov't butt raped life... I dont. Sorry to busrt the bubble you live in :)

ps, I maybe a capitalist pig, but at least im a happy capitalist pig :) - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:14pm
trevor corey
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They worked to better the lives of people and get them out of the squalor of living in disease infested tent cities. Everyone should be entitled to "personal comfort" without guilt.
Bring people up, not down, fool. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 1:07pm
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in delusion, 'personal comfort' often relies on people adhering to a lie, where only the rich can experience moments of fake freedom- all in the name of putting food on the table.

My child(ren) will have a father that would risk dieing before they are born to bring freedom than be around all their lives going crazy trying to content himself with cowardice.

The 'crown' will be stopped. May I be alive to see it. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 1:35pm
trevor corey
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Then you could be proud of yourself. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 1:44pm
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"in delusion, 'personal comfort' often relies on people adhering to a lie, where only the rich can experience moments of fake freedom- all in the name of putting food on the table."

no where ever did i ever say that only the rich can experience freedom and nor has anyone else(you diluded fool)... you seem to be experiencing it right now with your FREEDOM OF SPEECH. If it weren't for "putting food on the table" by your parents, you wouldn't have the oppourtunities you have now. Why cant you just accpet the fact that not everyone wants to live like you Daj? you seem to revel in the fact that your trying to "take down the crown", good on ya... just dont fuck with my life or anyone elses that would never adhere to your way of life. So with that said, and as you can imagine your support on this board... leave us alone with your drabble and move to the arctic where you can live as free as you want. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 2:06pm
David Arthur Johnston
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St. Ann's update- Friday, Aug. 10th, 2007


hey all.

On MONDAY, AUGUST 13TH at 9:45 AM the Corporation of the City of Victoria is in court (Victoria Law Courts, 850 Burdett Avenue) attempting to get a permanent injunction placed on Cridge Park (courtroom number will be on the bulletin board, 2nd floor, by the elevators). This injunction is careful to not broach violating the sleeping issue on a charter level (beyond the initial lack of innocent presumption in the reasons for tent-city, in the first place). If the city is successful it is presumed they will drop the previous injunction that the Charter Challenge has been made to defend against (thereby dropping the Charter Challenge). As the last update suggests, if the Charter Challenge is dropped the lawyers will attempt to keep the same schedule for a Charter Challenge of our own (essentially the same Challenge, excepting that the city is put on the defensive).

If the courts do not feel like keeping the same courtdate- I will press the matter, as there has been enough politics and enough of 'public opinion' pretending that horror and demonic behaviour is necessary in maintaining order. They will do right or they will be forced to kill me... a position that every person will have to take if they ever want their children to know freedom.

A show of support and interest would be greatly appreciated (and it is also fun to watch the city be horrible in the face of the public). So, again- MONDAY, AUGUST 13TH at 9:45 AM in the courthouse, kitty-corner to the library.

in love,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 4:27pm
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You seem to have us all confused for people who give a shit. Take your asinine politics elsewhere.

What do the users of thess boards have to say to get it through your thick skull that your incoherent ramblings mean absolutely nothing to us?

Piss off. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 4:53pm
Aidan Logins
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trevor corey:
I wasn't comparing him to Lennon or Ghandi. I was saying that if people didn't let themselves get carried away by their trivialities then we would have more Lennon and Ghandi types. And You said "bring them up not down." I said "I think we can have both," reffering to comfort AND peace. I was merely trying to make a point about selfishness before that, saying that if I had to choose, I would choose peace for everyone over personal comfort. As it is right now, I'm very comfortable and all that- but I'm trying very hard to help the rest of the world out as much as I can.

Call me idealistic or whatever, people; I think that's a good thing. Ideals and ideas bring change. And change is good- when it comes to stopping hate and murder. When you all start using "Idealist" as an insult, that's just fucked. wtf is that? - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 9:36pm
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DAJ should just sell his ass (this way he's not exploiting anyone) then buy some cheap land up island or somewhere in northern BC and live "his idealistic lifestyle". He won't because him and his ilks want to camp in the city for the free hand-outs - medical, food, legal-aid, etc. If he goes into the backwoods of BC, he would be dead in few weeks from exposure and starvation. Kinda hypocritical to bitch about the system and society but still continues to suck on its tits for nourishment. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:26pm
trevor corey
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Aidan Logins:
You sound like you are running for the Miss Amerika Pagent, or maybe you're just a good Christian.

........kidding, kidding.
You're correct sir. If everyone lived a life of morality, and did some vollunteer work,or turned off their computer when not in use, or even just pick up a few pieces of trash off the street this would be a much better world.

I recently had to tell the owner of my FAVORITE sushi restaraunt I could no longer eat there because they put shark fin salad on as a special. Now that's selflessness. - Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:41pm Edited: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:48pm
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idealism: 1. the practice of forming or following after ideals, esp. unrealistically (compare realism).
2. the representation of things in ideal or idealized form.
3. imaginative treatment.
4. philos. any of various systems of thought in which the objects of knowledge are held to be in some way dependant on the activity of mind (compare realism).

All this reaction to my post which only stated, "Idealistic times indeed." seems silly. It is not grounded in reality is all I meant. If you heard an insult it was in the way you read it. Basically I'm saying you can't save the world and it's nice for all of us to do our part in helping change along but guys like DAJ give a lot of people a bad rap. His hypocritical rhetoric will do nothing for his causes because most people see through him. If he truely stood behind his statements he would have started his own commune style living space in unclaimed land like so many hippies did back in the day. Look at what happened to the families that lived up in Sombrio beach for years. They were forced out (it wasn't their land) after many years of making it their home and now they live in communties as normal tax paying hippies. They accepted change (after some debate of course). I have a great amount of respect for how they lived and how they have accepted the change. If they wanted to stay further out from society I'm sure they would've found new space to set up home in.
So if I'm "lame" for being a realist so be it. I can only do so much in my life and I do what I can to help others that truely deserve it. In the meantime I work, I pay taxes (and bitch accordingly), I have my fun, and I don't shit in other peoples yards. Not yet anyways.... - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 2:01am
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On another note....which sushi restaurant is serving shark fin Trevor? I'll join you in the boycott. Joe is getting me sushi for after giving birth (10 months is a long time to go without negitoro rolls) and I want to make sure we don't get it from them. - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 2:13am
trevor corey
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I find it distastefull when our self proclaimed prophet uses naughty language.
I also can't help lol at the irony of how proud he is of himself and his battle royale against the "crown".

.........the owner of the sushi bar assured me that it was immitation shark fin, and she was wondering why no one was ordering it. It was actually some kind of sea algea, and that just don't sound appetizing.
So she will remove it from the menu, and I will still spend my money there. - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 2:26am
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Thanks buddy. - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 2:30am
trevor corey
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..............algea salad........................ - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 2:39am
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everyone gets what's coming to them... the crown is responsible for hundreds of thousands rapes and murders and that is just the beginning of its horror. people blindly supporting such a structure invite the same karma--- we are forgiven in our naivity, even when these same tax dollars start lining everyone who doesn't bow to capitalism up against the wall.

an accessable war

enjoy - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 6:57am
trevor corey
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Ummmm, no, people that were acting on behalf of the crown were responsible.It's in the past, time to move on. What is your fascination with rape anyways? Very negative way to be thinking. - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 10:50am Edited: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 10:54am
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I was involved in the Clayoquot protests back in the day. I remember the fever,focus assuredness that 'the world was watching' as a bunch of smelly enlightened suburban ex-mallrats pitted their bodies against the juggernaught of destruction and greed.(I acknowledge the divirsity of the folks involved, but we made up a large percentage). I wouldn't take those days back for anything, but wow, I have learned a lot since. Yeah, we changed a few minor facade-like forestry practices, and yeah, the world did watch, and decide to swoop in and turn Tofino into a playground for the rich and the beaches to an eyesore compared to their earlier days.
Watching you DAJ is pathetic. Your self-centredness and hipocrisy is laughable. Well, it would be if you weren't wasting such precious time and resource. You aren't helping anyone, except maybe you and your ego.
Before you tell me what an anal invaded victim I am, understand that I am no fool, sheep nor ignorant of the insane veil we all watch the world's power structure function behind. I agree that we do live in a society that perpetuates the lie that allows us to comfortably get on with our days. I am sickened by the way we treat each other. So much of the wickedness and suffering that goes on is unnecessary and evil. I will not turn a blind eye, I am so very grateful that when I was a desperate single mother, I managed to get by, and was even given the priviledge of education. (well, maybe a bit of the aforementioned ass raping with loan interest)
DAJ, there are a lot of amazing people in this world, and in our community. Without their help I may have been in a lot of trouble, but, as close as I may have been, NO ONE NEED BE HOMELESS IN THIS COUNTRY. I pay those people back by clothing, housing and feeding my children, sharing meals with beloved friends, treading lightly on the earth, and helping where I can.
DAJ, go and do some real good. Volunteer with disabled children, candy stripe at the hospital, work with Habitat for Humanity.
You are not sparking any real change. You will fade out DAJ. You may end up living on some gulf island in a home made yurt. Living 'off of the land', smoking dope and eating fungus. The charicature of the guru, preaching to the idealistic young un's, bright eyed and wanting to change the world, and also have the willing ear of those whose blossoming mental illnesses make them a perfect follower. (again not generalizing, seen a lot of hippy kids in early stages of schizophrenia eating this shit). DAJ you will always be a taker.
There is a colossal problem here right now. I live with my young family on the edges of downtown. Things are declining rapidly and although most impoverished folk aren't out to hurt anyone, things are sketchy. I have literally seen and comforted an elderly woman obviously needing a seat and looking quite upset/confused as an ass-crack weilding-smelly-passed out-addict/drunk is sprawled rigt across the bench at the Pandora and Cook bus stop. THAT IS PUBLICLY USED SPACE ASSHOLE, NOT YOUR BED! Tell her, DAJ, that his inability to care for himself and lack of respect for other people outwieghs her right to comfortably use the public space. Addicts and alcoholics are notoriously self-centered, (I have worked in the industry, no matter how wonderful the person, when they are in their disease they have as narrow a mind as you do DAJ), and peolpe that are hungry, cold and tired aren't necessarily too concerend with other's well being. You are operating in a different realm than many of these people DAJ, allowing a circus along the lines of the needle exchange on Cormorant isn't going to help you know how many fucked up people I have nearly hit as the dazedly walk into traffic on blanshard, a route I take regularly to get home? Forced rehab is sounding pretty good, monitored living facilities...yet, I too fear the rise of the Brownshirt Era. First 'those' people and then what? It is a conundrum along the lines of the age old, and unanswered philosophical question of punishment. It hurts my brain as I try to think of solutions that maintain the rights of the individual, yet make some real change.
DAJ, go and take your enlightened followers and houseless folks to some public space away from the society you so vehemently rail against. Face the elements, dig latrines, provide sustenance and heat, medical attn...come on, do it, you don't need money our there. HMMM, YOU NEED US DAJ, WE DON'T NEED YOU.
You take.
One day your body will catch up with your archaic utopian ideals, then sleep on the cold public ground fucker.

PS I don't think you need to pay any money that you don't use to have a vasectomy so that you don't knock up some poor young girl when you are having your cosmic connection love making in the alleys and cheap hotels i have seen, and pointed you out, entering & exiting on a regualr basis(ritz on fort) - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 1:03pm
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dam marie, you've simply lambasted mr.DaJ. Very well put and I think with your point of view Daj will hopfully realise that there is no sympathy to his cause here. Thank you for that(put a smile on my face) - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 1:48pm
trevor corey
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yep, very well spoken Marie.

I was the prosecuting attorney in the Kangaroo court held out side the courthouse on the opening day of the Clayoquot trials. When we started there must have been a dozen major news network cameras turn and focus on us, very intimidating, BBC, NBC, CBC, etc.

I was also at one end of the two person Greenpeace banner that led the march down Government st to the Ministry of Forests.

I canvassed door to door and spent many a weekend at the Peace camp.

I used to stand for something. Now I'm in my thirties and like you I just try to tread lightly and help make the world a better place by my own personal everyday actions. I now give monthly donations of money to Greenpeace and the SPCA, because I don't have the time or emmotional fortitude to do the hands on activism anymore.

I too worry about any niave young impressionables that might fall under the spell of a potential cult leader like DJ Ninja. Bi polar fer sure. - Sat, 11 Aug 2007 2:43pm Edited: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 2:49pm
backstreet girl
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Hey trevor, we must have crossed paths a lot then as I was in the first trial way back when! I now choose for my direct action to be like the pebble in the pond, I hope my positive behaviours will spread like the ripples do. I am no saint by any measure, and sometimes I stomp rather than tread lightly, but hey, no one's perfect! Just muddling along tryin' my best! Although, I still carry a jiffy and an attitude on occasion! hehe...
PS i see that my 'alias' is not speedymarie in this post, think i fixed it, kind of a noob at posts but a long time voyeur...again, hehe - Sun, 12 Aug 2007 1:28pm Edited: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 1:32pm
Aidan Logins
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Shark fin salad is delicious. Grow some balls. - Sun, 12 Aug 2007 9:47pm
trevor corey
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I'm sure it is.
I'll never know, because I will not support a restaraunt that endorses finning.
You should not be throwing around the "grow some balls" comment until your sack drops, and your voice changes. - Sun, 12 Aug 2007 10:31pm
trevor corey
User Info... - Sun, 12 Aug 2007 10:50pm
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You missed the fact that he's also a hypocrite Trev. - Sun, 12 Aug 2007 11:16pm
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on a side note, shark fin soup is very delicious! (i know some of you are groaning at the fact, but it was a 1 time affair and I enjoyed it... much like soft shell crabs... yum) - Mon, 13 Aug 2007 3:02pm
Aidan Logins
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"You missed the fact that he's also a hypocrite Trev. "
You also missed the fact that I was totally just fooling around, and have never had -nor will I ever have- shark fin soup.

Even so I don't think that would be hipocritical- what with me never having said anything about being an environmentalist or anything about not eating animals... but that's besides the point, I'm just kidding around all the time. Please don't take me seriously ever (you'll end up with the panties in a bunch, which is no good for anyone).

DETENGAMOS YA LA MASACRE! (seriously though.) - Mon, 13 Aug 2007 7:27pm Edited: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 7:29pm
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Fuck the fin,you know shark meat ain't half bad if you prepare it properly!hehe! - Mon, 13 Aug 2007 7:45pm Edited: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 7:49pm
David Arthur Johnston
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St. Ann's update- Monday, Aug. 13th, 2007


The judge denied the city's application for a permenent injunction and ordered the city to pay 'costs' to the lawyers (Catherine and Irene) for wasting their time.

Pre-trial for the Charter Challenge is on Friday (Aug. 17th). I don't know if the city will still try to drop their previous injunction. I really don't know the particulars of what is possible for them at this stage. The Challenge is still set to go on Sept. 4th and all the hubbub today made me think that the courts would like to see this settled so it won't waste any more of their time... if it does get dropped Catherine and Irene have their own action ready (the same Challenge except the roles of plaintiff and defendant will be reversed), and with any luck the judge would agree that keeping the same date would be prudent... we'll see.


love you all


Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Mon, 13 Aug 2007 9:01pm
trevor corey
User Info...
..........he meant you were a hypocrite because you told me to "grow some balls"
Try to keep up.

...XY, lol, I doubt you could afford shark fin soup. - Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:19pm Edited: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:28pm
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Affording it has nothing to do with it, I wouldn't spend that kind of coin on any kind of soup.

But you doubt I could?!


I have no doubt , you’re a pompous A-hole. - Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:39pm
trevor corey
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Easy there Dawg, thems fightin words. - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:07am Edited: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:53am
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What you telling me what I can afford or you being so bald and fat? - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:57am
trevor corey
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.....don't forget, short.....

You come on here braggin about how good shark meat is, and then turn around and call ME a pompous asshole!?! - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 1:36am Edited: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 1:43am
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I see DAJ loves me regardless of my opinions, how magnanamous and devine of him! My mom tried to cook shark steaks when we were kids, she didn't take the skin off (through which they urinate?) and the whole house reeked of ammonia and this turned me off! No desire to taste sharks, kinda like muy first experience with Southern Comfort, one whiff, just canny do it! - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 9:35am
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St. Ann's update- Tuesday, Aug. 14th, 2007: newspaper article and friend's editorial


Court's decision a win for homeless
City loses bid for permanent injunction to stop parks campers
Richard Watts, Times Colonist
Published: Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Homeless people won a small court victory yesterday when the City of Victoria lost its application for a permanent injunction to stop camping in public parks.

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Robert Johnston said it was not fair, necessary or a good time to grant a permanent injunction aimed at mass campouts.

"It is not just, not convenient and not appropriate that a permanent injunction be granted at this time," said Johnston.

The judge's decision does not strike down Victoria's bylaws against overnight camping in public parks. Those bylaws will, however, go on trial next month in a lawsuit launched on behalf of a number of homeless people.

That suit contends the city's prohibition against camping in parks violates the charter rights of the homeless.

That charter challenge arose after police in October 2005, armed with a temporary injunction, broke up a "tent city" in Cridge Park near the corner of Blanshard and Belleville streets.

During the three-week campout, about 70 people set up tents, tarpaulins and a communal kitchen, highlighting the plight of the homeless.

Yesterday, defence counsel Catherine Boies-Parker, representing a number of the Cridge Park campers, said the case highlights the unfairness of the situation forced on the homeless who have no place to go in Victoria.

"All the city ever said was 'We want you to go and, by the way, there is nowhere else for you to go,'" said Boies-Parker in court.

City lawyer Bruce Jordan tried to argue a permanent enforcement injunction was needed to prevent the kind of damage -- flattened grass and broken tree branches -- that occurred in Cridge Park.

Meanwhile, on hand yesterday watching the city's application was David Johnston, the one-time baker who lives like a homeless monk. His multiple arrests and jail sentences for sleeping on the grounds of St. Ann's Academy spawned the tent city.

And in another court victory for the homeless, Johnston's name was added to the upcoming charter challenge.

Outside the courtroom, Johnston expressed satisfaction with the day's hearing results and what it means for the city's anti-camping bylaws.

"The city is doing its best not to change and the city might not be able not to," he said.



Fighting for the Right to Sleep: David Arthur Johnston’s Experiments with Truth

Tavis W. Dodds

The nation is finally about to learn the result of a Supreme Court constitutional challenge against Victoria’s anti-camping bi-law, scheduled to commence September 4th, 2007, after more than a year’s wait. The stance of Victoria, and many other cities (Vancouver among them) is that everything within the city limits is private property and sleeping in public-access green space is officially illegal. Supporters of the challenge argue that police move sleepers along but no other options are made available for homeless victims of BC’s current housing crisis. Victoria has responded with the creation of more homeless shelters that are impossible to sleep in. This hearing will be of interest to those concerned about poverty, civil liberties, and spiritual freedoms, but, if history is any indication, we may not be able to depend on Canada’s media to provide coverage; papers like The Victoria Times Colonist or The Vancouver Sun and Province have buried the story. The Globe and Mail, before it was consumed by the CHUM/CTV media machine, ran a cartoon with the caption “Should sleeping in public places be illegal?” above the image of police breaking down the doors to a Senate full of sleeping politicians. Even this brief coverage all but ignores the man who has been a driving force behind the Right to Sleep movement in Victoria, David Arthur Johnston, a homeless man who has refused to move on when the police order him to do so and, as a result, spent over one hundred days fasting in prison. “If the constitutional challenge is successful then it means that municipalities across Canada will be able to challenge their own anti-camping/anti-poverty legislations,” says Johnston, “but regardless of what the court decides there will be action in September.”

After the BC Liberals took power, David was arrested at the February, 2002, “Camp Campbell” occupation of the legislature grounds. A group of mostly homeless people had lived peacefully for weeks on the legislature lawn. After the arrests the attorney general on both federal and provincial levels admitted they had no evidence to have silenced the legitimate concerns of the campers. That concern-if we are not allowed to be homeless here, where do we go?-goes unanswered to this day. The general procedure when dealing with homeless is to move them along when they become too visible, too numerous, too comfortable; just move along. David Johnston refused to move. The hundred days in jail was for being homeless and defying orders preventing him from sleeping in parks. Police drove him out of town repeatedly, often leaving him out in the rain in winter. The Provincial Capital Commission hired security guards expressly for the purpose of torturing David. Then, after admitting that this plan “fizzled out” and the security guards were more frustrated than David, the cost of the security was given as evidence of David’s guilt. Accusations were made about David’s mental health and when his mother and next of kin flew out from Blackfalds, Alberta to lend her support to David and his cause, she felt the crown insinuated that she had mental health issues because she supported her son’s campaign for the rights of the poor. David fasted for over a month in jail and was prepared to die, but nearly forty days into a seven month sentence he was released, promising not to go back to St. Ann’s until after this Charter Challenge.

David refuses to touch money on principle; a spiritual principle well grounded in history, but there are thousands more people without shelter in BC, struggling to find a little place to sleep, twelve square feet, in a part of the world where real estate sells for thousands per square foot. To have no fixed address is not a crime in Canada, but it is treated as a crime and the homeless automatically bear the guilt of a social offence in which they are more victims than perpetrators . People suddenly without homes find rights they had taken for granted now denied them. Our state tortures Canadians every day, and the “Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann’s Academy” by David Johnston documents such torture of a homeless individual. This sort of torture is not out of the ordinary in the homeless community; it has become increasingly commonplace in the industrialized world, especially in the urban centers across Western Canada.

In the weeks before the challenge, Victoria has made moves to have the injunction against camping replaced in order to keep the Charter Challenge from being heard. The side against the poor, against the right to sleep, needs no help; multitudes of institutions work to protect their own interests and exploit profits from poverty. But who speaks for the homeless if they are not allowed to speak for themselves? It’s obvious after experiencing homelessness first hand that none of the voices paid to speak about the issue of homelessness have any idea what it’s like to be of a criminalized class. The nation of the under-housed has been waiting years for this nine day hearing to discuss protecting the rights of homeless people in Canada, and, like Camp Campbell, Victoria has no authority to silence our call for free human rights. But they are going to do it anyway. Support your local tent city.


alright, that's, I think, most of what I wanted to say...


Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:18am
User Info...
Changing things for the better for the homeless = good
Forcing the city to come up with something that works = good
Doing it in a non-violent way = good
Doing it in a "spread your personal filth all over the place" way = makes people notice

Do I ever want to live in your world DAJ? Nope. But this issue needs attention and you're giving it that.

Cheers - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:29am
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so we're supposed to be responsible for homeless people finding a place to stay? Because they've had their lives ruined or chose the path they took; we have to take the responsibility of cleaning up after them. I for one couldn't give 2 shits about any of Daj's followers or himself or his life mantra. What I give 2 shits about is the filth that's left over. I do not believe that the filth of others is my responsibilty to HAVE to clean up. Daj, its not that I cant stand your musings or you life philosophies; its that you expect everyone to change around you and are hoping for thousands of years of evolution in to the society we live in; to change at the blink of an eye... because you and your loyal brainwashed followers demand, not ASK, for help or feel treated in a less well manner than those who actually go out and strive for more than just sleeping, shitting, and eating in a public park(where i may add children should enjoy without having to watch out for a)needles, b)your SHIT, c)other peoples shit, d)[the most tame i find] animal shit. Well, join the rest of the world... not all of us love what we do; but the simple things in life(ie, buying flowers for your wife, taking your family out for dinner, or buying your son/daughter his/her first hockey stick) all have their rewards. And if those rewards are fake... so be it. At least our time here isn't spent hating the rest of the world because we live differently from you and DO NOT WANT to spend our time cleaning up after you. Get the fucking message man! Enjoy your time you have... I know if you were else where in the world(ie, China) you wouldn't have this oppourtunity; bask in it while you can. And remember its because we made the society we live in that gives you the chance to complain out it. - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 1:01pm
trevor corey
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The right to sleep in city parks is NOT the answer, you fucking self absorbed media/attention whore.

Try being constructive. How much money does this court "challenge" cost? Idiot. - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 2:54pm
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>> "so we're supposed to be responsible for homeless people finding a place to stay?"

Um... yes we are.

>> "And remember its because we made the society we live in that gives you the chance to complain out it."

Right. We also created the drug, homeless, and lack of social services problem that went along with creating this great country we live in. Can't just take the good and leave the bad to fend for itself.

Do all homeless people deserve compasion? Not a chance.

Should we as a society discard anyone that becomes inconvenient to your comfort levels? Not a chance.

I'm not advocating that we let homeless people set up shop in our city parks. I am quite against that concept in every way possible.

I am however, in complete support of the city/us/society taking full resopnsibility to establish support for all it's citizens including the homeless, mentaly ill, lazy and addicted.

Basic shelter and food should be available to everyone.
Treatment of whatever kind is needed should be available to everyone.
Everyone is also then able to increase their own personal wealth/comfort depending on how hard they work/lucky they are.

I'm still in favour of BC setting up its own San Pat ( )somewhere in the interior. Our province seems to be ideal for such a thing. I have inquired into this but it is of course a massive/expensive undertaking. - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 3:07pm Edited: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 3:10pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Just to clarify. I was calling Daj the idiot.

I noticed that the start of the shopping cart culture coincided with the Liberal government coming to power in B.C. . There was homeless issues before, but when the right wing Liberals came to power they brought in alot of cutbacks to social programs, especially mental health. - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 3:38pm
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BB Jones, your a better person than I am if you can honestly believe and say that. I still hold firm that we should not feel so compelled to help everyone that we deem "in need". There are those that want help and change in their lives; therefore they seek the help they need. There are those with illness that cannot live without assistance; they deserve our help and more to make their time here happy and well spent. There are those who do not want any change and wish nothing but hate towards everyone that doesn't go out of their way to give them hand outs; also sleep where they please and leave trash for our disposal people to clean up(with our tax dollars) and still claim that our way of living sux. They do not deserve a second of anyones time other than the fact that we collectively agree that these "unwanteds" should be exactly that... unwanted and gone.
I cant offer any solutions to these problems; though thats why we're here discussing it! Maybe someone somewhere will read this and think, Hey! that's a good idea!(*cough* san pat *cough*). And maybe our musings will go lost in the abundance of information on the superhighway.

i go back and read this and think; you guys probly take me for a bastard because I dont offer my hand in help. But I assure you while I may be a bastard; if someone is in need my hand is always there and I will always pick them up.(im not talkin' about hookers you sick fucks :P j/k) - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 5:04pm
Mr. Hell
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Most of the homeless people ruined it for all the homeless people when they camped in parks irresponsibly, leaving a mess.
Tough shit, too bad.
Those who can't help themselves should be helped, ie. mental illness afflicted.
Those who want to help themselves should be helped, ie. drug addled wastoids.
Those who want a hand-out but are capable of making money or moving to Alberta to make money should be catapaulted clear off the continent into the open ocean, ie. DAJ and his buds. - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 9:13pm
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"Basic shelter and food should be available to everyone.
Treatment of whatever kind is needed should be available to everyone. Everyone is also then able to increase their own personal wealth/comfort depending on how hard they work/lucky they are."

You can give DAJ and his ilks a mansion in the Uplands and in few weeks it would become a run-down crap filled dwelling because they would be too lazy to get out of bed to take a dump. There should be no reason for an able body person not to find work right now. All DAJ and his followers do is sleep at St.Anne's, sit in the Library court yard, and shit in the park. He talks trash able the crown and society yet won't leave the city because he still needs to leech off the taxpayers. Remember it was HIS CHOICE TO NOT WORK and become a bum. - Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:00pm
round em up
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I say shoot him, then send his mom the bill for the bullet. - Wed, 15 Aug 2007 9:00am
Aidan Logins
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"too lazy to get out of bed to take a dump." hahaha! eeeew. - Wed, 15 Aug 2007 7:12pm
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So let's say a group or individual makes an application under the charter to rescind the "no camping" in the city bylaw and it is successful. What have they won? A right to be homeless? If it's not law enforcement harrassing them they still have to deal with all the other evils and perils that go along with being homeless, mentally ill, addicted to one or more substances, bad luck, etc. etc. including the unique tyranny that is alive and well in any street culture/sub-culture. Wow! What a coup! This solves nothing and wastes a hell of a lot of tax money that could be used assisting people to live in a healthy and dignified manner. I am not religious in the traditional sense but I say, "there but for the grace of God go I". - Wed, 22 Aug 2007 8:38pm
J. Peatman
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"In time, I have full intention of raising a family in this situation, living in tent-cities that evolve from seeming chaos into an obvious example of divine order."

"an obvious example of divine order" - that sounds far from the principles of anarchy to me. More like something else.

"May you never support that thing that has raped and murdered hundreds of thousands of children."

Oh, you mean poor living conditions? Something your future children that you're going to raise in tents will be exposed to. Below adequate protection from the elements, no proper sanitation, malnutrition from soup line food every day, unhealthy and unwashed people surrounding them, etc. What a childhood! - Thu, 23 Aug 2007 12:17pm
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wait, I'm confused, why does DAJ need to sleep in the park? if he hates "the crown" why does he need to stay within a city controlled by it, rather than in the woods? why does he need a motion to be passed when he doesn't want to join in on organization such as laws? DAJ, maybe the city doesn't want it to happen because, as was stated, it causes damage and waste? people are calling you a hypocrit because you won't get a job because you don't want to participate in something like money, but the legal system is just as related, so is living in a city. it makes you come off as a lazy freeloader. you aren't responding to what people are saying about each issue, you're only responding to minor ones or passing thing off. - Fri, 24 Aug 2007 11:02pm
J. Peatman
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You just need to have some patience with the guy. - Sat, 25 Aug 2007 12:55pm
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^HAHAHAAAAAAAAAA that was awesome!
nicely done - Sat, 25 Aug 2007 1:36pm
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St. Ann's update- Wed. Oct. 10th, 2007: find something you do not doubt


I love all of you. Alrighty...

The trial is still tentatively scheduled for January 22nd. The province is going to try and strike the whole thing in court on October 30th and 31st because of a technicality. Our lawyers are confident about it, though- I get the feeling it will be a reenactment of the city's attempt at a discontinuance.

OK. Here is the thing that is on my brain now- the lawyers position is that the bylaws are unconstitutional because they restrict those who've no where else to go, meaning that if the city and province put up a warehouse with 500 beds they would not have a case anymore. This case is based around the tent-city that was in Cridge Park over 2 years ago and the defendants will be scrutinized to see if they had other options besides the tent-city. The only thing I have going for me is my joy of articulating my justification for not using money- this is the point where the city and the police and the province can be held accountable for their lack of innocent presumption in a person's ability to sleep conscientiously on public access property. That is exactly what the 'crown' does not want- they will do their best to hypnotize the masses into thinking that internment camps and martial law are necessary... and they are doing a good job of it.

In the meantime I will continue with my primary job, which is to spread the gospel- that pride is sin because fate is real.

May the love of truth pervade.

I, sometimes, have a problem with going to people to get help because I've tried it lots. Over time I have learned that if the issue is important enough and bright enough people will come to it. In this case my desire would be to let people know that help would be nice and would directly affect this planet's birth pangs as it evolves into freedom... people will do whatever their experience leads them to do- may their experience lead them to humility and a moment where data on this battle is in front of them. May I be forgiven if my words are not clear enough to inspire. May we all be forgiven if our acceptance of fascism is because the person fighting for freedom is not the hero we all wait for. Pride is sin because fate is real.

in glorious fatigue,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Thu, 11 Oct 2007 9:08am
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"The only thing I have going for me is my joy of articulating my justification for not using money"

you might not have issues not using money; but you certainly dont have issues in using OUR money*(tax dollars) to defend your case in court. How about not using lawyers and D.I.Y? Instead of leeching money indirectly off taxpayers for your defence?
That said, I dont mind u sleeping under a tree but what you want is to LIVE under that tree. Find a tree far far away where you can fend for yourself and not rely on us taxpayers to do the dirty work that YOU wont do, IE) CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF... did you parents not teach you that we're not here to pick up after you? DONT BE A SLOB, then maybe people might want to help or at least hear you out before making a pre-disposed judgement?

ps, i will tear tent city down with my bare hands if there is another one :) - Thu, 11 Oct 2007 1:59pm
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We'll see. - Thu, 11 Oct 2007 2:27pm
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yes... we will wont we?
(at least be so kind and not use a church ground for your "tent city"... what did these churchies do to you; to deserve all that filth on their lawn? and to have completely destroyed it with all your piss shit and filth is absolutely assinine to say you "deserve" the right to sleep where u want.)
I find it funny you think you are "entitled" to sleep where u want, fair enuff. But who does the clean up after your done? certainly not you or your followers. So why the fuck should we even put up with this in the first place?
And your probly right in that I wont be tearing tent city down with my bare hands... I'll need gloves so i dont pick up any killer case of pink eye or good ol' shit bugs.
So after all this ranting... tell me Daj, WHY should WE have to put up with YOU messing about in OUR public parks that WE maintain on OUR tax dollar(i dont need some fucked up lsd reasoning for taxes being shitty... i already know that; but i manage to live a life where im happy...even if YOU think its a false sense of assurance, at least I have something)? - Thu, 11 Oct 2007 4:35pm
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lol ur all Still arguing with some1 with mental problems - Thu, 11 Oct 2007 9:20pm
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Talking to him is about as productive as chasing your tail and it makes you just as dizzy.

Yes I said we have tails. - Thu, 11 Oct 2007 10:18pm
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yeah it is like beating your head against a wall trying to talk to this character; but at least i get entertainment out of it.. to a certain degree lol. I just want to impress upon him that HIS point of view is fine, but I dont want to live like that and nor should we have to. Its like a religous zelot pressing your conversion to his/her faith, if im happy the way I am regardless of how fake or how false the sense of assurance I have; Im still where I want to be.
The more he posts his dribble the more I will always be there to tell him that life aint like a fucking box of chocolates... Deal with it and move on! - Fri, 12 Oct 2007 12:50pm
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" would be nice and would directly affect this planet's birth pangs..."

I think that you are mistaking the planet's death throes for birth pangs my good man.

You know DAJ, I hope you do win you're right to sleep in a park whenever you wish, because then it will make me more likely to exercise my right to ride my electric bike through that same park at night, with no light, retracing my path over and over again to try and figure out why there's big bumps in the field.

Pride is sin because God said so, and you are a false prophet destined to reap the consequences as such.

~Doc - Fri, 12 Oct 2007 4:29pm
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i can picture all of u (or what id imagine you'd look like) Screaming at a kid with tourettes not to say fuck. lol. - Sat, 13 Oct 2007 3:14pm
trevor corey
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i can picture you washing my car. - Sat, 13 Oct 2007 3:49pm Edited: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 3:48pm
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I can picture you eating my shit. To each their own eh? - Sat, 13 Oct 2007 4:01pm
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I can picture boobs - Sat, 13 Oct 2007 4:27pm
trevor corey
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You guys are so kinky! - Sat, 13 Oct 2007 5:01pm
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and what kind of car would that be trevor..if its nice, i might take you up on that. lol. - Sat, 13 Oct 2007 8:48pm
trevor corey
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ohhhhh, it's nice, vry niiace!. - Sun, 14 Oct 2007 5:41pm Edited: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 5:42pm
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1980 corolla all the way bitch. - Mon, 15 Oct 2007 6:52am
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"i can picture all of u (or what id imagine you'd look like) Screaming at a kid with tourettes not to say fuck. lol. "

ya... so? the fucking kid shouldn't be swearing; and this idiot(daj) should know better ;) - Mon, 15 Oct 2007 10:36am
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hahaha - Mon, 15 Oct 2007 4:00pm
trevor corey
User Info..., you can't borrow the keys. - Sat, 20 Oct 2007 4:58pm Edited: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 3:06am
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St. Ann's update- Thursday, Nov. 8th, 2007: city to consider meaning of 'temporary abode' tonight


City council meeting tonight. I believe they start at 7:00 PM (you might want to come a bit earlier). As far as having a chance to speak, I believe the form for requesting an audience (for 5 minutes) is supposed to be in before 11:00 AM on the day of the meeting... I intend to attend and I will see about having a moment to speak anyway, on the premise that I am an expert on the matter and have prudent suggestion- namely that if they are going to say that tents can be set up from 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM (or something like that) I would counter with two points: 1. that it is cruel and unusual to force people to carry their homes when they need not to, and 2. that it is cruel and unusual to force people to adhere to a pre-set routine of waking and sleeping as the wind, the rain and our backs are the things that determine our fatigue. Then I would point out how the 'allowance' of tent-cities is all it takes (with provisions for growth and assistance in amenities of basic survival A.K.A. water and compost toilets) to fulfill our duty as 'our brother's keepers'.

So, tonight...

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 1:25pm
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"Then I would point out how the 'allowance' of tent-cities is all it takes"
so easily solved; yet you still dont comprehend that we dont want you sleeping in our parks. The LAST thing we need is a tent city in the downtown core. RIDICULOUS, and absolutely impossible. You cant simply just "take over" a park and consider it yours to start this abomination. And moreover, what about the OTHER people around; like us, that make an honest life in OUR society. What do you feel our rights are? less than yours cause we conform to society? that's complete bullshit. Grow up and smell the beans bud; cause your thinking about yourself and YOUR ideals vs. thinking about us and what we also see. Why cant you just sleep under a roof? why CHOOSE to live like this?(unless you STILL believe we are left with no choice in our lives and we all have a preset destiny... YAWWWNN). Your having a family; think about your kid. Your giving no oppourtunity for your off-spring's future in a society that COMPLETELY goes against all of YOUR ideals(and YOU, daj, are the only one who sees things your way; believe it or not)... Anyhow, mental issues aside; get your head out of your ass before you fuck up your childs life, both education wise and life-wise. Otherwise; your child will be no better off than the junkie shaking to keep warm next to you. That I would not wish on any child from anywhere around the world no matter who their parents are. WHen you have kids; you stop thinking about yourself... lesson #1.
stay tuned for lesson #2. - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 2:44pm
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alright fuck face...if you run our city into the ground, you will have no one to leach off of...we have a huge tourist industry and we will lose a big part of what keeps this city afloat , cruiseships won't dock here(i know how many of you feel about tourists, but they are a HUGE revenue source in ways you wouldn't even think of)
3pm yesterday i was nearly run over by a shopping cart(one of four i saw walking between the shoppers and queen street)
what is cruel and unusal is for able bodied people to be lazy and suck the workers dry, gobbling resources needed by others
letting your life go down the tubes and living on the streets is one of the most selfish things a person can do to themselves or their families...i mean particularly people who don't do anything about it, people who don't try to pick themselves up...
i may sound harsh, and i don't want to, i have been close to the street, and i am compassionate and caring...
we don't have a big enough city to hold all of this, downtown is a disgusting nightmare already!!!
10-15 years ago i would NEVER have thought i would have taken this stance, but i am so sick of it!
okay..... - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 8:22pm
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You have the right to spend one night at the Fuck Off hotel an thats it. Stay away from St. Annes, you have no right to be on the grounds. Go find a field to sow some love seeds for Dr. Truth and your pals. The West Coast Trail is calling your hippy ass at this very moment. - Thu, 8 Nov 2007 10:39pm
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St. Ann's update- Friday, Nov. 9th, 2007: quick note


At the city council meeting last night, the city told us that they'll give us their definition of 'temporary abode' in court within the week. More nonsense of course. Date for trial still tentatively set for January 22nd, 2008.

cool. love y'all.


Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Fri, 9 Nov 2007 12:15pm
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St. Ann's update- Tuesday, Nov. 20th, 2008: 'homeless' responsible for global warming


love y'all

k... we got the city's affidavits it is going to use to defend the anti-camping bylaw. Homeless people are killing all the endangered plants in the parks and disturbing bird habitat. There are photocopies of newspaper articles about the Mayor's Homelessness Taskforce, a cop admitting to adhering to an "unwritten policy" of waking people up at 7:00AM and stating that people have always been able to sleep in the park with a blanket or sleeping bag, but not tents, tarps or any structure that can actually divert the weather. there is also much budget type documentation showing the hundreds of thousands of dollars it takes to 'take care' of 'these' people. Apparently, it costs about $500 to put out a fire at the beach.

It has become obvious that the whole defining 'abode' nonsense was so the city could have time to make its affidavits so they can present them to the judge that will be in front of the province as it tries to discontinue the case. The case is still set for January 22nd and we expect the province to be scheduling some time in front of a judge before that.

patience be with us all in this 'battle' for planet Earth

It is weird being me. I'm weird. It is weird knowing everyone that thinks they make choices is wrong. It is a strange job battling the defenses of crazy monkies, not being able to hate them while they condemn the world to death. I might be talking about you, and I'm sorry. Just a moment of consideration is all I ask- imagine how it could be true that there is no such thing as choice and never could be... how all the 'choices' you've ever made could have been the only 'choices' they were because of who, and where, you were at the time. This is logic... and also the reason pride is sin. If you know something for sure then you know anyone suggesting otherwise is lieing, those more adamant just further away from naivety.

in knowing pride as the backbone of the 'Satanic' agenda,


Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:10am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
Like a record that keeps skipping to the points in between songs.
Pride. It's obvious you have none.
Sin. A thing only Christians believe in.
Choices. We all get to make them and some of us get bitter when the choices we make lead to having to sleep in parks I guess. - Tue, 20 Nov 2007 11:51am
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'This is logic'

You wouldn't know logic if it kicked you in the head. There's nothing logical in self serving, nonsensical BS. - Tue, 20 Nov 2007 2:18pm
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you know DAJ might have a point on the choices thing...
If/when I roll through st.anne's and happen to stumble over any of his shit, I have NO CHOICE but to kick his ass outta there and make sure him and his croonies of smell dont infect the birds habitat! THINK ABOUT THE FUCKING BIRDS FOR ONCE DAJ! - Tue, 20 Nov 2007 4:21pm
trevor corey
User Info... - Tue, 20 Nov 2007 4:29pm
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"I might be talking about you, and I'm sorry. "

You are indeed talking about me.
I do not forgive you.
How does that feel?
. - Tue, 20 Nov 2007 11:26pm Edited: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 11:49pm
User Info...
St. Ann's update- Tuesday, Nov. 27th, 2007: short and sweet


The Charter Challenge set for 10 days was to happen January 22nd, 2008. Now, with agreement on both sides the time needed is shortened to 5 days, making the NEW DATE for the CHARTER CHALLENGE to be on JANUARY 27th, 2008.

The crazy ones that think they own the land are doing, and will do, all they can to disrupt and distract from this course. certain conditions and 'no goes' for people arrested for different things beforehand... a play-up of all they offer, saying they're doing the best they can while under all these restrictions and limitations set on them by their gloriously democratic gov't. They're doing what the people of BC want when they put condos everywhere and subjugate the 'homeless'... really. democracy wouldn't fail us... no, never...

Truth is the truth, people. And your taxes are killing everything. Love truth if you want to save the world.

in fate and patience,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Tue, 27 Nov 2007 1:24pm
Mr. Hell
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The "crazy ones" that own the land are the general public and the government is entrusted with the responsibility of protecting that land and doing what the public wants.
I'll be the first to admit the government rarely does anything right, but in this case if they keep useless bum leeches out of the parks, they have done what the "crazy owners" want.
You're a retard. - Tue, 27 Nov 2007 4:54pm
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heh kinda hard to argue with you there mr. hell... even the likes of DAJ and his puke philosophy HAS to endevour to understand that the land is public; but public to those who've contributed to society not just LEECHED.
And yes I would/will do all I can to ensure that our parks aren't over-run with filth.
FUCK OFF DAJ! and take your stink with you! - Fri, 30 Nov 2007 1:54pm
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I'm surprised someone hasn't killed dear old DAJ yet. Have to say it's crossed my mind more than a few times when I've seen his worthless ass downtown. - Fri, 30 Nov 2007 2:42pm
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Why don't you post a picture of yourself so everyone else can fantasize too? - Sat, 1 Dec 2007 12:57am Edited: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 1:01am
round em up
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Like I've said, just shoot the fucker, bill his mom for the bullet, then send the fire department down to wash away all the shit, piss and puke from the area's that he's lived in, so your children can have their park back.

If you "opt out" of society but still exist as a burden for those who don't,leaving them to clean up after you, buy you coffee or food, or provide you with benifits from the taxpayer to keep your sorry ass alive, you also deserve to "opt out" on any rights society has in place to protect you, period.

DAJ reminds me of that stereotypical spoiled brat who wont stop yelling "ME ME ME ME ME". - Sat, 1 Dec 2007 5:18pm Edited: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 5:19pm
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St. Ann's update- Dec. 4th, 2007: date for attempted discontinuance



JANUARY 9th and 10th, 2008, has been set aside for the Supreme Court to hear why the province thinks the Charter Challenge should be discontinued.

I mentioned in the last update that the beginning of the Challenge was changed from January 22nd to January 27th. Apparently, I was wrong and it is scheduled to begin on JANUARY 28TH.

Side note- my trial for the NO LOITERING sign protest in the library courtyard has been adjourned to April 18th, 2008, to wait the results of the Charter Challenge (which, in part, will determine the constitutionality of chattel prohibitions, and the NO LOITERING signs also include NO CHATTELS). I was slightly taken aback when the 'crown' suggested that just because the Charter Challenge is scheduled to be heard over 5 days, the judge can reserve ruling for a bit as well. I guess that can be expected. It might be more realistic to expect the tent-cities to start setting foundation in late spring, early summer... that is, of course, presuming the province doesn't get its 'discontinuance'- if it does then action will happen much sooner.

love and patience be with us all- beware fretting the impossible

in holding on and letting go,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Tue, 4 Dec 2007 11:49am
trevor corey
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. - Tue, 4 Dec 2007 1:20pm
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who cares - Mon, 10 Dec 2007 10:53pm
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Uh...I care. Not that I think the homeless situation doesn't need addressing, but the last think I want is the DAJinator and all his bum buddies erecting a tent city and creating a giant shit stain on our fair city.

~There's an evil monkey in my closet
Doc - Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:17pm
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it would never happen..people would get mad and deal with it.. - Thu, 13 Dec 2007 9:56pm
Special Agent Jackass
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I think DAJ's bizarre comments (pride/satan/crown-rape,etc) really detracts from any valid comment he has to say. If you sound like Charles Manson, people will treat you like Charles Manson.
As for the issue itself - My bleeding heart has dried up. I live near a park, and it's in terrible shape because of the homeless. It's filthy, theres garbage everywhere, it smells, and it gets worse day by day. It's basically turned the whole park into a public biohazard. I'm not going to take my kid there any time soon. Would I ever advocate this sort of behavior? Hell no. To say that this is an issue of individual freedom is a joke. It's an issue of a few ruining our neighborhood for everybody. I have nothing against people who choose to live on the streets, or the people who have ended up there due to circumstance, but I don't care if you live in tent city or a waterfront mansion, if you make a mess - you're an asshole.
Homelessness is an issue, as is poverty for those who spend 80% of their income on rent - but for holy hell, when the bullhorn is given to some self righteous fuckup who seems to have somehow drank the wrong juice at Jonestown - goes on a platform of pasting in news stories footnoted by his false martyr/metaphysical gibberish - I'm pretty sure he's causing more harm then good for those who really do need help. - Thu, 13 Dec 2007 11:35pm Edited: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 5:36pm
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In time, I have full intention of raising a family in this situation, living in tent-cities that evolve from seeming chaos into an obvious example of divine order.

Not a good idea. Deal with yourself and don't add anymore people. - Mon, 14 Jan 2008 11:43am
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As a mom I am disgusted by his total lack of responsiblity when he says he's going to have a baby living in his tent city.
I'm not one for seperating the family unit but in this case I hope they take his innocent baby and let someone who DESERVES a baby (they are a privilige - not a right!)
have it. I feel ill when I think that he is going to use his child as a pawn in his political bullshit. - Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:30am
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How do you think humans got to this point? Kids do not need a 3 story house, fenced backyard, video games or cheap plastic toys to live. Maybe if more kids grew up in harsher circumstances then we would have strong individuals and not the overweight pussy sacks of shit we have today.

I admit there may be a cause for concern, but if a father does what he is supposed to do (provide for and protect his family), there should be no reason to not bring a child up in this lifestyle. - Tue, 15 Jan 2008 2:23pm
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Ya, no kidding. Kids have it to easy these days.
When I was a kid I had to roll my own smokes. Sometimes, I had to roll them out of butts. - Tue, 15 Jan 2008 3:25pm
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id trade 2 floors for parents that didn't live through the 80s. any day - Tue, 15 Jan 2008 4:40pm Edited: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 4:44pm
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Kids don't need access to healthcare services either, right Drustanos? You know, cause they have it so easy today and all. Have kids living in this asinine tent city and that's exactly what's going to happen, if they get to actually keep their children, which they won't. If you seriously think kids have it better today, than say 20yrs ago, you're on some serious meds. Things were 20x better when I was a kid than they are now. - Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:06pm
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"If you seriously think kids have it better today, than say 20yrs ago, you're on some serious meds."

I think you misunderstood me there. You basically are arguing my point for me.

But what would happen without health care you ask? Well maybe people could build up their immune systems.. and if not? Oh well.. natural selection. - Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:49pm
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Children should never have the stupidity of their parents visited upon them...period. And circumstances now, are far worse than they were when i was a kid, so no, I'm not even remotely backing your sentiment. - Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:12pm Edited: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:13pm
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"I admit there may be a cause for concern, but if a father does what he is supposed to do (provide for and protect his family), there should be no reason to not bring a child up in this lifestyle."

your right... But when it comes down to raising a child in pure and utter shit because of YOUR choice; thats NOT protecting your child or your family... thats protecting your INTRESTS. And that, my friend, IS WRONG.

"But what would happen without health care you ask? Well maybe people could build up their immune systems.. and if not? Oh well.. natural selection"

Disease/virus/etc... change over periods of time, and without the proper access to medical care that we'd need; it would just be a matter of time before the world is un-inhabitable due to filth. I know most of us here would rather live a full life than one thats cut short because some idiot thought it would be a good idea to take away health care to "boost up" people's immune systems. (think about your tetnis shots, or those hep. b shots you got in high school, or menangitis?... what would happen if we didn't get all that protection we HAVE the right to? WE'D BE DEAD) - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 2:31pm
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I have been a regular hospital patient at least twice a year for the last 30 years.
I strongly agree with Shaggy, things ARE MUCH worse.
Was a time when you could phone your Doctor, tell him you needed a hospital, he'd phone ahead and have a bed waiting for you.
Now, you can spend hours in the er waiting room, days in the er, and if you make it up to acute care, your room will have guaranteed at least one junkie rolling butts from the entranceway, your bathroom will most likely have silverfish, your food will be barely edible with little nutritional value, and if you are incapacitated without family support you get a bath once a week.I fear that hospital visits are even life threatening at times.
Daj is just a clown. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 3:58pm
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People who don't immunize their kids piss me off. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 4:00pm
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"(think about your tetnis shots, or those hep. b shots you got in high school, or menangitis?... what would happen if we didn't get all that protection we HAVE the right to? WE'D BE DEAD)"

By preventing these diseases in so many people, we have created a new one for our society: Overpopulation. Along with this comes oversocialization and results in hypochondriacs and countless other mental problems.

To be a chronic hospital patient and be kept alive by assistance of machines and foreign chemicals and is heresy against humanity. Your weak genes will get passed on to your kids, and by doing so, you would be breaking choppers rule of how "Children should never have the stupidity of their parents visited upon them".

Obviously basic health care is a good thing (such as setting a broken arm), but to burden the system with one person's constant defects is not what I pay taxes for.

A curious piece of info:

"Although far less well-known than the Nazi eugenics and American eugenic sterilization programs, two Canadian provinces performed compulsory sterilization programs with eugenic aims. Canadian compulsory sterilization operated via the same overall mechanisms of institutionalization, judgement, and surgery as the American system. One notable difference is in the treatment of non-insane criminals. Canadian legislation never allowed for punitive sterilization of inmates." - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 4:40pm
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i guess thats the whole idea down south...get cancer and dont havbe thousands of dollars...bye bye.

Maybe if we had a strong enough grasp on DNA and genetics but i dont think there is one enough to go as far as sterilize.

Human compassion outweighs the other variables. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 4:56pm Edited: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 4:59pm
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A child living in a tent city won't even receive basic health care. Considering you have to pay into the system to gain the benefits, those children will receive nothing unless their parents end up ripping off the system by not paying the bill.

As for your asinine little diatribe concerning those with chronic illness, it's just that and nothing more. Same with your overpopulation statement. Canada is actually underpopulated. Do some basic research before you decide to tout something you haven't even a basic understanding of.

As for Eugenics, it was a hell of a lot more widespread than just alberta. For decades special needs people were sterilized. Time and compassion caused this to change. Something you obviously know nothing about. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 5:25pm
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If you know something for sure then you know anyone suggesting otherwise is lieing.

Wouldn't that make everyone a liar? - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 5:26pm
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If we were talking about issues that are nothing more than perception issues, then that would be true. Fortunately we live in a society that's all about stats and figures. And although stats and figures can be 'cooked', that is far more likely to happen in a corporate environment due to profit and loss figures. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 5:47pm
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"Canada is actually underpopulated."

According to who? Yes I know it is less dense than most countries but it will still be a problem in the future.

1900 - 5,301,000
1950 - 13,712,000
2008 - 33,143,463

"Time and compassion caused this to change. Something you obviously know nothing about."

Hey now, I have a perfectly good understanding of time. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 6:10pm
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^ Lol good one - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 6:46pm
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If you're going to use stats, use them properly...

Population densities per sq mile. (2006 stats)

Canada 9
US 71
Europe: Outside UK 53
Europe: UK 10
Australia 5
New Zealand 1
Japan 16
China (Hong Kong & Macao) 1
Asia: Outside China & Japan 25

Considering Canada has 9,976,140 sq km compared to the US' 9,629,091, we're underpopulated. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 9:30pm
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"If you're going to use stats, use them properly...

Population densities per sq mile. (2006 stats)

Canada 9
US 71Europe: Outside UK 53
Europe: UK 10
Australia 5
New Zealand 1
Japan 16
China (Hong Kong & Macao) 1
Asia: Outside China & Japan 25

Considering Canada has 9,976,140 sq km compared to the US' 9,629,091, we're underpopulated."

Yea... you know, or maybe before TRYING to insult someone you should take a look at the stats that you posted yourself. China has a population density of 1 person per square mile? NICE WORK! Sounds very accurate.

Besides that, I was never debating the fact that Canada has a low population density compared to the US. This could just mean the US has more of a problem than we do. The point was to detail the increase over the past 100 years, which we can assume will continue in the next 100.

Holy fuck I must have been really bored today. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 9:56pm
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While we are at it, why don't we also weed out people with obvious personality disorders such as Drustanos exhibits. Until then I'm sure Daj could let you live in his tent city. Your job could be throwing all the imperfect babies off the cliffs of Beacon Hill Park.

S P A R T A ! - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:35pm
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And it's obvious you haven't a clue how impossible it is to actually do a census in a country like China. Considering only a small percentile, compared to the overall population, get an education it's not even remotely shocking that their census numbers are way off. Those are the stats that were gathered, and obviously china's is flawed. No argument there, but that's really not what we're discussing here. I could really care less about china's population tbh.

All the stats you posted showed was that the population has increased and nothing more. Stats are all about comparisons, which you offered none. As for not attempting to debate the issue, there'd really be no need to even post your stats with the addition of 'According to who? Yes I know it is less dense than most countries but it will still be a problem in the future.'. Yepp, not trying to debate at all, just using skewed logic to try and add validity to your otherwise nonsensical pov. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:35pm
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"Your job could be throwing all the imperfect babies off the cliffs of Beacon Hill Park."

Awesome. But in reality, maybe they should use them for something more productive (like feed for livestock).

"And it's obvious you haven't a clue how impossible it is to actually do a census in a country like China."

Hmm those people over at the UN seem to do it just fine. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:20pm
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Here we go again...

'taken from the United Nations World Populations Prospects Report'

Prospect stats are not real stats. Their nothing but projections, which are generally flawed. - Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:51pm
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Pretty sure they are closer to the real value than the "1 person per sq mile" stat you posted. - Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:07am Edited: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:15am
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Yet all the rest of the stats I posted are pretty much inline. So moot point. We're not discussing China, so get over it. All you're trying to do now is take the spotlight off of yourself for all the uneducated an asinine things you've said and ripped off of wikipedia. If you're going to post something, and link to it, post from the source. Not some hack site like wikipedia. - Thu, 17 Jan 2008 1:45am
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the topic has moved from the facts to saving face anyways lol. - Thu, 17 Jan 2008 6:41am
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" Your weak genes will get passed on to your kids, and by doing so, you would be breaking choppers rule of how "Children should never have the stupidity of their parents visited upon them"

LOL, so apparently we're also responsible for our for-fathers improper care of their genes? WTF? You seem to have a convoluted way of creating an aruguement out of nothing. Unless you have some magical way of giving gene therapy to everyone who's considered "weak gene"-d.
I didn't know that my point of "looking out for your own intrests" or even choppers point of "children should never have the stupidity of their parents visited upon them" has anything to do with "weak genes" and them being passed on; considered as the stupidity of our parents. Why not just blame evolution? or even Adam and Eve for passing on weak genes? How about GOD he/she/it fucked up by giving out weak genes.
And your sources from Wikipedia? wow. If I believed everything I read a wikipedia Id probly have failed out of college a long long time ago(not that im a student now lol). If you can give me one post-secondary, or high school that accpets wikipedia as a VALID source of material; then I stand beside myself. If you've even been remotely close to a country in as dire need of population control as china or india etc... then you would realise your sources(wiki) are shit.

Chopper hasnt said anything even close to how your points come off drustanos, and Id really quit while your ahead... of yourself. - Thu, 17 Jan 2008 2:47pm
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Wow this post has been going strong for awhile...

Ok, here's what I've deciphered so far from DAJ-he doesn't want to live within the system.

Living in the city in a 'tent city' is still pretty cushy because everyone else works and pays taxes and all that to make it nice for you to live. How about going out to live in the bush and having to kill your own food, grow your own food, build your own hut. Could you do it?

and people that decide to pan handle for a living-you're against society and 'the man' If everyone did that, then who would give you spare change? So you don't wanna work and 'feed the war machine' but you don't mind if other people do so that you can live?

I don't get it. - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 9:40am
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oh yeah, and he wants to have kids...

...what if the children become ill? Of course you're not going to take them to the hospital, right? That would be supporting the system. I take it you have an extensive knowledge of herbs and natural remedies to heal them? - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 9:56am
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He doesn't answer anyone's questions or respond to anyone's arguments. Its ridiculous. - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:13am
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No doubt eh, pretty much talking to myself here-lol. - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:50am
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Thats ok, we all do it. He may not be able to respond anyway - did you see the post Mean Mike wrote about how he saw DAJ interviewed - he'd just smoked a big fattie and was too stoned to answer q's.
funnier than all hell.. - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 1:33pm
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the only reason he doesn't reply is because he cant answer your questions. Living out in the woods fending for himself? YA FUCKING RIGHT. Making his own hut for shelter out of the surroundings... im guessing pigs CAN fly.
In all serious-ness know; we all post our opinions on here, and for the most part we have a good laugh at what Daj's opinions and motives are. But when it comes down to the absolute truth; theres no fucking way he'd survive without society... it was society that showed him that he IS allowed to speak his mind because our country believes in freedom of speech. Also, it is OUR society that allows him to challenge our way of life(ie, tent cities and taxes being the devils work). So really, he's fully dependant on our way of life but CHOOSES(yes thats right DAJ) to be a polar opposite while still depending on our basic rights as Canadians and human beings. Otherwise known as a LEECH - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 4:44pm
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Would really be cool to get together with some of the other like minded people in this thread. I really respect a lot of peoples ideologies that have posted to this thread, and countless others. - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 4:51pm
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would be intresting to see the faces behind the names. Might be neat to setup an evening at a local pub where the livevic'rs take over and acost the staff heh - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 5:12pm
J. Peatman
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I say we indeed get together as opinion-sharing folk and have a merry little Homeless Pogrom. - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 5:17pm
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yea without protection of society the more violent people would just do away with him. just watch ROME (the tv series). lol. - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 6:09pm
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I wouldn't say society protects them, they just ignore them. - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 6:12pm
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y'all will get a kick out of this...

something everyone will read


just because I say so... maybe

its a wonder how this whole communication thing works

apparently, I'm the ego-maniac that thinks he's God

I'm the ego-maniac that is so entrenched in his own delusion that I'm getting away with living off all the hard working taxpayers- thank you taxpayers for all your coffee and bread, and free emergency hospital care, and your sidewalks, and thank you for allowing me to live in your beautiful park by the ocean, and I'm so sorry for wasting so much taxpayer money and time of the courts and the police, they do such great and important work. The police are the thin blue line that maintains the order of our society, making sure all the kids can get to school on time. Just because there may have been one or two perverted priests a couple of hundred years ago, and the maybe slightly clouded excitement about playing with guns as pioneers pass through a few herds of buffalo, is no reason to think that the people that own the land here now don't have a right claim to it. We have a democracy now, so all that's in the past.

So pay your fucking taxes or you deserve to die (of course that will be last resort, we'll do our best to enlighten you in one of our many institutions first).

oh... and the 'choice' thing- I've been fucking with y'all all along, of course. There actually is a little bit of magic right where we face the 'now', where we can utilize our free-will to do whatever we want. So those that choose to do evil are evil. Its plain to everyone that humans actually are special and different than all the other animals. So, be proud of all the good you do because you are a magic thing that has a mind apart from all the experiences that have taught you.

... OR...

we have all been born in a state of flailing psychopathic slavery, at this time, rooted around the 'appropriation' of the land by a thing called the crown. Almost an entire global population bowing down to a bunch of crazy fucking monkies with guns that murderously pretend to own the land. A system of tribute that has us maintaining the life of a monster that we've been taught is too huge to oppose; a system of tribute that goes towards a mentality that initiated the culling of the dirty savages that were here before us (here for at least 30000 years before us). They raped them enmass. They fucked the children, thousands of them, with demonic bloodlust- to teach them a lesson- to teach an entire race a lesson- YOU DO NOT PRETEND TO STAND AGAINST THE GLORY OF THE BRITISH MONARCHY; THE GLORY OF THE PRIDE OF ALL THE MEN AND WOMEN THAT COLONIZED CANADA... this is exactly the thing they think is worth doing all unspeakable acts to defend. Millions of buffalo were murdered to make the natives rely on the crown or starve. Your precious democracy is still ruled by the same system- this constitutional monarchy of Canada.

and the choice thing- jesus had no choice but to do all the things he did- hitler had no choice but to do all the things he did- you have had no choice but to do all the things you have done and I will know where anyone's ability to consider duly is by how they treat the consideration of fate, because there is no such thing as choice. Not ever by anyone... seeing this as true then what would stop us from being raving sociopaths existing in a universe where nothing matters? We are love. Angels brought up by crazy angels that never knew they were angels... so forgive them for they know not what they do. Forgive them as they rape your children. Forgive them as they direct us to live in Hell. Forgive them every trespass... or become them.

You are your experience. Your experience now contains a suggestion that truth can be universal. Your experience now contains the suggestion that there is no evil and the only excuse to hate is insanity. Your experience now contains the notion that it is possible to replace every bit of fear and anger in your body with patience. Love truth. Original thought is not possible and it is obvious with consideration. So, are you going to remember that you are the Buddha now?... We'll see.


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Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 6:16pm
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'seeing this as true then what would stop us from being raving sociopaths'

Hasn't stopped you at all now has it? - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 6:26pm
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DAJ, a couple of things that you mis-interpreted.

First, there were people here way longer than 3000 years ago, try 10-15000.

Second, it wasn't Europeans that decimated the buffalo population, it was natives using guns instead of spears.

Third, it wasn't Europeans that decimated the indigeonous populations of the Americas, it was smallpox, infulenza, typhoid, cholera and other lovely things.

Finally, it is you and your continuous blasphemy that is going to end up in hell, not the rest of us. We may support a system that you don't agree with, but we CHOOSE (oh, God yes we DO have a free choice) to support that system, not because it is perfectly good, but because it is the best thing going right now. This does not make us bad people or misguided people, in fact, many of the people within this system make a concerted effort to assist those living in difficult conditions, whereas you are only interested in furthering your own goals. Go preach you lies somewhere else.

~Here eat these mushrooms, they're good for you.
Doc - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 7:42pm
J. Peatman
User Info...
DAJ, what exactly do you want?

(I know you're not going to make it a rethorical question)

Yes, shitty things have happened to all sorts of peoples across this continent for the last 500 years. They've also been happening for the last 5000 years all over Europe.

If this indeed was all fate, then why are you so angry? It seems that you can't make peace with the choices that people from the past made, rather than accepting that it was all going to happen anyway.

Fast forward to the current democracy/The Crown. What do you expect, that people turn around 500 years of human development on this side of the Atlantic? Break down all social and political systems currently in place (under which the vast majority of humans are happy) and revert to an anarchy kind of situation that has never been able to convince very many? You MUST know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to reach that goal, if it is indeed what you really desire.

It is ironic that you preach fate and dismiss choice, while you did your best to change your own situation (cheat fate) and try to find legal Crown loopholes to get your way. There is something very wrong with the basics of how you look upon your life, and life in general.

Having said that, I'm sure that someone with such wild and imaginative dreams (and there's nothing wrong with that, dreams) did probably make pretty awesome bread. Would have checked it out for sure. - Fri, 18 Jan 2008 8:28pm
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so let me get this straight... Your saying hitler had no choice over his actions in WW2? I dont get it... How could he have had no choice but to kill and imprision millions of jewish people? Was it because they were "dangerous jews"?(about as dangerous as a fruit fly to the 3rd reich). Your convoluted points of view are somewhat staggering at time when you spew out dribble like that. Watch what you say; shit like that can be taken VERY seriously. I need not say anymore.
As for the taxpayers/choice thing... Daj, if i see you with a coffee in your hand; do I have the right to take that coffee away from you and spill it all over the ground in waste and malice towards you? Seeing as I cant stand you or your belief's, that would leave me NO CHOICE but to take what I believe is MINE(2 sugars and a little cream please, or just i'll just settle for a double double... large) - Sat, 19 Jan 2008 9:27am
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u missed the part where he said "seeing this as true then what would stop us from being raving sociopaths existing in a universe where nothing matters? "

lol. - Sat, 19 Jan 2008 2:12pm Edited: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 2:13pm
User Info...
That last post of Daj's was the first one I've actually read in awhile. I have to say, well written. I had a hard time believing he wasn't just plagiarizing..
Doc, he said 30,000 years, not 3,000.
Anyway. Society sucks, true enough. I just try to make the most of it. Don't kill Daj for being a freak.
If we are all going to live together, we have to smell each other's farts. - Sat, 19 Jan 2008 5:04pm
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St. Ann's update- Wed. Jan. 23rd, 2008: new dates


The province's attempt to discontinue the case has been set for 2 days during the week of FEBRUARY 18th, 2008 (I guess when we get closer we will find out more exactly which days... might be normal bureaucratic crap or might be a way of limiting the number of observers... I don't know).

The 'Right to Sleep' Charter Challenge has been rescheduled for a 5 day trial beginning on JUNE 16th, 2008 (pending our success in Feb.).

I believe it would be prudent to have a back-up plan in case something weird happens (A.K.A. economy collapses and guarded internment camps spring up to maintain 'order'... or anything like that). Have 'emergency' gear ready and a set meeting area (I highly suggest St. Ann's Academy on Humboldt and Blanshard).

What I would have everyone do- figure out how it is possible that there is no such thing as 'choice' (by analyzing any 'choice' you have made and determining whether or not you could have 'chosen' differently given that you were who you were and the environment was what it was when you made the 'choice'). Then understand that this is true for everyone. Then understand that it is this reason that pride is an inherent lie (as original thought is impossible). Then understand that it is better to not support any person or organization that extols pride as a virtue. Then conscientiously assert the right to live without adhering to the authority of government that presumes control... yup... that's pretty much it.

Patience be with every ego.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Wed, 23 Jan 2008 9:46am
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"(A.K.A. economy collapses and guarded internment camps spring up to maintain 'order'... or anything like that). Have 'emergency' gear ready and a set meeting area (I highly suggest St. Ann's Academy on Humboldt and Blanshard)."

that's about the funniest shit i've read all day. "guarded internment camps"... who the fuck do you think you are? Where the fuck do you think you live? Are you stuck 60 years in the past? Id rather take my chances on my own than have to listen to your garble; because that's what Id CHOOSE to do. Deal with it you psycho-terror-naut and dont take so much PRIDE in the fact you feel enlightented and HAVE to show us your ways; cuz we DONT want anything to do with you, your belief, or your life... so kindly, as some may say, FUCK OFF. - Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:14am
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St. Ann's update- Feb. 13th, 2008: discontinuance + urgent treesit news


Apparently the province doesn't have to give exact time until 3:30 the previous day, before the discontinuance is supposed to happen. Meaning it will happen on Monday and Tuesday or Tuesday and Wednesday, starting at 9:30 AM.

In other news- this morning 50 to 70 RCMP officers assaulted the treesit that protests the proposed 'Spencer Road interchange' in Langford. Equipped with machine guns and a logging truck they are in full horror mode. Arrests have been made and a call out for support has been serious and loud. Seems one fellow has been in the trees and everyone else has had access to the site blocked off.

So... taxes are an affront to truth and more and more people are seeing it and soon my adamance of pride being insane (because every action is a reaction A.K.A. fate is real and dictates all motion, indicating the impossibility of 'original thought') will not be so quickly dismissed. Then people will enjoy the warrior mentality of rather being dead than supporting this particular lie, the 'crown' will be expelled from Canada (withering and dieing), and no one again will have to pay taxes or rent (as all the land people bought from the 'crown' isn't actually theirs). The 'crown' will resist, yet we will all find that tent-cities are politically more feasible than internment camps. We'll get busy planting food everywhere and establishing massive community networks to survive this biblically massive tribulation.

Peace be with us all. May we all enjoy remembering we are just monkies that do not have to pay the trees for their apples.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 12:27pm
round em up
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Driving malcontents and bums out of a "treesit"? Finally there're spending my tax money on something I support. Although if they can figure out a way to cash in on all the garbage strewn about the area then that alone would pay for the operation.

Only one machine gun??? - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 12:41pm
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I love how he referrs to everything he's doing as "we". Who the fuck is this "we"? I certainly wont and will never support your train of thought aka mental diaherria. Just because we work and follow a system that HE doesn't like means HE has to change it? Fuck him, his bum followers, and all those tent city dwelling fuck tards! I pay and will pay all my taxes with a smile on my face; accpeting the fact that this IS the way we live. Besides my tax return should be an ok return; what do i care?
I also love how he thinks he's god's gift to eliminating the "crown" from Canada.

heres one for ya Daj


F.U.C.K. O.F.F.

ps, FUCK OFF - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 2:23pm
Swingin' Joe
User Info...
Hey, hey, DAJ, smokes weed everyday. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 3:12pm
trevor corey
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The "Crown" does own everything. People that THINK they own their homes are wrong. Technically, it's called leaseholding. People don't really own their land, the "Crown" does, people are just leaseholders. Also, you don't own the minerals under your property, or the space above it.
Whatever. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 4:14pm
trevor corey
User Info...

...............because that Charles guy seems like a moron. - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 4:17pm
trevor corey
User Info... - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 4:23pm
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It's funny that you mention leaseholding Trev, because in B.C., the land is still all technically owned by the First Nations. When H.B.C. and other trading companies colonized B.C., they failed to compensate the F.N. or negotiate with them for the land as was mandated in the Royal Proclamation of 1764 thus making any and all claims to land in B.C. by anyone other than First Nations completely invalid. Should make life interesting if any of these nations wise up and make a settlement application to the Hague shouldn't it?

~Peace through superior fire power!
Doc - Wed, 13 Feb 2008 9:52pm
User Info...
Common Fucking Sense people. Does this mean if your not homeless and pay taxes and all that B.S. but enjoy the outdoors and have been camping in parks in British Columbia all your life; that right, not privilage is being dog fucked by those who abuse it?!! Thanks.... - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 8:49am
Cool Hand Luke Mister BEAUMONT
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David Alberta Jesusyoustink:
thanks for the great idea!
Chase hippy up tree.
Cut down tree. - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:48am
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HAPPY V D DAY Mr. Lukey! - Thu, 14 Feb 2008 7:26pm
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St. Ann's update- Friday, Feb. 29th, 2008: an actual real date


The Province & City's application to have our pleadings struck will go ahead on MONDAY, MARCH 3RD, at 9:45 AM before Madam Justice Gray.

If they fail then we continue on to JUNE 16TH for the five day trial that will determine whether or not the anti-camping and chattel bylaws are constitutional. If they succeed then the courts deny an oppotunity to further justice and tell the whole of Canada that all legal citizens must pay to sleep.

in enough strength,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Fri, 29 Feb 2008 2:13pm
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You know, I remmber a few weeks ago I saw DAJ on the news and he said that he was willing to "make them kill me" in order to achieve his ends.'s hoping that it comes to that.

~You're all welcome to stay at my house...for $1500/person
Doc - Fri, 29 Feb 2008 2:24pm Edited: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 2:25pm
User Info...
we're really obstrucing justice by not letting him and his croonies/stinkpots sleep in a fucking park? btw, the money I pay to sleep is well grounded. I DO NOT want a life style like DAJ; I like the way I live, and im sure others like the way they live(under a roof and protected from shit of the likes of DAJ). So yes, while I may pay to sleep, every penny of it is fine by me so long as I have heat hot water and my glorious internet... oh yeah, and food.
Must be a hard concept to actually work hard for a living to some people... I would be standing beside myself if I actually caught a glimpse of Daj working, but we all know pigs cant fly ;) - Sat, 1 Mar 2008 9:16am
trevor corey
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It's a hard concept for me. I'm so lazy. - Sat, 1 Mar 2008 5:29pm
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St. Ann's update- Monday, Mar. 3rd, 2008: a little more tomorrow


I always like the court stuff. It seems to be going well. I do not like presuming how it will go. I like the idea of presuming innocence of the judge. The weird thing is I know what outcome would be innocent, so I will be able to tell by the judge's ruling (which very well may be reserved for a moment or two... can't imagine much more than a couple weeks) if she maintains innocence. I feel I should be presuming she will... maybe I'm corrupted by some sort of 'occupational hazard'... I want to be humble.

So, tomorrow (Tuesday, Mar.4th, 2008) at 9:45 AM we continue with our lawyers giving the rest of our defense (they will probably be done before noon, and maybe afternoon the judge might give a ruling or say she's going to reserve the ruling for a bit).

Also, there is going to be a showing of the 'Right to Sleep' documentary (Love and Fearlessness) and discussion afterward about the Charter Challenge and the coming nation-wide tent-city phenomenon on MARCH 14TH (I think it's a Friday) at OUR PLACE Drop-in Center (just off Douglas on Johnson) at NOON.

peace and patience,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 6:27pm
User Info...
Okay, I've kept right the hell out of this thread but I gotta ask... Why the hell are you posting here on Live Vic? (Imagine that capitalized.) This is a site for the music community of Victoria and I've never heard word one out of you regarding music. I suspect that you subscribe to the myth that all musicians are bleeding heart liberals and malcontents, but if you bother to read any of the postings here you'll realize that most of us are realists and are fairly content in society. I get the feeling after quickly scanning that no- one here really gives a shit about you or your crusade, I know for myself I sure as hell don't, and would just as soon step over you than give you the time of day.

I don't deny your right to a forum, I just don't think this is the one for you. Why don't you set up a homeless forum if you've got something to say? For that matter why don't you try rants and raves on Craigslist? - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 8:13pm Edited: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 8:25pm
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BTW DAJ : If you can come up with $100, I'll sell you the domain I think that'll work for you.

HAH! Yeah, right... You don't pay for anything do ya? - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 8:28pm Edited: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 8:30pm
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I don't do anything. - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 9:20pm
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You exist... (you parasite...) oh, did I type that? - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 10:10pm
trevor corey
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Daj has a way of causing Livevic posters to embarrass themselves. - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 10:24pm
trevor corey
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We are all "parasites", it's our nature. - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 10:26pm Edited: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 10:26pm
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In taxonomy, yes, I would classify all humans as parasites. However, I don't mind being a parasite as long as I can at least look in the mirror and know that I am taking responsibility for myself and mine as I rape and pillage the earth.

Oh yeah, I really don't embarrass easily... - Mon, 3 Mar 2008 10:30pm Edited: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 10:31pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Daj is a Ninja.
You've been warned. - Tue, 4 Mar 2008 12:55am
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St. Ann's update- Tuesday, Mar. 4th, 2008: ruling tomorrow at 3 for discontinuance attempt


The province's attempt to have the 'Right to Sleep' Charter Challenge discontinued will get a ruling from Supreme Court judge Madam Justice Gray tomorrow (WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5TH, 2008) at 3:00 PM at the Victoria Law Courts.

I've enjoyed the process quite a bit. I feel that the province will not be successful, yet I wonder if I'm going to be dancing with cops tomorrow. It seemed like the province has been sabotaging itself throughout this application. Revealing much presumption and inconsideration. We will see what happens... either way it is going to be very interesting and fun, discovering the court's sentiment. Tomorrow at 3.


spread the news that the 'Right to Sleep' documentary, Love and Fearlessness, will be screened at Our Place drop-in center, NOON on FRIDAY, MARCH 14TH. With an update on the Charter Challenge and discussion afterward (I presume I'll be there, though I'll see what happens tomorrow).

in grand reality,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Tue, 4 Mar 2008 3:03pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
Why taser Polish men when there are taser worthy lazy asses from right here in BC that need it? - Tue, 4 Mar 2008 3:29pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Drunking rant

Daj, Daj, Daj. I've grown to kinda, almost, somewhat respect your stick it to the man attitude, you cheeky bastard. I'm not to concerned that your court cases are about to bankrupt, and cause the downfall of our precious society like some of the posters around here are so worried about.
There was a time when I was idealistic and thought that standing on logging roads, blockading big trucks would save the world. I lived in a tent and was even on the news a few times. Can't say that it did any good. Made me feel righteous at the time though. One night sitting around a campfire on acid with a bunch of like minded individuals in Carmanah, one dude kinda freaked out. He lit all his money on fire, took off all his clothes, proclaimed freedom, and tore off into the bush, not to be seen until the next day.
Tonight I enjoyed a world class performance of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. With orchestra. Sleeping Beauty, a five hundred thousand dollar production, heavily subsidized by corporate donations, and government funding. It was spectacular. Afterwards I enjoing a bottle of single malt, soon to pass out in a comfy pillow top mattress, under a roof in a heated home. It's all good.
What I'm trying to say is, in a long winded way, money makes the world go round. You and I have been blessed to be born into one of the most privileged societies the world has ever seen. I hope that in all your struggles against society you find some enjoyment in it, at least a little bit, cause it can be hella good. - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 3:55am
trevor corey
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Not to mention we have the FINEST chronic around here.
The finest the world has EVER seen. - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 3:58am
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Actually, I find the quality has really dropped off the last ten years or so as growers become more commercial. I haven't had anything like the 'wheelchair' I used to get in Van years ago. Maybe I'm not connecting with the right people? - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 7:48am
User Info...'re not hooking up with the right people. - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 12:23pm
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Definitely not hooking up with the right people. My contact always has 3 different tiers to choose from. I'd give my left nut for some purple haze though. Haven't seen that stuff around for years now. - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 1:29pm
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Someone want to point the way? - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 5:53pm
trevor corey
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My point about the dude who burned all his money, was that he came wandering back to the camp the next day cold, naked, hungry, and covered in bruises and scratches. By that point he was more than willing to give up his new found freedom for his clothes that we pulled out of the fire, a bowl of ichyban noodles and a ride back to the city.
Without "society" he would have just died. - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 6:50pm Edited: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 6:51pm
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Yup. - Wed, 5 Mar 2008 7:10pm
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St. Ann's update- Thursday, Mar. 6th, 2008: province fails discontinuance attempt


The 'Right to Sleep' Charter Challenge will proceed (excepting martial law or alien attack) as scheduled on JUNE 16TH, 2008, for its five day trial.

The province's lawyers must have known they could not get their discontinuance, so I presume the reason they attempted it was to give themselves the ability to say they tried 'every' avenue. Apparently they have the 'right' to appeal this ruling, though I expect even they would see it as futile, unless it would help them with more delaying.

Our lawyers are going back today, at 2:00, to discuss what the costs the province has been ordered to pay will be. Also, the form of proceedings have been altered slightly to have us become the plaintiffs and the city to become the defendants.

I love you all.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 9:22am
User Info...
hey fuck face

so the crown has to pay money for your cause. you are such a hypocrite...

i don't want you to win, nor do i want you to lose.
if you win you are going to create a disgusting mess and not help the plight of the homeless in any real capacity...if you lose you are going to make it easier for people to be picked up and thrown in jail(which stephen harper wants, harsher sentences for 'criminals')

did you know that 1 in 10 americans is incarcerated?
whole economies and communities are based around super prisons in rural mass labour pools are created and exploited. infrastructure building and maintenance and manufacture of goods cheap cheap cheap by incarcerated workers...

you don't speak your psychobabble as much when you are interviewed on radio and in are a manipulative, egotistical and rotten man who is trying to achieve some enlightened crusader status...i am pissed off at you and your bullshit...where are you sleeping and eating these days you leech?

how is the baby on the way? is your childs momma eating only free food and medical care?

i hope you get a glimmer of clarity sometime and realize what a contradictory bullshit agenda you have fuck face... - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:13am
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Only goofs think there is a right to be mean. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 12:42pm
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"Only goofs think there is a right to be mean"

and only honest people tell you how it is...
Quite frankly i really dont give 2 shits anymore about you(daj) or your homeless crusade. My opinions of you and your croonies wont change; and if the parks get all fucked up because of you and your idiots then there will be people there to give you the boot if you cant live sensibly.(ie, CLEAN UP YOUR SHIT). But for you to keep babbling on about how your so repressed and how naive we are to think we're free; its getting a little exhausting. As for your screening at Our Place... there's no fucking way id go near that shithole of a shelter with a 100metre pole; not only because Id feel justified in giving you a bitch slap, but because its a hell hole of a shelter that should not have been setup there in the first place. Get a fucking job and take care of your family; we dont need another foster child supported by the taxpayers(and im absolutely serious when i say that).
none of that was meant in malice; so much as being a kick in the ass with the cold boot of reality. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 1:34pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Speedy Marie- It's one in a hundred, not one in ten. Still outrageous, but not 10%.
2.3 million Americans are currently incarcerated. The highest numbers in the world. Sick, really, really sick.

Question, When is the last time you all hung out in a park?
Also, dear old Daj's court costs pale in comparison to Uncle Willy over in Vancouver. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 2:29pm Edited: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 2:33pm
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i happened to have strolled through beacon hill with my wife just last weekend. Some places there are covered with shit littered about everywhere; if it were safe and hygenic enough, your dam straight id pick up that trash. But as it stands, homeless people(daj imparticular) have no sense for hygene.
Mystic vale up by the university; i've been through many times and would be extremely saddened to see people treating that area the same way parts of beacon hill are treated. What about the gorge waterway? Its a nice walk, but i certainly dont want to have to put up with a)beggars, b)no sense of cleanliness(ie picking up your FUCKING trash). So to answer your question trev.(and not saying you directed it at me particular) there are people that DO frequent these areas that dont want to have their tax dollars scwallered away on cleaning up after Daj and his likes; but would rather that money spent on ensuring the natrul beauty of these areas(as we all know there only gunna be here for so long; as sad as it is).

on a side note:
"6 million people in prison, the incarceration rate is now the highest in American history, a new report says. The number of American adults is about 230 million, meaning that one in every 99" - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 4:18pm Edited: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 4:20pm
trevor corey
User Info...
The City of Victoria had to budget in a million dollars this year to pay for picking up peoples couches and shit they put out on the sidewalk with signs stuck on them saying "free".

I don't want to pay for lots of shit in my life either. but that's life. An unfortunate reality in todays city living is cleaning up after the homeless.

-edit- That math doesn't add up to me. There is not six million prisoners, 2.3 million. One in a hundred, unless of course you happen to be a black man in his prime. A quote from your link J, "1 in 99.1 American adults are now incarcerated according to a new Pew Center study (pdf). Some interesting numbers from a NYT article on the report: 1 in 36 Hispanic adults are incarcerated, 1 in 15 blacks, 1 in 9 black men aged 20-34". That is just BRUTAL. Fucking Nazis. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 4:40pm Edited: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 4:48pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
When they throw you in jail, DAJ be sure to call everyone a goof. It's a sign of respect in there.
Big difference, Trev!
The stuff people put in front of their or their neighbor's house is way less likely to be covered in human feces and have syringes sticking out of it. It's not so much the cost that bothers me, it's the unnecessary risk workers are put in to deal with these camps. I have had my fair share of close calls with syringes and have stepped in a junkie log or two and I have to say that if I contracted anything terminal via contact with homeless waste there would be a trail of shopping cart pushers lying dead with their heads chopped off and crammed upsidedown into their necks.
Plus how many kids run around in parks and are exposed to these things?
I just applied for a Parks job with a municipality (and have worked in said department previously) and believe me when I tell you Parks workers want all these campers killed dead or at least violently removed.
The mess they leave is of biohazard levels everytime. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 5:05pm Edited: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 5:07pm
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Canada's incarceration rate is going up as well. Our incarceration rate is actually worse than the majority of EU countries. Not as bad as the US, but has risen steadily since05/06. Prior to that it hadn't changed in almost a decade.

110/100k people are incarcerated in Canada. Sweden is 82/100k and France is 85/100k. Wales and Britain are the highest with 148/100k. The US skewed it's own reporting by omitting youth offenses and is 738/100k. But that's not really shocking considering the majority of people in US jails are from poor areas of the country and cities they live in. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 5:08pm
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You know, there is a historical precedent for the likes of DAJ. After all, the village idiot has been a long time presence in all communities. Of course in those days people weren't afraid to call things as they were, and the village idiot was a source of much amusement and merriment. Now of course in our oh so PC era, for one to make fun of the likes of DAJ is frowned upon. I suggest that we allow these idiots to fulfill their historic roles by becoming the objects of our derision and scorn. Throw rotten fruit at them! Have some fun! - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 5:39pm
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Pelting them with rotten food is a waste, especially something that can be composted. All DAJ and his ilk require, is to be taken out to a mass grave, shot in the head, covered in lye and forgotten about. They deserve nothing else. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 6:50pm
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you seem to still be acting as if choice was real... and by you, I mean you. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 8:13pm
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Yeah, and I choose to consider you a moron. Carry on. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 8:16pm Edited: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 10:14pm
trevor corey
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I know it's a big difference Mr Hell. I'm just saying living in a city means picking up after slobs. I don't want to see these societal rejects park camping either. It's just so unsanitary. There must be a solution besides everyone spazzing out at dear old Daj. I know he's frustrating, I've been guilty of spazzing at him in the past too. Now I see that he is just a cheeky clown, occasionally suffering from delusions of granduer. I won't let him get under my skin, and I trust the powers that be will deal with him and his followers in an appropriate manner.
The only power he has is the power we give him.

Used syringes + homeless human shit= BIG PUBLIC HEALTH RISK. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:20pm
trevor corey
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Namaste. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:21pm
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Apparently that doesn't only apply to cities either. I was out on a logging road just north of Shawnigan today, turned a corner, and almost ran into a truck full of garbage someone had decided to be clever and dump. If anyone's got an old truck and some work gloves and wants to go up there to clean it up and post a sign to the losers who think it's alright to pull this kind of bullshit, I'll come along and hump garbage and pay the dump fees and gas.

P.S. TC, you and I definitely do not see eye to eye on the DAJ issue. He and his ilk are a cancer, and their twisted self righteousness will always appeal to a few weak souls. Remember Charlie Manson? Or Rev. Jones?

I like freedom of speech, however when someone abuses his rights simply to be self serving and self aggrandizing it's painful, but when he's advocating the destruction of society (which has it's ills but is not yet terminal) and refuses to listen to well reasoned arguments contrary to his own views as have been posted here in this thread, then it becomes clear that we are dealing with a sick mind and he may/will eventually do harm if not dealt with. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:30pm Edited: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:39pm
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I guess what I am saying is that I am getting old and his type really bug the shit out of me. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:41pm
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So now your also following Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist as well DAJ? You really like giving religion(s) a bad rep don't you? How about just hauling your ass over there. I'm sure another vagrant on the streets on Calcutta won't make any difference. Well except for maybe the daily beatings you'll get from law enforcement/military.

Who wants to pitch in on a 1 way ticket to Calcutta for good ole DAJ? At least we wouldn't have to hear his inane rambling anymore.

Namaste my ass. - Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:55pm
trevor corey
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Charlie Manson and Jones never affected me or my life in any way. Daj is just a nuisance, not worth the high blood pressure. - Fri, 7 Mar 2008 12:44am
round em up
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I'm afraid that in Chopper's case breathing is enough to aggravate his blood pressure.... - Fri, 7 Mar 2008 7:08am
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hey trevor, thank you for catching that typo, 10% of US citizens in jail is just the goal! haha...

chopper...i was thinking the streets of rio would be a good place for DAJ to go and preach, i bet people there would really love to hear his sermons - Fri, 7 Mar 2008 9:20am
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I really enjoy all the energy y'all give me. Don't worry, it is going to very productive places.

in fate and patience, - Fri, 7 Mar 2008 9:28am
Mr. Hell
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Indeed, Trev.
The safety of the public trumps the rights of the homeless to endanger the public.
That is the simple fact that will destroy DAJ's case.
He lost before he began. - Fri, 7 Mar 2008 12:56pm Edited: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 12:57pm
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Trev, a couple of issues; firstly I would consider it incorrect to term DAJ and his kind "societal rejects", perhaps more correct would be "rejecters of society". Society has never turned it's back on DAJ, rather it has made it easy for his kind to proliferate. There are more welfare programs in place now than at any other time in history.

Which brings me to my second issue; you said that you would "trust it to the authorities to deal with the problem" (I paraphrase but I believe that's the gist). This is exactly why we have people like DAJ. Everyone, including parents, now leaves it to 'authorities' to deal with any social ills. In fact it has become such that a citizen can no longer act. For a citizen to take action against some sort of injustice is to invite legal action. Teachers can no longer discipline, shopkeepers can no longer protect their property, and we can not rid our cities of parasites.

Not so long ago I caught a 12 year old kid trying to break into Profile studios, around 2:00 AM one morning. I kinda threw him against the wall, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and shook him up a bit. I threatened to kick his ass and I sent him on his way. The next morning he showed up with his father and the cops, and I was arrested for assault. I eventually got off, but not until after going to court and paying a small fortune in legal fees.

What I'm trying to say is that we all have to take responsibility for society, and it is precisely because of this burying of the head in the sand and leaving problems to the "authorities" to deal with attitude that we have come to this. - Fri, 7 Mar 2008 6:27pm Edited: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 6:29pm
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There's always vigilantism *eg* - Fri, 7 Mar 2008 6:37pm
trevor corey
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That's an interesting story sumyungguy. Once I had to rough up a security guard who was roughing up a kid he had just caught spray painting graffiti. Although I agree the kid was being an asshole, his "crime" imo did not deserve physical abuse. Maybe I had no right to do what I did, but I didn't have time to think about it. The kid got away, the security guard didn't really get hurt, and we all just went our separate ways, never to meet again. - Sat, 8 Mar 2008 3:23am
Mr. Hell
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The shitty thing about thieves is if you don't do anything and call the cops the thief won't likely be caught and/or punished.
If you put the fear into the thief they have grounds to sue or have you arrested.
It really gets to be more and more like the system is set up to shield criminals so they can continue on and the cops will stay "busy" allowing them to amass a bigger budget each year and keep the courts clogged.
No one should ever have pity on a thief who gets caught. Even the cops should be inclined to lay the club upon the perp. - Sat, 8 Mar 2008 4:14am
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Reminds me of the old cobalt doorguy who caught a crackhead up to no good in the bar one day. cornered/pinned him and then called out in a LOUD voice "sizzle, get me my bat". Everyone kinda looked at each other, cuz there was no bat.
But word travelled and no one tried it again while he was around.
With so many lowlifes to worry about in there, they found effective ways of keeping them at bay without too much police involvement. The actual hotel owners & staff is another story. - Sat, 8 Mar 2008 11:36am Edited: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 11:36am
What Did You Say? I'm Sorry, My Eyes Are On Fire...
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Okay, everyone should have the right to sleep. I agree, society's fucked! I'm not about to go live in a park though-that's not going to change things. All I can do is to live out the rest of my life and be comfortable, while not having kids. I mean, if I think society is so wacked, why would I? That's the one thing that drives me crazy about Daj-he wants to raise kids! - Mon, 10 Mar 2008 4:33pm
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St. Ann's update- Friday, Mar. 14th, 2008: documentary screening went well


a fluctuating audience from 35-45 people came to the Open Door/Our Place drop-in center at noon today to watch the 'right to sleep' documentary Love And Fearlessness. Well received after much dedication to stay focused. Sometimes had to strain to hear, but that didn't deter. Got to give my little hoohaa coach-type thing at the end saying that it didn't matter if I died in jail and everyone just turned their heads and continued contenting themselves with their slavery, at least I won't be a slave.

anyhoo. many people coming up afterwards to give good words. maybe some opportunities as well (as in showing the film in other venues and stuff). That's about it... the documentary is really good, it gets a good spirit across. If you want copies contact Andrew through .

k-love you all... We'll see where my tolerance level is... I imagine much energy is being spent on figuring out delay tactics and the like... and I'm pretty sure there are a few people under delusions of 'justifiable rage' that would not mind me with an axe in my spinal cord. To them I say patience and need say no more.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Sat, 15 Mar 2008 6:11am
trevor corey
User Info...
""".. and I'm pretty sure there are a few people under delusions of 'justifiable rage' that would not mind me with an axe in my spinal cord."""

.....that sounds aweful. I sure hope not. As much as I don't really care about you or your antics, I would stick up for you if someone tried to assault you. - Sat, 15 Mar 2008 4:12pm
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then its go time trev.

POW! TASER POW! - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 1:11pm
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I was struck by those words too... probably some of the most upsetting, violent words I've ever seen on this site. - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 1:32pm
trevor corey
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J lol, you gonna beat him to death with a badminton paddle? - Mon, 17 Mar 2008 4:56pm Edited: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 4:57pm
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all attempts at evil is now seen, always, for what it is- a flailing cry for the cure.

have patience and enjoy the grand sadness - Tue, 18 Mar 2008 1:27am
trevor corey
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I want to know, who on earth is letting Daj into their house at 1:27am to use their computer? - Tue, 18 Mar 2008 3:40pm
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having seen daj a few times now walking south through james bay looking very well-rested and clean at 9:00 in the morning with no bedding in hand, i'd guess he has a nice cosy home (with internet) to stay nearby - Thu, 20 Mar 2008 9:44pm Edited: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 9:47pm
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If he's clean and well rested at 9am in the morning isn't he proving himself to be his own biggest hypocrite in regards to this thread? Isn't he petitioning for the right to sleep and live and be happy in a park with other likeminded individuals?'s beyond me! Although, I am happy for him if he's beginning to join the rest of society. Maybe he has a job? - Mon, 24 Mar 2008 3:10pm
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St. Ann's update- June 1st, 2008: Screenings of 'Right to Sleep' Documentary, LOVE AND FEARLESSNESS


I do realize the character I've become. That this thing has become a lot more than just the right to sleep under a tree, which is funny, because part of the city's spin-doctoring concessions has been to remove the word 'loitering' from its bylaws, suggesting that it is that which allowed cops over-zealousness in their 'clearing out' of people who sleep under trees in parks. Throughout this process I have learned that the grand issue is not the 'right to sleep'. Instead, it is "Do you really want to be ruled by an unrepentant baby-raping monster?" (you can tell they rule you because it is they who determine what constitutes as crime worthy to be judged).... ooh, I mean, its tents- it's illegal to protect yourself from the rain.

k here's the info-

June 9th, ARTSPRING, SaltSpring Island, 7:00 PM, followed by forum/Q&A
June 12th, University of Victoria, Harry Hickman BLDG, Room 105, forum/Q&A

they're both free, or course

Love you all, especially you.


this ego called David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 1:39pm
User Info...
If I live near a volcano, I'm not going to rail against its eruption.

Your participation in the system makes you an integral part of it. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 5:31pm
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St. Ann's update- June 14th, 2008: re-establishing the 'commons'


The SaltSpring screening kicked butt and the University screening had somewhat low turnout... quality not quantity, so they say. The new LOVE AND FEARLESSNESS, is so much better. A lot of effort has gone into, adding all the more current stuff and tent-city stuff really brought out its potential. It brings a lot of laughter and a lot of seriousness, even making people cry.

I've said before that this no longer is about the 'homeless', so all the well wishers of 'you people' or of 'those people' can maybe take a moment before their blessing to understand that what is going on here in Victoria is not just about the legality of tieing tarp-ropes to trees, it is about the fact that there is no public property. The problem is this- the moment a 'commons' is re-established it will instantly house a refugee camp, catalystically revealing the fallacy of capitalism and this pretty little 'tourism industry' here in Victoria. Of course, so be it.

So, onward to the most important court case in Canadian history...

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Victoria Law Courts
me and your mom
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Sat, 14 Jun 2008 2:10pm
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*yawn* - Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:14pm
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lol most important court case in canadian history... right.

whats with the slight 'mom' joke at the end? - Mon, 16 Jun 2008 6:46pm
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St. Ann's update- Jun. 19th, 2008: verdict rendering


How else to explain it I don't know. It was perfect. Not only our lawyers, Catherine in particular, but the lawyers for the city and province were as well acting as conduits of... God, really. Every second thing they submitted was, de facto, of benefit to us. There was nothing they could do, it really was not an adversarial process. Both teams were working for the supreme outcome. Right now the judge knows the corruption of the city (and the province) through the stands they took. The judge knows the implications of whatever ruling she will give... oh ya... we wrapped it up today. The entire thing is now in the hands of the court and the judge is reserving her ruling (I've been told that it could be anywheres between tomorrow and 8 months from now- I'll get to that momentarily). The acceptable ruling will be striking the anti-'temporary abode' bylaw and suggesting to the city that it would be in its best interest to set aside an area best suited for 'temporary abodes', now that all public access municipal 'property' is open.

On Saturday, the 21st, I will begin the part of the campaign where all parties involved will see perpetual focus on waiting for the ruling... if I go to jail, mayhaps they will be forced to release me when the bylaw is struck... or whatever... all I know is the threat of 8 months is too much... I would not let the judge have any moment where she thinks she can do anything else while she renders this verdict. She knows what she must do and perhaps even her life is in danger... apparently the 'Crown' IS a psychopath. I wonder what the process of declaring a state of emergency is?

I'll be back and forth around the courthouse lawn tomorrow, as people still might show up thinking there is still court happening.

I love you all and here are some links to some of the write-ups about the trial-

cbc (june 18th)-

times colonist (June 18th)-
times colonist (June 19th)-

Toronto Star (June 17th)-

Globe and Mail (June 17th)-

there are a few more, a good one from the SaltSpring Driftwood (can't find it online).


in the usual apprehension of living up to my bravado... and in Heaven and justice and rightness... and in my feet,


David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:37pm
trevor corey
User Info...
The following response is quoted from JerryIncgnetto, at the bottom of the CBC article, and it is exactly how I feel.

""""what a waste of court time..

if this lawyer really wanted to make a difference for anything other than her reputation - she'd be arguing that the City's obligated to provide more beds or some sort of housing.. I can't fathom how a well paid lawyer, partner in a large firm as Boies is can condone leaving people to sleep in city parks - subjecting them to the elements and violence, and subsequently denying them access to basic service, outreach etc.

Sleeping in parks is NOT an acceptable panacea for homelessness - nor is it going to do much for a city so small and so reliant on tourism. Pretty much a lose lose situation""""" - Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:58am
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Since this whole case is constitutionally centered, I dont see how DAJ and company can win. If the court finds in their favour, it can only be under section 7 of the Charter, "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice." That's all good and fine, except that all the city, or province, has to do is draft a new law concerning this issue and invoke the not withstanding clause of the Charter, "Parliament or the legislature of a province may expressly declare in an Act of Parliament or of the legislature, as the case may be, that the Act or a provision thereof shall operate notwithstanding a provision included in section 2 or sections 7 to 15 of this Charter." Since the Ministry of the Attorney General has been granted intervener status in this case, it shows that they are interested and just such a legislation may appear if DAJ and company get the decision that they're after. Just a thought.

~Wearing metal cleats and stomping through parks after dark,
Doc - Fri, 20 Jun 2008 9:12am
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"She knows what she must do and perhaps even her life is in danger..."

is that a threat? I dont think it would be in your best intrest to say that the judge ruling over your pathetic case has "her life in danger". moron. - Fri, 20 Jun 2008 1:44pm
J. Peatman
User Info...
"I'll be back and forth around the courthouse lawn tomorrow, as people still might show up thinking there is still court happening."

It must be a wonderful feeling to have all the time in the world to galavant around places and see if your like-minded friends happen to show up. While being able to rely completely on the donations of working tax payers for your survival.

By the way, is DAJ in custody again? I walked by the court yesterday and there were several smelly types had gathered with cardboard signs saying "DAVID MUST BE SET FREE" etc. Pathetic. Real smart to get yourself arrested again while your case is being assessed. - Tue, 24 Jun 2008 3:27pm Edited: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 3:33pm
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St. Ann's update- Jun. 29th, 2008: may these words have power


Apparently, until they prove otherwise, the Times Colonist is a hellish piece of crap that has no regard for the truth and to support their business, or more, to not actively promote its correction or demise, is to be complicit in a lie.

Pretty much the same goes for the cops. Until they apologize for their premeditated illegal arrest of me, I own their soul (I own your soul, Bill), and until they make true amends it will become catalystically obvious to even the most deluded patriot, that the police, too, have no regard for the truth.

There was a meeting last Friday at the courthouse lawn that went pretty good. I had the same feeling I had after the first night of the 'hired to keep me awake guys'. The one where success has been indicated. Then, it was they just made total asses of themselves. Friday, it was this thing (the movement) really does have a life of its own and, because it is a true cause, everything it needs will be provided.

CAMAS Anarchist bookstore will be accepting and holding donations towards the coming legal and sanctioned tent-cities. The meetings still will occur every Monday and Fridays at noon at the courthouse lawn. The Cardboard Army will be enjoying their first trek into the 'public' during the Canada Day events in Victoria. Come to the meetings to get the morning martial and yogic training schedule.

Love you all. Have much fun... Ingmar where the hell are you????

And I close this letter with a singing of the national anthem... (to the tune of God Save The Queen)-
"Tent-city tent-city. Tent-city, tent-city. Tent-Ci-i-teee, tent-city. Te-ent-ent-ity."... and so forth

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Sun, 29 Jun 2008 2:12pm
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. - Sun, 29 Jun 2008 2:38pm
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First, the police arresting you is not illegal (you have not won anything yet and loitering IS still illegal) so quit yer whining you pussy! Second, if you or any of your anti-soap bum buddies come within 100 feet of me or my family on Canada Day I will defend them in the most violent manner immaginable. You are a cancerous pollup on the anus of humanity, and the rest of us are just waiting for the proverbial doctor that is the crown to come and lance you. I hope you get food poisoning and die from one of your little dumpster raiding parties.

~Get a haircut and get a real job.
Doc - Sun, 29 Jun 2008 9:01pm
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"the police arresting you is not illegal"

How would you know? Did you read about this in the news? That the police 'thought' there was an injunction against him being there, but there wasn't?

You know what happens when you let police get away with arbitrarily detaining anyone they want?


So if that's what you're advocating, then fuck you, you Nazi scum.

If I've misunderstood then please accept my apologies. - Mon, 30 Jun 2008 9:16am
trevor corey
User Info... - Mon, 30 Jun 2008 1:56pm
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"You know what happens when you let police get away with arbitrarily detaining anyone they want?"

the riddance of you and Daj, so the world can go on with out you 2 tampons soaking up all the sympathy for the homeless? - Tue, 1 Jul 2008 9:30am
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"2 tampons"

Oh brother. - Tue, 1 Jul 2008 3:23pm
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could it be that calling people out for being "nazi scum" might rub people the wrong way?
Just because we cant stand Daj, and your "everyone is equal; stop being name calling kids" approach doesn't mean that we're advocating the Third fucking Reich.
Grow a sack you fucking hippy. - Wed, 2 Jul 2008 12:18pm
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comparing to nazis is so fuckin old man sounds like some1 has been watchinfg too much CNN - Wed, 2 Jul 2008 5:59pm
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St. Ann's update- July 2nd, 2008: tent city = refugee camp


If you're afraid of dieing we don't need you... we would be better off without you.

If you're a good person the law WILL fuck you. May your first arrest be strategic.

Patience be with you. You are the hero and it is only your conditioning that would have you believe otherwise.

The 'Crown' is a psychotic mafia-type entity (it is really the same spirit that Rome was, but in this instance we will refer to it as the 'Crown'). It got a whole lot of assholes together and stole all its means of survival. It made ships and traveled the world 'colonizing' (raping and murdering until the natives complied) what is now known as the 'Commonwealth'. Have all the pity in the world for all the victims in every one of these 'countries'. Canada is truly no different. In their psycho-babble we are a Constitutional Monarchy- some words to confuse all those whose diets consist of TV, fat and sugar. Which means we play at every citizen getting a say in governmental affairs through a process of 'democracy'. We are not told the truth, which is, the Crown still has complete executive power over every ruling in every court and every bill that tries to get passed in Parliament (AND they are also the entity which determines which crimes will go in front of a judge). The problem, now, is that getting rid of the Crown means acknowledging that everyone who thinks they own land, however long they have been living on it, doesn't. This problem will be easier faced because of the catalystic trauma we all face because of an over-populated world that ceases to be sustainable- the ones too afraid to face death will assert their right to set up internment camps to contend with the rising social unrest... the ones not afraid to die will beat them to the punch and establish autonomous refugee camps. Governments will be replaced with friends just helping friends and it will work so beautifully that even while half of us starve to death we will do so smiling, enjoying the fact that our loved ones will reach a place of true freedom where the idea of 'profit' is only a lesson of history.

We need not promote the end of private property. We only need to enjoy the notion of never having to pay taxes or rent ever again.

... and beyond all that, the war is over the moment you remember that you are the Buddha. Patience be with you.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Wed, 2 Jul 2008 6:41pm
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. - Wed, 2 Jul 2008 8:02pm
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court case not going so well i guess? - Thu, 3 Jul 2008 4:33pm
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"calling people out"

So what do you call it when people advocate violence and police action against people who they have political or philosophical differences with?

Obviously, DAJ is somewhat insane and I think it's sad that folks who support his philosophy overlook or coddle his mental dislocation.

I don't think that's an excuse for thuggery. - Fri, 4 Jul 2008 8:01am
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Anything but "fucking nazi scum" would've done just fine.

That aside, why would you advocate Daj's point of view when you clearly disagree with him? Sure, he's allowed to express it; but it doesn't mean that we have to as well. And just because we want him locked up and out of sight; doesn't mean its actually gunna happen. Like Daj said in his earlier post about his judge's life being in "danger"; why is it ok for him to say such things, but bad for us?
And at the end of the day, its a fucking messageboard; and i get my kicks out of how you all*(you imparticular Hearse) react to idea's that could never come to fruition. Thanks for being my daily entertainment :) - Fri, 4 Jul 2008 5:21pm
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The reported fact is that the cops picked him up and threw him in jail for no valid reason.

That's more offensive to me than his mindless nattering.

If you advocate this and actions like the cops' illegal searches and seizures of alcohol on Canada Day, you're advocating the police having way more power than I'm comfortable with. - Thu, 10 Jul 2008 8:31am
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i have nothing to hide, nor am I afraid of the police. I've never been searched, arrested, or confined by the law in any way shape or form. So, unless you've something to hide or just a stupid paranoid conspiracy theorist(aka idiot) then why should you care?
1 less bum on the street is 1 less beggar makes my evenings out with my wife that much better. I dont have to string a paragraph long sentence of "NO FUCKING CHANGE".
oh yeah, if you dont like it; then leave! - Thu, 10 Jul 2008 11:28am Edited: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 11:28am
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"unless you've something to hide"

Ah, the words of a true apologist. - Thu, 17 Jul 2008 7:58am
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I've never had any run-in with the law; nor have I ever been issued any tickets(parking aside) for anything law enforcement deems "illegal" or "wrong". I've never been wrongfully arrested; nor have I ever been detained against my will. The closest interaction I've had with law enforcement is to those that are friends who are Officers. I would rather them arrest Daj and clean up his filth rather than have him(daj) sitting around doing NOTHING and contributing NOTHING to society. Im sure Im not the only one that thinks of Daj and his "freedom" like this. Hearse, I can see where your coming from; but in my opinion, Id rather have the law enforcement keeping the city safe rather than sitting around waiting for something to happen. And for you to keep pointing fingers like our opinions are "wrong"; keep in mind that while YOU might think otherwise, its still OUR opinion; and likely wont change. - Thu, 17 Jul 2008 1:06pm
trevor corey
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I just want to remind you Ji, that you have been known to be "WRONG" in the past. Not that I'm saying you're wrong now. - Thu, 17 Jul 2008 2:47pm
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This thread must die! - Thu, 17 Jul 2008 7:08pm
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thanks for the heads up trev... aka tips?

and btw, its JL dammit! - Fri, 18 Jul 2008 5:18pm
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Here's my take on yesterday. It's optimistic but also
philosophical-critical. At the very least it is energy moving "on
topic." As always, feel free to circulate it etc. Love and good




I'm fourth generation on this coast. I was raised in cedar forests and
played on these pagan beaches, eating Salmon and berries – I'm
damned near as Native as any white man can get – so I was looking
forward to Totem Poles. The authentic, progressive archaic revival
is not merely a matter of building "big houses" on Campus or
ceding tracts of land to Indigenous governors. Just as importantly
are the echoes that the old formations of life cast upon today's
young, nomads and idealists. So, under the cryptic gaze of Raven,
Bear & Eagle, a little clan of radicals clustered together in the
park on August 4th, 2008.

David Johnson sat meditatively, periodically puffing smoke. The bright gal
in the striped blue shirt & army pants was circling barefoot
through the park -- an icon of anticipation. The bandana-clad young
man, with a large athletic bag, came and went, rolling about as soon
as he touched down on the grass. A swarthy Yoko Ono arrived briefly
to take photos and was quickly joined by an older biker with his own
large camera. He was a boisterous and amiable fellow, given to
anecdotes and to joking loudly about "The infamous David
Johnson..." On a little metal bench he sat close to a
denim-jacketed sweetheart and they smooched. The thoughtful,
grey-haired gentleman with a faded "Teacher Emeritus" t-shirt sat
for a long time on the grass. He was in contemplative discussion
with the girl in the striped blue-shirt. There was something that
definitely seemed to work here but also another more insidious
dimension which seemed like – trying to start a fire underwater.

The smoldering coals in everyone's heart/hopes faced the reigning water
spirit of quaint consumer Victoria. By 9 AM the daylight ambience of
the Surface World was already dominating the park. The drums of
Inner Harbour festivities moved through the air, joining the gentle
breeze in the trees, lulling the world into the waking trance of a
capitalist holiday. "Lunch lady," the security guard in the
short-sleeved uniform and glasses, had nothing much to do. Clearly,
she had been alerted to scrutinize anyone who was not wielding a
digital camera with a look of stupid wonder on their faces but there
was no trouble here – rustling leaves, the white noise of traffic
and the cheerful muttering of playful children lay like a heavy
blanket upon the world.

Our 'event' was a small, easy affair marked by good humour and
tranquility. In a perfect world (such as this one) we can take this
as a victory. On the other hand, in a perfect world (such as this
one) we can complain about the underwhelming nature of what went on.
Sure, it was a morphogenetic seed, a tiny pattern setting the groove
for future happenings. Sure, it was a vote for serenity itself. In
some sense this gentle yogic mood is already a real revolutionary
activity. However, at the level of social fields, community fabric,
political spirit, etc, we might ponder whether meditation (and I am
both a user & a dealer!) may be also a species of cool water
whose very nature is to put out the spark of revolutionary energy...
just as it hampers the flames of impatience and greed. This is a
difficult question given the fact that peace and trust are such
intrinsic parts of the natural order toward which social change must
orient itself.

The major conflict I observed was between the anticipatory spirit of the
group and the placid pleasantry of the general atmosphere. It seemed
to me, watching, that a truly regenerative social event is an
accumulation of the expectation of such an event – as the French
philosopher Alain Badiou says, "It is waiting for us when we are
waiting for it." I know not what others felt but I saw what I
can only describe as a "faint stirring" -- as if a small whorl of
wind were scraping the ground, dragging a handful of leaves in a
little spiral. Sometimes it would pick up – rising to the level of
the knees and other times it would quiet back under the dominant

In my paranoid fantasy, the gentle wind rustling in the trees was part
of Victoria's immune system, a first line of offense against any
thoughts of change. The next wave of defenders took the form of
mild-faced tourist clans wearing beige-shorts and dragging their
luggage from the hotel toward the rumour of Sarah MacLachan and the
Snowbirds. Spectacle was like a thick happy fog the air,
intoxicating fumes, and so this sleepy town slept on. Half a block
away those old pink mattresses lay beneath the sign "Night is for
Sleeping; Day is for Resting."

A prophetic warning?

For whom do all these sleepwalkers walk? For what faceless eye are all
these repetitive and uninspiring digital photos recorded? This
unnamed One must be be changed, reordered, opened to new regimes of
life that are more faithful to truth, history and human needs. Yet
he is bold and parades himself boastfully in his pride. His
confidence is manifest as the general unthinking cheer of the people.
And who can possibly be opposed to their happiness? I am not. Yet
it is exactly here, in the sheer pleasure that the System takes in
its own mere functioning, they there could be an important clue to
how society so effectively resists all greater infusions of life and

A silver hatchback drives by slowly. The windows are down and it
blares "All Your Love" by the Doors. A small reminder of the
power of 1960s, love-based radicalism. The car waits at the light
and drives off. Has this energy passed us by? And if not – how
do we catch it, entice it, feed it or amplify it? I say that it was
there on August 4th. It really was. A sacred space was
attempted among the trees and totems but it was not yet symbolic
enough, not yet sacred enough. There is more work to do – much

At the end of one hour, blue-stripes (her collar up) shrugs and puts her
shoes back on. The event – as small and gentle as it was -- can be
felt to tangibly 'break'. The anticipation gives way to mere outdoor
friendliness. The sense of this shift is good, it means that
something was, sort of, happening. In the trees the crows are cawing
and cackling. There were here before us and will remain when we are
gone – the true natives. Dwellers between worlds.

NOT THE END. - Tue, 5 Aug 2008 3:27pm
User Info...
St. Ann's update- Wed. Aug. 6th, 2008: 'Right to Sleep' Documentary, LOVE AND FEARLESSNESS, Now Online


Lots of stuff going on. Still meeting Fridays at noon at the courthouse lawn. Actively recruiting warriors, 57 positions remain open. When all are filled, pending the continued reservation of the Charter Ruling, the tent-city will go up.

The big news now is that the documentary, LOVE AND FEARLESSNESS v.2.4, is now online and can be watched at . I've begun watching it and it seems to work. A slight, yet, inconsequential, blocky effect. Please email back if watched to report if there are any bugs.

alright, love you all.


Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

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Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 1:23pm
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"Actively recruiting warriors, 57 positions remain open. When all are filled, pending the continued reservation of the Charter Ruling, the tent-city will go up."

recruits? positions? You HAVE to be kidding me. - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 1:59pm
User Info...
And you're really shocked by anything this hairless monkey posts? - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 2:01pm
User Info...
St. Ann's update- Wed., Sept. 3rd, 2008: literally, the 'Crown' is the devil


I begin to pray for and protest the 'Crown' at the library courtyard here in downtown Victoria, where they have their office. I will not press the matter of camping as my intention will be focused on the 'Crown's' office hours. I will challenge any suggestion of loitering. While I am there I will share, with any interested, the vision of the 60 warriors and the correcting of the 'Crown'.

I will be casual.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 9:20am
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'While I am there I will share, with any interested, the vision of the 60 warriors and the correcting of the 'Crown'.'


My cause is ass and nobody will come play with me in my psychotic delusions, so I'll see if I can find a few other sociopaths who will at least listen to my incoherent babblings. - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 11:02am
David Arthur Johnston
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St. Ann's update- Friday, Sept. 5th, 2008: getting comfortable in the courtyard


Today will mark the 3rd day of the 'casual' occupation of the library courtyard. The sign on the first day read "60 warriors could 'correct' the 'Crown'". Yesterday's sign read "The 'Crown' is a monster...... and what do we do with monsters?". Today, in an effort to give the 'Crown' what it needs to be cured, I expect the sign to articulate why pride is a sin. Does anyone know if or when the last persons were arrested for sedition in Canada?

I'm comfortable again, and what I'm doing is the height of right- the 'Crown' really is a piece of crap and it rules everyone who pays taxes (if you still believe in 'democracy' truly just stop and consider- the 'Crown' that has raped and murdered untold thousands still has executive authority over every parliamentary bill and court ruling along with the fact that no criminal case gets in front of a judge without first getting approval from the 'Crown'). The paradigm shift that all the new-agers talk about is the re-accepting that there is no land ownership- so the better alternative to the 'Crown's' future of profiteering and slavery is accepting that more than half the global population will starve to death and the rest will face the HARSHEST of times until all the newly planted fruit trees start producing. Have no doubt that when there is no food and your friends die, you will eat them or die yourself.

It has been nine or ten weeks now since the judge reserved her ruling. We were told 6-8 weeks was the fastest that anything like this happens and also warned that sometimes it can take a year and a half. So, in the meantime I concentrate on recruiting 60 divinely sociopathic warriors so that we could cure the planet of the 'Crown'. If you want to be enlightened enough to break out of this prison of retarded slavery, come talk to me- I'll be in the library courtyard under the eyes of the 'Crown's' office, casually within the limits of their office hours.

in patience and pragmatism,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

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Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 9:50am
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St. Ann's update- Sept. 12th, 2008: still at the library courtyard


for the last 2 days, and today, I've had a sign that reads-

"A billion
is better than
'Crown' rule.

You are a
conduit of experience...
just like Jesus,
Hitler, every cop and
every junky.

Patience be with

The thing I find is that most people are still stuck under this delusion of 'democracy' and have no idea that they are ruled by this mafia-like entity called the 'Crown'. I'm hoping that with the saturation of the library courtyard with the truth I present will jog some brains. I know how it works... it is the whole "every journey begins with a single step" thing. I present the notion of fate, then somewhere down the road people see the truth of it (just by starting to see that other people are indeed only reflections of their experience) and quietly lose their ability to hate, all the while ostracising themselves from those who need to hate to maintain their positions... so, I'll continue to enjoy patience and remain in the center. The truth is very strong........ then when people can no longer hate they cease support of things that depend on hate (AKA the 'Crown') and that's just how it works.

Patience be with us all. If you want to save the world come hang out in the library courtyard. I'm here in the capacity of 'protester', casually, during the 'Crown's' office hours. I have expertise that should be evaluated.


love y'all

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Fri, 12 Sep 2008 9:30am
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My finger smells... - Fri, 12 Sep 2008 12:58pm
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"then when people can no longer hate they cease support of things that depend on hate (AKA the 'Crown') and that's just how it works."

what if I have no beef with the crown? Am I a "delusioned" slave to the "man"?

"A billion starving is better than continued 'Crown' rule."

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... try preaching that in Africa asshole. You'd be shot for fertilizer. Fucking maniacal rantings of a stinkfisted filthy C-rag. - Fri, 12 Sep 2008 5:19pm
User Info...
St. Ann's update- Sept. 16th, 2008: which of the 60 will you be?


Still enjoying the library courtyard- it has become an 'anti-crown' forum. I've been spending full days here and will continue, I presume. Only during the 'Crown's' office hours- Monday to Friday, 8:30ish AM to 4:30ish PM. Occasional breaks- a sanity maintaining casualness.

Refining the flight of fancy with the 60 warriors. Going to let people pick which of the 60 they would want to be. If you want to make sure there are people coming with you you may want to pick 30 or higher... once slots begin to fill, some arranging can take place. I'm going to be taking slot #1. I'll keep an official list- if you would want a pseudonym that's fine too, as long as you can be gotten a hold of when the call goes out.

alright- love y'all


Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

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Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Tue, 16 Sep 2008 9:22am
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Are there still some vacancies, Monsieur Divinely Sociopathic Warrior Number One?

Actually, never mind, I'll be too busy doing something...... else.

. - Tue, 16 Sep 2008 4:16pm Edited: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 4:17pm
User Info...
St. Ann's update- Sept. 18th, 2008: slots being filled


so far #1, #4, #7, #42 and #43 have been taken. If you are inclined to be one of the 60 please let me know which slot you would like... if you don't have a particular one in mind just pick any.

still at the library courtyard- made a new sign today with the sentiment in my head of sifting the chaff.

love you all


Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 1:20pm
J. Peatman
User Info...
So hey, any news on the tent city sewage problem, DAJ? - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 1:38pm
User Info...
there was a HUUUUUGE clean up in a park in BC where there was an illegal campsite that was used over the summer; and it has cost the taxpayers 10,000$ to clean up the garbage that was left behind by such considerate peoples.

I say fuck Daj and his wanting of public property. If this is the way that people would live in a tent city; then the cause is fucking ridiculous(not that it wasn't in the first place; but when I work my ass off everyday only to pay into cleaning up after FUCKING LOSER BUMS, i draw the line). - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 2:25pm
trevor corey
User Info...
. - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 2:38pm Edited: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 2:40pm
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lol that pic you put up before with sundin "finally making a decision" had me going for about a millisecond. - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 2:47pm
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What!!! DAJ is allowed back on VPL grounds. He better not take any dumps in the courtyard. - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 11:31pm
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St. Ann's update: Sept. 19th, 2008: #21 and #60 taken


So far that makes #1, #4, #7, #21, #42, #43 and #60.

If you know people that have previously stated that they would like to be one of the sixty let them know to pick their number and tell me somehow.



Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

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Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Fri, 19 Sep 2008 9:12am
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I CALL #99!!! oh shit... wrong thread. - Fri, 19 Sep 2008 9:14am
trevor corey
User Info...
I was walking past the mental hospital the other day, and all the patients were shouting ,'13....13....13'

The fence was too high to see over,but I saw a little gap in the planks and looked through to see what was going on.
Some a-hole poked me in the eye with a stick.

Then they all started shouting '14....14....14'... - Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:53am
User Info...
HAHAHAAAAA - Fri, 19 Sep 2008 11:32am
User Info...
St. Ann's update- Sept. 20th, 2008: slots #8, #11, #12, #13, #44 and #52 taken


Now making it- #1, #4, #7, #8, #11, #12, #13, #20, #21, #42, #43, #44, #52 and #60. Making it 14 in three days since the idea of making slots of the 60.

Remember that what is being asked of the warriors is to refuse to voluntarily take down their 'temporary abodes'. Do not do it unless you feel this to be the action that will determine the height of freedom, not being swayed easily, if at all. The thing that is danced with IS a psychotic murdering rapist and will fuck you with full force the second it sees you as a threat. The trick is the love that shines when one is patient through the most whirlwindish times.

Now, I say warriors are a thing that exists. A spirit that sometimes graces the children who do not want to sacrifice their innocence. To rather be dead than afraid of the devil. Patience be with us.


Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

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Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Sat, 20 Sep 2008 3:34pm
trevor corey
User Info... - Sat, 20 Sep 2008 3:48pm
User Info...
"Remember that what is being asked of the warriors is to refuse to voluntarily take down their 'temporary abodes'."

ok so you're gunna leave it up to us taxpaying honest hard working citizens to clean up after your fucking mess? Nice work tit-stain. - Sat, 20 Sep 2008 4:48pm
User Info...
"recruiting 60 divinely sociopathic warriors" - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 1:05pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Some people are like slinkies,
They don't really have a purpose,
But they still bring a smile to your face
When you push them down the stairs!! - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 2:50pm
User Info...
St. Ann's update: Sept. 22nd, 2008: #16, #18 and #35


So now its- #1, #4, #7, #8, #11, #12, #13, #16, #18, #20, #21, #35, #42, #43, #44, #52 and #60.

there are also a couple more who have to pick other numbers...



Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

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Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Mon, 22 Sep 2008 9:49am
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Why in town? Why in a park where families go to relax and enjoy what they work so hard for, living in Victoria is extremely costly, it is our right as working individuals to enjoy our surroundings, not be harassed for money and have our city reek like urine on a hot day (which is also due to the bar crowd) step over sleeping people and dodge needles in the woodchips of a playground etc. I am frustrated because there is not much I can do, junkies are a huge problem and it makes me nervous to be sending my son on a bus that he has to exchange downtown. But I guess it goes both ways, the bigger the city the bigger the problem, if I really can’t stand it I’ll move to a small town and quit my bitching, I know Chopper just got a boner from that sentence but… I am not leaving anytime soon. I work hard for everything I have, and I live downtown…I like to walk to Beacon Hill and lay in the sun, it’s frustrating to see blue tarps and garbage in the trees there, it’s DISGUSTING…spell check!!!!!! There is really no solution, my suggestion is to make it Illegal to be homeless and drug addicted, and build huge facilities to hold them until they get their shit together…never going to happen…no matter what happened to you in life to make you turn to drugs or to lose everything you have, it’s all about choices you can choose to give up or you can choose to work hard to live a fulfilling life. - Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:57am
trevor corey
User Info...
Bounce, I believe one of the reasons for this problem is because the Liberal government shut down many of the facilities that housed the mentally ill. Put them on the street so to speak. - Tue, 23 Sep 2008 3:32pm
User Info...
I know, that’s shitty; mentally ill are the only ones on the street I have any sympathy for...I also think that everyone’s idea of a fulfilling life is different, but how can you be happy sleeping on the street? - Tue, 23 Sep 2008 4:12pm
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I actually agree with Bounce for once on everything she posted. Well except for the boner comment, cause I really could care less what portion of GVRD she lives in. - Tue, 23 Sep 2008 6:58pm
User Info...
Word. I mostly agree as well. I don't want it to be illegal to be homeless, but there should be a point where it can be determined that you're not contributing anything to society and a place to force you to get back on your feet.

Edit: I'd like it to be a really supportive, nice place to be, but it's gotta be enough like a prison to force them through the withdrawals etc. - Wed, 24 Sep 2008 7:40am Edited: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 7:41am
User Info...
St. Ann's update- Sept. 24th, 2008- at least I'm not wasting paper... 2 more.


so... we got #22 and #59. #11, by my error, has been double booked so I'll figure that out.

So... all together it is- #1, #4, #7, #8, #11, #12, #13, #16, #18, #20, #21, #22, #35, #42, #43, #44, #52, #59 and #60.

19. 20 with whomever might pick another number besides #11... not bad for 9 days of slotting out numbers.

I figure if the call will go out when 60 is reached and will be happy if more than half show up- saying that, if some of you are not able to make it, that's fine... it would be cool if you could find a replacement, though no worries either way, mate.


peace out


Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

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Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Wed, 24 Sep 2008 4:46pm
trevor corey
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TELL HIM WHAT HE'S WON! - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:25am
trevor corey
User Info...
IT'S A NEW CAR! - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:26am
trevor corey
User Info...
. - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 12:26am
User Info...
" figure if the call will go out when 60 is reached and will be happy if more than half show up"

lol a brave 60 "warriors" you have... real cajones.

"it would be cool if you could find a replacement, though no worries either way, mate."

so this cause went from "battling the gov't" to "meh" in about a week. - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 1:14pm
User Info...
"I don't want it to be illegal to be homeless, but there should be a point where it can be determined that you're not contributing anything to society and a place to force you to get back on your feet."

Right. That's exactly what we need, forced work camps for all der untermenschen. And if they don't straighten up their act by say, three weeks, we shoot them in the back of the head! - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 6:11pm
User Info...
I'm not talking 3 weeks, I'm talking more like as long as it takes. And I'm not talking forced work camps, either. I'm talking hospitals for severely fucked up people who are unable to function for whatever reason.

When I say enforcement, I'm not talking about picking up the undesirables and carting them away. I'm saying that a) if you really want help, there should be support and b) if you really don't want help and you are repeatedly selling drugs, stealing, peeing in doorways, or otherwise fucking shit up in ways that disagree with the law, there should probably be something very rehabilitative in the consequences as opposed to a fine or a short term jail sentence drawn out in court.

It's nice to have freedom, but if someones choices are limited by drug addiction, for example, then how can they possibly get away from that?

Edit: I'm not trying to say what should happen. It's a relatively uneducated opinion. It's just for discussion. - Fri, 26 Sep 2008 12:37pm Edited: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 12:41pm
User Info...
'It's nice to have freedom, but if someones choices are limited by drug addiction, for example, then how can they possibly get away from that?'

That's the joys of choice. They chose to pick up the pipe/needle in the first place. And, imho, since people should be responsible for their choices, let them reap what they've sown like anyone else.

If I screw up, I don't expect any form of government to bail me out, so why should they? - Sat, 27 Sep 2008 8:58am
User Info...
pack'em up and ship'em out. I have very little sympathy; much like choppers opinion.
they're fucking bums and leeches. If they wanted help they could seek it. - Sat, 27 Sep 2008 9:31am
User Info...
St. Ann's update- Sept. 27th, 2008: here comes another one


the other #11 picked #2...

so, so far- #1, #2, #4, #7, #8, #11, #12, #13, #16, #18, #20, #21, #22, #35, #42, #43, #44, #52, #59 and #60.

making the total 20. 1/3 of the way there.

Holding court in the library courtyard is working well. So far have done 3 interviews and have had many nicely serious conversations. It is interesting the notion of saturating the 'Crown's' employees with this particular truth (the truth that contradicts the root lie of the 'Crown'), trusting in the nature of how brains work it is only a matter of time before the mass of people seeing the sign everyday (which says- "There is no such thing as choice. You are a conduit of experience (which is why pride is insane). PATIENCE") begin to understand the reasons why people do the things they do... it is the nature of this data that, unasked for, removes people's ability to hate... and if it becomes known that 'Crown' employees do not hate me they will be ostracized from those who want to hate me. It could be said that an injection of truth destabilizes groups based in lies. Anyhoo...

There is some sort of treaty signing reenactment thing on Sunday.... with that I would share the sentiment that any native that accepts 'Crown' rule is, absolutely unavoidably, an apple. I would like to see the native thing evolve to the point where everyone who has been fucked by the 'Crown' stand and not just the latest victims.

k-love y'all.

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Sat, 27 Sep 2008 9:39am
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" I would like to see the native thing evolve to the point where everyone who has been fucked by the 'Crown' stand and not just the latest victims."

dont bring Native peoples into this. And its not like they want to live like useless idiots(like you).

daj, fuck off already; take note that NO ONE cares what you have to say around these parts... and the rest of victoria for that matter. Fucking usless twit. - Sat, 27 Sep 2008 2:03pm
User Info...
jdl... I forgive you.

did you know that taxpayers are retarded slaves ruled by a baby-raping monster called the 'Crown'?

cheers - Mon, 29 Sep 2008 9:16am Edited: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 9:19am
User Info...
Daj, I forgive YOU; for being who you are. Now go back to your rubber room and stay there! - Mon, 29 Sep 2008 12:27pm
User Info...
Ok DAJ, I have to point out yet again that you seem to casually throw out some of THE most offensive, violent, disgusting imagery/language I've seen on these sites.

It really makes me wonder how someone who I hear has recently had a child can so easily throw out the words "baby-raping" like its a commonly used term.

It seems like you need to be told that something's very wrong if you're including/referring to imagery like that so regularly. I know everyday language is getting more and more vulger, but some things are taboo, and remain that way for a reason - because they are and should remain upsetting to people.
Get a handle on it. Please. - Mon, 29 Sep 2008 12:51pm Edited: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 12:53pm
User Info...
"It really makes me wonder how someone who I hear has recently had a child can so easily throw out the words "baby-raping" like its a commonly used term."

DAJ had a baby??? - Mon, 29 Sep 2008 4:22pm Edited: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 4:28pm
User Info...
"DAJ had a baby???"

All public parks are littered with DAJ's babies. - Mon, 29 Sep 2008 8:29pm
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Its kind of interesting how the person who's pointing out the baby-raping monster gets attacked. Says a lot about who's doing the attacking. - Tue, 30 Sep 2008 9:22am
User Info...
Personally, the worst people I know are on the brink of homelessness, not capitalists. The people I know most likely to condone baby rape are hippies or unmotivated alcohol fueled dirtbags.

Really, there is no baby raper. That's absurd. It's just a phrase you throw around to make the crown sound worse than it is, and in a completely unrelated way no less. It's like if I called you a terrorist. - Tue, 30 Sep 2008 10:35am
User Info...
I certainly didn't mean to imply that DAJ would participate in or condone something like that. He's never struck me as THAT sick and I apologize a zillion times over if it came off like that!

I just think he's pushing it with the language he uses. Its distasteful & creepy. I guess its just an indication of the different type of people he hangs out with who live under harsher circumstances. (And I don't think people on here are all that pristine!)
Thats what gets me about (some) hippies - they preach all peace & love and then so casually toss out words in such shockingly ugly extremes like its commonplace.
Maybe I'm more squeamish than most of you on here, but I don't care. ew. - Tue, 30 Sep 2008 2:15pm Edited: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 2:16pm
User Info...
why do you think we think we own the land? - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 9:26am
J. Peatman
User Info...
DAJ, that's not the point here. Your limited and offensive terminology is.

Now, if you were to say to the judge who is presiding over this lame court case of yours that you think "The Crown is a baby-raping monster", I wonder what effect it would have on his/her ruling.

It's just one of those things you thought up one night and decided to keep throwing around for effect without having anything to back it up. I can see why you would refer to "The Crown" rather than say "The government of Canada is a baby-raping monster". Would have gotten you in way more trouble with some people. Why don't you just burn the Canadian flag?

But it gets to the point where people get fed up with you repeating the same nonsensical accusation. It does make you a distasteful and creepy person. It's also an insult to every child born in this country, or anywhere in the Commonwealth.

Also, your personal philiosphy blathering of "pride is sin", "fate is real", "conduit of experience" are those typical things one comes up with when high one day. They seem like the greatest ephiphanies at the time, yet when you wake up the next morning you have no idea what the hell it all meant or how it fits together. With a fleeting explanation you can't reproduce to anyone else. It's all total nonsense you're spewing. I've seen the clips of you on youtube sitting all stoned in the sun at the Inner harbour trying to put pseudo-philosophical sentences together.

Not like you're going to be responding to this anyway. By the way, have any ideas yet about how to deal with tent city sewage? - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 10:36am Edited: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 10:38am
User Info...
you still think you make choices? - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 12:53pm
User Info...

Yes, we have choice; just like my new choice is to SUPPORT THE CROWN and all the baby-raping that goes along with it(figuratively speaking; baby raping for real is sick. period.). Bring it on homeless jesus; im ready whenever you are.
Id be foolish to not support the very roots that my grandparents fought for; Id be foolish to support any cause that wants to break down a)the city they live in b)the country that ALLOWS THEM TO SPEAK THEIR MIND(s). You are so convoluted in your thinking; that it comes out like everyone is out to get you. Dont flatter yourself with such praise; cause in all reality, the only reason I respond to these posts is to read your idiotic comments about the way I like to live. Now FUCK OFF. - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 1:16pm
J. Peatman
User Info...
"you still think you make choices?"

I don't see that that has anything to do with what I brought up. Be a man and actually respond to people.

But let me ask you this; is that what you tell your addicted homeless friends? That their addiction and subsequent misery is not their own fault?

You're trying to make people like them believe they should be at peace with the fact that they plunged a needle in their arm when they could have simply said "no" and moved on?

If yes, way to go douche. A horde of junkies no longer feeling bad about their addiction and everything they destroy around them. - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 1:41pm
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DAJ Your fatalist argument is problematic and getting old-your responses to my objections were far from sound or even coherent for that matter. You wernt able to adequately solve the temporal nor predictive problems of fatalism. Describing persons as "conduits of their experience" is rhetoric and prima facie "bullshit," because put rather plainly, I doubt you even know what you are talking about. I can choose to A get up tommorow or B sleep in or even C wake up earlier if I wanted to...and so on. Those are indeed choices. If it is fated I have no choice, how is this so? - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 7:24pm
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St. Ann's update- Oct. 2nd, 2008: #17... a good one


#1, #2, #4, #7, #8, #11, #12, #13, #16, #17, #18, #20, #21, #22, #35, #42, #43, #44, #52, #59 and #60.

Making it 21 altogether, now...

Library continues to be beautiful. Many conversations and much singing and meditation. All the while, unasked for, introducing a rare truth that, once read, cannot be ignored lest the person go crazy (regardless if they assimilate it right away or not and regardless of any sentiment they might have towards me their true self recognizes the truth and measures sanity by it)... just watch, it is a very interesting phenomenon. Of course, people have a hard time giving due consideration to the notion that they have never made a choice before and never will they still eventually become smarter in understanding why people do the things they do. I take great comfort in knowing it is not a 'convincing' sort of thing. Its as easy as being.

Speaking of dreams, apparently, all one need do to defeat the Dark Lord is when it embraces you to destroy you is hug back with love and hold a leaf on the small of their back and a feather on their chest...

alright, peace and love to you all

oh ya... and the economy is totally collapsing and martial law is coming, so let this be the big question for all those so many people giving their energy to electoral politics- "Tent-cities or interment camps?" If I was mayor there would be a massive project of volunteers converting as much lawn space to gardens as possible and a completely replaced police department made up of a trained warrior volunteer force 4-8 times the size that no longer carry guns and walk into every conflict with a spirit of interjection completely devoid of enjoyment of viciousness. The tourism industry would see no more assistance from the municipality as it prepares for the grand cataclysm. Public dojos and a promotion of the idea of mastering patience equating to mastering recovery and response. Anyhoo...



Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Thu, 2 Oct 2008 9:42am
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"I can choose to A get up tommorow or B sleep in or even C wake up earlier if I wanted to...and so on. Those are indeed choices"

I think the question is, can you choose what you choose? Put another way, you can do what you want, but you can't want what you want. - Thu, 2 Oct 2008 11:25am
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"Put another way, you can do what you want, but you can't want what you want."

ok so we should all just lay down and let fate handle our lives? hellz no. I understand what Daj says about choice; but I completely whole hearted and souly disagree with him. Is that my choice or is this my fate and destiny? Is it my fate and destinty to always want to be better than the next person? Its a circular arguement for Daj to keep coming back with "well its fate, despite what you think; all of this is predetermined".
Well if its all predetermined; then I guess Daj, you have people that would fight against your cause, yes? And if so would you consider me a threat then? Furthermore, if you consider me a threat; then you obveously dont know me and dont understand that while you think there is no such thing as choice, I would still have a moment of truth before I smash your face in with my fist. Its up to me to decide that; not god, not fate, and not your silly cause. - Thu, 2 Oct 2008 2:14pm
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"ok so we should all just lay down and let fate handle our lives?"

Not at all. The important thing is that YOU don't know what you're going to do, or what's going to happen. There's no reason to say "My actions are predetermined, so I'm going to lie down in a puddle of water," when you can say "My actions are predetermined, so let's get cracking and enjoy what fate brings us."

The fact that free will is an illusion also doesn't mean that we are not responsible for our actions. If a shark tries to bite off my leg, I won't say "Poor shark - his actions were predetermined by instinct." I'll probably say something like "Holy fuck, a big fuckin' shark!" and then bash it on the nose. It's either bad luck for the shark or bad luck for me, but free will has nothing to do with it.

DAJ (and each one of us) is responsible for our actions despite the fact free will as it is popularly known is an illusion. - Thu, 2 Oct 2008 4:44pm
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"DAJ (and each one of us) is responsible for our actions despite the fact free will as it is popularly known is an illusion"

I always feel responsible for my actions. No-one else should be held accountable for my decisions, and nor should/would I put the blame on anyone else. But to say free will is popularly known as an illusion or even known as an illusion; you've already given up and laid down to accept what has been, in your eyes, predetermined. I for one do not believe in god, nor any other religion. Therefore I believe I am in control of my life and my decisions. Using "god" or religion as an excuse to "accept" what is basically handed to you in a book is a scape goat's way out. IF there really is a god; then in all these lessons learned why couldn't anyone accept that this "god", we speak of, wants us to live our lives the way we want. Isn't that what Jesus sacrificed himself for? The goodwill of "man"kind; because he saw something that god could not take away from us? or is it because God had chosen him to be the sacrifice and therefore society ran with the idea.
I dont want to come off as "pissed off" or "angry" because its so hard to convey how you really feel on the 'net. Im just giving you my take on this. I just find it intresting that, when speaking of "god" with christian/catholic/western religion its either you live the way "god" has told us to or your done. Through many discussions, liket his one, it seems that everyone takes so literally what's being said in the Bible. As I said before; through all the lessons learned and the hundreds of years studying the bible(not myself of course but humans on a whole) not one person could stand up and say "god wants us to live our lives to make ourselves and others around us happy" instead I get "well, if you do that, god's going to hate you" or "if you do that, that's against what the bible says is right". Im old enough to make my own decisions; I dont need an old ass book to tell me how to live my life. - Thu, 2 Oct 2008 4:58pm Edited: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 4:59pm
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I have to admit I've barely glanced at DAJ's posts - does he go on about God a lot? Anyway, I didn't mention God at all. Our actions are predetermined because of the principle of sufficient reason - everything that happens, happens because something else happened, because there was a reason for it. It's simple cause and effect. The problem with free will, at least as, I think, most people would understand it, is that it demands that a person be able to somehow insert themselves into the chain of cause and effect and, exerting their "will", change the outcome. We would have to be able to create something out of nothing, in a manner of speaking.

If one believes human beings possess an incorporeal spirit or soul, this isn't necessarily a problem, however, it does bring up all the difficulties such mind/body or spirit/body dualisms entail. The most obvious problem is, how does something non-physical affect something physical? (Not to mention, just what would be the properties of such a non-physical entity - could it be said to have any properties at all?)

Anyhoo, god isn't necessary for any of this. In fact, the traditional Judeo-Christian personal god would have the same trouble the rest of us do. - Thu, 2 Oct 2008 7:54pm Edited: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 7:55pm
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ok, and history repeats itself; yeah I understand what you're saying but how I perceive all of this is that the future can be changed despite the viscious pattern we call life and history.
Like the choice I have to post this message or not to; if I do, was it predetermined or was it because Im intregued by this conversation and felt the need to pick your brain; so to speak. I could just as easily turn the computer off, but for once I actually like the conversation. Fair enough, you could say that it WAS predetermined when you started your writings. But unfortunately I already made my choice to NOT believe these happenings and enjoy the outlook of an ever changing future and sure as hell hope history does NOT repeat itself for once.

and figurativly speaking; we've all created something out of nothing :P - Thu, 2 Oct 2008 10:31pm Edited: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 10:32pm
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I think that in a real sense, JL, you HAVE made those choices. The process is the same whether or not free will is involved: your brain interprets sensory information, weighs the desirability of different outcomes, and sends directions to the limbs, mouth, or whatever. The argument against free will simply acknowledges the fact that those choices are predetermined. You feel yourself making the choice because you ARE making the choice - the point is that you could not make a different choice. - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 9:11am
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I definitely lean towards actions being predetermined in a limited sense, there are only so many out comes event B will follow from event A for example and that the world does have some predictive qualities. However, Ive began to wonder about causation itself, and whether or not we want to throw all our marbles in the jar so to speak regarding its validity. For example, as david Hume points out, there are problems with causation itself. You can observe the before and after, but you can not observe the actual causation itself ie. event A (observeable) leads to event B (observable) but whatever happens inbetween you have no idea-its more or less a judgement call based on predictability-a constant conjunction you infer based on expectations. Moreoever, causation itself is theoreticly applied to a closed system i.e science which idealizes its enviroments and conditions ie. physics using frictionless planes that balls roll down to measure movement. The world as we know it is a messy place and and trying to literally describe phenomena as "real" isn't a claim we can make just yet because all observation is theory laden. Thus, I am not entirely convinced that I even need to assume there is a sound cause and effect principle that the fatalist argument relies upon.

My bigger question to DAJ was that while it may be true that if I get up/sleep in/etc, I'm not convinced there was one particular action that was neccessary/inevitable. Aristotle had the same problems with fatalism. - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 11:05am Edited: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 11:07am
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"Thus, I am not entirely convinced that I even need to assume there is a sound cause and effect principle that the fatalist argument relies upon."

But Stew, if there is no principle of causation then free will won't operate. It's similar to the quantum uncertainty argument: sure, at a quantum level things apparently "just happen," but how does that argue for free will? You want causation to be true, because you see yourself as the cause of your actions.

And BTW, the quantum uncertainty argument is dubious because it's been argued (by much, much smarter people than me) that the quantum waveform collapses as soon as a quantum particle comes into contact (is observed) by any other particle. And I'm not sure there's any clear connection between events at the quantum level and the operations of human consciousness.

Anyway, I'm hijacking this thread and don't know enough about DAJ's scene to be spouting off here. He sounds like a typically disaffected antisocial crank, but as far as free will and determinism go, he's right. Of course, I can't help thinking that :) - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 11:42am Edited: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 11:44am
J. Peatman
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This is too metaphysical for me to accept, really. To me we are simple biological creatures who tend to overthink the role our intelligence plays in the universe.

Regarding this thread, what I'm afraid of is that DAJ's opinions will backfire and cause an increasing group of homeless people to agree that the fact they're homeless is beyond their control.

That said, I would have no problem with them migrating to a tent city in French Guyana and eventually offing themselves with cyanide.

And inevitably, this popped into my head while reading the exchange between CJ, JI and Stew:

"All preordained
A prisoner in chains
A victim of venomous fate.
Kicked in the face,
You can't pray for a place
In heaven's unearthly estate.

Each of us
A cell of awareness
Imperfect and incomplete.
Genetic blends
With uncertain ends
On a fortune hunt that's far too fleet." - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 12:44pm
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to deny one's own perfection is to deny the perfection of the 'now'- wholly delusional - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 1:16pm
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and of course a response to the intellegence level of a 5 year old from Daj.

Anyways on to more intreguing things; It seems that things are being over-complicated with this whole idea of free will. Do you feel that if the bible weren't introduced to western civilization, we would think differently about our existance? Or would that have hindered us in the development of our society? Personally, I think we'd be more open to more radical ideals than now; because it would be easier accepted than simply saying "the bible doesn't like; therefore I dont either". Not to say that all western religion followers push the bible on everyone; but it certainly gives a more biased outlook on life(again, in my opinion).

I agree with J.Peatman about it; in that we tend to over think our intelligence and role in the universe. - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 1:36pm
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I tried but couldn't let this go, I hate those people who try to wash your windows while your stopped at a red light, K I drive a white car, just washed it, and this cock comes along and starts washing my windows...fuck I’m done! Sorry a little off topic but still annoying homeless beggar shit! - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 2:22pm
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and, ultimately, anger is self-loathing at our own impatience... words, of course, run out and are left with a rageful person attacking a patient one. Patience is invulnerable and rage only works on the fearful... the continuance of playing rage is only an indication of acting in the attempt to steal energy... sort of a cop-ish/'crown'-ish thing... a spin-doctoring doubt-sowing kind of way.

The brilliance of truth is that it is not affected by it. There is only '1' and no '0'- meaning that those that pretend evil is real are talking shit. deluded children. patience be with us all. - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 3:25pm
trevor corey
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. - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 3:34pm
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So I go to the library today to well get some books. There come DAJ out of our tax payed bathroom, then he goes on the tax payed computer, no big deal. Then as Im leaving he is sitting outside (by himself) with a sign calling people that pay into the system monkeys!!! wtf. - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 4:22pm
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what a fucking hypocrite

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I am not an advocate of free will, I do however believe our choices are limited in a pre determined sense. Free will would entail an entity granting our actions total freedom (assuming a theological free will position), and I unfortunatly don't believe in any higher being at the present moment. I mention causation because actions being inescapeable rely on a cause/effect premise-outcomes are necessary/inevitable so to speak. Thus, it is not entirely the case that fatalism is as sound as DAJ claims it to be. That is just one problem I bring up.

That being said, I am not a complete skeptic. Based on "causation" principles we can send a man to the moon and back after all. The practicality of science does well enough for me.

Does anyone know what DAJ means by "perfection" and in what context he is even referring to?

Oh and DAJ, your last response is a good ol Ad hominem fallacy. Good try though. - Sat, 4 Oct 2008 12:20pm
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I love you too, I think I'm as addicted of checking this site out as much as you/you guys are. It is a very interesting... I'm feeling a genuine affection. - Sat, 4 Oct 2008 1:05pm
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Yeah, I was talking more about free will than fatalism, though they're obviously related. I'm not sure if the lack of free will (which I'm pretty sure about) necessarily implies fatalism (which I'm not.) - Sat, 4 Oct 2008 6:06pm
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St. Ann's update- Oct. 23rd, 2008: odds and ends, links and stuff


Good morning. Day whatever here at the library courtyard. So much has gone on... always being given moments to help me remember that everything is perfectly on schedule.

Talked to lawyers yesterday about the 7:00 AM thing... they are pretty tired, yet determined. I'm pretty sure there is not enough energy left to have another 2 and a half year trial to test the Constitutionality of the new 'Bylaw'.

There has been lots of articles and stuff. Seems to be the only real issue at all of the candidates meetings for the municipal election in mid-November. I believe there is some 'staging' going on in the elections. I think, to some's chagrin, the two top vote gatherers will be Dean Fortin and Kristen Woodruff... and if Kristen wins it will be because of a lot of new voters. Whoever it is, be it a corporate mayor or a realist mayor, they will be the mayor during the 'fall' and the all the stuff that comes with it. So, I ask y'all again- Tent-cites or internment camps?.... speaking of tent-cites, I think it would be wise to start with 2 or 3 sites that could accommodate 30-50 each... we'll see... and as soon as I get my place come and see me about Gardens Not Lawns.

anyhoo, here's stuff-

the official BC Supreme Court ruling-

online version of the 94 minute 'Right to Sleep' documentary LOVE AND FEARLESSNESS v.2.4 (the events that lead up to the June 2008 Charter case)-

alright, in the meantime, and inbetween time,

cheers and love,

David Arthur Johnston

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Home page-

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

Crimes of Necessity- (from filmmaker Andrew Ainsley. Very comprehensive.) - Thu, 23 Oct 2008 10:00am
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'So, I ask y'all again- Tent-cites or internment camps?'

Internment camps. - Thu, 23 Oct 2008 12:08pm
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"the two top vote gatherers will be Dean Fortin and Kristen Woodruff"
[didn't that sound like an implication of fate?]

I just threw up in my hands!

An uncoordinated gymnast (of no fixed address) and a fuckin chimpanzee-like camera man? Perhaps their political skills (or lack thereof) would be better put to use juggling your balls in that little circus you like to call a "movement."

It's highly doubtful that the majority of voters in Victoria are swayed by the likes of a woman who shows such an obivious bias, and an unbridled amount of immaturity. Moreover, I sure as fuck would prefer to vote for someone who doesn't stand on their head when a serious issue is staring them directly in the fucking face. DING DING DING
-Oh yes, Kristen? Are you there? ....Kristen, ummmmmm Kristen?

*That was called a fucking OPPORTUNITY chimp!
Perhaps if she wasn't busy showing off her crotch (which coincedentally, I've seen better at Monty's on a Monday afternoon), she might have noticed that this was a GOLDEN opportunity to show herself as a serious candidate...not a failed gymnast.

In any regard David, your delusions are, as always, admirable. You do manage to create your own reality, and that's what makes you so special.

Big hugs and kisses! - Thu, 23 Oct 2008 12:35pm Edited: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 12:44pm
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oh...and here here on the internment camp-thingy-suggestion.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going for a well entitled nap...being that it's past 7AM I figured this would be a good time to rest my tax paying ass.

peace, love, and oatmeal.... - Thu, 23 Oct 2008 12:48pm Edited: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 12:49pm
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