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How come Girls are so fuckin evil
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > How come Girls are so fuckin evil
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Whats the deal with girls. U fuckin go out and have a good time with ur friends and there girlfriends. And of course ur girlfriend gets all fuckin jealous and freaks out at u and u never hear the end of it. just becuz there was a girl there!!!! and ya did mention i was drunk as fuck and i didnt have place to go so i stayed at the girls house on the couch with her and her boyufreiend in the other room??? You get called a fucker, Bitch, asshole, prick, all the names in the book. And then!!! they bring shit up from the past from when u "Apparently"cheatted on them while on a break!!! A BREAK!!! who cares ur free to do what the fuck u want, and no i didnt do dick all but kiss a girl!!, big fuckin deal. Seriously, girls if u fuckin love someone like u say u do, TRUST THEM!!!

Girls can be evil. How many ppl have noticed that there gf's or ex's now, are friggin crzy like this. DO SHARE, i want to see if u guys think my ex is crazy, I couldnt watch the tv with a fuckin girl in a bikini on it!!! i would get in shit!!! If u want to be a touring musician, for the love of god dont have a gf, they will eat u alive. I am not a Woman hater, i love women, but there are some evil ones! - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 12:24pm
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And therein lies your problem. Maybe when you get past puberty, the WOMEN might actually date you rather than GIRLS. - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 12:57pm
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Coming from a guy who's been on more dates with his grandmother than with "women". - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 1:24pm
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Ahhhh youth. - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 2:06pm
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sounds like a goddamn succubus - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 3:43pm
jay brown
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Sounds like a million girls I went out with when I was a teenager.... Eventually most of them grow out of that. - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 5:44pm
Mr. Hell
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Werd to your Grandmother, brother! - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 6:10pm
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well they damn well better fuckin grow out of it. pisses me off soooo much. u cant even have a normal relationship with any girl!!! I work in a resturant, and there are waitresses. She fuckin asked me if they talked to me??? ANd if so why??? and if they did they are a skank and ho. But really they are a innocent bystander. I have been with this girl for 4 and half years. SHe got really really bad after 2 so i dont know. and the other thing is that she is 19 so she mite grow out of it i dont know. - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 10:29pm
The One After Two
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drop her right now or hate your life and waste your swing'n twenties...

Maybe pick up the new Taking Back Sunday disc, sounds like you need it :) - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 11:03pm
The One After Two
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oh and when you break it off, show her your wicked rant on Live Vic, that will be funny. - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 11:04pm
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its already done dude, she fuckin went at me for 3 hrs calling me names and shit, and that she didnt know whether or not i cheated on her.(Cuz i would fuckin sneak over my friends back while he is sleeping and fuck his gf!!) She said if i fuckin closed messenger we are done, so i did!!hmmmm maybe i should listen to taking back sunday, are they heavy? - Fri, 13 Aug 2004 11:07pm
Hell 'n
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Haven't you learned, Mike? All girls are fucked. They all have other motives other than, fame, etc. You would be wise to concentrate on your career or you will never truly be happy. Once you have your career & life figured out, the girls will come flocking to you. When that happens, you just have to remember that you are better than all of them and that you are the one in control! Never let them take over your life....NEVER! - Sat, 14 Aug 2004 10:59am
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Ya know what ya do? Tell her to fuckin knock it off or you'll bitch slap her, or throw her out on the street. Why do guys/girls put up with that kinda shit? Oh wait, It's cause they love them. Hmmm, that makes sense, belittleing and repetitively being an asshole to the person you "Love" because "they did something I didn't like". Yeah, she loves ya man. Stand up for yourself and quit being a pussy! I think we can let Tom Leykis say this one......Dump That Bitch! - Sat, 14 Aug 2004 10:29pm
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why wasn't she with you at the party or whatever? you've gotta have some of the blame, after 4 1/2 years a girl doesn't just accuse her boyfriend of cheating from 1 night, you've gotta have done something, either that or she was cheating on you and putting her guilt onto you. think about it, did you give her any reasons to think you would want anyone but her? do you have moronic friends that wanna get with her that'd be whispering things about you behind her back? anyone tell you she was a flirt? I refuse to believe a girl would end it over 1 night and a couple waitresses at work.

I would also like to state that hell'n is a retard, no girl wants to spend time with an arrogant asshole no matter how well his career is going, and we can go out and get money and fame without men, the girls who would flock to you would be shallow little airheads who would fuck 5 guys at the same time behind ur back. - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 6:43pm
Masturbating The War God
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I would like to interject

"I would also like to state that hell'n is a retard, no girl wants to spend time with an arrogant asshole no matter how well his career is going..."

There are lots of chicks who date men because of money, and rich ugly men who date hot chicks. That's why the ugly men make the money. Don't you ever listen to Tom Lykis? - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 9:10pm
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Well when we were on our break like 3 months into our relationship, i went out with another girl, but i didnt do anything with her, jsut a kiss. Besides we were broken up. SHe went out with a guy for a few nites, i didnt care. About 8 months ago my gf moved from here to go live in abbotsford, becuz i had a shitty attitude and things werent going right. So she stayed with her dad, but she ignored me and everything. But during that time this guy named kevin was hanging around that was friends with her dad. He was 23 at the time, i mean she oucld of done something with him, i dont know, i trusted her. She bought him a hat that she didnt tell me about until i found a the receipt. that was fuct. but anyways, i gave no reasons to her that i would cheat on her!! not cool! i am a damn good guy!! anyeon will tell u that. - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 9:48pm
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Soap Opera...... - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 11:25pm
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Generalization stairway ,here we are, eh?

People do things for reasons, whatever those reasons are, or where they come from, who gives a shit.

I agree with the whole listen to Lykis a little more advice.

As austin powers said" at the end of the day, you've just gotta do it for yourself man"

and as perpetual burn just said "soap opera". - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 12:21am
Kris North
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Thats alot of worry for sex. - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 9:53am
Heavy Kevy
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You know, if it is as hard as it sounds between you and your girl magic, and feels like work for you to make it work out now and she struggles with trust issues you should call it quits. Take it from someone who's been married twice and wasted too many years trying to make bad relationships work, it doesn't have to be that way. Just don't get into a serious relationship until you are willing to make a full commitment to a woman. Then you will see the fulfillment in it, you don't seem to see that in this relationship so maybe you should let it go. - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 11:04am
Rubber Box
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Go for the two word cure all.
MURDER SUICIDE - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 11:43am
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ahahah good one. Murder suicide. - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 11:50am
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Masturbating, I believe I already commented upon the revolting whores who go after money, obviosly it's nice if you aren't mooching off of us, but seriosly, your views on women are way outdated. do you guys really want a weak submissive tramp who's too wishy washy and spoiled to go out and support herself? not only that but she'd definetly go off and cheat on you, then you'd get diseased and end up paying for someone else's kid. I've never met a guy who looked at a girl and said "wow, she's weakminded and shallow, I wanna spend the rest of my life with her."

and believe me, no self respecting woman wants to be spoiled and taken care of like that, the second you start buying us stuff we imediatly start to wonder if you're doing it to hide that you have no other good qualities. - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 1:15pm
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If you can't have a normal relationship with a girl, darling, then maybe try swinging the other way. Your girlfriend sounds like a bitch to me. And you're automatically an asshole for posting your relationships issues on a message board. Good luck finding a woman who fits your retarded standards; I actually mean that. - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 7:29pm
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The reason i posted this is becuz i wanted to see if i was the wrong one!! Not be an asshole. I went with the whole jealousy thing for years with her, thinking i was the one at fault, but i realized it really wasnt me, it was her. You can think i am asshole, i dont care, i wanted hear others opinion. Now that i got it, thats cool. Out of 4 1/2 years of being with i did have fun. but, when it came to having friends aswell. it didnt work. Thanks for everyones time, and thanks for posting ur comments, ill be seeing u around the bars and pubs playing shows soon! - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 7:36pm
Mr. Hell
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Look! I found an old high school picture of Dodsanger.
People who are jealous of their significant other are either cheating, have cheated or are thinking of cheating.
You were not in the wrong. - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:10pm
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Ten thousand curses upon you Mr.Hell!

... you genie lookin' bastard!

*And, god... I thought I had burned that picture... wow, you really are a genie!... bastard!!* - Thu, 19 Aug 2004 3:29am
Masturbating The War God
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News Flash, I'm a 'woman' :o

I am not saying every girl out there is a heartless gold digger, but it happens. Ahaha, don't make me laugh with the 'no self respecting woman' crap, sure they would, that's how they get the bills darling. I am not implementing you or I do that, but it happens all the time. Woman are no worse than men, we treat men just as bad as men treat us, that's how it goes. - Thu, 19 Aug 2004 8:49am
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heartless golddiggers have no self respect, if they did they'd have enough confidence in themselves to go out and make it the honest way, any woman who would be with a man she didn't at least see a potential of loving or thought was physically atractive has no self respect, with the exeption of hookers, because at least they're upfront about it just being for cash. and masturbating, that you would find that acceptable speaks volumes. go out, fall in love, talk to me then. - Thu, 19 Aug 2004 12:52pm
Masturbating The War God
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Ahaha, who the hell says I find anything acceptable? I am mearly stating a fact, SOME woman want money. Hey, it's called PERSONAL CHOICE. And the men(again, SOME) KNOW that, that's why they make the money. And you or I might think they have no self respect, but odds are they think they do.
You are so right! Anyone who knows me knows I am all about the bling bling. If the man I want isn't making 60k plus a year, I'm outta there! I am glad to see that you, who knows nothing of me, JSUT because I made a few points, feel the need to group me in with those woman, wow, you're S-M-R-T. Do you know what you do when you assume? You make an ASS of you YOU and me, well mostly you.
You don't have to like the idea of woman getting men for money, or men with money getting woman, I am just saying it happens. I just don't know why you are getting so fucking upset, it's not like I said "Autum is one of the self loving gold diggers"

PS. I think I've fallen in love with you, can we meet for a secret sexy romp? Only if you've got loads of money though *snap!* - Thu, 19 Aug 2004 4:32pm
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how the hell did that go to golddigging!! Jealousy, not golddiggin, she was defintley not a gold digger, she bought me shit, and i bought her shit. So i dont know where that came from! - Thu, 19 Aug 2004 4:58pm
Masturbating The War God
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would also like to state that hell'n is a retard, no girl wants to spend time with an arrogant asshole no matter how well his career is going, and we can go out and get money and fame without men, the girls who would flock to you would be shallow little airheads who would fuck 5 guys at the same time behind ur back

That's kind of what got it going, least for me. - Thu, 19 Aug 2004 6:19pm
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Wow! I am honored. MasterbatingTheWarGod has called me a retard twice in this thread! She must know that what I say is the truth. After all, we're both females. - Thu, 19 Aug 2004 7:19pm
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haha Helen vs. Denise! Fight! fight! fight! - Fri, 20 Aug 2004 9:36am
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I just feel the need to clarify this whole Helen thing cuz it's pissing me a Helen but NOT Hell'n on this board. Quite a few of you know that I am Helen so i didn't want ya thinking that i am THAT Hell'n.
I am HELONWHEELS, the one and only.
I've got to say that i think that Masturbating the War God is making some pretty valid points though, so there. - Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:37am
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I never denied that there are girls out there who just want to use a man for money, I just think they're bitches and can't understand how the hell anyone would find that behavior acceptable, for starters its just plain mean. and Masturbating, you just proved the point I've been trying to make "And you or I might think they have no self respect, but odds are they think they do." I'm not denying that they think they do, just saying that they don't (once again, aside from hookers :) ). "that's how they get the bills darling" and GEEE I wonder what would lead me to believe anything derogatory towards you, quite frankly I don't care how they get the bills, just that they have no bloody self respect and the majority of them are shallow ho's. and Hell'n, I want to apologise, because I meant to say that what you said was retarded, not that you were actually a retard.

oh, masturbating, I think I love you too, how about I throw pennies at you and watch you suck off a greasy old man? - Fri, 20 Aug 2004 12:53pm
Rubber Box
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Oh yeah, now this is getting HOT!! - Fri, 20 Aug 2004 2:19pm
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Man, you're just talking to the wrong "girls"....try dating women, I hear they're completely different - Fri, 20 Aug 2004 4:10pm
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Mindlesssexmagik, everyone's missed an essential point.....

I think if Friends has taught us anything (and I hate to admit that it has), you will be help accountable for anything that takes place on a break.... Break does not equal broken up.... I don't mean to say you deserve that kind of paranoid interrogation, you certainly don't....

She's overracting, and you're probably best off breaking up with her.... But be careful next time.... Things like that can come back to haunt you..... - Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:06pm
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Yah, its over knife ghost, has been for like a month. I am basically over it now, just a few things like, ya never gonna see or be with that person ever again. But its all cool. i had fun over the weekend. party at my friend lukes house in langhole. got hella drunk and had fun. Besides single life is the way to be right now. i mean if another girl comes along and wants to be with me for all the right reasons and trust me that would rule. but for right now NO!
thanks all for replyin to this board
This subject is dead. - Sun, 22 Aug 2004 4:46pm
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hail!...good outlook man. Relationships are definetely not kvlt. \m/ - Tue, 24 Aug 2004 10:22am
Nik Olaz
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i felt that this thread needed some HAWTNESS - Tue, 24 Aug 2004 12:18pm
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Kinda work safe..... - Fri, 27 Aug 2004 12:29pm
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Trust is such a fragile thing. Not all women are fucked up, but I must admit, there do seem to be a lot of headcases out there.

I speak from experience.

You could always just "turn gay" and rid yourself of the female hassles forever! - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 8:24am
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I'm gay and I want YOU, Gabri~hell. - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 11:16am
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Well i got another story for everyone!!!! I went the other day to close our joint account that we had together and she put a cheque in the account and took 460 bucks out!!!! meaning i am now out 500 bucks with fees and shit. And now i have to pay that off!!!! unless she puts it back in like she says cuz i flipped!!! But i doubt it. And if u wonder why we had a joint account, its becuz we were common law married so we decided to get one so we can save money to buy a house one day and get married. But i guess she had other purposes in her head.

Anyways i would like to say that gabri-hell you are very beautful. and thanks for the comment, i am not gonna turn gay i just have to find the right girl for me and i am sure i am gonna find that girl someday :) - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 4:51pm
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you know really, after reading this whole thing it occurred to me that maybe you should just hang up on poeple that are screaming at you over the phone, or for instance if they're yelling at you in public you can just walk away and they'll appear crazy to any one passing by....personally, i have no advice for anyone just that they have a good adventure, but really a break means a break and you have no ties or rules while on a break, i mean you can hope for otherwise but realistically (sp?) when someone tells you they're thinking they need a break you should just face the fact that you're just not making the grade and its time go shopping for a new model - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 7:50pm
princess p
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true that "everythingisfine" anytime there has been a "let's go on a break" conversation in my relationships they always end bad.

I would also like to say that all women are evil in their own little way even if we think we're not ( miss autumn and miss masterbating war...:0 ) And men will always put up with our evilness because we have boobs and smell nice ;) - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 8:02pm
The One After Two
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amen. - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 9:29pm
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it's not just the boobs and odour.....let's not forget about those fantastic orafices (one in particular) that women have. - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 10:03pm
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All eight of them are ohhhh so lovely! Mmmmmm, So Orificial

Main Entry: or�i�fice
Pronunciation: 'or-&-f&s, '�r-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin orificium, from Latin or-, os mouth + facere to make, do -- more at ORAL, DO
: an opening (as a vent, mouth, or hole) through which something may pass
- or�i�fi�cial /"or-&-'fi-sh&l, "�r-/ adjective - Sun, 29 Aug 2004 1:39am
david bosma
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well, lets just say we hope they smell nice and have boobs....a friend of mine offers only this as advice; women are crazy and men are if you ever find your self having a problem with the opposite sex refer to this rule and you'll understand why

never seen killing flaw before so i'm a gonna have to check that show out, i love logans, i love playing there
and dan is the man

peace - Sun, 12 Sep 2004 3:04pm
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How bout these 3 steps on how to fondle breasts all day long:
1.Gain 300 pounds
2.Take off shirt
3.Enjoy! - Sun, 12 Sep 2004 5:22pm
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Don't you all know that ALL women are sluts? - Wed, 15 Sep 2004 4:46pm
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MP you are an evil man what's this slut bizzo this is the second place you've posted that. What's up are you gay? - Thu, 16 Sep 2004 11:39am
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No, I'm a lesbian and a slut. - Thu, 16 Sep 2004 8:21pm
muddy fawker
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Everyone is in it for themself. If the shoe don't fit..... - Wed, 22 Sep 2004 5:42am
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ahahha i have been broken up with my ex gf for 3 months now and i am still getting posts! - Wed, 22 Sep 2004 5:52pm
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So what's the update? How's it worked out? - Tue, 28 Sep 2004 5:10pm
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Well the update is! that she hates me now and she hopes that i die. Well she turned into a psycho bitch. And i am glad that is over with cuz i am a happier person now. And meeting new ppl and my band is going great for the exception of finding a vocalist. I got some new girls that i talk to now and they seem promising. so i guess we will see soon.

Talk to u all later - Tue, 28 Sep 2004 5:54pm
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