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Again, Another Reason To Be Glad You're Not A Yankee
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Again, Another Reason To Be Glad You're Not A Yankee
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User Info... - Fri, 14 May 2004 11:03am
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hey, in case you haven't noticed, there's just as many fat asses right here. - Fri, 14 May 2004 2:02pm
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Actually, this is one of the skinniest cities in North America FYI *but yeah I hear ya*

The link's just funny because it's true... - Fri, 14 May 2004 2:41pm
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Yay dude: This could be generallized to to ALL of North America. They say there are now MORE obese children per Capa in Canada than in the states, And that the average 60 year old Swed is in better shape than the average 20 year old Canadian.

Or some shit like that...

I must remember to form a task force to spread Prion diseases to ALL mega farms. Anyone know of any extreme Vegan millitias that might do the dirty work for me? - Fri, 14 May 2004 8:20pm
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Thank you for confirming that, Broc. - Sat, 15 May 2004 4:57am
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"One of the skinniest cities in north america".....not saying much, considering mexicans are usually poor and underfed. american fast food economy is turning the lot of us into an unhealthy bunch of lard asses, me included. boo-urns McDonalds - Sat, 15 May 2004 5:13am
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This is just a joke, but just to stick it to ya, I think being on North America's top 10 skinnest cities list puts us ahead of most places by far.
This is not a comparison to starving mexicans, it's a comparison to the lazy, grease guzzling masses of the USA.
If we've all followed in their footsetps then thats sad, but be grateful us Victorians are apparently not as gluttonous as the rest of NA.

*When you have to congradulate those who can see their toes, society has a problem, wouldn't you eggheads agree?*

ahhaah - Sat, 15 May 2004 9:51am
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Agreed. Even when you have to "congraTulate" people who can see their toes. - Sat, 15 May 2004 11:42am
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Carol Yager (1960 - 1994) of Flint, MI; 5 ft 7 in, estimated to have weighed more than 1600 lbs at her peak. She had been fat since childhood. In 1993, she was measured at 1189 lbs when admitted to Hurley Medical Center, suffering from cellulitis. She lost nearly 500 lbs on a 1200-calorie diet, but most of that weight was thought to be fluid, and she regained all of it and more soon after being discharged. Her teenage daughter, a boyfriend, and a group of volunteers helped take care of her. Despite extravagant promises by diet maven Richard Simmons and talk-show host Jerry Springer, Yager received little practical assistance in return for her media exposure (though Springer continues to profit from her appearance on his show, having rebroadcast that episode at least four times). She was refused further hospitalization on the grounds that her condition was not critical, despite massive water retention and signs of incipient kidney failure, and these problems led to her death a few weeks later. - Sat, 15 May 2004 1:38pm
Stars and Stripes FOREVER, canadian bitches
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You canadians sure are a whiney bunch of communist bitches.Like it or not, within 40 years your kids will be reciting the pledge of allegiance in school, while the stars and stripes flutters in the breeze outside. We already own 90% of your ass,another 40 years and we'll have it all.

And what can any of you pussies do about it?

Nothing. - Sun, 16 May 2004 1:18pm
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Who makes a new profile just for the sake of posting something to call us "canadian bitches? and as far as the 'communist' comment goes, we're sorry that we A) share B) believe in FREE healthcare C) debate about our own government D) read complex literature.....numbskull - Sun, 16 May 2004 1:45pm
Stars and Stripes FOREVER, canadian bitches
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Free healthcare? According to some "complex literature"published in your own stupid country, most Canadians paid a monthly premium , while one third of your government's revenue (funded by the taxpayer)is dumped into your failing, decrepit healthcare system.I'm assuming you think it's free because your on welfare, which probably gives you all the time in the world to read "complex literature".

Don't worry though,when we run Canada we'll draft all you welfare bums and send you off to some far off land to die.

And again,what can any of you pussies do about it?

Nothing. - Sun, 16 May 2004 1:52pm
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Say what you want...You're giving us a first-hand demonstration of why the whole world hates you and everyone running your shithole country. - Sun, 16 May 2004 3:01pm
Land of the free
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Yet they all can't wait to get thier hands on a bottle of coca cola or a pair of levi's. The whole world hates us but yet they eat up our pop culture like a bunch of foolish, ravenous pigs. The fact is,we are the richest, most powerfull country in the world and the rest of this shitty planet is just jealous of our wealth and power - Sun, 16 May 2004 3:28pm
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Another 40 years and the States are going to be bankrupt. And there's nothing YOU can do about that. Sad really. Yanks like you certainly do keep me amused. - Sun, 16 May 2004 3:41pm
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Not all Yanks are right wing fucking idiots like Mt. Land-0-Da-Free. Lots of them have their heads on straight and even though they love what their country used to stand for, are embarrassed about what the Bush administration has done. - Sun, 16 May 2004 4:40pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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word. - Sun, 16 May 2004 7:02pm
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AAAAAAAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the fucking yankee is trying to compare our system with the USA??

What a fucking joke.

Go to compton and get shot and see what your healthcare and law enforcment are good for hick, NOTHING. - Mon, 17 May 2004 11:45am
created equal
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who you callin' hick, white trash? - Tue, 18 May 2004 3:52am
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How dare you insult my ethnic heritage you fascist fuck! - Tue, 18 May 2004 6:18am
Chris Brown
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And Americans wonder why Canadians wear maple leafs
when we travel to the States or Europe!! Hint* We
do not wish to be associated with all the stupid
bullshit the big U - S of - A does. I just laugh
whenever I see some bloated rich Yank in his big yaucht
flying the american flag up for all to see (In Canada).
Or you come into our resturaunts and generally act rude and impatient as though we should prioritize you because your American!! What a fucking joke!! - Tue, 18 May 2004 6:58am
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Patriotism is silly, it just gets people all riled up and then they have a heart attack and if they're lucky and in the states their insurance covers it and if they're in canada the taxes you've paid will cover it. I think the real argument here is who has better beer. - Tue, 18 May 2004 12:21pm
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I just did a little surf/road trip down to San Diego and back up the Coast. Last time I did the trip was about five years ago. In So Cal portions have increased, shitty restaurants are everywhere and very few people (save for the other guys and gals in the water)appeared to be in decent shape. As I drove up the coast the change in lifestyle was very noticeable. By the time I hit Santa Cruz things were pretty much like here, with a lot of organics and alternatives to the fast food boogie. However, once I passed Seaside Oregon, Jack in the Box and Arby's were once again prevelant.

The cultural differences never fail to blow my mind.

Some fucker keyed my truck at Huntington Beach. Probably some shithead with a small dick and a big mouth like the supposed American who posted above. C'mon, we all know that you're el-fuckface. As if your claiming to be independently wealthy weren't bad enough you now decide to pose as a stupid American? WTF? - Tue, 18 May 2004 3:06pm
created equal
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You guys are so predjudice! Listen, there are lots of assholes below the border and there are lots of assholes above (dodsanger for one) and lots of assholes elsewhere.
But there are also lots of great people down there and here and elsewhere. Why don't you try to make the planet better instead of wasting your time slagging our fellow humans? Of couse, I do expect to get some crude replies, but so what. Grow up! - Tue, 18 May 2004 3:52pm
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The United States is so big and complex, almost anything you want to say about it is true. If you are looking for redneck bigots you'll find them, People who travel the world and speak seven laguages? You'll find them as well.
What I don't understand is why they can't develop a better political system. Especially when it comes to foriegn policy. No matter how good their intentions it always ends in a disaster of self-interest, pig headed ingnorance and failure. - Tue, 18 May 2004 5:40pm
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'Cept Nixon - Tue, 18 May 2004 6:22pm
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Let's see, Nixon ended the Vietnam War and opened relations with China......You're right Broccoli, it's strange but true! - Wed, 19 May 2004 3:44am
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I just laugh
whenever I see some bloated rich Yank in his big yaucht
flying the american flag up for all to see (In Canada).

Not sure what you think you witnessed. I've sailed into mexico and Canada on different trips. Flying your home flag is for the local Customs and coast guard to identify aproaching vessels. After a Yacht has made port in a new country, they should fly that country flag highest "out of respect" and their own country flag "under the one being visited" to ID origin to Coast Guard officials while cruising in their waters.

I wouldn't claim them as being a "bloated rich yank" too fast either. I have several friends who live on their boats in place of owning a land home. The ones with an income are lucky enough to get by from selling photo's taken at sea or remote islands, freelance writers, or trading. - Wed, 19 May 2004 5:48am
created equal
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Speaking of political systems, I suppose you're proud of Gordon Campbell, eh? There's tons of shitty restaurants right here (how many organic restaurants can you count in Victoria....1 or 2 maybe)? and cars get keyed here by stupid Canadians. What I keep trying to say to you all is that there are idiots everywhere, even in your own back yard. Instead of slagging everyone (waste of precious time...and we only have so much time), let's try to make our planet a better place. - Wed, 19 May 2004 6:22am
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I'm proud of the fact Jean Chretien had the wisdom and backbone to keep Canada out of Iraq. And sure there are assholes everywhere but in a country with 330 million people you are naturally going to find more of them. At home Americans are homicidal maniacs, thats not a slagg it's a statistical fact. In one year Seattle had 550 homicides, in the same year Vancouver, similar size and location, had 35. That alone makes me glad I'm not a yankee. - Wed, 19 May 2004 6:44am
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Make no mistake, created equal, that there are very definate and very visible cultural differences between Victoria (or anywhere in Western Canada) and the Western United States. Of course there are assholes, non-assholes, healthy, un-healthy, stupid and smart people in Canda and the US. But, you cannot deny the cultural differences.

Anyway, I thought this topic had something to do with food consumtion and obescity in the US. Having just driven up the coast from San Diego, I was blown away by the sheer number of fast food outlets and the majority of them were jam packed. I was also shocked at the number of people who appeared to be overweight. Walk down a busy street in Vancouver and then walk down a busy street in San Diego. The difference is noticeable. We're catching up, but we're not there yet. The marketing machine isn't as strong here yet.

As for the key job - I don't care who does it or where. Someone who keys your vehicle because you're surfing their local break is undeniably a total fuckhead, whether at Jordan River or Huntington Beach. I tossed the shot in at el-fuckface-o because he deserves it, despite the fact that it has no relevance with regard to this topic. - Wed, 19 May 2004 10:43am
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I just wish they would legalize alcohol in BC so I could afford to buy a beer every now and then. That's one thing I miss about living in the US, being able to get drunk for under $50. No wonder weed is so popular here, it's a cheaper alternative. - Wed, 19 May 2004 3:37pm
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"Listen, there are lots of assholes below the border and there are lots of assholes above (dodsanger for one)"

:D - Thu, 20 May 2004 11:01am
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Wait a minute? Are you under the impression that alcohol is illegal in B.C.?? Oh man...awesome. NBC really controls the media eh. - Thu, 20 May 2004 11:16am
The One After Two
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Stars and Stripes forever is a Canadian... Fact.

No American would care enough to post here :)

I thought it was funny when he said they will "own" us.
Then someone said America will be bankrupt in 40 years.

No doubt America will buy us with credit cards and stock options... hehehe. We'll be true north stong and free in 90 days after "purchase" hehehehe

Most Americans are normal. Just like us, cheaper gas prices. - Thu, 20 May 2004 4:21pm
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Don't go to the south much do you?

They elected bush, and havn't impeached him yet. "nuff said"

But then again, we suck too so umm, up with the euro! - Fri, 21 May 2004 6:23am
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Don't forget that Bush was NOT elected. The election was thrown in Florida where Bush's brother Jeb is governor. From what I've heard from my American friends, they're getting pretty fed up with him, so either he will indeed get impeached or he'll get voted out in November. Let's hope it happens. - Fri, 21 May 2004 9:57am
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Yeah alcohol is illegal in BC. I just wish they would legalize it so I could buy it at the grocery store or WalMart. Then I might be able to afford it. Instead I have to pay these super bloated prices at these monopolized government run joints. I hear it's legal in Alberta.

Contrary to what many people believe Dubya was not elected, and most Americans who have made it past grade 8 (about 50%) do not support his policies. - Fri, 21 May 2004 12:25pm
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Glad to see im not the only one who realized the unconstitutional "recount" was a fucking sidewind job.

GORE!!!!!!!!! - Fri, 21 May 2004 1:01pm
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Gore woulda been horrible too: You KNOW Tipper would be pulling the strings, and she's a femanazi - Fri, 21 May 2004 6:09pm
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Well I thought*and hoped* itta been clinton in stoner mode pulling the strings, hence, legalizing this and that *weed and full frontal*

HEY theres another reason to be glad you're not a yankee!!!!!!

HA-HA! - Sat, 22 May 2004 6:48am
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nixon tried to end the vietnam war? he invaded cambodia the same week university students were being shot in michigan and georgia by the national guard while protesting the war. - Mon, 31 May 2004 9:02am
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I'm not saying he was a peace advocate or even a nice guy but he did end the war.....after he invaded Cambodia and Carpet bombed Hanoi. Hey nobody is perfect (in case you missed it, that was sarcasm). What's really curious is that Nixon's image has been dusted off to the point that I've heard him referrred to as an "Elder Stateman of American Foriegn policy". It's often overlooked but Kennedy was the one who got America into the Vietnam war. After his assasination, LBJ only made things worse in order to try and get re-elected. It's like watching history repeat itself in Iraq. - Tue, 1 Jun 2004 6:16am
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I thought it was Eizenhower - Tue, 1 Jun 2004 8:11am
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It was actually France who started the Viet Nam War! Eisenhower got the USA involved and then France bailed. Kennedy escalated the war and Johnson got things way out of hand. - Tue, 1 Jun 2004 9:35am
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Actually, if you want an interesting insight into the current (American) election, read Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail..... - Tue, 1 Jun 2004 10:17am
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After the Second World War France just thought they could have things back the way they were before it all began. That included their Colony in South East Asia. The Allies allowed France to set up an administration there to deal with the power vacuum left after the Japanese were kicked out. Nobody bothered to ask the Vietnamese what they wanted. The Vietnamese had been fighting against the Japanese so they just continued fighting the French. They turned to the Russians for help because they were traditionally suspicious of the Chinese. The French were finally beaten up at Dien Bien Phu so badly they had to call it quits. At that point the country was divided into North and South. The South Vietnamese government was "aided" by Eisenhower. The Americans wanted the oil that lay of shore in the Gulf of Tonkin. Kennedy took it all one step further 'cause he was a macho idiot looking for a way to prove he wasn't soft on Communism. That's the abbreviated 'LiveVic' version.
Hunter S. Thompson's book is great by the way. and getting back to the original post topic, if I was going to get fat on anything it would have to be South East Asian cuisine. The blend of French and Vietnamese cooking is almost perfection in a bowl. - Tue, 1 Jun 2004 4:33pm
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Thompson is still ALIVE? I woulda thought the daily drug cocktails woulda put him out years ago... - Wed, 2 Jun 2004 8:15pm
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As far as I know Hunter S. Thompson (the inspiration for the character "Duke" in the cartoon strip Doonesbury) is still around and indulging his taste for Wild Turkey, large caliber ammunition and high octane gasoline at his secure compound. The man has the constitution of an Ox. - Thu, 3 Jun 2004 8:26am
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He's still alive, but he's cut back on the toxins over the last few decades.......

But I was talkign about Campaign Trail 1972..... There are a lot of parallels between that election and this one..... - Thu, 3 Jun 2004 9:37am
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Hunter is alive and well, considering, living outside of Aspen on his compound. Still has a bi-weekly column on ESPN regarding his betting fiascos... - Thu, 3 Jun 2004 11:08am
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Hunter S. Thompson is one of my heroes! - Thu, 3 Jun 2004 6:57pm
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Mine too, and I don't even _drink_...... - Fri, 4 Jun 2004 7:01pm
Hell 'n
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this board is fucked up - Wed, 9 Jun 2004 3:25pm
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bump - Thu, 10 Jun 2004 3:21am
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Fear & Loathing - Fri, 11 Jun 2004 8:22pm
The One After Two
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what? - Fri, 11 Jun 2004 11:30pm
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We can't stop here, this is bat country..... - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 12:35am
a 300lb Samoan Lawyer
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Bad craziness..... - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 12:49am
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His book on Hell's Angels is pretty fucked too - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 1:05am
The One After Two
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remember when Johnny Depp ran around the hotel room in gumboats? That was funnny. - Sat, 12 Jun 2004 3:21am
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