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The Perish Concert
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > The Perish Concert
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Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
Hey Everyone !!
The Perish Will Be Performing on Sept. 6 2008 at :
The Victoria Event Center 1514 Broad St.
tickets go on sale Aug. 19 ,
$10 in advance at:
Lyle's Place - 770 yates st.,
Freedom Arts Music Center - Church Rd. Sooke,
The Victoria Event Center,
Perish Productions,
various Shopper's Drug Marts,
and The Zone FM will have some to give away !! so listen up !

Doors open at: 7:00p.m.

U-tube - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 2:28pm Edited: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 2:32pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info... - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 2:36pm
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Why is this in general chitchat? Dumbass can't even figure out where gig announcements are to be posted. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 2:54pm
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Just in case you thought it might be handy to listen to some advice...

You have great vocals going on with reasonably decent straight up rock music.

I recommend you drop everything to do with "The Perish" and all its weirdness and focus on just being a solid rock band.

Work on your music and let the music do the work for you without the bullshit hype.

Perhaps most imporant you need to lose the history and start fresh.

I think your music warrants such a rebirth.

Cheers. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 2:56pm
Jeff From The Perish
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Here's Our Website


thanks everyone for the wicked support.

Now the slaggers have NO EXCUSE ! we're playing in VIctoria as requested, so.... now slaggers may be able to say crap about our shows after ACTUALLY seeing one !!! - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 2:56pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
now I'm a dumb-ass for doing a show. still bitter eh Chopper ? admit it. You're super happy you've got this oppertunity to Slag us. It's what you do best.

Rock On Victoria !! - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 3:00pm
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Hey is the dancing cheese going to be there this time? I request Brie or Edam cheese plz... - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 3:25pm
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No you're a dumbass for not being able to clearly read what the sections of the board are for. My post was pretty clear about that. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 3:43pm Edited: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 3:43pm
round em up
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***YAWN**** - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 4:22pm
Jeff From The Perish
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Ok Dick. whatever you say. It clearly says " General Chitchat- write about whatever you want, anything goes "
so get YOUR reading glasses on dumb-ass. You're just bitter cause you have no life. You spend everyday for years now slagging bands on this site. Maybe that's cause you're bitter about our success or that you don't have anything going for yourself. Either way your comments mean absolutely nothing to anyone but yourself. I will still be working hard in the music biz, no matter how hard you try to stop me. Dick. You need to remember to take your meds. then you might loose the red face and actually have something nice to say to someone when they're putting in a good effort. So many people on this site are so supportive, but you..... you don't even make sense.
See you all at the show !
Rock On Victoria ! - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 4:38pm
Jeff from The Perish
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and yes....
the official cheese will be there !! - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 4:39pm
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The only band I've ever slagged here has been yours dipshit. So many people are supportive, out of all your posts you've gotten 1 positive comment, and that is in this thread. There's that ego of yours running wild again.

And you're still a dumbass for posting this in General Chitchat when Up n' Coming (aka Self Promotion) clearly states it's for gig announcements. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 4:51pm Edited: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 4:52pm
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So going to this. . .

I will however be majorly pissed off if the dancing cheese does not actually make an appearance.

Cheers - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 5:05pm
Jeff from The Perish
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ok spec of dust in my life. General chitchat - talk about whatever you want. anything goes.

that's what I did . Double chocolate-Dip-Shit.

one positive thread. ha. That's on this site maybe. sure. No one but me is brave enough to stick there neck out here for you to chop. CHOPPER ! you're an asshole to everyone on here. Don't think people haven't noticed.
My goal is to be opening for Led Zeppelin Next Year.
What are you doing ?
let me guess,
another year of getting up every morning, firing up the ol' computer, and sitting there all day saying shit about The Perish, which is a band you've never seen.
Good for you. Hope it's as fun a year from now for you as it has been for the last 5.

ROCK ON VICTORIA !!!! - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 5:22pm
Jeff from The Perish
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no worries dude! the cheese will be there. It's in his contract.
rock on ! - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 5:29pm
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And as I've said in every other useless self centered post you've ever made, which means all of them, I have no want or need to support a band who's 'driving force' is your insipid ego and inability to admit to your mistakes.

As was pointed out earlier in this thread. Change the way you attempt to do things and distance yourself from your past BS and your overinflated ego. You aren't that important, and you won't be opening for Zeppelin, well except for in your dreams.

I was playing music and doing weekly gigs while you were just a tickle in your daddy's ballsack, boy. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 6:24pm
Jeff From The Perish
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and now you're all old, washed up, useless, and bitter.
step aside. Rock is for the youth and the young at heart.
Not You. none of my goals will change because you told me to. You're just upset because you know I actually do what I say, and I actually do intend to open for Led Zeppelin next year. Call it a dream if you wish. Because we've got a new deal with Delinquent Records in the works, and a whole slue of other great oppertunities that have just recently popped up, I would say my chances are WAY better than you think. Definately got more going on for me than you. So.... enjoy your bitter old age in a rocking chair, or at your computer desk bitchin'. I really don't care. You'll see us on TV and die of a heart attack because you'll be so pissed off. And again, no one will care.

ROCK ON VICTORIA !!! - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 7:13pm
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'You're just upset because you know I actually do what I say'

Really? We're still waiting for this sold out show at the Save on Foods Arena smart guy. You're delusions might seem realistic in your little world, the rest of us know otherwise. You've got as much chance of backing Zepplin as I do finding a cache of Spanish gold in the ravine behind our house.

'Because we've got a new deal with Delinquent Records in the works'

The same record label you were already supposedly signed to? Oh that's right, just another delusion to add to the pile. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 7:51pm
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Jeff... i wouldn't even respond to him if he pisses you off so much. (though chopper amuses me most posts he/she/it makes:P).
It just seems a little juvinile to keep going back and forth if your such a professional about your goals/career. Your just fueling the fire every time you respond. LET IT GO AND PLAY THE SHOW!
see you there. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 8:00pm
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All debates/discussions/weirdness/alien shit aside, that clean intro riff to inside i rust is cool. The rest of the tune not my cuppa by not real is a good one. makes me forget the dancing cheese and I'll pay 10 quid to see more of the music itself. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 8:07pm
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Zappnin! Zappnin! Zappnin! Um....yeah. Aww....fuck it, I'm too old and bitter - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 8:44pm
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Here it is..wooo!!!! so excited i just can't hide it. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 8:49pm
Jeff From The Perish
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nice shot of the cheese ! and no worries, I've been laughing at chopper the whole time. He hasn't upset me in the least. What he says usually makes no sense what-so-ever and is very entertaining. I think if he had that heart attack, I might actually miss him. Thanks for all the support.

PS- I never say anything unless I mean it. We are doing the next Alien Rock Theatre at The Save On Foods Memorial Arena. It's in the works. We had hoped to do it in December but we've got other serious obligations to take care of, so it's coming. Just not December. But from me.... a promise is a promise. And look, Everyone knows that we were signed with Delinquent Records. It's in dozens of newspapers and I'm sure if anyone over there wants to respond to such a silly question... you could email Delinquent Records themselves if you have any doubts. Anyone who really knows me, knows who I know. They even still come up in google when typing the perish because since we were signed with them, we've been in their keywords for their website. I don't need to say anything though... like I said. New deal in the works, and when that's taken care of... I'm sure you'll ( chopper ) be pissed as hell to see us back up on their website.
Unfortunatly I can't stay online here like chopper...
I am heading off to a mountain-side forest to listen to and communicate with wind, until the night before the show.
It's how they talk to me. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 11:10pm
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goals are good; but hubris can be the biggest mistake of a career. You have a vision; you dont need to justify it to anyone, even chopper. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 11:33pm
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'What he says usually makes no sense what-so-ever'

Coming from the guy that thinks another entity from outside our universe, has chosen him to talk to... That's freakin

And you're already a year late on your Save on Foods gig Jeff. Your history of making these overzealous statements will show you fail again. Just like the Royal show.

But I'm the one that's off my

And if you think you remotely anger me Jeff, you're fooling yourself. You're a joke, the entire music scene of Victoria knows you're a joke. You'll continue to be the brunt of everyone's jokes until you deflate that uber large ego of yours and come back down to earth.

The DAJ of the local music scene. That's my new moniker for you. - Mon, 18 Aug 2008 11:49pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info... - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 12:01am
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Damn, I'm not here again, sadly as I'll be I St. Petersburg Russia that night I will miss the show....someone please tape it, my best to the cheese, I hope he is aging well.
Good luck with the show Jeff... - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 1:16am
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Um... the group have some promise musically, but you are nowhere near good enough for any label worth anything to sign you to any sort of deal.

Like I said, put all this typing effort into practicing and you might get somewhere. - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 8:28am
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Well I can't say that your music is what I'm into it does kinda remind me of hawkwind which is cool. One thing i have to say is that you certainly know how to get some good promo for your gigs. Every time someone else posts a gig they might get 2 or 3 reply s but you always gets epic threads which in turn gets folks attention. Best of luck to ya. - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 12:05pm
trevor corey
User Info... - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 1:07pm
Jeff From The Perish
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just thought I'd check in one last time, before I leave for my hike into the woods. Seems there's a lot of mixed feelings out there. So.... Thanks for the compliments, those who have made some. As far as being good enough to be signed by a label.... we already were. And plan to be agai very soon. We also had distributing offers in Germany, Sweden, and Australia, but we didn't take any of them. To risky a deal on our end. However you're not supposed to take the first bone they throw your way anyways so.... Let's see what happens this time around. And honestly... talent ?? 70% of radio play songs are TALENTLESS and everyone here knows it. So... now that it's been established we have a tiny tiny tiny tiny bit of talent... we're already ahead of the game.

see you all at the show, and thanks for all the wicked support !! - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 2:48pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info... - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 2:49pm
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You guys can't even play in time.

Obviously no point trying to reason with you.

Cheers and good luck in la-la land.

Say hi to DAJ for me. - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 3:50pm
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"And honestly... talent ?? 70% of radio play songs are TALENTLESS and everyone here knows it."

But they're still on the radio. THey have established deals and marketability/commercial-able. Your band on the otherhand has no commericial aspect other than being an "alien rock" theatre act. Unique but needs to be a more polished product.

"We also had distributing offers in Germany, Sweden, and Australia, but we didn't take any of them. To risky a deal on our end."

risky for who? the distribution company for offering to take you guys on and distribute your music across 3 different countries? at what cost? None to you; unless they weren't sure of your music; in which case, it would be hard for any record exec to justify sponsorship.

lastly your website... very archaic... needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled. You could do yourself one favor by taking it down and creating a or equivalent page(for FREE).

Please dont think im trying to "slag" your band. This is competley undoctored, non-cherry coated feedback. - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 4:13pm
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do you guys have a MySpace? - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 6:26pm
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The Perish Myspace -

The Perish Facebook -

You-Tube -

Perish TV -

The Perish Website -

or - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 8:01pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
The Perish Myspace -

The Perish Facebook -

You-Tube -

Perish TV - - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 8:06pm
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It's a fun website. Jeff Writes all his own code in a text editor. Nothing fancy like dreamweaver. He says it keeps him learning to do that. so, I think it's cool.
Besides since I've started working for Jeff, I've learned one thing about websites. Not worth much. Did any of you out there become a Van Halen Fan or a Kiss fan Or a Pink Floyd fan because of their website ? of course not. The only people that go to a site are already fans. Having Talent and The Will are all that's needed, and if you ever meet Jeff, you will know he's got tons. I also find it strange that people that don't know Jeff are such slaggers. Jeff does a lot for people and goes way out of his way for others. I know. I work for him. - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 8:09pm
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It's a fun website. Jeff Writes all his own code in a text editor. Nothing fancy like dreamweaver. He says it keeps him learning to do that. so, I think it's cool.
Besides since I've started working for Jeff, I've learned one thing about websites. Not worth much. Did any of you out there become a Van Halen Fan or a Kiss fan Or a Pink Floyd fan because of their website ? of course not. The only people that go to a site are already fans. Having Talent and The Will are all that's needed, and if you ever meet Jeff, you will know he's got tons. I also find it strange that people that don't know Jeff are such slaggers. Jeff does a lot for people and goes way out of his way for others. I know. I work for him.

Whatever you say, Jeff. - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 8:30pm
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ummm, my name's Dave. I am using Jeff's computer though, wich is really Bruce's Computer if you must know. Wow, they said you guys go as far as checking our IP addresses but wow, thought they were kidding. - Tue, 19 Aug 2008 9:45pm
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ummm, my name's Dave. I am using Jeff's computer though, wich is really Bruce's Computer if you must know. Wow, they said you guys go as far as checking our IP addresses but wow, thought they were kidding.

I didn't check anyone's IP address. Way to give up your cover, Jeff. - Wed, 20 Aug 2008 6:05am
Mr. Hell
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Geocities websites are the coolest. - Wed, 20 Aug 2008 7:38am
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multiple personalitys (aliens, dave , jeff, bruce, cheese) sounds like a Vitamin B complex imbalance, too much B-6.

and who ever said they sound like hawkwind shut up hawkwind (w/LEMMY) rocks and can play in time.

lose the name/attitude and learn your instruments and find "the tone" and you might have something. - Wed, 20 Aug 2008 8:39am
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"Did any of you out there become a Van Halen Fan or a Kiss fan Or a Pink Floyd fan because of their website ? of course not."

wasn't aware the internet was around in the 60's, 70's, or 80's.
I did, however, become a fan of NUMEROUS bands on the internet thanks to places like , myspace, etc... You cant deny that the internet gives you alot more to work with in terms of "getting your name out there".

"Having Talent and The Will are all that's needed"

True, but you have to do somthing with it. You cant just play locally and expect the world to stop for you. You have to have the drive and determination to get yourself known. Dont leave it up to somone else. That's what I gathered from your post about websites being for only fans etc...

" I also find it strange that people that don't know Jeff are such slaggers"

I dont "slag" jeff nor do i wish ill for his band; Im simply giving my perspective of what Im seeing and reading in these threads in relation to his "success" with his band. A)I see a subpar website B)I read nothing but common hubris. I dont deny his right to love his music; its actually not all that bad(but not my cup of tea), but where I see very differently is his, yours, his bandmates reactions to the posters here.
(just incase you thought they didn't have a website) - Wed, 20 Aug 2008 10:12am
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dope a hole i was just saying there sound and idealism (space alien) is kinda what hawk wind did. Have you ever heard early hawk wind? Lemmy did not have a clue how to play bass when he joined , he just happened to live in a squat with some off them. They were all about experimental jams and not to worried about time although they became very good. I don't mind you disagreeing with my thoughts but no need for the "shut up" for no reason. - Wed, 20 Aug 2008 12:49pm
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conga I didn't mean shut up, i meant it like a valley girl would say " shut up " and her friend would reply "way".

sorry for the grief and i have heard early Hawkwind I even own a copy of time of the hawklords, mayhaps pervish or what ever they're called should read it.... - Wed, 20 Aug 2008 1:37pm
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Yeah sorry mate bad day.... I was more thinking the "Shut up" from that skit on Little Britain!!

Have a good one.

ps. I saw a version of Hawkwind in Toronto and the gal sitting beside me ask me if she should go dance on stage and I said go for it! Next thing I know I see her on stage (topless) given'r. Classic. - Wed, 20 Aug 2008 1:47pm
Curmudgeon Rock
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I deigned to check out the youtube link and gosh darn what totally catchy garbage rock!!!! In that same way as that band called The Herpes in the movie "Tunnelvision", and that's a stone groove kinda thing. - Wed, 20 Aug 2008 7:50pm
Mr. Hell
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She's an animal. - Thu, 21 Aug 2008 7:29am
Patton M'Bak
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... - Fri, 22 Aug 2008 4:37am
Patton M'Bak
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wow what abunch of petty griping. i saw these guys play in sooke a few months ago and they were pretty good aside from a couple of technical difficulties. They played a full 2 1/2hr set, unlike any bar band i've ever seen. their covers were solid but not exact clones of the originals. as for their originals, they were a hellofalot better than alot of the crap i hear on the radio. that mia group that's being played to death is the worst tripe i've heard yet. for those of you who can't get over yourselves and think that your opinions and destructive criticizms are making you look good - think again. - Fri, 22 Aug 2008 10:26pm
Mr. Hell
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This picture really sums it all up. Great backdrop and what a rowdy crowd! They can't keep their hands off Jeff's axe. - Sat, 23 Aug 2008 3:34pm
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faced. - Mon, 25 Aug 2008 5:01pm
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Jeff rules y'all! - Mon, 25 Aug 2008 5:18pm
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How the not so mighty have fallen.

From Led Zeppelin opening-spot delusions of grandeur to playing show n' tell for Ms. Morrison's grade 4 class.

Poor Jeff. - Mon, 25 Aug 2008 9:27pm
Mr. Hell
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Are my eyes deceiving me, or is that a Samick guitar? I remember those were in the Sears Christmas catalog.
I guess Delinquent Records really does treat their bands well.
To tell the honest truth, Jeff reminds me of an unmasked member of Ace Manners or one of those other guys. - Mon, 25 Aug 2008 10:13pm
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Kideo, yesss!!! Those smiles are just so frikin smiley its brutal, they make David Lee Roth look depressed, hehe. - Wed, 27 Aug 2008 7:15pm
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The website still looks like Internet c.1995. In order to be even functional it needs serious professional help. I keep expecting to see Homer's Dancing Jesus.
. - Sat, 30 Aug 2008 2:18am Edited: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 2:26am
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I might go check it out just see what all the hype is about. Dig the singers voice, it could have some possiblity. Cheers, Lucius - Sat, 30 Aug 2008 12:37pm
trevor corey
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I'll go if Luscious goes. - Sat, 30 Aug 2008 1:00pm
Perish Productions
User Info...
Hey Everyone,
I've Returned. I see there is a lot of comments that I have to catch up on. As far as the Kideo thing, shit.... I never thought anyone would catch on. That wasn't us originally, we were actually cloned from those guys. And sadly that was a fender squire not a REAL samick. I fixed that in the attached photo. Fender squires are plywood, and samick strats are real solid wood. I hate any strats though, even the good ones. I got my red samick for my 16 birthday, and it's still my favorite guitar. It is 16 years old so it's not at all like the samicks of today. I ripped out the pickups and put in a semour duncan stacked rail humbucker. It sounds great and plays great. Names mean nothing to me.
The Cheese has been doing push-ups and jogging everyday to get ready for the show.
Also want to mention that we will be having a special guest.....
The Wobble Tree

Thanks for all the awsome support Victoria,
see you all on Saturday. - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 1:44am
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So if I'm reading correctly, I can get my tix at Shoppers Drug Mart? How convenient, as I need to buy asperin. - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 10:34am
Jeff From The Perish
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Tickets are sold out at the three shoppers drug marts sorry. the V.E.C. has about 25 left, and lyle's place has about 30 left, freedom arts has around 20 left. Then it's sold out. I don't think asprin is gonna do it. After this show, you'll need morphine ! - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 10:56am
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"My goal is to be opening for Led Zeppelin Next Year"



The parish suck musically. And they suck even more for not believing so. - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 4:24pm
Mr. Hell
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Morphine to kill the aural pain. - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 4:31pm
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sedate self prior.. - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 4:49pm
Jeff From The Perish
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mmmmm, have no idea who the Parish is. but if you don't like them.... don't listen to them. Buy our album instead. We're called The Perish. Or maybe you were actually talking about us and just can't spell.

Go ahead and laugh at my guitar. I love my axe, and people say I've got great tone coming out of it, so who cares what BRAND of guitar I use. I also own Gibson, Ibenez, Fender, Yamaha and Rickenbacker and Epiphone guitars..... but my Samick kicks them all in the ass. Just keep laughin' while we keep succeeding.

Rock On Victoria !! - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 8:45pm
Jeff From The Perish
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and by the way....
you'll be glad to know that you've all been mentioned on our full 1 hr. DVD we're releasing at the show this Saturday ! - Wed, 3 Sep 2008 9:02pm
Mr. Hell
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You use my name or likeness and you'll be sued like you've never been sued before. My lawyer, Bob Loblaw will be in touch with you. - Thu, 4 Sep 2008 4:14pm
Jeff From the Perish
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lol. can't sue me for saying nice things about you now can you ? that wouldn't be very nice. - Thu, 4 Sep 2008 7:19pm
Mr. Hell
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If it's not true, I can sue. - Thu, 4 Sep 2008 9:34pm
Jeff From the Perish
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well let's see, after viewing how many times my name has been used just on this site.... saying all sorts of things about me.... I'm pretty sure even your lawyer would agree there's no case there. I can say what I like. I can write any lyrics in songs I like. Wonder if anybody ever did anything about Axl Rose naming names in the song " get in the ring " ? well... remember everybody, music is just for fun.... and fun we have. Like I said, you can't sue someone for saying nice things about you. I suppose you could try if you really want to. I'd be suprised if your lawyer doesn't laugh himself. And why all this....
we'll sue you for sounding good, we'll sue you for sounding bad, we'll sue you for using my name, but we're allowed to say anything we want about you, and we'll call the FBI about some photo copyright BUT we may steal any photos off YOUR website Jeff and use them without your permission and that's all OK... but if you try to put on a Rock Show In Victoria.... we'll sue you for that too !!


What's up with all the red faces ? Why not just admit we rock a little bit and we might just have a go at it. And maybe you can brag to your friends and family when we're super famous " Hey , I knew those guys ! " no really ! I remember telling him... yup... even sued the guy for saying nice things about me on his DVD and we sued him like he's never been sued when he put on some Alien Rock Show In Victoria. yup. I knew that guy... and we sure showed him. Yup.

See ya all at the show....

and thanks to all the awsome people out there for the support. - Thu, 4 Sep 2008 11:29pm
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Well well Mr. Hell. Guess I'm just gonna have to sue you for unauthorized use of my son's photograph. Since the only persons with permittion to use his photos are members of the Perish and himself - as he took the pics and owns the copyrights. Thanks for posting your lier's name. It'll be much easier to find him now.

BTW: If you respond to this with any derogetory comments, I'll sue you for that too. - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 7:00am Edited: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 7:03am
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Looks like Mr.Hell got himself into trouble.. omgz - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 8:28am
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this thread is like grade 8 all over again - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 9:47am
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Grade 8 was nowhere near this funny. - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 10:06am
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"we might just have a go at it"

You have been saying this shit for years. Piss or get off the pot. Actually. You have been pissin', alot. And it smells like shit.

There are countless amount of bands in Victoria who are incredibly talented musicans. Why is it that these bands aren't being poked fun at like yours is? Why? Because they don't suck, and you do.

An hour long DVD? My digital camera has a memory stick for 75 mins. Got ya beat!

You have been lipping off for years. What happened to the record deal you got at Universal? Huh? What happened to all those doorways you had opened at Sony?

The Perish suck ass. This thread proves it. I haven't seen ANY good bands be slagged like this. - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 11:12am Edited: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 11:12am
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I'll come to your show if you actually get a hold Mr.Hell's lawyer, Bob Loblaw. Maybe try checking his law blog. - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 1:33pm
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i would have so gone if Shoppers Drug Mart wasnt all sold out of your tix..

a pity :( - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 2:04pm
Mr. Hell
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My lawyer, Bob Loblaw shares with me the opinion that you two are retarded. He also says it is not slander or libel because there is ample evidence on this message board that it is true and you have shown the public as such of your own free will. - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 4:58pm
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you guys should all be on the pestlist
seriously - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 6:25pm
Jeff From the Perish
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This all says one thing to me. You guys have too much time on your hands. Get a hobby. You want me to take the time to read

Bob Loblaw's Law Blog ? Now who sounds retarded ?
say that ten times fast !
the fact that your Lawyer has the time to bother reading this stuff on here and make legal opinions about it tells me he's also go to much time on his hands. Maybe he's one of those lawyers that has lots of time for helping you legally analize this thread because he doesn't actually get any real clients. As if we give a crap what he thinks or you. We're just a rock band having fun, and you obviously don't like it. You're entitled to your opinion. And so are all the people that love our music. I really don't like Jonny Cash much, but he had an amazing career and did Way-Ok for himself despite what I thought. So maybe you're just bitter that we're doing A-Ok without YOUR approval. Again, doesn't bother us, because there are way more cool people that read this stuff and email me about it, then there is people doing the slagging so....
face it dude,
whether YOU like us or not, we love music and playing shows and aren't going to stop just becuase two boring people told us to. Just admit it. We might have a go at it.

As for Sony... boy are you guys gonna be pissed.

Rock On Victoria !!!

see you tomorrow night at the show,
Online Tickets :
and thanks yet again for all the wicked support. - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 8:34pm
Jeff From the Perish
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It's Time for Alien Rock In Victoria - Fri, 5 Sep 2008 8:41pm
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Oh shit, Jeff! Did the kids from your elementary school performance make that poster up for you?
Classy! - Sat, 6 Sep 2008 10:13am
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"As for Sony... boy are you guys gonna be pissed"

Those comments are what fuel the fire for others to "slag" you. Im not saying your band isn't "worthy" or is "bad"; but making promises and comments like the above are degrading for yourself and your band.
When signing a contract, in a professional manner, its bad luck to be flaunting to everyone how good you are and what you deserve.
Look at other local bands who slog it out cross country in a shitbox van, trying to get as much exposure as you can.
Where do you think your gunna get cross country exposure without going out and playing shows OUTSIDE your bubble of comfort(aka Victoria).
Check out pages for bands like : kincaide, theset, counting hearbeats etc... the list goes on.
They have something that you guys are missing(but hopfully in time will aquire), a professional attitude and sound.
I say good luck to you guys; and I'll be at the show tonite, provided theres no intteruptions in my work day today. - Sat, 6 Sep 2008 11:24am
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sooo how was it.. everything everyone had hoped for??? - Sun, 7 Sep 2008 9:06am
Jeff from The Perish
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hey everyone.
First I'd like to say thanks to KC at long and Maquades for doing an awsome job on the PA for us last night. It sounded great and it was a tough room to get right. Thanks to Andy, the door girls and Amanda at the VEC. Great people to work with. Thank you to Shane Steinke ( The Wobble Tree ) for an amazing acoustic set. Everyone should check out his work on myspace ! Thanks to all the people that bought tickets and DVDs and CDs. Thanks to all the people who helped promote our show and do posters. Thank you Denise and Darcy, couldn't have done it without you.
Darcy was the cheese last night. And a damn good one too.

As for the comments. I actually do own a beat up van, and I have driven across this country plenty of times doing shows everywhere. I actually started out in Ontario and played in several decent bands out there. I have been gigging since I was 14, and I'm 32 now. I do try my best to get out of the bubble but it's hard. I have had licencing deals and other offers. I even do voice-overs and try to get music on things like video games and documentarys. I have been working my ass off for 18 years at this. We spend a lot of money doing what we do.... and sometimes we don't make it all back... yet we do it again anyways. I've seen interviews with the greatest bands on earth telling there stories of how before they were big, they were playing for kraft-dinner and a jug of beer.... to an empty room. Which brings me to my next point.
The fact that we aren't pulling in thousands yet, is no reason for us to stop believing in ourselves and trying our best to MAKE that happen. And ego ? really ? I think EVERYONE who actaully meets me and shakes my hand.... finds out pretty quick that I'm a hell of a nice guy, I work hard, I help other musicians constantly, I don't suck that bad at guitar or singing, I do my best to promote other cool bands and I DON'T have an ego at all. Defending myself when being slagged is not considered a big ego.
And supportive ?? I am probably one of the MOST supportive people on the scene. I don't drink and I don't live in Vitoria, so I do miss a lot of pub shows. However... I can remember Zappnin black playing at steamers in 2003. Me, my girlfriend , and two of our friends came to that show. At the beginning of there set, we sat right up front when no one else was there yet, and cheered and yelled after every song. then the rest of the room starting filling up and following our lead with the loud cheers between songs. Also bought their CD and still have it in my colllection.
I remember seeing Jets Overhead open for Big Wreck at Legends back when they were called The Special Guests. No one was there. My and my girlfriend went right up front of the dance floor and stood there and cheered and yelled. Because I know what it's like to play to an empty room, or a room with people all at the back and no one wants to be the first to step up front on the big open empty dance floor. There was still no one there for Big Wreck even. When they came out Ian yelled in the mic.... " Where the hell is everybody ? " but by the time they were 3/4 finished the show, it was filling up. That happens all the time. Anyone out there in a band playing and not sitting here alllllllllllll day slagging others knows what I'm talking about. People say shit about me, but only the one's who have NEVER actually met me and got a feel for what I'm like at all.
As for counting heartbeats, I agree. They are doing very well for themselves. A friend of mine mentioned them last night. He said he's friends with them and that we should do a show with them. I always am curtious enough to check out other peoples music. And I'm always willing to admit there's room for improvement. This is art. We get better as we go along.
I say what I mean and I mean what I say. If I said I'm working a deal, then it's true. I know some people expect us to fulfill our goals all in one month or something, but it doesn't work that way. You need to grind your face up against the wall until you find a way to ooze through it. And we've been doing that for years. And won't stop even when slaggers tell us to. I think too that people forget we had no bass player for a while and I lost a year and a half in a battle with my thyroid gland. Glad to have my health back. We only acquired Devon on Bass in February and he worked so hard we had a 2 1/2 set ready to go, with great new orriginals in it within one month. Bruce has been playing longer than me. We all are working our asses off for our dreams. Because that's what it takes. Only quiters quit.... and we're not quitting. We ARE doing a full Canadian tour in the spring, and we ARE doing Alien Rock Theatre II . Yes... we're a little behind schedule... if there is one... but we sound even better now with Devon on bass, so it all worked out for the best. And I don't have an ego, I just know when I've been in bands before, the magic just wasn't there. But with The Current Perish lineup.... I'm feeling it. We got so many compliments on our last song of the night clam blue ocean. The energy was there, we played it better than we ever have, and we rehearse 5 days a week. There is something to be said about the energy feedback from the crowd. Anyone out there that's had a great show that went smooth and a has good band to work with.... will know what I mean there. I don't say we have a shot at it because I have an ego. I say that becuase I've seen, heard, been in, promoted, managed and watched hundreds of bands. I honestly think we have a decent sound happening and we actually have a shot at it. I am also a music teacher and all my students think our stuff is bad ass. I get asked constantly by young people to transcribe my guitar work for them to try at home. That makes me feel better than anything ever said on this site. So... thanks to everyone who's ever had something nice to say about us on here or anywhere for that matter.

As for flatulences comments.... it would be easier if I copied what I said from the show reveiws section. Here it is.

whatever dude. Another random poke at us with nothing to back it. What I mean by that is. You showed up at 9:40. You walked right past the ticket booth, past the girl at the door, like some arrogant prick, and walked into the show without paying. I saw you. you leaned up against the back bar for a good 26 seconds before your ass got thrown out by a girl for not paying. How low can ya go. Sneak in without paying to our show so you could come on here and slag us. The door girls said she knew she was going to have a problem with you as soon as she laid eyes on you coming up the stairs. She said you looked like a creep and reaked of sleez-ball. The other girl was phone in hand ready to call the police if you didn't leave peacefully. We got it on film from 4 angles, and there were signs posted saying that perish productions was filming and that we have the right to use any film shot. So..... looks like you'll be on our next DVD with your tacky blue shirt and scruffy beard. So..... since you were there for maybe 25 seconds before you got thrown out.... ( which was quite funny ) and we were only four songs into our set.... You couldn't possibly know how things were rockin' by 11:00p.m. or how we sounded at all. You heard 5 chords at best before a door girl threw you out. Dude. even for you. Seriously low. We had a great time, and we had really good sound thanks to KC at long and mcquades doing the sound for us. We were happy with 74 people for the night considering there were some amazing shows in town on stage at the same time. Sly and the family stone were at the Royal, Fintroll, super huge band were at sugar, and I don't know what place but there was a really good Doors cover band in town too. There were also dozens of good local acts playing too, and all those shows had alcohol except for ours. It was all ages. Apparently lots of people were coming in and leaving when they found out the bar was closed. We have a young fan base so we like the all ages shows, but we promise our next one will be for alcohol consuming crowd. Maybe at sugar or something. Also, one of the mangagers at the VEC said he's NEVER seen a band pull people in off the street like we did last night. People were even peeking around the corner trying to see in because they heard us out on the street and came in to ask what was going on and who we were. We also sold quite a few DVDs and CDs so were are quite happy with the show. And so were those people that paid to get in and actually watched the show. So... there you have it. Another success for Perish Productions. We're all smiles ! see you all at the next show !


Thanks to all the real music supporters out there.

End Transmission. - Sun, 7 Sep 2008 2:38pm
Mr. Hell
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Planning on putting any footage of the show online for us naysayers to be proven wrong? Or are you going to "punish" us for not coming out to the show by refusing to let us see what went down, thus prolonging the perceived ego-driven drivel you post here.
You want to make us see you have the goods to back everything you've said all these years? Now is your golden opportunity to be triumphant. - Sun, 7 Sep 2008 2:50pm
Jeff from The Perish
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I think you'll find our 1 hr DVD pretty good. It's got interviews, Recent concerts, music videos, and some seriously funny stuff as well. I put over 150 hrs. into the DVD. This footage will be on our next one for sure. We had 5 people video taping, and 2 people taking still shots. We recorded the audio straight off the board for the whole 2 1/2 hrs we played. You bet this stuff will be available soon. We'll have in up on our website and facebook group ASAP. We have another production company helping doing the editing for our next DVD and we have a lot of footage and audio to go through and chop up and turn into mp3s and such so you all can hear. We have a lot on our plate in the next few weeks and we won't be around so... it might take 3 weeks, but I will get it all up for everyone to hear and see. We really aren't going to be available for a little while, so don't fret.... we'll be back.

End Transmission - Sun, 7 Sep 2008 3:21pm
Mr. Hell
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I guess in the meantime we'll just have to watch footage from The Royal Theater show. - Sun, 7 Sep 2008 3:28pm
Jeff from The Perish
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Sure Enjoy that, however you can see all sorts of recent concert clips and more on our brand new DVD. Available at Freedom Arts Music Center, Will be at Lyle's Place soon, on Our website for sale probably by friday, in a few weeks.
We're off to see the Wizzard....
Until Next Time. Peace Earthlings.

End Transmission. - Sun, 7 Sep 2008 4:11pm
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whoa you played for 2.5 hours?? - Sun, 7 Sep 2008 6:41pm
Mr. Hell
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I'll probably wait until the DVD is available on You Tube or someone burns a stolen copy.
We need some unbiased reviews of this show. Did no one go to this?
I suppose that is entirely possible. - Sun, 7 Sep 2008 8:42pm
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where is the freedom arts music center? I'm seriously buying a copy of these. it sounds hilarious.

ROCK ON VICTORIA - Mon, 8 Sep 2008 1:20am
Patton M'Bak
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"I'll probably wait until...someone burns a stolen copy."

Sounds like copyright infringement. Don't it? I wonder what Boblahblah's blahblah has to say about that? - Tue, 9 Sep 2008 4:29am Edited: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 4:30am
Mr. Hell
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My lawyer, Bob Loblaw says that it should be nice and free. He also says that it shouldn't be a legal issue as long as I don't steal it or burn it myself.
Sounds like it won't be a problem. I guess as a member of the Perish, you don't see it that way. - Tue, 9 Sep 2008 7:37am
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Jeff is the kinda guy that everyone has to listen to at work.

He will talk day after day about being in a band.

Meanwhile noone cares. I know this. I am friends with his coworker. - Tue, 9 Sep 2008 10:04am
trevor corey
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"My lawyer", lol. - Tue, 9 Sep 2008 3:02pm
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I for one am definately stoked to see Led Zep at Save on Arena.. show of a lifetime. Any advance tix on sale yet? Ill take two! no make that 8! - Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:16pm
trevor corey
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SAY WHAT!?! - Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:25pm
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"Boblahblah's blahblah"
haha - Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:51pm
Mr. Hell
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Haha. - Wed, 10 Sep 2008 5:34pm
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When is the next Parish show?
I wanna see pics of the dancing cheese! - Wed, 10 Sep 2008 6:26pm
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Led Zep are coming to SOFA.. right Jeff? - Wed, 10 Sep 2008 8:08pm
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wow, I didn't know an anal probe could be shoved so far up your ass that it affects your brain. kudos to jeff for being abducted and proving wrong my ignorance AND double kudos to the whole band for believing that there is a sliver of a chance that a completely unknown band can sell enough copies of a DVD to make it worthwhile to create.

"fuck you, fuck you, fuck're cool, and FUCK YOU IM OUT!"

END TRANSMISSION - Fri, 12 Sep 2008 12:44am
Jeff from The Perish
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Well, I just came back for a quick visit to post a review on Justin Hewitt and Cindy Davis.... but had to say something to fart head there. I work with my band, no co-workers. If you're referring to my sub-contracting music lessons at a music store.... well. I teach with another older guy who keeps to himself and you wouldn't have any association with. My boss is in that catagory as well, so... you can only be referring to Arron.... who doesn't work there anymore. As many know Arron was our bass player before Devon but got the boot for not showing up to rehearsals. So if he's saying shit to you, ( and I'm sure he's thrilled you just gave that away dumbass ) then maybe it's because he's a little bitter like you, with you're crappy band going nowhere. I know YOUR ex bass player and he thinks you're a fuckin' idiot too. Big Supprise. I know who you are you little puke. You think I don't... but I just keep my cool and let idiots be idiots. You take the fuckin' cake.
Stop Interupting important things like my time in the forest with your flapping fart head. You remind me of the Canadians on South Park ! Did they model Terrance ??? or Phillip from you ??

and Brayden.... you didn't pronounce it correctly. but nice try.. it's...

End Transmission - Sun, 14 Sep 2008 7:02am Edited: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 7:05am
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"then maybe it's because he's a little bitter like you, with you're crappy band going nowhere."

maturity at its finest. - Sun, 14 Sep 2008 11:28am
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what band does Flatuelenze jam in?

and what about Zep? - Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:15pm
Mr. Hell
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Please, don't expect Jeff to achieve all his goals within 5 years. Zeppelin will take another year at least, so be patient with him. - Sun, 14 Sep 2008 3:48pm
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"so... you can only be referring to Arron.... who doesn't work there anymore. As many know Arron was our bass player before Devon but got the boot for not showing up to rehearsals. So if he's saying shit to you, ( and I'm sure he's thrilled you just gave that away dumbass ) then maybe it's because he's a little bitter like you, with you're crappy band going nowhere. I know YOUR ex bass player and he thinks you're a fuckin' idiot too. Big Supprise. I know who you are you little puke."

Jeff is as seriously mentally ill as i thought. I completely made up the fact about his co-workers. I know nothing about this perish band. I am a shit disturber.

I dont know you Jeff, or your gay little band. I feel bad for you. You are very paranoid. If a complete stranger, myself, can make you vomit out personal information like this through an anonymous generic post, i pity your conscience.

JEFF. PLease. No one cares about you. You need to get a grip, seriously. I don't have a fucking clue who you are, or what you do.

Man you are a fucking retard. - Mon, 15 Sep 2008 8:59am
Jeff From the Perish
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I think it's pretty clear " you don't know me " or you wouldn't say the shit you say. You don't need to know me for me to know you. And yes you are a shit-disturber and creator. You reak of it. I can smell you from here. You thrive in it. You love your own feces and are probably rolling around in it right now. I don't see how defending myself is being paranoid. Trust me I'm not. I have insight to what is going to happen to this planet in the next few years. I see you as the parinoid and confused. I am at peace with myself and my surroundings. You are a parinoid shit-desturber. You said so yourself.
And if no one cares that's fine. I still love to rock.
Now I have some more important things to do this week so won't be around to read your " shit ".... but go ahead and spew more poo fart head. We're so interested in what you have to say.

End Transmission - Mon, 15 Sep 2008 3:51pm
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So... who thinks this guy is wackier than DAJ? - Mon, 15 Sep 2008 4:20pm
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......... - Mon, 15 Sep 2008 4:39pm
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Hey Jeff. You are crazy dude. Crazy! When i show up for lessons next time i will be sure to let you know who i am. I called Aron. He isn't happy. - Mon, 15 Sep 2008 5:12pm
Jeff From the Perish
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look man, you are clearly a pussy that likes to cause trouble for musicians. The fact that you come on here claiming my co-workers are saying shit that they are not saying, is well.... lame ? and I'm sure when I talk to Aaron he will be as thrilled with you as I. And did you not just claim before-hand that you don't know me at all and have no idea who The Perish is ??? now you claim you come to the music store for guitar lessons ??? OK. I think it's pretty obvious you're full of it from all angles. But hey, If you want to show your face at the music store when I'm there, I'm all for it. In fact if I'm not there, have them call me and I'll be right down. Something tells me though since you've been the ultimate pussy so far.... claiming our show sucked, yet you had to run to your computer to slag the show. From behind a retarded self describing nick, instead of saying anything to us at the show or after. Then there's the fact that you are the only one with lots of shit to say about others yet have no photo, email address or name under your info. Aren't you just a bad ass hero. So... like I said... I seriously doubt you'll ever have the balls to make yourself seen around the music store. But hey, then again... you might just be that stupid.

Sorry I can't have fun with y'al this week.
We'll be back soon.

End Transmission - Mon, 15 Sep 2008 6:37pm
Jeff From the Perish
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Before I go... let's give a minute of silence out for Richard Wright of Pink Floyd. Got to see Pink Floyd over 14 years ago. I will never forget that show, or Richard's Music. He may be gone but his music will live forever.

End Pink Floyd - Mon, 15 Sep 2008 7:20pm
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lol... why not see if he wants to meet you at the jungle gym after school? how much more mature could this thread get?!?!

...then again; this IS a perish thread. - Mon, 15 Sep 2008 8:38pm
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I tried religion, family, and community, but those were dead ends. Threads like this one (though I'm not sure there ARE any like this one, except other Perish threads) make life worth living. - Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:46am
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Holy shit, I actually agree with something Jeff posted (regarding Mr Wright)! Too bad it doesn't add enough of a redeeming quality to balance out the rest of the egotistical bullshit. - Wed, 17 Sep 2008 1:38am
trevor corey
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CL, lol. I can live without this thread. Left and right cheeks make life worth living for me personally. - Wed, 17 Sep 2008 9:11am
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"omething tells me though since you've been the ultimate pussy so far.... claiming our show sucked, yet you had to run to your computer to slag the show"

I love this; so what good would it do if he told YOU that YOUR show sucked? Obveously wouldn't change your tune; so why not send his message out to the masses/ on how the show went for the people that couldn't make it.
I for one wanted to; but a)I didn't have the money(partly because I had other things to spend it on) and b)I just didn't have time to fit it in.
Its just one persons take on your show; not everyone is gunna write a rave review of your band. In fact; more often than not, people find it easier to cut a band down than to praise them. So before you keep up your school yard tactics of "calling people out"; just think, ANY PRESS IS GOOD PRESS. Dont get your panties in a knot and just play your music(theres bound to be someone that appreciates dancing cheeses............ anyone?) - Wed, 17 Sep 2008 9:13am
trevor corey
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Geez Ji. Do you need me to slide you a few bucks? - Wed, 17 Sep 2008 12:06pm
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na trev, i need ..."2 SMOKES"!!!! - Wed, 17 Sep 2008 12:49pm
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Regardless of everything else that's gone on in this behemoth of a thread, making up shit about someone to try and make them look bad somewhere where they already seem to be getting ragged on from everywhere is pretty low.

I'd be pissed off too if someone said all I talked about was my band at work and pissed off my co-workers. I think Jeff has every right to defend himself in that case. - Wed, 17 Sep 2008 6:39pm
Mr. Hell
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Did Jeff not claim to know who Flatulenze is and make up a story about how he snuck into a show without paying, then was subsequently ejected by a door girl?
I am also against making up false defamatory stories about people, but it seems both sides are doing just that so one kinda cancels out the other. - Wed, 17 Sep 2008 8:41pm
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oh yeah, sorry forgot about that whole deal. this thread just has so much useful information it's tough to remember all of it.

especially when it's dragged out over the course of a month. good call though mr. hell. - Wed, 17 Sep 2008 11:16pm
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This shit is out of control. I read a lot more than anyone should.

However the show n tell remark was gold, and when Flatulenze typed that Aaron wasn't going to be happy, I laughed.

Here is my words of advice to Jeff. When someone makes fun of your guitar, and then you follow it up with three paragraphs on how much you love your guitar, they will only laugh harder. Don't ever take anything on a message board that seriously.

If you really plan on opening up for Led Zeppelin, quit your day job now and get to work. First off, you better call them up and talk Robert Plant into doing a gig next year. Then make sure you and your whole band has a passport because the show will probably be in England.

Nobody likes a bragger so don't mention Sony again. Once the deal goes down and is official, then you can make a nice cordial announcement on your website and myspace.

There is only a few bands that should ever play for two and half hours. The Perish is definitely not one of them. Think of the cheese.

It's ok to love your band, but making it out to be something it's not is merely childish, and warrants the abuse. Next time you're about to delve into one of your huge ranting posts ask yourself: What would The Perish do?

Also, do you still live with your mother? - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 2:22am
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Yes he does still live with his mother. With his Samick. When i posted about his co-workers and about his reputation i was telling the truth. Anything else was me toying with this obviously mentally ill person.

Jeff does not know me. I know him. Why? Because the little Mommy-Living-Samick-Playing-Boring-Rocker can't help but spew this garbage and place attention on his lame ass band.It has been going on for 5 years or so and i decided to have a bit of fun.

Aron. I am sorry for anyone who has had to deal with Jeff. Immidiately after reading my few sentences Jeff automatically cuts down some other person who has nothing to do with anything. I am anonymous. 1 of 1000 here. Jeff decided to personally attack an ex-bassist. Within 24 hours he was SURE i was the only guy at the gig, then he was SURE i am a peer of Aaron.

Again. I haven't heard anything good about this band. Nothing. Even after all of this, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON HAS SAID IT WAS A GOOD SHOW.

What band am i in? NONE. Not in a band. Why? Because i suck. But don't get me wrong MOMMY LIVING JEFF (HAHAHAHA) I can easily call 2 of my friends, get a commodore 64, and start a band that can easily step up to your standard.

Here is a challenge for Jeff.

SHOW US ONE PERSON, ONE REVIEW, or even get your MOTHER to let us know how good you are.

You are slimy. I know this. You let us all know this.

Now go play your Epiphone instead of your samick. hahahaha


Jeff - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 8:09am
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Again. He lives with his MOMMY. thats fucking LAME. He is 32, and lives with his mommy. haha. - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 8:11am
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hey so where are the show pics? anyone going to post photos? when is the next show? all these questions... - Thu, 18 Sep 2008 8:46am
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The Mommy comment has definately shut this ego-tistical piece of slims mouth.

Thats the thing about opinions and music. People can have the opinion that the Perish don't suck. Even though the sane of us think otherwise.

But NO ONE and i repeat NO ONE has the opinion that living with Mommy doesn't suck. Hence why we haven't heard back from Jeff since.

I have ENDED Jeff's transmission. Fuckin' goof. - Fri, 19 Sep 2008 12:28pm
Jeff's Mom
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"Jeeeefffff......your friends want you on the message board. You have to do the dishes before you go out and play!" - Fri, 19 Sep 2008 12:30pm
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I wish I still lived with my Mom. - Fri, 19 Sep 2008 5:37pm
trevor corey
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Poor Jeff. I don't know Jeff or how "slimy" he is or isn't, but I think this is just about enough. You guys are just being cruel now. - Sat, 20 Sep 2008 2:10am
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I agree, Trevor - I didn't mean to jump on the pile. - Sat, 20 Sep 2008 11:09am
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Funny how the truth is what shuts this Jeff guy up.

Like i said. As long as he wants he can say his band doesn't suck because it is a matter of opinion.

But being a 32 year loser who makes minimum wage and lives with his mommy has NOTHING to do with opinion.

Jeff is a loser. Simply put. Not being mean. - Sat, 20 Sep 2008 2:20pm
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You pile of pussy's are great, keep it up - Sat, 20 Sep 2008 3:25pm
trevor corey
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A few years back. I was in and out of the hospital so much I could not maintain my house, or it's bills. I was blessed and fortunate enough to have a Mother that took me and my giant 130pd wolfdawg in. The doctors had written me off. They still treated me, but no one expected there was any chance I would recover. No one that is, except my Mom. I spent almost two years with her. She had to witness me go through some horrible shit. She never gave up hope for me though, because she is my Mom. I know this is all too much information, but the point I am trying to make is, HAVE SOME RESPECT WHEN IT COMES TO THE MAN'S MOTHER.

..........or anyone's Mother. - Sat, 20 Sep 2008 3:34pm
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How did i disrespect any mother? Telling those who read this crap that Jeff lives with his Mommy is not disrespectful. Whats disrespectful is LIVING with your mommy.

I am glad to hear you recovered. But unless Jeff is dying your post made NO sense and was just a large waste of time. - Sat, 20 Sep 2008 7:40pm
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I just wonted to say that ,I too have a deep respect for my mom ,and all moms everywhere , and like Trever Corey I have had to count on her for help when needed ,and I do the same for her ,the fact is that there is a lot of people in todays times that have no choice but family to help them through hard times. And on an other note , I highly doubt that Jeff's mom will read this so I don't think we all are doing harm to her ,unless Jeff crys to her about this thread . And isn't Jeff's mom an E.T.? - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 12:33am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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I think, Mike, we should be getting this guy on it. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 9:02am Edited: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 9:03am
Patton M'Bak
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"My lawyer, Bob Loblaw says that it should be nice and free."

Scott Baio is your lawyer? How fucked in the head are you? - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 10:10am
Patton M'Bak
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"Again. I haven't heard anything good about this band. Nothing.

"All debates/discussions/weirdness/alien shit aside, that clean intro riff to inside i rust is cool." - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 10:15am
Patton M'Bak
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"Perish you owe me my money back."

Perhaps you should have asked before you left their show, instead of running home to spew your tripe from the safety of your computer. In fact anyone who calls someone else a GOOF while hiding in their room, is a completely spineless fucking coward. If Flatulence had any real parts, he'd have said his shit to these guys in person. Instead he's just another critic who has no talent no ability and no balls! - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 10:24am
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"If Flatulence had any real parts, he'd have said his shit to these guys in person. Instead he's just another critic who has no talent no ability and no balls"

but what kind of review would that be, moron. The idea behind the review or SOMEONE'S OPINION, is that its stated for OTHERS aside from the afformentioned(the perish) to see and READ. After seeing all this bitching and moaning/groaning about mundane shit on BOTH SIDES, I have absolutely no desire to see a band that if I dont like they'll get all personally disgusted while trying to defend their band.
The music is of a decent amateur-professional band. But certainly doesn't hold the lasting quality of a higher profile band(even locally). In comparison with other bands that I've heard locally; these guys are definitely middle of the pack if not hanging a little behind. Im not sayin they dont have talent; but the music that they write needs to mature a little more(as a band). And they've really gotta stop the "alien""end transmission" bullshit. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 11:13am
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2012 the end of the perish - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 12:17pm
Mr. Hell
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"Scott Baio is your lawyer? How fucked in the head are you?"

The simple fact that you thought my lawyer's name was actually Bob Loblaw and that you thought I was serious tells me you are not only retarded, but lack a sense of humour.
Then again, you are in The Perish. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 12:56pm
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Someone thought the Bob Loblaw stuff was for real? Priceless. PRICELESS. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 1:08pm
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I'm Aron. I used to play bass for these clowns. I left the band because i was told that Jeff was gay. Also the music sucked. And yes i do find it funny that Jeff has kept quiet we all found out he still lives with Mommy. His bedroom looks the exact same as it did in highschool. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 1:32pm
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I was trying to put an end to the thread but it didn't work. Instead it just fueled more pointless hatred. I didn't really mean to bring anyone's momma into this, because like trevor corey my mum has done the exact same thing for me, recently.

Up with mothers, down with haters! - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 1:35pm
trevor corey
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Captain Taffy's Mom is a Saint. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 2:43pm Edited: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 2:53pm
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I had a dream that I was having a conversation with Mr. Hell, and He kept on saying "my lawyer, Bob Loblaw" prior to everything that came outta his mouth. I'm laughing my ass of right now, I can't get that damn phrase outta my head....... - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 3:05pm
Pat M'Bak
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"The simple fact that you thought my lawyer's name was actually Bob Loblaw and that you thought I was serious tells me you are not only retarded, but lack a sense of humour."

Nobody thought your laywer was Boblahblah, but it shows the extent of the bullshit you'll post. As for being a member of the Perish, think what you like. I don't play any instruments, but I do wield a nasty pipe wrench. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 4:35pm
Patton M'Bak
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"but what kind of review would that be, moron."

A valid one?
If Flatulanz was so diappointed with their show that he felt he should get his money back, then why didn't he say something before he started bitching on here? I know I complain when I'm dissatisfied with anything I pay for, I go to the source and demand satisfaction. Maybe he didn't have the balls to whine to the band in person. Maybe he just wants the be accepted by the neggin'-ninnies on live victoria; especially those who continue to remain faceless psudonyms so no one can ever go to their shows and critique their talent or lack there of. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 4:49pm Edited: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 4:50pm
Jeff From The Perish
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wow, can't step out for even a minute without this place going off like 9/11 !!
Ok first up - thanks for the funnies fake Aaron. Try spelling Aaron's name right if you're going to pretend to be him. Aaron and I have spoken just recently and he knows nothing about you there Flatulance, and has not received any phone calls from you. Big suprise. I have to admit I do get a good laugh out of this site once in a while. My Earth mom lives on the other side of the country. And like all musicians mom's... is quite supportive. Flatulance has 0 credibility obviously since he can't make up his mind. " I went to the Perish concert and it sucked " then he says.... " I have no idea who you are Jeff and have never heard of The Perish " wow... that's consistant. Aaron has no idea who you are and doesn't give a crap. or a fart. FLATULANCE. After claiming that my co-workers were saying things to you, then saying you don't know them and you were just making it all up.... how do you expect anyone to beleive a damn thing that comes out of your flapping head ? Why even bother posting anything ? We all know it's BS before you even get started. You think I don't know who you are but I do... and you are a spec of dust in my life at best. I think even the other slagger would agree that you slagging lacks any intelligence and therefore is not witty enough to be considered funny or relivant. And I agree with the folks here... if you really did go to the concert, and you really thought it sucked... then why not leave early and ask for your money back on the way out ? you would have got it. But instead you insisted on staying for the whole show ( or so you say ) and then left without asking for your money back, or saying anything to us personally. Kind of seems like you're either completely full of shit ( most likely sanario ) or you thought we kicked ass at the concert, stayed and watched the whole thing, and then went home and tried to gain some thumbs-up on live vic here by slagging away at a band that just kicked your ass at a wicked concert.
And for those who mis-understood me when I said " have the music store call me if I'm not there, and I'll be right down. " - I am a non-violent person. I study Martial Arts Daily. I don't need to start any fight. I only finish fights, never start them. I simply meant if he actually had the balls to show up.. I would personally come down and give him his refund for the concert.
We've been away for a bit but now we're back and we're finishing up the new album " Can You Hear Us Now ? "
this is by FAR some of my best work ever, and I'm confident you will all either love it or hate it. It's release date is Oct. 15th. We will likely be doing a CD release party at Sugar Nightclub around that date. We will let you all know soon. Even you flatulance... so that you can come pick up your refund. However something tells me you won't show your face to us personally... you'll just buy another ticket, watch us kick some ass again, then go home and tell your 3 friends that you're so much cooler than The Perish.

Rock On Victoria !! - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 6:26pm
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"My Earth mom" What a wacko.

And no Jeff. You do not know who i am. Not a clue you have.

You have already claimed me to be 2 people.

You are one goofball. Get a grip.

"by FAR some of my best work ever, and I'm confident you will all either love it or hate it" Of course you loser.

Jeff. You are a loser. Stop it. Jesus fucking christ stop it. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 7:03pm
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Sugar? October 16th? I will see you there. Loser. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 7:04pm
Jeff From The Perish
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Stop what ? Kickin' your ass with awsome rock tunes ?? now why would I do that ? You obviously love our music or you would go find something better to do. Bet you're one of those guys that claims " I hate Britney Spears ! " yet has seen all her videos.
Oh, and I guess someone is in a little hot water...
Seems someone thought I'm dumb or something... and thought they could email Perish Productions posing as a representative of a production company out of Chicago. The email was asking for our booking rates and availability of The Perish. Unfortunately for that person I actually know people in the music biz in Chicago and I made a few inquiries about this guy.... and it seems that he doesn't exist. mmmm.. big suprise. Asking us to do a show at the Curling Arena when we already announced we could not do a show there last month because THE ICE WENT BACK IN ON AUG. 23 was just retarded. The President of the Real Production company in question here just called me, and asked me to forward that email directly to him. Being quite upset about someone using his company's name he says he will take legal action. wow... a real lawsuit finally !!
and I had nothing to do with it except catching a dumb person make a dumb move. Super cool ! I'd imagine a good lawyer will have the email header examined and then they will contact hotmail, and then get the address and IP for the guy who was committing fraud. I'll keep you all posted if I hear any more about it.

and Flatulance.... come on....
I mean really. come on.
Loser ?
after I proved you have 0 credit, 0 balls, 0 friends, 0 better things to do, and 0 band of your own to put out here....
" Loser " is the best you can do ?
I'm impressed.

Rock On Victoria !! - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 7:27pm
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MR cleft pallet and MR STICKY TO. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 7:42pm
Mr. Hell
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"Nobody thought your laywer was Boblahblah, but it shows the extent of the bullshit you'll post. As for being a member of the Perish, think what you like. I don't play any instruments, but I do wield a nasty pipe wrench."

Actually, Jeff thought I had a crackerjack lawyer on the case and you were genuinely concerned that I was going to take the time to organize the stealing of a copy of the DVD and the placement of it online. It's all right in this thread.
You wield a nasty pipe wrench, eh? Seriously, you are going to go there? Ooooooo. Internet tough guy making threats against me. I'll probably have nightmares about you and your unbelievable toughness now. Patrick Mybek is a killing machine. Be sure to let my next of kin know that he destroyed me without breaking a sweat.
If you're not in The Perish, you must be swinging hard from their nuts to dedicate this much time and anger towards people who barely care about the band. If we cared, we'd all be at the shows.
Geez, Jeff. Your guard dog is making you look even more ridiculous. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 7:44pm
Jeff from The Perish
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totally honesty from me to you Mr. Hell.... I have NO idea who he is. I represent only myself, and no one else represents myself or any other band memeber. We all have the balls to say who we are. Bruce is the only other one to come on here once in a while, and he too uses his real name. The only other person that works for me or even knows me for real..that has ever posted on here is David. No one represents us but me... and NO ONE is our watch-dog. People claim to know me and don't, people say they represent me and they don't, people say all sorts of shit. From me to you... I don't know this guy. And I'll already explained my non-violent nature. Music is far more powerfull than a monkey-wrench. - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 7:46pm
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ffej hsiep 2012 - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 7:53pm
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full mooooner - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 7:54pm
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not a significant source of other nutrients 0% - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 7:57pm
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so you think you got balls - Sun, 21 Sep 2008 10:05pm
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Hey Jeff. You still haven't denied living with your mommy. Tell us about this? - Tue, 23 Sep 2008 9:00am
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". if you really did go to the concert, and you really thought it sucked... then why not leave early and ask for your money back on the way out ?"

what kind of review would it be if he left before he could really judge the show and how HE felt it went? It wouldn't exactly be an "in depth" opinion. - Tue, 23 Sep 2008 1:13pm
Patton M'Bak
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"what kind of review would it be if he left before he could really judge the show and how HE felt it went? It wouldn't exactly be an "in depth" opinion?"

-" I paid for the show. I saw it. It sucked."
-"The parish suck musically. And they suck even more for not believing so."
-"I know nothing about this perish band. I am a shit disturber." - Wed, 24 Sep 2008 9:31am Edited: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 9:33am
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Patton M ' Bak. Hmmmmm.Funny. He has only posted on this thread. No where else. Conicidence? Jeff go back to helping your earth mommy with the christmas baking. DO you get into trouble when going to the icechest and sneaking some before the holidays? - Wed, 24 Sep 2008 12:12pm Edited: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 12:12pm
Jeff From The Perish
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seriously..... what era are you stuck in fart head ? ice box ? haven't seen one of those since they took the honeymooners off the air. I just came on here to say the new album is almost finished and sounds killer. However fart head here should not listen to it at all, because he'll think it's good and that will piss him off. We wouldn't want that now would we ?

Rock on Victoria !!

PS- the jukebox on our site is now fixed. - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 2:03pm
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"especially those who continue to remain faceless psudonyms so no one can ever go to their shows and critique their talent or lack there of."

What would it prove if you knew my real name? I've had people critique me for positive and negatives aspects about my music. Sure its aggrivating to hear someone say "your music sux" but at the end of the day, if you're happy with what you've done, then so be it; you cant please everyone.
That having been said; Im not shy about posting my name, I just dont see the relevance of it. I have nothing to prove to you, the perish, or this board. I've played in various bands and studied the guitar for 20 years; and in that time, I hadn't always had access to the internet or anything to the sort. In fact; when i first starting gigging, there was no internet to speak of. So, if you feel so justified and curious in knowing who I am, feel free to email me off my profile. Im a nice guy if you get to know me. And I dont wish ill of any member of the perish or their respective families(lol). I hope nothing but good things come to them. However, if you come to a place that you KNOW full well if you feed the sharks they'll get hungrier; then be ready to have people say the things they have said. And dont be a 10year old in the process. - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 2:05pm
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two hands five shieks - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 5:22pm Edited: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 5:26pm
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Please? - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 5:43pm
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This picture is fucking hilarious. Now i know why Jeff lives at home with mommy, he needs to save money to buy a guitar. - Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:26pm
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ok seriously though..

farthead ? - Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:25am Edited: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:25am
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Jeff acquires the majority of his insults from the children he performs for.

He is a big fat dumb head. - Fri, 26 Sep 2008 8:03pm
Mr. Hell
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Even my younger brother had more wit when he was three years old saying things like, "I'm gonna cut your head off, you big fat pizza hunk." - Sat, 27 Sep 2008 1:13am
Name / Alias
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Pretty cool banner though. I've always been a fan of Pac-Man & the "e" on the banner reminds me of why. - Sat, 27 Sep 2008 8:31am Edited: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 8:32am
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PS: Perish Suck. Your banner sucks. Your Sears Special guitar sucks. Your mom doesn't suck, but having a 32 year old son still live at home does.

PSS: The 4 letters i had to type to post this nonsense was AAAA. How cool is that? - Sat, 27 Sep 2008 4:09pm
trevor corey
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Jeff From The Perish
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Este es un buen video en serio. El tipo que lo hizo muy talentosos. Es mejor que Weird Al. Ese tipo debería ser una estrella del pop. Me encanta la forma en que utiliza el mismo efecto para el final que he usado para el comienzo de nuestro video no son reales. Classic. Un verdadero Geneous. Me suscrito a sus videos. He decidido hablar español de manera que sólo las personas inteligentes pueden leer lo que tengo que decir. El álbum está casi terminado. Gracias a todos los que compraron pre-venta ya! - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 4:07pm
Jeff from The Perish
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and fart head is from Terence and Philip on south park. They too have flapping heads. - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 4:11pm
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I give up. This must be all a joke? I looked at this kids website. What a waste of my time. The audio and video sucks.

I also checked into Sony and they have never heard of PERISH. - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 4:41pm
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eu não posso acreditar quanto este faz me a riso… clássico… eu recordo a primeira vez que eu figurei para fora como traduzir demasiado o material no Internet! - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 4:42pm
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Its pretty easy to read in Google translator... it actually translates perfectly, so its clear Jeff doesn't speak Spanish:

This is a good video seriously. The guy who did very talented. It's better than Weird Al. That guy should be a pop star. I love the way it uses the same effect by the end I've used for the beginning of our video are not real. Classic. A true Geneous. I subscribed to your videos. I have decided to speak Spanish so that only intelligent people can read what I have to say. The album is nearing completion. Thanks to everyone who bought pre-sale now! - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 7:25pm
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Using an online translator does not make one intelligent.

Look at me! I speak Russian-
Джефф не имеет талант. Он гей.

And Dutch-
Jeff heeft geen talent. Hij is homo.

And French-
Jeff n'a pas de talent. Il est gay.

And even f'n CHINESE!!-

Damn, I are a smart guy eeeeh jeff?!?! - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 7:30pm
Jeff From The Perish
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um, I actually can speak and write Spanish. It's not a miricle or anything. - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 7:47pm
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No you can't. Shut your lie hole.
If you did, the Spanish you typed wouldn't have translated perfectly into English when entered into Google translator. - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 7:54pm
Mr. Hell
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That picture is actually funny! What would have made it a zinger would have been posting it on September 4th instead of the ultra-defense response.
If only The Perish could borrow some of the humour and talent it took to create that photo.
You should do a fake ad for Bob Loblaw on your awesome voice-overs page. - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 8:34pm
Jeff From The Perish
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are you suggesting google translator can't translate what I wrote ? or is programed to make mistakes ?
I take spanish classes fool.
and besides, what I meant to get across in spanish is NOT what you have translated there
"I subscribed to your videos" is what you have there when what I wrote in spanish would more acurately be
" I just subscribed to his videos "

what you have
"This is a good video seriously"

what I wrote should be
" This is a seriously good video "

what you have
"I love the way it uses the same effect by the end I've used for the beginning of our video are not real"

what I wrote would really translate to
" I love the way HE uses the same effect AT the end THAT I USED for the beginning of our video NOT REAL.

notice it also says "are" not real. I don't see perfect translation here, but maybe that's because I can actually read it. You guys can't even read the translator right or you would have caught these mistakes.

PAY ATTENTION if you're going to slag !

bottom line.
I guess you're right... the translator is a little off.
best find a better one.
Bueños Noches ! - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 8:41pm
Jeff from The Perish
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a Bob Loblaw voice over...
yes man.
that's a wicked idea. Not sure what Bob should sound like though. I'll have to listen to a few hopeless lawyers bumbling cases to get it down. - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 8:43pm Edited: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 8:53pm
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Jeff, you go through all the posts with a fine tooth comb, defending every last thing that's said. So....WHY WONT YOU TELL US WHY YOU LIVE WITH YOUR MOM!? Huh? Come on.


Id love to here from an ACTUAL loser. PLEASE. My boy is 8 years old and i want him to see what happens when becoming a man isn't high on the priorities. - Sun, 28 Sep 2008 9:27pm
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Yeah, the Mom thing's kind of old, anyway. I don't think anyone but you, Flatulenze, really gives a fuck why, or if, Jeff lives with his Mom.

The paranoiac fantasies and delusional fugues, on the other hand....THAT shit's gold! - Mon, 29 Sep 2008 8:12am
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Please guys. Don't say that you aren'tinterested in why he lives with his mom. He will take it as a compliment and a kudos to his band. Watch by his next post. I am pressing my fingers into my temples and i foresee.....

PS: I spoke with an "aquaintance" of Jeffs. According to this friend, Jeff says he is easily one of the best guitarist on Van Island. - Mon, 29 Sep 2008 2:09pm Edited: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 2:10pm
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Mr. Hell
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Jeff would obligingly wear his alien mask and call it a "probing", I'm sure.

Edit: Holy shit. After I posted and re-read that, I figured out why Jeff is so into aliens.
Now this all makes sense. - Mon, 29 Sep 2008 5:51pm Edited: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 5:53pm
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I still dont understand why speaking Spanish would make someone so intelligent, its not even our country's second language.

anyways.... - Mon, 29 Sep 2008 5:57pm
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"I still dont understand why speaking Spanish would make someone so intelligent, its not even our country's second language."

because its what ILL-egal aliens speak!!! baddum cha! - Tue, 30 Sep 2008 11:33am
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JL - I think it'd be better with a different emphasis:

"Because it's what illegal ALIENS speak."

Otherwise, good show, old man. Pip pip! - Tue, 30 Sep 2008 2:08pm
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when is the next show? jeff always ignores my questions.

*sulks* - Tue, 30 Sep 2008 3:10pm
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good call mr.logan... good call lol. - Tue, 30 Sep 2008 3:41pm
Jeff From The Perish
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not ignoring anyone. I've been dealing with some very painful teeth problems. Also.... couldn't find this damn thing. Why did it get moved here ? I see other show reviews that are over a year old in there ?? what gives... hasn't anyone noticed that if anyone placed a link to the thread... it no longer works when it's been moved ? besides. I can't go looking all over for stuff I'm busy. I didn't even know that other thread about kideo was in here. I just assume they're deleted. so... if it's where it was when I was here last, I'll comment... if I can't find the thread... too bad I guess. The next show is coming. have to get a root canal and a wisdom tooth out first. soon. - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 4:28am
Marshall Law
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moved as this thread is no longer a review based thread and merely an amusing flame war.

carry on.
. - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 9:58am
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INDEED. - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 1:18pm
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you live with your mom because your teeth hurt?

THIS BAND IS AWESOME! - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 4:22pm
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where can i order your DVD?? - Wed, 1 Oct 2008 5:02pm
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speaking of flames... they got the boots laid down to 'em! GO 'NUCKS!

Sorry, I coudln't resist. - Thu, 2 Oct 2008 5:01pm
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st Jeffs perish sooke rd send me your mommy. - Sat, 4 Oct 2008 2:45pm
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hey haters i hate you - Sun, 5 Oct 2008 11:34pm
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HEY this is a responce to fart head that said not one good post has been put up about the perish show, I was at both the show in sooke, and the show at the events centre, both shows were amazing rock shows, the originals were amazing, the covers were solid and the overall performance was pretty damn good. you tell me aany other local band that can rock out for a 2.5 hour set and keep the people there entertained, i sung along the whole night and i had a great time. this show was AMAZING 5/5 - Sat, 11 Oct 2008 3:30pm
the realist
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"you tell me aany other local band that can rock out for a 2.5 hour set and keep the people there entertained"

your right; because its not cost effective for a band to play that long... unless theres absolutely no body there and nothing better to do.
Assume you make 500$/night. Divide that amoungst the band(say 4 ways) 125$/person. But you forgot to cut in the sound guy for doing such a good job... take out 100$ from the gross profit. That leaves you with 400$ on the night; 100$/person. Spending probably the better half of a day preparing for the show and playing it; conservativly takes up 6 hours(including performance, soundcheck, being there before and after the, tearing your shit down). 6 hours divided by 100$ is 16.68$/hr... Now if you shortened that set by an hour(for example) that would bump up your hourly pay and you dont have to work as much. In otherwords your net profit increases.

so before you go saying that no other local band can play for that long and entertain a crowd(obveously you've never been privy to the hundreds of cover bands in this city); think about the money and logistics involved. Its just not worth playing 2.5hours for the money you get; when you could just as easily play for an hour, rock the socks off people and be on with the night. Granted if you do it for the pleasure and not as a career; then what I said is meaningless. But as I have interprited Jeff and the Perish's "dream"; it would be that they want this to be a career. You dont make a career doing things for free, son!

and besides, when theres only 5 people at your show(including family) its not hard to keep the people entertained. - Sat, 11 Oct 2008 4:32pm Edited: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 4:33pm
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um actua;y it was 45 8 of which was family - Sun, 12 Oct 2008 5:01pm
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"um actua;y it was 45 8 of which was family "

lol - Mon, 13 Oct 2008 3:24pm
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" big fat pizza hunk" haha! good one Mr. H's little bro' - Tue, 14 Oct 2008 9:38am
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" you tell me aany other local band that can rock out for a 2.5 hour set and keep the people there entertained"

you know your 110% right, there is not a single one.. The Perish is it. The Perish are the ONLY band in Victoria that can rock out.

And Im being 110% serious. Really. True Story.

. - Tue, 14 Oct 2008 11:58am Edited: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 11:58am
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Wasn't there supposed to be a Perish show at Sugar's tonight or tomorrow?

I could use a night out for my birthday. - Wed, 15 Oct 2008 8:09pm Edited: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 8:15pm
Dark Matter
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found a clip of Jeff Noyes playing eruption at some concert this year. - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 12:19am
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... umm ... yikes? - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 2:57pm Edited: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 2:58pm
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You know what I enjoyed more than Jeff's gay attempt at playing "Eruption"?
The fake crowd cheering sounds that have been edited into that video.

The laugh tracks featured in Full House were more believable.

The Perish sink to a new low. - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 3:49pm
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lol i thought that it was a faux-crowd; but i wasn't sure so i just brushed it off. But it did sound like a stadium crowd versus that of a sooke fire hall... or event centre with... was it 45, people? - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 5:59pm
Jeff From The Perish
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hey, Just checking in to say the album is almost finished.
Looks like plenty of slagging and arguing while I was gone. The fun just never stops. As for shows 2.5 hours being not cost effective. ha. who cares ? We often LOSE money doing shows and we don't give a fuck. We're doing it for fun. We love it. And we don't give a crap about cost effective. Thought I got that point across at the Royal Theatre. Guess I'll have to be more persistant.
As for this clip someone posted of eruption.... I can assure you there are no sound edits. That was NOT our show in victoria, it was in Sooke at the Sooke Community Center which holds 600 and it was damn near packed ! and as for the playing.... say what you will, but first... post yourself playing it better and I'll be the first to give you a thumbs up. Only pussies sit behind a computer bitchin' about another guys playing when they have NOTHING on video or mp3 to show their skills or lack of them. let's see what you've got for us there Endelos. or do you even play at all ???

and playing with " yourself " while viewing porn doesn't count.

album - Can You Hear Us Now ?
due out on Halloween !

ROCK ON VICTORIA ! - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 9:12pm
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You got me, Jeff. I could never butcher a song quite as eloquently as you do.

I see your video is no longer available for viewing at youtube.
Take it down to more accurately edit in the fake applause? - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 9:28pm Edited: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 9:29pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
ha. as if I'd bother taking it down. I just watched it and it works fine. I gotta admit though Youtube sucks sometimes. I have seen videos of mine and others say not available, then it is again later. Sometimes they work in low quality and not in high. Complain to youtube, not me.
there's no edits. When I was yelling " Eddie Eddie Eddie " to get the crowd doing it, the sync camera died. So for the last second or two it is camera 2 which wasn't in sync with the board. no audio edits at all.

Well, let's see then buddy. play eruption on the guitar and post it here. We're all waiting. - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 9:52pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
still waiting... what ? digging out that old guitar player magazine in a panic ? which reminds me. I watched this clip again and it's by far not the best I've played that. It's just the only video I have of it, and was bugged by friends to get it up there. I had a serious cut on my right hand, you can see me adjust the band-aid after the three chords, I NEVER learned eruption from tab or anything I just learned it by ear... and wing it a little different every time. Also, my delay pedal wasn't working, and we all know Eddie plays it with echo so the tapping sounds smoother... I did that run all on just a straight drive channel with no effects or reverb or delay at all. I've definately done it better, but don't care... because I play for fun. So... Endelos...
waiting for that link there buddy. come on already ! - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 10:13pm
J. Peatman
User Info...
Simple example: Everyone knows Battlefield Earth is a pretty terrible movie. Does that mean we all have to come up with a better movie to prove it?

You're just a lame ass looking for attention. This was probably shot in an empty bar with your girlfriends in front of the stage waving their arms.

Funny how the applause has a higher sound quality than your baby-raping attempt at Eruption then. - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 10:35pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
I have fun playing it my way. I have fun playing period. Your childish remarks can't take anything from me.
I am like Obe One Kenobi, you just make me stronger. Thanks to your comments I feel more powerful now than ever and I have even more confidence that we will take over the world. And God will punish you by hitting you with our new hit songs on every radio you turn on, every car you walk past and every bar in town. You play it for us then. And yes you do have to be able to do better than someone to prove that your criticism has any value at all. Otherwise you're just a wanker behind a computer that never bothered to do anything creative and put it out there for fun, just to be slagged by a bunch of loser computer nerds. - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 11:12pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
PS- I've been getting a dozen or so emails a day since that was posted on facebook and youtube saying how awsome it was. SO.. I think your opinion is pretty low on the list.

Will be posting our fist single soon for you cool people out there to download for free, and for you talentless pussies behind computers to moch as well. - Thu, 16 Oct 2008 11:19pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
and obviously you need an education in audio/video production before flappin' yer gums. We record all our shows with a seperate mic and track ( sometimes two or three ) on the crowd. We can crank up the volume of the crowd as much as we want. duh ? and yes I agree that the crowd seems to come out more than the guitar. Again , bitch to youtube. Everything sounds and looks like crap on youtube. it's so compressed and distorted from the orriginal. The orriginal video on the DVD is way more crisp and clear and the audio is way better, the guitar is clearly heard. It's just youtube. That same clip played on facebook is way sharper. But hey... you're super cool from behind your computer slagging others who try hard and do what they love. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:04am
Rubber Box
User Info... - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:07am
J. Peatman
User Info...
Have it your way. I'm featured on four full length albums over the last 5 years, you are about to release your "fist single". Woohoo windbag.

Obi Wan Kenobi sacrificed himself so that the people with real talent would have a chance to escape and save the universe. I suggest you do the same then.

I know you're just trying to get a reputation going for your little internet band with all this shit, but you do actually need some quality music to back it up with at some point.

Your version of Eruption sounds like an epileptic Stephen Hawking trying Rock Band for the first time. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:08am
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
um... that would be our first single off this new album. I've been in recording studios doing tracks for myself and others for almost 19 years now. I've met Eddie several times and even played his guitar once. He thought I had some good riffs. I really couldn't give a rats ass what you think. We get over 100 new members in our facebook group per month from around the globe. They all seem to think we're sounding pretty good and might just pull it all off. So I'll listen to those kind encouraging words and brush you off like the spec of dust in my life that you really are.

ROCK ON VICTORIA !! - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:33am
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
awsome! way to go kid in the video !
that kid will be a bad ass shredder when he's in high school. Rock on ALL guitar shredders that love to play eruption their own little way ! - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:37am
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
now here's some bad ass lil' shredders ! - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:39am
J. Peatman
User Info...
100 new members a month? So did you start counting a month ago? Cause right now you only have 154 fans. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:43am
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
why so set on trying to bring me down when you can't ?
we opened the group 4 months ago and we're at 470. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:47am Edited: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:47am
J. Peatman
User Info...
Cause your playing sounds like you're giving a reach-around to a yak, that's why.

The other one says 154. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:58am Edited: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:59am
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
whipty fuckin' doo ! maybe cause we don't use that old page and don't promote it. who gives a fuck anyways ?
stuck in your little bubble you seem suprised we're even on there. NEWSFLASH - while you're sitting here on live " victoria " I have people promoting my music for me around the globe in places where a band like ours could actually make it in this day and age. Not here... in your tiny little bubble. We're getting a huge reaction in China and plan to play there next year. You can walk up to the screen and kiss my ass when you see it on TV.
Now I'm off to the forest to experience the fourth quarter, and then I'm heading off to the studio to finish up this next album, so unfortunately I won't be here for you to get red in the face at for several weeks at least.

ROCK ON VICTORIA !!! - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 1:11am
J. Peatman
User Info...
That's the first and only one I saw, 's all.

Don't assume everyone is looking for the same degree or manner of success that you're after. And not everyone feels the need to whore themselves out night after night as a way of achieving recognition.

As for the China thing; yeeaah did that two years ago. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 2:41am
User Info...
"We're getting a huge reaction in China and plan to play there next year. You can walk up to the screen and kiss my ass when you see it on TV"

You have to be kidding me. With that video of you "covering"(if it can be called that) eruption; you expect anyone to invest corporate money in you?
I have nothing against you or your music... but I do have to say that spouting off here does you no good. All these claims and nothing to show for it. You've been doing studio work for 19 years? since you were 12? Then there should be lots of material from you out? I havent heard of or seen anything to the like of your name. Who really cares? If its all about fun; then why come here and post like you do? As if you have somthing to proove. You readily admit you don't... so stop hyping yourself up, it sinks corporations and it WILL sink you.
That being said, I would be impressed if you were to make it on a tele; but as it stands, if I were a manager of a major label i would very honestly pass you over. Im sorry, but hype doesn't make anyone better than they already are.
good luck. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 5:34pm
User Info...
I have hitherto been just an observer on this thread, but I felt compelled, by the arguments of both sides, to go out and listen to the Perish's music. ALL OF IT! Now, that having been taken care of, here are my impressions. I would like to preface this for Jeff by saying that I have been a soundman in several clubs, as well as having played several instruments over the past 18 years so this is a somewhat informed opinion.

First, the vocals. I will start by saying, get someone else to do them. You are in key, but that is about the only positive that can be said for them. And, while looking for a new singer, get them to re-write all your lyrics, because yours are laughable, and not in a good way. Also, in the live mix, the vocals need to be blended better with the rest of the music.

Second, the bass. Your bassist needs to learn to set his EQ when playing live. He also needs to lay back on the picking or slapping when playing live, as the string impact is interfering with the tone in a huge way. Also, the bass parts should not mirror the guitar lines so closely, it makes them hard to pick out. other than that, he's pretty tight.

The drums. Probably the most solid, creative aspect of the band. The only thing that I can say, is that the drums need to be turned down in the live mix.

And the guitar. First, I noticed somewhere on one of the threads that you said you own guitars other than the Sammick, my advice is use them to the exclusion of the Sammick, it has terrible tone. I found your riffs and picking to be sloppy in the live tracks, it conveys a sense that you either don't care, or can't play your own stuff.

Finally, an overall impression of the music. I found the songs to generally simplistic and uninspiring. The riffs and guitar parts were lack-lustre, the bass was to close to what the guitar was doing, and the drums...well, they were pretty good, they lent a little energy to an otherwise bland all around performance. Some of the lead sections in your songs had some tasty licks certainly, but not enough to make up for the other short commings. Bottom line, if you came into my bar looking for a show and handed me some of you live recordings, I'd laugh at you until you left, if you gave me some of your studio material, I'd tell you to do some serious practicing, a bit of re-writing and come see me again in six months or so. Don't loose heart, not that I expect you to, but bear in mind, you've got A LOT of work ahead of you before you're there.

~Keeping the world safe from democracy.
Doc - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 8:13pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
"Will be posting our fist single soon for you cool people out there to download for free, and for you talentless pussies behind computers to moch as well."

It's spelled MOCK. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 9:55pm
Dark Matter
User Info...
lmao, you even rip on the guy for a simple typo ?? I normally just watch, but come on. Sensless flaming here.
Doc, as educated as you want to sound, I am a professional recording engineer and have been for 34 years. I personally think they sound really good. Nice to hear some powerful rock vocals and guitars again for a change. I think Jeff's voice is phenomenal. I think you sound quite jeleous and green with envy. Peatman, if you really did some gigs in China may we see some video of that ? please post a link. If you've got so much time to cut down these guys for making it somewhere, and you're here on this site every day, then surely any gigs you did in china didn't do much for your career, or you didn't really play there at all. The Only one I see ever actually putting stuff out continuesly is The Perish. I have not seen one video or audio clip of any of you guys here. Lets see that China gig please Peatman. Doc, I would like a link to your bands stuff too please. Thank you. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:00pm
J. Peatman
User Info...
I never said I did any gigs in China. My band did establish good contacts with the Chinese and released an album on a label from there. Great experience.

You could have clicked my profile and checked out my band, whose name and url are featured prominently there. From that url you are able to go directly to our Myspace and hear tons of clips and read the bands history.

And actually, we do have two audio clips on this site, even though they're older and not completely representative of our sound. Time to update our profile.

How does Doc sound green with envy? Cause he's not kissing the band's ass? I thought it was allround constructive criticism, though worded to bring Jeff down from his high horse. Did you record these guys or something? - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:14pm
[email protected]
User Info...
no, I heard of them through a coleuge of mine. I was invited by them to the perish concert in sooke, which I did attend. I don't know the band. I think they're very impressive live and I think that the comments here are a little bit more harsh than constructive criticism. I also know people who have worked with Mr. Noyes on projects for television already, so I think he may have a foot in the door there. He's done voice-overs for two major network shows that I know of. Thank you for the link info, I will check it out. does Doc have any links I may check out ? thank you. - Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:37pm Edited: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:42pm
Dark Matter
User Info...
ok well I checked out your band. Personally I think you need to step back. All I heard on your myspace was complete heavy-metal garbage noise. No good lyrics, no good vocals, horrible slayer type drumming, and extremely boring guitar work. Now I see where the envy comes from. You guys sound beyond terrible. More like total crap. I couldn't get through more than two songs before my ears hurt. Talk about bad EQ work.With the perish I see a band that has a truly powerful sound and I am very interested in this band, and I have their bio package here infront of me as I requested from my coleuge. Says here Jeff Noyes played all the drums on the first album so I guess you are complimenting him without realizing it. I think some people in here are jeleous that they are making a big name for themselves and have the talent to make it all the way. You guys know it. That's what drives your hate for this band the perish. In particular the singer/guitarist. I am most definately interested in recording them in the future and probably will as I know from my coleuge that they already have something in the works together, and I often get called in on these jobs in Vancouver. Maybe we should post your link here so people can compare your bands.

J Peatman's band -

the perish - - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 12:50am Edited: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 12:51am
trevor corey
User Info...
IT'S COLLEAGUE NOT "coleuge" .

Get a spellcheck, bigshot. back to my hiatus. Seriously this time. - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 1:39am
J. Peatman
User Info...
How the fuck do you compare both bands? We're miles apart. You obviously know nothing about (extreme) metal from the things you say. Then don't try to review it.

If you can't say anything objective about the music, then I hope you do have a reasonable explanation why you think the lyrics are bad. Perhaps you're just the kind of guy who prefers one word titles and lyrics like:

"You're breaking up
You're breaking up
I can't make out a thing

I'll show you where
I'll take you there
I'll make you swear
You'll see

It's not real
It's not real
It's not real
It's not real"

And don't you think it's a little childish to assume that anyone criticizing something must do it out of jealousy?? Then I could say the same fucking thing about you.

I don't give a shit about the success of The Perish, or how successful they pretend to be. They just seem like a generic local hard rock band with a pompous attitude that consequently doesn't suit them. Or him, I should say, as Jeff seems to be the one who is most concerned with making their whole thing seem bigger and more important than they really are. If I wanted to "make it big" I would probably be in some lame indie pop band right now.

Pompous internet-buzz hype bands just annoy me, that's all. But good luck to them...I just hope for their sake they at least hire a decent graphic designer. 1997 era clipart and computer renderings have lost their magic a little bit. - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 3:44am Edited: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 3:50am
User Info...
Kevin, or Darkmatter, or what ever you want to call yourself, I do not have a link to any of my music that you can check out, because I haven't been in a "band" since I was in high school, if you like though, you can contact the Victoria Palm Court Society and purchase any of our CD's which I appear on (I play the bass). I've been playing exclusively classical music for the last 12 years. If Jeff was playing the drums on the entire first Perish album, good for him, they sounded good and the grooves were interesting and catchy. Other than that, I stand by what I said.

~Keeping the world safe from democracy
Doc - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 8:57am
User Info...
ok as an observer Id like to point out two things..

1: The crowd noise definately sounds like it was added to the mix. Ive played enough live shows to know what a crowd in a hall sounds like, and that doesnt sound like it.. no offense but.. its that obvious. Argue all you want.

2: I find it funny that all of the big time supporters that come in here to pump The Perish ( Dark Matter as an example ) all make very similar spelling mistakes and typos as Jeff does. Which are quite a few. Its that obvious. Argue all you want. - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 10:56am Edited: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 10:56am
J. Peatman
User Info...
Good point. It's probably the same guy. For someone who claims not to know the band personally, he seems to know an awful lot about Jeff Noyes, and sure does a lot of ass kissing.

And you'd think someone with 34 years studio experience would know how to spell words like "colleague" and "continuously".

No doubt that's a fake crowd. A crowd that size in a Sooke fire hall would have been illegal...and a fire hazard. Aside from the obvious difference in sound and the fact that crowds don't keep cheering like that when a band plays.

Great troll job Jeff! Now shut down CorelDraw 4.2 and go take some guitar lessons. And have someone else write your lyrics please. - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 12:25pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
"lmao, you even rip on the guy for a simple typo ??"

Don't be so sensitive, Jeff. I thought it looked a little too much like mooch, so I wanted to clarify the correct spelling.
Also, the masquerading is very transparent. best to cut your losses and drop the Dark Matter/Kevin thing now before that becomes additional fuel for the fire (if it hasn't already).
I am really amused at how Mr. J. Peatman has got you posting like a madman again. He is doing a wonderful job. - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 1:07pm
User Info...
I checked out the link to J. Peatman's band. I thought it was great. I'm not big into that kind of metal, but I thought the sound was fabulous and the songs were well written. I think the clean vocals in Terra Hiberna could stand to be up in the mix a bit more, and I honestly thought it was an instrumental at first (the vocals don't come in until 1:00+ into the song) but other than that, I thought all the tracks were great. I'm gonna go see these guys next weekend at Logan's.

~Keeping the world safe from democracy
Doc - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 4:33pm
J. Peatman
User Info...
Cool, thanks a lot Doc!

And thus, The Perish might actually help expand our own fanbase. Who would have thought. - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 6:51pm
Dark Matter
User Info...
can dish it but can't take it huh ?
to be honest. I only said all that to see what kind of reaction you'd give. Let you know how it feels to be flamed for no reason. Yes I know about metal music, and I was trying to make exactly that point. Your band is nothing like the perish. So why rip on them so much when they sound pretty darn good for a rock band ? they are.
I took note that their facebook group is now at 511 members, that's up 41 members from around the globe since yesturday when Jeff posted a link to the group. I know that right now, the perish is one of the biggest things happening in Canadain music. See for yourself.

I look forward to hearing this second album from the perish, if it's half as good as their first. I heard a few tracks on their myspace that were pretty impressive.

I've got my money on the perish for up and coming this year. - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 7:59pm
User Info...
^ Hi Jeff!
Rock on and full support to the you and your many Live Victoria profiles. - Sat, 18 Oct 2008 8:52pm
User Info...
Im sorry.. how exactly are The Perish one of the biggest things happening in Canadian music? - Sun, 19 Oct 2008 10:03am
User Info...
"I've got my money on the perish for up and coming this year."

i'll take you up on that; and give you odds. - Sun, 19 Oct 2008 12:10pm
User Info...
Wow, this thread kept me entertained in 24 countries.
Personally I'm done with slagging Jeff...
The only thing I can say is Jeff if you could concentrate all your energy into working on your music you would improve!
I've never encountered anyone with your "drive", my advice though is don't say anything in this business till the ink is dry.
Don't say you will play Save On, I know the exact costs of putting a show on in there, you would be a fool to spend that, invest in a studio instead or something!!!
I can appreciate your dream, but lay off on the outrageous claims.
I work at the highest level of this biz and you need to get up on how its working these days!

PS If you are really gonna be a pilot please let me know which airline, I fly weekly and would need to know that info for personal safety reasons! - Sun, 19 Oct 2008 12:46pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
I just can't believe that you're still pretending to be Kevin Goodere, whoever that is. - Sun, 19 Oct 2008 1:58pm
User Info...
So every time I post these comments Jeff never responds, lets try it one more time.

Jeff, I do remember you saying in the Times Colonist that where your from selling 3,000 tickets to a show is no problem and if you couldn't you were a nobody. Remember that if you do book save on foods that you will need to have your own light show. And no 3 dj lights will not cut it, heck it didn't even work for your last show at the royal theater. Remember the one where you sold 40 tickets and didn't even finish the show. The one where the royal theater offered to close the balcony off to save you some money but because your ego made you so delusional you kept it open because you thought the masses were going to come pouring in. Thank goodness the royal theater turned their stage lights on or we wouldn't have been able to see the garbage bag set, or the cheese dancing around.

BTW - What happen to Christine? Did she leave you after you blew her inheritance on a show full of empty promises.

For those of you who are interested, Christine was the original bass player and partner in crime in this farce called THE PERISH - Wed, 22 Oct 2008 9:54am
User Info...
I joined the group because of these livevic threads... - Wed, 22 Oct 2008 10:14am
User Info...
Personally, I wouldn't recommend that anyone watch that film. The sound effects and music are unbearably loud.

I do recommend reading the comments though. They are PRICELESS. - Thu, 23 Oct 2008 10:49am
J. Peatman
User Info...
I watched 2 minutes of that and then had to turn it off, whoever did the sound mix for that should be shot.

Those flying rods they show have been "debunked" as mere insects with high speed wing beats, such as moths and bees. The rod appearance has something to do with the frame interlacing on video cameras.

Check out: - Thu, 23 Oct 2008 11:45am
User Info...
Hey what happened to Sugar on October 15th??

P.S. Yes! There are indeed real live corporeal Perish DVD's at Freedom Arts in Sooke for a paltry $15. Get 'em before they "sell out". - Thu, 23 Oct 2008 3:38pm Edited: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 3:58pm
User Info...
Good grief, these so-called "rods" were disproven a decade ago. They are simply insects recorded on an old video camera that cannot keep up with the beats of the wings of the insect; it becomes a blur and registers on the video as such. Sorry, but this is such old news... - Thu, 23 Oct 2008 11:05pm
User Info...
Gotta say. After reading all these terrible reviews on live vic, I decided to check em out for morbid curiosity. And I was actually really surprised. They got some good shit in their collection. Some kinda bad stuff to but more interesting music then a lot of shit you find in this town. Decent music writing, good harmonies, interesting stylistic variety. The lyrics could use some work, but I can see how these guys would be entertaining. The one thing I like most is you can tell these guys are there to have a good time, and not make everyone depressed and suicidal like a lot of selfish, sceamo/emo bands. One big piece of advice is get a graphic designer. If you already have one, fire them and get a new one. The alien images look like an 8 year old drew them. But all in all surprisingly impressed. - Sun, 21 Dec 2008 2:01pm
User Info...
I don't find the interesting stylistic variety of which you speak.

~Keeping the world safe from democracy.
Doc - Sun, 21 Dec 2008 7:53pm
User Info...
I'll give a +1 to their music. - Mon, 22 Dec 2008 9:22am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
Hire whoever did that. - Mon, 22 Dec 2008 12:02pm
User Info...
. - Mon, 22 Dec 2008 11:06pm Edited: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 11:18pm
Bruce Graham
User Info...
"The alien images look like an 8 year old drew them."

If you're referring to the 'Can You Hear US Now?' album cover, it's a photograph. - Tue, 23 Dec 2008 12:18am Edited: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 12:20am
User Info... - Tue, 23 Dec 2008 12:53am Edited: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 12:58am
User Info...
A photograph of a drawing by an eight year old is still a photograph. I think Bruce has you there.

Doc - Tue, 23 Dec 2008 12:59am
Bruce Graham
Bruce Graham
Messages Posted:
That is not a photo of a drawing, it is a photogragh. The colour effect was added afterward. - Tue, 23 Dec 2008 1:55am Edited: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 1:56am
User Info...
I mean the Alien Head. I'm pretty sure that' not a photo. - Tue, 23 Dec 2008 3:23pm
User Info...
This is Jeff we're talking about, so I'm expecting a claim from him, possibly through Brucey, that yes, that is in fact a photograph of an alien head. I will continue to hold to my position that it is a photograph of an alienhead as drawn by and eight year old. Though, come to think of it, my eight year old daughter can draw way better than that.

~Testicle clapping goodness!
Doc - Tue, 23 Dec 2008 6:57pm
Bruce Graham
User Info...
"I mean the Alien Head. I'm pretty sure that' not a photo."

So did I. It really is amazing what a variety of digital effects one can use on a digital photograph with some imaging programs. But if you'd rather believe in your illusion, be my guest. Oh, and if you're going to call me by that tired, old, cutsie name - like you're a 6yr old girl - at least spell it correctly. K, Dork, er, I mean Doc? - Wed, 24 Dec 2008 4:31am Edited: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 4:39am
User Info...
Told you so jeevs. You owe me twenty bucks.

~Here hold this wire and stand in that puddle. Okay?
Doc - Wed, 24 Dec 2008 9:00am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
So, a picture of an alien's head was altered with color "effects" to make it seem more...what.
There is logic missing from this cover. - Wed, 24 Dec 2008 11:43am
User Info...
Can't you tell
It's a picture of Jeff. - Wed, 24 Dec 2008 12:53pm
User Info...
that "promo photo", I could've done in about 10 minutes.... with a blindfold on and a monkey moving the mouse. But, if that's the look you're after, then its not my place to judge that. - Wed, 24 Dec 2008 2:11pm
Bruce Graham
User Info...
K. Here's the original photo.

"There is logic missing from this cover."

Cover logic? Didn't realize that logic is a requirement of cover art, but if you're having difficulty connecting an alien face with the Perish, perhaps logic is not your forte. - Thu, 25 Dec 2008 1:22am Edited: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 1:26am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
The logic behind using those professional, fancy color effects to "enhance" this photo of Jeff's cosmic friend is lost on me.
It doesn't add anything to it.
But that alien is definitely real. No question about that. - Fri, 26 Dec 2008 4:07pm
Mr. Horse
User Info...
After extensive photo enhancement, I Mr. Horse conclude that the image is that of a carved pumpkin. Not like there is anything wrong with that. - Sat, 27 Dec 2008 12:59am
User Info...
Mr.Horse must have been right about the photo,sure has shut you up for a wile. - Sat, 28 Feb 2009 5:02pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
I heard that Brucey was asking around about me a bit at Logan's last weekend. I was there. Surprised he didn't notice me in my usual Gene Simmons outfit.
Old age is bringing blindness to Grandpa Graham. - Sat, 28 Feb 2009 6:40pm
User Info...

I think these guys are vying to open for Zep next year....better get to the woodshed! - Thu, 26 Mar 2009 11:13am
trevor corey
User Info...
I cant stand that kind of "music".
Dreadful, really.
I have no idea how shitte like that gets commercial success.

..........I'll be very disappointed with Led Zeppelin if this happens. - Thu, 26 Mar 2009 1:06pm Edited: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 1:07pm
User Info...
I like T.M.V.not bad stuff.

Hay trev my mom says hi - Thu, 26 Mar 2009 1:11pm
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- Fri, 26 Oct 2012 11:34am
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- Wed, 14 Nov 2012 5:16am
Violet Ven Detta
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merp - Mon, 18 Feb 2013 11:49pm
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