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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Anti-abortion
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I think they should wait 'til the little buggers born, then kill it. - Tue, 25 Oct 2005 5:22pm
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Hey, I loved my Aunty Abortion ! She had coat hanger glasses and big red lips . - Tue, 25 Oct 2005 6:38pm
Nik Olaz
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A temporary solution to an ongoing problem. - Tue, 25 Oct 2005 11:49pm
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I think you should wait 'til the bitch is seven months pregnant then push her down the fucking stairs. Whore. - Wed, 26 Oct 2005 7:29am
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I think you should post a shocking opinion on a contorversial topic to be edgy. - Wed, 26 Oct 2005 8:21pm
Johnny Grass
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It should be mandatory to any mother on booze or dope, or any two parents whose combined IQ doesn't meet a government set criteria. It would make the world a better place. Also, a couple should be limited to 2 children. Overpopulation is what will do man in . - Thu, 27 Oct 2005 8:04pm
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Who Cares? - Thu, 27 Oct 2005 9:01pm
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Doing man in doesn't sound too bad to me..... - Fri, 28 Oct 2005 2:27pm
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nah man is ok,

but doing THE MAN in is perfectly fine by me - Fri, 28 Oct 2005 4:27pm
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*Loads a shotgun.* - Sun, 6 Nov 2005 6:52pm
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"I think they should wait 'til the little buggers born, then kill it."

ook now i found me new hero. Abortion. Heres the sollution. If u want it get it. heres what i say, dont agree with me lick my balls and shove that shotgun up your ass and blow that mother fucker away

OH another sollution u guys should try

If shes pregnant. give her a nice big swift kick in the overies. fucking punt that mother fucker in the cunt - Sun, 6 Nov 2005 9:28pm
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....what ever happened to the ol' rusty coat hanger and vacuum attachments basement abortions?
Why kick her in the cunt when you can throw her down some stairs, less effort plus it's way more entertaining. - Tue, 8 Nov 2005 5:04pm
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Like I said..... - Tue, 8 Nov 2005 5:55pm
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Pro-thinking with the right head - Tue, 8 Nov 2005 10:04pm
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Why worry about abortion? Fuck her in the ass!!!! It's so simple. God. - Sun, 13 Nov 2005 3:02pm
The Other Nick
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Nuclear powered satilites should beam radiation at all major cities sterilizing the general population. That way, if you want a kid, you will work your ass off until you can pay for test tube babies and surrogate mothers. THE END. - Sun, 13 Nov 2005 6:56pm
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that's brilliant - Sun, 13 Nov 2005 8:34pm
Ward Ensemble
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just dril several holes in her microwave door. - Sun, 13 Nov 2005 9:50pm
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I wish my mom would have killed me so ...yeah , I like the satalite idea too! - Tue, 15 Nov 2005 3:05pm
Tits McGee
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I find this whole post thingy extreamly offensive. Aren't there any other women in here other than me? You should all be ashamed to be saying things like that, even just in jest. I like a joke as much as the next lady, but jeez.... - Fri, 18 Nov 2005 7:21pm
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....ummm you're not actually serious right? Considering this is the controversy and quarantine section.....and by the way, I am a girl, and I think this thread is hilarious. - Sat, 19 Nov 2005 11:08am
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I am not offended by much, and sometimes I am actually surprised at what DOES offend me. At the risk of ridicule, I think this thread really pushed the envelope too far. I am surprised that no one said anything sooner. - Sat, 19 Nov 2005 11:34am
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I'm actually offended by a lot these days, but its cuz in the last year or so these types of (mysogenistic) things have hit me personally. So I can't gage these jokes clearly anymore.. I'd be up in arms about way too much, and I don't think its the solution. I'm stoked that you guys spoke up though! That takes some kind of balls and makes me want to know you.

The c&q section was started for this reason. I am NOT a fan of removing threads/comments - hiding shit doesn't solve a thing.

In their own way, I'd like to think that the guys who've posted are making a statement, and aren't just losers who're dead inside. But thats just me (grasping at straws, some might say). - Sat, 19 Nov 2005 12:23pm
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And for the record, even though I don't know any of you, I don't sense any real ill/ominous/ugly intent from most of the regulars who post here.. which is why I haven't had any problem with this thread, or similar ones.
Mildy humorous.. I stress mildly... - Sat, 19 Nov 2005 12:42pm
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....two coat hangers way down! Call me a tight ass, I just don't see the humour in kicking a pregnant woman down the stairs...that is unless its Condoleza Rice! - Mon, 21 Nov 2005 9:39am
Ward Ensemble
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most of the women in anti abortion rallies are too ugly to fuck anyway. - Fri, 25 Nov 2005 6:32pm
J. Rab
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Silly. - Mon, 28 Nov 2005 9:18am
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i got a new one..instead of punting her cunt...or throwing her down stairs...heres somthing new

Pour some drano down her pussy, i hear it unclogs most messy situations hahaha - Fri, 9 Dec 2005 1:23pm
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Huh... I guess I should have known better than to click on this thread, guess I must be a masochist...

It's easy to laugh at the plight of those who must make the most difficult decision of their lives when you don't have a womb. That said, I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. That's why the quarantine section is such a brilliant idea. - Tue, 13 Dec 2005 5:14pm
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hey kiddies you should take sex alittle more seriously . Have you ever seen a person die from aids .There is no reason for pregnancy these days except by being unresponsible..Bag it up boys abortion is the last line of defence and that is entirely the womans choice - Fri, 23 Dec 2005 12:49pm
jay brown
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Wow I generally speaking have one of the most over the top crude senses of humour of anyone I know and I think your all fucked up for saying this shit. None of this is funny it's just pathetic and fucking brutal. Way to prove how low and stupid some guys can sink. - Sat, 24 Dec 2005 2:53pm
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"It should be mandatory to any mother on booze or dope, or any two parents whose combined IQ doesn't meet a government set criteria. It would make the world a better place. Also, a couple should be limited to 2 children. Overpopulation is what will do man in."

Never have a felt more relieved to hear the same beliefs spoken by another. Shit man, white-trash moms with their 7.5 children whose family tree looks like a stump fucking offends me more than anything else these days... - Mon, 26 Dec 2005 9:39pm
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Ignorant assholes with empty worthless opinions who haven't earned the soapbox they squeal from are what offend me more than anything these days. I didn't give two shits about this stupid thread until people started giving it a serious thought and that's when it got heavy on my mind so I figure if you can give your two cents here's mine as well. Until you've been there, meybe caught your fiance and father of your 2 year old fucking 14 year old girls while you were out, or been tossed out of the house you thought you owned at 3 months pregnant which by the way is juuust past the deadline for an abortion, you don't know shit about the plight of a young mother these days and how fucking difficult it is for a man to suck it up and be a fucking man like real men used to do. We live in ugly times and we're raised less by our families than by the media and politics of a society with a shit mix of morals and values, and probably 90% of the time The burden and responsibility of the situation is a woman's to carry alone, so why get your panties all in a bunch when she carries it her way? I hope you knock somebody up and find yourself in a tricky situation, then meybe your opinion will hold some fucking merit because you'll know what you're talking about. Until then shut the fuck up. If you're just talking out your ass, are you actually really saying anything?

Abortion is a way of avoiding the responsibilities of your actions. It's the new birth control. I'm neither left or right on the topic, I feel that it's everyone's choice and in some situations it's the right thing to do. But the bottom line is that sex makes babies and if you're too stupid to use a contraceptive, or just keep your fucking pants on in the first place, there's gonna be concequences and like everything else in life they won't be the same for every person, so why just pick one?

By the way none of those jokes are even funny, I've laughed more reading The Far Side in the sunday newspaper. They're just stupid and ignorant.

AAAnd...last of all, a big fuck you. From my unborn baby. - Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:24pm
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Well, hows about an opinion from the Sick Fuck himself....

I'm sure everyone knows I can be one grim motherfucker when I want to be, but really... some of the shit on this thread is a bit over the line... I totally understand the concept of joking about topics like this one... hell, I'll throw a few jokes around myself...

But really.. all I'm saying is that there are limits to how far a parody will go... I know most of the posters on here wouldn't actually perform the actions they describe... It's a simple attention grab I'm sure... But what can I say... leave the S.I.C.K. stuff to me

'ere - Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:30pm
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Attention grab ? This coming from someone with a bloody decapitated body as a profile pic. Riight .
And Tragedy, who the hell are you to tell anyone what they should deem as moral ? For faks sake it's none of your business why someone might want to go the root of a abortion and if you think persons going through such a experience does it like getting a boil removed or a hair cut ... you're wrong . Even if you're 1% right about it , maybe they should just for the reasons you espoused too . There are a hundred different reasons why a person my get a abortion ... or not . Don't pull this down fall of civilization crap because of your own negative life experiences . Take some reasonability for your own actions and life decisions . Not judge others because their choices in their own lives. - Thu, 29 Dec 2005 11:46am
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Wow, this thread went from innocent(macabre) joking around to a total fucking after skool special.
Everyone should just put their big girl panties on and calm the fuck down. - Fri, 30 Dec 2005 8:09pm
i'll cut you
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Personally, I loved my abortion experience. It was a breezy summer day back in '02. The doctor who sucked the baby out was such a hottie, and he gave me a free breast massage!!!! - Sun, 1 Jan 2006 1:04pm
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XY- that's exactly what I was trying to say. Meybe you read it wrong? I'm the last person to tell anyone what's right or wrong or judge people for their choices. I'm opinionated and cranky and most of the time I have little or no impulse control, but I'm no fucking dictator and like I said, I'm not left or right on it anyways. I'm 100% pro choice. To sum up my point of view, not too long ago anti-choice fucks were all over women making the difficult choice to have an abortion. Now some of them have spilled over to the other side. When I found out I was pregnant I had more people tell me that I should have an abortion than say congratulations. I chose my way. I took the responsibility that was meant for me. My best friend had an abortion when she was 16 and I think she was very strong for taking her's. It was the right choice for her. Do you dig? I realize I came off like a total spaz but it does hit a little close to home, ya know? - Sun, 1 Jan 2006 10:44pm
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I just read this one, and wow did the tone ever switcharoo. It was obviously started as an inappropriate joke that (shock) went too far.
It's not something that I could joke about, but I'm not terribly offended either. I'd be more offended if there were no choice at all. - Mon, 2 Jan 2006 12:27am
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I do dig , and dig it ! lol!

The only thing that got my grampa panty’s in a bunch was....

....... I know this was meant to be a joke thread .

And !... if you’ve laughed at a dead baby joke ……..which I know most of us have .

You're a fukin hypocrite if you posted. - Mon, 2 Jan 2006 1:04am
Burning Ragdoll
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ya uh go fuck yourself. i really do wonderif ti's worth bringing a child into this world anymore. we're running out of time. regardless, i was extremely offended when the first thing the doctor said was 'are you gonna keep it'. and i'm offended everyday when i tell someone else i'm pregnant and they still fucking ask 'are you gonna keep it?' a child's life should not be such a frivolous decision. so i just stopped telling people until they ask why i cant drink. and dammit, i'm gonna have an indigo child and her (or his) generation will make Mother Earth satisified again. and I don't ever want my child meeting ignorant fucks like you. - Mon, 2 Jan 2006 10:50pm
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Look at this thread again.. it wasn't all bad. You can look at it as half empty or half full, its your choice.

I think I wrote this somewhere before, but so what, it bears repeating: I read a take on pregnancy/childbirth a few months ago which referred to it as the ultimate affirmation of faith in a world that will be kind and provide all thats needed for a good life. The person who wrote it said that without that faith, a woman would be _physically unable_ to express a child.

That blew my mind and put me in awe of women who've done it or know they can.. which is like a zillion, normal, everyday people! It also put me in awe of the people who must be able to support and assure these women (friends/family etc) that a benevolent world exists to that extent. Or maybe its just some physical continuation that happens during the process.. opening up and staying open, mind & body. Whatever it is, hats off to you all. and gimme I want some.

And given this take on it.. man, what was written here earlier in this thread was especially offensive & vile. I do feel bad that moms on here had to see it. - Tue, 3 Jan 2006 12:31am Edited: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 12:37am
jay brown
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Once again, there is a line somewhere and it was crossed here. I may not be the guy to be talking about crossing lines, but everyone once in a while even I pull my head out of the sand and realize when someone does something tottaly inappropriate. - Tue, 3 Jan 2006 4:55pm
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Back to killing the lil' bugger after it's born........................

..........6 things to do with the body. - Sun, 15 Jan 2006 7:39pm
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Y'know, there's gotta be more than a few 12 year olds on this site. K, maybe 13? 14 tops? Bored, understimulated? Looking for some action? Guess you got it.. That is some seriously wack shit that got written up there. I think it's gotta be the children, or some sadly desensitized individuals. Many peoples' daddies literally did kick their mommies down the stairs, and the only way for a kid to survive that without therapy is by emotionally lobotomizing themselves and numbing out so they can't feel what's going on. Maybe some people need to laugh at violence and appear not to give a shit because they're traumatized and in survival mode, or their own vulnerability scares the shit out of them.

Destroy the Flesh, that sucks.. I sure hope you're joking, or that you're just in that self-loathing phase of the teen years..

As for the site, maybe this isn't its proudest moment, but hopefully it got us thinking.. - Sun, 22 Jan 2006 2:04am
grliciouss *at*
Messages Posted:

I'm interested in finding like-minded people to experiment with. I have pretty varied tastes, but am loving Iron and Wine, Cat Power, PJ Harvey, Rokia Traore, Lillison di Kinara, Sigur Ros, Beth Orton, Be Good Tanyas, Lhasa de Sela, and many others. I have a good ear, can sing, and am learning guitar. My voice is on the soft side, and the guitar skills are presently pretty basic. It would be fun to meet others who are into jamming or need some back up pipes..

Oh yeah, and.. the thing is, that bullshit up there is called "hate-mongering", and I'm all for free speech too, but let's call it what it is. Would it be considered at all amusing if somebody threw up a "nigger-lynching" post? Yeah, that would just be fucking hilarious, right? It's weird, I just don't get why mysogyny is so acceptable and "cool" these days. There's gotta be a lot of litle boys (and girls??) with Mommy issues out there.. - Sun, 22 Jan 2006 1:23pm
Nik Olaz
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No duh.. really? I'm not expecting political correctness, cause that's often just a bullshit wrapping around the same old racism, homophobia and misogyny, dressed up all nicey nice anyway. I'm just saying, if you're gonna wear your ignorance on your sleeve like that, expect a little flak, kids.. - Sun, 22 Jan 2006 4:07pm
User Info... girlfriend is adopted and she's dope...but..from reading most of the trashy posts on here that came to be because your daddy's didn't give mommy that special pearl necklace for Christmas like the lazy bastards they are..

PRO CHOICE. - Fri, 3 Feb 2006 4:05pm
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here is two reasons why abortions should be done, and proably why sublimeKid should agree... - Mon, 20 Feb 2006 11:09pm
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one - Mon, 20 Feb 2006 11:10pm
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2 - Mon, 20 Feb 2006 11:11pm
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you all should be glad i did this, cause i had to courrupt my hard drive with these horrible pictures of these fuckin' retarded people. - Mon, 20 Feb 2006 11:11pm
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This thread rules. Not because of it's graphic depictions of violence or tasteless satirical opinions but because it represents something much bigger and of far more important significance - FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN A FREE FUCKING COUNTRY - Thu, 6 Apr 2006 10:27am Edited: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 10:33am
Nik Olaz
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"Aren't people absurd! They never use the freedoms they do have, but demand those they don't have; they have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech." - Thu, 6 Apr 2006 11:38pm Edited: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 11:40pm
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Looks like that might be a quote from someone else. Hope you don't think this is a stupid question but from who? - Sat, 8 Apr 2006 10:40pm Edited: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 10:41pm
Nik Olaz
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Kierkegaard (I don't particularily 100% worship the man but i think the quote is fitting)

Freedom of speech is important, however so is keeping your wits about you. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should or that it's a wise idea. People could march down the street shouting 14/88 in unison and you could chalk that up to freedom of speech.

All in all, the idea of it is to be able to speak out. Not to waste it on drivel. - Mon, 10 Apr 2006 6:25pm Edited: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 6:30pm
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"14/88", that's an NS reference right? Don't laugh at me for asking but what's the 14 mean?
(I did get laughed at for not knowing what 88 meant a few years back and I only just 2 days ago learned what NS stood for) - Tue, 11 Apr 2006 5:48pm Edited: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 5:54pm
Nik Olaz
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Racists really get over imaginative. I guess that's what you get for being that pathetic. - Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:04pm Edited: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:05pm
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I used to know it from memory... Let's see if I can get it right.

"We must secure a future for our race and the safety of white children."

That's close, but I'm pretty sure it's not exactly right. - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 4:14am Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 4:15am
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I heard that quote on an A&E documentary a couple months back. The leader of the group got locked up in prison indefinately. I guess that's what you get for threatening to hang people from trees. Would you believe his followers thought the best sollution was to go out and slaughter a non-white? - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 9:11pm Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 9:15pm
Andy McBeer
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Unless you're a female, all your opinions are moot. It's the bitches problem for getting knocked up in the first place.

"Honey, we're pregnant."

"No, bitch. YOU'RE pregnant." - Wed, 12 Apr 2006 9:42pm Edited: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 9:43pm
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man, theres some funny shit in here, but its pretty brutal - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 5:21pm
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Ya, hehez. - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 5:44pm
Hang the DJ
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I was actually wondering, can you get abortions in BC without having to have your parents consent or having them know about it? - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 5:47pm
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Not unless, you are gay, and have to fill out a 'Divortion' form.. - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 5:53pm
Hang the DJ
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Anyone here who actually knows?....

"If shes pregnant. give her a nice big swift kick in the overies. fucking punt that mother fucker in the cunt".

(Oh that's called the Tommy Lee)

"Why kick her in the cunt when you can throw her down some stairs, less effort plus it's way more entertaining."

All I can say is FUCK YOU insensitive jerks, I wish your mom had been thrown down the stairs. - Mon, 25 Sep 2006 9:36pm
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This woman I know, was thrown down the stairs by her boyfriend, six months after she gave birth to her daughter.

While she was watching tv, she had this precarious feeling come over her, about the father, going to check on the baby.

She walked upstairs, to find the father, pouring a beer, into their 6 month old, baby girl's mouth.

The woman whom I'm speaking of flew into a rage, and started fighting with the father, and while they were fighting he threw this woman down the staircase.

Although, She was able to escape with the baby, and went to the police, and the police (believe it or not) didn't have the father charged for assault or attempted murder.

She still suffers back problems (15 years later) as a result of the tumble she took down the stairs.

What does this have to do with 'abortion' you may be wondering...?

Well, this was one woman who didn't believe in Abortion and has had almost a daily battle with the various father of her kids, especially her biggest fight with the MCFD system which one social worker had stressed her out by harrassing her, that while she was 3 months pregnant, suffered a miscarriage. (a.k.a- CFDS, FCDS) "The Ministry of Childrens and Family Development Services"

She didn't believe in Abortion, mainly because she had 'Baptist' roots in her family. - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 9:23am
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N' just in case any of your wondering minds are thinking otherwise- That for the record, I was never, the father of any of her children.

'Cept that I did get her preg-0-ed.

Then she had the miscarriage, she says, because, of the Social Worker who was 'stressing her out', over me?

Well, this is just fucked. I blame the S.W. and the CFDS for it.

I am over it...

Oh, fucking well....

What a True Heartbreaker, I am.

"A true story" - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 1:05pm Edited: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 1:05pm
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There's been a lot of bitching about insensitive posts on this thread but the real problem is the government and all the fucking around they do. If you ever want to make life miserable for yourself try being a single dad. The government won't give you a moments peace. - Tue, 26 Sep 2006 6:17pm
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n' yeah, if the government here in BC wants to FUCK AROUND WITH ME?

I sue this 'basterdized S.W' who slandered me!!

It's possible for anyone to retrieve, their personal files (co-existing) within this Ministry.

Don't make me sue.... because...
I'LL SUE!! - Sun, 1 Oct 2006 9:11am
trevor corey
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I was visiting with a girlfriend of mine tonight who was severely beaten by her boyfriend this weekend after she caught him necking with another guy. Sweet little thing all of 110pds is covered in bruises. She was just about to loose consciesness from being choked when the cops kicked in the door.
I have a tear in my eye even writing about this.
Violence against women is fucked up. The only thing that is not fucked about this thread is how people are responding to how fucked up it is. The only time I would "kick" anyone down a flight of stairs would be if I was defending my wife.
Grow the fuck up. - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 3:17am Edited: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 3:40am
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But you are so, much more capable of damage to your girlfriend and other women including children Trevor, that I am gravely concerned about the safety and welfare of others around you- is not fucked up, you are.

So, don't fool yourself Travor others around here are fucked up, because, this thread is completely 'normal'. In comparison to your daily lifestyle of throwing persons downstairwells...

Shame on you. - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 9:30am
trevor corey
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second dan traditional Okinawan hard style Karate, you're safe with me around. - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 1:41pm Edited: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 1:42pm
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Macen, I have no idea what your post meant, but I'm hoping its something I'd be ok with.

Trevor Corey, I haven't heard a worse story from anyone I know in a while. I wish you and all concerned whatever kind of peace of mind is possible after something like this -fast-. I'd imagine I'd carry a lump in my throat for days after hearing this about a friend.. not easy.

It may be hard to see at times like this, or ever by some people, but I really don't think that most of us actually believe that the people who started off this thread are so callous. Humor is a way to cope and distance ourselves from horrors whose effect is too brutal to carry with us all the time. I'm absolutely sure that if any of them were aware of how closely some of us are/were affected by real-life stuff like that at the time they posted they wouldn't have done so. It must suck to see this dredged up over and over with their names at the top.

Like I said, I know most of us know this, but its worth mentioning to those who aren't familiar with the people who started this, either from their other posts or in real life. - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 2:25pm Edited: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 2:31pm
trevor corey
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Thanks Sati. I was rarher emotional when I posted that. I'm good now. - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 3:19pm Edited: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 3:20pm
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Okay, Sati, calm down my little skittish pixie... I was only refering to how, it might have felt to be 'placed' in surrounding circumstances such as- being thrown down a stair case.. And how, some of these slimball *edited names of Ministries like to 'forecast' unimaginable hype towards their colleagues about *certain unnamed sources- edited* that may or may not have been *classified* under certain volatile capacities...

Severe beating eh..?

THat sounds kinda' rough.. Anyhow, it was probably best to have sat down and had a face to face talk with him about seeing other people, that he may have felt a little 'lead on' by her.. Still this was a heinous act on his own selfish behalf, but he could have beat the shit out of the guy, instead of her, thus making himself look like the 'coward' that he is...
What R U going to do about it...?

(Cuz, she's a major fan of 'UFC')
The last time I threatened, to, kill my girl friend, she beat the shit out of me, and, have since learned my lesson.

Counseling might help them, but I haven't had the problem of my g/f cheating on me.

N' if she did?

I'd just find a new one...

(No need for violence with her)

She'd come running back to me anyway... - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 4:32pm
Hang the DJ
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Yeah so does someone ACTUALLY KNOW if you can have an abortion in BC (yes here in Vic) without your parents knowing about it? - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 8:30pm
Swingin' Joe
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Uh oh. - Mon, 2 Oct 2006 9:42pm
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Hittin chicks is for losers, I'd rather take a beating for one!
Hang The DJ, This ain't the place for that info, if you really need it, open up your phone book, there is a toll free number that will give you all the info you need.
In the end the truth always comes out, usually your family are the only people that will really be there for you, my opinion. - Tue, 3 Oct 2006 8:39am
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....w3rd.... - Tue, 3 Oct 2006 6:13pm
Hang the DJ
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haha my family would KILL me.

I found out... called the abortion clinic and they keep names confidential and don't tell your parents.

I'm gonna go play the Hallelujah Chorus....

I mean, my friend wanted to know this... it wasn't me..... - Tue, 3 Oct 2006 7:35pm
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I suppose she could ALWAYS keep the baby, but then again, I don't think LV message boards allows- the selling of 'Black Market Babies' on their site.

But I'm sure you could always find some Romanian or Bulgarian web site out there that would... - Tue, 3 Oct 2006 8:34pm
Swingin' Joe
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Ladies, always remember, three strikes and you're out. - Tue, 3 Oct 2006 9:29pm
awt asshole
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I like Abortions, i just can't eat a whole one! - Sun, 8 Oct 2006 8:06pm
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Ya you fuckin can I seen you liar. - Mon, 9 Oct 2006 3:49pm
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Fuckin rights, maybe than people wont keep gettin pregnant.
Make em watch, with thier eyelids taped open,
I bet that would solve a lot of unneccesary pregnancies. - Fri, 13 Oct 2006 2:41pm
Hang the DJ
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Abortions are awesome. - Mon, 1 Jan 2007 7:32pm
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I just had one, it tasted horrible! - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 5:27pm
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