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Message Board > General Chitchat > All those who think that "tard bowl cut" should be banned gimme a "hell yea!" |
The Ref User Info... | Hell Yea! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:34pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | HEEELLLLS YYYEEEEAAHHHH!!!!!! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:38pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | i agree. J Ingrate had a bowl cut (still has one in heart)so Ill put in his vote here too.... - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:38pm | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | nay you fucking babys - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:39pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | Hey Korn, I guess you missed the idea of the thread??? It says "Anyone wanting tard bowl banned, gimme a hell yea! It's not up to a vote! It's either Hell yea or nothing! Nick name Sadam Husein! LOL - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:40pm | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | I think they should ban you for being such a baby - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:41pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | Still missing the point eh! Well, try yet again to read the heading. You'll get it eventually! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:42pm | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | You really are a nerd arent you? - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:44pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Ref, he's just a troll bud. You just gave the moron what he wanted, attention :/ - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:48pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | where's the love boys, where's the love? - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:49pm | ||
El Rey User Info... | After you're sick of all this talk of banning people maybe you can go burn some books too. - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:53pm | ||
KornKoiler User Info... | Im not a troll, I just think that REF takes some things too seriously. I mean, are you really offended? Cmon , this is barely fuckin offensive. American politics are offensive, not dancing retarded kids, or trolls who mimmick them. Grab a h0llow leg and fill it with cheese you baby. - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:54pm | ||
fellating the battle-bot User Info... | I'm with you, Koiler. (Plus, I enjoy cheese.) - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:58pm | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | In fact, if you LOOK at my profile you will see that I am the ULIMATE KILLER OF TROLLS! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 1:01pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | I was not offened by the vid, I take people that laugh at others misfortunes seriously! There's no need for it! Laugh with not at! And you are a troll for the shit that you say! And hey el Ray, how can you compare insulting people and burning books. If this troll had posted something worthy of discussion, rather than running down people with disabilities, this thread wouldn't be here. It's all in fun anyways! Do you think that Nev would ban? I just took a jab at the troll, that's all! LOL - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 1:04pm | ||
fellating the battle-bot User Info... | Fuck you Ref, who made you God? - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 1:07pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | Remember people! All we want to see are Hell Yea's on this thread! Oh yea and FUCK ME! And you are plenty o laughs there "fellatio the bottle bat"! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 1:08pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Korn, I wasn't calling you a troll. I was calling Tard bowl cut a troll. - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 1:18pm | ||
Bigdog User Info... | Ahhh! But he is a troll! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 1:24pm | ||
thebeardog User Info... | Hell yea!!! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 1:25pm | ||
Wannagig User Info... | Hieeellll Yeaaaa! to the max. My challenged sister added another hell yea!! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 1:28pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | I think the hell yea's have spoken! End of thread! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 1:41pm | ||
El Rey User Info... | Hell no! Not end of thread, control freak. - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 3:07pm | ||
El Rey User Info... | Perhaps the Ref has never heard of the ole' saying "I may not agree with what you say but i'll defend to the death your right to say it."Censorship blows. - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 3:16pm | ||
BOHDAN User Info... | funny i just cut my hair like that - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 3:50pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | Wow!... Censorship! So you don't like the fact that some people here don't enjoy hearing someone slag people that can't slag back? Defend people that are being called names for no other reason then to get a sick laugh? What do you do when someone calls your mom a fat fucking slut whore, who gave it to the whole town? I guess you defend her, I know I would! Censorship, yeah, uh huh! Freedom of speech, yea, uh huh. So those of us who don't agree with what this person is saying and how they are saying it, should shut up? Censorship, uh huh! LOL! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 4:25pm | ||
El Rey User Info... | I never said anyone should "shut up". ONCE AGAIN you're overreacting. I just think that talking about getting someone banned because they posted something that got your panties all in a knot is just plain silly. I don't think laughing at challenged people is funny at all either(except when it happens to be the Wrecker) but you're just giving the people who do it on this board satisfaction and adding fuel to their fire when you get all worked up over it. - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 4:54pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | You missunderstand. I'm not worked up, just pointing something out! LOL On the wreaker comment, he's the greatest disturber of'em all! He's knotted my panties on a few occasions! LOL Wreaker! I meant shut up in a figurative manner. I wasn't quoting you directly, just the sentiment that you seem to be trying to get accross. I rarely trade barbs anymore due to a tongue lashing by the wreaker one day! Him, RB and a few others enlightened me on how to lighten up. That's the way I am now, pretty light hearted on this board. I will continue to defend the defenceless! (DA DA DA DAAAAH) fist held high in the air, cape fluttering in the wind! Cheers! - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 5:22pm | ||
tard bowl cut User Info... | jst bekas i am handycapd doesn meen you shood ban me you thinc you are the leder of the bord butt you are jusd a dum stupid fase r you the gae man with bigg hare in yor pikture becuz if that iz you you lookkkkk like you are gae - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 5:35pm | ||
der User Info... | Right on tard, you rock. - Tue, 1 Jul 2003 11:12pm | ||
Peter User Info... | Retarded kids are funny. I'll laugh with and at, thank you very much. There is nothing exploitative about viewing a video of retarded folks moshing. I bet if you watched the video with any of the kids in the video, you'd all laugh along. I'm sure whoever was supervising that group was fucking busting a gut. As for your sacred "thread" rules...a huge flaming fuck you Refarooni! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 5:21am | ||
The Ref User Info... | An equation: Peter-Morals+Welfare+no job prospects+booze=A waste of life! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 9:40am | ||
Dog User Info... | In a perfect world, Peter and TBC would both be struck by cars, rendered just the type of people they are currently mocking, and as a result ALWAYS have trouble getting their shit in the bowl, instead having it ALWAYS land on their heads.'s not a perfect world, so we are left with the age old "bon voyage".... GO FUCK YOURSELVES!! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 1:04pm | ||
Wannagig User Info... | Yup, two pretty fucked up individuals! But imagine? they have to live with themselves! and the poor fuckers that have to live with them???? :-0 - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 1:51pm | ||
S.V. User Info... | Ref, you are quickly becoming one of my favorites around here. :) Although I don't agree with censorship, I will continue to counter the "tard" comments/posts at every opportunity with an enlightend point of view, in an effort to educate others and advocate for my child. It seems that some individuals here desperately need to be educated in this area. TBC, I'm curious as to why you are so obsessed with the "disabled". Have you suffered abuse or name-calling as a child? Perhaps you should seek professional help. - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 4:00pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | Ref dont listen to RB, hes a very bad man - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 4:21pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | TY SV, I had no prob with the vid, it's the name calling and insults that I take umbrage to! Get tired of listening to little boys in the school yard screaming "na na na naaah naaah"! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 4:29pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | I finally caved in and watched the video. I was expecting something heneous. Ive seen bigger idiots that claim not to be mentally challenged at our shows look funnier than this! I wish someone would post a video of the crowd at a local show and see if we can tell the difference. And when did Jimbo grow his hair back and start singing for this band? heheh - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 5:41pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | Hey, my turn! I have a Down Syndrome in my IMMEDIATE family. When i view that video, or rather, the one time i did view that video, i laughed my ass off. Not only was I laughing my ass off, but it made me feel GOOD inside that these people, WHO ARE NOT SPECIAL!!!!, are enjoying their time. The irony of Handicapped people moshing it out to some heavy punk shit is hilarious to me. I LAUGH AT IT TOO, but i am in NO way laughing at their condition. I am laughing at a group of people who "typically" would not mosh it out,,,DO SO!!! SO POLITELY FUCK OFF feeling offended over something that doesnt affect you or anyone. No one is laughing at their condition. And how dare you come to the defense of someone who YOU think are "special" or "handicapped". My aunt has severe downsyndrome, and when she does stupid shit we laugh, she knows whats up, she isnt stupid, SHE WIPES HER OWN ASS!!!! THEY DONT NEED PEOPLE LIKE YOU CONSTANTLY POINTING OUT THEIR HANDICAPS!~!!!!!! YOU WOULD ALL LAUGH YOUR ASSES OFF WATCHING 90 YEAR OLDS GETTING "JIGGY WIT IT" LISTENING TO ENINEM,,,,,,so now does that mean i have to feel offended because you are making fun of old people??????? ALSO, i bet you dudes will laugh at Bubbles on Trailor park Boys,,,,,Or,, i bet you laughed at SNL, when making fun of handicaps,,,or i bet you laughed at Rain Man with the Autistic one blah blah blah. Instead of laughing, and feeling good, in watching a video of these people being happy,,you choose to take it to the other side of the fence and remind us all of where the stereotypes and predujiced people really are! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 5:58pm | ||
Wannagig User Info... | Yes but anon, do you enjoy it when someone calls your family member a "Tard"! Wouldn't you stand up for that family member and tell the offender to shut the fuck up? I know for a fact that you would! That's all that we are saying here! Laugh all you want, for what ever reason you want, but don't denegrate! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 6:04pm | ||
RockPro User Info... | The purpose of this thread is about BANNING the video. Whats that all about! Hey how about we ban As Life Goes On, with that boy CORKY. I laughed at that show! REF!!!! HOW DARE YOU CALL PEOPLE WITH THOSE DISSABILITIES DEFENSELESS "I will continue to defend the defenceless! (DA DA DA DAAAAH) fist held high in the air, cape fluttering in the wind!" MY AUNT COULD KICK YOUR ASS lol i am serious dude, i think i have told you about her before SHAME SHAME SHAME. cant believe i didnt see that until now. That was a bad comment. My aunt, although with downsyndrome, has been working 40 hours a week, for 20 years. She has MORE money than you can imagine. You realise how much money "tards" spend..NONE. She has her high school (although i am sure it was a special thing) and she owns her own house. She has full control of her life, and her mind. She knows whats on the go, and trust me, she NEEDS no defense from you. I should come by and kick your ass hehehe, well , lets face it, i cant, you are way to big, maybe i will kick you in the nuts. Tommorrow at home? - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 6:08pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | K! Look forward ta seein ya! Oh and by the way, the thread is not about banning the vid, it's about banning the jerk that started the original thread! Tard Bowl Cut was dissin these people, not laughing with them but making serious fun of them. And when I said defenseless, I meant here on this board. Not in life! LOL! See ya tomorrow ya rockstar ya!!! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 6:12pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | Hey Rockpro! Have ya seeeen! I been voted biggest loser on the board! I'm, I'm, I'm speechless! (Tears welling in my eyes). They hate me, that actually hate me! Unfortunately, my rein didn't last. Just as I was about to accept the sceptor, it was yanked from my hands by that nasty judge (The Wreaker) and given to some wanker named REASONABLE. booo hooo! It was fleeting! I think you and I both know who SHE is???? Huh! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 6:16pm | ||
RockPro User Info... | k dude - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 6:18pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | And of course the only disability is downs right? There's also variances of downs, some do better than others. But downs is not the only disability, nor does it have the "market" cornered. It's great that your aunt has done so well in life, major kudos. Others aren't so lucky. So stop trying to roll all exceptional people into one genre. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. There are a lot of exceptional people that are taken advantage of daily by dumbasses they go to school with, by caregivers and by family members. As was stated previously, the whole term "tard" is just as bad as "gay" when used to describe someone. The vid wasn't posted in an attempt to show people that exceptional people can have just as much fun as anyone else can, it was used to demean those people in the same form as a freak show. And TBC's attempt at humor (lame humor at that) compounds the same ideals. - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 7:18pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr this is on of those "wish I could still post anonymously so people dont think im a souless cretin" moments. Ah fuck it..... Shaggy you really set yourself up for this: it puzzles me how you are so knowledgable about the mentally challenged being taken advantage of......ok i lost my nerve....maybe there is hope for me yet.... - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 7:31pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | your step bro. My/S.V.'s son is autistic. Don't even fucking go there.... - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 7:35pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | Relax jackass, my moms dead, my ex wife is a drug addict, my dog died booohooo. All of our lives are 'challenged' in one form or another. The slag wasnt about your family it was going to be about your beret being too tight or some other fictional bullshit story like that. How bout a backhand samich bitch.... - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 7:38pm | ||
Magic Dick User Info... | Hey Peter and Anon. Tards are funny. If they're doing funny stuff, that is. The rest of you P.C.-micro-penises (The Ref, Wreaker, etc.) deal with it. - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 7:40pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | MD . I hate to break it to you but just because its ignored, small and unused does not mean its magic..... - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 7:42pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Relax my ass. You infer I take advantage of the disabled (which my son is) and I'm supposed to just relax. Fuck you and the junkie you rode in on. I'm sure if the tables were turned and someone inferred you taking advantage of your kids since your a single parent the reaction would've been very similar. Learn a little tact shithead. - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 7:52pm | ||
SweetGrass User Info... | Ok, One thing to say... FREEDOM OF SPEECH... You don't have to agree with the words, but you've got to respect the freedom that allows us to say them. - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 8:02pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | I was incinuating that YOU were the mentally challenged one taking advantage of YOURSELF you clown. Dont flatter yourself thinking that everyone knows your life story you fuckin 'poor me' sissy - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 8:05pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Sure Wreaker, nice attempt to cover yer ass. As for knowing who's pitiful life stories, how is it we all know you're a single dad, ex is a junkie, put yerself through school on student loans and now dogfuck on taxpayers time? So since you seem to think you know so much about me, let's see if you can name off just as much eh? Not gonna happen is it, you can probably name the place I worked at 10+ years ago and what I wrote today since I don't need to be a drama queen and spell my life out on these boards like you have. And yet again, fuck you and the junkie you rode in on assmunch. - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 8:51pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | "assmunch"???? who the fuck uses that term anymore??? Oh I know you. Youre an odd little man who lives an odd little life. You can name more computer brand names than you can sports. You have seen more video games than you have titties. You have more favourite star trek episodes than you do freinds. You phone your own telephone from a pay phone often just to make sure it still rings. You cry like your a victim whenever someone slags you yet you keep on slaggin back. So the next time Slaggy, you want to bring meaning to your sad little existence dont put words in my mouth and cry victim to me you fucking little mullet tote'n, deepfry fat changing, baret wearing, wreaker of havoc worshipper..... - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 10:56pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | Now now boyz! I think the point has been made. TBC is the asshole here. And freedom of speech is a lovely sentiment but when it tramples on the rights of others, we all have a responsability to make sure that it does not go un-noticed! Take a look at ma honey babes (User info) that should make ya all feel better, LOL! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 11:07pm | ||
Gagg User Info... | WHOS RIGHTS WERE BROKEN HERE????? "And freedom of speech is a lovely sentiment but when it tramples on the rights of others, we all have a responsability to make sure that it does not go un-noticed" Without your typical WAAA WAAAA response while you sit in your house dreaming of ways to be able to afford your next pack of smokes, and you bottle of Whisky, answer that!!!!! Whos rights are being broken by broadcasting a video, of people ( or how you wish to refer to them) defenseless people having a good time. Cant wait for it afro sportin' inexperience, un"learned" jackass. get off your ass GO DO SOMETHING!!!! Stop playing with your cat and get a life - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 11:32pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | Don't have a cat! Don't have an afro! Don't drink and am usually off my ass! You are obviously one stuuuupid individual!!! I will spell it out for you, the feeble minded yet again. No one was talking about the vid. No problem there. However posting something in the right spirit would have gone a long way. THIS WASN'T, YOU IDIOT!! IT WAS MEANT IN AN INSULTING AND DEMEANING WAY! There, I feel better now. Hope that you understand now idiot! Cause I ain't writting it again! Wreaker, why do I do it! Am I a sucker for tools??? You said, shaggy said it, as well as many others. But this dumb fuck still don't get it! Jeeezz! There's stupid, then theres stupid, and then even more stupid, then there's this idiot stick (Reasonable/Anonymous)Real shit for brains, can't even post anonymously! - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 11:40pm | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | I love the 'get off your ass' bit. All we did was log in. LOL this jag off actually had to open up an account to log in anon just to prove that he has no wiener. (as for Shaggy, if you look at mine and slaggys attacks, you'll see a major difference. He gets personal and my slag you could basically insert anyones name in it and it would fit. I honestly think shaggy is a big fuckin baby that dishes out more than his fair share but simply is too fragile to take it.) - Thu, 3 Jul 2003 11:51pm | ||
The Ref User Info... | But his point was still that he had taken umberage at the demeaning nature of the post. I believe that you also took umberage, no? And yes lottsa work to slag. That's why I think I know who it is! But as you have said so many times and put it so well, I think it's time that we left this loser to their own DEE-VICES! LOL! - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 12:00am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | That's because you're a troll in training Wreaker. We all know you've wanted to be the LiveVic board troll for some time now, it's something you aspire to be. Learn from the master. Offhanded comments do not a troll make. You need to spell it out for most inbreds such as yourself otherwise they just sit there with that dumbfounded look on their face. Still waiting for all that you know about my life though dumbass... Oh wait... You don't know shit about me. So your, less than clever, little pokes and jabs about the beret and other shit don't even bother me. I actually get a giggle outta them ;) Keep on trying eventually you'll learn your role. - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 1:12am | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | Quite a post for someone who doesnt care.... - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 1:26am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Keep on trying fool. I put sooo much effort into reponding to your useless attempt to troll. 1 small sentence. C'mon wannabe. You want to be a board troll... Let's see what you can do, although I'm not expecting much from someone with limited mental capacity, as you've shown in most of this thread and others. Maybe you need to try some new material? You're to weak to even play on the one thing you know pisses me off. Grow a pair and try again son. - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 1:30am | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | did you just call me mental? shame shame - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 1:34am | ||
Peter User Info... | So have the moral highground over someone who drinks and is on welfare? Wow, you're right! Bashing the poor and the addicted is satisfying because they're "normal" folks who are too weak to handle life and their failure should serve as a grim reminder for us all. But those retards never asked to be born with an intellectual disadvantage! Don't laugh at them playing their wangs like a guitar on the bus. That would be cruel. You might know me since I do use my real name on this board. I have a problem with alcohol and have collected my fair share of welfare but I now have a Community Worker position at a shelter in the DTES in Van. You'll be happy to learn that I've turned my life around! It's a good gig aside from all the junkies and crackheads and schizos who have intrinsically less human value and deserve no respect. Keep defending the defenseless and keep hating the unemployed and disenfranchised. And don't let anyone accuse you of having the morals of a reactionary. - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 3:20am | ||
Wreaker of Havoc User Info... | Yup 'Peter' narrows it right done to who you are - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 9:22am | ||
The Ref User Info... | Well Peter! Sorry to hear about your addictions, good for you on kicking them! Never implied that all welfare recipts were bad people. It was a direct shot at you! Why, because it is you that stands on high ground supporting the demeaning of others! This is a strange position to take for someone with your history??? You'd think that there would be a little part of you that has as much disdain for the things that this individual posted as some of us do. If you still don't get it, it was not the vid that was offence, but the spirit with which it was presented. Extremely nasty. I know many that have fallen on bad times but picked themselves up and gotten it together. They prevailed over their demons. I will quote many of them by saying that "not to do so would have been lazy and would have shown a complacency for wasting ones life. That being said, yes, perhaps I do judge because there is nothing that would make me sink so low as to booze my existance away because my life wasn't going so well. Have been in the position and boozing, drugging and bumbing never entered my mind. I dealt with it! But that's just me. Cheers! - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 9:41am | ||
tard bowl cut User Info... | helo stewpid heds you ar all dumer then the mann who liks to com in mi caje rooom ande he wil cleen up my pooo with sume gluvs on and then he wil takk it awae inn a bag butt thenn latr he wil com bakc in with the gluvs on and putt them on insid owt an then smel hiz finger and say it looks lik chocolate but it smels like poo and you ar al stuepid gaes - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 7:26pm | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | i agree with this. - Fri, 4 Jul 2003 11:13pm | ||
Peter User Info... | So "The Ref" has never resorted to drinking, drugging, or bumbing (?) around. I'm sorry, I never knew that I was dealing with someone with such strength! You are to be admired. Ok, I'm over the pseudo threats we've been exchanging but you must admit that when someone makes a direct reference to your personal history (welfare and booze) and then claims that your life is a waste, you might take "umbrage" to such comments. If you are a middle-aged, straight, journeyman rock vocalist, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?! - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 1:40am | ||
ballz andy User Info... | ive always resorted to drinking drugging and bumming ,,,,i still got my shit together somefukinghow and i gotta say fuckin RULES FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!! - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 6:49am | ||
ballz andy User Info... | but hey i guess hard drugs will take the fun outta your scene - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 6:52am | ||
ballz andy User Info... | dont let the fuckers take you down!! - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 6:56am | ||
ballz andy User Info... | sorry .......its 5 in the morning and im fuckin DEEERUNK!!! ..............rock and roll homo's!!! - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 6:57am | ||
The Ref User Info... | You're imagining things Peter! I never threatened you. It was only you that made threats. And I never said that I never resorted to dringkin and druggin, said that it never had never had a hold on my life so much that I found myself on Welly and curbn on the street for spare change so I could get high again, I call it pride! As for your drinking and drugging probs, it was pure speculation. Your life is obviously together now, sounds like you are helping people out, an honorable choice! Let's remember one thing here, it was you that attacked me and my beliefs, not the other way around. So if you can't take what you deal out, perhaps you shouldn't start in the first place. As you can see, I'm not affraid of you or anyone else on this board. Andy, you gave me a good laugh this morning. Unfortunately, I have to work on Saturdays sometimes. So thanks. Hope you had fun last night? Sounds like it! I wish I could go out and get loaded sometimes!! This is a stupid chat board, well, not stupid because it doles out so much entertainment! Most of the regs on this board make the day go faster with some of the shit that they post! If I was going ta threaten someone, they'd know it, I rarely mince words. So, you don't threaten me and we'll slag each other to death, good? Cheers! - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 10:25am | ||
reasonable User Info... | Ref is apologizing to someone for being poor??? look at your self Ref? figured - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 10:52am | ||
The Ref User Info... | I think it's meds time for you again, no? - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 12:29pm | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | HAHAHAHAHA. REF,we wuv woo. now lets spread the wuv wiff some wetard wuggery. - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 1:46pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | Hmmm! Interesting thread! A little all over the place and not sure what vid you guys are talking about? Seems like trying to hurt someone with a disability by calling them names and mocking them is nothing short of cowardess! Seems to run rampant on this board. Guess you guys get allot of 10, 11, 12,13 and 14 year olds visiting this site??? Oh yea! and Hell yes! - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 2:15pm | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | damn you are dumb - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 2:48pm | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | there's the video fucknutz - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 2:49pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | Not very interesting. But I guess you got your rocks off dreaming about the unholy things that you would like to do to those kids eh? Are you on a national freak list? Ya know, the ones that name child molesting fucks like you so the rest of us can watch out and monitor sick fucks like yourself? AND FOR THE LAST TIME! NO! I DON'T WANT TO SMELL YOUR FINGER! - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 2:52pm | ||
Korn Koiler User Info... | Hey there Chester, All I did was repost somebody elses link. And no, for the last time, my grandpa doesnt want to play dicky swords with you. - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 2:57pm | ||
ballz andy User Info... | i dont feel very good today - Sat, 5 Jul 2003 4:12pm | ||
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