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Conscious Hip-Hop for Change!
Message Board > General Chitchat > Conscious Hip-Hop for Change!
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Smoky Mirror
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Dear friends,

Me and my label (OFP) are putting together an on-going event for youth and fellow creative minds. Our venue has already been set and ready at the Sunset Room; to fund this we now have an Indiegogo campaign going live!

If you could help spread the word at all would be a huge help to us and music in general in our community. Thanks!

Here are the details:

We are Ocean Fresh Productions: A conscious hip-hop crew in Victoria,
BC, as well as all up and down the west coast.

Aug. 1st we have our first IngieGogo campaign starting up with 3 new
albums to be released to everyone!

The albums feature artists from all over Vancouver Island and the
adjacent gulf islands as well as many other locations.

The campaign will be starting Aug. 1st, on IndieGogo and run for 30
days. Our goal is to raise $7000.

Later we will also be having a CD Release party at the Sunset Room in November.

After the campaign our goal is to create an on-going hip-hop
environment for youth to take part in here in Victoria, BC.

If you could help spread the word at all and tell people a bit about
our story it would be a huge help and we would really appreciate it.

The campaign is now live here:

Also here is video explaining my story and why this is so important:

Here is the link to our official Indiegogo video:

Thank you so much for helping us with this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Best Regards,

Jake Guy / Smoky Mirror - Wed, 20 Aug 2014 7:25pm
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