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Message Board > General Chitchat > BAD RELIGION IN COMMIN TO TOWN!!!!
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its true its true
may 2nd curling club!! - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 6:18pm
Amelie BAD FUCKING RELIGION! ive now wet myself - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 6:28pm
ScottL What are ticket prices gonna be like? 30 some odd? - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 6:32pm
Anonymous i havent been able to find shit about how much and when tickets go on sale i only find show dates and show venues... if anyone find more info POST IT - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 6:38pm
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holy shit! where did you hear that? - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 8:20pm
mer go to - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 8:38pm
Geoff Sparta too. Fucking sweet! - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 8:49pm
jay brown
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They have got to be one of the lamest attempts at a punk band to ever walk the face of the earth. - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 9:30pm
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Are you sure Sparta is playing?! - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 9:42pm
Dave i heard the casualties are playing too... - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 10:24pm
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and where the fuck is the curling club - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 10:28pm
Ty Stranglehold
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I wonder if they'll demand to get piad before they play again, eh Jay? - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 11:17pm
Anonymous - Sun, 23 Mar 2003 11:32pm
ScottL Sparta is only playing the three california shows with BR, lucky californians - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 12:01am
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I agree with Jay. The last time they played here(at the White Eagle Hall) they constantly bitched and moaned about the sound system ("We come from L.A. where they have these things called monitors" was one unforgettable quote), and made numerous references to how they had done us a big favor by playing our little hick town ("We usually play in 5000 seaters"). The singer finally stomped on the monitor cords until they broke, which cost the promoter a bunch of dough. Their one good song is, in my humble opinion, "You" and to my untrained ears they played it at least a dozen times that night. They constantly denied having anything to do with major labels for years (with their label Epitaph) but anyone familiar with the Warners numbering system for cataloging CD's could tell that they were, in fact, manufactured and distributed by Warners almost from the get go. I think they are a bunch of phony, codescening assholes. And it's a given that they won't be as good as the W.E.H. show. They are about done as a band, and it's all profit taking from here. But, hey, it's your thirty bux. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 12:38am
Anonymous fuckin eh rights. have seen em a few times. best fucking show ever. i am so effen shhhhtoked. killah. and i live a block from the arena. right arm. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 2:00am
Anonymous i wonder if the guy from the last post was born and raised in langford? or maybe prince george?...just a thought
and i agree with jay and zip
way too many of thier tunes sound the same to me
something to do with how the singer phrases stuff
i never liked em.....
actually the reason i ever checked em out was cuz mille from kreator used to wear a bad religion t-shirt
sorry mille but i cant dig it
by the way REMOVAL is a damn cool band - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 2:29am
Anonymous people get hard dicks and raised clits anytime a big name comes here
but hey BR is not cool
old farts milkin it
if ya wanna see that then bring back least hes honest and doesnt have a bullshit attitude
ill go see his good ol cheesy rock act before some bullshit like BR
i dunno
just my opinion...go give em yer money and have fun - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 2:35am
Anonymous bad religion have sucked for at least the last ten years of their career. they should have broken up a long time ago. plus, shows at the curling rink always sound bad. save your hard earned cash... - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 5:48am
Ty Stranglehold
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Here's something to try. Take any BR song(preferably something between Suffer and Recipe For Hate) and whlie the song is playing, sing the theme from Gilligan's Island. It fits every time I tells ya! - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 10:01am
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Its 8 o'clock in the morning, where the hell are my fucking coconuts??

well i must say, BR do give me a hardon but i am really saddened by zipgunn's words. That sounds cheezy and lame. I'm not much into this "sorrow" bullshit but stuff like "how could hell be any worse" and "no control" sounds like the real deal to me. I think if they didn't want to play in out little hick town they wouldn't. I don't want to hear em if they're going to be all bitchy and whiney, but i'd pay 30 bones to see a good show. How's the sound at the rink? - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 10:07am
Anonymous all you old burnouts are idiots. they've been around a hell of alot longer than most of you, and unlike your stupid, go nowhwere, welfare, vic drunk punk bands, they can actually sing about something more intellegent than how much beer they drank.
And YOU guys are making fun of elitist attitudes? god, listen to yourselves. dickheads. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 10:54am
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Sparta is too cool to play Vic I guess...they're too busy touring with "Pearl Jam". - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 12:49pm
MD And that's a bad thing? - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 1:47pm
jay brown
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I didn't make fun of anything there ya fuckin blowhard. I just think they're a shitty band. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 4:02pm
Anonymous I saw BR in '94 and they sucked. They seemed old and tired. They must really suck by now! - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 4:10pm
J-T I always hated that kind of whiney, wimpy, phoney, poser, pseudo punk rock bullshit. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 6:08pm
dan conner
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They are a pretty shitty punk band... CAUSE THEIR NOT PUNK! I like em and shit, I jsut don't consider em punk at all. They are more pop-alt. OH well, I still like em.
Dan Conner
P.S. The curling club isn't an all ager, is it? - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 6:28pm
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THIS IS UN F-ING BELIVEABLE - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 7:06pm
brad I saw bad religion years ago in vancouver with green day and seaweed, i thought they were boring as hell to watch live, and i love their old stuff. all their shit sounds the same...period. but if you like one of the albums ..your sure to like all...personally i gave up after Against the Grain. I'm sure the sound is gonna blow in the curling club. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 7:56pm
Ty Stranglehold
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I can't really say that it's being elitist to state your opinion. I've seen the band four times and have never been all that impressed. I've met most of them and they acted like dicks. That story about them coming to play here back in '90(?) is only the tip of the iceberg. The bottom line is BR has become a cash grab for a bunch of dudes who figure they're owed for whatever it was they did for the "Scene" in the early 80's. They don't give a rat's ass about punk, the kids, or anything they sang about it the past... Well, maybe the kids' wallets. - Mon, 24 Mar 2003 8:05pm
Anonymous To all the people who hate Bad Religion:

1. you probably don't understand the lyrics, and they use too big of words for you, you would need a dictionary at the show just to enjoy it.

2. You're jealous; you will never be close to as good as they are. (you know who you are) - Tue, 25 Mar 2003 10:15am
Anonymous Boring! every song sounds the same. - Wed, 26 Mar 2003 12:33pm
Anonymous $33.50 for better be a good show for that price. Fuck if everyone put in that much money each we could open our own venue. I could see paying that much for a cutting edge band in the prime of their career, but everyone knows these guys are over the hill. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:41am
lily_liquor All BR's songs may sound alike, but I like that song!!
I saw both bands last summer and the Casualties are fucking amazing live. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 11:14am
Anonymous Who's playing with bad religion? anyone know yet? - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:27pm
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that's the first time I've ever heard anyone defend how good a "punk" band is by saying that they are too intelligent. I think they blow donkey dick, and the only thing they are good for is to listen to while at work, because good music is usually frowned upon at work. dick. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 1:46pm
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$33.50 for a washed up "punk" band?? That's just under THREE times the going ticket rate for a Nomeansno gig. If you fools want to pay that kind of dough to have a university prof talk down to you all night while playing lame assed hard rock, you're lamer than even the cynical Zippgun could imagine. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 3:04pm
Anonymous Actually, the last NoMeansNo show was $16. So yeah, BR are ripping people off about twice as much as NMN. And they both should break up now...I mean seriously, did anyone enjoy either of these bands' last records even remotely as much as their respective classic albums??? I think not! - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 9:58pm
Anonymous i enjoyed the last nmn album... and they are vone of the few bands that actually deserve that much. $16 bux aint no too much for a band that has been together for 20 years. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:21pm
Anonymous at the above rate our band is worth 1.66 to go see.
if we could get 200 people to show up it might be enough for the poor club to cover there expenses. right tamara. - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 11:35pm
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i don't give a shit what anyone says, I want to see the fucking CASUALTIES again!!!! - Thu, 27 Mar 2003 11:51pm
Anonymous wow lets all agree with Scott! he said it so it must be true! Everyone is allowed to listen to and see what they want to see. If you dont like it then so what? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 12:18am
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if were only going to see the casualties, does it cost half? - Fri, 28 Mar 2003 4:54pm
Anonymous yes its the new thing. all morons get in half price at all shows. - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 12:20am
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great! - Sat, 29 Mar 2003 2:39am
Anonymous Holy Fuck I can't beleive the bitchin. People complain that Victoria's scene sucks, and then a huge band like Bad Religion comes and all you do is SLAG. Jesus Fuck, even if you hate them, at least give them the benefit of the doubt. Victoria hardly ever gets big shows and so the fuck what if the tickets are 30 bucks, they have been around since your Dad was filling your Mom with your whiny sperm - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 1:19pm
Anonymous YeeeeHaaaaw - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 1:44pm
wronskian just because a band is "huge" doesn't mean they are worth listening to or seeing live. i, for one, don't particularly care that br is coming to vic. instead of going to that show, i'll spend my money on something that will result in me having a good time and not feeling cheated. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 3:02pm
Ty Stranglehold
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The bottom line is that it's all fine and good to like Bad Religion. I like some of their stuff too, but this is how it will play out:

$33.50 ticket price + shitty sound = NO FUN!

At least they'll have overpriced merch for sale! - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 4:27pm
Anonymous Bad Religion have done ALOT for the international punk community. They have raised awareness on SO many issue over the years. They deserve the ticket price after all these years. Fuck, how much are Avril tix for her FIRST tour...$40?? - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 4:56pm
Ty Stranglehold
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I realize that this is flogging a dead horse, but what issues have Bad Religion raised awareness about? The band was relevent at the begining of the american hardcore movement(see the 80-85 record), but since then it has been a band going through the motions doing whatever they have to do(act like they still care) to sell more records.

I'm done commenting on this. Go to the show, have a good time and remember that your opinion is what matters. - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 7:35pm
Anonymous hey anyone wanna pay for my ticket? - Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:01pm
fuck BR... BM is more like it. Yeah, really punk rock. So you gotta have a lot of extra cash to go to a punk music show. $33 is about the amount I spend on groceries per week. Who care how long a band has been around? That gives them grounds to charge up the ass for tickets. I could see paying that for GWAR or something, because they put on a good stage show, but BR, fuck that. It's one big, long droaning song anyhow.

To those who say that they're worth it because they've been around so long: If I get into a band and am around in 20 years, will you pay whatever hopped up price I say? Gimme a break. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 1:12am
jen it's really too bad all i ever hear is bitching about how no bands come here and then when a "bigger" show is booked all people do is bitch about how much money the show is. bigger bands cost bigger bucks.

maybe if bands that were better than bad religion, or the tea party or finger 11 came to town more people would show up. But that's not the way it is. People bitch and dont support shows, so then no one plays shows. Doesn't equate to a very fun time either way you look at it. But dont go to a show that you arent stoked about. Its rad the Casualties are comming cus that would be a lot of fun. It's just too bad that they have to come with Bad Relgion, a band that everyone loves to bitch about.

33 bucks is steep for a washed out band like Bad Religion in a not so top notch venue. If you end up going, have a good time, get your fucking money's worth. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:26am
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no shit, 33 bucks or whatever, what? what for? get your dough worth, you're paying 33 clams to scream ":fuck you asshole" to these hacks. i've never even heard someone describe Bad religion as "punk" before. that's a new one....... - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 6:37am
Mohawk Barbie
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quite your bitching, just cause some people like bad religion and you doesnt mean you need to bitch....everyones different, and everyone likes different bands. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 2:50pm
Anonymous words of wisdom from someone who hangs around outside of mcdonalds every day. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 3:18pm
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everyone in the whole world likes exactly the same bands and that's final how do you explain nickleback go watch tv eat cheeseburgers and play th4 lotto gretchin. - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 5:14pm
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thats chapters, get it right. The people of mcdonalds are very respectible and wouldnt have such shenanigan - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 7:00pm
Anonymous Hmmm. You will probably get more bang for yer buck at the Avril show, and she's even arguably more "punk". Whatever that is. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 12:31pm
BOHDAN I'll fuckin pay 33 bucks to see the fuckin Casualties , fuck BR there old shit was good, now they suck. The Casualties fuckin rule. - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 4:54pm
Anonymous I wonder if Avril will suck my cock for 30 bones? - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 5:07pm
Anonymous how longs the show gonna be? - Wed, 2 Apr 2003 10:28pm
Anonymous i bet she would if you also told her she was punk. - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:28am
Anonymous haha oooooo BR is on love line tomorrow - Thu, 3 Apr 2003 1:15am
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wow guys chill out......AT THE CONCERT!!!! - Sun, 6 Apr 2003 5:33am
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