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United States Boycott
Message Board > General Chitchat > United States Boycott
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United States Boycott This appeal is real. I have already taken steps to institute my own
boycott of U.S. memberships, magazines, conferences and purchases of any
U.S. product. Perhaps with less money entering the states, no matter
what each of us cuts back on {like Wall Mart} the companies, groups,
events and purchases can add up. Even if you only spend a few dollars -
do you want your money paying for U.S. supremacy and war????? Buy
Canadian, food, fruits and vegetables even if it has to be the expensive
organic kind. Why fuel the war machines????? If every group or company;
entertainment area and the like found that their income was reduced,
especially by the Canadian population, they light get the message that
we do not approve of their facade of supremacy.

Spread the word. Get people on line. We can do more than meditate on
world peace. We can do it all. Return items to the U.S. if you had
already purchased them. It would be quite a message if all kinds of
parcels starting floating back into their companies. While shopping
Canadian is getting harder to do - it can be done. Look for the labels.
Spend your money for a country who is not sticking its' neck out, rather
walking the middle road. If they are going to keep on pulling arbitrary
actions in the world then don't send them your money. Look elsewhere.
LObby Canadian companies who might be engaging in producing for the
American War - there must be something else they should be doing.

Books, Magazines, fruits and vegetables - whatever comes from the states
has and equal if not better product made by Canada or one of the UN
nationals not wishing to go to war. Think seriously about where you are
putting your money. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 1:36pm
tear down the borders Yes, and make sure not to go to Dub Narcotic Sound System tonight, or to Thanksgiving on Saturday, or support any "American books or magazines" that clearly are drooling for war. If by boycotting American product, you mean turning off CNN--fine enough. The idea that we should shun anything that originates from America has obviously been hatched by a simpleton who cannot comprehend that within American borders lie eloquent and profound dissent (as opposed to banner waving catch-all slogans like "Canadian made is better!") - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 1:39pm
Jedi All your doing is hurting yourself and private citizens in the US. The
farming in the US is small family owned and run. They dont make much money
as it is. Same with book publishers. This e-mail could hurt all the wrong
people Sam.

Big time tax payers are the ones that fund war machines. The automotive
companies, computer companies, software, refined fuel, stock market holders.
These are where the big money is. Alaska oil, Texas oil.
If a truly useful boycott was to be effective, dont buy american cars,
gas, anything Microsoft.

Farmers are not the rich. Bill Gates and several of his associates are the
ones funding war. Send your cars and computers back. Dont use a windows
operating system!

I would be almost suicidal if parcels got sent back. I just ordered music
gear from a small company most musicians never heard of and there isnt an
equal replacement here. I would have to import a German product and pray I
never have to send it back for repairs. They
make the best pro gear out there and sell it at near wholesale prices to the
public. I wish a canandian company would make an effort to manufacture the
same. In fact, I try to buy Canadian as much as I can but for another
reason - Many U.S. products are made somewhere else anyway. At least most
Canadian products are actually made here in Canada, by Canadians.

I can appreciate the message you want to give. To do it effectively would
hurt ourselves. Part of the Big plan was to get people adicted to Cars and
Computers. Now many of us are locked in and blaiming all the wrong people.
I'm one of those locked in too. I cant imagine giving up those things.
Although living with the land does create some fantasy living. Horses,
hunting, no police. But that�s another story�.. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 1:45pm
Anonymous give your head a serious shake - and then put it back on your shoulders - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 2:08pm
anonymr. United States Boycott -
I have to disagree with you. What you propose will hurt everyone in the States, not just the warmongers. You're essentially proposing sanctions against the States - the sanctions put on Iraq, some will vehemently argue, are what got the world into this mess in the first place.

Jedi -
Why target the big time money makers? They're not, by far, the only corrupt organizations. In fact, one could make the case that it's the companies that have less of a stranglehold on a market that have more of an incentive to deceive the public. There's nothing wrong with a seller wanting his/her customers to become dependent on their product; a consumer always has a choice. What's wrong is when they reach that goal by deceiving their customers. Don't blame Big Oil-Car-Computers just they make a lot of profit and are in the mainstream media. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 2:25pm
anonymr. that was supposed to read:

"...Don't blame Big Oil-Car-Computers just BECAUSE they make a lot of profit and are in the mainstream media." - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 2:36pm
Oh Canada We should try to buy Canadian anyway - regardless of the fact that Bush is heading down the warpath.
Buying Canadian makes our economy stronger and provides jobs for Canadians.
And you all know how few and far between jobs are these days.
Anything we can do to help get our economy growing will help make a difference - even if it's a little bit at a time. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 4:49pm
Masturbating The War God
User Info...
It's just as stupid as the US boycotting French thing. Some place in the South actually renamed french fries on their menu to...FREEDOM FRIES!!! - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 5:23pm
Get a grip Don't rile our crazy southern neighbor too much. One order to close the border and we'd all be living in tar paper shacks. 80% of Canada's trade is with the U.S., over one billion dollars a day in trade crosses the border. Cananda's economic survival depends on that trade flowing smoothly over that border.It's the consequence of "putting all your eggs in one basket". While there's no doubt their economy would suffer somewhat, it would be a mere hiccup to our heart attack. Hope you all like livin' in the streets! - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 5:32pm
dbel Canada could change that in a heart beat it it want to. Strong trade relations with the EU could easily replace those with the US (who tends to hurt us with ridiculous tariffs on our products). We could stop exporting raw logs to the states and start exporting finished product to the EU, Mexico, South America etc. Because we rely on the US doesn't mean they're necessary to us, we can cultivate other trade relationships. Be supportive of Canadian products, buy Canadian and demand Canadian and regardless of what the United States of Bush does our economy will grow stronger. Granted you can't get everything from this country and in a lot of cases some pretty cool shit is manufactured south of the border. Support that stuff (I'm thinking music equipment myself, Modulus...etc.) BUt when it comes to food and clothes furniture buy Canadian, it may cost a little more right now but it will strengthen our economy. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:07pm
anonymr. "Oh Canada - We should try to buy Canadian anyway"

Why should I support the Canadian economy any more than a foreign one? - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:14pm
Anonymous to strengthen the economy and build some pride - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:20pm
sue 'cause it's your country you fuck wad - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:23pm
sue Oops, I normally don't get caught up in this nonsense. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:24pm
anonymr. "sue - 'cause it's your country you fuck wad"

That explains absolutely nothing. Can you try to be a little more clear? Why should I support the humans in my country more than I support those in others? - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:28pm
Brian that's a good point.... because we are more human than the americans? - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:47pm
Anonymous No, we are the same people. Politics builds borders. I believe we are all the same indo-european people. We both have our problems. Buy Canadian because it provides some independance of our own. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:50pm
HHH Strong trade relations with the EU could easily replace those with the US (who tends to hurt us with ridiculous tariffs on our products). We could stop exporting raw logs to the states and start exporting finished product to the EU, Mexico, South America etc.

Is this a joke? Mexico and south america? With what money may I ask? Europe? what about shipping costs? If Canada pulled away from the states, what would the Looney be worth? - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 8:43pm
Bryn Ummm... aren't most consumer products made in labour camps in China? - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 9:27pm
Anonymous Jedi -
Why target the big time money makers? They're not, by far, the only corrupt organizations. In fact, one could make the case that it's the companies that have less of a stranglehold on a market that have more of an incentive to deceive the public. There's nothing wrong with a seller wanting his/her customers to become dependent on their product; a consumer always has a choice. What's wrong is when they reach that goal by deceiving their customers. Don't blame Big Oil-Car-Computers just they make a lot of profit and are in the mainstream media. - Thu, 6 Mar 12:25pm

It's not the company, it's the big taxes that pay for government. I dont blame any companies at all. The person who posted the first part of this is wrong about food items and magazines, that was my only point. If we as Canadians dont want to fund the US government then you have to find where the huge profit = taxes, Follow the money and you are heading in the right direction. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 9:29pm
Jedi Also, we live in the middle of the USA's strongest assets. Alaska and Washington's Nu-clear naval bases are above and below us. If those two places were Nuked, the US would be fucked. The Eastern seaboard is a front in a way. This Island is very well protected by the best on the planet.
And if they were bombed badly, 98% of the time the fallout radiation would continue east, while we would still get fresh air off the pacific.
One of the reasons a few of us moved here last year. Close family in US government gave some tips.
Washingtons peninsula and the coast of Oregon are also good places for several reasons. Do you want the reasons? - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 9:35pm
Anonymous Alaska's oil reserves are planned to keep the US in full military force for a minimum of 10 years. Very important! - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 9:43pm
Tar Baby DID YOU KNOW...
that there's more oil in the tar sands in Northern Alberta than in ALL of Saudi Arabia?
It's a fact that has been published in many recognized international publications.
Don't you suppose the US is eyeing that motherlode too? - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 11:41pm
Anonymous Hmmm, how refined is it? - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 12:40am
Jedi Why doesnt Canada have an oil refinery if these's oil? Gas would be cheaper and could maybe get above the U.S. Dollar.
Then we'd be king for awhile eh - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 12:41am
Anonymous They are still trying develop a way of refining the Tar Sands. The oil needs to be extracted from the sand using steam, it calls for a great deal of energy to produce and as yet it's not cost effective. Hydrogen is the way of the future. - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 1:00am
Jedi Hydrogen gas? or like plutonium based? - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 1:18am
Get real It's funny reading this nonsense abou how Canada could some how replace it's trade with the US with the EU. Why wouldn't they buy grain from us instead of central Europe? Lumber from us instead of Scandinavia? Because the price of moving it by rail or truck to an eastern port, then loading it on a boat and sailing it thousands of miles across an ocean to another port, offloaded AGAIN onto another truck or train for another long journey to it's destinaton, would be so sky high that it would'nt have a hope in hell of competing in the EU market. That's what makes Canada-USA trade so profitable, both markets being so close and connected. I think these Molson Canadian style quasi-Canadian nationalists really need to get the tin dick out of their mouths. - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 1:27am
Anonymous Get real, get real if the government was to subsidise transportation of such goods to trading partners who are a little further away we wouldn't have a problem at all (this is so very possible especially if it led to a stronger economy, the money would be there). You want to come up with some brilliant response that includes "tin dick" in it to refute that. You want to talk about how soft wood tariffs imposed by the US are hurting us (among other tariffs). It's pathetic losers such as yourself who are willing to bend over and take the red white and blue up your skinny little CNN ass who will make Canada forever dependant on the US, there are other options, fucking have some imagination, and pride in where you live, or go south see how well you do there the first time you need to go to the hospital. - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 12:28pm
dbel HHH it could be done. Canada exports it's resources, it doesn't manufacture anything with them and then export them, this could change supply more jobs at the same time. The world has billions of people in it the market in the united states is about 300 million people (that's inclunding tens of millions of people who couldn't even afford to purchase anything we would export to them) South America, EU, China, Southeast Asia, Australia, these are all viable options, sure transportation will cost more but as anonymous person said we could subsidize this cost (as a legitimate government expense designed to strengthen our economy) We do actually export things to other countries you know. The more we export, the cheaper it is to move. I think some of you are brainwashed into believing that without the US we have nothing, or more probably traditional Canadian apathy makes you choose the status quo instead of thinking about other options. - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 12:42pm
Troutbreath I want to know how Sweden, with a population of only 12 milliion, can support two independant carmakers (Saab and Volvo) and export finished wood products through Ikea that can compete with wood products made here in Canada. - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 12:52pm
Anonymous Swedish and swiss are the master race. - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 3:34pm
Troutbreath Thanks for clearing that up for me - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 3:40pm
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